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Jan 19th, 2019
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  1. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (42): ::getWord - wrong number of arguments (got 2, expected min 3 and max 3).
  2. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (42): usage: Extract the word at the given @a index in the whitespace-separated list in @a text.
  3. Words in @a text must be separated by newlines, spaces, and/or tabs.
  4. @param text A whitespace-separated list of words.
  5. @param index The zero-based index of the word to extract.
  6. @return The word at the given index or "" if the index is out of range.
  8. @tsexample
  9. getWord( "a b c", 1 ) // Returns "b"
  10. @endtsexample
  12. @see getWords
  13. @see getWordCount
  14. @see getToken
  15. @see getField
  16. @see getRecord
  17. @ingroup FieldManip
  18. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (42): ::getWord - wrong number of arguments (got 2, expected min 3 and max 3).
  19. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (42): usage: Extract the word at the given @a index in the whitespace-separated list in @a text.
  20. Words in @a text must be separated by newlines, spaces, and/or tabs.
  21. @param text A whitespace-separated list of words.
  22. @param index The zero-based index of the word to extract.
  23. @return The word at the given index or "" if the index is out of range.
  25. @tsexample
  26. getWord( "a b c", 1 ) // Returns "b"
  27. @endtsexample
  29. @see getWords
  30. @see getWordCount
  31. @see getToken
  32. @see getField
  33. @see getRecord
  34. @ingroup FieldManip
  35. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (42): ::getWord - wrong number of arguments (got 2, expected min 3 and max 3).
  36. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (42): usage: Extract the word at the given @a index in the whitespace-separated list in @a text.
  37. Words in @a text must be separated by newlines, spaces, and/or tabs.
  38. @param text A whitespace-separated list of words.
  39. @param index The zero-based index of the word to extract.
  40. @return The word at the given index or "" if the index is out of range.
  42. @tsexample
  43. getWord( "a b c", 1 ) // Returns "b"
  44. @endtsexample
  46. @see getWords
  47. @see getWordCount
  48. @see getToken
  49. @see getField
  50. @see getRecord
  51. @ingroup FieldManip
  52. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (48): ::VectorScale - wrong number of arguments (got 2, expected min 3 and max 3).
  53. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (48): usage: Scales a vector by a scalar.
  54. @param a The vector to scale.
  55. @param scalar The scale factor.
  56. @return The vector @a a * @a scalar.
  58. @tsexample
  59. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  60. //
  61. // VectorScale( %a, %v );
  62. //
  63. // Scaling vector a, (ax, ay, az), but the scalar, v, is:
  64. //
  65. //     a * v = ( ax * v, ay * v, az * v )
  66. //
  67. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  69. %a = "1 1 0";
  70. %v = "2";
  72. // %r = "( 1 * 2, 1 * 2, 0 * 2 )";
  73. // %r = "2 2 0";
  74. %r = VectorScale( %a, %v );
  75. @endtsexample
  77. @ingroup Vectors
  78. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (51): ::VectorAdd - wrong number of arguments (got 2, expected min 3 and max 3).
  79. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (51): usage: Add two vectors.
  80. @param a The first vector.
  81. @param b The second vector.
  82. @return The vector @a a + @a b.
  84. @tsexample
  85. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  86. //
  87. // VectorAdd( %a, %b );
  88. //
  89. // The sum of vector a, (ax, ay, az), and vector b, (bx, by, bz) is:
  90. //
  91. //     a + b = ( ax + bx, ay + by, az + bz )
  92. //
  93. //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. %a = "1 0 0";
  95. %b = "0 1 0";
  97. // %r = "( 1 + 0, 0 + 1, 0 + 0 )";
  98. // %r = "1 1 0";
  99. %r = VectorAdd( %a, %b );
  100. @endtsexample
  102. @ingroup Vectors
  103. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (54): ::containerRayCast - wrong number of arguments (got 2, expected min 4 and max 6).
  104. scripts/server/shapeBase.cs (54): usage: @brief Cast a ray from start to end, checking for collision against items matching mask.
  106. If pExempt is specified, then it is temporarily excluded from collision checks (For instance, you might want to exclude the player if said player was firing a weapon.)
  107. @param start An XYZ vector containing the tail position of the ray.
  108. @param end An XYZ vector containing the head position of the ray
  109. @param mask A bitmask corresponding to the type of objects to check for
  110. @param pExempt An optional ID for a single object that ignored for this raycast
  111. @param useClientContainer Optionally indicates the search should be within the client container.
  112. @returns A string containing either null, if nothing was struck, or these fields:
  113. <ul><li>The ID of the object that was struck.</li><li>The x, y, z position that it was struck.</li><li>The x, y, z of the normal of the face that was struck.</li><li>The distance between the start point and the position we hit.</li></ul>@ingroup Game
  114. % Segmentation fault (core dumped)
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