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Aug 18th, 2018
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  1. **What is your WH experience
  2. ________________________________________
  3. Well, back when I was playing, the small group of people I had been playing with had some guys who lived in a wormhole, and they invited me to come join them there. After experiencing it, I thought it was absolutely the coolest thing! I later quit playing, but the wormhole life really stuck in my memory. I won't claim to be an expert by any means, but I know the basics of how you need to scan and how you're not living in an actual station and whatnot.
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  5. **What is your PvP experience
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  7. Not a huge amount, I did get to fly in a few operations though. Also a very cool thing. I was also focussed a lot on industry back then. However, I definitely wouldn’t shy away from PvP, and would certainly shore up the skills I’d need to fly with you guys should you be interested in taking me in. I’m willing to learn about pretty much anything :].
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  9. *How many Skill points do you have?
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  11. I can tell you the exact number in a moment (I just stepped upstairs for a second), but it’s basically a brand new character with 600k skill points added through injectors. I have scanning skills primarily, and in a couple weeks when I get paid I’m going to purchase a larger amount of PLEX to get more skill injectors ^^. I just paid my car off this month, otherwise I would have purchased more already.
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  13. **One a scale from 1 to 10 how would you rate yourself as far as risk aversion? 1 being very risk averse 10 being completely reckless.
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  15. Hahah, that's a good question! If I had to give that a rating, I'd say I'm about a 7? I'm definitely willing to take risks with stuff, and I mean, living in a wormhole definitely has risks associated with it. However, I wouldn't say that I'm risky to the point of being careless. Calculated as much as I can be, if you will.
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  17. * *Can/Do you scan?
  18. scanning for content is a big part of what we do
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  20. Yes, I currently have the following scanning skills levelled up: Astrometrics IV Astrometric Rangefinding II Astrometric Pinpointing II Astrometric Acquisition II I've also already pre-purchased as nice of an Astero as I could use with my skill points (and afford, hahah!), so I've got all three Scan Arrays at rank I, A Sisters Expanded Probe Launcher and Sisters probes, and a Covert Ops Cloaking Device II for the all important stealth. As far as experience goes, I have done scanning in the past, and I'm acutely aware of it's import for wormhole life. I'm also more than willing to do it!
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  22. **What hours are you most active/How many hours a Week do you play?
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  24. Currently I can be active at almost any hour, barring having something to do that day like drive my girlfriend to an appointment or something like that. I'm currently out of school, so I can make pretty much any hours work. I'm also in Canada, Saskatchewan specifically, so it's currently 10:18 PM at time of writing this. I believe it's UTC-6 if I remember correctly. For how much I play, I plan on playing the game a decent bit, with at least a few hours most every day. I am really looking forward to playing EVE again!
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  26. **We Are mostly PvP focused with PvE being a secondary concern mostly done to sustain PvP activities, is that something that would work for you? It’s not that we don’t want you to PvE its just that’s not what we focus on/If you did join how would you sustain yourself?
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  28. That makes a lot of sense about the PvE being done to sustain the PvP activities. I'm definitely fine with that. If I were to join, I would hope that I would be able to take part in some industry in the wormhole, as I'm quite fond of the industrial side of the game. I'm going to give my character a jumpstart with PLEX to get past the initial awkward starting stages inherent in any MMO, and then beyond that, there are lots of things to do in a wormhole, like the aforementioned industry, but also PI, hacking sites, and mining. I'm willing to do all of those, but I'd lean towards what is already prominent in the group so that I could help out in whatever regard would be needed.
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  30. **On a scale from 1-10 how do you rate yourself as far as being able to listen and comprehend instruction?(edited)
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  32. I'd rate myself an 8-9 on any given day. You know, not perfect, but pretty good. I tend to be pretty careful about working to do things the right way, and I also have an awareness that, if you're on an operation, there's plenty of ships and equipment on the line, and therefore ISK. That's definitely not an unlimited resource!
  33. ________________________________________**What PvP ship would you like to fly?
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  35. Ahh, a great question! I don't have a specific answer to this one as much as a general idea, which I believe is actually to my and your benefit! I don't have training in any one specific area yet, being a new character, which means that the investment I am planning on putting in is free to go wherever. I can basically fit whatever doctrine you all fly most. That being said, with my current skill level, I reckon that something like an interceptor or logi could be a good fit, as those would most likely always be needed. I'm definitely not opposed to flying something larger that makes things blow up too, though, as that's just plain cool hahah ^^.
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  37. **Are you able to use comms, what would you use as your main form of communication, text or comms?
  38. ________________________________________
  39. I am fully able to use comms, and while willing to use either form to communicate, comms are my preference as they're much more efficient in my opinion. You need to be able to communicate quickly when you're in the heat of things!
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