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Arrow Torrent

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Sep 18th, 2018
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  51. Cocky womanizer billionaire Oliver Queen is lost and presumed dead after going on a boat trip with father Robert Queen and sister of his girlfriend, Sara Lance. The boat reaches its fate and goes under leaving Sara sucked out of the boat and Oliver and his dad on a raft with little food or water. After his dad kills himself persuading Oliver to live on for the both of them, Oliver drifts to a island. After five years on the hellish island, Oliver Queen returned home with only one goal, to honor his fathers memory by using the list of names he left him to bring down those who are poisoning his city.
  52. After a violent shipwreck, billionaire playboy Oliver Queen was missing and presumed dead for five years before being discovered alive on a remote island in the Pacific. He returned home to Starling City, welcomed by his devoted mother Moira, beloved sister Thea and former flame Laurel Lance. With the aid of his trusted chauffeur/bodyguard John Diggle, the computer-hacking skills of Felicity Smoak and the occasional, reluctant assistance of former police detective, now beat cop, Quentin Lance, Oliver has been waging a one-man war on crime.
  53. We are now past the halfway point of Season 2 and I can say for sure that &quot;Arrow&quot; is the best superhero series ever and one of the best series in television. <br/><br/>Arrow is a realistic take on the hooded vigilante Green Arrow (seemingly influenced by Nolan&#39;s &quot;The Dark Knight&quot; Trilogy) and it proves to be exactly what we needed. The story of the show is exiting, suspenseful and manages to keep the adrenaline high on every second of an episode. The episodes themselves, connect very well to one another and we can see their relevance in the main continuity more and more as we approach the Season 2 &quot;Finale&quot;. The characters are interesting and all are well- developed. Each and everyone of them have their place in the show and we can see everyone in a shining moment. Also, Arrow does a great work with it&#39;s villains always managing to offer the hero and his team quite the challenge. <br/><br/>The show&#39;s characters might differ in some ways from the comics in order to fit into this more realistic world, but this is done in a way that doesn&#39;t irritate comic book fans and keeps the average viewer interested. But for the hardcore fans, many famous comic book characters are introduced.<br/><br/>Finally, Arrow&#39;s effects work really well. Choosing to use practical effects over CGI was a very good decision helping both the realistic look and the visual appeal of the show. The costumes look good and also match the tone. The soundtrack fits the episodes perfectly and, while it isn&#39;t a masterpiece, is still pretty nice.<br/><br/>For me personally &quot;Arrow is the best series on television, along with &quot;Game of Thrones&quot; and thats why it gets a straight 10/10 (Masterpiece) rating.
  54. DC comics are making their pattern such a stimulus act.They have originated a unique strategical HERO...what&#39;s the need to get another.I don&#39;t know.But it entertains.The 1st season was a twisty wreck. Twist and twists made that a sour candy.Ambylical choice for the viewers. It doesn&#39;t come out as a very high standard production.The action scenes were somehow boring. The old pathetic American killings won&#39;t take your breath away.But it&#39;s awesome make-dead-alive types of twists will punch u in your head.Though in some places it seems so horrible to get the dead ones alive.Sometimes dead ones should be dead,rather it would be a pessimist project and i think these twists will make your nerve cooler so you will not face any astonishing moments though the director would try his best to give you a feel of an unexpected element.The 2nd season is way too fluent than the 1st one.I don&#39;t know where the last destination is but hoping a decent finish than the 1st one.
  56. The Arrow is based on the DC Comics character, The Green Arrow, created by Morton Weisinger and designed by George Papp, which first appeared in More Fun Comics #73 in November 1941.<br/><br/>The character was originally a backup strip in the comics who is a millionaire playboy with a sidekick called Speedy and distinctive equipment such as gadget arrows, an Arrowcar and an Arrowplane. As such, the character had a long and largely undistinguished publishing history except for his inclusion into the Justice League series and a short run of stories by the important comics artist, Jack Kirby, years before his most famous work at Marvel Comics.<br/><br/>That changed when the innovative comics artist, Neal Adams, completely redesigned the look of the character in 1969, most notably by giving him a distinctive Van Dyke beard. This change inspired his frequent collaborator, writer Dennis O&#39;Neil, to change the premise of the character by having him lose his fortune and becoming an ardent leftist political activist devoted to helping the underprivileged as a combination of Robin Hood and the Yippie political activist, Abbie Hoffman. This character became much more popular as a result such as giving him a famous series of socially conscious stories in the early 1970s with Green Lantern and later his own various solo comic book series.<br/><br/>This character has appeared in animation before this TV series version appeared on Smallville, such as the first incarnation of SuperFriends, Justice League Unlimited and a DC Comics Showcase short. For music lists with scene descriptions, go here: The main adversary is the League of Assassins, alternately known as the <a href="/title/tt0372784/">League of Shadows</a> or Tempest. As with most media, it is led by(<a href="/name/nm2506835/">Matt Nable</a>). During the first season, it is primarily represented by(<a href="/name/nm0057882/">John Barrowman</a>), who has his own dual identity as the Dark Archer (Green Arrow&#39;s arch nemesis from the comics). Oliver&#39;s mother, Moira (<a href="/name/nm0860749/">Susanna Thompson</a>), was blackmailed into working with Malcolm.(<a href="/name/nm1319969/">Jeffrey C. Robinson</a> and <a href="/name/nm0071847/">Manu Bennett</a>), Eddie Fyers (a supporting character from the Green Arrow comic, played by <a href="/name/nm0242762/">Sebastian Dunn</a>), and(<a href="/name/nm0623604/">Dylan Neal</a>) are involved in Oliver&#39;s training, with an implied link to a greater conspiracy. The second season introduces(<a href="/name/nm1204760/">Kevin Alejandro</a>),(<a href="/name/nm0925220/">Michael Jai White</a>), KGBeast (<a href="/name/nm0638706/">David Nykl</a>),(<a href="/name/nm1466049/">Graham Shiels</a>), and Task Force X, with the latter revealed to have hired Fyers. Other prominent villains are(<a href="/name/nm0181787/">Seth Gabel</a>), who has been reimagined to be the series equivalent to the Joker or , Asian crime boss(<a href="/name/nm0005026/">Kelly Hu</a>), the assassin Deadshot (<a href="/name/nm4771602/">Michael Rowe</a>), and HIVE leader Damian Darkh. John Diggle was the first person back in the main city to find out Oliver&#39;s secret. It was at the end of the third episode in Season 1. Yes. In the DC comics continuity, he is a member of the Great Ten, a Chinese superhero team similar to the <a href="/title/tt0275137/">Justice League (2001)</a>. Codenamed Da Yi Zhe Wan (Accomplished Perfect Physician), he is the team&#39;s healer and diplomat. He was not involved in Green Arrow&#39;s training, and many of his abilities were magical in nature.<br/><br/>In the TV series continuity, Yao does not have any magical or metahuman powers, but is instead a master martial artist, having more in common with another Great Ten member, the Celestial Archer. However, he does retain the military and medical background of his comics counterpart. Kyudo (Japanese for &quot;Way of the bow&quot;), a mixture of archery and martial arts popularized by the samurai of feudal Japan (though it may have actually been Chinese in origin). During his sparring sessions with Slade and Diggle, and when he trains in his dojo in the Arrowcave, he uses Eskrima, a Filipino martial art that usually involves improvised melee weapons. Season One:<br/><br/>Flashback-Edward Fyers and his band of mercs on Lian Yu and Deathstroke<br/><br/>Present-Malcolm Merlyn (The Dark Archer) and everyone written in Robert Queens book<br/><br/>Season Two:<br/><br/>Flashback-Dr. Anthony Ivo and Slade Wilson<br/><br/>Present-Slade Wilson, Isabel Rochev, and their Mirakuru-infused army<br/><br/>Season Three:<br/><br/>Flashback-Gen. Matthew Shrieve and his dirty soldiers<br/><br/>Present-Ra&#39;s Al Ghul and the League of Assassins and Danny Brickwell and his crew<br/><br/>Season Four:<br/><br/>Flashback-Shadowspire (Led by Baron Reiter)<br/><br/>Present-H.I.V.E. (led by Damien Darkh)<br/><br/>Season Five:<br/><br/>Flashback-Konstatin Kovar and Ishmael Gregor<br/><br/>Present-Elliot Chase (Prometheus), Talia Al-Ghul, Tobias Church, and General Walker<br/><br/>Season Six:<br/><br/>Black Siren and Cayden James(so far) a5c7b9f00b
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