

Oct 5th, 2017
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  1. Counterpart Bin
  3. With the old TR Trio good guys, the next TR Group will be evil counterparts to us.
  5. >Dio to Lucina/Jalen
  7. [Lucina]
  8. -Both are the leaders of their group, but where as Dio is very controlling to his group(Never will he call them his friends either), Lucina leads, but also let them do whatever they want at times
  9. -Both are stubborn and tend to think directly, But Dio never really heeds his teammates's thoughts whereas Lucina does(Mainly Rhiannon and Severa since they are the smart ones)
  10. -Dio leads with his fist, Lucina leads with her heart
  12. [Jalen]
  13. -Both have a girlfriend(Charlotte and Severa), but Jalen treat his as a equal and listens to her as well as value her as a person. Dio see Charlotte as beneath him and only care for the sex and her skill as a trainer.
  14. -Both have a Special Sweeper(Gengar and Alakazam)
  15. -Both tend to prefer battling to solve answers. but whereas Jalen doesn't seek to harass and make the other trainer feel bad, Dio does
  16. -Dio always feel the need to lead and order people to prove he is strong, Jalen don't(You notice that as soon as Lucina came in, he let her do the ordering.) since he's secure enough to know who have better charisma and prefer to be The Big Guy
  18. >Charlotte to Rin/Severa
  20. [Both]
  21. -Charlotte never really challenge Dio as a person, letting him do the terrible ideas as a leader and boyfriend(Unlike Rin and Severa who point out whenever Lucina/Jalen are rightfully wrong)
  23. [Rin]
  24. -Both have insecurities about their appearances and did something to fix it(Rin being MtF and Charlotte with plastic surgery), but Charlotte likes to insult others to make her feel better whereas Rin don't.
  25. -Thus, Charlotte values what the person is on the outside where as Rin value the core of the person
  27. [Severa]
  28. -Both love to battle, but Charlotte(Like Dio) likes to do it to crush people and make them feel like shit....Severa does it to challenge herself as a trainer and(Sometimes) give advice to others.
  29. -Charlotte is thicc and busty and get a lot of male attention...but they are all after her as a sex object. Severa is slim, fit, and doesn't know how to flirt well, but she have someone who love her as a person.
  31. >Shiro to Inigo
  32. -Both love to flirt with the ladies, but have different ways...Shiro constantly brag about himself and seek only carnal pleasures for himself, while Inigo(Thankfully growing up with his mom and sister) respects the ladies he meet and always try to build themselves up and doesn't always seek sex
  33. -Speaking of, Shiro don't know how to handle rejection well and often get furious when he does, while Inigo get sad, but get over it since he knows you can never make everyone happy....cause someone else can instead.
  34. -Shiro despise being ordered and constantly come at Dio's throat(And loses whether in a physical confrontation or battling) While Inigo don't mind Lucina being the leader AND get along well with her, respecting her enough to not flirt with her(Also being scared of Rin)
  36. The Group
  38. >The Leader
  39. Lucina
  40. Dio
  42. >The Lancers
  43. Charlotte
  44. Severa/Rin
  46. >The Big Guys
  47. Shiro/PERI
  48. Jalen/Rin
  50. >The Smart Ones
  51. Asugi/Setsuna
  52. Everyone except Jalen and Inigo(And even then, Inigo knows how to charm ladies and is good at conversing, While Jalen's very good at battling...)
  54. >The Hearts
  55. No one, cause as a group they barely tolerate as a whole(Dio hates them all, Charlotte selfishy cares for her and Dio, Asugi and Shiro are friends, Setsuna actually don't care for them and put up the spaced out girl persona as she hides a very snarky and blunt personality, and Peri's too damn insane to talk to(Except Setsuna treats her with respect.)
  56. Owain/Inigo
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