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Things wrong with Alien Covenant SPOILERS

a guest
May 14th, 2017
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  1. * Generally just not a great movie in terms of characters; acting; and pacing.
  2. * The amount of callbacks to Alien, and the fact that they were distractions rather than natural and additive inclusions to the movie
  3. * The colonization project could have been better explained. Why not more or less than 2000 colonists? If the project was important; why not have at least 2 ships to allow for redundancy?
  4. * Why not, I dunno, secure the colonist pods at both ends instead of having them hang freely?
  5. * Why did the crew member's hypersleep fault cause him to burst into flames?
  6. * After deciding to check out the newly discovered planet; the movie just jumps to the planet, and skips over weeks of non-hypersleep travel without any transition shots.
  7. * Given the crew's caution around completing their mission; it seems really dumb that their first course of action when planetside was to send the majority of the crew down in a landing party. Surely a minority of the crew or some sort of probing would be more appropriate?
  8. * The movie implies there is a reason why the planet was invisible to Earth's search for habitable planets; but this is never resolved later.
  9. * The movie asserts that there are no animals and only plants; but trees need an ecosystem including insects.
  10. * Shooting a fuel canister destroys an entire ship
  11. * An explosion is fierce enough to destroy an entire ship; but someone inside is able to walk out afterwards (albeit in flames)
  12. * The whole David storyline is... interesting. It felt like a fanfiction or extended universe story rather than the main story ahead of Alien. I thought it was really cool, but can see people hating this.
  13. * The crew's behaviour while in the ruins is dumb. They don't understand the infection or the neomorph threat at all, and don't seem adequately concerned and make basic 'hey let's split up' horror mistakes.
  14. * Storm disrupts radio signal trope.
  15. * Crew spend time discussing problems with radio bandwidth and their efforts to improve it; but then we see them spend bandwidth on a video signal that could have been spent on repeating the audio signal.
  16. * David's xenomorphs seem to be pretty much the xenomorphs from Alien; but he skips the chestburster stage of the lifecycle. There's plenty of room for the lifecycle to adapt and allow for differences, but it seems odd that the lifeform is so close but has such a large difference at this point. And the chestburster doesn't feel like an improvement.
  17. * How did David manage to create the eggs? I guess alien technology; but growing entire eggs? And this steps over the previous explanation of there being a queen.
  18. * David appears to be stranded; but he's on a planet belonging to a space-faring species.
  19. * The movie feels confused on the 10 year gap between movies; given that space travel requires several years. Was it 10 years from end of Prometheus until the launch of the Covenent; or 10 years between the end of Prometheus and the arrival of the Covenant?
  20. * How did David have any neomorph prototypes to display, if the natives were immediately and completely annihilated when he arrived?
  21. * David's skill in deception is too good to lie about Shaw's fate and then leave her corpse on view for anyone to find.
  22. * The xenomorph just jumping into the crane arm swinging towards it was dumb.
  23. * Did the 2nd xenomorph come from the facehugger they managed to pull off? This seems odd; earlier movies establish that facehuggers are difficult or impossible to remove once they've fully attached, this implies that their success in pulling it off meant they'd stopped it fully attaching.
  24. * The xenomorph killing both crew members in the shower doesn't agree with the behaviour of the xenomorph in Alien that began work on cocooning using some crew members.
  25. * The ending was a really cool horror story ending but could have been executed better. It feels dumb that the crew didn't catch on to David earlier. Either from the way he spoke; or from the fact that he didn't help kill the first xenomorph (Walter would have insisted on going out of the cab to fight it; I think); or from him suffering scars when the movie had established that Walter had amazing self-repair skills.
  26. * There's a big gap between the ending, and the setup for Alien. I guess there's room for another movie here.
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