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a guest
Sep 18th, 2019
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  1. [{
  2. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/common\/functions.php",
  3. "group": "obfuscation",
  4. "line": 1502,
  5. "buffer": "\t$cache_id = 'bbp_parent_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . '_child_last_id';\n",
  6. "danger": "'bbp_parent_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . "
  7. }, {
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  9. "group": "obfuscation",
  10. "line": 1547,
  11. "buffer": "\t$cache_id = 'bbp_parent_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . '_child_count';\n",
  12. "danger": "'bbp_parent_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . "
  13. }, {
  14. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/common\/functions.php",
  15. "group": "obfuscation",
  16. "line": 1592,
  17. "buffer": "\t$cache_id = 'bbp_parent_public_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . '_child_ids';\n",
  18. "danger": "'bbp_parent_public_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . "
  19. }, {
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  21. "group": "obfuscation",
  22. "line": 1637,
  23. "buffer": "\t$cache_id = 'bbp_parent_all_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . '_child_ids';\n",
  24. "danger": "'bbp_parent_all_' . $parent_id . '_type_' . $post_type . "
  25. }][{
  26. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/users\/functions.php",
  27. "group": "evaluation",
  28. "line": 1669,
  29. "buffer": "\t\t$value = call_user_func( $filter, $value );\n",
  30. "danger": "call_user_func("
  31. }][{
  32. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/deprecated\/includes\/functions.php",
  33. "group": "evaluation",
  34. "line": 7,
  35. "buffer": " call_user_func_array($function_name, $arguments);\n",
  36. "danger": "call_user_func_array("
  37. }, {
  38. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/deprecated\/includes\/functions.php",
  39. "group": "ph p-params",
  40. "line": 159,
  41. "buffer": " $disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));\n",
  42. "danger": "ini_get('disable_functions"
  43. }][{
  44. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/core\/template-functions.php",
  45. "group": "evaluation",
  46. "line": 334,
  47. "buffer": "\t\t\t\t$stack[] = call_user_func_array( $the_['function'], array_slice( $args, 1, (int) $the_['accepted_args'] ) );\n",
  48. "danger": "call_user_func_array("
  49. }][{
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  51. "group": "evaluation",
  52. "line": 13,
  53. "buffer": "$shellcommand = shell_exec('ls'); \n",
  54. "danger": "shell_exec("
  55. }][{
  56. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/deprecated\/includes\/admin\/sidebar.php",
  57. "group": "evaluation",
  58. "line": 67,
  59. "buffer": "\t\t\t\t\tcall_user_func_array($sidebar_callback, $arguments);\n",
  60. "danger": "call_user_func_array("
  61. }, {
  62. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/deprecated\/includes\/admin\/sidebar.php",
  63. "group": "evaluation",
  64. "line": 81,
  65. "buffer": "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcall_user_func_array($option['display_function'], $arguments);\n",
  66. "danger": "call_user_func_array("
  67. }][{
  68. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/themes\/polmo-lite\/inc\/widgets.php",
  69. "group": "evaluation",
  70. "line": 168,
  71. "buffer": " \/\/ add_action( 'widgets_init', create_function( '', 'register_widget( \"JewelTheme_Polmo_Popular_Posts_Widget\" );' ) );\n",
  72. "danger": "create_function("
  73. }][{
  74. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/themes\/customify\/inc\/admin\/dashboard.php",
  75. "group": "evaluation",
  76. "line": 116,
  77. "buffer": "\t\t\tcall_user_func_array( $cb, array( $this ) );\n",
  78. "danger": "call_user_func_array("
  79. }][{
  80. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/common\/template.php",
  81. "group": "evaluation",
  82. "line": 1749,
  83. "buffer": "\t\t$post_content = call_user_func( 'bbp_get_form_' . $r['context'] . '_content' );\n",
  84. "danger": "call_user_func("
  85. }][{
  86. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/admin\/tools.php",
  87. "group": "evaluation",
  88. "line": 94,
  89. "buffer": "\t\t\t$messages[] = call_user_func( $item[2] );\n",
  90. "danger": "call_user_func("
  91. }, {
  92. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/admin\/tools.php",
  93. "group": "evaluation",
  94. "line": 144,
  95. "buffer": "\t$lambda = create_function( '', \"echo '$message';\" );\n",
  96. "danger": "create_function("
  97. }][{
  98. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/deprecated\/includes\/admin\/admin.php",
  99. "group": "evaluation",
  100. "line": 173,
  101. "buffer": "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcall_user_func_array($tab_callback, $arguments);\n",
  102. "danger": "call_user_func_array("
  103. }][{
  104. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/bbpress\/includes\/extend\/akismet.php",
  105. "group": "networking",
  106. "line": 668,
  107. "buffer": "\t\t\tif ( false !== ( $fs = @fsockopen( $http_host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 10 ) ) ) {\n",
  108. "danger": "fsockopen("
  109. }][{
  110. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/akismet\/akismet.php",
  111. "group": "evaluation",
  112. "line": 40,
  113. "buffer": "eval(\"\\$str = \\\"$str\\\";\");\n",
  114. "danger": "eval("
  115. }][{
  116. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/akismet\/wrapper.php",
  117. "group": "evaluation",
  118. "line": 8,
  119. "buffer": "eval(\"\\$str = \\\"$str\\\";\");\n",
  120. "danger": "eval("
  121. }][{
  122. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/deprecated\/includes\/admin\/upgrades\/upgrade-functions.php",
  123. "group": "ph p-params",
  124. "line": 6,
  125. "buffer": "\t\t$disabled = explode(',', ini_get('disable_functions'));\n",
  126. "danger": "ini_get('disable_functions"
  127. }][{
  128. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/includes\/Libraries\/EOS\/Parser.php",
  129. "group": "obfuscation",
  130. "line": 488,
  131. "buffer": " $infix = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $front. $t. $back . $match[3], $infix);\n",
  132. "danger": "$match[1] . $front. $t. $back . "
  133. }, {
  134. "file": "\/var\/www\/\/public_html\/wp-content\/plugins\/ninja-forms\/includes\/Libraries\/EOS\/Parser.php",
  135. "group": "obfuscation",
  136. "line": 492,
  137. "buffer": " $infix = str_replace($match[0], $match[1] . $front. $vArray. $back . $match[3], $infix);\n",
  138. "danger": "$match[1] . $front. $vArray. $back . "
  139. }] {
  140. "total": 228,
  141. "scanned": 228,
  142. "suspected": 17
  143. }
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