
medic log 1

Jan 31st, 2020
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  1. [00:24] Andrew Mercia asks, "Ms. Erika, how are you feeling
  2. [00:27] Erika cos Salis exclaims, "Mmm...? I'm feeling quite well - thank you for asking!"
  3. [00:27] Erika cos Salis asks, "How are you?"
  4. [00:27] Andrew Mercia says, "I'm doing well."
  5. [00:28] Andrew Mercia says, "I've been looking for you, but I know you get busy and all."
  6. [00:28] Erika cos Salis exclaims, "Oh!"
  7. [00:28] Erika cos Salis asks, "What did you need?"
  8. [00:29] Andrew Mercia says, "Some advice on a few things thought mostly medical."
  9. [00:30] Andrew Mercia says, "I've learned close mouths don't get fed and I'm trying to push for things I want for myself."
  10. [00:31] Erika nodded slowly, tenting her fingers in front of her.
  12. "Well... Go on. Ask away!"
  13. (Erika cos Salis)
  14. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  15. [00:34] Andrew wasn't really ready for that response and it caused to chuckle a little bit.
  17. "I'm sorry Ms. Erika, but I don't know anything about medical procedures expect what I've read in the books. I will admit the library has wonderful books I wanted something a little more hands on.
  19. I'd like that or at least some of your personal experiences and I should attempt certain task while assisting an injured person.."
  20. (Andrew Mercia)
  21. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  22. [00:41] She exhaled heavily, glancing around the park swiftly before she withdrew a dagger and a suture kit.
  24. "Right. You want lessons?" She paused when Eustace came up.
  26. That timing. Honestly. It was so terrible.
  28. "I ah -...…" She trailed off suddenly, awkwardly.
  29. (Erika cos Salis)
  30. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  31. [00:44] Andrew waited to see what she was about to say and the moment she offered him a lesson she kind of retracted a little. Andrew would attempt to put a few things together soon looking up at Erika.
  33. "Is now a bad time for you? I'm guess you have something else to do?"
  34. (Andrew Mercia)
  35. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  36. [00:49] She chewed on her tongue slightly as Eustace simply smiled that calm and reassuring smile as she stared at her medical student. Her left eye twitched and she chuckled nervously.
  38. "No no - I'm not busy!" She exclaimed. Twisting the knife around in her grip, a subtle glance was paid to the man next to her before she handed Andrew the suture kit. "Do be prepared to be quick on your feet in the heat of helping others, mmm....? Blood loss can happen quickly, and even the mightiest of Knights can be felled by it." She exclaimed quietly before sighing.
  40. Placing the tip of the knife against her outstretched arm with the sleeve rolled up she bit into her skin slightly, this time taking care not to go too deeply. But it was at the very least good practice.
  42. "So - I'm bleeding. Help me!" She said with a smile, averting her eyes from the thing she had just did.
  43. (Erika cos Salis)
  44. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  45. [00:54] Cold.
  47. Just as such a knife was brought upwards his sands had seemed to twist and bend without warning. Though his faded eyes were as lifeless as ever, now they seemed even more so as the smallest amount of blood was drawn.
  49. "... Well?" Would be his statement to the man before them. "You caused this because you wanted to learn, you made her injure herself." He spoke as stern as could be, those sands coiling and bending around as if they had a mind of their own.
  51. "So help her, fix her."
  53. His cold gaze littered with hatred now burned into such a young and still inexperienced medic.
  55. "The longer you hesitate..."
  57. Allowing his voice to linger in the air now, he needed not say a word more.
  59. Watching and waiting.
  60. (Eustace lux Salis)
  61. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  63. [00:57] Erika cos Salis says, "E-Eustace I'm quite fine. Honestly."
  64. [00:59] Eustace lux Salis says, "Mm..."
  65. [01:05] Andrew had read about this in a book, but to have it happening in front of him was something totally different. While he held the kit his body was in a state of panic, giving off that feeling of self-doubt.
  67. Andrew's mind:
  69. Wasn't prepared for the action, and it slight delayed his reaction time while attempt to dig through his mind. Something had to be there that would reassume him that everything would be okay or a guild to help him.
  71. The memory was fuzzy at the moment and the steps were unclear to the boy.
  73. The voice of Eustace only strengthened that self-doubt he had, and it cause his body to enter a parlayed state.
  75. Andrew's body:
  77. Was still and it felt like everything was happening in slow motion for the boy. The blood dripping slowly and his sweat matching that same speed.
  79. His stomach twisting at the sight of blood, but trying to contain itself at the moment.
  81. Heat
  83. That was the feeling going though his body at the moment and the same feeling that broke him from the cold icy grasp of self-doubt.
  85. It was his only mana, his burning passion that drove him to pursue this and he needed to see it thought the end.
  87. The memories in his mind become clear and he attempt to work on the wound.
  89. In Reality:
  91. Andrew took a cloth from the sewing kit and cleaning the wound while he lit his index finger on fire, lightly dragging it around the wound.
  93. "This will slowly the b-bleeding I hope"
  95. Andrew could clearly see where the wound began and ended while he got his plan together he burned the tip of the needle. "I need you to bite down on gave a needle to a novice..." Andrew handed her a cloth to bite down on.
  97. With his hand slowly inching toward the start of the wound he inserted the needle and it punctured her since with the thread following. At a steady paced going across the entire wound going inside one part of her skin, and outside the other.
  99. While he wasn't the best he managed to create a stich pattern one that should be expected of a novice and while the bleeding stopped, was it enough?
  101. He'd clean around the would and finally let out a deep breath unsure at how he preformed. "...That's over I hope.."
  102. (Andrew Mercia)
  103. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  104. 01:15] Erika shook her head when he tried to hand her a cloth to bite down on. She didn't need that to steel her nerves of getting poked with a needle. She was a Knight, and goodness knew she hadn't already gone through this same process twice before.
  106. But with Eustace standing, and watching - with his sands ready to snap and coil towards the very reason she had hurt herself... Well, it made her just the tiniest bit nervous, all things considered! Her breathing was slow and easy as he slowly worked to close the wound she had created and her eyes fluttered shut, thankful at the very least that the blood was gone.
  108. "You still need to finish it," She instructed patiently, carefully. "You need to disinfect the wound, which is in the kit, as well as properly bandage it. You don't want germs getting into it, do you? That's how people lose limbs you know!"
  109. (Erika cos Salis)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  111. 01:16] He continues to stare.
  113. Watching as the needle poke and prod at the flesh of Erika, stitching away what should have been a minor wound.
  115. "... If she loses a limb you lose yours." Glancing away at the continued treatment of her injuries.
  117. How awful they were.
  118. (Eustace lux Salis)
  119. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  120. [01:21] Andrew squints over at the man still commenting on his attempt to fix the wound.
  122. "Maybe if you stop hounding me I could focus a little better..."
  124. Andrew begin searching for the disinfectant and after a little while of searching eh found them. He'd spray some on a clean clothed and begin wo wipe it around her wound slowly making sure to hit each angle.
  126. After insuring the wound was clean he'd pullout a fresh gauze and begin wrapping it around the wound. After wrapping it around about five times he'd give it a nice seal to ensure it wouldn't fall off.
  128. "Am I forgetting anything?"
  129. (Andrew Mercia)
  130. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  131. [01:21] Erika cos Salis says, "Perection."
  132. [01:23] "... Or at least, close," She uttered, withdrawing her arm now. She itched at it lazily - or was she more or less rubbing at it, as if Andrew's touch was dirty in and of itself? The jacket sleeve was finally rolled down, the minor wound hidden away as she smiled.
  134. "No, you did well. Do keep in mind that when people race up to you, asking for medical attention - sometimes it's best to act quickly. Also make sure you always have supplies on you... You can never tell what will happen," She said sagely with a nod. As for Eustace...? She glanced at him and sighed.
  136. "You didn't need to threaten him, you know. I'm perfectly fine."
  137. (Erika cos Salis)
  138. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  139. 01:30] Andrew nods he wasn't expecting this situation to happen so quickly, but he managed to do a decent job. "..I see then this was the perfect situation to practice in." he'd sigh a little while wiping a bit of sweat from his head.
  141. "I'll keep that in mind while I'm on my journey to become a medic. I wasn't expecting this fast pace lesson, but thank you for it nevertheless."
  143. Andrew took another deep breath and marked this down as a win in his book.
  144. (Andrew Mercia)
  145. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  147. [01:32] Erika nodded towards Andrew with a pleasant smile regardless of the things Eustace was saying at the moment.
  149. "Of course. Learning to act quickly and assess a situation just as fast is important. You need to take charge when there's a medical emergency... Because clearly if the people are coming to you, they don't know what to do," She said, offering another little tidbit of a lesson before turning to Eustace.
  151. "I'm not going to make people serving their time get hurt needlessly, Eustace," She said coolly. A light pat was offered at his arm before that smile beamed up at him regardless. "But see? I'm all better. You don't even notice. If he couldn't handle it, I'm sure Elijah could have taken care of it, or even myself."
  152. (Erika cos Salis)
  153. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  155. [01:38] Andrew took a mental note before taking a few steps away "Thank you for that hands on lesson and I hope that cut heals good. I'll be sure to remember everything you've told, but I need to go write this what happened down."
  157. Andrew offered the woman a smile and hurried off to search for one of his friends or find something else to do. He wasn't sure what would happen thought he should leave them both be fore now.
  159. "Thank you again Ms. Erika. I hope you enjoy the rest of your night"
  160. (Andrew Mercia)
  161. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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