

Mar 26th, 2017
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  1. - Music
  2. - Slow random new song (Thread)
  3. - Change /musicadmin to normal /music but use permission to access
  4. - /musicadmin list -> /music list PERM: music.list | music.admin
  5. - /musicadmin play -> /music play PERM: | music.admin
  6. - /musicadmin random -> /music random PERM: music.random | music.admin
  7. + /musicadmin forcemute -> /music forcemute PERM: music.admin -> FORCE [PLAYER] to MUTE
  8. + /musicadmin forceunmute -> /music forcemute PERM: music.admin -> FORCE [PLAYER] to UNMUTE
  9. + /musicadmin forcemute -> /music forceallmute PERM: music.admin -> FORCE all to MUTE
  10. + /musicadmin forceunmute -> /music forceallmute PERM: music.admin -> FORCE all to MUTE
  11. - Delay on using command difference on difference rank
  12. - MEMBER -> Can't
  13. - VIP -> 20 Min (random)
  14. - MVP -> 10 Min (random,play)
  15. - เก็บประวัติ > LogBlock
  16. - Rank > PermissionEX แต่ Chat , Tab ให้ใช้ในโค้ดฝังไว้ใน Main
  17. - Countdown
  18. - /countdown [time (in second)] [message]
  19. - <Time> > System will automatic calculate to X Hour(s) Y Minute(s) Z Second(s)
  20. - <Message> > Will show every 6 seconds
  21. - /countdown stop
  22. - Protect Chest , Furnace System > Lockette [OR CREATE!? - Idea > DewDD_Protect]
  23. - World Editing > WorldEdit [OR CREATE!? - Idea > DewDD_DewsetSystem]
  24. - Title Bar Editing , Action Bar Broadcasting > TitleManager
  25. - Main
  26. - Home System
  27. - Save X,Y,Z,World,Pitch,Yawn,Name by /sethome <name>
  28. - Removable by /removehome <name>
  29. - Go back to sethome by /home <name>
  30. - List by /listhome <name>
  31. - Show info by /infohome <name>
  32. - Money System > use own Economy System.
  33. - Teleport System
  34. - /tpa [player] > Sent Teleport Request to [Player] (Have Delay on using once)
  35. - MEMBER -> Can't use
  36. - VIP -> 30 Min
  37. - MVP -> 10 Min
  38. - /tpaccept [player] > Accept Teleport Request
  39. - /tpdeny [player] > Deny Teleport Request
  40. - Lucky Click
  41. - Random Good , Bad
  42. - Reduce Bad luck on difference rank [Good:Bad] #MaybeCancel
  43. - MEMBER> 50:50
  44. - VIP > 60:40
  45. - MVP > 70:30
  46. - Player Stats check (/stats) #MaybeGUI
  47. - Show Warn Level
  48. - Show Money
  49. - Show Rank
  50. - Show Website
  51. - Kill Monster , Animal have chance to get FREE +Hunger
  52. - MEMBER> +0.5 Full Hunger
  53. - VIP> +1 Full Hunger
  54. - MVP> +2 Full Hunger
  55. - Customable Join/Left Message [VIP, MVP, STAFF, ADMIN(play sur.), DEVELOPER] > /setjoin [message] , /setleave [message]
  56. - Auto Cancel Whitelist -
  57. - Admin Special Command
  58. - /reload -> Default Spigot Command [DEVELOPER]
  59. - /stop -> Default Spigot Command [DEVELOPER]
  60. - /restart -> Default Spigot Command [DEVELOPER]
  61. - /tp -> Default Spigot Command [STAFF, ADMIN(play sur.), DEVELOPER]
  62. - /plugman -> Reloading Selected Plugin [DEVELOPER]
  63. - /kick -> Default Spigot Command [STAFF, ADMIN(play sur.), DEVELOPER]
  64. - /ban , /unban -> Default Spigot Command [ADMIN(play sur.), DEVELOPER]
  65. - /mute -> Cancel ChatEvent ต้องเขียนเอง [ADMIN(play sur.), DEVELOPER]
  66. - /watchcmd -> Show command that all player using -> Auto-Showing Player ใช้ปุ๊บ ขึ้นปั๊บ [ADMIN(play sur.), DEVELOPER]
  67. - /setwarn [1,2,3,x] -> Set Warn Level
  68. - /removewarn [1,2,3,x] -> Calculate With Warn Level left (If lower than 0 -> set to 0]
  69. - /inv -> Give Invisible Effect, Remove name from tab, If toggle to on No "Join , Left" message
  70. Hologram > HolographicDisplay
  71. - IDEA!
  72. - /hologram create [message]
  73. - /hologram remove > Remove nearest hologram [Range is 5]
  74. Command on Sign > ServerSign -> ใช้ [cmd] ของ smdwarpplate
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