Partial Possession chapter 2

Jul 10th, 2015
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  1. >As soon as you reach the cottage, Fluttershy hits the ground and flits in and out of the home, carrying food to everyone she missed
  2. >You're almost dizzy, but you feel it's better now to fade into the background.
  3. >Every animal came in to view and was immediately fed in practiced motions, Flutters apologizing profusely to each in sucession
  4. >They almost always waved and said to think nothing of it, but you could tell her mood didn't change
  5. >Rainbow wasn't very skilled in animal-related labour, but she helped regardless
  6. 'Hey, uh, sorry I can't help.'
  7. >You sheepishly shrug mentally, unable to think of anything else to say
  8. >'Oh, you don't need to be sorry.' Came the reply. 'It's not your fau--'
  9. >The transmission stopped
  10. 'Wow. What an asshole move. I'm proud of you Flutters.'
  11. >You were proud, but not for the reason you were implying. But that's better left not said.
  12. >"I-I'm sorry!" She blurted out loud, "I didn't mean anything like that!"
  13. >A squirrel looked incredulously at her. Fucking mobsters.
  14. 'Don't worry about it, Flutters. I kinda agree. Wish I could help out more.'
  15. >You know, in a non-physical labour kind of way
  16. >You're not THAT nice. Not for nopony.
  17. >'Don't worry, you don't have to!' She threw on a shakey smile. 'I'm almost done.'
  18. >You haven't seen someone this obviously denying reality since Twilight-
  19. >You were going to add a reference to a time she went crazy. You realized you didn't have to.
  20. 'Look, don't beat yourself up. That's my job. You're stealing food from my mouth is what I'm saying.'
  21. >Fluttershy froze
  22. >'Are anti-changeling?'
  23. 'Yes.'
  24. >no you aren't
  25. >But you now want to be one
  26. >It's good to have life goals.
  27. >'It's not nice to lie to me about stuff like that...' She trails off in your mind
  28. >Oh, a woman who can always tell if you're lying. That's just what you need.
  29. "Listen, all I'm saying is it's not your fault. You've been nothing but nice, and it pisses me off when people like you beat themselves"
  30. >nonsexually
  31. >Internally you check that kek, but you try to keep your cool.
  34. >"Uh...Anon?" Rainbow Dash asks, floating up to you.
  35. >Oh. You're flying. Look at that
  36. >You try desperately not to hit the ground, which is doing more harm than good as Fluttershy fights with you for control.
  37. >You come to a skidding landing in the dirt.
  38. >"Who was talking just there?" Rainbow asked, steadying you
  39. >Fluttershy was quiet for the moment, and you took action to avoid awkward silences
  40. "It was me."
  41. >You put your best Fluttershy impression to the test, and gave a squeak. Awkward noises are better than awkward silences.
  42. >You feel your head recoil, and Fluttershy takes over control again
  43. >"N-no it wasn't! I mean, I, it..." She shakes her head a bit from side to side. "It was Anon!"
  44. >Rainbow smiled. "Well, either way, I think we got all the animals."
  45. >Fluttershy nodded happily. "I'm glad!"
  46. >You hear a thumping next to you
  47. "I swear to all that is unholy, me included, if it's that rabbit--"
  48. >You turn to see Angel at your hoof, looking up with a blank expression.
  49. >You think long and hard. But for some reason you can't bring yourself to be an asshole before Fluttershy surfaces.
  50. >"Oh, Angel!" She hugged him. "I'm glad to see you! Sorry I got sidetracked."
  51. >He hugged back. He was remarkably less of a little shit in person. In pony. In this particular pony.
  52. >You're on parole you little shit.
  53. >'We've made improvements on his anger issues!' Fluttershy chimed in
  54. >Son of a bitch, you never remember that she can read your thoughts without you consciously sending them.
  55. >'I don't mean to! I'm just trying to make sure you're okay.'
  56. >She thinks about you a lot. How...interesting.
  57. >Oh yeah, you can probably read her mind. Why haven't you been doing that?
  58. >'Because there's not much to read' Your subconscious dick brain responds. You can't help but bite your tongue to stop from laughing
  59. >Your tulpa is yourself, just more openly rude.
  60. >You have problems.
  63. >You try desperately to stop being a dick for like two seconds and read her mind
  64. >'I'd really r-rather you not, but I-I guess it's only fair...' She responds to the mental prodding
  65. >You try desperately to avoid sexual repressions
  66. >You're not sure if there is any, but if you're to be an example, at least 60% of her brain is dedicated to it
  67. >And she's been nice enough to do the same. You think. You worry. Nahhh, if she did take a look she would probably be unconscious.
  68. >You wonder if she can hear you right now. At the same time, you wonder exactly what she's thinking about you saying that
  69. >Holy shit it's like looking in to two mirrors parallel to eachother
  70. >You quickly press your hooves to you head to stop the echo, and realize you're already in the kitchen, pulling out the ingredients
  71. >Jesus you get caught up in your own bullshit easy. No wonder you can't read minds. You can't read your own!
  72. 'Flutters, this is getting too meta. Save me.'
  73. >She tapped her chin. 'Would you like to help me prepare the meal?'
  74. >No.
  75. >But anything to stop the voices in your head. Well, most of the voices. You still like one.
  76. >Fluttershy smiles, and puts the carrots on a cutting board, and hands over control to you.
  77. >
  78. >
  79. >What the fuck am I supposed to do
  80. >'Um...cut it?'
  81. 'WITH WHAT? Hooves?!'
  82. >'Oh! Did you use to be a Griffon or Diamond Dog?'
  83. >it's going to be a long day.
  86. >After quite a while, and a few close calls with a magic hoof knife thing you really dont want to think of for fear of echoing
  87. >The salad is finally ready. It looks pretty good, considering your complete lack of knowledge when it comes to food preparation
  88. >At least 80% of the time Fluttershy was walking you through how to do it, though.
  89. >She probably should have been more assertive with that last 20%
  90. >You place the bowl on a small table upon which Angel is standing
  91. >He looks very impatiant, and keeps slamming his foot on the table, but he has less of a scowl and more salivating grin
  92. >You keep your inner DMX on call just in case
  93. >'W-why are you barking?' Fluttershy asks, confused. Meanwhile, Angel gets more of the salad on his face than in it.
  94. >The silly bitch.
  95. 'Don't worry, Fluttershy. It's all good my zigga."
  96. >'O-oh...' Her uncomfort transfers to you.
  97. >You feed on it.
  98. >It tastes terrible, but you're determined to continue every day until you both like it. Or you get kicked out.
  99. >Probably the former.
  100. >'Why do you act so...uncomfortably?' She asks.
  101. >Probably because you CAN'T act like a normal person. But you set aside your snark for a second and think about it.
  102. 'I just make a lot of jokes. I don't mean anything hurtful.'
  103. >She nodded, but you could feel she was still confused. 'You have a strange sense of humor.'
  104. >You smiled
  105. 'Yeah, but think of how funny it'll be to say you got posessed by a ghost that wouldn't stop making bad jokes.
  106. 'It makes for a good story when you look back on it. I've spent enough of my life not doing anything of note.'
  107. >Though you realize only too late that your life is technically over. Ah well. Better nate than lever.
  108. >She seems satisfied with the explanation, and gets a cupcake with a candle in it.
  109. >'I feel bad pinkie isn't here for the party.' She thought as she lit the candle.
  110. >Angel bounced up and down faster and faster until it hit the table
  111. >What a little shit.
  114. >Fluttershy pulled him back before he could dig in.
  115. >"Now wait a moment, Angel. I think everyone would like to sing you a very happy birthday!"
  116. >He frowned and crossed his arms. Fluttershy's eye twitched unintentionally, on your behalf.
  117. >"Now Angel, it will only take a moment!"
  118. >Where the hood at? It's a question you're seriously pondering at the moment.
  119. >Angel sits down and sights, arms still crossed
  120. >You realize that being a hoodrat is only playing in to the game of the mobster woodland animals
  121. >You still kinda want to punch him though. Your inner dick is crying for release.
  122. >
  123. >You should rephrase that. But you won't.
  124. >You acknowledge you did wrong
  125. >You will not apologize
  126. >Moving on. Fluttershy shakes her head in an attempt to clear her mind of your thoughts, and starts to sing
  127. >It's quickly joined in by various birds, rodents, bears, the whole shabang
  128. >It's chaotic and messy, but you conceed it's probably better than anything you could do.
  129. >Fluttershy's is particularly beautiful, and you feel butterflies in your stomach as you think that
  130. >You know you're incapable of passion, so Fluttershy probably literally has butterflies in her tummy
  131. >Oh, or she could have read your mind and liked what you said
  132. >You smile internally, and just enjoy the music while it lasts
  133. >"Happy birthday to you!" they ended
  134. "And ya smell like one too!"
  135. >You had to get at least one in. Even though it didn't make any sense
  136. >You pretend like that's just your sense of humor. No. You just didn't have time to think it through.
  137. >As soon as it ended, Angel clapped, and then gorged himself on cupcake
  138. >If that rabbit was anything like the kind from your world, he'll probably drop dead from sugar
  139. >Don't get your hopes up. This is magic horse world.
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