
Naruto UAs

May 7th, 2019 (edited)
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  1. Herein are the Unique Abilites of my PCs, NPCs, and what's left by Chron. I'll offer some commentary on mine.
  2. A bunch of them are probably out of date, which shall not prevent us from recording them.
  5. = PCs =
  6. Hachi
  7. UA1: Aspect - Chest hair
  8. Grants natural 5 points of mundane DR, which stack with armor. This DR can be damaged or negated by effects that can do that (like wind element), after which it is assumed the opponents are going for the wounds. If armor is worn over it, the physical armor is damaged before the aspect, and the DR part that was in effect is lowered. When the character is healed to full HP, the DR coming from this aspect is fully restored.
  10. UA2: Desperation - 「Fake Kekkei Genkai: Dead Hair Pulse」
  11. When the character enters the Injured pool, they gain 6 Grit (rank3 Desperation), and are now mechanically allowed to use "Kekkei Genkai Training: Dead Bone Pulse". This also effectively disables their armor, grants them natural 10 mundane DR (doubled against Taijutsu), as well as two intances of the Healthy perk.
  12. They are also allowed to take ranks in this training during downtime. Due to the large amount of Grit provided by the Unique Ability, activating Burst of Spines costs one point of Grit, and can only be done once per turn.
  13. Finally, the character's Martial Arts become South School while the technique is active.
  14. The actual bodypart used for the technique, of course, is hair.
  16. UA3: Aspect - Dual Heritage
  17. Character profits from One of the Masses, as if they were born in Iwagakure, and can buy the techniques required. Additionally, he gains a +2 ASB bonus to defend actions against non-KKG attacks of Hidden Stone shinobi of rank up to Jonin. This is a Knowledge bonus and interacts with mechanics that care for it, but stacks with any succesful knowledge rolls.
  19. UA4: Drive - Surgical Strike
  20. This drive is a follow-up to Attack actions, requiring two successes, and costing 6 grit.
  21. When the Character hits using Martial Arts, they may add damage and effects as if they have also hit using the Chakra Scalpels stance, using the same amount of successes.
  22. When the character hits using Medical Ninjutsu, they may add damage and effects as if they have also hit with a basic Martial Arts attack.
  24. - I remain convinced that 5 DR as UA1 aspect is perfectly fine, even though there were some UA1 aspects that did that AND gave +1 Taijutsu or something
  25. - Hachi never got to use UA2 since he never got even Injured through all the beef, but I'm pretty sure this one is way too strong, even after having to pay with XP for the training and all. Accquiring DBP suddenly gives him a bunch of DR and Healthy stacks, healing him when it shouldn't do that in the first place, so it pretty much cheats the system.
  26. - UA3 is for flavor, though camouflage and hammerfist next to konoha maneuvers is good shit
  27. - I'm not sure if offensive followups that aren't critical hit should exist at all, but it's a Jonin UA, so it should murder people.
  31. Shinnon Kurame
  32. UA1: Spice in the Air (Aspect)
  33. The weight of the kusarigama is filled with incense, spreading relaxants around the enemy. Attacks with Kusarigama cause cumulative +1ASB on the use of Genjutsu, up to the user's rank. Damage with Kusarigama also does not break Genjutsu that is already active.
  35. U2: Hypnotic Coils (Style)
  36. Trigger: Using Tempest, 9 Grit
  37. After this style is triggered, attacks with Kusarigama create a field of Burst 1 per attack at the target's position, which cause -1 ASP against Genjutsu-base actions. These fields can overlap and stack, up to the user's Rank in penalty.
  38. When the owner performs a Genjutsu, they may choose for it to only target enemies within the fields.
  40. - these were fucking useless and I never used them and I had no idea what I was doing mainly due to not having good understanding of how Genjutsu worked at the time of making these I gues
  45. Marisha Ushi
  46. UA1: Fatty's Eye (Aspect)
  47. Fatty's surgically transplanted eye. Allows the character to share vision with Fatty, including out-of-combat practical use.
  48. While Fatty is summoned, he is always considered to be in formation with the character, no matter the distance.
  50. UA2: False Style: Tick Throws (Style)
  51. Requires 9 Grit to activate. Activates with Charge.
  52. While this Style is active, the Grapple manuever can be used with Nekote. Additionally, Charges with Nekote can count as the Spear manuever from Clan of Power, as long as the Grit cost is paid.
  53. Spear: You must have "Charge" to use this ability. When you make a basic "Martial Arts" "Attack" action from "Charge" you may choose to use your body as a projectile and grab them. If they "Defend" with a skill that is not "Martial Arts" and their speed is not greater than yours by 2 or more you automatically hit them. You may then "Grapple" them as a free action. Costs 2 Grit.
  55. UA3: Doujutsu - Mabyogan (Mode)
  56. Right eye of the bake-neko. Bestows the fortune of a cat onto the user.
  57. Req. 15 Grit to activate, removes all debuffs and makes one immune to debuffs.
  58. Channeling chakra through the eye in a proper way grants a revelation of the most optimal path through combat, and adjusts anything that doesn't fit. This is a reality warping phenomenon similar to Izanagi, much less potent, but active over a longer period of time.
  59. While the Mode is active, the characters rolls of 2 grant double successes. Additionally, the first roll they take on their each turn is rolled twice, and the better result is picked.
  61. - Marisha has four summons with UAs of their own, listed below:
  66. Marisha's Summons:
  68. Fatty
  69. UA1: Marisha's Eye (Aspect)
  70. The summoner's surgically transplanted eye. Shares the summoner's vision, and allows for enough communication to use the Support role actions at any distance. Additionally, Fatty cannot be flanked while in the same zone as the Summoner.
  71. UA2: Veteran of Warfare (Aspect)
  72. Fatty is an old cat. He got fat and he's pretty washed out, but he's served many masters, and understands the battlefield very well.
  73. Grants the Strategist perk. Treat his ranks in Genjutsu Training as Strategy Training ranks, to the maximum of 4. Strategy Specialization cannot be purchased, and any further perks must be bought separately.
  75. UA3: Doujutsu - Mabyogan (Gambit)
  76. Left eye of the bake-neko. Carries a curse of misfortune.
  77. Genjutsu-based. Costs 4 Chakra and 7 Grit to activate, +1 ASB to the Genjutsu roll.
  78. This Gambit is a special Genjutsu, which can be completed with a single partial action. It can either be performed as a regular Genjutsu, or, being single-action, can be used as a defensive jutsu, also through the Support role, by rolling Genjutsu+Genjutsu Training+1 upfront. In either case, it must be performed as this Gambit, and cannot be used outside of it. If used offensively, it works automatically, like any Genjutsu, but if defense with it fails, it fails to work. If the defense is succesful, it proceeds to Grit Lock the caster, and work as any Genjutsu from there.
  79. The Jutsu has two twists: Pinwheel Eyes, as befiting an eye-focus doujutsu technique, and a special Twist, Curse of the Cat, which cannot be used anywhere else.
  80. Curse of the Cat: 1s rolled by the target do not provide double successes, save for Genjutsu Release rolls. The affected loses the Lucky trait if they have it, for the duration of the Genjutsu. Furthermore, the first roll that the target performs after being affected is rolled twice, and they are forced to pick the worse result, even if it is the Genjutsu Release roll. If the Jutsu has been used defensively, this effect is considered expended in order to divert the attack, but the rest of the Twist still applies.
  81. WARP - Additionally, if the Genjutsu is not broken before combat is over, and the affected is not a cat, this Warp may be used. If it is, the affected treats all feline creatures they encounter as if they possessed Aura of Malice at rank equivalent to that of the Genjutsu's caster, for the next year of their life.
  84. Panther
  85. UA1: Shadoswirl (Mode)
  86. A body made of shadow. A more competent shinobi could probably make great use of it, but since Panther is kind of a blockhead, he only uses it in melee combat.
  87. Req, 12 Grit to activate, removes and becomes immune to Status Effects.
  88. Every turn this Mode is active, Panther may gain a size category, which only impacts his Stability. Additionally, his Martial Arts becomes a ranged weapon, with range equal to the range of Shadow Element jutsus:
  89. Shadow Element: +2 Damage. Your Shadow Element Jutsu have a base range that is limited to a total number of squares affected equal to 1/2 of your Ninjutsu Score. In a condition of intense shadows, up to Kage's discretion, this range is doubled. In conditions of weak shadows the range is halved. In total darkness your Jutsu cannot function.
  90. UA2: Spilled Ink (Desperation)
  91. Activates upon entering the Injured Pool. Grants 6 Grit.
  92. Hedgehog-like explosion of shadowy tendrils, activated by the panicked Panther. Restores half the Injured pool of damage, and everyone within Taijutsu squares of him becomes Blinded, whether that includes the attacker or not.
  94. Silver
  95. UA1: Gale Step (Drive)
  96. Req. 3 Successes, 4-1/2Rank=[3] Grit, Triggers on Attack or Counter using Wind Element.
  97. A way of movement wherin the Wind Jutsu is used as vacuum to pull the user in or out. Moves the character up to 30 squares: either adjectant to someone hit by the Jutsu, or, if they are already adjectant, up to 30 squares away.
  98. UA2: Rising Wind (Aspect)
  99. If a Wind Element attack of Silver's is Dodged, it leaves behind a small whirlwind on all the squares that were occuppied by dodging shinobi. These whirlwinds remain for Rank rounds, render the square impassable, and count as characters for the purposes of Flanking. They cannot be attacked with regular weapons or martial arts, but an Elemental Jutsu aimed at or affecting the square automatically destroys them.
  101. Beauty
  102. UA1: Fashion Sense (Aspect)
  103. The summon looks like a perfectly normal cat, and not a ninja animal. Additionally, it can change its appearance without the use of Bunshin, and thus will never be identified as one, even after changing the color and shape of fur, bodily characteristics, etc. However, it is not immune to being identified as a summon by abilities that would detect its chakra signature, and will be proven to be a summon if banished.
  108. = Other People's PCs =
  109. Niten Kyoko
  110. UA 1 - Art of War (Aspect): As Specialist X (Tactician), but with no Grit/turn penalty.
  111. UA 2 - Super Training Regimen (Downtime): A Downtime spent on this action increases the Bond level of all participants by 1 for the duration of the next mission. If this would increase a bond beyond Eternal Bond, all previous Bond bonuses are doubled.
  112. UA 3 - Eye of the Mind (Style, 9 Grit): The amount of partial actions a Knowledge Check takes is reduced by one, and all Knowledge Bonuses provide an extra +3 ASB. Additionally, whenever Kyoko is attacked, she may pay an amount of Grit equal to her opponent's rank to immediately attempt a Knowledge Check before performing a defense.
  113. UA 4 - VOID (Mode, 16 Grit): Kyoko clears her mind of thoughts irrelevant to the fight at hand. She gains a Knowledge Bonus against all Skills, even those that have not yet been used in the fight. This ability ignores effects that would otherwise forbid one to benefit from a Knowledge Check. Activating this Mode reduces Kyoko's Nindo to 0.
  116. Arista
  117. UA1: Lá Ballet Grimaldi - +2 to Puppetry on a Successful use of Puppetry Skill.
  118. UA2: The great Dance Troupe: Sword hunter now works if allies are attacked within 10 squares of the puppet, Lá Ballet Grimaldi now works passivly in additon to also working upon sucessful puppetry skill use.
  120. Arista EX
  121. Macabre Circus: First Act (UA1, Style (Puppet Attack), Requires 6 Grit) - Perform a Feint action for free before resolving the attack. If the Puppet has the Deceptive Trick, perform 2 Feints before resolving he attack.
  123. Macabre Circus: Second Act (UA2, Style (Puppet Attack), Requires 9 Grit) - Instead of performing a Feint, may now perform an Intimidate action for free before resolving the attack, or may forego the attack entirely to perform a Diplomacy action with the puppet as its source (and therefore affecting the user as well). If the Puppet has the Deceptive Trick, you may perform both a Feint and an Intimidate action before resolving the attack.
  125. Macabre Circus: Third Act (UA3, Style (Puppet Attack), Requires 12 Grit) - Every successful social action also applies an instance of Poisoned. Additionally, the Puppet may perform Killing Intent as a free action, but only once per round for all Puppets on the field. A successful Killing Intent also applies an instance of Poisoned.
  127. Macabre Circus: Acta Est Fabula (UA4, Gambit, Costs 5+3X Grit) - As a Full-Round Action, roll Ninjutsu+Puppetry+X ASB against all targets in the same zone. If the Macabre Circus has reached the Third Act, Dodge cannot be used as a defense; if it has not, lose a point of Nindo. On a base success, deal Ninjutsu+Puppetry damage and apply Poisoned upgraded by the Insidious Poison and Sickening Poison tricks even if your puppets do not actually possess them. For each additional success over the target, deal Ninjutsu+Puppetry damage, and for every 3 successes over the target, apply an additional instance of the upgraded Poisoned condition.This Gambit counts as a Puppetry Attack, meaning any applicable styles are triggered before the attack roll takes place for each target. For each successful social test triggered as a result of those styles, add 2 successes to your roll; this may result in the Gambit succeeding even if its actual roll has failed.
  130. Aburame Shinji
  131. Inheritance (UA1, Aspect) - Shinji's Kikaichu originally belonged to his mother, but were transplanted to him shortly before her death; though it was a grueling experience, Shinji managed to incorporate the foreign breed it into his own. His Swarms gain an additional Evolution.
  132. March of the Dark Armies (Style (Living Hive Attack), Requires 9 Grit) - May move the target and any and all swarms up to a number of squares equal to the difference between the Attack and Defend rolls, or 1, if the Attack has failed or has been blocked.
  135. Sakurai Eiha
  136. UA1: Pervading Malevolence (Aspect) - The Trait Aura of Malice continues to function normally while using Stealth, inducing an eerie sense of tension the victim cannot fully comprehend even if they have not seen the User yet.
  137. UA2: Flowing Steel Style (Aspect) - The user employs a fighting style that synergizes Kenjutsu and Water Ninjutsu into one, striking and weaving like flowing water. Eiha is adept at mixing Water-style Ninjutsu in her Kenjutsu, able to form one-handed ninjutsu seals with one hand while holding a weapon in the other hand. Additionally, this style of combat is particularly swift and allows the user to form R/3 additional hand signs per partial action.
  140. Jogan Sansei
  141. UA1: Hyperactive Metabolism (Aspect): Regenerates (5 * Rank) Injury each round. If a limb or other bodypart is severed or lost it can be reattached, or regrown if given time.
  143. UA2: Cloud of Destruction (Mode) (12 grit required to activate): Remove all status effects placed by an enemy. Become immune to hostile status effects. The Sansei hyperactive metabolism goes into total overdrive, causing a cloud (Rank = Burst size) of acidic steam to form around you. This aura deals 10 + Rank damage, and melts mundane armor, decreasing their DR by your Ninjutsu attribute each round. The damage is applied to any entering the cloud the first time during a round, and is applied again if they remain in it at the end of their turn. As a partial action (3 grit and a free action) you may leave a cloud behind you that lasts a number of rounds equal to your rank. The clouds cause Obscured Sight to all other than you, including those with Chakra Sight. You cannot grit out of this Obscured Sight, it ends on leaving the cloud automatically. While the cloud is active, you add the cloud’s damage to DR against ranged attacks or jutsus. An attack with a Wind element jutsu causes clouds to disperse within the jutsu’s area of effect, though the cloud around your body is immune to this effect.
  147. = NPCs =
  148. I'll preface it with saying that these don't exactly follow the rules of UAmaking, and leave a lot of points unspent, since that was never the point. Instead they were meant to create interesting/fun fights.
  149. Some characters didn't have UAs at all, like the sand duo, because I deemed them scary enough without them (lol yumi and Set Piece)
  151. Raiko Boshi
  152. UA1 Drive: Renka
  153. (Requires 3 Successes, costs 3 Grit, usable off Attack and Counter)
  154. A well practiced roundhouse kick made towards a slashed enemy, meant to further upset the wound. Adds Knockback on top of the hit. If the target is already knocked back, the distance is doubled.
  156. UA2 Style: Hakaishin
  157. Requires 9 Grit in the pool, using an attempt to Trip as a trigger.
  158. A low stance, focused on sweeping low kicks, using the blade as a counterweight.
  159. While in this Style, a landed Martial Arts Attack will add +4 ASB to the next attack with a Chokuto against the target, and makes Renka cost no Grit on that particular attack.
  160. (Penalty) While in this style, user cannot attack enemies on the squares above them, unless they choose to leave the Style as a free action.
  162. - Rules of the game are simple here. Raiko got a ton of grit from Arrogant, Iron Resolve and what not. Letting yourself hit with the non-threatening attack sets up the deadly one.
  165. Kazuma Huuma
  166. UA1: Juggling Pattern - Aspect
  167. When using Projectile Barrage, character may also perform two Seals. This does not actually allow them to use a two-seal Jutsu, but they may be seals of a Jutsu they will finish next turn.
  169. UA2: - Art of the Autumn Leaves - Aspect
  170. Grants +1 Ninjutsu, bypassing the cap granted by the rank. Allows the user to channel Fire elemental chakra into a weapon despite not having 7 ranks of Fire Elemental Training. This includes ranged weapons, such as Huuma Shuriken.
  172. - Would have been even scarier earlier on, esp. if he had somebody to show him where you are. Was on a chakra budget.
  173. - UA2 would have to do something else now, since he can channel element at Chuunin now. Channeling into a throw weapon is fun, shame it didn't come up. Nerfs to Projectile Barrage would make him not as scary, but Huuma Shuriken offsets it, so it still makes sense.
  176. Mumei
  177. UA1: Classic Espionage (Aspect)
  178. Instead of focusing on martial prowess, the character focuses on becoming a proper Ninja, playing up that they cannot be detected by ninja means. As such, Chakra Coils Disorder uncaps Genjutsu rather than Taijutsu.
  180. UA2: Tender Touch (Style)
  181. Requires 9 Grit to activate. Activates with Feint.
  182. Against an enemy suffering from ASP inflicted by Feint, the first Bleeding condition inflicted by Nekote in an attack instead becomes Deep Bleeding.
  184. - The best thing I got for balancing Chakra Coils against PCs. Ironically was really dangerous to the PCs because of her high Intuition.
  187. Kamiko Kame
  188. UA1: Kame Bunshin (Aspect)
  189. Grants the character Elemental Clone technique, despite the fact that they do not have an Elemental Affinity trait. In cases where it would matter, Dead Hair Pulse Training is treated as the element in question. The 'element' has no damage or effects, the clones simply revert into a lump of hair when defeated.
  191. UA 2: Sapping Locks (Style)
  192. Req. 9 Grit, Triggered by expanding the Cradle.
  193. An inverted flux that saps chakra of the enemies who touch the hair for a prolonged time. If enemies start their turn on the Cradle, they lose 1 point of Chakra. They also lose 1 Chakra if they start their turn Constricted. If both is the case, they lose 3 instead. The Cradle expands by Burst equal to the amount of Chakra lost every time.
  195. - Would have been probably much scarier if you met her before grand finals, this way she was on a chakra budget.
  198. Uchiha Bajinmaru
  199. UA1: Heritage in Spirit
  200. Character may add an additional Twist to all Genjutsu made.
  202. UA2: Flames of the Mind (Aspect)
  203. Enemies affected by damage-dealing Genjutsu Twists suffer an instance of Fire element on them until the end of combat. It persists if they leave the Genjutsu.
  205. - UA2 turned out to be actually really strong.
  208. Nezumari
  209. UA1: Sensitive Snout (Aspect)
  210. As long as the character is on terrain created by Filth Release ninjutsu or similar, they cannot be Flat-Footed or Nauseated.
  212. UA2: Black Blood Pact (Desperation)
  213. When the character becomes Injured, they immediatelly gain 6 Grit, and the next Summon they will perform will have its rank increased by one, possibly summoning a different creature from their menagerie than the cost would suggest. If their next summon is of their highest rank, this may summon a creature that is not in their menagerie at all. The GM gets to decide what exactly the summoner gets.
  215. - I'm pretty sure Desperations are not supposed to look like this by now. Turns out Desperations are really strong even if they don't do anything, though, since it gave her enough Grit to anger out of the Iron Wire.
  218. Shinoraze Hoshigaki
  219. UA1: Dentaball (Gambit)
  220. Based on Martial Arts. Requires 3Grit and Rank Chakra to activate.
  221. Allows user to simulate the Meat Tank technique from the Akimichi clan, without paying its own furhter costs.
  222. Meat Tank- A favorite technique of your Clan's, you balloon yourself up into an orb of chakra and fat. You gain +20 movement speed and can make a single "Attack" action per move against a foe in your way. These "Attack" actions count as the "Charge" Maneuver. If you pay to activate this Power during an Attack you may increase the damage dealt by 10. Costs 5 Chakra per use.
  224. UA2:Forgotten Hiden (Aspect)
  225. Grants the user the perks and traits of Sharks aside of Aquatic, despite not being contracted to them.
  227. - Sharks automatically cause damage when passing by someone, so his gameplan was to guerilla warfare the heck out of people. Not sure if you would have gotten to dodge that or not, considering the new rules on it.
  230. Tasaku
  231. UA1: Hostile Terrain (Style)
  232. Activates with an Elemental Jutsu, at 6 Grit.
  233. If a Lightning Element Jutsu lands on or passes through the previous Burst area of a Water Element jutsu, user may have it gain Burst X, where X is the total chakra cost spent on Water Element jutsus to a maximum of twice the user's Rank. This additional burst only affects the 'wet tiles' themselves, and only if the Jutsu's effect touches them.
  234. While this style is active, user may spend a partial action to create a Burst 1 puddle under their feet infused with Chakra, or expand one they stand on by 1. This puddle counts as a 'wet tile' for the purpose of this Style, adding Burst equal to the number of Partial Actions spent on it.
  236. - UA2 is unknown. It may yet be relevant!
  240. UA4: Compound Doujutsu (Aspect)
  241. The character posesseses eight different eyes, of which only two can be opened. By default, Joubin's Eye and Sharingan Eye are activated. At the start of the character's every turn, they may roll a 1d10, to determine which eye they could manage to open. They need not abide by the result, but if they do, it replaces one of their currently opened eyes.
  242. 1-2) Sharingan: The Wheel Eye. When this eye is selected, the character may immediately make a Knowledge check costing one partial action less. If this eye is not active, Accquiried Kekkei Genkai: Sharingan cannot be used at all.
  243. 3) Ketsuryuugan: The Imperial Blood Eye. When this eye is selected, it allows the character to use the Blood Razor Jutsu [Projectile / Rng:25 / Spd: One Partial Action / Dmg: Special] immediately as a free action, and subsequently as a partial action while the eye remains opened. It uses Ninjutsu attribute and any elemental skill for for the attack roll. They can make it deal any amount of damage up to the total amount of Injury the user has lost during the encounter. Further uses of Blood Razor may use whatever is left of the pool, or newly dealt damage. The use of this Jutsu does not require seals, or hands.
  244. 4) Kishougan: The Igniting Eye. An eye which sets whatever it gazes upon to flames. When this eye is selected, the character may make a Chakra Control based attack on anyone within their zone, using any social skill as its skill. The target must either dodge this attack, or defend in such a way that they leave the line of sight, the zone, or obscure themselves. Thus, a Burst 1 Jutsu can defend against this attack, but a Projectile Jutsu cannot. If the defender fails, they sustain 3 instances of the Fire! status effect. This attack can be used again any number of times while the eye is active, as a Partial Action.
  245. 5) Shichougan: The Claiming Eye. An Eye which moves matter. When this eye is selected, the character may assault their opponents with small debris within their range of sight. As a free action, they may make a Determination based attack action up to two zones away, using either Stealth or Deception as its skill. It can be defended against in any way, but if the target fails, they become Staggered and Prone. After the eye is selected, the action may be used again as a Partial action, dealing an additional 20 damage every time to a maximum of 20xRank damage as the air becomes filled with throwable objects still in the user's grasp.
  246. 6) Chokushi-no-Magan: The eye which sees the death of things. When this eye becomes active, the character's next Taijutsu-based attack action will only require 5 successes to activate Critical Hit, and may activate this Follow-up even if blocked. Afterwards, as long as the eye is active, the character only needs 7+ Successes to activate Critical Hit.
  247. 7) Mabyogan: The Evil Cat's Eye. Grants the Lucky trait to the user. If the eye is selected multiple times, they may use the special reroll from Lucky once for every time it is selected.
  248. 8) Hansuugan: The Ruminating Eye. An eye which sees the pasts of people and objects. When this eye is selected. they may immediately use the Glean Nindo at no cost. If the eye is replaced with another, whatever profit they may still be getting from it is immediately lost.
  250. 9-10) Joubin's Eye: Eight-Eyes's sole remaining human eye. When this eye is selected, the character may let their Chakra take a break, and may Mold Energy as a free action. It does not grant any passive benefit, except perhaps in cases where a completely plain eye would be necessary.
  253. =NPCs by Chron=
  254. Mai Saito
  255. UA1: Makibishi Master (type, grit): May use makibishi as if they were Shurikens in relation to the Brilliant trait changing them to (Makibishi: Base damage 0, Range=Ninjutsu, may use as an attack action causing Rank number of hits, the remainder cluster around the feet of the target. Damage equals Shinobi tools training+Nin x 2)(Makes Makibishi count as Shuriken/Kunai for maneuvers, whichever is worse for applying additional effects)
  256. UA2: Marked Makibishi (type, grit): Makibishi may be specially prepared on a downtime to function as Fuunjutsu tags. They become attached to the target like Fuuinjutsu tags as well, to be activated as a fuuinjutsu effect. They attach on a successful Makibishi master attack (if they are Marked) (Rank+1=complexity max effects on marked makibishi)
  257. UA3: Defensive Spray (type, grit): When Flighty is activated, may apply Piercing Opposition immediately.
  258. UA4: Covered with Thorns (type, grit): Makibishi that hit a target stay in the target until intentionally removed (marked makibishi require Chakra to remove, like tags) and apply the effects of moving through a makibishi field intentionally (lowering speed and movement). The Marked Makibishi from the Scroll can apply any chosen effect (up to it’s max) when using the Fuuinjutsu locus effect of the scroll.
  261. Ai Senju
  262. UA1: Earth Element, +1 ASB to Wood jutsu
  263. UA2: Extra Partial Action on the first round
  266. Tsubame Hyuuga
  267. UA1: (Aspect) Eight Trigrams - Use your entire taijutsu stat to determine the area of an intercept action
  268. UA2: (?) Moves Like Jagger - Gain 1 speed rank and a partial action that can only be used for a gentle fist action with +1 ASB Cost - 6 Grit, 3 Chakra
  271. Saki Ishikawa
  272. UA1: Gambit: Kōri no hari (Icy Needle): Focusing your chakra, you coat a senbon in a thick layer of hardened ice strong enough to pierce through any mundane armour. Deals base Senbon damage + senbon training + ½ nin + bonuses + Ice element (1+4+2+5+10+inflicts - Rank ASP if flanking). Can disable body part of your choice (legs, arms, body. Can hit nerves with 5 points in medical) Costs 4 Grit + 2 Chakra.
  274. UA2: Aspect/Downtime: Acupuncture Specialist: Saki Ishikawa's understanding of anatomy and expertise in using needles for various purposes lets her implant senbon into her allies in order to unlock their potential.For a cost of 3 grit, she can implant senbon into someone to boost one of four systems of their body: Strength, Speed, Endurance, however for each such boost they will take 2 points of injury per round.
  275. Additionally, if she is using her Ice Senbon or another chakra-receptive implement, she can instead spend 6 grit and 3 chakra to channel her energy through the senbon, which will increase the benefit gained but also double the injury they take from it.The benefits she can apply are:-Strength: Increases the damage they deal with one taijutsu based attack per turn. Chakra Boost doubles this damage.-Speed: Increases their movement speed by 6. Chakra boost additionally gives them one Speed Rank.-Endurance: Gives them 5 Mundane DR. Chakra Boost gives them 1/4th of their injury as a temporary injury pool. The damage incurred to them from this technique blows straight through this pool.
  276. The subject of this technique may choose to absorb all the chakra invested in the technique, giving them 2 chakra per boost, at the cost of its usage.
  279. Chisai
  280. UA1: Dissecting Eyes, +1 ASB to Shuriken
  281. UA 2: Can Lockdown as a free action, does not prevent from attacking.
  284. Futoppara
  285. UA1: Blinded, +1 ASB Greatsword
  286. UA2: Martial Training,
  287. - Presumably one of his UAs let him have and use Greatsword as a Genin and/or gave him +1 Taijutsu
  290. Tarou Okuma
  291. Unique Abilities:
  292. Adrenaline Rush (UA1, Gambit: +10 Movement, +2ASB to Martial Arts, Cost: 3 Grit + 2 Chakra):
  293. Focusing his chakra, Tarou rushes towards his enemy with a charge so ferocious that it's difficult to evade his attacks
  295. Kumakenta
  296. Unique Abilities:
  297. Bear Necessities (UA1, Aspect): Kumakenta is a bear, and his fighting style takes full advantage of that fact. (+2ASB to Martial Arts)
  300. Tenbin Bo
  301. UA1: Strike in Passing (Type, grit): When Flighty activates, may make a basic attack at half ASB at any 1 target along his path.
  303. UA2: Hatred of Jutsu (Type, 6 grit/use): If a foe uses handsigns within his taijutsu score of squares, he may move up to them and make a Disarm attack, in order to interrupt the jutsu use. If it succeeds the jutsu fails and the chakra meant to fuel it is lost.
  305. - You know, the hot springs guy with the staff.
  308. Sp. Jonin Spider Spearman
  309. UA1: Webs created by the Webbing trait count as Web jutsu for the purposes of parrying jutsu, and for the purposes of being terrain that will Immobilize one knocked into it. Web jutsu remain as if created by the Webbing trait. Webbing may be used as a source for Web jutsu.
  311. UA2: Spear stance - Requires X grit, when you hit with a spear with at least 2 successes, you may inflict Disabled - Leg or Arm. With 4, you may inflict Disabled - Nerves. With 6, Torso. With at least 2 Disabled conditions you may inflict a Severed condition that acts as Staggered. If a target has at least three Severed conditions, they drop to their next injury pool automatically.
  313. UA3: +6 ASB on Spear usage against targets already poisoned, +3 against unpoisoned. Can make the Ready action with a spear as a free action by paying 3 grit
  316. Kobima Senju
  317. UA1: Earth Element, +1 ASB to Wood jutsu
  318. UA2: Extra Partial Action on the first round
  321. Katsumi Sato
  322. UA1: Auditory Awareness (Style, 3 grit) Tremorsense functions for 1 less partial action.
  323. UA2: Mastery over Sound (Aspect) +4 ASB to Sound Element
  324. UA3: Overwhelming Sound (Gambit, 9 Grit, 4 chakra, Sound Element) Use Dissonant Blast and gain automatic success over your target +2. Costs 4 chakra extra to apply this effect, and can only be used once per combat.This attack can be evaded via Tactics moving the target out of the blast, Flighty trait, or UA that allows for large movement. (Has to exceed the Burst of the jutsu)
  327. Gesshirui Kazan
  328. UA1: Swiftest Learner (Aspect): You quickly learned that positioning and knowledge are key on the battlefield. You have spent a large amount of time building up your personal movement speed, as well as your perceptive abilities. You gain the Fast perk, with an additional +4 movement. You also gain the Total Ninjutsu and Taijutsu Assessment perks, and finally the Fast Seals perk.
  329. UA2: Volcanic Awakening (Aspect): You have unlocked the secrets of the molten core of the earth, simultaneously gaining enlightenment on the elements of Fire and of Earth. You may now make jutsu with the Lava element!
  332. Hiryu Kinchou
  333. UA1 (Gambit): Hydraulic Blast: When using a jutsu on a target within a range no greater than that of a Charge maneuver, you can mix in a Charge maneuver attack if the Jutsu hits the target. 4 grit, 2 chakra.
  336. Kemuri
  337. UA1: Wind Element affinity (Follow-ups cost -1/2 rank grit), Fast perk, Healthy Perk 2, +2 movement
  338. UA2: Water element affinity (+Rank chakra), High Speed Movement 1, Weapon Master perk
  341. Naoki Tanaka
  342. UA1: Smarter than he looks (Aspect) +2 ASB to Feint
  343. UA2: Are we real? Perhaps we aren’t! (Drive, 6 grit) 4 successes on Deception allows you to create another Kage Bunshin for 0 chakra as a free action (cannot make more than your limit this way)
  346. Crom
  347. UA 1: Way of the Turtle (Style (Taking damage) Requires 3 grit): On taking damage, add +chakra DR = Rank until combat ends. This stacks for each time you get hit up to rank.
  348. UA 2: Rolling Tide (Style (High Speed Combatant) Requires 6 grit): Each time High Speed Combatant is activated, gain Rank x 2 as DR. This stacks up to rank number of times, only gain 1 stack per turn.
  349. UA 3: Rune Mastery (Utility, Nin) (Downtime): Learned to utilize his family’s skills, Rune Mastery is an advanced skill that adds special effects to a weapon or armor that has been worked on over a long period of time.
  350. 1. You spend a Downtime to put the "Runic" quality onto an item. (Runic means it is prepared to hold an element, and it becomes Indestructible) (Runemaster adds 1 to ASB of the weapon skill per 3 points in RM skill) approval needed
  351. 2. During a fight (Or before that, if you want) you may apply -any- basic element onto it. It becomes permanent until rank 5 (Applying an elemental rune grants the damage and effect on a weapon, If channeled into armor it protects from C Rank Jutsu of the chosen element element and gives DR equal to damage it would otherwise give)
  352. 3. Upon reaching Rank 5, you are now able to switch elements as a partial action
  353. 4. Rank 10 you are able to have 2 elements as a time. Jutsu of one of the branded elements up to rank B are ignored if on armor.
  354. 5. Get advanced elements (GM) (Up to rank A jutsu of the element on armor is ignored, all gear branded gains Summoning Seal)
  355. UA 4: Wielding a Magic Sword: (Mode, 16 grit): Gains the ability to parry/counter jutsu with Taijutsu skills (can only counter if within range to attack), gains +4 ASB to Chokuto skill uses.
  359. =NPCs by Antary=
  360. Unnamed Puppeteer
  361. Ventriloquism (UA1, Aspect) - One attack per battle may be Replaced for free, but this requires a puppet to be within a range of Ninjutsu squares. This does not work when an enemy with Chakra Sight or a Chakra Sensor is in the same zone.
  362. Macabre Circus: One Act Performance (UA2, Gambit, 3+3X Grit) - As a full-round action, move all puppets as much as possible in a single partial action towards the chosen target. If at least one puppet is adjacent to the enemy, roll Ninjutsu + Puppetry + X ASB. Double all Flanking penalties for this attack. Deal no damage, but for each success over the opponent, apply an instance of "Poisoned."
  363. Long Range Assassination (UA3, Aspect) - At the start of combat, select one puppet; it begins in the Engaged zone from the enemies. Attacking with this puppet does not break the puppeteer's Stealth. Additionally, any one puppet may immediately become adjacent to the puppeteer with a single partial action, regardless of the distance it would need to travel.
  366. Kaguya Shingen
  367. Healthy Body (UA1, Aspect) - Shingen gains 5 Universal DR and counts his Taijutsu as one higher, which may go over the usual Rank limits. This Taijutsu increase may result in an increased Speed Rank.
  370. Lady whose-name-I-forgot
  371. Reincarnation Ninjutsu: Living Doll Creation (UA?, Aspect) - Whenever someone is Defeated and killed, ?????? may instead spend a point of Nindo to keep them alive and replace all of their Unique Abilities with the Human Doll series of Unique Abilities.
  374. Ken
  375. Demonic Life-Stealing Seal (UA1, Drive (Attack)) - Feast on Pain (1+): When Ken hurts someone, that life force isn't merely lost; it is absorbed by the cursed seal that spreads across his body. Gain Rank Universal DR. This effect stacks indefinitely and lasts until the end of combat. This Follow-Up may be activated multiple times for the same action, as long as the user has achieved a sufficient number of successes and possesses enough Grit.
  376. Forbidden Technique: Life Energy Conversion Strike (UA2, Gambit 3+3X) - A Taijutsu technique that allows the user to channel their own life force into a single suicidal strike. Ken is able to avoid the deadly consequences of this technique by simply using energies that are not his own. Roll Taijutsu + Martial Arts + X. On a successful hit, deal damage equal to a normal Martial Arts attack, and add all the accumulated Universal DR and Chakra DR as damage. For each success over the target, deal half the Universal DR as damage. The Universal and Chakra DR are lost afterwards. This costs 3 Chakra.
  379. Renji
  380. Senbon Umbrella (UA1, Aspect) - A special ninja umbrella containing hidden weapons within, the trademark of most Amegakure shinobi. Renji may, as a Partial Action that costs 2 Chakra, throw one such umbrella 5 squares up in the air. At the end of each of his turns, this umbrella makes a single attack with Senbon using Renji's Ninjutsu + Senbon Training. This umbrella may target anyone within the same zone, and may be disabled by any attack capable of reaching it. It may not move once set up, but Renji may return any umbrella from any distance to his person as a Free Action. Up to Rank of these umbrellas may be present on the battlefield at the same time.
  381. Senbon Rain (UA2, Gambit, Costs 3+3X Grit) - Renji may unleash the entire hidden arsenal of his umbrellas all at once. Pick one target within the Engaged Zone. Roll Ninjutsu + Senbon Training + X. For each success over the opponent, deal damage equivalent to a thrown attack using Senbon, as well as any additional effects of such an attack for free. For each active Senbon Umbrella, use this Gambit again on another target, using the umbrella as the source for the purposes of range. This costs 3 Chakra, but no additional Grit or Chakra must be paid when using the additional attacks from the Senbon Umbrellas.
  384. Mori
  385. Flash of Shuriken (UA1, Style (Shuriken Throw or Projectile Barrage with Shuriken), Requires 6 Grit) - Mori may throw out twice the usual amount of shuriken with each attack
  388. Ranmaru
  389. Doton: Fanged Pursuit Jutsu (UA1, Gambit, 2+3X) - A Jutsu with which Ranmaru summons dogs and sends them rapidly digging through the earth, allowing the creatures to ambush their victim from below. Target a single enemy in the same zone as you; if the target has previously dealt damage to you, the range of this ability expands to the entire battlefield as the summoned dogs track the scent of your blood. Roll Ninjutsu + Summoning Skills + X against a target in the same zone, who defends using Genjutsu + Intuition. On a success, summon a single Dog from your menagerie. This Dog may immediately make a partial action attack, treating this as an attack from Stealth. For every 3 successes over the required amount, summon an additional Dog at no cost, which may also make a partial action attack from Stealth. This costs 2 Chakra.
  392. Uchiha Moeka
  393. Megalomania (UA1, Aspect) - Moeka gains the Arrogant Trait, except her version of it can be used even against people of higher Rank than her own, and she only loses its effects if she loses a contest against someone of lower Rank. Additionally, she counts as having the Lone Wolf Trait, but with none of the positives.
  396. Sen
  397. Flowing River Technique (UA1, Aspect) - When an Elemental Clone is destroyed, one other Elemental Clone that is in the same zone as the destroyed clone may immediately appear anywhere within the destroyed clone's explosion Burst area.
  398. River Snare (UA2, Style (Lodging Attacks (Kama), Requires 9 Grit) - When activating the Stun effect of Lodging Attacks, Sen may immediately switch places with an Elemental Clone and have it maintain the Stun in his place.
  401. Shin
  402. Omni-Directional Wall (UA1, Mode, Costs 8 Grit) - Shin is always considered to be Intercepting.
  403. Spirit Crushing Press (UA2, Style (Shield Parry or Block), Requires 9 Grit) - Anyone successfully Defended against with a shield that is within 10 Squares is immediately moved up to and Attacked with the shield. If the attack utilized Chakra, this counter-attack gains a number of ASB equal to the Chakra spent on the attack. If the counter-attack is successful, the opponent's Grit Gain for the next Round is halved.
  406. Grass Spearman
  407. Defense-Into-Offense Technique (UA1, Aspect) - May use "Attack" Follow-Ups on successful Counters, and they cost 1 less Grit to activate when activated from a Counter. Hot-Blooded treats all Counters as Attacks.
  408. Prodding for Weakness (UA2, Style (Spear Attack), Requires 9 Grit) - Next Counter action costs 1 less Grit and gains +1 ASB. When the Counter is used, the bonuses reset.
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