
Agnaa vs Kirbin Tad Judgement

Dec 5th, 2021
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  1. Kirbin 1:
  2. - Jack str/dura scales to Garland, who is strong + durable.
  3. - Jack also has good feats on his own, including fast movement.
  4. - Major has mad hops, her hits bust metal, and she shoots big guns w/ meme aimbot.
  5. - Also Major has fine durability.
  6. - Contrast w/ Agnaa's picks, who have poor/no feats.
  7. - Black's precog won't magically make him fast enough to dodge and he is weak.
  8. - Zenkichi's scaling to FTE is fake.
  9. - Zenkichi is hurt by attacks with no collateral from random people.
  10. - Major immediately gets her gun and shoots and even if she didn't Jack is there to oneshot.
  12. Agnaa 1:
  13. - Lmao they didn't link anything.
  14. - I don't know what Altered God Mode is. I don't know what Contradictory Conjunction is.
  15. - If you don't explain these abilities or link scans, I can't parse your argument.
  16. - Agnaa acknowledges Major/Jack would overpower Agnaa in melee.
  17. - Black is supposedly going to be constantly warning Zenkichi about things.
  18. - Major going for guns would leave Jack alone and Zenkichi would fight him 1v1 to buy Black time.
  19. Didn't the first part of your response say Jack would "be liable to overpower him with striking/lifting attacks?" Without any substantiated durability I have no reason to believe Zenkichi can survive contact with Jack.
  20. - Black can supposedly play around Major's guns by using cover + future sight to hide.
  21. Not only did Kirbin post a scan showing Major's guns shred metal making the cover available on the map useless, but what exactly does hiding accomplish? Agnaa has presented no viable for his team vs Major at range.
  23. Kirbin 2:
  24. - *Crickets*
  26. Agnaa 2:
  27. - Finally an explanation for CC.
  28. - Okay it apparently manifests some sort of hitchhiker's guide improbability drive bullshit to let him get unlikely wins in fights.
  29. - By statements apparently it's the best way to fight some massively OOT character?
  30. Okay, does this actually work? Where are the scans of these characters fighting?
  31. - "This isn't to say that this ability will make Zenkichi bust massive buildings at FTL speeds"
  32. Then where the hell are you going with this?
  33. - "it should let him put up enough of a fight for his piercing attacks to be able to take them out"
  34. What fucking piercing attacks? You can't keep referring to some vague piercing and not substantiating by actually showing it exists. I even checked his signup page to make sure he doesn't have a sword or something and there is nothing. Every scan posted for Zenkichi (which isn't a lot) has shown him using blunt martial arts strikes with his fists and feet. Christ man, if it exists, then *show it.*
  35. - Agnaa claims Major has no CQC feats.
  36. Kirbin posted multiple clear feats for her busting/warping metal with her strength.
  37. - Agnaa claims Black can get to his gun faster.
  38. Kirbin posted multiple clear feats for her crossing huge distances in short amounts of time with her mad hops. Black has no substantiated speed.
  40. Result:
  42. Kirbin wins.
  44. Kirbin opened and closed his argument with one round of solid statposting. That's really all there is to it in this matchup. Kirbin's picks rely on clear and solid damage output, durability, and speed. Agnaa's picks rely on vague and unsubstantiated hax. Neither seeing the future or flipping probability can do anything relevant to the fight if the characters using them are separated from their opponents by an unbridgeable gap in all core stats. To put this into perspective I will use the analogy of 2,000 kg horse and a 2 mg ant. If the ant punched the horse 100 times it would hurt the horse 0 times out of 100 punches. These is no possible timeline where the ant hurts the horse, and trying to invert 0/100 will never give you 100.
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