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Feb 24th, 2018
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  1. Kaguya, Irugi jumps his way up to the academy's roof, looking up at the armless sensei with that stoic gaze of his. It is only after a moment that he finally speaks up. "Hodomiru. Are you a weaponist? I need your help." "And if not, then. Who is?"
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  3. Hodomiru looks over at Iruji with a raised eyebrow. "I can show you the basics but, due to the nature of my body and my general body of work, that's all I can help you with." A kunai is drawn and hefted before being thrown with all of his might at the back of Anko Sensu's head. Just before it was about to strike her and end her life, it veered off course and embedded itself into the stone of the arena with a sickening thud. Hodomiru observed this all in silence, waiting a few moments for the shock to fade away before explaining. "You practice your hand-eye coordination to ensure that, no matter the weapon, what you throw goes where you want it to. This requires an extreme degree of mastery, but the basics simply follow that you learn your weapon, get used to its' weight and other properties, and judge distance and wind pressure properly before launching it from your hand. Do you understand?"
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  5. Kaguya, Irugi didn't see any point in being surprised at Hodomiru's attempt on Anko's life until said life ended up actually being taken. His disinterested gaze shifted targets from Anko, to Hodomiru and to the kunai, but the expression never changed. He did, at the very least, pay attention to the man's instructions. He nodded afterwards, reaching for his own kunai and tossing it up and down. Trying to mimic the man's motions, he swung his arm, flicked his wrist, and launched the weapon against the nearest tree with moderate practice - and not an actual human being, because he wasn't at that level yet. _Toc!_ The tip of the kunai lodged itself on the trunk for a few seconds before it unceremoniously landed on the ground. Irugi tilted his head in reply, his expression devoid of contentment or disappointment. "I guess I'll just practice off of that," he concluded, straightening up again. "Thanks." With nothing else to add, he hopped off the roof to go and fetch his tossed kunai.
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