
wtf newgrounds

Aug 11th, 2014
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  1. [17:49] <@Chronamut_> I was at the bear bar on the weekened and I told people my bf doesnt like bears
  2. [17:49] <@Chronamut_> and its like their logic circuits in their brains fried
  3. [17:49] <@Chronamut_> they couldn't comprehend how a bear couldn't like other bears
  4. [17:49] <@Chronamut_> I looked at them with pity.
  5. [17:49] <+Keefer> LOL
  6. [17:49] <@Chronamut_> life isn't probrammed like that
  8. [17:51] <+Keefer> lol
  9. [17:51] <@Chronamut_> its like when people see him and they're like "you most love it when he fucks you"
  10. [17:51] <@Chronamut_> and im like actually, im the top
  11. [17:51] <@Chronamut_> and theyre like thats not how it works
  12. [17:51] <@Chronamut_> and im like you're an idiot - body type does not determine position.
  13. [17:51] <@Chronamut_> or role
  14. [17:51] <+Keefer> yep
  15. [17:51] <@Chronamut_> people are so primitive it's amazing
  16. [17:53] <@Chronamut_> I need to make more basil garlic mayonnaise
  17. [17:53] <@Chronamut_> 6 leaves of basil, one clove of garlic, one squirt of lemon juice, mash it all up so its all juicy and mix with mayo
  18. [17:53] <@Chronamut_> best spread ever
  19. [17:54] <+Keefer> or its just what they would want. i mean i would love to be topped by richard? thats like the ultimate. a huge powerful guy. thats hot. so naturally its easy to presume he's the top.
  20. [17:54] <+Keefer> ew. i hate mayo. the thought of it makes me gag.
  21. [17:54] <@Chronamut_> I do too
  22. [17:54] <@Chronamut_> but when you combine it with this
  23. [17:54] <+Keefer> no.
  24. [17:54] <@Chronamut_> the matyo taste is completely obliterated
  25. [17:54] <@Chronamut_> *mayo
  26. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> it just becoems creamy and garlicy and basilly
  27. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> its awesome
  28. [17:55] <+Keefer> i bet it would still make me up chuck the boogie. too rich.
  29. [17:55] <+Keefer> yeah gag.
  30. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> richard is kind of my revenge against the bear community
  31. [17:55] <+Keefer> hha
  32. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> because he wont fuck them
  33. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> they cant fuck him
  34. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> and he HATES them
  35. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> and hes with a skinny guy
  36. [17:55] <+Keefer> hes a bearoist.
  37. [17:55] <@Chronamut_> which adds insult to injury
  38. [17:56] <@Chronamut_> yes lol
  39. [17:56] <+Keefer> LMFAO
  40. [17:56] <@Chronamut_> bearsochist
  41. [17:56] <+Keefer> lmfao.
  42. [17:56] <@Chronamut_> bearsogynist
  43. [17:56] <@Chronamut_> every time I talk about bears he goes off on a tirade
  44. [17:56] <@Chronamut_> they don't like him cuz hes a prude
  45. [17:57] <@Chronamut_> so they spread rumours and drama about him
  46. [17:57] <@Chronamut_> they just try to put their hands down his pants and grab him
  47. [17:57] <+Keefer> wtf? where is this?
  48. [17:57] <@Chronamut_> albany ny
  49. [17:57] <+Keefer> bizzare.
  50. [17:57] <@Chronamut_> not really
  51. [17:57] <@Chronamut_> I see that everywhere
  52. [17:58] <@Chronamut_> alpha bear turns people into mindless animal idiots
  53. [17:58] <@Chronamut_> even more so than usual
  54. [17:58] <@Chronamut_> he probably would you too
  55. [17:58] <@Chronamut_> 10:54:25 (Keefer) or its just what they would want. i mean i would love to be topped by richard? thats like the ultimate. a huge powerful guy. thats hot. so naturally its easy to presume he's the top.
  56. [17:58] <+Keefer> sounds like a crowd you should stay away from.
  57. [17:58] <@Chronamut_> dude ALL gay people sound liek a crowd one should stay away from
  58. [17:58] <@Chronamut_> *like
  59. [17:59] <+Keefer> yeah but i didnt presume he was a top just rationalizing it. duh. i wouldnt loose my cool. i can handle a no.
  60. [17:59] <+Keefer> been there done that. with the same situation. hot bears that dont want bears.
  61. [17:59] <+Keefer> it happens. just move on. people are dumb.
  62. [17:59] <@Chronamut_> well in this region they all want bears
  63. [17:59] <@Chronamut_> but apparently EVERYWHERE ELSE they want skinny guys
  64. [17:59] <@Chronamut_> in this magical outside land I am nowhere near
  65. [18:00] <+Keefer> lol
  66. [18:00] <@Chronamut_> i'm gonna start plottign them on a map
  67. [18:00] <@Chronamut_> and I bet it will look like a giant ring around hamilton
  68. [18:01] <@Chronamut_> a faerie ring
  69. [18:01] <@Chronamut_> lol
  70. [18:01] <+Keefer> lol
  71. [18:01] <@Chronamut_> I always seem to attract the older skinny men too
  72. [18:01] <@Chronamut_> andd its like no thanks
  73. [18:01] <+Keefer> ew me too.
  74. [18:03] <+Keefer> old men love me tho because im an old soul. i can talk with older people and connect very easily. plus im naturally flirtatious with everyone and anyone so it always leads to creepy old man interactions.
  75. [18:04] <+Keefer> if your not gonna put me in your will & give me keys to a yacht its gonna be a no old.
  76. [18:04] <@Chronamut_> same here
  77. [18:04] <@Chronamut_> and lol
  78. [18:04] <@Chronamut_> I mean we are all gonna get there eventually I realize
  79. [18:05] <@Chronamut_> but skinny doesn't do it for me
  80. [18:05] <@Chronamut_> heck richard is pushing it age wise for me being 20 years older than me
  81. [18:05] <+Keefer> Lmfao. "sorry andy. hes putting me in his will. im getting a company & a yacht, ill call you when he croaks"
  82. [18:06] <@Chronamut_> hahaha
  83. [18:06] <@Chronamut_> ruchard is broke
  84. [18:06] <@Chronamut_> I am the sugar daddy in our relationship haha
  85. [18:06] <+Keefer> yes. thats why u need to get into someones will & get a yacht.
  86. [18:06] <@Chronamut_> he can have all my millions when I'm dead and my art is suddenly desirable
  87. [18:06] <@Chronamut_> or get enough to have my own yacht
  88. [18:06] <@Chronamut_> keefer will suddenly appear at my door haha
  89. [18:07] <+Keefer> lol!
  90. [18:07] <@Chronamut_> HI SHAWN! I LOVE YOUR YACHT! I mean I LOVE YOU!
  91. [18:08] <+Keefer> you have to be doing pretty well if your in network engineering. when i was doing that at BT i was making a pretty handsome living. not a yacht living but i wasn’t driving a hyndai.
  92. [18:08] <@Chronamut_> I'll see if I can't pull soem strings some other way
  93. [18:08] <@Chronamut_> I did take network engineering in college
  94. [18:08] <@Chronamut_> I could technically go into that
  95. [18:09] <@Chronamut_> but ugh.. everyone has autism in network engineering and is thus boring as fuck to talk to in person
  96. [18:09] <@Chronamut_> no offense freaksy
  97. [18:09] <+Keefer> lol
  98. [18:09] <@Chronamut_> I'd rather enjoy my life creatively
  99. [18:10] <+freaksy> wat
  100. [18:10] <+freaksy> im interesting as fuck
  101. [18:10] <+freaksy> right?
  102. [18:11] <+Keefer> of course.
  103. [18:11] <+freaksy> see
  104. [18:11] <+freaksy> i am interseting
  105. [18:11] <+Keefer> do you have a yacht tho?
  106. [18:11] <@Chronamut_> in person though freaksy?
  107. [18:11] <+freaksy> i have something better
  108. [18:11] <+freaksy> imagination
  109. [18:11] <+freaksy> dude im more than interesting in person
  110. [18:12] <@Chronamut_> well you're not the average autist
  111. [18:12] <@Chronamut_> ARE YOU.
  112. [18:12] <+freaksy> people ether say im quiet
  113. [18:12] <+freaksy> or that i look innocent but im actually disurbing
  114. [18:12] <@Chronamut_> well that doesn't sound interesting at all :P
  115. [18:12] <+Keefer> pfft. this convo is over. if i went after people for imagination i would be in some weird 3 way marriage with connie chung & maury povich.
  116. [18:12] <+freaksy> i am
  117. [18:12] <+freaksy> and im funny
  118. [18:12] <@Chronamut_> weren't you IN a 3 way relationship?
  119. [18:12] <@Chronamut_> how did that go for you lol
  120. [18:13] <+Keefer> it went well. none of us killed eachother.
  121. [18:13] <@Chronamut_> you'll never be as interesting as Keefer, his life could have a movie made off of it
  122. [18:13] <@Chronamut_> heck even a series
  123. [18:13] <+freaksy> b-but i will be
  124. [18:13] <+Keefer> no...thats just sad or horror. not intresting.
  125. [18:13] <@Chronamut_> you don't want a life as "interesting" as keefer's
  126. [18:13] <@Chronamut_> as he said
  127. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> it was a nightmare
  128. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> mine wasn't a walk in the park either
  129. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> but his takes the cake
  130. [18:14] <+freaksy> <:C
  131. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> richard's was on par with keefers
  132. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> poor guy
  133. [18:14] <+freaksy> <:C
  134. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> but it made us better people
  135. [18:14] <+Keefer> eh. i wouldn’t take any of it back. good times.
  136. [18:14] <@Chronamut_> ..eventually.
  137. [18:14] <+Keefer> during too.
  138. [18:15] <@Chronamut_> yeah
  139. [18:15] <@Chronamut_> it made us grow up fast that's for sure.
  140. [18:15] <@Chronamut_> I would take some of it back
  141. [18:15] <@Chronamut_> a lot of the hate I had inside of me
  142. [18:15] <+Keefer> Hell yeah! so pumped that i get to enjoy all the 30's good stuff now.
  143. [18:15] <@Chronamut_> lol
  144. [18:15] <@Chronamut_> this generation annoys me
  145. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> all the obsession of the past
  146. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> none of the substance of the past
  147. [18:16] <+freaksy> my generation?
  148. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> yes
  149. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> or even mine
  150. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> just people living NOW
  151. [18:16] <+freaksy> my generation is shit tbh
  152. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> EVERYONE looks and talks liek a douchebag now
  153. [18:16] <+freaksy> ^
  154. [18:16] <@Chronamut_> sicne when did douchebaggery take over the world
  155. [18:16] <+Keefer> eh. its all the same honestly. its just not were in the roll of hating the current generation. just a little tweaked because there are new fads and new ways of thinking.
  156. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> well one thing is ironically true
  157. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> hipsters today are exactly the same as they were in the 60s
  158. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> even dress the same
  159. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> they have just recycled what they WERE
  160. [18:17] <+freaksy> most people now are twats with "swag"
  161. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> all their attempts of "indivioduality" have just turned them into cultural clones
  162. [18:17] <+freaksy> who take too many selfies
  163. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> *individuality
  164. [18:17] <+Keefer> it always happens. thats why they have the saying. old styles are new styles. it all eventually comes back around a little.
  165. [18:17] <@Chronamut_> yup.
  166. [18:18] <@Chronamut_> also I hate the hipster swoop hair, glasses and facial stubble
  167. [18:18] <@Chronamut_> it makes me want to punch them
  168. [18:18] <@Chronamut_> because I can tell they are a douchebag before they even open their mouth
  169. [18:18] <@Chronamut_> and they never smile
  170. [18:18] <@Chronamut_> EVER.
  171. [18:18] <+freaksy> the gel hair?
  172. [18:18] <+freaksy> i hate that too
  173. [18:18] <+freaksy> everyone at my school has it
  174. [18:19] <+freaksy> it looks shit
  175. [18:19] <@Chronamut_>
  176. [18:19] <Xyzzy> Title: jpeg (480 x 360)
  177. [18:19] <@Chronamut_> that
  178. [18:19] <@Chronamut_>
  179. [18:19] <Xyzzy> Title: jpeg (236 x 236)
  180. [18:19] <@Chronamut_> also that ^
  181. [18:19] <+Keefer> lol
  182. [18:19] <+freaksy> NO MORE
  183. [18:19] <+Keefer> the wolf.
  184. [18:19] <+freaksy> god that is what im talking about
  185. [18:19] <@Chronamut_>
  186. [18:19] <+freaksy> it is so shit
  187. [18:19] <Xyzzy> Title: jpeg (306 x 423)
  188. [18:20] <@Chronamut_> that too
  189. [18:20] <+Keefer> you all copy europe tho. they have been rocking that on this side of the world since i first came over.
  190. [18:20] <+freaksy> and people make fun of MY hair
  191. [18:20] <+freaksy> they have hair like
  192. [18:20] <+freaksy> greasy hats
  193. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> actually they ripped off the 60s
  194. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> and the 30s
  195. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> its all just been recycled
  196. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> over and over
  197. [18:21] <+Keefer> it never stopped over here.
  198. [18:21] <+Keefer> lol
  199. [18:21] <+freaksy> hate it when chavs i know do it
  200. [18:21] <+freaksy> they think they look "smooth"
  201. [18:21] <+Keefer> hha chavs.
  202. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> oh god
  203. [18:21] <@Chronamut_>
  204. [18:21] <Xyzzy> Title: jpeg (600 x 800)
  205. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> bottom right
  206. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> is rampant in toronto
  207. [18:21] <+Keefer> lol!!!
  208. [18:21] <@Chronamut_> EVERYWHERE
  209. [18:22] <+freaksy> It's rampant in london
  210. [18:22] <+Keefer> Lmfao.
  211. [18:22] <@Chronamut_> I dunno why but that style ANGERS me
  212. [18:22] <+freaksy> if i see those pics one more time
  213. [18:22] <@Chronamut_> because its so carefully crafted to look douchey
  214. [18:22] <+freaksy> ^
  215. [18:22] <+Keefer> im glad im lazy. i would NEVER want to spend that much time on my hair.
  216. [18:22] <+freaksy> ya know when summer is over im gonna make fun of anyone with that hair
  217. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> I saw a book a couple years ago that detailed all the different types of douchebags
  218. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> I wanted to buy it
  219. [18:23] <+Keefer> lol
  220. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> they were in it
  221. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> along with the hipster hippies with pics of their own face on their shirts
  222. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> those long wifebeater shirts
  223. [18:23] <+freaksy> i hate the people in my area
  224. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> I hate people
  225. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> this never changes
  226. [18:23] <+freaksy> people=shit
  227. [18:23] <@Chronamut_> thus I try my hardest to force myself to interact with people
  228. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> so that they remind of me of the good in them
  229. [18:24] <+freaksy> i dont
  230. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> you'll turn into a hermit otherwise
  231. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> I did
  232. [18:24] <+freaksy> i just cut myself off
  233. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> it wasn't pretty
  234. [18:24] <+Keefer> u just gotta find your bliss and let it go love. its taking up way to much space in your head.
  235. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> I am glad you put off at the end of that
  236. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> richard isnt here yet
  237. [18:24] <@Chronamut_> I sadly can't until he is
  238. [18:25] <@Chronamut_> also I hate when people in happy local relationships say that
  239. [18:25] <@Chronamut_> sure its easy for them to say that - they have someone to go home to
  240. [18:25] <+Keefer> its not about being with someone at all.
  241. [18:25] <@Chronamut_> I have to endlessly suffer to learn some obscure lesson my soul wishes for me to learn apparently
  242. [18:26] <@Chronamut_> probably about being happy on my own - which I am trying to be but people are not letting that happen with their opinions and stupid shit
  243. [18:26] <+Keefer> its about not letting idiot people win by effecting you. why should you be a hermit?
  244. [18:26] <@Chronamut_> because I am tired of being battered by endless stupidity.. one can only weather it so long
  245. [18:27] <@Chronamut_> it's hard to not look at people like inferior children
  246. [18:27] <@Chronamut_> esp. when they act like they do
  247. [18:28] <@Chronamut_> also unfortunately financially I need those people to further my own ends of seeing my man
  248. [18:28] <@Chronamut_> so I have to force myself to interact with the world
  249. [18:29] <@Chronamut_> but really.. nothing would make me happier than to be on some remote island somewhere and just be happy exploring shit
  250. [18:29] <@Chronamut_> cut off from everything
  251. [18:29] <+Keefer> lol
  252. [18:30] <@Chronamut_> becoming spiritual just maxde it worse
  253. [18:30] <@Chronamut_> because now I realize they all have reasons for being stupid
  254. [18:30] <@Chronamut_> and I just have to let them be stupid on their own
  255. [18:30] <@Chronamut_> without letting it affect me somehow
  256. [18:30] <@Chronamut_> like stepping around mines
  257. [18:31] <@Chronamut_> the potato salad thing still pisses me right the fuck off
  258. [18:32] <@Chronamut_> I didn't quite understand the scope of peoples stupidity until that.
  259. [18:32] <+freaksy> potato salad?
  260. [18:32] <+Keefer> ?
  261. [18:32] <@Chronamut_> yes, someone asked for 5 dollars on kickstarter cuz he was making potato salad for the first time
  262. [18:32] <@Chronamut_> last I checked he had over 50,000 dollars pledged to him
  263. [18:33] <@Chronamut_>
  264. [18:33] <@Chronamut_> people just want to be mindlessly entertained
  265. [18:35] <@Chronamut_> bbl lunch
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