
Emu's lines

Mar 24th, 2016
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  1. Introduction.
  3. Introduction:
  4. Hey you, you're the head of this household?
  5. Heh-, I'm Em from the empusa species, but don't expect me to follow that master-servant relationship...
  6. My name's M, but don't you think I look more like an S?
  7. ...Tsk... I'll take care of that later!
  8. テメエがアタイの世帯主だぁ?
  9. ハッ、エンプーサ族のエム様が今ここで主従関係をはっきりと・・・
  10. 名前がMなのに、ハードSっぽい?
  11. ・・・ぐすっ、気にしてるのにー!
  13. Intro (Memorial): Don't look don't look! Stop peeking my secrets! 見るな見るな!アタイの秘密を覗くなー!
  16. Home.
  18. Greetings:
  20. Morning: Fufu, did you have a good dream? フフッ…昨日はいい夢見れたかぁ?
  21. Afternoon: Yo, you gonna stay with me today? よっ 昼間っからアタイに会いに来たのかぁ?
  22. Night:
  23. Early Morning: Tsk, why are you still awake? And I was thinking of showing you a nightmare... チッ…まだ起きてるのかよ。悪夢を見せてやろうと思ったのに…
  25. Home: Huh? んぁ?
  26. You wanna get cut? 斬られたいのかぁ?
  27. That's annoying! ウザいんだよ!
  28. The hell...? てっテメエなぁ!
  29. Home (≥ 10 times): Nguuh! I told you to stop... うぅ…っ やめろって言ってるのにぃ… (At the berge of tears, now I feel like a horrible person for making her cry...)
  30. Idle: Don't ignore me! むっ無視すんなよぉ~!
  31. Profile: Here, don't bother me to see your status, sheesh. おら、管理票ぐらいで使うなよ…ったく
  32. Organization: Me, huh? あたいかよ
  33. Fusion: Isn't it obvious? I'm becoming stronger! (Consider revising) 今のアタイ、バリバリ決まってるだろ?
  34. Limit Break: W-what is it? You have a problem with me becoming stronger? (Consider revising) な…なんだよ…本気になられても、困るっての……
  35. Job (Start): Why am I the one who has to go? 何であたいが行かなきゃいけないんだよ!
  36. Job (End): Done. Not crying, I'm not crying! 終わったぁ……泣いてないっ!あたいは泣いてないぞっ!
  37. Meal: I'll eat! 食ってやるよ
  40. Outing.
  42. Outing (Begin): Yeah, yeah, I get it, alright? へいへい、行けばいいんだろぉ
  43. Outing (End): Ahh, this sucks...let's rest already. あ~~ダルい。さっさと休ませろよ~
  44. Item Pickup: Is it wrong if I take it with me? 持ち帰らなくて良くないか?
  45. Encounter: You're quite brave, aren't you? いい度胸じゃねぇか
  46. Encounter (Start): Hey you, here we go! テメエら、行くぜ!
  47. Encounter (Victory): Hehe, we won, we won! …ふふっ、勝った…勝ったぜ!
  48. Encounter (Defeat): Uuh...not anymore... うう~……もうこんなのやだぁ~!
  49. Attack: A kid, huh? ガキが…
  50. Hey, hey, hey. へい、へい、へい
  51. Skill: Face the reality! 現実を見ろよ
  52. Cheer (Attack): Just leave it to me! お…おう!アタイに任せときな!
  53. Cheer (Defend) Koko de ayaranakia onna ja ne ya! If I don't succeed here, I'm not a woman! ここでやらなきゃ、女じゃねぇよな!
  54. Hit: Hmph! ふんっ
  55. Damn... くそぉ…
  56. KO: I hate fighting! ケンカなんてきらぁ~いっ!
  59. Care.
  61. Care (Begin): If you do something weird, I won't forgive you. もしもヘマしたら、容赦しないぞ?
  62. Touch (Good)
  63. Affection < 30%: Feels funny. 変なことすんなよ?
  64. Keep going. そのままな
  65. Touch (Good)
  66. Affection ≥ 30%: End it quickly. 早く終わらせろよ…
  67. I'll get used to it... 手馴れてるなぁ
  68. Touch (Good)
  69. Affection ≥ 60%: You calm me. 安心できるよ
  70. So this...happens too... (?) こういうのも…有りか
  71. Touch (Chest)
  72. Affection < 30%: I-I'll kick your ass! ぶ、ぶっ飛ばすぞぉ!?
  73. Uuh...No! うぅっ…いやだぁ…
  74. Touch (Chest)
  75. Affection ≥ 30%: Uh, uwah! Stop it! うっ、うわぁ~!やめろぉぉぉ~!
  76. T-t-that place is... そ、そそっ、そこは…っ
  77. Touch (Chest)
  78. Affection ≥ 60%: Stupid, stupid! バカバカぁー!
  79. Right ここじゃ……やだ
  80. Touch (Bad): You have nothing to do there! ソコは関係ないだろぉ!
  81. An...? あん…っ
  82. No! いやっ…
  83. Idle: Y-you'll leave me like this? こっ…このままかよ…
  86. Hourly Notifications.
  88. 00:00: It's child's bed time, yours as well, right? 良い子は寝る時間だな、てめえもそうだろぉ?
  89. 01:00: Hey, hurry up and go to bed! I've prepared the bedding. おら、とっとと寝ろよ。布団も直しといてやったからよ。
  90. 02:00: You'll have a good dream today, I'll make sure of it. 今日はいい夢見られるぜ?アタイが保証してやるよ
  91. 03:00: Why're you still awake? You a night person? まだ起きてるのかよ てめーは夜型人間なのか?
  92. 04:00: Why are you not sleeping? Don't you want to have a bad dream? なんで寝ないんだよ 悪夢が見せられねーじゃねーか……
  93. 05:00: Hey, I'll go to bed now, let me sleep (sob) おい、そろそろ寝ろよ~ 寝てくれよ~ (ぐすっ)
  94. 06:00: Ah~ It's morning already, I wonder what can I do today. あ~もう朝だし!今日も何もできないとか……
  95. 07:00: Faa...when you're spacing get a short slee...p... ふぁ~……気が抜けたら急に眠た……ん……
  96. 08:00: Nn~...stop it...I told you to stooop... んん~……やめろ~……や、やめてぇ~……
  97. 09:00: I'm strong...if you aren' get bullied. (Squishy) あたいは強いんだ……もういじめられたり……ふにゃふにゃ……
  98. 10:00: Papa...mama...zZz...zZz... ……パパ…ママ……すぅ…すぅ……
  99. 11:00: Y-you- Since when did you-? You didn't hear all that nonesense, did you? ……ってめえ、いつからいた!? あたいの寝言を聞いていないだろうなぁ…?
  100. 15:00: While I was sleeping you didn't try to do something funny, right? 'Cause If you did...uu... あたいが寝てる時にイタズラしてないよな? …してたら……うぅ…っ
  101. 17:00: Faaa (Yawn) Oh god, I'm getting sleepy. ふぁぁ~(欠伸)……やばっ、何か眠たくなってきた
  102. 19:00: I'm an S! That's why, 'Em' is....uuhh.... あっアタイはSだし!だから『えむ』は名前で!……うぅ~……
  103. 20:00: Aah...the blood transfusion packs are quite weak, huh? Phew... あ~……輸血パックは味気ねー……ふぅ……
  104. 21:00: I'm healthy, I'm S and I'm pretty sexy! Fufun! アタイは元気だし!Sだし!エロいし!ふんっ!
  105. 23:00: Tomorrow I'm going to suck your lifeblood! Yeah! 明日こそ、テメエの生き血を吸ってやるからな!ふんっ!
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