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Sep 17th, 2019
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  1. /*
  2. * event_tree.mode_lob and event_tree.event_lob contain contain textual data which refers to rows in other tables.
  3. * It is similar to FK constraints, but there is no DBMS support. So we have to parse these columns and update parts
  4. * that refer to rows in other tables with the new identifiers for those rows. Given that the structure of event_tree.event_lob
  5. * is far from trivial, doing this in SQL is ugly and not easy, but the alternative
  6. * (download (in pieces) all the data and process it in Java by making more requests to DBMS)
  7. * is likely not a viable solution performance-wise.
  8. *
  9. * The strings are parsed by
  10. * - splitting them into arrays;
  11. * - unnesting arrays into tables;
  12. * - updating elements of arrays (which are arrays on their own) that require updates;
  13. * - aggregating unnested array elements back into arrays;
  14. * - joining arrays back into strings.
  15. * Note that event_tree.mode_lob effectively contains an array of arrays,
  16. * while event_tree.event_lob may contain array of arrays of arrays (i.e. double nesting)
  17. * which makes the job of updating event_tree.event_lob much more difficult.
  18. *
  19. * Note that indices of PostgreSQL arrays are 1-based
  20. * and DBMS allows them to go out of bounds of an array in which case the value is considered null.
  21. *
  22. * Originally this was an update command, but it was changed to be a select and
  23. * real tables were replaced with fake ones produced by using values lists, so the query could be run immediately anywhere.
  24. */
  25. with
  26. new_event_tree_model_lob as (--the format of event_tree.model_lob is specified below
  27. select
  28. event_tree_id,
  29. string_agg(
  30. array_to_string(
  31. model_attr_array[:1] ||--a slice of the array with indices <=1, we need an array type here instead of an element of the array
  32. --if there is no matching file then model_lob refers to a file that does not exist, which means the data is corrupted
  33. check_not_null(
  34. files.new_id,
  35. array['files for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'model_idx', model_idx::text] || 'model_attr_array'::text || model_attr_array)::text ||
  36. model_attr_array[3] ||
  37. check_not_null(
  38. stream_function.new_id,
  39. array['stream_function for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'model_idx', model_idx::text] || 'model_attr_array'::text || model_attr_array)::text ||
  40. check_not_null(
  41. function_metrics.new_id,
  42. array['function_metrics for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'model_idx', model_idx::text] || 'model_attr_array'::text || model_attr_array)::text,
  43. ','
  44. ),
  45. ';' order by model_idx
  46. ) as new_model_lob
  47. from
  48. (select id as event_tree_id, model_idx, string_to_array(model, ',') as model_attr_array
  49. from
  50. (values (1001, '0,111,1,113,114;0,121,1,123,124'), (1002, '0,211,1,213,214')) as event_tree (id, model_lob)
  51. cross join unnest(string_to_array(model_lob, ';')) with ordinality as model (model, model_idx)--a table containing each model from model_lob in its own row
  52. ) as parsed_model_lob--a table containing array of attributes representing each model (an array of attributes) from model_lob in its own row
  53. --we use left join despite we must always find a corresponding row in the right-side table in order to be able to check this requirement by using pg_temp.check_not_null
  54. left join (values (111, -111), (121, -121), (211, -211)) as files (id, new_id) on model_attr_array[2]::bigint =
  55. left join (values (113, -113), (123, -123), (213, -213)) as stream_function (id, new_id) on model_attr_array[4]::bigint =
  56. left join (values (114, -114), (124, -124), (214, -214)) as function_metrics (id, new_id) on model_attr_array[5]::bigint =
  57. group by event_tree_id
  58. ),
  59. new_event_tree_event_lob as (--the format of event_tree.event_lob is specified below
  60. with
  61. parsed_event_lob_parsed_new_attr11 as (--same as parsed_event_lob_parsed_attr11 but with updated value of 11th attr
  62. select
  63. event_tree_id,
  64. event_idx,
  65. /*
  66. * There is only a single row for each event_tree_id and event_idx
  67. * that has non-null event_attr_array. We are using max aggregate function to extract that non-null value instead of
  68. * having the value in all rows and group by not only event_tree_id and event_idx
  69. * but also event_attr_array which would have been more resource-consuming.
  70. *
  71. * max is an immutable function, so PostgreSQL can (and most likely does) calculate the result only once per selected row,
  72. * thus we should not worry about "calling" the function multiple times per row with the same arguments.
  73. */
  74. case when (max(event_attr_array)::text[])[1] = 'S'
  75. then (max(event_attr_array)::text[])[:10] || string_agg(new_element, '&' order by elmnt_idx) || (max(event_attr_array)::text[])[12:]
  76. else max(event_attr_array)
  77. end event_attr_array_new_attr11
  78. from
  79. (with
  80. parsed_event_lob_parsed_attr11 as (
  81. select
  82. event_tree_id, event_idx,
  83. /*
  84. * Select array only for the first element.
  85. * This allows us to group by event_idx instead of grouping by both event_idx and event_attr_array_no_attr11 thus reduces costs
  86. * and also potentially reduces memory / temporary storage consumption.
  87. */
  88. case
  89. when elmnt_idx = 1 then event_attr_array
  90. else null
  91. end as event_attr_array,
  92. elmnt_idx,
  93. string_to_array(elmnt, ':') as element_value_array
  94. from
  95. (select
  96. event_tree_id,
  97. event_idx,
  98. event_attr_array,
  99. string_to_array(
  100. case
  101. when event_attr_array[1] = 'S' then
  102. case
  103. --'null_attr11' is a special dummy value for empty 11th attr to make sure we are not loosing it
  104. when event_attr_array[11] = '' then 'null_attr11'
  105. else event_attr_array[11]
  106. end
  107. /*
  108. * Have to use a string and later specify it as a null-string in string_to_array
  109. * because otherwise string_to_array produces an array with no elements which when unnested results in a table with no rows,
  110. * and cross join (which is also used when no join type is specified) with such a table also produces no rows, which leads to us losing data.
  111. */
  112. else 'null'
  113. end,
  114. '&', 'null'--specify null-string as mentioned above
  115. ) as event_attr11_element_array
  116. from
  117. (select id as event_tree_id, event_idx, string_to_array(event, ',') as event_attr_array
  118. from
  119. (values (1001, 'C,111,112,0~0,0,-1,0,113,-1,0;P,111,112,0~0,0,-1,114,0,0,0,0'), (1002, 'G,211,212,0~0,0,-1;S,221,222,0~0,0,-1,0,-1,-1,0,,-;S,221,222,0~0,0,-1,0,-1,-1,0,com/,-'), (1003, 'R,211,212,0~0,0,-1,-')) as event_tree (id, event_lob)
  120. cross join unnest(string_to_array(event_lob, ';')) with ordinality as event (event, event_idx)--a table containing each event from event_lob in its own row
  121. where != 1--event tree 1 is an invalid dummy entry
  122. ) as parsed_event_lob--a table containing array of attributes representing each event from event_lob in its own row
  123. --a table containing array of attributes representing each event from event_lob in its own row with 11th attr extracted in a separate column and parsed into an array of elements
  124. ) as parsed_event_lob_preparsed_attr11
  125. cross join unnest(event_attr11_element_array) with ordinality as elmnt (elmnt, elmnt_idx)
  126. )
  127. select--a table with updated element_value_array concatenated into string
  128. event_tree_id,
  129. event_idx,
  130. event_attr_array,
  131. elmnt_idx,
  132. case
  133. when element_value_array[1] = 'null_attr11' then ''
  134. else array_to_string(
  135. element_value_array[:3] ||
  136. case
  137. when element_value_array[4] != '-1'--file instance is supposed to be in DB
  138. then check_not_null(--if there is no matching file instance then event_lob refers to a file instance that does not exist, which means the data is corrupted
  139. file_instance.new_id,
  140. array['file_instance for event_tree ', event_tree_id::text, 'event_idx', event_idx::text, 'elmnt_idx=', elmnt_idx::text] || 'element_value_array'::text || element_value_array)::text
  141. else '-1'
  142. end,
  143. ':')
  144. end as new_element
  145. from
  146. parsed_event_lob_parsed_attr11
  147. --we use left join despite we must always find a corresponding row in the right-side table in order to be able to check this requirement by using pg_temp.check_not_null
  148. left join (values (223, -223), (224, -224), (225, -225)) as file_instance (id, new_id) on element_value_array[4]::bigint =
  149. ) parsed_event_lob_parsed_new_attr11--same as parsed_event_lob_parsed_attr11 but with updated value of 11th attr
  150. group by event_tree_id, event_idx
  151. )
  152. select
  153. event_tree_id,
  154. string_agg(
  155. array_to_string(
  156. event_attr_array_new_attr11[:1] ||--a slice of the array with indices <=1, we need an array type here instead of an element of the array
  157. check_not_null(--if there is no matching event tag then event_lob refers to an event tag that does not exist, which means the data is corrupted
  158. event_tag.new_id,
  159. array['event_tag for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'event_idx', event_idx::text] || 'event_attr_array_new_attr11'::text || event_attr_array_new_attr11)::text ||
  160. check_not_null(
  161. event_description.new_id,
  162. array['event_description for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'event_idx', event_idx::text] || 'event_attr_array_new_attr11'::text || event_attr_array_new_attr11)::text ||
  163. case
  164. when event_attr_array_new_attr11[1] = 'C' or event_attr_array_new_attr11[1] = 'S' then
  165. event_attr_array_new_attr11[4:7] ||
  166. case
  167. when event_attr_array_new_attr11[8] != '-1'--file is supposed to be in DB
  168. then check_not_null(
  169. files.new_id,
  170. array['files for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'event_idx', event_idx::text] || 'event_attr_array_new_attr11'::text || event_attr_array_new_attr11)::text
  171. else '-1'
  172. end ||
  173. event_attr_array_new_attr11[9:12]
  174. when event_attr_array_new_attr11[1] = 'P' then
  175. event_attr_array_new_attr11[4:6] ||
  176. case
  177. when event_attr_array_new_attr11[7] != '-1'--path_condition is supposed to be in DB
  178. then check_not_null(
  179. path_condition.new_id,
  180. array['path_condition for event_tree', event_tree_id::text, 'event_idx', event_idx::text] || 'event_attr_array_new_attr11'::text || event_attr_array_new_attr11)::text
  181. else '-1'
  182. end ||
  183. event_attr_array_new_attr11[8:11]
  184. else
  185. --it is [4:7] for 'R' and [4:6] for 'G', but array_to_string skips null (and therefore non-existing) array elements
  186. event_attr_array_new_attr11[4:7]
  187. end,
  188. ','
  189. ),
  190. ';' order by event_idx
  191. ) as new_event_lob
  192. from
  193. parsed_event_lob_parsed_new_attr11
  194. --we use left join despite we must always find a corresponding row in the right-side table in order to be able to check this requirement by using pg_temp.check_not_null
  195. left join (values (111, -111), (211, -211), (221, -221)) as event_tag (id, new_id) on event_attr_array_new_attr11[2]::bigint =
  196. left join (values (112, -112), (212, -212), (222, -222)) as event_description (id, new_id) on event_attr_array_new_attr11[3]::bigint =
  197. left join (values (113, -113)) as files (id, new_id) on
  198. case
  199. when event_attr_array_new_attr11[1] = 'C' or event_attr_array_new_attr11[1] = 'S'
  200. then event_attr_array_new_attr11[8]::bigint =
  201. else false
  202. end
  203. left join (values (114, -114)) as path_condition (id, new_id) on
  204. case
  205. when event_attr_array_new_attr11[1] = 'P' then event_attr_array_new_attr11[7]::bigint =
  206. else false
  207. end
  208. group by event_tree_id
  209. )
  210. select
  211. event_tree_id,
  212. new_model_lob,
  213. new_event_lob,
  214. /*
  215. * PostgreSQL md5 function accepts a string instead of bytes, which means its behaviour depends on server_encoding
  216. * (use "show server_encoding;" to query it).
  217. * Since the application uses UTF-8 charset for converting a string into bytes,
  218. * we can use PostgreSQL md5 function only if server_encoding is UTF-8.
  219. * Fortunately, we require using UTF-8, so we are all good.
  220. */
  221. md5(coalesce(new_model_lob, '') || '|' || coalesce(new_event_lob, '')) as events_md5
  222. from
  223. new_event_tree_model_lob
  224. full join new_event_tree_event_lob using (event_tree_id);
  226. --this function is used by the query above
  227. create or replace function check_not_null(in v bigint, in msg text[]) returns bigint as $$
  228. begin
  229. if v is null then
  230. raise exception 'The argument must not be null. %', msg;
  231. end if;
  232. return v;
  233. end;
  234. $$ language plpgsql immutable parallel safe;
  236. /*
  237. event_tree.model_lob format:
  238. models are separated by ';'
  239. pieces of model data (attributes) are separated by ','
  240. attributes:
  241. [1] irrelevant
  242. [2] FK ->
  243. [3] irrelevant
  244. [4] FK ->
  245. [5] FK ->
  247. event_tree.event_lob format:
  248. events are separated by ';'
  249. pieces of event data (attributes) are separated by ','
  250. attributes:
  251. [0] event type (one of C, S, P, R, G),
  252. [1] FK ->,
  253. [2] FK ->,
  254. [3] irrelevant
  255. [4] irrelevant
  256. [5] irrelevant
  257. "C"-specific attributes:
  258. [6] irrelevant
  259. [7] FK -> be -1 which means "no value"
  260. [8] irrelevant
  261. [9] irrelevant
  262. "S"-specific attributes:
  263. [10] elements
  264. format:
  265. elements are separated by '&'
  266. pieces of element data (values) are separated by ':'
  267. values:
  268. [0] irrelevant
  269. [1] irrelevant
  270. [2] irrelevant
  271. [3] FK -> be -1 which means "no value"
  272. [11] irrelevant
  273. "P"-specific attributes:
  274. [6] FK -> be -1 which means "no value"
  275. [7] irrelevant
  276. [8] irrelevant
  277. [9] irrelevant
  278. [10] irrelevant
  279. "R"-specific attributes:
  280. [6] irrelevant
  281. "G"-specific attributes:
  282. none
  283. */
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