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- --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Icons and Logos Configuration
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
- EmergencyDispatch.NotificationLogo = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/911logo.png" -- Notification icon that appears on your top-left side of your screen.
- EmergencyDispatch.MenuSendCallout = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/send_callout_phone.png" -- Button icon in the victim menu to send the callout.
- EmergencyDispatch.DispatchLogo = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/911dispatch_logo.png" -- Icon when the cops/ems/firefighters received the dispatch callout.
- EmergencyDispatch.WalkieTalkieIcon = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/walkie-talkie.png" -- WalkieTalkie icon.
- EmergencyDispatch.gpsPoliceLogo = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/gps_points/police_alarm.png" -- GPS Police Icon.
- EmergencyDispatch.gpsEMSLogo = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/gps_points/first-aid-kit.png" -- GPS Medical Services Icon.
- EmergencyDispatch.gpsFirefightersLogo = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/gps_points/fire-truck.png" -- GPS Firefighters services Icon.
- EmergencyDispatch.PhoneMaterial = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/calling911_phone.png" -- Material of the fake phone that appears in the middle bottom of your screen.
- EmergencyDispatch.IconPolice = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/police.png"
- EmergencyDispatch.IconEMS = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/doctor.png"
- EmergencyDispatch.IconFire = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/fireman.png"
- EmergencyDispatch.IconSend = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/send_callout_phone.png"
- EmergencyDispatch.IconCancel = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/cancel.png"
- EmergencyDispatch.IconGPSAccept = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/accept.png"
- EmergencyDispatch.IconGPSRemove = "materials/emergencyresponse_fleodon/cancel_respond.png"
- --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sounds Configuration
- -> Write "false" below, if you do not want ambiance sounds.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
- EmergencyDispatch.SoundConfiguration = true
- EmergencyDispatch.FramesTransitionSound = "garrysmod/balloon_pop_cute.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.CalloutRemove = "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_06.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.RadioButtonScroll = "emergencyresponse/callouts/buttons/radioscroll.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.ActivatingPanicButton = "emergencyresponse/callouts/panic/panic_01.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.OfficersVoicePanic = "emergencyresponse/callouts/panic/officerpanic_01.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.OfficerNeedAssistanceCallout = "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_05.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.VehiclePanicButtonBipsSounds = "emergencyresponse/callouts/panic/panic_02.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.UIButtonSound = "emergencyresponse/callouts/buttons/blip.wav"
- EmergencyDispatch.Sound.CalloutClaim = {
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_02.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_06.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_08.wav"
- }
- EmergencyDispatch.Sound.CalloutReceptList = {
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_01.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_03.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_07.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_08.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_09.wav",
- "emergencyresponse/callouts/recept/notif_10.wav"
- }
- --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Colors Configuration
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
- -- Background color of the menu that appears when you call "/911".
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.PlayerMenu = Color( 40, 36, 36 )
- -- Topside-bar color of the menu.
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.PlayerMenu_TopBar = Color( 155, 26, 26 )
- -- Slide buttons color of the menu. (Police/EMS/Firefighters)
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.PlayerMenu_Buttons = Color( 203, 40, 40 )
- -- Slide buttons background color of the menu.
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.PlayerMenu_ButtonsBackground = Color( 30, 30, 30, 255 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.CloseButton = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.CloseButtonHover = Color( 181, 181, 181 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TextEntryColor = Color( 255, 255, 255, 200 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TextEntryBackroundColor = Color( 71, 73, 78 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TitlesMenusColors = Color( 255, 255, 255 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.RespondTicketBarColor = Color( 155, 26, 26 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.RespondOfficerTicketBarColor = Color( 0, 110, 255 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.RespondTicketBackgroundColor = Color( 40, 36, 36, 230 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TraficPolicerMenuBarColor = Color( 0, 110, 255 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TraficPolicerButtonHover = Color( 48, 48, 48, 100 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TraficPolicerMenuBackground = Color( 0, 0, 0, 225 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TraficPolicerMenuBackground2 = Color( 0, 0, 0, 240 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.TraficPolicerMenuBackgroundTransparent = Color( 0, 0, 0, 0 )
- EmergencyDispatch.ColorsConfiguration.HoveringButton = Color( 157, 36, 36 )
- --[[-------------------------------------------------------------------------
- General Configuration
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------]]
- -- Command to call the police.
- EmergencyDispatch.DispatchCallouts.Command = "/911"
- -- Time to call the cops again, in seconds.
- EmergencyDispatch.DispatchCallouts.CallCooldown = 30
- -- The localisation or city/county of your server ?
- EmergencyDispatch.GeographicLocation = "Mississippi County"
- -- KEY_F7 is the default key to open the backup menu, but you can change it with this website :
- EmergencyDispatch.BackupOptionsMenuKey = KEY_F7
- -- KEY_F6 is the default key to active the panic-button, but you can change it with this website :
- EmergencyDispatch.PanicButtonKey = KEY_F6
- -- Language : French / English
- EDLang.Settings = "English"
- EmergencyDispatch.PoliceJobs = {
- ["Police Chief"] = true,
- ["Police Officer"] = true,
- ["Deputy Sheriff"] = true
- }
- EmergencyDispatch.MedicJobs = {
- ["Medic"] = true,
- ["Chief Medic"] = true
- }
- EmergencyDispatch.FirefightersJobs = {
- ["Firefighter"] = true,
- ["Chief Firefighter"] = true
- }
- EmergencyDispatch.RadioBackupButtons = {
- {
- Name = "All Available Patrols", -- Write the service title that appears in the menu.
- Jobs = { "Police Chief", "Police Officer", "Deputy Sheriff" } -- Write the jobs names.
- }, -- Put a comma for each service.
- {
- Name = "Police Department",
- Jobs = { "Police Chief", "Police Officer" }
- },
- {
- Name = "Sheriff's Department",
- Jobs = { "Deputy Sheriff" }
- },
- {
- Name = "Medical Service",
- Jobs = { "Medic", "Chief Medic" }
- },
- {
- Name = "Fire Department",
- Jobs = { "Firefighter", "Chief Firefighter" }
- },
- {
- Name = "Breakdown services",
- Jobs = { "Repairman" }
- },
- }
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