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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2016
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  1. Lavender event
  2. Edelweiss event: Camellia, Cattleya and Lilac (4*, also in normal gacha)
  3. Mountain Lily event: Cymbidium and Dendrobium
  4. Moonvine event: Anemone, Rose and Chocolate Cosmos
  5. Tachibana event: Fritillaria, Waterlily and Gerbera
  6. Star Lily event: Flowering Peach, Peach and Cyrtanthus
  7. Lechenaultia event: Dogwood, Strawberry Candle and Leucocoryne
  8. Geranium event: Daisy, Iris and Anthurium
  9. Hypericum event: Kerria, Setaria and German Iris
  10. Southern Cross event: Cherry, Lupine and Cherry Sage
  11. Canna event: Dianthus, Queen-of-the-Night and Japanese Iris
  12. Calla event: Ionocidium, Oxalis and Dahlia
  13. Dipladenia event: Nerine, Justicia and Gardenia
  14. Mirabilis event: Victoria, Evening Primrose and Night Phlox
  15. Monotropastrum event: Lycoris, Epidendrum and Snapdragon
  16. Robinia event: bride versions of Oncidium, Camellia and Cactus
  17. Lunaria event: Lagurus, Pitahaya and Susuki Grass
  18. Gaillardia event: Helenium, Nasturtium and Laurentia
  19. Oxydendron event: Maple, Eucalyptus and Ginkgo
  20. Gentian event: Pumpkin, Lantana and Apple-of-Sodom (Halloween event)
  21. Fatsia event: Viola, Pentas and Echinacea
  22. Sandersonia event: Mistletoe, Apple and Ivy (Christmas #1)
  23. Holly event: Christmas Rose, Fir and Poinsettia (Christmas #2)
  24. Pine event: Ardisia, Kale, Sarcandra and Nandina (New Year's event)
  25. Adonis event: Garden Peony, Moutan Peony and Lily
  26. Rainlily event: Acacia, Heliotrope and Poppy
  27. Ranunculus event: Hoya, Veronica and Balloonvine
  28. Primrose event: Euonymus, Stewartia, Bergenia and Zephyranthes (4*, also in normal gacha)
  29. Cineraria event: Mimosa, Delphinium and Rosemary
  30. Artemisia event: Apricot, Hop, Heather and Rowan (4*, also in normal gacha)
  31. Russelia event: Saffron, Aster and Snake Gourd
  32. Satsuki Azalea event: Snowdrop, Aloe, Liriope and Celosia (4*, also in normal gacha)
  33. Belladonna event: Iberis, Shion Aster, Lisianthus and Forget-me-Not (4*, also in normal gacha)
  34. Alyssum event: Hollyhock, Greenbell and Allium
  35. Fuchsia event: Habranthus, Lady's Sorrel and Persicaria
  36. Gazania event: Victoria (June bride), Flowering Peach (June bride) and Ardisia (June bride)
  37. Ficaria event: Serissa, Oxalis (Tanabata) and German Iris (Tanabata)
  38. Plumeria event: Epidendrum (swimsuit), Chocolate Cosmos (swimsuit) and Cattleya (swimsuit)
  39. Seemannia event: Broom, Water Hyacinth and Epimedium
  40. Clematis event: Viola (yukata), Plum (yukata) and Dogwood (yukata)
  41. Abutilon event: Ghost Spurge, Chinese Lantern and Paederia
  42. Eucharis event: Lycoris (miko), Anemone (miko) and Dianthus (miko)
  43. Dayflower event: Lespedeza, Boneset and Kalanchoe
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