

May 9th, 2010
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  1. [15:18:23] * JayneCobb ( has joined #wrongplanet
  2. [15:18:25] <As33> Then I fit in WebRat!
  3. [15:19:01] <WebRat> finally you figure it out
  4. [15:19:16] * Anon587 ( has joined #wrongplanet
  5. [15:19:23] <WebRat> ive only been here a week
  6. [15:19:53] * Anon587 ( has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  7. [15:19:57] <As33> :p
  8. [15:20:14] <As33> i've been here since september!
  9. [15:20:17] <As33> no
  10. [15:20:19] <As33> october.
  11. [15:20:31] <WebRat> kinda love it but hate it at the same time
  12. [15:20:45] <WebRat> impossible to explain
  13. [15:21:00] <WebRat> brb i need another beer
  14. [15:21:03] <As33> lOVE WHAT?
  15. [15:21:07] <JayneCobb> hello all
  16. [15:21:08] <As33> Noo don't.
  17. [15:21:10] * ENKI-][ ( has joined #wrongplanet
  18. [15:21:15] <As33> I like you sober.
  19. [15:21:16] <Siv> get out! get out while you still can!
  20. [15:21:22] <WebRat> being here in the room
  21. [15:21:25] <WebRat> brb
  22. [15:21:42] <As33> You better.
  23. [15:21:51] <As33> We've got some typing to do.
  24. [15:21:53] * A-06 is now known as luckybunny
  25. [15:22:23] <As33> Spinning around and round andround is fun.
  26. [15:22:38] <JayneCobb> but also vomit inducing
  27. [15:22:44] <luckybunny> btw. For any inspecteur clouseaus out there, JayneCobb is NOT me
  28. [15:23:01] <As33> Not for me!!
  29. [15:23:06] <JayneCobb> damn right i ain't
  30. [15:23:20] <As33> Luckybunny
  31. [15:23:25] <luckybunny> yup?
  32. [15:23:26] * phred_2600 (n=phred@ has quit IRC (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))
  33. [15:23:46] <As33> Nothing I just wanted to type your nick and press enter
  34. [15:23:54] <luckybunny> ok.....
  35. [15:24:12] <WebRat> back
  36. [15:24:23] <As33> Thats was berry quick.
  37. [15:24:33] <As33> Why do you sometimes hate it here?
  38. [15:24:56] <Siv> oh poor innocent
  39. [15:25:00] <Siv> little do you know
  40. [15:25:14] <WebRat> i just hate it when people act like dicks As33
  41. [15:25:17] <JayneCobb> that plans are afoot
  42. [15:25:20] <luckybunny> Apologies, JayneCobb, for the highlight. Comes from using my acct
  43. [15:25:30] <WebRat> its all good the rest of the time
  44. [15:25:44] * phred_2600 (n=phred@ has joined #wrongplanet
  45. [15:25:52] <JayneCobb> fair enough mate
  46. [15:25:54] <Siv> your insane is showing luckybunny
  47. [15:25:58] <As33> What do you mean by "Act like dicks" and don't say "fuck around".
  48. [15:26:02] <luckybunny> tyvm
  49. [15:26:22] <luckybunny> He's on laptop, I'm mobile
  50. [15:26:25] <As33> WebRat
  51. [15:26:36] <JayneCobb> people who say they are something they are now would be my guess
  52. [15:26:47] <cheesy> well i think i will be back later
  53. [15:26:56] <WebRat> i mean putting others down insulting people for no reason crap like that As33
  54. [15:27:20] <luckybunny> JayneCobb = my flatmate
  55. [15:27:34] <JayneCobb> indeed i am
  56. [15:27:56] <As33> Oh,I've not witnessed that.But I'm not good at noticing those kinds of things.
  57. [15:27:57] <WebRat> dont worry i like you As33
  58. [15:28:11] <Anon667> flatmates?
  59. [15:28:14] <luckybunny> another Firefly fan
  60. [15:28:20] <Siv> and I was born yesterday
  61. [15:28:29] <JayneCobb> yes anon 667 flatmates
  62. [15:28:36] <WebRat> your a bit strange but i can relate and your a good conversationalist
  63. [15:28:42] * Nahzryn (n=Nahzryn@ has joined #wrongplanet
  64. [15:28:46] <As33> really?
  65. [15:28:46] <luckybunny> Flatmates exist
  66. [15:29:05] <As33> The last thing I'd say i was good at would be having a conversation.
  67. [15:29:18] <WebRat> well i enjoy talking with you As33
  68. [15:29:19] <luckybunny> despite that being sometimes a scary prospect
  69. [15:29:28] * Nahzryn (n=Nahzryn@ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  70. [15:29:31] <As33> I like you too,don't know why yet.
  71. [15:29:32] <luckybunny> :p
  72. [15:29:38] * phred_2600 (n=phred@ has left #wrongplanet
  73. [15:29:39] <JayneCobb> love u too my fine friend
  74. [15:29:46] <QuirkyCarla> Yay. All written work due today is complete.
  75. [15:30:08] <luckybunny> QC: meet my flatmate JayneCobb
  76. [15:30:14] * lion42 (n=someone@ has quit IRC (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))
  77. [15:30:21] <QuirkyCarla> hi JayneCobb
  78. [15:30:22] <JayneCobb> hello QC
  79. [15:30:29] <luckybunny> James Carla, Carla James
  80. [15:30:34] <WebRat> strange aint it As33
  81. [15:30:36] <As33> Is Jayncobb an Aspie?
  82. [15:31:03] <WebRat> not a clue As33
  83. [15:31:07] <As33> Strangness is nice.
  84. [15:31:17] <luckybunny> not dxed as such, but admittedly unlikely
  85. [15:31:23] <As33> Gtg dad.
  86. [15:31:28] <JayneCobb> generally speaking i am slightly strange
  87. [15:31:28] <WebRat> are you an aspie JayneCobb
  88. [15:31:49] <JayneCobb> no just strange in agood way
  89. [15:32:02] <luckybunny> Rugby = good?
  90. [15:32:24] <JayneCobb> and what lucky
  91. [15:32:30] * As33 ( has quit IRC ("WrongPlanet forever!")
  92. [15:32:48] <WebRat> sounds and feels familiar JayneCobb
  93. [15:33:29] <luckybunny> Webrat are u aussie?
  94. [15:33:45] <WebRat> yes i am luckybunny
  95. [15:33:52] <luckybunny> I forgot for the RL intro
  96. [15:33:59] <JayneCobb> well i like to think i am out of life's good people webrat
  97. [15:34:40] <WebRat> i just use it JayneCobb
  98. [15:34:44] <JayneCobb> i sit on the border of that promissed land
  99. [15:34:55] * mgv1 ( has joined #wrongplanet
  100. [15:35:21] <luckybunny> mgv1: i keep thinking your Virginia
  101. [15:35:33] <luckybunny> you're, even
  102. [15:35:45] <WebRat> i might be on a disability pension but if someone asks me to spec an engine build it doesnt take me long
  103. [15:36:13] <luckybunny> you 2 should get along then
  104. [15:36:16] * Anon564 (n=Anon564@ has joined #wrongplanet
  105. [15:36:38] <luckybunny> JayneCobb was my weapons adviser in -alt before
  106. [15:36:55] * Anon564 is now known as Eilidh
  107. [15:36:57] <JayneCobb> i dare say luckybunny is right on this occasion
  108. [15:36:57] * boscop ( has joined #wrongplanet
  109. [15:37:00] <luckybunny> loves engines and weaponry
  110. [15:37:09] <Eilidh> Hi LuckyBunny
  111. [15:37:23] <luckybunny> Hi eilidh
  112. [15:37:37] <JayneCobb> i am a ex royal navy gunner and all round petrolhead webrat
  113. [15:37:41] <Eilidh> Now what about weaponry?
  114. [15:37:47] <luckybunny> aylee, you say.... isfthat Irish?
  115. [15:38:05] <luckybunny> -f Damn mobile keyboard
  116. [15:38:05] <Eilidh> Luckybunny, it's scottish,
  117. [15:38:22] <Eilidh> lol
  118. [15:38:30] <luckybunny> ok. I'm half Scottish
  119. [15:38:32] <WebRat> you sound like fun JayneCobb
  120. [15:38:46] <Eilidh> I half irish and half scottish...
  121. [15:38:51] <JayneCobb> luckybunny your a plastic scotsman
  122. [15:39:02] <luckybunny> not plastic
  123. [15:39:03] <JayneCobb> thanks webrat
  124. [15:39:10] <luckybunny> I'm human
  125. [15:39:24] <JayneCobb> its a phase
  126. [15:39:30] <Eilidh> and I prefer swords to any other weapon... well, besides daggers anyway
  127. [15:39:32] <JayneCobb> as well you know
  128. [15:39:34] <luckybunny> English mother, scots father
  129. [15:40:07] <WebRat> im not a gun expert JayneCobb i just know the guns i had
  130. [15:40:12] <Eilidh> fun stuff Luckybunny
  131. [15:40:23] <JayneCobb> thats fair enough webrat
  132. [15:40:43] <WebRat> i do know alot about mechanical engineering though
  133. [15:41:02] <WebRat> i love cars
  134. [15:41:06] * shinyhappybugs (n=shinyhap@ has joined #wrongplanet
  135. [15:41:23] <JayneCobb> first time i ever been called a gun expert webrat
  136. [15:41:27] * shinyhappybugs (n=shinyhap@ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  137. [15:41:42] <luckybunny> yeah well you know more than me
  138. [15:41:46] <JayneCobb> good man yourself
  139. [15:41:48] <Eilidh> does anyone here know what I can do with a Computer Information Systems degree?
  140. [15:41:53] <luckybunny> I prefer katanas
  141. [15:42:11] <JayneCobb> they are just as fun mate
  142. [15:42:19] <luckybunny> CIS degree sounds nice
  143. [15:42:26] <WebRat> probably know more than me JayneCobb
  144. [15:42:37] <Eilidh> My sissy has one, but doesn't like me messing with it... she's afraid I'll chop of the couch or something. LOL
  145. [15:42:46] <JayneCobb> wouldn't be so sure webrat
  146. [15:43:02] <Eilidh> I know I have not so great motor skills, but they're not THAT bloody bad!
  147. [15:43:05] <luckybunny> I likely would If I had one
  148. [15:43:28] <WebRat> i can only strip and reassemble an MP5
  149. [15:43:42] * luckybunny stt
  150. [15:43:43] <Eilidh> I want a scottish cleymore *spelling?*
  151. [15:43:51] <WebRat> never handled another firearm
  152. [15:44:04] <JayneCobb> thats slightly impressivewebrat
  153. [15:44:15] * luckybunny stripped and assembled L98A1's before
  154. [15:44:25] <luckybunny> Claymore
  155. [15:44:51] <Eilidh> Oh, why do I ALWAYS DO THAT no matter how many times someone corrects me on it!?
  156. [15:44:55] <Eilidh> Grrr
  157. [15:45:04] <luckybunny> it's ok
  158. [15:45:11] <Eilidh> I can't seem to spell councelor either
  159. [15:45:17] <JayneCobb> i on the other hand have stripped and reassembled a 4.5 inch mark 8 gun before
  160. [15:45:46] <WebRat> not really JayneCobb they are made to be fixed quickly
  161. [15:46:00] <WebRat> a monkey could do it
  162. [15:46:08] <luckybunny> Anon667: don't pm my flatmate, there's a good lad
  163. [15:46:37] <JayneCobb> yes however its still nice to meet someone else that can do it
  164. [15:46:47] * Eilidh is confused
  165. [15:46:50] <luckybunny> Elilidh: counselor
  166. [15:47:12] <Eilidh> oh, ONE c... thanks
  167. [15:47:14] <WebRat> i am ashamed of why i had those guns
  168. [15:47:23] <Eilidh> maybe I'll remember it Luckybunny?
  169. [15:47:29] <luckybunny> why?
  170. [15:47:35] <JayneCobb> then keep it to yourself mate
  171. [15:47:48] <luckybunny> hopefully eilidh yes
  172. [15:47:57] <Eilidh> lol
  173. [15:48:04] <luckybunny> :)
  174. [15:48:12] <WebRat> thanks JayneCobb
  175. [15:48:24] <JayneCobb> no problem mate
  176. [15:48:33] * Eilidh covers ears! "Fire drill! be back!"
  177. [15:48:35] <JayneCobb> let move on to motors
  178. [15:48:48] <luckybunny> ok Eilidh be quick
  179. [15:49:08] <WebRat> yes lets JayneCobb
  180. [15:49:15] <luckybunny> DL likes her motors
  181. [15:49:26] <JayneCobb> i have to admit i am a huge fan of v8's
  182. [15:49:34] <JayneCobb> now now
  183. [15:49:39] <luckybunny> not V12's?
  184. [15:49:40] <WebRat> well i made my car run for the first time in 2 years
  185. [15:50:08] <WebRat> atleast 2 years maybe longer
  186. [15:50:53] <WebRat> it was the immobolizer in the alarm system that killed it
  187. [15:51:04] <JayneCobb> i like those aswell and not forgeting the w16 bugatti did
  188. [15:51:15] <WebRat> the alarm died
  189. [15:51:26] * luckybunny wants a Lambo Gallardo
  190. [15:51:47] <JayneCobb> which was cheating as the w16 is two v8 welded together
  191. [15:51:52] <JayneCobb> you would
  192. [15:52:07] <luckybunny> what? It's pretty
  193. [15:52:15] <JayneCobb> congrats webrat
  194. [15:52:31] <JayneCobb> its an audi in a fancy dress
  195. [15:52:48] <luckybunny> haha
  196. [15:53:28] * Eilidh is back
  197. [15:53:46] <luckybunny> wb
  198. [15:53:47] <Eilidh> I HATE FIRE ALARMS!!!!!!!!
  199. [15:53:58] <JayneCobb> what car was it webrat
  200. [15:54:07] <luckybunny> I don't really notice them
  201. [15:54:16] <Eilidh> I do
  202. [15:54:33] <WebRat> smart JayneCobb the bugatti w16 is a quad turbo with the balance shaft mounted in the middle bellow the oil pickup
  203. [15:54:53] <Eilidh> and the light they use that flashes..... Kripes! that's even worse! it makes a high pitched whine that is ANNOYING
  204. [15:55:09] <luckybunny> ugh. light
  205. [15:55:18] <WebRat> i think thats what its called because its a dry sump
  206. [15:55:40] <Eilidh> yeah, me, too luckybunny. I CAN see light, and I HATE FLASSHING LIGHTS
  207. [15:55:50] <JayneCobb> the basic engine layout is two v8's welded together mate then they add all the goodies to it
  208. [15:55:52] <luckybunny> me too
  209. [15:56:37] <Eilidh> this comp screen is bright enough
  210. [15:56:41] <luckybunny> the sun is the worst light though
  211. [15:57:24] <Eilidh> YES
  212. [15:57:41] * Anon595 (n=Anon595@ has joined #wrongplanet
  213. [15:57:43] <WebRat> it wastes alot of energy through the transfere to the gearbox JayneCobb
  214. [15:57:52] <Eilidh> and it's sunny out today. :(
  215. [15:57:54] <WebRat> its not ideal
  216. [15:57:55] <luckybunny> I wear my sunglasses though
  217. [15:58:00] <JayneCobb> i agree webrat
  218. [15:58:09] <luckybunny> not so bad behind them
  219. [15:58:24] <Eilidh> Can't see through sunglasses once they're dark enough to block out enough light
  220. [15:58:49] <JayneCobb> i would of tuned the quad turbo v12 from the eb110 model abit more
  221. [15:59:06] * Anon595 (n=Anon595@ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  222. [15:59:11] <Eilidh> so it's either don't see or don't see and possible lose your glasses in the process by dropping them...
  223. [15:59:14] <WebRat> a basic V16 would be mor effective in power delivery JayneCobb
  224. [15:59:27] <luckybunny> Mine are somewhat scratched
  225. [15:59:29] <WebRat> more*
  226. [16:00:10] <Eilidh> well, perfect vision is 20/20, and mine, without my glasses is 20/800
  227. [16:00:13] <JayneCobb> but the v12 is slightly better on fuel webrat
  228. [16:00:43] <luckybunny> yuck
  229. [16:00:44] <WebRat> the V10 is better JayneCobb
  230. [16:00:53] <Eilidh> yeah,
  231. [16:00:57] <JayneCobb> oh without a doubt
  232. [16:01:11] <luckybunny> duno what my vision is, but I'm short sighted
  233. [16:01:14] <Eilidh> with my glasses, it's 20/200
  234. [16:01:40] <JayneCobb> but for some outragous touge figures you need a well tuned v8
  235. [16:01:44] <luckybunny> I abandoned glasses
  236. [16:01:53] <WebRat> the V10 is the perfect compromise between rotating and rocipricating mass and friction
  237. [16:01:55] <JayneCobb> torque
  238. [16:02:18] <Eilidh> yeah, so am I, but because there's no lense in my eye can see better slightly far (2 feet) away, BUT I can't SEE detail... excepting what's there
  239. [16:02:26] <luckybunny> but i should wear them
  240. [16:02:44] <JayneCobb> againg webrat i agree with you but i like my v8 muscle cars sorry
  241. [16:02:48] <Eilidh> I can't see, I used to not wear them untIL they helped.
  242. [16:03:02] <JayneCobb> again
  243. [16:03:19] <luckybunny> I know the feeling well
  244. [16:03:28] <WebRat> so do i JayneCobb i love the sound of a V8
  245. [16:03:43] <JayneCobb> nothing to beat it mate
  246. [16:03:49] <luckybunny> I'm slowly deteriorating my eyesigh
  247. [16:03:51] <luckybunny> t
  248. [16:04:03] <inkjetunit> 16l V8 :P~~
  249. [16:04:07] <QuirkyCarla> same
  250. [16:04:27] * meoblast001 ( has joined #wrongplanet
  251. [16:04:42] <WebRat> brb dont go away JayneCobb
  252. [16:04:47] <JayneCobb> inkjet did you just say 16 litre v8
  253. [16:04:58] <JayneCobb> don't intend too
  254. [16:05:00] <inkjetunit> JayneCobb: yes.
  255. [16:05:25] * lion42 (n=someone@ has joined #wrongplanet
  256. [16:05:30] <JayneCobb> massive torque on that
  257. [16:05:48] <inkjetunit> JayneCobb: trucks have engines like that
  258. [16:06:03] <DementedBrain> Hi
  259. [16:06:55] <JayneCobb> i prefere the small bloc chevy v8 the five point seven litre monster that can push out over 900bhp
  260. [16:07:33] <JayneCobb> when tuned just right
  261. [16:08:02] <WebRat> back
  262. [16:08:27] <JayneCobb> inkjet i know trucks have motoors like that that is my dads job truck driver
  263. [16:08:34] <Eeyore> The light is broken but to fix it I need to take off the electricity centrally, but if I do that I can't see anything, what can I do?
  264. [16:08:38] <JayneCobb> good man webrat
  265. [16:08:56] <cheesy> i got a good idea
  266. [16:09:01] <WebRat> not street legal JayneCobb
  267. [16:09:05] <cheesy> maybe you can use a flash light
  268. [16:09:25] <cheesy> wow i am all full of bright ideas
  269. [16:09:32] <JayneCobb> oh yes it is in street rod form
  270. [16:09:56] <WebRat> 900 hp is very hard to acheive unless you use race fuel
  271. [16:10:14] <JayneCobb> i know mate
  272. [16:10:18] <cheesy> too bad i cant help you out though that is because i live too far away
  273. [16:10:30] <Eeyore> I don't have a flash light.
  274. [16:10:54] <cheesy> then i think you are in trouble if you dont have a flash light
  275. [16:10:54] <inkjetunit> wait until it's bright outside
  276. [16:10:55] <JayneCobb> the car in question is a mates pro street 67 chevy camero dragster
  277. [16:11:04] <WebRat> normally aspirated or forced induction JayneCobb
  278. [16:11:19] <JayneCobb> forced induction
  279. [16:11:50] <WebRat> what kind of supercharger JayneCobb?
  280. [16:12:02] <cheesy> you really need to go to the store and get a flash light
  281. [16:12:14] <JayneCobb> but the same mate did have a normally aspirated 637 bhp shelby cobra
  282. [16:12:45] <cheesy> i would lend you my flash light but i am so scared that will be impossible
  283. [16:12:54] <JayneCobb> he keeps changed the damn supercharged mate so i never know
  284. [16:13:28] <WebRat> is it a centrifuga supercharger?
  285. [16:13:47] <WebRat> centrifugal*
  286. [16:14:23] <JayneCobb> i think thats right but would have to talk to him to confirm it webrat
  287. [16:15:10] <luckybunny> I'm suitably pished
  288. [16:15:45] <JayneCobb> drunk git
  289. [16:15:45] <WebRat> so theres a large centrifugal supercharger poking through the hood?
  290. [16:16:32] <JayneCobb> oh there is indeed my fine assie friend
  291. [16:17:04] <JayneCobb> holley three barrel aircleaner bolted to the top
  292. [16:17:24] <luckybunny> assie... haha
  293. [16:17:27] <WebRat> centrifugal superchargers dont poke through the hood JayneCobb
  294. [16:17:40] <luckybunny> you mean aussie
  295. [16:18:14] * Section9 ( has joined #wrongplanet
  296. [16:18:15] <WebRat> only roots type blowers or screw compressors or whipple chargers do that
  297. [16:18:54] <DementedBrain> Hmmz engines and cars is one of your obsessions then WebRat
  298. [16:19:11] <WebRat> yes DementedBrain
  299. [16:19:21] <DementedBrain> You might have already figured out mine
  300. [16:19:25] <DementedBrain> Brains and genetics :p
  301. [16:19:45] <WebRat> no shit DementedBrain
  302. [16:19:48] * nullie (n=nullie@ has joined #wrongplanet
  303. [16:20:08] <WebRat> i might say your very good at it too DementedBrain
  304. [16:20:13] <JayneCobb> as far as i know there is a holley three barrel aircleaner bolted to the top of this monster okay mate i ain't spoke to the mate that owns it in six months as he ain't been at rugby now i say i know engine and figures to a degree but other than that i am just a petrol head okay
  305. [16:20:49] <DementedBrain> a petrol head lol
  306. [16:21:14] <Siv> JayneCobb: if I find you're a bot, I'm gonna go ape
  307. [16:21:15] <DementedBrain> WebRat: that might just be because it is not your interest and i seem knowledgeable :p
  308. [16:21:19] <Eeyore> HEJDÃ…
  309. [16:21:38] <JayneCobb> demented brain go suck on someones tail pipe
  310. [16:21:41] <cheesy> well maybe i should try getting some rest since i really did not sleep that well at all last night
  311. [16:21:59] <DementedBrain> JayneCobb: huh?
  312. [16:22:00] <WebRat> true DementedBrain
  313. [16:22:01] <JayneCobb> do i sound like a bot to you siv
  314. [16:22:10] <Siv> yes
  315. [16:22:13] <DementedBrain> JayneCobb: why did you insult me
  316. [16:22:18] <cheesy> but when it is day time outside that is a hard thing for me to do
  317. [16:22:34] <DementedBrain> Siv: how can a bot reply like that, unless it's some advanced artifical intelligence
  318. [16:22:44] <WebRat> i guess my mechanical knowledge seems just as difficult to you
  319. [16:22:47] <JayneCobb> because you take the mick out of the social group i belong to
  320. [16:22:59] <Siv> get a grip JayneCobb
  321. [16:23:06] <DementedBrain> JayneCobb: i just found the term petrol head funny
  322. [16:23:15] <DementedBrain> I'm not making fun of whatever you are
  323. [16:23:15] <JayneCobb> fair enough
  324. [16:23:35] <WebRat> i bot can do that if its controlled
  325. [16:23:44] * mEntAl-cAsE (n=kvirc@ has joined #wrongplanet
  326. [16:23:49] <inkjetunit> hi mEntAl-cAsE
  327. [16:23:57] <mEntAl-cAsE> hi inkjetunit
  328. [16:23:59] <JayneCobb> well i ain't no bloody bot
  329. [16:24:08] <WebRat> hey inkjetunit
  330. [16:24:14] <inkjetunit> hi WebRat
  331. [16:24:16] <Siv> again, get a grip
  332. [16:24:22] <lion42>
  333. [16:24:40] * Bateau (n=Ghost@unaffiliated/section9) has quit IRC (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))
  334. [16:24:44] <JayneCobb> i am 6ft 4in tall weight 242lbs and i like to play rugby any other questions
  335. [16:25:19] <Siv> were you bottle fed as a baby?
  336. [16:25:34] <JayneCobb> funny guy
  337. [16:25:52] <luckybunny> Siv,... btw
  338. [16:26:04] * gehmehgeh (n=niemand@unaffiliated/gehmehgeh) has joined #wrongplanet
  339. [16:26:19] <WebRat> ok think i just figured it out
  340. [16:26:19] <cheesy> i dont know what happened to me when i was a baby
  341. [16:26:22] <luckybunny> don't IP ban if it comes to it
  342. [16:26:28] <luckybunny> same IP
  343. [16:26:29] <cheesy> i just cant remember it at all
  344. [16:26:58] <Siv> luckybunny: then don't ban evade, if it should come to it.
  345. [16:27:18] <luckybunny> I won't
  346. [16:27:34] <WebRat> mind doing me a favour and giving JayneCobb a little space
  347. [16:27:47] <WebRat> think i screwed up
  348. [16:28:27] <cheesy> well for me being so tired is not a good thing
  349. [16:28:32] <WebRat> your a car nut but not a mechanical expert right JayneCobb
  350. [16:28:53] <JayneCobb> thats about the rate of it
  351. [16:28:56] <cheesy> i could not get comfortable last night at all
  352. [16:29:24] <WebRat> sorry missunderstanding JayneCobb
  353. [16:29:37] <JayneCobb> no worries
  354. [16:29:40] <WebRat> didnt mean it
  355. [16:30:08] * meoblast001 ( has quit IRC ("meoquit")
  356. [16:30:25] <luckybunny> I knew you 2 would get on
  357. [16:30:39] * Eilidh (n=Anon564@ has quit IRC ("WrongPlanet forever!")
  358. [16:30:44] * Anon688 ( has joined #wrongplanet
  359. [16:30:49] <WebRat> for the record i started that Siv my bad
  360. [16:30:51] <JayneCobb> and why is that lucky
  361. [16:30:59] * QuirkyCarla is tired
  362. [16:31:00] <CrEddy> Hmmmmmmmm.
  363. [16:31:15] <luckybunny> QuirkyCarla!!!
  364. [16:31:25] <QuirkyCarla> luckybunny!!!
  365. [16:31:38] * Anon688 ( has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  366. [16:31:41] * luckybunny runs and hugs QuirkyCarla
  367. [16:31:52] * QuirkyCarla hugs luckybunny
  368. [16:31:58] <JayneCobb> ah bless
  369. [16:32:34] <WebRat> where are you JayneCobb?
  370. [16:32:47] <JayneCobb> london england
  371. [16:32:52] * QuirkyCarla goes to lie down for a half hour.
  372. [16:32:58] <mEntAl-cAsE> I hate sharing a room.
  373. [16:33:01] <luckybunny> Near london same as meru
  374. [16:33:04] <luckybunny> me*
  375. [16:33:12] <luckybunny> ok.
  376. [16:33:20] <mEntAl-cAsE> I am seriously ready to chuck my sister's cell phone out the window.
  377. [16:33:26] <JayneCobb> same flat as lucky bunny
  378. [16:33:31] <luckybunny> see you soon QC. Will miss ya
  379. [16:33:41] <WebRat> aside from the bugatti what cars do you like JayneCobb?
  380. [16:33:44] <mEntAl-cAsE> All night long it's *click click click click click BUZZBUZZBUZZ*
  381. [16:33:50] <mEntAl-cAsE> Freaking text messages
  382. [16:33:51] <JayneCobb> ford mustang
  383. [16:34:02] <JayneCobb> chevy camero
  384. [16:34:03] <mEntAl-cAsE> and they never stop
  385. [16:34:05] <luckybunny> mEntAl-cAsE: don't
  386. [16:34:12] <Siv> The Staines Massive
  387. [16:34:15] <mEntAl-cAsE> she is texting under her blanket right now
  388. [16:34:24] <WebRat> current model or classic JayneCobb?
  389. [16:34:30] <JayneCobb> dodge challenger and chargers
  390. [16:34:32] <luckybunny> My other flatmate has about 11 phones
  391. [16:34:38] <mEntAl-cAsE> luckybunny: I can't sleep.
  392. [16:34:46] <mEntAl-cAsE> The clicking and the buzzing wakes me up.
  393. [16:34:54] <luckybunny> :
  394. [16:34:55] <luckybunny> (
  395. [16:34:58] <WebRat> i have a soft spot for the 66 coup myself
  396. [16:35:02] <luckybunny> :(
  397. [16:35:15] <JayneCobb> classic models webrat newer models have no soul
  398. [16:35:15] <cheesy> i really hate not being able to sleep and not being able to get comfortable
  399. [16:35:32] <mEntAl-cAsE> And I actually have a fairly normal sleep routine now
  400. [16:35:44] <mEntAl-cAsE> but she keeps waking me up
  401. [16:35:57] <mEntAl-cAsE> I mean...the people that are calling and texting are waking HER up
  402. [16:36:14] <mEntAl-cAsE> because she is out by 23:00 most nights
  403. [16:36:31] <mEntAl-cAsE> and then these idiots keeps calling her after she tells them that she is going to sleep
  404. [16:36:36] <WebRat> i have a thing for classic mustangs and corvettes JayneCobb
  405. [16:36:37] <mEntAl-cAsE> and she actually ANSWERS
  406. [16:36:41] <luckybunny> nt, much?
  407. [16:36:51] <inkjetunit> mEntAl-cAsE: why do you have a roomie now?
  408. [16:36:54] <mEntAl-cAsE> I'm taking the freaking battery out and hiding the phone
  409. [16:37:04] <mEntAl-cAsE> inkjetunit: It's been a while now.
  410. [16:37:10] <mEntAl-cAsE> She moved in like....last year
  411. [16:37:15] <JayneCobb> i love the 68 mustang 390 gt the one from the film bullitt
  412. [16:37:16] <inkjetunit> mEntAl-cAsE: oh. ok
  413. [16:37:16] * impeachgod (n=impeachg@ has joined #wrongplanet
  414. [16:37:22] <mEntAl-cAsE> hey impeachgod
  415. [16:37:35] <impeachgod> hey me-c
  416. [16:37:42] <inkjetunit> mEntAl-cAsE: try playing some instrument when she finally falls asleep or something
  417. [16:37:50] <mEntAl-cAsE> Why?
  418. [16:37:54] <Siv> mEntAl-cAsE: you must insist that the phone is off 23:00 to 07:00
  419. [16:37:57] <mEntAl-cAsE> I don't feel like getting cussed out
  420. [16:38:08] <WebRat> its the 350 shelby for me JayneCobb
  421. [16:38:16] <JayneCobb> and not forgotting the 65 corvette
  422. [16:38:35] <mEntAl-cAsE> Siv: That wouldn't work....and it would likely turn into a fight.
  423. [16:38:36] <luckybunny> and KITT
  424. [16:38:47] <mEntAl-cAsE> I mean...MY phone isn't off during those hours
  425. [16:38:53] * impeachgod (n=impeachg@ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  426. [16:38:55] <mEntAl-cAsE> But I keep it on silent
  427. [16:39:01] <mEntAl-cAsE> not that many people call me that late
  428. [16:39:03] <Siv> then make a new rule
  429. [16:39:13] <JayneCobb> perfere the gt 500 myself both newer andx older models and the latest kitt yes lucky bunny
  430. [16:39:16] * luckybunny barely ever answe
  431. [16:39:24] <WebRat> 59 vette with the sidewinder exaust pack
  432. [16:39:26] <cheesy> well time for me to step away from the computer for a little while ,
  433. [16:39:33] <cheesy> be back later
  434. [16:39:35] <luckybunny> his phone
  435. [16:39:48] * NicholeEnigma (n=kvirc@ has joined #Wrongplanet
  436. [16:39:51] * Anon791 (n=Anon791@ has joined #wrongplanet
  437. [16:39:52] <JayneCobb> oh thats just automotive porn webrat
  438. [16:40:06] * mEntAl-cAsE (n=kvirc@ has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
  439. [16:40:07] * NicholeEnigma is now known as mEntAl-cAsE
  440. [16:40:09] <mEntAl-cAsE> But I leave the room to talk when she is sleeping.
  441. [16:40:47] <JayneCobb> also the 71 vette stingray
  442. [16:40:48] <WebRat> i love that model
  443. [16:41:18] <JayneCobb> 396 big bloc motor
  444. [16:41:52] <WebRat> almost 400hp
  445. [16:42:14] <JayneCobb> god i love that model
  446. [16:42:37] <WebRat> without air con it made 400hp
  447. [16:42:56] * Anon917 ( has joined #wrongplanet
  448. [16:43:27] * Anon917 is now known as serjohn
  449. [16:43:31] <JayneCobb> saw a lovely 429 boss mustang on t.v the other day
  450. [16:44:01] <WebRat> the auction show
  451. [16:44:12] * luckybunny is now known as A-06
  452. [16:44:17] <WebRat> i forget what its called
  453. [16:44:22] * Anon263 (n=Anon263@ has joined #wrongplanet
  454. [16:44:47] <JayneCobb> na its called dream car garage
  455. [16:44:52] * Anon263 (n=Anon263@ has quit IRC (Client Quit)
  456. [16:46:37] <JayneCobb> and of course my personal favourite muscle cae the 67 shelby cobra 427 sc
  457. [16:46:47] <JayneCobb> car
  458. [16:48:16] * lion42 (n=someone@ has quit IRC (Nick collision from services.)
  459. [16:48:23] * lion42 (n=someone@ has joined #wrongplanet
  460. [16:48:36] * meetvirginia (i=9011ca58@gateway/web/freenode/x-uuvzgkqqbjrmqdsf) has joined #wrongplanet
  461. [16:48:48] <A-06> hi mv
  462. [16:48:52] <inkjetunit> hi virginia
  463. [16:48:53] <meetvirginia> ello
  464. [16:48:57] <meetvirginia> hi
  465. [16:49:14] * meetvirginia is in class ttyl
  466. [16:49:23] <A-06> ok
  467. [16:49:31] <Anon791> hello again, hit the back button...
  468. [16:49:37] <JayneCobb> what you think of the holden/vauxhall monaro webrat
  469. [16:49:38] * Anon791 is now known as Eilidh
  470. [16:50:02] <mEntAl-cAsE> hey Eilidh
  471. [16:50:19] <Eilidh> Hey, Me! how are you?!
  472. [16:50:30] <meetvirginia> ?
  473. [16:50:48] * Eilidh meant to hit the c... oops
  474. [16:51:05] <Eilidh> Let's try this again...
  475. [16:51:14] <Eilidh> Hey Mental Case, how are you?
  476. [16:52:28] * Eilidh listens to the silence
  477. [16:52:42] * Guest_335_ (i=IceChat7@ has joined #wrongplanet
  478. [16:53:10] <Guest_335_> net split i assume
  479. [16:53:34] <Eilidh> huh
  480. [16:54:11] <Guest_335_> reason i got kicked
  481. [16:54:26] * WillOne (n=dishlex@unaffiliated/villainous) has joined #wrongplanet
  482. [16:54:37] <Eilidh> Hallo WillOne
  483. [16:54:59] <Guest_335_> oh great nickserv is down too
  484. [16:55:10] <Eilidh> Oh, dear
  485. [16:55:20] <Guest_335_> im WebRat people
  486. [16:55:23] <Eilidh> It worked for me?
  487. [16:56:03] <Guest_335_> thats because your on the server that functions Eilidh
  488. [16:56:29] * Guest_335_ is now known as NeroVN
  489. [16:56:33] <Eilidh> :D
  490. [16:56:34] <mEntAl-cAsE> oops
  491. [16:56:37] <mEntAl-cAsE> I zoned out
  492. [16:56:52] * Dayla ( has joined #wrongplanet
  493. [16:56:54] <mEntAl-cAsE> Hey Eilidh, I am fine.
  494. [16:56:58] <mEntAl-cAsE> How are you?
  495. [16:57:03] <Eilidh> it's ok MC, I do that ALL THE TIME
  496. [16:57:10] <NeroVN> ?nick WebRat
  497. [16:57:23] <mEntAl-cAsE> umm.../
  498. [16:57:28] * NeroVN is now known as Guest_335_
  499. [16:57:41] <mEntAl-cAsE> ...
  500. [16:57:49] <Eilidh> Mental-Case: Ok, just hanging out here
  501. [16:57:54] <Guest_335_> ok that pisses me off
  502. [16:58:22] <Dayla> hey mEntAl-cAsE
  503. [16:58:29] <Eilidh> I got forced on as DragonSinger one day, Know how you feel WebRat
  504. [16:58:36] <JayneCobb> never mind mate could be worst
  505. [16:58:50] <Dayla> tell me why i have to a powerslave
  506. [16:59:01] <mEntAl-cAsE> hey Dayla
  507. [16:59:06] * DJAshnar ( has joined #wrongplanet
  508. [16:59:10] <Dayla> i had surgery recently :(
  509. [16:59:11] <Guest_335_> not great Eilidh
  510. [16:59:24] * meetvirginia brb leaving class
  511. [16:59:27] <mEntAl-cAsE> why?
  512. [16:59:28] * meetvirginia (i=9011ca58@gateway/web/freenode/x-uuvzgkqqbjrmqdsf) has quit IRC ("Page closed")
  513. [16:59:39] <Eilidh> did you try /nick webrat?
  514. [16:59:40] <Dayla> huge abcess thing around ym tailbone
  515. [16:59:56] * Samanth0r (n=tru7hles@unaffiliated/samanth0r) has joined #wrongplanet
  516. [16:59:56] <Guest_335_> yes Eilidh
  517. [17:00:05] <Eilidh> just had to ask
  518. [17:00:17] <Dayla> i also got capasin in my eyes last night
  519. [17:00:27] <Dayla> and i can tell my parents dont like me too much
  520. [17:00:39] <Guest_335_> didnt work
  521. [17:00:40] <Dayla> cuz they gaveme shit for screaming in pain waking them up
  522. [17:00:44] * impeachgod (n=impeachg@ has joined #wrongplanet
  523. [17:00:44] <Eilidh> not trying to be annoying it tOOK A LONG time for em to learn the commands I wanted to use the ones from the Braille n' Speak
  524. [17:00:47] <JayneCobb> right i am off everyone swebrat i will no doubt catch you on the flip side some time
  525. [17:01:26] <Dayla> capasin = hot pepper spice liquid
  526. [17:01:42] <Guest_335_> night JayneCobb
  527. [17:01:48] <Dayla> ive enver been in so much pain in my life
  528. [17:01:49] <inkjetunit> capsaicin!
  529. [17:01:53] <Guest_335_> its me webrat
  530. [17:02:06] <JayneCobb> i know mate
  531. [17:02:21] * JayneCobb ( has quit IRC ("Time tells a story. Read through, or give up now. Your choice....")
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