
Summary Story 202106

Jul 5th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. Disclaimer:
  2. - This is a summary. I omit details that I deem not important.
  3. - Names are mostly not official. Let me know if there are official names released or you found out their name origins.
  4. - This summary is for season 4 so far to June 2021, not just June 2021 itself, since I have no idea where they are split...
  6. # Chapter 1
  8. >> Rain
  10. Rain dreamed of a city burned down, with the soldiers blaming a sorceress (or witch, jp: Majo) and talked about how he often dreamed about it since he was a child, remembered it and felt sadness that he lost something.
  12. Rain had been flying around Lapis on an airship investigating damages brought upon by the hollow. After defeating some monsters, the soldiers on the airship asked him why he returned to Lapis from Paladia. He mentioned how he was once a king there and people around him would be considerate to him. Apparently soldiers in Lapis also heard of their deeds and put a Paladia emblem on the airship for Rain.
  14. Suddenly a vortex showed up in the sky. Rain and the soldiers tried to get closer to investigate, and Rain woke up in a foreign land in the next scene.
  16. Rain was attacked by monsters stronger than usual and he hard to resort using Blood Awakening. Rain was eventually saved by Luce (jp: Ryūsu) and Nericka (jp: Neirikka), and realised he finally arrived at Livonia. They deduced that Rain managed to open the gate to Livonia by Blood Awakening on airship but Rain thought to himself doesn't seem the case. Luce wanted to challenge Rain straight away but Rain wanted to explore Livonia first.
  18. Then a fairy (?) showed up and her name is Nini (jp: Nīni), claiming to be supervisor of the two problem children Luce and Nericka (Bravely Default anyone?). And they decided to go to Shelna Republic, Luce and Nericka's country.
  20. According to Nini, Rain could not go back to Lapis the way he came, but he could use the gate managed by Shelna. But to use the gate, he will need to pass a test to join the special squad that Luce and Nericka are in. The special squad mainly have two missions:
  21. - investigating naturally-occurring gates
  22. - defeating Omega species monsters spawned by Omega and retrieving the seeds infecting them
  24. And they proceeded to explain Omega (basically Jenova) is a life form that came to Livonia sometime ago, as bringer of destruction. The seeds make monsters stronger and more violent, resulting in destruction. There was a country that aimed to harness Omega's power, but was stopped by a man and the entire country was destroyed. Omega was said to remain in Livonia but whereabouts unknown. Countries in Livonia were all searching for Omega. And then they arrived at the capital of Shelna before story shifted to...
  26. >> Tyvas
  28. A group of soldiers were investigating in some place and got wiped out by Tyvas. And an android/robot (?) named Lund came over as his travelling companion. Tyvas was carrying out a mission to escort a girl called Leftia (jp: Refutia) from Yolte (jp: Yorute) Village to the country military base.
  30. (I will introduce atmospheres of new seemingly major characters like this...)
  31. // Tyvas: Serious to his missions; seems intelligent and experienced; mostly kind especially to women
  32. // Lund: Cares about Tyvas but thought pattern is mechanical; updates his data often when Tyvas teaches him about humans
  34. Leftia came to the village a year ago and was all alone. A old woman named Nora took her in but passed away half a year later. But Leftia is not well liked in the village because monster attacks increased ever since she moved in and some claimed to see her body glow. A guy called Harve (jp: Hāve) eavesdropped Tyvas and offered to show them a shortcut to the military base. He pretended to be mean to Leftia but it was a trap to flee with Leftia from Tyvas and Lund.
  36. // Leftia: Lacks emotion and tends to have sad expression; actually kind
  37. // Harve: Cares about Leftia and wants to take her away from the village
  39. Harve and Leftia ran into an Omega species and were almost wiped out, but a guy called Turien (jp: Tūrien) saved them. Harve asked Turien to protect Leftia from Tyvas.
  41. // Turien: Seems stupid and claims to be a hero and is obsessed with being hero
  43. Tyvas caught up and had a conversation with Harve about trusting the military. Turien ended up helping Harve and Leftia escape. Eventually Tyvas beat Turien and caught up again and Harve, knowing he could not beat Tyvas nor actually protected Leftia alone, decided to go to the military together with Leftia instead. And he aimed to become stronger. Finally before scene shifted away, Lund revealed that escorting Leftia was part of "Plan Snowdrop".
  45. >> Rain
  47. Apparently people injured by Omega species are infected with destructive impulse. It is incurable and people infected would be disposed. Nini revealed that it was reported their plan to escort a certain girl (probably Leftia) failed, and called her "The One Who Fused with Destruction" (?).
  49. Rain started the test to join the special squad conducted by Vice Chairman Myulen (jp: Myūren). By defeating a Omega species and Nericka (albeit not using full strength), Rain joining the squad was approved, with the name revealed Kaledvulf (jp: Karedovurufu). Rain joined the 8th squad and his direct supervisors were Luce and Nericka. Apparently Luce was the only other one who could fight Omega species before proper training in the history. Chairman name is revealed to be Iluska (jp: Irusuka) and a really scary person. Afterwards, Myulen reported to Iluska about how someone from another land joined Kaledvulf and showed promise. Iluska commented that it could be an omen of a big future event.
  51. (Something interesting is Rain used polite form when speaking to Myulen. Albeit realistic this is somewhat rare in fantasy settings...)
  53. And the scene shifted to Loca and Marubon (jp, maru: hiragana means round, bon: katakana with a couple of potential meanings...) being at a place where Loca commented she did not know where they were. Then a flashback occurred where they were chatting with Nichol about Loca having read Nichol's thesis.
  55. Their topic shifted to appearance of gates where Loca believed that lead to Livonia but Nichol mentioned it was not confirmed. Nichol had been investigating gates to Livonia as requested by Rain and was visiting a place where a gate was said to show up in the past. Loca decided to help him out and tried to trigger the gate to appear, which she really did. As they moved closer to investigate they were sucked into the other side and attacked by an Omega species. Marubon was injured by the monster and said that the wound was heating up and it was losing itself.
  57. Scene shifted back to Luce and Nericka warning Rain to avoid getting hit by Omega species. Apparently they were injured by Omega species before but they were lucky that they were not infected (apparently random?). After defeating the monster, Nini confirmed that none of the trio were infected because it was part of her duty to report. Nini received a telepathy (apparently an ability of the fairies) about a new mission for the trio. The mission was to check on the 7th squad that became missing.
  59. Apparently the squad numbers are like Ardore Orders that smaller number means stronger and Luce and Nericka were actually 1st squad members (somehow supervising 8th squad member Rain?). 8th squad members were wiped out shortly before and Rain was now the only member. 1st squad members usually worked independently and received missions directly. Then they talked about Wigarl (jp: Wigāru), a special ability that only belonged to 1st squad but they could not use it without permission. It was connected to Blood Awakening and all 1st squad members could activate Blood Awakening.
  61. Luce said that Blood Awakening actually originated far before it became a symbol of the royal Ardore (and Hess I suppose) bloodline. Long ago a legendary hero named Snefringa (jp: Sunefuringa) exchanged his (gender not known, assumed to be male) life to fight against Omega. Since the legend said he used Blood Awakening, people who could also use Blood Awakening were said to be his descendents.
  63. Then they arrived at a village. A villager told them not to defeat Omega species as the village minimised the destruction by them by avoiding simulating them. Having people defeating them activated(?) the monsters and brought damage to the village. Scene ended with a girl named Inka (jp: Inka) crying for help saying she did not want to die.
  65. >> Tyvas
  67. Apparently Snowdrop was a flower with the flower that symbolised "Death and Hope". Lund was impressed that Tyvas still trusted the military army after a certain incident (with streets burning flashback). And then Turien showed up again, thought Leftia and Harve were being threatened and attacked Tyvas. And they ended up travelling together to protect Leftia from others that were aiming for her. After some skirmish they arrived at a town where people believed in reincarnation and did not care although they were attacked by Omega species frequently. A man named Lakan (jp: Rakan) overheard that they were looking for an inn and took them in (suspiciously).
  69. Scene shifted to Ishe (jp: Ishe), practicing her lance skills, said to be the top fighter in the kingdom (where Tyvas also belonged). But according to her they were evenly matched. Ishe was shocked to hear that the king personally appointed a secret mission to the current Tyvas.
  71. Leftia seemed interested in Lund and poked him. According to Lund he was born in workshop of Mage Farz (jp: Fāzu). Farz told him to live for himself, and he would eventually understand the meaning when he understood humans. Hence Lund kept trying to learn about humans. When Farz had died, Lund was retrieved by the army and was appointed Tyvas's companion.
  73. Afterwards, Tyvas group was attacked by bandits that were informed by the suspicious innkeeper Lakan. Accordingly the innkeeper believed that the leader of the bandit was the reincarnation of his son that was killed by Omega species. And then the bandit was killed by an Omega species which was then defeated by Tyvas group. Then they saw smoke rising from the town obsessed with reincarnation and rushed to save them but they were too late. All the townspeople were dead and it was unclear whether anyone escaped. They managed to meet Lakan who still believed that the bandit was his son in his dying breath.
  75. Scene shifted to Ishe being summoned by King Luont (jp: Ruonto), telling her to get ready for an ensuing war. Ishe warned him that wars would only lead to war of attrition due to the power balance but King Luont was confident of acquiring an ultimate power once Tyvas succeeded his mission.
  77. >> Rain
  79. Inka was one of the children to be offered as a sacrifice in the mountains. The villager told them not to interfere as it was how they had appeased the Omega species for genrations. Rain, outraged, rushed to the mountains to save the other sacrifice Haru (jp: Haru). As they rushed over they found the bodies of the entire 7th squad.
  81. They Haru being surrounded by huge group of Omega species. The trio tried to protect her despite Haru telling them not to for the peace of the village. The number was too many and Luce and Nericka managed to get permission to use Wigarl, which seemed to be giant mechanical suit (Gundam? Xenogears?). After defeating the entire Omega specie group, Haru told them although being sacrifice was not realistic, defeating Omega species for today did not mean no danger to their village tomorrow. Trying to defeat all Omega species was just as unrealistic.
  83. Apparently in Livonia, people were highly affected by the sacrifice of Snefringa and thought that being sacrifice is a noble act. Rain did not agree on this and wanted to become strong enough to defeat all Omega species. Luce agreed and told him it was his reason to be obsessed with getting stronger. As they completed the mission they received an order for a new mission, to join up with 6th squad to defeat an Omega species bomb and a young female mage accompanying it (implied to be Loca and Marubon).
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