
ICE Form No2

Aug 16th, 2016
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  1. full name — Jung Jaehyun
  2. date of birth — 17th August 1996
  3. birthplace — Jeju Island, South Korea
  4. hometown — Jeju Island, South Korea
  5. nationality — Korean
  6. ethnicity — Korean/Asian
  7. personality — Jaehyun is a very confident person. He's often seen judging the other trainees with a raised eyebrow. He's loud, funny and generally an easy person to get along with once you get past his hugely confident first impression. He kind of has a typical "fuckboy" sort of personality, always with his friends, openly flirty etc etc. But in the end, he is caring for his loved ones, he just doesn't know how to show it.
  9. face claim — S.Coups (Seventeen)
  10. years of training — 5
  11. entertainment — AOMG (If you don't accept AOMG, then YG)
  12. main skill — Rap
  13. other skills — bboying, music producing, sports (especially running and basketball)
  14. (lit/fam)
  16. likes — underground hip hop and r&b, loud places (crowds, parties, etc), running, being on a stage
  17. dislikes — too much silence, being left alone, clowns, bacon
  18. facts —
  19. * has been an underground rapper for six years
  20. * is good friends with iKon's Bobby and BI
  21. * is 184cm and 61kg
  22. * he's not really interested in the idol life, just in it for the drama
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