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Aug 18th, 2019
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  1. void TheSaiyanProject_Start()
  2. {
  3. TheSaiyanProject_CreateMenu();
  5. DWORD ActiveTitle;
  6. while (true)
  7. {
  8. if (bPlayingGTAV = ((ActiveTitle = XamGetCurrentTitleId()) == ID_GTAV))
  9. {
  10. if (!bInitialized)
  11. {
  12. // Patch GTA V (instruction/data patches)
  13. *(DWORD*)0x827D2164 = 0x60000000; // Breakpoint
  14. *(DWORD*)0x82D5C960 = 0x60000000; // Vehicle Creation Bypass
  15. ZeroMemory((PVOID)0x8204DF70, 11); // MAC Bypass
  17. // Patch GTA V (asm patches)
  18. memcpy((PVOID)0x82C8B3D8, &TheSaiyanProject_DevMode, 0x60); // Dev Mode
  20. #ifdef STAFF
  21. // Patch GTA V (staff patches)
  22. *(DWORD*)0x82CF7704 = 0x480000F8; // Money Drop Bypass
  23. *(DWORD*)0x83288A30 = 0x48000104; // Update.rpf Bypass
  24. memcpy((PVOID)0x82FDB57C, &TheSaiyanProject_ScriptRPFBypass, 0x18); // Script.rpf Bypass
  25. #endif
  27. // Patch GTA V (hooks)
  28. HookFunctionStart((PDWORD)0x83524A28, (PDWORD)PushNative_Stub, (DWORD)PushNative); // Native Hook
  29. HookFunctionStart((PDWORD)0x83525E00, (PDWORD)ParseScript_Stub, (DWORD)ParseScript); // Script Hook
  30. PatchInJump((PDWORD)0x83525A10, (DWORD)Timer, false); // TIMERA Hook
  31. XNotify(L"Hi");
  32. // Create handler
  33. HANDLE hThread;
  34. DWORD dwThread;
  35. ExCreateThread(&hThread, 0, &dwThread, (PVOID)XapiThreadStartup, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)TheSaiyanProject_InputHandler, 0, 2);
  36. XSetThreadProcessor(hThread, 4);
  37. ResumeThread(hThread);
  38. CloseHandle(hThread);
  40. // Let ourselves know that we've initialized
  41. bInitialized = true;
  43. // Display
  44. XMessageBox(L"The Saiyan Project", L"Welcome to The Saiyan Project\nVersion: 0.8\n\nGo to for the latest and greatest in Xbox 360 hacks! Want to buy some GTA V source code? I'm selling this source along with my GTA V menu base on ExT!\n\nCredits:\n- XeClutch: Script Hook, Dev Mode, Ban Bypass, and most scripts\n- proditaki: Vehicle Spawning", XMB_NOICON, true);
  46. // Spoof XUID
  47. LPCWSTR pwszButtons[] = { L"Yes", L"No" };
  48. MESSAGEBOX_RESULT Result = XMessageBox(L"The Saiyan Project", L"Would you like to spoof your XUID?", 2, pwszButtons, XMB_ALERTICON);
  49. if (Result.dwButtonPressed == 1)
  50. {
  51. XUID xuid;
  52. XUserGetXUID(0, &xuid);
  54. char* szGamertag = XKeyboard(VKBD_LATIN_GAMERTAG, L"", L"The Saiyan Project", L"Enter the gamertag of the user you want to spoof your XUID to.");
  55. FIND_USER_INFO findUserInfo;
  56. findUserInfo.qwUserId = 0;
  57. strcpy((char*)findUserInfo.szGamerTag, szGamertag);
  58. FIND_USERS_RESPONSE findUsersResponse;
  60. XOnlineStartup();
  61. if (!XUserFindUsers(xuid, 1, &findUserInfo, XUserFindUsersResponseSize(1), &findUsersResponse, 0))
  62. {
  63. strcpy(XUIDSpoof_Gamertag, findUsersResponse.pUsers->szGamerTag);
  64. XUIDSpoof_Spoofing = true;
  65. XUIDSpoof_XUID = findUsersResponse.pUsers->qwUserId;
  66. PatchModuleImport("default.xex", "xam.xex", 526, (DWORD)XamUserGetNameHook);
  67. PatchModuleImport("default.xex", "xam.xex", 522, (DWORD)XamUserGetXUIDHook);
  68. PatchModuleImport("default.xex", "xam.xex", 551, (DWORD)XamUserGetSigninInfoHook);
  70. char* szNotify = va("Gamertag: %s\nXUID: %16X", szGamertag, xuid);
  71. PWCHAR wszNotify;
  72. mbstowcs(wszNotify, szNotify, strlen(szNotify));
  73. XNotify(wszNotify);
  74. }
  75. else
  76. {
  77. char* szNotify = va("Unable to calculate %s's XUID", szGamertag);
  78. PWCHAR wszNotify;
  79. mbstowcs(wszNotify, szNotify, strlen(szNotify));
  80. XNotify(wszNotify);
  81. }
  82. }
  83. }
  84. }
  85. else if (ActiveTitle == ID_Destiny)
  86. {
  87. if (bInitialized)
  88. TheSaiyanProject_Reset();
  90. // CurrentMods Destiny Bypass (ripped from .xex because Domo is a skid)
  91. *(DWORD*)0xD95A05AF = 1;
  92. *(DWORD*)0xD95A1488 = 1;
  93. *(DWORD*)0xD95B1988 = 1;
  94. *(DWORD*)0xD95A05AC = 1;
  95. *(DWORD*)0xD95A1487 = 1;
  96. Sleep(50);
  97. }
  98. else
  99. {
  100. if (bInitialized)
  101. {
  102. TheSaiyanProject_Reset();
  103. }
  104. }
  105. }
  106. }
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