
Hector (Worthless Opponent)

Feb 27th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. Chaplain, AKA Hector Harrison, (15, Male) [HERO, aligned with Haven, Custom Costume]
  2. Identity: High Schooler
  3. Skills: First Aid, Martial Arts (Defendu CQC, stylized from Anthony Biddle's personal writings and honed with partners from the FCA [Fellowship of Christian Athletes]), Strategy, Tactics, Survival, Parkour
  4. Natural Trigger
  5. Perks: ST (x1, Power Refinement)
  6. Flaws: Worst Day Ever (x1), Case 53 (x1, A minor hip deformity, the bone protrudes prominently and shifts tightly under the skin, leaving it uncomfortable to walk without wide strides.), Slaughterhouse 9, Numbed Emotions
  7. Powers: Augmentation, Power Refinement, Consumption
  9. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  11. Hector Harrison, a young man hellbent on keeping Heaven open but uncrowded. Born into a middle class family with a long history of construction work and raised on tales of his great grandfather's valor in the World Wars, he clings closely to his ethics of duty and hard work. Believing it's a man's simple duty to do all he can for his community, he enlisted with the Haven mere days after triggering on the site on an industrial accident, almost taking his father's life if not for that parahuman intervention. Although he's grateful for this gift, he can't help put fear for it's effects on his psyche, his thoughts shifting to the construction of a person's body over the mind and spirit it harbors. He's also found himself growing a strange urge to collect trophies from cape battles, developing into a mild kleptomania.
  13. Having a closely coveted "healing" ability and a bad habit for snatching personal effects has put him on a variety of hit lists however, with proud villains holding grudges and utilitarian crime bosses seeing the merit in such a tool, blunt as it may be. In spite of this, or perhaps motivated by knowing this, Hector insists on saving any wounded man brought before him, Hero or Villain. Holding firm that, although his collected trinkets are his righteous spoils as the victor, the defeated still deserve basic respect and due process.
  15. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  17. Power Refinement Sentence: Hector's shard, Mite, collects organic within a wide radius around him, which Hector can then add to another person's body after physical contact.
  19. Power Elaboration:
  21. His ability was initially believed to be an unusual healing skill, but after formal analysis was found to be adding additional flesh from an outside source rather then manipulating or reinvigorating the wounded's body as with other more famous biokinetic abilities. Because of this it's often only a temporary solution, being crude in its construction and lacking the delicate infrastructure for long term use. It's unknown where this flesh comes from as it seemingly surges from open wounds on his touch and DNA samples deteriorate almost instantly, as if intelligently avoiding research. It's not of note, but local mortuaries have been troubled to find victims of cape related violence missing body parts, seemingly vanishing into thin air at odd hours of the day.
  23. Although ultimately weaker, it functions much like a side grade to Panacea's own ability, being exceptionally effective for field surgery and theoretically even boosting one's physical prowess, but only for a short time frame. At the end of the day, it's still just packing meat onto the wound, much like "fixing" a leaking hole in the foundation of your wall by packing it full of drywall mud. Those he tends to must eventually seek proper medical care separate from his skill.
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