
sadisticmystic nuz rules

May 27th, 2017
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  1. 1. "Nuzlocke Acquisition Rule w/Dupes" - No more than one Pokemon may be caught or received in each distinct named area, as delineated by the Pokegear map.
  2. 1a. Once a wild Pokemon battle has taken place within an area, no further wild Pokemon encounters in that area may be caught unless either (i) the rival has not been given a name yet, or (ii) the encounter is of a species that has already been tagged as "Owned" in the Pokedex, so that first one had better count.
  3. 1b. Eggs hatching, or Pokemon evolving, do not count against any area: the Pokemon retains its identity, and is only debited to the area in which its original form was received.
  4. 2. "Nuzlocke Death Rule w/Archival" - If a Pokemon in the party ever faints, it may never be used thereafter for any purpose (including HM moves), and must be deposited into PC Box 14 at the next available opportunity.
  5. 2a. Once a Pokemon has been moved to "the dreaded" Box 14, it may not be removed from that box under any circumstances.
  6. 3. "Personality Rule" - All Pokemon that are caught or received must be given a nickname, unless the method by which it was given does not allow this (in-game trades, Kenya, Shuckie). After all, it's the cool thing to do, much like jumping off Nugget Bridge after Mewtwo channels a barrage of peer pressure into your head.
  7. 4. "Healing Limit" - Each Pokemon Center, or facsimile thereof (e.g. Elm's lab, Rocket HQ interlude, Route 26 rest house) may only be used to heal the party once.
  8. 4a. Party members may be freely swapped in and out at any time, but no Pokemon may be deposited from the party into PC Boxes 1-13 unless it has full HP, full PP on all its moves, and no status condition.
  9. 4b. If a Pokemon is caught while the party is full, it will be healed automatically upon being placed in the PC box; withdrawing it afterward in that state is fine even if there have been no intervening full-party heals.
  10. 5. "Shopping Limit" - No more than one batch of any given buyable item may be purchased. For example, I could buy 1 Poke Ball or (money permitting) a batch of 99 at once, but in either case I will thereafter be forbidden from buying Poke Balls for the remainder of the run. This would not disqualify Great Balls, until I finally head out and buy them separately.
  11. 5a. Loose items on the ground and gift items are not bought, so they may always be picked up regardless of any shopping limitations.
  12. 6. "Harvesting Limit" - If a tree holds a berry or other item that replenishes each day, it may only be harvested once.
  13. 7. "Grinding Limit" - When engaging a battle against any gym leader, Elite Four member, Red, or rival (excluding the first rival battle), the cumulative levels of all Pokemon in the party may not exceed the cumulative levels of that trainer's team, and no individual Pokemon may exceed the trainer's highest-level Pokemon by more than 3.
  14. 8. "Does That Gameshark Even Work, Anyway?" - No external trading or memory manipulation is to be used.
  15. 9. "Flip to the B-Side" - Victory is achieved by obtaining all 16 badges and defeating Red.
  16. 10. "The Don't Pass Line, Bar Soft 21 and Hard 6" - The run ends in failure if a Pokemon is directed to be put into PC Box 14 but no free space remains there, which will happen on the 21st instance of a fainted Pokemon. It is also a loss condition if at any point after obtaining the starter, the party consists entirely of ineligible Pokemon, such as by whiting out after they all faint. This is a loss even if eligible replacements remain in the PC.
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