Guest User


a guest
Jul 25th, 2017
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  1. EnableSpongeLaunchers: true
  2. Settings:
  3. Broadcast-Header: '&7&m-----------------------------'
  4. Broadcast-Footer: '&7&m-----------------------------'
  5. aBroadcast-Header: '&8&m----------------------------'
  6. aBroadcast-Broadcasts:
  7. - '&7Jared &eis a nub and probably has some bugs to fix'
  8. - '&7Oh yah &eHi there btw'
  9. aBroadcast-Footer: '&8&m----------------------------'
  10. Broadcast-every: 10
  11. Auto-Broadcast-Enable: true
  12. Heal-Hearts: 3.5
  13. Custom-Drop-List: []
  14. Chance-Drop: 33
  15. Money-per-kill: 7.5
  16. Money-per-assist: 1.5
  17. Killed-Player-Message: '&eYou received &7{MONEY} &efor killing &7{PLAYER}'
  18. Assisted-Player-Kill: '&eYou assisted in the death of &7{PLAYER}&e! You earned &7{MONEY}
  19. &efor their demise!'
  20. Death-Message: '&cYou were despised by &7{PLAYER} &cso they murdered you!'
  21. Death-Message-with-assistee: '&cYou despised by &7{PLAYER} &cand &7{ASSSISTEE} &chad
  22. wanted to kill you too!'
  23. Custom-Drop-Dropped: '&a&lA custom drop {DROP} has been dropped via assassinating
  24. &7{PLAYER}&a&l!'
  25. Kill-Top-Header: ' &7Top Kills '
  26. Kill-Top-Rows: 10
  27. Kill-Top-Format: '&e{PLAYER} &6- &e{KILLS}'
  28. Kill-Top-Footer: '&7&m---------------------------'
  29. Assist-Top-Header: ' &7Top Assists '
  30. Assist-Top-Rows: 10
  31. Assist-Top-Format: '&e{PLAYER} &6- &e{ASSISTS}'
  32. Assist-Top-Footer: '&7&m---------------------------'
  33. You-Have-Kills: '&7You have &c{KILLS} &7kills currently.'
  34. You-Have-Assists: '&7You have &c{ASSISTS} &7assists currently. Nice helping! :)'
  35. DurationOfPotion: 400
  36. DurationAdder: 100
  37. AddDurationPer: 2
  38. PossiblePotions:
  39. - ABSORPTION:1
  40. PlayerOnKillstreak: '&c&l{PLAYER} &4is currently on a &c&l{KILLSTREAK} &4killstreak!
  41. &4&lKill them before they grow stronger!'
  42. CannonLocations: []
  43. CannonTeleportLocation: world:11.59383751199578:120.0:-59.12247610274795:178.80034:15.150099
  44. LaunchMessageEnable: true
  45. LaunchMessage: '&aYou have been &a&lLAUNCHED&a!'
  46. TeleportedToCannonMessage: '&aYou have been teleported to the &a&lcannon&a!'
  47. CannonEffect: MOBSPAWNER_FLAMES
  48. LaunchTime: 3
  49. TeleportTime: 7
  50. LaunchMultiplier: 2
  51. OnTeleportEffect: SMOKE
  52. TeleportLightning: true
  53. CannonTeleports:
  54. - world:5.953119151060212:46.0:-69.12068454762543:177.15056:44.550003
  55. - world:5.236630060957136:48.0:-85.25262402210103:177.15056:44.550003
  56. - world:5.155049214852365:47.0:-89.44557156147978:177.15056:44.550003
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