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- from printDoc import printDoc
- class printList:
- class Node:
- # Constructor
- def __init__(self, doc):
- #
- self.document = doc
- # head of the list
- = None
- def __init__(self):
- # the maximum number of documents that can be in the queue
- self.MAX_SIZE = 5
- # the current size of the queue
- self.queue_size = 0
- # the first document in the queue
- self.head = None
- # the last document in the queue
- self.tail = None
- # Insert a print request in the queue
- def queueInsert(self, doc):
- # create a node that can be added to the queue using the passed doc
- new_node = printList.Node(doc)
- # if the queue is empty, start a queue
- if self.head is None:
- self.head = new_node
- elif self.tail is None:
- self.tail = new_node
- # else, the queue is full and the tail request should be replaced
- elif self.queue_size >= self.MAX_SIZE:
- print("!!!!!!Attention: Overwrite!!!!!!")
- = new_node
- # increment request count to easily find tail of queue
- self.queue_size = self.queue_size + 1
- print(f"Inserted a request in the queue from {new_node.document.getSender()}\n"
- f"Number of requests in the queue {self.queue_size}")
- # return the new_node incase it is needed
- return new_node
- # Method to print the head of the list
- def queuePrint(self, printerID):
- # Only print if there is a node in the list
- if self.head is not None:
- currNode = self.head
- print(":::::")
- print(f"Printer {printerID} Printing the request from Machine ID: {currNode.document.getSender()} {currNode.document.getStr()}")
- print(":::::")
- # Once printed, remove the node from the queue
- self.head =
- self.queue_size -= 1
- # Print the contents of the entire list ---for debugging ---
- # Doesn't remove any nodes from the list
- def queuePrintAll(self):
- currNode = self.head
- print("LinkedList:", end=" ")
- # Traverse through the LinkedList
- while currNode is not None:
- # Print the data at current node
- print(currNode.document.getStr(), end=" ")
- # Go to next node
- currNode =
- print()
- # allows devs to test this the output of this queue when this script is directly executed
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- # create a print queue to track the documents being printed
- queue = printList()
- # make 6 documents with unique string content and ids for testing purposes
- for i in range(1, 7):
- # create a new printable document
- doc = printDoc(f"Test Machine {i}", i)
- # attempt to add this document into the queue
- queue.queueInsert(doc)
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