
{semi-NSFW} Raith/Khi Teen fooling around#

Oct 7th, 2019
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  1. Raith was sitting in the treehouse, the bear hide that was the carpet warm on his legs as he slowly brushed his hair, the sunlight filtered through the brown and orange leaves, Harvest fading into Winter.
  3. He heard heavy foot falls as Khi clambered up the steps. Barreling through the thin door. He was bare chested and sweaty, fresh from some training with Zunras, a few bruises dotted his chest and shoulders but the larger boy was smiling ear to ear as he plopped down beside him.
  4. “Raith! Guess what!”
  5. “Uhhhhmmm... you got taller?”
  6. “No, I disarmed Uncle Zunras while sparing!”
  7. “No way!”
  8. “Yeah! Hes still going easy on me, and hit me way more than I got him! But I knocked his sword out of his hands!”
  9. “Khi thats badass!”
  10. “Hehe, you swore!” Khi chuckled a she gently nudged Raith, “I’m telling!”
  11. “Rude!”
  12. “Hey, what in your bag there?”
  13. “Oh yeah! Look at this!”
  14. Raith handed the small satchel to Khi who gently opened it and laid the contents onto the floor.
  15. “Paper? Oh! He sent you more spells?”
  16. “Yup, see this one?” He held out a red paper scroll to Khi. “Invisibility!”
  17. “Holy shit!”
  18. “Ohhh, you swore now too!”
  19. “You made me...”
  20. “Im not gonna tell.”
  22. They talked as Raith began transferring the new spell to his book, Khi watched in awe as the small boy slowly re wrote the arcane script, the ink almost pulsing with power as every rune was completed.
  23. Raith stopped as the sun fell away leaving them in darkness, only their eyes and the faint light of the stars to see by.
  25. “Hey Raith, when was the last time we measured ourselves?”
  26. “Hmm. Maybe like 7 weeks?
  27. “Wanna check again?” Khi tried not to blush as he asked the question, curiosity and a partial desire to see his friends body guiding his words.
  28. “Sure, let me make some Light.”
  30. Khi watched as Raith slowly cast the spell, four glowing orbs of pale light flowing from his hand to swirl around Khi like satellites.
  31. His face locked in a grin at his friends display of magic.
  32. “That good?”
  33. “Yeah, more than enough to read by even.”
  34. “Who’s first?”
  35. “Oh... I went first last time, but i can again if you don’t want to Raith.”
  36. “Nope, I wanna see you go first again.”
  37. Khi laughed as Raith busted out a grin, he noticed his friend face had looked off all day. And ass his pants dropped he rushed forward and gently grabbed Raiths face and pushed his lower lip down.
  38. “RAITH! You lost a baby tusk!”
  39. Raith tried to keep his composure as Khi brushed against him, bust lost it as he felt his lip brushed down.
  40. “Yeah, came off this morning while i was trying to eat dads bread.”
  41. “Owww.”
  42. “Yeah, mom broke her chair she was laughing so hard. I believe she was trying to say “Beol, its food not a weapon!” But what came out was mostly wheezing.”
  43. “Is that what upset the dogs in town?”
  44. “Hey! Thats mean.... but yeah. Dad says she laughs like a Gnoll.”
  45. “Now thats mean.”
  47. “So what about your tusks, they fell out last week didn’t they?”
  48. “Yeah, came out in my sleep. Way bette than Uncle Beol bread.”
  49. “I fuckin bet.”
  50. Khi smooshed Raith’s face, “Who taught you these bad words!”
  51. “Letgoofme!” He gently pushed Khi back. “You did!”
  52. “Damn right!”
  53. “Heyyy, no so loud, they will hear us swearing.”
  54. “Oh shit, whoop.”
  55. “Khi.”
  57. Raith looked at Khi, his eyes widening a bit as he saw Khi’s naked body. “Khi, you had a growth spurt!”
  58. “Yeah...” he grabbed his dick gently, holding it out straight towards Raith, “were is the measure stick?”
  59. “Here!”
  61. Raith slapped Khi’s hand from his own dick, as a spectral mage hand grabbed it. He slid a thin carved stick into Khi’s bristly pubic hair and laid it flat.
  63. “Hells Khi! Its over an inch bigger!”
  64. “Whoa really?”
  65. “Yeah see!” He pointed to a small mark on the stick, “See? And here”, he made a small glowing mark with his finger, “is where you are now?”
  66. “Think its any bigger hard?”
  67. “Maybe?”
  68. Khi picked Raith up, in a bear hug. The magical hand dissipated and his dick slapped his bare thigh.
  69. “Your turn, drop the trousers nerd!”
  70. “Drop them yourself bully!”
  71. “Gladly!” He dropped Raith to his feat and fell into a sitting position pulling the boys loose shorts with him.
  72. “Hey, that was a joke!”
  73. “Sounded like a dare.”
  74. “You wanna play truth or dare?”
  75. “Later Raith, yours feels about the same.”
  76. Rith held the stick to his own dick... blushing as Khi’s hand gripped him tightly.
  78. “Yea...” he fet it twitch as Khi rolled his foreskin back. “Hey!”
  79. “We gotta measure it hard too!”
  80. “I can do that myself ya know.”
  81. “Sit down and let me help. I can do it faster.”
  82. “Yeah! Wanna see who can make who harder faster?”
  83. “Whats the prize?” Khi let go and rested his hands on his hips.
  84. “HMMM… I don’t have one!”
  85. “Gentlemen's bet then”
  86. “Yeah!”
  87. “Ready?”
  88. “GO!”
  90. The boys stood there eyes locked as they tried to outlast each other, Raith’s long slow strokes brought Khi slowly to a gentle firmness, his soft hands made Khi blush as he tried not to think about the act.
  91. Khi’s own rough grip had brought Raith to a firm shaft, each stroke shook his small friend and made him scowl. But Khi saw his pale green cheeks flush with red as he worked. He felt a dip of wet at the tip and left go laughing as Raith huffed and did the same.
  93. “Fine, you win!”
  94. “Maybe next time you will.”
  95. “Next time?”
  96. “I thought it was fun!”
  97. “Yea. So do they look bigger?”
  99. The boys looked down, their exposed dicks just barely touching. Raith felt his face grow hot at the sight and he heard Khi breath in. the larger boys hand grabbed his dick again and tugged, pulling him forward into eachother.
  101. “Hey, Khi, What are you doing?”
  102. “Raith… Yours is fatter than mine!”
  103. “Don’t call it fat… wide sounds bad too…”
  104. “THICK!”
  105. “You’re thick!”
  106. “Hey, Meanie!”
  108. Raith scrunched his face up at Khi as they started to laugh, both boys sitting back down, pants still discarded. “Khi, can you get the parchment we keep the measurements on please?”
  109. “Oh yeah, we need to write it down.”
  111. Khi reached into the small chest they had bought with their allowances. The short wooden box creaked as Khi opened the top, the old hinges snapping in half.
  112. “Oh no, Raith it broke!”
  113. “Awww. It is pretty old though. We could get a new one!”
  114. “I kinda want to try making one actualy.”
  115. “Can you?”
  116. “I dunno. But i can try!”
  117. “YEAH, My dad would gladly make you some hinges and tools!”
  118. “Yea, I will talk to him tomorrow. Here is the parchment.”
  119. “Thank you.”
  121. Khi read off the new sizes to Raith as he wrote them down, doing his best to keep his hands steady as Khi measured his dick for him, once again making him hard to get the girth. He looked up from his writing as the ink dried to see Khi sniffing his hands. He met raiths eyes and quickly lowered them, an embarrassed smile.
  123. “Yeah... That's not weird or anything.”
  124. “Raith, you know we can't help it!”
  125. “Still gonna make fun of you for it.”
  126. “Yeah! Is heard you sniffing my hands earlier when I was checking your tusk!”
  127. “They smell good, like steak and asparagus.”
  128. “So my dinner?”
  129. “I guess, i don’t know what you had for dinner.”
  130. “Apparently you do.”
  131. “Okay Khi, you wanna be sniffy, here!”
  133. Raith held his leg out towards his friends face. His bare foot inches from Khi’s face as he leaned to the side resting on his arm. He watched as Khi pushed his foot down.
  135. “Done yet?”
  136. “Been done, you gonna sleep out here tonight?”
  137. “Of course, I gotta head back to the temple in a few days so i wanna spend time with you!”
  138. “Aww, loser!”
  140. Raith tackled into Khi, knocking the larger boy onto his back while they laughed, he pinned Khi down as his hair fell over him. The teal hair caught the faint star light, almost glowing as Khi brushed it aside. He could smell the flowery soap raith used, the strong smell of Primrose and Lilac filled his nose. Suddenly he felt raiths hand brush over his head, the palm tickling his shaved head.
  142. “You chose this correct?”
  143. “Yeah, hair is to itchy.”
  144. “What, but you love braiding my hair?”
  145. ‘Your hair is nice.”
  146. “Gods your lame.” Raith pushed his face flat to the floor with a gentle palm as he sat up, resting on Khi’s chest. “Your hair was a pretty shade of pink, but I'm glad it makes you happy!
  147. “Yours also makes me happy. Its like always having the sky to look at.”
  148. “Khi…” Khi laughed as he made Raith blush, and seizes the opportunity to pin the smaller boy to the floor now.
  149. “Aww, did I embarrass the tough mage?
  150. “Yes…”
  151. “Aww, it’s just me Raith no need to be embarrassed.”
  152. “Im cold.”
  154. Khi heard the change in tone and gently sat back off Raith, pulling him up as he moved. The boy had a faint blush to his chest showing he was cold, his thin arms almost shivering. He tossed the boys pants back to him.
  155. “Here, get dressed and i’ll grab the blankets okay?”
  156. “Okay…”
  158. Khi sat behind Raith, draping a heavy winter blanket over them both. The thick furs layered and warm even out of the storage chest. He watched as Raith pulled it tight, hunkering under its weight, his nose flaring as he smelled the musty furs.
  160. “Raith, is everything okay?”
  161. “Yeah, just.. Tired.”
  162. “Well lay down, come on!” Khi pulled Raith down, the soft mattress warming quick. He watched Raith close his eyes and his breath slow as he tired to fall asleep.
  164. “Hey Khi..”
  165. “Yea Raith?”
  166. “Good night.”
  167. “Good night to you too Raith. If you get close just get close, i'm already sweating under this thing!”
  168. “Furnace boy!”
  169. “Im gonna throw you out the tree, go to sleep.” Khi gently nuzzled his forehead against Raith’s, their own special gesture of care
  171. They fell asleep quick, Khi’s hands gently Resting on Raiths cradled near their heads still nuzzled close as the dawn's light woke them...
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