
Kanto Episode 1

Oct 19th, 2017
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  1. Kanto Episode 1
  3. Welcome to the world of Pokemon! In this world, we live with mysterious creatures called Pokemon! We live with them, play with them, have sex with them, and battle one another with them. My name is Mikoto, a Professor of Pokemon in the Kanto Region. We have over 700 known Pokemon in this world! Now...Tell me about yourself.
  5. Are you a boy or a girl?....A boy? Good! Now...What's your name?
  7. ...Jalen? Th-That's a name for a black male...Oh my, something tell me you gonna get a lot of fans on your trip..~(edited)
  8. Now..My nephew....He's been your rival since birth....And...I forgot his name...Tacummies? No, sweetie, that's not his name. Takumi...Takumi! That's the name!
  10. Yes, Now then...You should come over to my lab now and get your Pokemon! I'll see you there!!
  12. [Scene change]
  14. Jalen wakes up and head to his bathroom to wash up. Today's the day where he receive his Pokemon and head on his trip to become the champ. He lives by himself since his parents live in Alola and he moved over here. He is civil with most of the residents in Pallet Town except quite a few handful. One of which is Takumi Yoake. The nephew of the professor here, who is quite the egotisical bastard. Nevertheless, Jalen will not care for him to mess his day up as he leaves his home and head over to the lab. Inside, he see many aides along with Professor Mikoto and Takumi waiting for him. After peeking through the windows, he walk through the door and head towards them.
  16. [You're late, Jalen!] Takumi call out to him with a scowl and crossed arms and turn to his aunt who have a tired smile on. [Aunt, I'm fed up with waiting now!]
  18. "Oh, need to learn patience..." Mikoto sighs as she turn to the table behind her where 7 rows of Pokeballs lay there. Each with the 7 regions above them, Showing what regional starters they are. "Now, I'm sure you boys know what these are, right?"
  20. [Of course! Those are the Pokemon we can pick for our journey!] Takumi flashes a glare at Jalen [And since I was the 1st one here...]He turn towards his aunt. [I should have 1st pick, right?]
  22. "Correct, Sorry Jalen, but he does have a point here." Jalen shrugs, not really caring much for who get their Pokemon 1st, especially since Takumi been telling others who he gonna pick 1st with Jalen glad that it wasn't whatever he wanted. Otherwise, he would had been 1st here before everyone. [Now...] Takumi walk towards the table with a smirk, heading towards the Alola section and grabbing the ball that contains the Grass Starter. "Rowlet, huh? Is that the one you want, sweetie?" Mikoto ask him with a wondering look [Yeah!] He smiles back and place it on his hip.
  24. She turns towards Jalen and was about to ask what mon he wanted when she notice him already at the Kalos section. He picks up the water starter, Froakie and place it to his hip.
  26. "I see you chosen your Pokemon, huh?"
  28. He nods as he and Takumi get their Pokedex, a device that allows them to record data on any Pokemon they see. Mikoto wish them well off on their trip. However, before Jalen can step out of the lab...
  30. [Hold it, Jalen! Let's battle! I'll beat you with my Rowlet!]
  32. Takumi runs ahead and block him from the exit...Jalen sighs and roll his eyes as Takumi smirks at him and grab his ball.
  34. [You should had chosen a Fire mon, MAYBE then you would have a chance in beating me!]
  36. Takumi release his Rowlet who floats down before him gearing up for battle, while Jalen throw out his Froakie who had it eyes closed until it notice it is in battle and turn towards his new trainer with a look to see who it is that called him out. Upon looking at Jalen, he nods and open his eyes to face Rowlet.
  38. [Go and use Tackle!]
  40. Rowlet flies towards Froakie for a Tackle, who dodge it with Jalen's command and counter back with a Pound on Rowlet's back. Rowlet falls to the ground and turn back towards Froakie with a tick mark of anger.
  42. [Cheating bastard!]
  44. Jalen facepalms and order Froakie to continue doing what he is doing, thankful that none of their mons have any STABS on them lest he would lose here. Already, he's planning on getting at least a Flying mon for Grass Pokemon so Froakie won't worry about them. Meanwhile, Froakie is just jumping circles around the Rowlet and after a few Pounds. KO the Owl Pokemon much to Takumi's anger as he returns it.
  46. [Awww man, I chose the wrong Pokemon!!]
  48. Mikoto watched the whole match and was impressed with how well Jalen handled the battle...
  50. Takumi hmphs and walk towards the door, scowl on his face as he push it open and walk out while calling out to his Aunt.
  52. [Whatever! I'm going to become the champ anyway! I'll go get a town map from my sister! See ya Aunt!]
  54. As Takumi leaves out, Jalen gets an idea to get a map from Hinoka, Takumi's older sister. He bids farewell to Mikoto and leaves the lab, up north is the Yoake's home where he sees Takumi leaving out of the house with map in his backpack. He make sure Takumi is far away before approaching the house. He knocks on the door and wait until a tall girl in her mid 20's with short redhair answers the door wearing workout clothing and chugging a water bottle.
  56. "Jalen? What are you doing here? If you're looking for my brother, he just left."
  58. Naturally, Hinoka is well aware of him and Takumi not getting along for the most part. With that said, Hinoka was a neutral party on that. Jalen look inside and point towards the 2nd Town Map on the table as he walk past her(She allows him to come in.)
  60. "Oh, that? You want the town map?"
  62. Hinoka rubs her chin in heavy thought.....
  64. "Well....You see, I'm in a pickle brother told me to NOT give you one."
  66. Jalen winces, not seeing that coming from Takumi, how foolish of him, he thinks to himself....evidently the pettiness of Takumi knows no bounds.
  68. "Buuuuut. I'm willing to give it to you anyway!"
  70. Jalen smiles and nods, he thanks Hinoka and was about to grab the map when she grab his wrist and pull him to a hug. Jalen don't understand what's going on here until Hinoka leans in to his ear.
  72. "But here's the catch...I haven't had a good lay in MONTHS....And I know you being black means that you get plenty of ass here in Pallet Town....I hear what you do for the older women here....~"
  74. Jalen roll his eyes as Hinoka escorts him to her bedroom, already knowing what she wants now. Yes, it's true. Since coming here, Jalen have been paying bills for his home via sleeping with the single ladies here. The sex is great and the pay is better. What there to complain?
  77. Not only that, but he's fucking Takumi's older sister!!! He wonders if he could spin this to make Takumi a cuck here...but that don't matter as Hinoka opens the door to her room and lay on the bed after stripping herself down to nothing...she spread her legs and rub her pussy that's already soaked in prep for his dick.
  79. "Come and give me some good dicking~"
  81. And so, for a good 30 mins, Jalen gave Hinoka the best fucking she ever had in her life. Jalen's confident that after this was over, he impregnated Hinoka with his child. An idea come to his head...Why not fuck every female trainer he can while on this trip? It would pay well and be fun.
  83. He rubs a sleeping Hinoka's ass and kiss her on the cheek before he dress back up and head downstairs...he grab the Map off the table and leave a note thanking her for the map and the sex. And thus...he head on out to Route 1 and begins his journey.
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