
No More Mister Nice Guy

Jan 23rd, 2021
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  1. [12:45] The figure floats around, not really finding anyone interesting in his travels. However he does happen upon a small kid who was sat next to the bridge. Which peaked his interest, if only briefly. So he levitated over to him. With his arms tucked behind his back.
  3. "Hello there. --Do you mind if I ask why your standing out here... alone?"
  5. Skull asks, wondering the obvious given the current state of Esshar. Was it truly the best idea to do such a thing? Standing outside alone with roaming monsters and killers about? This kid must either be extremely brave, and confident in his abilities; Or ignorant. Which upon gaining that thought in his mind. He leaned in a tad. Looking over his garments.
  7. "You from the academy?"
  9. He adds on.
  10. (Skull)
  11. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  13. [12:49] Hunter was hanging around the bridge to Osrona for what seemed like a few hours. Boredom had started to grow in the boy and he had started to whistle to alleviate it.
  15. His whistling soon came to a stop when he noticed a floating figure approaching his general direction. Being greeted by the hooded figure, Hunter would try to get a read on the individual before him.
  17. "I'm just taking in the fresh air by myself. I am indeed from the Academy, why do you ask?"
  18. (Hunter)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [12:58] On her way to the northern mountains, Adelera happened to use a different route than usual and ended up going the well known Baleford Bridge. So far, she hadn't seen anything out of ordinary but as she arrived at the other end of the gigantic bridge, she found an scene happening.
  23. As she got closer to the them, the girl was able to have a clear sight of who was there. One of the juniors and a masked man dressed in a blue cloak.
  25. "--wait!" A brief pause was taken, "A blue cloak and a skull mask?"
  27. The girl tilted her head to her side, looked to Hunter and said to him, "What have we said about walking alone, dumbass?"
  29. "Y'know who that guy is?" A finger was pointed to the masked individual, "He might be the one who killed Miyuki, am I right... Zeno?"
  31. A wild guess but based on what Ariel had told her, it was a plausible option.
  33. "Lucky me."
  34. (Adelera)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  37. [13:05] The figure stared at Hunter and hummed faintly. Before gesturing around him, with a light swirl. Given that he was floating in the air after all. Meeting hues with Hunter after he finished his rotation, speaking while he spun.
  39. "Well you see. Its been quite dangerous around Esshar lately. I was just merely asking due to the fact that I feel Students have been in a bit more danger."
  41. He admits before waving his bandaged arm to Adelera, after she spoke about the child wandering alone. In an act of agreement.
  43. "See we both have a similar notion. --Its not a great idea to travel alone right now. At least now you have a traveling buddy."
  45. The skull-faced person looked to the young girl. Canting his head. Taking on a look of confusion to the best of his abilities. As its not like much expression could be shown. Yet the wondering made him cease the soft hum.
  47. "I'm confused, what are you going on about?"
  48. (Skull)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [13:10] Looking up at the floating figure, Hunter didn't notice that Adelera had walked up to the two until she had started speaking causing the teenager to suddenly stiffen up in surprise.
  53. Looking behind him he'd see a girl which appeared to be a senior donned in Fenrir attire. However the words that she would go on to speak shocked Hunter more than her unannounced arrival.
  55. "Huh? You're telling me this is Zeno?" he'd say backing up slightly.
  57. It really was not the best idea to go about wondering alone. Even Hunter had preached against this to other students yet he had found himself doing the same.
  58. (Hunter)
  59. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  61. [13:21] A sigh escaped her lips, "So we're going to pretend you're not Zeno?"
  63. Perharps she was wrong but at this point, after so many years of them trying to find the ones behind the deaths she was tired of having to go through so much.
  65. Yet, how could she prove he was Zeno?
  67. Once again she tilted her head to look to her junior, "I assume you might already know Ariel, right?
  69. She told a few of us about a suspicious individual wearing a blue cloak and skull mask roaming around.
  71. Mhn... We believe this person might be Zeno." And then, her gaze shifted back to the masked person, "Of course students are in danger. Witches and their apprentices are murdering innocents!"
  73. What Eztli or Ariel would do in this situation?
  75. "Hunter, am I right? Stay behind me. If anything happens I'll protect you." She wasn't Ariel or Eztli, she was herself.
  76. (Adelera)
  77. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  79. [13:22] Achlys says, "Pffft."
  80. [13:27] Siegmund was just walking around, doing his daily stuff by Esshar while being accompanied by Achlys this time around- Which was a different and good change to his daily endeavors. However, the creature from the Mire he had met the other day seemed to be talking to some young kids from the Academy once again, which didn't click on the Vanirhallan's mind until Adelera said those words.
  82. Siegmund couldn't find Zeno, no matter where he looked.
  83. This Skull person had appeared more or less on the same time Zeno vanished.
  84. That weird girl from the Academy kept insisting that it was no monster from the Mire, but an actual student.
  86. Things clicked really fast, to the point Siegmund's head got a slight headache to it. However, he wasn't all that sure as well.
  88. "Skeleton. Remove your hood and mask."
  90. Obviously he was not asking, but demanding such. Lack of patience was overwhelming the Vanir as he lightly tapped Achlys's shoulder, as to tell her something.
  91. (Siegmund Rune)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [13:27] Siegmund Rune whispers something.
  95. [13:36] The figure's sockets moved about the group surrounding him. A sigh escaping his lips once more. As he rose up his bandaged hand to tap at his chin. His humming starting up once more. Like he was overly calm about this situation.
  97. "Constant accusations. Its really hard to live when people claim that your someone your not. However..."
  99. He looked to the Vanirhallen. With an annoyed aura. As the man makes a demand of him. He groaned, glaring at him.
  101. "Vanirhallen, I believe you have a war to deal with. Making demands of people just having a conversation. Makes little sense. --And I decline."
  103. After those words left his lips he looked over to Adelera. His hand rubbing his chin. As he felt like this was going to be another mess situation. Given how everyone here was acting towards him. Hostile once again. At least the female Fenrir was being more reserved than those around him currently.
  105. "No one will be hurt... as long as you alldon't try and attack me. For no reason."
  107. Knowing how people have been acting. Its possible that they would do just that. Only time will tell on how this will progress.
  108. (Skull)
  109. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. [13:37] She had heard a bit about those strange killings, but she wasn't sure about the rumors of it being the work of the Coven. "I doubt the Witches themselves have done anything related to the sort.. admirers and aspirants perhaps." She politely corrects, surely Siegmund could handle the child?
  113. If it was the one.
  114. (Achlys)
  115. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  117. [13:41] With Adelera telling him to step back, the boy would do just that. Things were moving faster than he could keep up with at this point. The best thing for him to do would be to stand behind his senior and silently observe what was going on.
  119. Hunter had no clue if the person in front of him had really been the one responsible for the murders but he wouldn't be taking any chances. However this didn't mean that he would be outwardly hostile.
  121. Taking note of two more newcomers Hunter was beginning to get really anxious about this scenario.
  122. (Hunter)
  123. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  125. [13:44] "There is or was a witch involved." Adelera politely corrects the woman, "One able to walk into people's dreams."
  127. It was quite an experience to see a friend of hers suddenly falling into deep sleep for hours. Even when she tried to wake him, it wasn't effective at all. Only after his meeting with the witch had ended, he was able to wake up.
  129. "But who am I to say?"
  130. (Adelera)
  131. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  133. [13:45] The Vanir chuckles, lightly moving his shoulders in order to crack them. His gaze of course not leaving the Skull's.
  135. "You see, that's the thing. If you are who I think you are, fighting you will be part of the war as yet another one of your kind would be killed. And if you are not, I will at least.."
  137. He would nod towards Achlys. At the end of the day she was one of the few people that kept him a bit informed on the oddities of the Occult and their practitioners.
  139. "..Have a good fight. And if I get to remove your hood? It will either benefit me by finding out if you are Zeno, or you as your accusations would be lifted off. So I see all of this as an absolute win."
  141. Cosmic energy bursting from his staff. He was obviously aiming to go with full force against the 'Skull'. Not holding back by all means- Why would he? However, he seemed to be in a rather good mood, despite of it.
  142. (Siegmund Rune)
  143. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  145. [13:47] Is just coming...passing by, flying with his big blue wings as Nobia is coming around,
  147. "So, we gotta spread the news about the Tournament in Osro-"
  149. He just looks forward and...people are surrounding a little...thing? Someone using a cloak and a skull?
  151. "The fuck is happening?"
  152. (Dorongar Hedor)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [13:49] Nobia feels like this is a weird encounter to be rolling up on, but decides to watch.
  156. (Nobia)
  157. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  159. [13:51] Julian chuckles softly to himself.
  160. (Julian Sodynym)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  163. [13:52] Achlys says, "Many beings besides Witches can do that."
  164. [13:55] The figure let out a sigh as the savage aimed to attack him. Just because he wanted a fight basically. Which was just so annoying to him. As the cosmic energy erupted along the adults staff he had metal slide down his arm. Making a sawed off shotgun form in his palm. His own body burned bright with mana. As a blue flame took over his body.
  166. As the strike moved in, he backed off side stepping the attack rather easily. His sockets moved to look at the crater formed by the strike.
  168. "Well well well… I guess we'll have to fight then. --I can't constantly keep fleeing from everyone who tries to fight me."
  170. As those words left his mouth snakes crawled out from underneath his cloak, down his leg. Digging into the dirt. --He took a more defensive stance over all. As he moved to fight the adult. Regardless if he won or lost, he refused to take off the mask. It defeats the whole purpose of it after all.
  172. He takes in a deep breath...
  173. (Skull)
  174. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  176. [14:05] Once the fight started, Siegmund could already tell that this indeed was his target. The way he fought, the Magicks he employed, and even the way he moved were easily indicators that this man was indeed Zeno Laskaris.
  178. "..Hand into chains, Zeno."
  180. He seemed to give the same advice as before. Ruthlessly advancing towards the Magi with his staff and cosmic prowess.
  182. Now that it was confirmed, the Vanirhallan seemed to be fighting with even more fury, less thought coming from his blows as it was now focused on not only incapacitating Zeno- But also give him some life lasting injures in the process.
  184. This was no long just a 'fun fight' for the Vanirhallan.
  185. It was a matter of honor that he were to hunt him.
  186. (Siegmund Rune)
  187. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  189. [14:13] The figure danced around to the best of his ability, as he forced Siegmund to fight differently than in the past. The kid has changed over the years. Yet his style was still ultimately the same. After he got slammed into by cosmic energies. He let out a gasp of air. Gathering himself from the tree he rested in. He started to chuckle. Laugh even.
  191. "Zeno this... Zeno that. --All people ever talk about anymore. Being accused for things that never happened... --Its frustrating. Just like how you need to go back to whatever desolate wastelands you crawled out of."
  193. He stated prying himself from the tree. The skeleton dropping into the ground. Snakes coiled around his body, as his mana burned brighter again. He wasn't going to back down whatsoever.
  195. He reloads his shotgun and readied himself once more for a fight. Not backing down with stacked odds. Like before.
  197. 'Hesitation is defeat... defeat is my death.'
  198. (Skull)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [14:14] Leilah Argyris says, "Hm..."
  202. [14:14] Julian Sodynym says, "If that is Zeno, he's doing the Academy a favor."
  203. [14:14] Leilah Argyris says, "Oooof."
  204. [14:14] Leilah Argyris says, "Poor kid."
  205. [14:14] Nobia asks, "Annnd if it isn't?"
  206. [14:15] Julian shrugs.
  207. (Julian Sodynym)
  208. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  210. [14:15] Julian Sodynym says, "Hopefully he doesn't kill him."
  211. [14:15] Dorongar Hedor asks, "I mean, random beating?"
  212. [14:15] {Lost Dangerous RPB against Siegmund Rune}
  213. [14:15] ** Siegmund Rune has inflicted an injury upon Skull. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (4 days)") **
  214. [14:15] Leilah Argyris says, "...."
  215. [14:16] Leilah Argyris asks, "Why....hurt a kid?"
  216. [14:17] Leilah Argyris asks, "Can I help him, Uncle?"
  217. [14:17] Leilah Argyris says, "I need practice."
  218. [14:17] Dorongar Hedor says, "Stay put."
  219. [14:17] Leilah Argyris asks, "Hm?"
  220. [14:28] Siegmund was fighting in a way he isn't used to. He wasn't thinking, he wasn't calculating his attacks against his foe- As he was more akin to a beast, completely taken over by his warrior Blood in order to hunt its prey. The trees surrounding them falling at each cosmic blow sent forth towards Skull, dust from such making it difficult for the Vanirhallan to see the battlefield at times- Maybe this would be the reason why his enemy would be able to flee?
  222. At the very least, the Drakanite managed to give the Magi a light burn by his arm before their fight came to an anti-climatic end. Where neither parties ended up with they wished for in this battle.
  224. "..This isn't over. Zeno."
  226. His cosmic energy slowly vanishing out of thin air, with the dust settling over around the battlefield. The Vanirhallan then walking towards the 'crowd' that watched him.
  228. "That man is Zeno Laskaris. He will most likely change his disguise again, so be aware of the Magic he is able to use. Metal, Energy and Blood. Other than that, I don't give a shit on what all of you do."
  229. (Siegmund Rune)
  230. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  232. [14:42] The dust that littered the battlefield blocked quite a lot of the sight on the battle over all. With his snakes latching onto the legs of the adult and binding him at times. Most of his attacks came from the ground. Which perhaps assisted with the creation of dust. Even still a decent blast of cosmic energies encase his arm. Burning into it. The same one that was injured a long time ago. He'd groan out, and moved into the tree line. Fading out... Yet he didn't fully leave... He wanted to make a parting gift. A voice rung out.
  234. "Have fun Siegmund."
  236. With that being his only tell of what was to come. Chaska felt her body start to go cold, her control fading... All the feeling in her body went away. Snakes crawled out of the earth and imbedded further into her body. As her body started to move on its own. She would draw her weapon as she took on a hostile like stance. She'd start to attack whomever, just Siegmund was her maintarget. After she was done fighting she would completely stop. Gaining control over herself once more. Like nothing happened.
  238. With that the skeleton was gone, leaving behind an interesting scene. He just needed to get the injury he had fixed.
  239. (Skull)
  240. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  242. [14:42] Leilah looks at her Uncle and then at the injured Skull in front of her.
  244. "...Hm...what do Uncle?" She'd chime, conflicted of what to do. She wanted to learn more and practice more so she could take her medic test, but this was an allegedly murder like they all said.
  246. She still had her doubts since she would never accuse someone until she had seen actual proof in front of her eyes, and just because Skull used the same magic as Zeno, who she still didn't believe was a murderer, she would never judge someone just by other people's statements.
  248. Although the Kitsune girl would just manipulate the gravity around her and controlled to her will to float high in the sky and just watch for now. She wasn't going to go over her Uncle's words but she did want to help Skull, her instincts kicking in since she never enjoyed seeing someone injured.
  250. "Are you sure....I cant help him? Not even to practice?..." She'd still try at least in the end. Leilah just watched from the sky, her focus shifting from her Uncle and back to the ones in front of her.
  251. (Leilah Argyris)
  252. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  254. [14:43] Watching Siegmund start a fight with Skull, Hunter would quickly get out of the way. At the start of the fight he wasn't completely sold on the idea that the disguised figure was Zeno yet.
  256. However the longer that they went on and the more of Skull's magic he'd get to see, Hunter's doubts would be completely erased. He was familiar with this magic and Skull's use of metal.
  258. Putting two and two together, Hunter's eyes visibly widened. It had all made sense to him. The person that had assaulted him two years ago and left the nasty wound on his arm was Peppy and the person who followed was indeed Zeno.
  260. He felt incredibly stupid not noticing that he had actually ran into both of them in the past and had not noticed their identities. However he couldn't do anything right now as this fight was clearly outside of his capabilities. Seeing trees being felled casually made Hunter feel as if his own abilities were lacking.
  262. If he had actually been attacked and nobody else was there then he would definitely have been victimized again. The thought was a chilling one for the teenager. Eventually the battle between the two would be over and with the dust settling, he'd noticed that Skull had made his escape.
  264. It looked as if the suspect would get to go live free another day. But now the group would have clear confirmation on who exactly the hooded figure was.
  265. (Hunter)
  266. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  268. [14:46] It went about as expected, she held faith in her friend after all. Her gaze drifts towards the others present, recognizing a few from her glance.
  270. "Oh, so that was the one you told me about. Interesting." She says before yawning softly, he wasn't even an Occultist like she expected. "I was expecting an Occultist, almost disappointed."
  272. Though if that was done? Perhaps they could finish their return home.
  273. (Achlys)
  274. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  276. [14:46] Dorongar yawns and keeps watching the fight, clearly uninterested in it but he wants to know about NOBIA, what SHE is going to do about the old job. He even looks to Julian and nods, this will be interesting!
  278. He just keeps looking, his left hand resting on the pommel of Patience. Touching the new gem and waiting to see what will happen here until...Chaska starts to draw her weapon and Hedor just tilts his head to the side, wanting to understand what the fuck was happening unti...she starts to attack Siegmund! Oh boy! A real turn of events now!
  280. "Oh ho, The little magnolian is fighting the Vanir now? Huh."
  282. The Dragonlord was having his fun here, he had nothing to do the entire day but THIS, this was worth the wait and..nothingness. He just steps in front of Leilah in case anyone launched anything at her, the Uncle goes into protect mode!
  285. (Dorongar Hedor)
  286. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  288. [14:46] Zeno Laskaris…
  289. The child murderer of the academy, or so reports went. If the 'man' before them was Zeno as the Vanir claimed, he deserved every last bit of pain he earned.
  291. But... was it truly him? Other than Siegmund's word he had very little to go off of. Regardless, he was bound by the Fireblooded Oath to not outnumber him.
  293. Julian would stand silently, his visage turned to stone as he observed the scene unfold.
  295. When the dust settled... The skeleton was gone. A rather disappointing outcome, but what could one really expect from a Vanir?
  297. A cold and joyless chuckle softly came forth from the man as he turned to face his companions.
  301. (Julian Sodynym)
  302. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  304. [14:47] Of all the things Chaska had to stumble upon, it was this scene. Nearly a dozen people lined the edge of two people facing off against one another. Curious, she moved a bit closer but found herself regretting such a decision. She recognized Siegmund immediately, standing battle ready against a boy of a smaller frame. It took her a moment longer to recognize the second figure, but she'd seen that disguise once before.
  306. "Oh fuck me..."
  308. The woman cussed to herself, standing amongst the others who watched the battle. It was quite the array of attacks but in the end, Siegmund took down Zeno, going as far as publicly exposing him to the crowd around them. She smiled rather proud, though she did wish she had captured the boy. Then all of this would be over...
  310. She watched as Zeno moved to make his grand escape, knowing better than to step in the way. Her oath would have prevented it anyway. However, as she moved to join Siegmund and check in on the man sheloved she felt a chill run through her body. She had felt this once before, the day that Zeno nearly killed her. The lack of control, the spike of adrenaline, the overwhelming sense of fear. No...
  312. Her body moved without her say, drawing her weapon as she moved toward the man she loved. Her blood rushed inside her, as she stood opposing him for one moment before she rushed to attack him without a will of her own.
  313. (Chaska Ljoss)
  314. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  316. [14:47] "--shit."
  318. Having heard rumours about Siegmund's strength, Adelera tried her best to not be on his way while he fiercely fought the masked individual who she assumed it was Zeno.
  320. However, as soon as the fight started, she recognized a few things regarding not only Skull but also about the vanirhallan. The smoking gun regarding the identity of the disguised teenager was the schools of magic he used while he fought for his life...
  322. Metal, Energy and Blood.
  324. From what she had gathered, Zeno was known for using energy and blood magic. An important detail that surely would be passed to her fellow friends.
  326. But not only that, the rumours about the vanirhallan's strength were true after all.
  328. By the end of the fight, Adelera was restless.
  330. "Don't try anything Leilah or I'll make sure to stop you myself." For the first time, her tone wasn't friendly towards the girl. How could she let her treat the person who murdered friends of her?
  332. "I'm not kidding." Even if they were friends, she wouldn't let such thing happen in front of her.
  333. (Adelera)
  334. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  336. [14:48] The 'battle' was over and the Amazoness was not pleased by the sight in the slightest, not because the murderer was clearly getting away but because the fight was just boring. That being said, she did give Sigmund a nice slow clap at least.
  338. "Decent. I'd give it a C." She says while unsheathing her blade, a smile on her face as the crimson hues glow. Her excitement practically bursting from her very form.
  340. "Though perhaps you want a real fight? Someone that has very much wanted to smack you in the face for a very long time now?" It had been years since Azni died after all, and when Nobia was told it was because of the Vanir or at least them being involved it did rub her the wrong way "Some years ago a woman went to the desert to convince you that they weren't from Osrona, just so she could save someone she loved. Long story short, Achyon gets involved, she ends up dead."
  342. Now the woman, in her old age, has grown to become many things. One of them was petty.
  344. "Now, I won't say that I've come to kill you or even take your arm. Been too long, wound is practically dull." Her hand slowly moves to unsheathe her blade "Though you do get to catch a nice beating for ruining a job that I liked!" Shadows slowly crawl up her skin until her form was covered, her teeth now mirroring that of a beast.
  346. "I doubt you'll run from this, you don't seem the type."
  347. (Nobia)
  348. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  350. [14:48] Leilah Argyris says, "Awh."
  351. [14:48] Leilah Argyris says, "Ill be taking my leave now."
  352. [14:48] Leilah Argyris whispers something.
  353. [14:49] Leilah Argyris whispers something.
  354. [14:49] Dorongar Hedor whispers something.
  355. [14:49] Leilah Argyris whispers something.
  356. [14:49] Leilah turns around and makes her way somewhere else.
  357. (Leilah Argyris)
  358. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  360. [14:50] Lucas gritted his teeth as he watched the battle progress. This was the one who had murdered so many of his fellow students. So many of Lucas's precious charges.
  362. And now he was preparing to escape? All while a familiar figure's movements shifted, her body moving as if on a puppet's strings as the venom of witchcraft coursed through her.
  364. Answerer rang from its sheath as he drew the great blade and wielded it towards his own student, adopting a defensive posture as he waited for her to move. And then he stepped in.
  366. "HALT!"
  368. His aura flashed outward, Barrier Magic filling the air and pushing against the others as he sought to blunt the attack against Siegmund and turn Chaska's attention away.
  369. (Lucas Alder)
  370. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  372. [14:50] Lucas rushed forward as his magic surged, trying to intervene.
  373. (Lucas Alder)
  374. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  376. [14:51] Stopping Chaska.
  377. (Achlys)
  378. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  380. [14:51] Chaska moved to sidestep the attempt to stop her battle.
  381. (Chaska Ljoss)
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