
May 14th, 2013
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  1. script type: 'text/ng-template', id: 'quote/view/result', ->
  2. p 'Quote for Case #{{quote.caseNumber}},'
  3. p 'Thank you very much for your request. Please read this email carefully.'
  4. p '{{quote.note}}'
  5. p 'We can provide your requested item(s) for the following price:'
  6. h4 '=REQUESTED ITEM(S)='
  7. div ng_repeat:'(shopName, shop) in quote.shops', ->
  8. text '{{shopName|field}}'
  9. div ng_repeat:'item in shop.items', ->
  10. div '-Qty {{item.quantity}}, {{item.itemName}}: US${{toUS(item.quantity*item.priceJPY)|number:2}}'
  11. a href:'{{item.productUrl}}', '{{item.productUrl}}'
  12. div ng_show:'item.notes', 'Notes: {{item.notes}}'
  13. br ->
  14. div ng_show:'shop.expenses.length > 0', ->
  15. text 'Additional Expenses Incurred:'
  16. div ng_repeat:'(id, fee) in shop.expenses', ->
  17. div '{{feeTypes[fee.feeType].caption}}: US${{toUS(fee.feeAmount)|number:2}}'
  18. br ->
  19. div 'WRE Service Fee: US${{wreFees(shopName)|number:2}}'
  20. br ->
  21. div id:'shipping-form', ng_show:'hasShipppingOptions', ->
  23. label ng_controller:'shippingController', ng_repeat:'(id, item) in quote.shippingOptions',->
  24. input type:'radio', name:'shippingOptions', id:'shippingOptions', value:'{{}}', ng_checked:'item.selected', ng_click:'selectShipping('
  25. text '{{shippingTypes[item.shippingType].caption}} US${{toUS(item.cost)}}'
  26. br ->
  27. p ->
  28. strong 'Grand total: US${{totals.grandTotal|digits|number:2}}'
  29. p ->
  30. text '*This price includes the product cost, local tax,'
  31. span ng_hide:'hasShipppingOptions', 'inbound shipping,'
  32. text ' all transaction charges related to payment and our handling fee.'
  33. text 'If the item was sold-out at the shop you provided, we may have found it elsewhere for a different price. Sometimes an item can become sold out, so its usually best to order quickly to ensure availability.'
  34. div ng_hide:'hasShipppingOptions', ->
  36. p 'We bill actual shipping charges - we don\'t mark-up the shipping costs to make a profit. Since we don\'t have your requested item(s) in hand, we are unable to determine the exact shipping cost. Once your request item(s) arrive at our office, we\'ll send a second payment request for the shipping charges. You can estimate your shipping charges using the rate schedules below (note: not all shipping methods are available for all items or all countries):'
  37. div ->
  38. p 'EMS: <a href=""></a>'
  39. p 'Airmail: (Printed Matter/Small Packet): <a href=""></a>'
  40. p 'Parcel Post (SEA/AIR/SAL): <a href=""></a>'
  41. h4 '=PAYMENT='
  42. p 'You can remit your payment using the following link. On the "Custom Price" form, please enter your Case ID, click "add to cart" and proceed to checkout. When prompted to select a "Shipping Method" please select the first option ("$0.00") to avoid any additional charges.'
  44. p ->
  45. a ng_show:'totals.shippingTotal == 0', href:'[29]={{quote.caseNumber}}&custom_price={{totals.grandTotal|digits|number:2}}', '[29]={{quote.caseNumber}}&custom_price={{totals.grandTotal|digits|number:2}}'
  46. a ng_show:'totals.shippingTotal > 0', href:'[29]={{quote.caseNumber}}&options[181]=includes%20shipping%3A%20%24{{totals.shippingTotal}}&custom_price={{totals.grandTotal|digits|number:2}}', '[29]={{quote.caseNumber}}&options[181]=includes%20shipping%3A%20%24{{totals.shippingTotal}}&custom_price={{totals.grandTotal|digits|number:2}}'
  47. p '*Due to the unique nature of custom ordered items, we are unable to process any refunds or exchanges once we receive your first payment.'
  48. p 'We look forward to your order.'
  49. p 'Please reply to this email if you have any additional information to add to this case.'
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