
Rainbow Dash visits the Crystal Empire

May 28th, 2016
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  1. >"No, wait! Come back!"
  2. >"Don't leave, I'm sorry!"
  3. >You are Twilight Sparkle.
  4. >And you just made a huge mistake.
  5. >You and one of your best friends, Rainbow Dash, were sitting in a cold, dark, and deserted tower.
  6. >Rainbow Dash was currently having a melt down.
  7. >You had to visit The Crystal Empire on official businesses.
  8. >You thought it would be a great idea to bring Rainbow along, give the two of you some bonding time.
  9. >After her little Wonderbolts lesson, Rainbow dash had confided in you the she became a bit of a history buff.
  10. >As a fun thing to to, you took her on a historical tour around the thousand year old empire.
  11. >Most of the time she looked ready to end her own existence, but she took a special interest in The Door of your Worst Fears.
  12. >"Whoa, this thing looks kinda cool. What is it Twi?"
  13. >By the time she had finished this sentence, you had already begun explaining the whole thousand year history of the door, down to every last wood fiber.
  14. >You had made it explicitly clear to not touch the door though, as it could lead to disaster.
  15. >You should have known better to turn your back on her.
  16. >You heard the door swing open with a "thud".
  17. >Before you could even react, Rainbow Dash was staring deeply through the door way, gazing at her nightmare envisioned.
  18. >"Come back guys, I didn't mean it, I swear!"
  19. >You try to shake her out of it, but to no avail.
  20. >She looks heartbroken, and begins to cry.
  21. >Your horn lights up, and the door slams shut.
  22. >Rainbows eyes return to the usual magenta color, but her expression remains the same.
  23. "Dash, are you alright? What did you see?"
  24. >She remains silent, a few tears rolling off her face.
  25. >With out warning, she rockets into the air, speeding out of the tower, leaving you behind.
  26. "Oh great."
  27. >You make your way up the tower steps, and back down to street level.
  28. >You look all over town for her, but have no success.
  29. >You question every pony that you see, even the Princess.
  30. >Its starting to get dark, and the train home will be leaving soon.
  31. >During your city wide search, you happen to overhear two stallions talking.
  32. >"Hey, did you see that rainbow earlier?"
  33. >"Yea, it was pretty amazing, huh?"
  34. >"It was really vivid too."
  35. >"It was kinda weird though, it looked like it was actually moving.
  36. >"Oh come on, you know that's just an optical illusion, right?
  37. >"Nah, I'm telling you man, it looked like it was headed for the hills right outside of town."
  38. >"Man, you're nuts, you know that?"
  39. >That's gotta be her.
  40. >You pull yourself into the air, moving towards the edge of the city.
  41. >As you arrive a the border, you spot a familiar rainbow mane hiding in the clouds.
  42. >You silently land on the cloud, a few feet away from Dash.
  43. >"Go away."
  44. >You offer a reassuring hoof.
  45. "What did you see Dash? Its alright, you can tell me."
  46. >"I said go away, I don't wanna talk right now."
  47. "Come on Rainbow Dash, talk to me. It'll make you feel better, I promise.
  48. >She looks hesitant, but eventually caves.
  49. >"I-...I saw you."
  50. "What?"
  51. >She looks up to you with red eyes.
  52. >"I saw you, and all of our friends."
  53. >"You were all leaving, leaving me."
  54. "Why? Why would we do that?"
  55. >She lays her head back down in exhaustion.
  56. >"I was being a jerk to you guys, like usual."
  57. >"You all decided to leave,...leave me all alone."
  58. >Her eyes well up again.
  59. >You offer a comforting smile.
  60. >"I was all alone. I hate being alone Twilight!"
  61. >Deciding your friend is desperately in need of one, you wrap her up in a hug.
  62. "Dash you know we would never do that."
  63. "We're all your best friends, we would never leave you over a small fight."
  64. >She looks back up at you again with sad eyes.
  65. >"Really?"
  66. >You laugh a little.
  67. "Of course Dash, what would we do without the "awesomest mare in all of Equestria"?
  68. >She perks up at this, recovering herself.
  69. >"Yea, I am pretty awesome, huh?
  70. "Dash."
  71. >She smiles innocently at you.
  72. >"Oh. Heh, right. Sorry."
  73. "Now come on Dash, our train is leaving soon."
  74. >"Alright, ill race you to the train station!"
  75. "You're on."
  76. >You get down in your starting position, ready to take off.
  77. >Before you can though, Rainbow Dash catches you off guard with a hug.
  78. >"Thanks Twi, you're a good friend."
  79. >You return the embrace.
  80. "Of course Dash, anything for a friend."
  81. >She lets go and gets in her starting stance.
  82. >"Alright, ready, set, HEYLOOKOVERTHERE!"
  83. >You look to where her hoof was pointing.
  84. "What! What is it?!"
  85. >You turn back to see her already yards ahead of you, way in the lead.
  86. "Oh, its on now."
  88. FIN
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