
Raackman - The Weird Guy From Space (unfinished)

Nov 15th, 2014
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  1. >Flashes surround your small craft speeding towards a small, desert planet
  2. >Looks to be hard-light cannons, judging by their intensity, you’re being tailed by an Imperial heavy destroyer
  3. >Biggest non-dreadnought class ship the Imperials have
  4. >And the sheer amount of flashes suggests it’s flak systems are firing at full power
  5. >The good news is that it isn’t using it’s particle cannons or plasma rifles, since they probably want to take you alive
  6. >You look again at the scanners, which reveal even worse news
  7. >It’s got a full escort of smaller frigates and cruisers, no chance of you getting close before your little corvette gets shredded
  8. >Not much room for maneuvering, since the destroyer is slowly accelerating to your speed
  9. >But it’s going to have to decelerate soon, since you’re getting close to the planet’s surface
  10. >Although it’ll probably launch all of it’s fighters once it begins to slow down
  11. >You can’t do anything aside from attempting to avoid all that fire being poured from that destroyer, since you’re operating this corvette with a skeleton crew of one, that one being you
  12. >Probably not gonna get out of this one, but you’re not about to let the Imperials get their hands on this alien artifact
  13. >Well, they technically had it before you did, but that doesn’t matter, what matters is that you were going to get payed a LOT for stealing it
  14. >But the Imperials captured your employer pretty quickly, but like hell you’re about to let them catch you
  15. >They don’t take too kindly to thieves that steal things from mysterious aliens that the human race has yet to communicate with
  16. >Speaking of which…
  17. >They don’t take too kindly to thieves that steal things from mysterious aliens that the human race has yet to communicate with
  18. >Speaking of which…
  19. >Is it just you, or is there less flak and hard-light shots?
  20. >Yeah, all of that destroyer’s weapon systems have stopped
  22. >You check the scanners, shields have fallen, but aren’t down, ship integrity is still at 100%
  23. “What the hell…”
  24. >And the Imperials are breaking off?
  25. >Suddenly alarms flash and blair in your face
  26. >Something huge is coming
  27. >Bigger than any dreadnaught you’ve ever seen or heard of
  28. >Bigger… than earth’s moon
  29. >And it’s coming in faster than anything you’ve ever seen
  30. >Faster than… the speed of light?
  31. >No, this thing must be glitching or broken
  32. >It’s just not possible
  33. >Then you see them
  34. >It’s... an Alien dreadnought, designated an Alpha-10
  35. >No, wait, they’re called something… Akion? Yes, that’s right, from some of the few translations that have been made
  36. >They’ve been seen before, but not in action
  37. >All Akion craft tend to stay very far away from anything human, but this thing just warped right into the planet’s low orbit
  38. >The main body of it resembles a sea-urchin, with spikes protruding at all angles
  39. >You can actually see it, because it’s so close, the scanners say only 5 kilometers away
  40. >That’s basically point blank in space
  41. >And it’s surrounded by several smaller satellites of it’s own
  42. >It seems to stand perfectly still, but then the main body of the Alpha-10 begins to spin, and it’s satellites begin to spew out what looks like dust
  43. >No, wait, it isn’t dust
  44. >Each one of them is actually the size of an average space-fighter, and there are at least a thousand of them over there
  45. >One of the screens flashes, and reads -Incoming Transmission-
  46. >You press receive, and something else appears on the screen
  47. >Is that… one of them?
  48. >You can hardly see anything more than a silhouette, with only a few dim, blue lights in the background
  49. >It looks vaguely humanoid, and it seems to be sitting down
  50. >And it seems to be covered in what looks like armor, with a dot of golden light occasionally seeming to emanate from random portions of it’s body
  52. >Then a strange sound, almost like inverted speech, with a mixture of a sound similar to that of someone rolling their tongue, followed by a few hollow clicks and something that sounds like a machine groaning
  53. >Is it talking?
  54. >Threatening you?
  55. >Hell if you know, all you know is that you need to move, now
  56. >You slam the thrusters forward, further speeding towards the planet
  57. >Won’t be long until you’re in the upper atmosphere
  58. >Then, without warning, a streak of light suddenly flies from the Akion dreadnought, and slams into the engine compartment of your corvette
  59. >The engines along with the fuel explode, luckily for you, those are both on the other side of the craft
  60. >But now you can’t make a proper landing, or escape
  61. >You sling your bag into your lap, and dig out the artifact
  62. >It’s a pyramid shape, except only with the frame of a pyramid
  63. >There’s a small, pink light suspended within it
  64. >Nothing else you have with you will help you in this situation
  65. >Either this thing is a doomsday weapon, or is a miracle machine
  66. >The ship jolts, and you look down at the status screen
  67. >It’s nothing but incoherent scribbling
  68. >Systems are being jammed… maybe something like a tractor beam?
  69. >Doesn’t matter
  70. >You jab at the pyramid, some mysterious force seems to keep either your real hand or robotic one from reaching the small sphere of light within it
  71. >Maybe if you…
  72. >You grab the corners, and they begin twisting with several clicks
  73. >Oh, what’s this do?
  74. >You continue twisting, when suddenly it expands outward, and the light grows
  75. >It continues to grow outward, blinding you
  76. >You can’t see anything
  77. >Where are you?
  78. >Surrounded by whiteness…
  79. >You look down
  80. >Well, the rest of you is still here
  81. >Along with the seat, and safety harness
  82. >Your bag is also here, which is good news
  83. >But where are you?
  84. >You look around, nothing but whiteness, still
  85. >Pocket dimension?
  86. >Nothing else to do except...
  87. >You unstrap yourself from the seat
  88. >Try to explore this place
  90. >You stand from the seat, and it begins to float away
  91. >So, you’re suspended here
  92. >No, wait
  93. >There’s… a darkening in the whiteness
  94. >You look over and see a large mass of blackness
  95. >It’s approaching you
  96. >No, it’s not that it’s coming to you…
  97. >You’re speeding towards it!
  98. >Blackness engulfs you as you’re blasted by a roar of wind
  99. >You look in the general direction the wind seems to be coming from and see a small light
  100. >The frames of that artifact suddenly come together in front of you
  101. >And the small light at the end of the tunnel of darkness suddenly reaches the frame again
  102. >The darkness recedes, and you are suddenly dropped onto some surface
  103. >What…
  104. >Just happened?
  105. >You look around
  106. >This looks like…
  107. >You’re on some compound
  108. >Concrete asphalt
  109. >You shakily get to your feet as you look at the artifact
  110. “Well, I guess I know what this does now.”
  111. >It’s a miracle machine, after all
  112. >You shove it back into your bag, and turn around
  113. >To see six women, staring at you
  114. >Alright, they're probably confused about why a strange man just teleported in front of them
  115. >If they happen to be Imperials you'll either have to kill them or make a run for it
  116. "Ah, hello there, can you tell me what planet this is?"
  117. >They continue to give you confused looks
  118. >"Did... you all see him come out of no where?"
  119. >"Yeah, I did."
  120. >"Who are you?"
  121. >You scratch your head
  122. >Shouldn't they have I.D. pads?
  123. >You pull yours out from your pocket
  124. >Even though Imperials could find you with it, you can always just steal another one
  125. >This one says... they don't have any
  126. >In fact, there aren't any others within a mile of you
  127. >Did you just get transported to a primitive planet?
  128. "Well..."
  129. >You look up
  130. >No craft flying here and there
  131. >Where the hell are you?
  132. >No, wait
  133. >This could be a good thing
  134. >Maybe now you'll have a break from all the shit you've had to deal with in the past few months
  135. >You check your person
  136. >Nothing missing, you don't feel ill
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