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- --[[
- Status list:
- - NONE
- ]]
- -- X, Y, Name, NumRoutes, Cost (100 = 1 silver), nodes accessable, npc name, status, available to faction in string
- local coords_m = {
- {0.5, 0.3, "Blackrock Mountain", 4, 0, {2, 3, 4, 5}, "Lae Dualade", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.9, 0.3, "The Race Track", 1, 0, {1}, "stuff3", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.52, 0.25, "Redridge, Stonewatch", 1, 0, {1}, "Black War Gryphon", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {100.56, 100.28, "Badlands", 1, 0, {1}, "Gorrik", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.5, 0.51, "Arathi Highlands, Stromgarde City", 3, 0, {1, 6, 7, 8, 9,10,11,12,13}, "Shavalius the Fancy", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.45, 0.6, "Silverpine Forest", 1, 0, {5}, "DEBUG", "NONE", "Alliance"},
- {0.54, 0.52, "Arathi Highlands, Refugee Point", 1, 0, {5}, "Kip Trawlskip", "NONE", "Alliance"},
- {0.4, 0.58, "Silverpine Forest, The Sepulcher", 1, 0, {5}, "Karos Razok", "NONE", "Horde"},
- {0.56, 0.49, "Arathi Highlands, Hammerfall", 1, 0, {5}, "DEBUG3", "NONE", "Horde"},
- {0.85, 0.77, "Snowdrift Peaks, Excavation Camp", 1, 0, {5}, "DEBUGZ", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.76, 0.79, "Snowdrift Peaks, Illidari Camp", 1, 0, {5}, "DEBUGZ", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.82, 0.87, "Sandy Plains, Taunka'le Village", 1, 0, {5}, "DEBUGZ", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.89, 0.84, "Sandy Plains, Oomlot Village", 1, 0, {5}, "DEBUGZ", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- --kalimdor--14+
- {0.6, 0.67, "Snowdrift Peaks, Excavation Camp", 1, 0, {15,16,17,18}, "Breck Rockbrow", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.85, 0.81, "Arathi Highlands, Stromgarde City", 3, 0, {15}, "DEBUGZ", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.5, 0.70, "Snowdrift Peaks, Illidari Camp", 1, 0, {14,15,17,18}, "Maddix", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.65, 0.77, "Sandy Plains, Oomlot Village", 1, 0, {14,15,16,18}, "Nutral", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- {0.6, 0.79, "Sandy Plains, Taunka'le Village", 1, 0, {14,15,16,17}, "Helidan Lightwing", "NONE", "BOTH"},
- --{0.9, 0.2, "Test2", 3, 1000, {1, 2, 4}, "stuff2", "DISTANT"},
- }
- local current = 0
- TaxiButtonTypes = { };
- TaxiButtonTypes["CURRENT"] = {
- file = "Interface\\TaxiFrame\\UI-Taxi-Icon-Green"
- }
- TaxiButtonTypes["REACHABLE"] = {
- file = "Interface\\TaxiFrame\\UI-Taxi-Icon-White"
- }
- TaxiButtonTypes["DISTANT"] = {
- file = "Interface\\TaxiFrame\\UI-Taxi-Icon-Yellow"
- }
- function TaxiFrame_OnLoad(self)
- self:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_OPENED");
- self:RegisterEvent("TAXIMAP_CLOSED");
- end
- function TaxiFrame_OnEvent(self, event, ...)
- if ( event == "TAXIMAP_OPENED" ) then
- -- Show the merchant we're dealing with
- local name = UnitName("npc")
- TaxiMerchant:SetText(name);
- SetPortraitTexture(TaxiPortrait, "npc");
- current = 0
- for i=1, #coords_m do
- coords_m[i][8] = "NONE";
- if name == coords_m[i][7] then
- current = i
- coords_m[current][8] = "CURRENT";
- end
- end
- if current == 0 then
- UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage("ERROR: No path found for this creature.", 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
- HideUIPanel(TaxiFrame);
- return;
- end
- for k,v in pairs(coords_m[current][6]) do
- coords_m[v][8] = "REACHABLE";
- end
- -- Set the texture coords on the map
- TaxiMap:SetTexCoord(0,1,0,1);
- SetTaxiMap(TaxiMap)
- -- Show the taxi node map and buttons
- local num_nodes = #coords_m
- if ( num_nodes > NUM_TAXI_BUTTONS ) then
- local button;
- for i = NUM_TAXI_BUTTONS+1, num_nodes do
- button = CreateFrame("Button", "TaxiButton"..i, TaxiRouteMap, "TaxiButtonTemplate");
- button:SetID(i);
- end
- end
- -- Draw nodes
- local taxiNodePositions = {};
- local numValidFlightNodes = 0;
- for index = 1, #coords_m do
- local type = coords_m[index][8]
- local button = _G["TaxiButton"..index];
- local PlrFaction = UnitFactionGroup("player")
- taxiNodePositions[index] = {};
- if ( type ~= "NONE" ) and ( coords_m[index][9] == PlrFaction or coords_m[index][9] == "BOTH" ) then
- numValidFlightNodes = numValidFlightNodes + 1;
- local x, y = coords_m[index][1], coords_m[index][2]
- local currX = x*TAXI_MAP_WIDTH;
- local currY = y*TAXI_MAP_HEIGHT;
- taxiNodePositions[index].x = currX;
- taxiNodePositions[index].y = currY;
- -- check if we are obscuring a previous placement (eg: Ebon Hold and Light's Hope Chapel)
- --[[if ( numValidFlightNodes > 1 ) then
- for checkNode = 1, index do
- local checkX = taxiNodePositions[checkNode].x;
- local checkY = taxiNodePositions[checkNode].y;
- if ( taxiNodePositions[checkNode].x ) then
- if ( (currX > checkX - TAXI_BUTTON_HALF_WIDTH) and (currX < checkX + TAXI_BUTTON_HALF_WIDTH) ) then
- if ( (currY > checkY - TAXI_BUTTON_HALF_HEIGHT) and (currY < checkY + TAXI_BUTTON_HALF_HEIGHT) ) then
- taxiNodePositions[index].x = currX + (currX - checkX) * 0.5;
- taxiNodePositions[index].y = currY + (currY - checkY) * 0.5;
- taxiNodePositions[checkNode].x = checkX + (checkX - currX) * 0.5;
- taxiNodePositions[checkNode].y = checkY + (checkY - currY) * 0.5;
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end]]
- -- set the button position
- button:ClearAllPoints();
- button:SetPoint("CENTER", "TaxiMap", "BOTTOMLEFT", taxiNodePositions[index].x, taxiNodePositions[index].y);
- button:SetNormalTexture(TaxiButtonTypes[type].file);
- button:Show();
- else
- button:Hide();
- end
- end
- if ( num_nodes > NUM_TAXI_BUTTONS ) then
- NUM_TAXI_BUTTONS = num_nodes
- end
- -- All set...
- ShowUIPanel(self);
- if ( not self:IsShown() ) then
- CloseTaxiMap();
- end
- return;
- end
- if ( event == "TAXIMAP_CLOSED" ) then
- HideUIPanel(self);
- return;
- end
- end
- function TaxiNodeOnButtonEnter(button)
- local index = button:GetID();
- GameTooltip:SetOwner(button, "ANCHOR_RIGHT");
- GameTooltip:AddLine(coords_m[index][3], "", 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
- -- Setup variables
- local numRoutes = coords_m[current][4];
- local line;
- local sX, sY, dX, dY;
- local w = TaxiRouteMap:GetWidth();
- local h = TaxiRouteMap:GetHeight();
- local type = coords_m[index][8]
- if ( type == "REACHABLE" ) then
- SetTooltipMoney(GameTooltip, coords_m[index][5]);
- TaxiNodeSetCurrent(index);
- if ( numRoutes > NUM_TAXI_ROUTES ) then
- for i = NUM_TAXI_ROUTES+1, numRoutes do
- line = TaxiRouteMap:CreateTexture("TaxiRoute"..i, "BACKGROUND");
- line:SetTexture("Interface\\TaxiFrame\\UI-Taxi-Line");
- end
- NUM_TAXI_ROUTES = numRoutes;
- end
- for i=1, NUM_TAXI_ROUTES do
- line = _G["TaxiRoute"..i];
- if ( i <= numRoutes ) then
- sX = coords_m[current][1]*w;
- sY = coords_m[current][2]*h;
- dX = coords_m[index][1]*w;
- dY = coords_m[index][2]*h;
- DrawRouteLine(line, "TaxiRouteMap", sX, sY, dX, dY, 32);
- line:Show();
- else
- line:Hide();
- end
- end
- elseif ( type == "CURRENT" ) then
- GameTooltip:AddLine(TAXINODEYOUAREHERE, "", 0.5, 1.0, 0.5);
- DrawOneHopLines();
- end
- GameTooltip:Show();
- end
- -- Draw all flightpaths within one hop of current location
- function DrawOneHopLines()
- local line;
- local sX, sY, dX, dY;
- local w = TaxiRouteMap:GetWidth();
- local h = TaxiRouteMap:GetHeight();
- local numNodes = #coords_m
- local numLines = 0;
- local numSingleHops = 0;
- for i=1, numNodes do
- --if ( GetNumRoutes(i) == 1 ) then
- numSingleHops = numSingleHops + 1;
- numLines = numLines + 1;
- if ( numLines > NUM_TAXI_ROUTES ) then
- line = TaxiRouteMap:CreateTexture("TaxiRoute"..numLines, "BACKGROUND");
- line:SetTexture("Interface\\TaxiFrame\\UI-Taxi-Line");
- NUM_TAXI_ROUTES = numLines;
- else
- line = _G["TaxiRoute"..numLines];
- end
- if ( line ) then
- sX = coords_m[current][1]*w;
- sY = coords_m[current][2]*h;
- dX = coords_m[current][1]*w;
- dY = coords_m[current][2]*h;
- DrawRouteLine(line, "TaxiRouteMap", sX, sY, dX, dY, 32);
- line:Show();
- end
- --end
- end
- for i=numLines+1, NUM_TAXI_ROUTES do
- _G["TaxiRoute"..i]:Hide();
- end
- if ( numSingleHops == 0 ) then
- UIErrorsFrame:AddMessage(ERR_TAXINOPATHS, 1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 1.0);
- HideUIPanel(TaxiFrame);
- end
- end
- -- The following function is used with permission from Daniel Stephens <>
- TAXIROUTE_LINEFACTOR = 32/30; -- Multiplying factor for texture coordinates
- -- T - Texture
- -- C - Canvas Frame (for anchoring)
- -- sx,sy - Coordinate of start of line
- -- ex,ey - Coordinate of end of line
- -- w - Width of line
- -- relPoint - Relative point on canvas to interpret coords (Default BOTTOMLEFT)
- function DrawRouteLine(T, C, sx, sy, ex, ey, w, relPoint)
- if (not relPoint) then relPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"; end
- -- Determine dimensions and center point of line
- local dx,dy = ex - sx, ey - sy;
- local cx,cy = (sx + ex) / 2, (sy + ey) / 2;
- -- Normalize direction if necessary
- if (dx < 0) then
- dx,dy = -dx,-dy;
- end
- -- Calculate actual length of line
- local l = sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy));
- -- Quick escape if it's zero length
- if (l == 0) then
- T:SetTexCoord(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
- T:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", C, relPoint, cx,cy);
- T:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", C, relPoint, cx,cy);
- return;
- end
- -- Sin and Cosine of rotation, and combination (for later)
- local s,c = -dy / l, dx / l;
- local sc = s * c;
- -- Calculate bounding box size and texture coordinates
- local Bwid, Bhgt, BLx, BLy, TLx, TLy, TRx, TRy, BRx, BRy;
- if (dy >= 0) then
- Bwid = ((l * c) - (w * s)) * TAXIROUTE_LINEFACTOR_2;
- Bhgt = ((w * c) - (l * s)) * TAXIROUTE_LINEFACTOR_2;
- BLx, BLy, BRy = (w / l) * sc, s * s, (l / w) * sc;
- BRx, TLx, TLy, TRx = 1 - BLy, BLy, 1 - BRy, 1 - BLx;
- TRy = BRx;
- else
- Bwid = ((l * c) + (w * s)) * TAXIROUTE_LINEFACTOR_2;
- Bhgt = ((w * c) + (l * s)) * TAXIROUTE_LINEFACTOR_2;
- BLx, BLy, BRx = s * s, -(l / w) * sc, 1 + (w / l) * sc;
- BRy, TLx, TLy, TRy = BLx, 1 - BRx, 1 - BLx, 1 - BLy;
- TRx = TLy;
- end
- -- Set texture coordinates and anchors
- T:ClearAllPoints();
- T:SetTexCoord(TLx, TLy, BLx, BLy, TRx, TRy, BRx, BRy);
- T:SetPoint("BOTTOMLEFT", C, relPoint, cx - Bwid, cy - Bhgt);
- T:SetPoint("TOPRIGHT", C, relPoint, cx + Bwid, cy + Bhgt);
- end
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