

Feb 5th, 2017
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  1. default-welcome-message=Willkommen zu '%warp%', %player%.
  2. unsafe-location.closest=Warp ''{0}'' is not safe. You were teleported to the closest safe location.
  3. Warp ''{0}'' is not safe. There is not a safe place in the near.
  4. no-such-world=The world of the warp ''{0}'' (identified by {1}) is not currently loaded on the server. The teleport was aborted.
  7. assets.description=List all warps.
  8. assets.heading={0}'s Warps
  9. all warps owned by the user or the given player. Each warp is shown under the limit it is counted under.
  10. assets.private=Private Warps
  11. assets.public=Public Warps
  12. in
  13.''{0}'' is equivalent to a command and cannot be used as a name.
  14. can only include letters and numbers in there names.
  15. create.private.created-successful=You created ''{0}''.
  16. create.private.description=Creates a new private warp.
  17. a new private warp of the given name at the user's location. Only the creator and invited players will be able to access it.
  18. create.public.created-successful=You created ''{0}''.
  19. create.public.description=Crate a public warp.
  20. a new public warp of the given name at the user's location. All players will be able to access it.
  21. create.warp-exists=There already exist a Warp with the name ''{0}''.
  22. delete.deleted-successful=You deleted ''{0}''.
  23. delete.description=Deletes a warp.
  24. the warp of the given name.
  25. exception.argument.error=For the case ''{0}'': {1}
  26. exception.argument.error.unknown=Error in the cases: {0}
  27. exception.argument.missing=Not enought cases! Missing case: ''{0}''
  28. exception.argument.missing.unknown=Not enought cases!
  29. exception.argument.unused=Not enought cases! Unused case: {0}
  30. exception.exceeds-initiator-limit.delete-warps=Delete or update some of your warps to continue.
  31. exception.exceeds-initiator-limit.private=You have reached your maximum of private warps ({0, number, integer}).
  32. exception.exceeds-initiator-limit.public=You have reached your maximum of public warps ({0, number, integer}).
  33. have reached your maximum of warps ({0, number, integer}).
  34. exception.exceeds-limit={0} has reached his maximum of warps.\nHe needs to delete or update some of his warps to continue.
  35. exception.file-not-found=The file ''{0}'' does not exist or is not readable.
  36. exception.flag.value.already-given=Value flag ''{0}'' already given.
  37. exception.flag.value.missing=No value specified for the ''-{0}'' flag.
  38. exception.illegal-command-sender=This command cannot be executed in the current context.
  39. exception.insufficient-permission=Access denied.
  40. not find a player named ''{0}''. Is he online?
  41. not find a game profile for ''{0}''. Is this a valid player?
  42. isn't a warp called ''{0}''.
  43. you mean ''{0}''?
  44. operation tries to access the world ''{0}'' that is currently not present on the server.
  45. exception.primitives.invalid.format=The given text doesn't match the right format (technically speaking, the format is ''{0}'').
  46. exception.primitives.invalid.greater-or-equal=A valid value is greater than or equal to {0,number} (you entered {1,number}).
  47. exception.primitives.invalid.less-or-equal=A valid value is less than or equal to {0,number} (you entered {1,number}).
  48. exception.primitives.invalid.non-number=Expected ''{0}'' to be a number.
  49. exception.subcommand.choose=Please choose a sub-command.
  50. exception.subcommand.none=This command has no sub-commands.
  51. exception.unknown=An internal error has occurred. Please contact your administrator for assistance.
  52. give.asked-successful=You have asked {0} to accept ''{1}'' as his own.
  53. give.description=Gives a warp to an other player.
  54. give.givee-owner={0} has given you ''{1}''.
  55. give.given-successful=You gave the warp ''{0}'' {1}.
  56. the warp of the given name to the player of the given name, if he accepts it.\nUse [-f] to ignore any warp-limits of the receiving player.\nUse [-d] to give the warp directly without asking for acceptation first.
  57.{0} is currently the owner.
  58. help.description=Displays the help.
  59. help.heading=Help
  60. the help, starting at the given page.
  61. help.note=Use '/<command> -?' to get more information about it.
  62. import.current.description=Imports warps from an up-to-date database.
  63. warp from an up-to-date database into the current database.\nThe database must be accessible from the given JDBC URL.\nIf the database supports schemas, the schema that contains the warps must be given.\nIf the database requires authetification, user and password must be given.
  64. import.import-successful={0,choice,0#No warps were|1#One warp was|1<{0,number,integer} warps were} successfully imported.
  65. import.import-with-skips={0,choice,0#No warps were|1# One warp was|1< {0,number,integer} warps were} imported, but {1,choice,1#one warp was|1<{1,number,integer} warps were} skipped because a warp with this name already exists:
  66. not establish database connection in order to import warps: {0}
  67. import.pre3-mysql.description=Imports warps from a legacy MySQL database (pre 3.0).
  68. warp from a legacy MySQL database (pre 3.0) into the current database.\nThe importation tries to read the old data from the given table and convert it (UUIDs).\nThe MySQL server must be accessible from the given URL.
  69. import.pre3-sqlite.description=Imports warps from a legacy SQLite database (pre 3.0).
  70. warp from a legacy SQLite database (pre 3.0) into the current database.\nThe importation tries to read the old data from the given table and convert it (UUIDs).\nThe position of the SQLite file is parsed relatively to MyWarp's data-folder.
  71. import.started=Import started. This may take some time...
  72. info.created-by=Created by:
  73. info.created-by-you=(that is you)
  74. info.creation-date=Created at:
  75. info.description=Displays information about a warp.
  76. info.heading=Information about
  77. all accessible information about the warp of the given name.
  78. info.invited-groups=Invited groups:
  79. info.invited-players=Invited players:
  80. info.location=Position:
  81. info.location.position={0,number,integer}, {1,number,integer}, {2,number,integer} (in ''{3}'')
  82. info.visits=Visits:
  83. info.visits.per-day={0,number,integer} ({1,number,#.###} visits per day)
  84. invite.description=Invites players or groups to a warp.
  85. group ''{0}'' is already invited to this warp.
  86. have invited the group {0} to ''{1}''.
  87. players or groups to the warp of the given name.\nTo invite a player, simply enter his name.\nTo invite a group, enter the name of group and use [-g].
  88. invite.player.already-invited={0} is already invited to this warp.
  89.{0} is the creator, of course he is invited.
  90. invite.player.player-invited=You were invited to ''{0}''.
  91. invite.player.successful=You have invited {0} to ''{1}''.
  92. invite.public=But ''{0}'' is still a public warp.
  94. list.description=List warps.
  95. list.heading=Warps
  96. all usable warps matching all of the given criteria.\nUse [-c] to only display warps with a creator whose name matches the given one.\nUse [-n] to only display warps whose name matches the given one.\nUse [-r] to only display warps located within that radius from your current position.\nUse [-w] to only display warps located on a world whose name matches the given one.
  97. point.description=Points the user's compass to a warp.
  98. the user's compass to the warp of the given name. To reset the compass back to the spawn point use this command without specifying a warp.
  99. point.reset=Your compass now points to the spawn point.
  100. point.set=Your compass now points to ''{0}''.
  101. private.already-private=''{0}'' is currently private.
  102. private.description=Changes the warp to private.
  103. the warp of the given name. Players will be no longer able to visit it unless they are invited.\nUse [-f] to ignore any warp-limits of the player who created the warp.
  104. private.privatized=''{0}'' is private now.
  105. public.already-public=''{0}'' ist currently public.
  106. public.description=Changes the warp to public.
  107. the warp of the given name. All players will be able to visit it, regardless if they are invited ot not.\nUse [-f] to ignore any warp-limits of the player who created the warp.
  108. public.publicized=''{0}'' ist public now.
  109. reload.description=Reloads configuration and warps.
  110. the configuration from disk and all warps from the configured database.
  111. reload.reload-message=The configuration has been reloaded successfully\!
  112. uninvite.description=Uninvites players or groups from a warp.
  113. Group ''{0}'' is not invited to this warp.
  114. have uninvited the group {0} from ''{1}''.
  115. players or groups from the warp of the given name.\nTo uninvite a player, simply enter his name.\nTo uninvite a group, enter the name of group and use [-g].
  116. cannot uninvite the creator.
  117. uninvite.player.not-invited={0} is not invited to this warp.
  118. uninvite.player.player-uninvited=You are no longer invited to ''{0}''. Sorry.
  119. uninvite.player.successful=You have uninvited {0} from ''{1}''.
  120. uninvite.public=But ''{0}'' is still a public warp.
  121. update.description=Change the position of a warp.
  122. the location of the warp of the given name to the one of the user.
  123. update.update-successful=You changed the position of {0}.
  124. warp-player.description=Teleports a player to a warp.
  125. the player of the given name to the warp of the given name.\nThis command works on all warps the user may use, regardless if the teleported player may use them too.
  126. warp-player.teleport-failed=You tried to teleport {0} to ''{1}'', but this warp is inaccessible.
  127. warp-player.teleport-successful=You teleported {0} to ''{1}''.
  128. warp-to.description=Teleports the player to a warp.
  129. welcome.description=Changes the welcome message of a warp.
  130. the welcome message of the warp of the given name. The user will be asked to enter the new welcome message afterwards.
  131. resettop.description=Resets the number of visits of all warps.
  132. the number of visits of all warps. This cannot be undone.
  133. resettop.reset-successful=Successfully reset the number of visits.
  134. top.description=Displays all warps ordered by their number of visits.
  135. a list of all warps ordered by their number of visits.
  136. top.heading=Top
  137. top.with=mit
  138. top.visits=Besuchen
  139. removeinactive.description=Removes all inactive warps
  140. all warps which have less than 20 visits and whose owner has been offline for more than 2 weeks
  141. removeinactive.removal-successful=Successfully deleted {0} inactive warps.
  142. admin.toggled=The warp ''{0}'' is now an ''{1}'' warp.
  143. admin.description=Toggles the ADMIN state of a warp.
  144. whether a warp is considered an ADMIN warp. ADMIN warps don''t show up in /warp top
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