

Jun 21st, 2016
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  1. ??? aeonicOracle [?AO] ??:?? FROM ???? responded to memo.
  2. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  4. ?GG: ıt's down
  5. ?GG: >credıts
  6. ?AO:
  7. ?GG: >solıdus
  8. ?AO: Are you sure you want to do that? Y/N.
  9. CTG: Y
  10. ?GG: y
  11. ?AO: Crushing theorists' dreams...
  12. ?AO: Encrypting plot in transmissions...
  13. ?GG: ha
  14. ?AO: Hacking the DNC...
  15. ?AO: Welcome to the high-security information database of Grayhold Citadel, Facet 1. Would you like to proceed? Y/N.
  16. ?GG: y
  18. CTG ceased responding to memo.
  19. ?AO: Please enter command.
  20. CFC: I'm gonna go, but leaving this open for logs.
  21. CFC: Or just ban me.
  22. CFC: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  23. CCA ceased responding to memo.
  24. CCC made TG an OP.
  25. CURRENT transcribedGuardian [CTG] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  26. CTG: back
  27. ?AO: Please enter command.
  28. CURRENT anotherCreeper [CAC] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  29. CAC: hello.
  30. CTG: AO: repost the menu
  31. CTG: AC: hey
  33. CAC: ((Beginning at the very least, partial update within... 19 minutes.))
  34. CTG: > Progress
  35. ?AO: ERROR: Access restricted. MUSHARRAF-class credentials required to proceed.
  36. CTG: the fuck?
  37. CTG: > Specifications
  38. ?AO: CORE / 1 / 2 / 3 / DEST. / EXIT
  39. CTG: ...
  40. CTG: > dest?
  41. ?AO: Musharraf / Tascheter / Basiliscus / Calbalakrab / Fomalhaut / EXIT
  42. CTG: > Musharraf
  43. ?AO: Please enter password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
  44. CTG: Pervez
  45. ?AO: Access restricted.
  46. CTG: so, not the right password?
  47. ?AO: That is correct.
  48. CTG: go back, > Tascheter
  49. ?AO: Please enter password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
  50. CTG: go back, > Basiliscus
  51. ?AO: ((Precisely one password was already provided to one of these things, back on Sunday.))
  52. ?AO: Please enter password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
  53. CTG: go back, > Calbalakrab
  54. ?AO: Please enter password. Passwords are case-sensitive.
  55. CTG: I wasn't here for that
  56. CTG: fuck, EXIT
  57. ?AO: CORE / 1 / 2 / 3 / DEST. / EXIT
  58. CTG: ((musharraf is the name of a retired general of persia, tascheter is the ancient name of aldebaran, fomalhaut (and aldebaran) are two of persia's royal stars))
  59. CTG: CORE
  60. ?AO: Sempiternal Octagonal Luminal Interfaced Database and Unifying System (S.O.L.I.D.U.S.) vers. 5.08.2 - project headed by Overseer Musharraf. Status: ~33.3% active. No snake people detected.
  61. CTG: ....
  62. CTG: S N E O P L E
  63. ?AO: Hiss.
  64. CTG: go back, 1
  65. ?AO: 32.6 UI carnelian, 34.3 UI andalusite, 50.82 UI amber, 26.7 UI axinite, 36.3 UI chrome diopside, 43.1 UI citrine, 23.9 UI tourmaline, 49.63 UI pyrope, 47.38 UI chrysoprase. Status: 11.1% active. Stabilization phase headed by Fomalhaut (Jade, Facet-2EF8-6U8I Cut-6VP-Y31).
  66. CTG: what in the fucking hell.
  67. CTG: what is UI
  68. ?GG: uh
  69. ?GG: ıt had somethıng to wıth uh
  70. ?AO: UI is a standard system of power measurement.
  71. ?AO: Alternatively, just gem quality.
  72. CTG: that's a set of 9 gems, and if 11.1% is active, one out of those nine gems are active
  73. CTG: amber's the only one over 50?
  74. CTG: go back, > 2
  75. ?AO: 68.72 UI galaxite, 51.34 UI labradorite, 63.21 UI bl. iolite, 54.08 UI aventurine. Status: 100% active. Stabilization process headed by Musharraf. Projected completion: 2-3 months.
  76. CTG: yep, over 50 means you're active.
  77. CTG: go back, > 3
  78. ?AO: No specifications confirmed. View suggestions? Y/N.
  79. CTG: .... Y.
  80. ?AO: 50.82 UI lapis lazuli, 49.64 UI apatite, 19.1 UI topaz, 53.2 UI charoite. Projected stabilization process: N/A.
  83. ?AO: Hah.
  84. CTG: wait what's apatite
  85. CTG: oh, probably cyan.
  86. CTG: so, uh.... you have a set of specifications for the S.O.L.I.D.U.S. three different parts, powered by gems.
  87. CTG: my guess is = cluster.
  88. CTG: what does DEST. mean though?
  89. CTG: EXIT
  91. ?GG: destınatıon
  92. CTG: > database
  93. ?AO: Database tuned to last observed facet (9).
  95. CTG: constructs
  96. ?AO: Manufactory / Command Spire / Archives / Major Settlements / EXIT (F.I.R.)
  97. CTG: manufactory
  98. ?AO: Location: 9-λ. Population: 1. Resources: Altar of Assembly, Ritual Grave, small library. NOTES: Evacuated following the F9SL-1-87 KI initial strike.
  99. CTG: this would probably be a lot more impactful if I knew what it meant 
  100. CTG: but this is still really cool
  101. CTG: >command spire
  102. ?AO: Location: 9-β. Population: N/A. Resources: Facet 9 identification tower, colonization database plans, broadcast tower. NOTES: Utilized by GWE-DRAXIS-aligned forces in the colonization effort of Facet 9. Internally immolated with orbital blast following final strike F9SB-23-89.
  103. CTG: archives
  104. ?AO: Location: 9-ι. Population: 2 (des). Resources: Beyond evidence, cultural artifacts, large library. NOTES: N/A.
  105. CTG: major settlements
  106. ?AO: Wveru Geten / N9-τ / SE9-χ
  107. CTG: wveru geten
  108. ?AO: Location: 9-δ. Population: 1.5 (des). Resources: Aeon Core (F.I.R.). NOTES: Site of F9SD-18-89 strike, followed with the shattered flight of GWE-DRAXIS.
  109. CTG: "F. I. R.?" also how do you have a population of 1.5
  110. CTG: unless that's 1.5 thousand or something
  111. ?AO: Further information restricted, and no.
  112. CTG: then what does (des) mean
  113. ?AO: (des) is simply 'destabilized'.
  114. CTG: ok. N9-τ
  115. ?AO: Location: 9-χ. Population: 39. Resources: Gem soldier training grounds (amber), Pink Sanctuary. NOTES: Training grounds abandoned? Large amounts of joyous pink ladies, and tear-filled rivers. Or possibly saliva. One can never tell.
  116. CDG ceased responding to memo.
  117. CTG: SE9-χ.
  118. CTG: wait why is τ located in χ
  119. ?AO: ((Wait, whoops. That's SE9-χ, hah.))
  120. CTG: 
  121. ?AO: ((Here's the other one.))
  122. ?AO: Location: 9-τ. Population: 500-750. Resources: Mechanical market, shipyards. NOTES: N/A.
  123. CTG: alright then. EXIT, then ENTITIES.
  124. ?AO: Those Beyond / The Nine / Baroque Venator / Philosophorum Project / EXIT (F.I.R.)
  125. CAC: ((Deploying update...))
  126. CTG: THE NINE
  127. ?AO: Nine gems/pseudogems responsible for the formation of GWE-DRAXIS. All shattered/corrupted within several years following F9SB-18-89. Core - (Sect. 1)
  128. CTG: ....pseudogems.
  129. CTG: > Those Beyond
  130. CTG: (also what is GWE-DRAXIS? anyone know?)
  131. ?AO: Pseudogems are classified as gems not entirely wrought of gem material, such as half-gems.
  132. CTG: ah.
  133. ?AO: ((Also, GWE-DRAXIS is Green Diamond.))
  134. ?AO: ERROR: Access restricted. The sneople don't appreciate your prying.
  135. CTG: diamond was created by other gems? huh.
  136. CTG: Baroque Venator
  137. ?AO: Renegade seeking unconfirmed goal, rumored to be the overthrow of IMME-DRAXIS rule. Confirmed to be responsible for a series of thefts from military starships within Facets Six and Eight, esp. pertaining to the Solidus and Philosophorum projects.
  138. CTG: so we have green diamond and IMME-DRAXIS
  139. CTG: Philosophorum Project
  140. ?AO: Prototype geoweapon cluster utilized in siege of F9-ζ/ξ. Sourced for preparation screening pertaining to the initialization of Project Solidus. Currently stored in the auxiliary military warehouse and research facility at F9-ω.
  142. ?AO: ERROR: Access restricted. BASILISCUS-class credentials required to proceed.
  144. ?AO: 0 credit(s) detected. Obtain more from successfully clearing out parts of Facet 9.
  145. CTG: > IOUCOS <
  146. ?AO: FOMALHAUT-class credentials required to proceed. You've been given these, certainly. Please enter password.
  147. ?GG: huh
  148. CTG: ...good thing I don't have them! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  149. ?AO: ((Generic, you were there. Sunday night, right as I left.))
  150. ?GG: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  151. ?AO: > Would you like to allow the terminal to scan the log database to provide a series of possible answers?
  152. CTG: sure
  153. ?AO: Scanning...
  154. ?AO: Scanning...
  155. ?AO: Suggested answers: emeraldχtsavorite, WaLnUtS, SUDILOS.
  157. ?AO: ERROR: Access restricted.
  158. CTG: f
  159. CTG: INPUT emeraldχtsavorite
  160. ?AO: Welcome, FOMALHAUT (Jade, Facet-2EF8-6U8I Cut-6VP-Y31)!
  161. ?AO: Would you like to submit your mind to the cosmic Blind Eyes, and thusly receive baleful judgment tied with free answers? Y/N.
  162. CTG: (hacker voice) We're in.
  163. CTG: oh uh
  164. CTG: ...Y
  165. ?AO: Reminding players to allocate Irhvi-Vardiveig Complex...
  166. ?AO: Waking Ben Carson...
  167. CTG: . . .
  168. ?AO: Exiting territory of the great snerson empire...
  169. CAO ceased responding to memo.
  170. ?AA: Oh, man! It is good to be back. Vacationing in snake people hell was fun, but now it's back to work. What will it be from this group of omnipresent fucks today?
  171. CTG: ...are you the dealmaker
  172. CTG: ((is he))
  173. ?AA: The name's Malpeiyc, and dealmaking is my game.
  174. CTG: yep, it's you.
  175. ?AA: It IS me, Green!
  176. CTG: so uh, gonna be honest. I was just pressing buttons and inputting commands and seeing what happened
  177. CTG: and then you popped out
  178. CTG: but this means we've got an opportunity.
  179. ?AA: Indeed it does, kid.
  180. CTG: so what do you have for us, malpeiyc?
  181. ?AA: I've got ALL OF THE UNLIMITED KNOWLEDGE OF REALITY, right here for you. Just ask the right questions.
  182. CTG: I take it we can't ask for credentials though.
  183. ?AA: You can ask for my good old friend IMME-DRAXIS's credentials, sure.
  184. CUT: Oh my god.
  185. CTG: oh uh. 1. WHO is IMME-DRAXIS and 2. what are they
  186. CTG: UT: ?
  187. CUT: Malpeiyc.
  188. CTG: ye
  189. ?AA: Hey, Purple! How's your day been?
  190. CTG: by 2. I mean what are the credentials
  191. CUT: Good.
  192. CUT: Gotta de-distract myself.
  193. ?AA: IMME-DRAXIS is the Gray Diamond of Grayhold Citadel! The guy who just demoted your purple buddy back in the other world.
  194. CUT: Will be lurking.
  195. ?AA: As for those credentials, it's what he fears most, in all caps. Oh, yeah, and with a lozenge instead of an 'A'.
  196. CTG: got it, thanks.
  197. ?AA: No problem.
  198. ?AA: You got any more questions, perhaps about this database?
  199. CTG: SOLIDUS is a Cluster, right?
  200. CAU: Hey hey hello.
  201. ?AA: Project S.O.L.I.D.U.S. is a macrocluster planned to be composed of exactly three slain and reformed Diamonds, save for His Imminence, of course. They want to use the thing to fight those Beyond.
  202. CTG: goddamn. if that's all solidus is, then why were there so many gems in the specifications?
  203. ?AA: Of course, they don't exactly have ROS, so they'd rather use your people instead!
  204. ?AA: Only one diamond is an actual single gem, you know. Well, maybe two. I can't quite tell.
  205. CAU: those Beyond?
  206. ?AA: Those Beyond.
  207. CAU: sorry i am behind on my AO lore heh
  208. CTG: yeah, who are Those Beyond?
  209. ?AA: Those Beyond are your worst nightmares. One hit'll take you out, and shatter your gem. They've come a long way since they were mere gemsmiths out in the void, haha.
  210. CTG: ...the creators of the gems.
  211. CTG: why do the gems want to kill them?
  212. ?AA: Probably because said gems had to band all of their factions together and fight a major rebellion to escape the slave work they were put to. Didn't you wonder why nobody is allowed back from the frontier of Grayholdian territory? Can't have anyone spreading the word that they're out there, waiting.
  213. CTG: ...huh.
  214. ?AA: IMME's afraid of them, GWE was afraid of them, AMA was afraid of them, and ROS will be afraid of them.
  215. CTG: IMME is grey, GWE is green... then we have AMA and ROS. what colors are they? Does His Imminence have a color/name?
  216. ?AA: AMA is blue, ROS is pink, of course. You stated IMME's color right there in the last sentence, though, kiddo.
  217. CTG: oh, IMME is his Imminence. makes sense.
  218. CTG: this is Drevonian, right?
  219. ?AA: YEUS.
  220. ?AA: What other languages are there out here, anyway?
  221. CTG: no idea ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  222. ?AA: Snerson tongue, I suppose.
  223. CTG: you ever heard of a Golden God that held a universe hostage? or was that before your time.
  224. ?AA: Are you trying to sell me your forum game bullshit again. Let me tell you. All of that stuff's fiction. Destroy the Godmodder is a good game, and you've certainly done your part in it.
  225. CTG: implying you aren't fiction?
  226. CTG: you know what no, we're not getting metaphysical.
  227. ?AA: Hah.
  228. CTG: questions, questions...
  229. CTG: there were prototype clusters. how long has this been planned for?
  230. ?AA: Oh, probably since good old IMME pulled that autumnal hand out of his forehead and slashed all four of AMA's gems in half with one strike.
  231. CTG: all four... I always thought diamonnds were independent gems? you said only one/two were, but from what I know, diamonds are supposed to be absolute all-powerful beings with a single gem.
  232. ?AA: Fusions are underrated, let me tell you. Here, at least.
  233. CTG: are the diamonds permafusions?
  234. ?AA: Gray isn't, for sure. ROS probably isn't, but we'll have to see about that one, haha. AMA, certainly prior to her untimely demise. As for GWE... you've found enough of them to make that determination on your own.
  235. CTG: I'll take your word for it.
  236. CTG: who are musharraf, tascheter, basiliscus, calbalakrab, and fomalhaut. who are they REALLY?
  237. ?AA: MUSHARRAF is the overseer of this whole project. Makes sense, given that they're Gray. The other four are the individual project lieutenants. Their job is to deal with the smaller matters, and make sure the fuckin' thing doesn't just erupt to life before they can get the pressurizers down, and the stabilization cores in.
  238. ?AA: Speaking of which, Fomalhaut just got executed for failing to do that recently, and got replaced by a Jade! How funny is that? A permafusion bound by love, at the top of the military.
  239. CTG: hm. okay..... uh.
  240. CTG: "Welcome, FOMALHAUT (Jade, Facet-2EF8-6U8I Cut-6VP-Y31)"
  241. CTG: so that jade's new
  242. CTG: what gem was fomalhaut?
  243. ?AA: The previous one was some almandine or other. Fortunetellers, as you're sure to know.
  244. CTG: what are dark sites
  245. ?AA: Dark sites are either facilities IMME's got wired off for research, or fallout zones created when they started testing those orbital corruption blasts. Let me tell you, Facet 9's got quite of few of the latter.
  246. ?AA: Back when I was part of GWE, I found it quite amusing to see my compatriots all mutate into horrific beasts seconds before IMME stabbed us with that scythe.
  247. CTG: back when you... were...
  248. CTG: you were part of a diamond??
  249. ?AA: Haven't you heard all of the names of the Nine?
  250. ?GG: haha holy shıt
  251. ?GG: mn9 ıs stıll doıng terrıbly
  252. CTG: nope. All I know is they were gems/pseudogems responsible for creating green diamond and that... they were shattered/corrupted
  253. ?GG: ı regret spendıng money
  254. ?GG: 
  255. CAC: oh no
  256. CTG: GG: ((I KNOW, they delayed it, it's like a final middle finger ಠ_ಠ))
  257. ?AA: Falyscint, Vardiveig, Nurguliph, Aft'mathai, the Augur, Aralous, Tourmaline, Irhvi, and Malpeiyc! Just like that song. We Are the GWE-DRAXIS, or whatever.
  258. CAC: (("did you see the trailer"))
  259. CTG: ((it's SO DUMB))
  260. CTG: diamond was NINE GEMS???
  261. ?AA: Yeah!
  262. ?AA: It was great! A marvel of modern-day fusion!
  263. CTG: when you said fusion I thought you meant like three to four gems, not NINE. how many are the other diamonds?
  264. CUT: AMA was presumably 4.
  265. ?AA: AMA was four, IMME is one, and ROS is █████████.
  266. CTG: ...okay.
  267. CAC: ((Oh dear, the steam reviews for MN9 are... uh, bad.))
  268. ?AA: Nobody can ever get a read on ROS, except for those damn Quartzes out in the Pink Sanctuary.
  269. CUT: By any chance, was AMA composed of a lapis lazuli, an apatite, a topaz, and a charoite?
  270. ?AA: What? No, of course not. You guys aren't part of a diamond.
  271. ?AA: Also, you aren't dead.
  272. CUT: Hah.
  273. CTG: KEK
  274. ?AA: Speaking of her, I must say. AMA's end of the SOLIDUS project initialization is going amazingly well.
  275. CTG: how so?
  276. ?AA: RVIJ CYS EM H AW.
  277. ?GG: tıme to fuck around ın metal slug
  278. CTG: o k a y t h e n .
  279. ?AA: Even I have my limits, kid.
  280. ?GG: *we use up a translatıon and ıt just says "eat green eggs and ham"*
  281. ?AA: If you want to spend your credits that way, be my guest.
  282. CTG: /cipher decrypt RVIJ CYS EM H AW
  283. ?AA: OUTPUT: Twin's a fuckin' cheater!
  284. CTG: ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  285. CAC: *airhorns*
  286. ?AA: There's probably also a :D at the end.
  287. CTG: I apologize
  288. CTG: just wanted to see if that would work, kek
  289. CTG: time for real questions
  290. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  291. CTG: (again)
  292. ?AA: Don't apologize. I was so amused by it that I stabbed a snake man in the face.
  293. CTG: how many half-gems are there?
  294. CTG: what's the other half? human?
  295. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  296. ?AA: Right now? Three living, all half-human.
  297. CTG: who?
  298. ?AA: Take a guess.
  299. CTG: some guy named steven and I don't know the other two 
  300. ?AA: Don't be crazy. Steven Quartz is too innocent to count as a single one at all in this game of oppressive grimdarkness!
  301. CAC: ((PARTDOP.))
  302. CTG: alright then
  303. CTG: how many of the nine were half-gem, then?
  304. ?AA: One.
  305. CTG: who?
  306. CTG: inb4 me
  307. ?AA: You just answered your own question there, bucko.
  308. CTG: me as in you?
  309. ?AA: What do you think?
  310. CTG: C A L L E D I T
  311. CTG: ew that looks like call edit
  312. ?AA: If you want to do that, you'll probably have to put an invisible eight in between the two words, kid. That's what smart people do.
  313. CTG: okay so most of the names of the nine don't look like actual gems. do gems have a gem and then an actual name? I thought gems weren't supposed to have real names and just had identification
  314. ?AA: That's only for those Grayholdian gems controlled by that ruthless military dictator, and not anyone else. Some of them keep their gem names, though. It happens.
  315. ?AA: Well, and also amnesiacs.
  316. CTG: kek
  317. CTG: why are the protagonists being suggested for specifications?
  318. CTG: and what does that mean?
  319. ?AA: The strength of the masses is often more potent than any Authority.
  320. ?AA: Okay, listen, kid. One of these snake men just smashed a bottle of death rum over my buddy Tim's head, here in the hellbar. I've got to go tear his face off in the magma jacuzzi. I'll be right back.
  321. CTG: alright.
  322. ?AA: ((/AFK. Go nowhere.))
  323. ?AA: Sorry about that. I had to persuade the cops that I didn't replace the bartender's ribcage with a bag of donuts. I'm back. Ask anything you'd like.
  324. CAC: "why'd you replace his ribcage with a bag of donuts"
  325. CAC: 
  326. ?AA: Between you and me, it was hilarious. Kind of like tricking you all into freeing me with fire. Or driving that charoite mad with visions, to the brink of the blade.
  327. ?AA: That's in chronological order, of course.
  328. CAC: ((TG he's back))
  329. CTG: alright then
  330. CTG: so that means green diamond and blue diamond are in the other two specifications. green diamond has 9 gems, blue diamond has 4. the specification with 9 gems contains a tourmaline, so does green diamond.
  331. CTG: I take it they dont have the 3rd one filled up because pink diamond's dead, so you need a substituute.
  332. ?AA: Close enough.
  333. ?AA: To be fair, they only actually have a ninth of GWE-DRAXIS.
  334. ?AA: That Jade has it.
  335. CTG: ah.
  336. CTG: topaz has 19.1 UI... because she's cracked?
  337. ?AA: She's entirely fine externally. Data-corruption-wise, however, I wouldn't bet on it.
  338. CTG: oh god.
  339. ?AA: Ashen Plague plus cracking of the gem is not good for anyone.
  340. ?AA: Fortunately for you, she's still got seven stability points! Of twenty, but still!
  341. ?GG: holy shıt ı suck at metal slub
  342. ?GG: *slug
  343. ?AA: TERMINAL EXPIRED. Please insert two quarters into terminal. You have ten minutes to do so, or ignore it, until you are booted to the title screen.
  344. ?AA: You got any other questions, then?
  345. CTG: I... think that's it.
  346. CTG: OH. one more thing.
  347. CTG: two more things, I guess.
  348. ?AA: What will it be?
  349. CTG: 1. will we ever see you again? 2. we will ever have a chance to get more items?
  350. ?AA: Absolutely, and hopefully, respectively. I can't resist a deal, I have to say.
  351. CTG: ha, alright then. thanks for the help.
  352. CTG: /O\
  353. ?AA: No problem.
  354. ?AA: I'll just go, then. Punch you back into that aeonic oracle.
  355. ?AA: See you in Iota! Or alternatively, when Charoite shouts at you all to shut up!
  356. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  357. CAA ceased responding to memo.
  358. ?AO: A B Y S S A L 8 O D D I T Y
  360. ?AO: Please enter command.
  363. ?AO:
  364. CAU: better question is why are you watching sharkboy and lavagirl
  365. CTG: 
  366. ceased responding to memo.
  367. CAU: Who ceased responding? Anyhow...
  368. CAU: >MODULES
  369. ?AO:
  370. CAU: Yharnam Converge? TG, explain.
  371. CTG: why do you think I know, I barely play this.
  372. CAU: As in stop watching shit movies ironically/unironically and help me.
  374. CTG: but uh, pretty sure it's an event where someone could have succumbed to plague and we can redo it
  375. ?AO: ^
  376. CTG: to see them succumb to plague 
  377. CTG: topaz, right?
  378. CAU: Oh.
  379. ?AO: Correct.
  380. CTG: yeah. ashen plague. nasty shit.
  381. CAU: >129 degrees in Death Valley
  382. CAU: I'm not gonna do this alone TG. I need a partner in crime here!
  384. CTG: I got your back ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
  385. CTG: > PLAY
  386. CAU: So come on and >PLAY GAME
  387. CTG: we can figure this out together, maybe?
  388. CAU: Grab a s>EAT TG
  389. ?AO: World File A detected. Loading.
  390. ?AO: Loading...
  391. CTG: > EAT
  392. ?AO: Loading...
  393. ?AO: Game loaded successfully. Please enter command.
  394. CCP: Time to feed Teαg α Compresed Compressed dog βlocκ
  395. CAU: Isn't that just double compressed?
  396. CTG: > examine surroundings. who are you?
  397. CURRENT universallyTraveling [CUT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  398. ?UT: I return, again.
  399. ?GG: yo
  400. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  401. ?AO: Your name is AZURE LAPIS. You are currently HOLDING TOPAZ'S HAND as she LIES ON THE SOGGY STRAWBERRY FIELD, suffering from the aftermath of your last battle.
  402. CTG: > ask topaz if she feels okay.
  403. ?AO: You just saw a large flopbird fly into the inner tower of the structure beside you, if you recall. Anyhow...
  404. CAC: >CRASH x2 COMBO!
  405. ?AO: "I... I feel like every single part of my body is on fire."
  406. ?AO: "But not in an entirely bad way?"
  407. CTG: ...
  408. CCP: >Self-Deustruct
  409. CTG: > you think you need help?
  410. ?AO: "I'm pretty sure I'll be fine. I mean, you fixed up my gem, right?"
  412. CAU: Shh, hush pupper.
  413. ?AO: Topaz pokes the topaz thing where her belly button probably should be for emphasis.
  414. CAC: x4.
  415. CTG: > right. I've got your back.
  416. CAC: x5 COMBO!!!
  417. ?AO: "So do I."
  418. CFC ceased responding to memo.
  419. ?AO: With help from Cyan, Topaz pulls herself to her feet.
  420. ?AO: Birdquest continues.
  421. ?GG: haha poor me and my long-lost 80 dollars
  422. ?AO: Please enter command.
  424. ?GG: >succumb to ıllness
  425. ?GG: 
  426. CTG: > follow where the bird went.
  427. ?AO: The flopbird flew inside of the tower behind the walls.
  428. ?GG: waıt ıs thıs maın game or
  429. ?AO: This is the main game.
  430. CTG: > enter the Tower.
  431. ?AO: You can't do that without heading into the wall once more, which, as noted earlier, would result in heavy shard fire.
  432. CTG: > think of possible ways to neutralize the shard fire. any ideas?
  433. ?AO: You don't even know where the shards are coming from, precisely.
  434. CAU: >Examine the tower's surroundings, which are also your surroundings I guess.
  435. CTG: throw a rock towards the tower (not a gem, just a boring old rock) and see if shards fly out to attack it. if they do, find out where they're coming from.
  436. ?AO: A barrage of shards reduces the poor rock to seven.
  437. ?AO: You note they are coming from some window of the massive tower itself.
  438. ?AO: Please enter command.
  439. CAU: >Would one of Cyan's shields be strong enough against the shards?
  440. CCP: Did αnyone grαβ the True mαge Roβe Ir
  441. ?AO: Probably.
  442. ?AO: Fortunately, the limb enhancer shields are far less lethal dome-wise than the plasma ones.
  443. CAU: >"Cyan, could you make a shield to protect us? Once we enter the tower we should be safe from those shards that defend the exterior."
  444. ?AO: She just nods, grabs the two of you by the wrist, and pulls up a lime-colored shield.
  445. ?AO: Shall you charge in, or take a more cautious approach?
  447. CAU: >Well, the longer you take turret fire the harder it will be for Cyan to keep the shield up. Thus, we shall take the MODERATELY QUICK approach.
  448. ?AO: Sounds good to you. You briskly rush inwards. Several shards bounce off of the shield as you all advance. You can now see the entirety of the land within the walls, including the front of the tower.
  449. ?AO: Heads. You safely reach the entrance of the tower. Now what?
  450. ?AO: ((TG AU.))
  451. CTG: hmm....
  452. CTG: examine surroundings
  453. CAU: ((sorry, friend asking me a question))
  454. ?AO: The inside of the tower startles you a little. The thing is ruined, with rubble and moss scattered about indiscriminately. There is one central pillar in the chamber, reaching up quite some distance, and innumerable balconies leading out to windows on the walls.
  455. CTG: /afk, will be back later
  456. CAU: Dammit twin.
  457. CAU: Alright, lets see here.
  458. CAU: >Bottom floor doesn't seem too interesting, so it is probably best to begin your ascent and find that bird. Probably roosting higher up.
  459. ?AO: There is only one floor. The others have been reduced to dust.
  460. CAU: Oh.
  461. CAU: >Any sign of that bird that I assume is important?
  462. ?AO: You note that all the light in the room is pouring in from a massive hole in the ceiling, certainly. Similarly, you can hear the faint ruffling of feathers.
  463. CAU: >Since there is no way up, is there anything noteworthy amongst the rubble and moss?
  464. ?AO: Feathers, a few lizard skeletons, and some carving of a fabled pink court.
  465. ?AO: A pink court bereft of a queen, to be specific.
  466. CAU: Bleh, how would one attract the flopbird though.
  467. ?AO: Perhaps with noise?
  468. CCU: PARTDOP.
  469. CAU: >Make a noise, this big empty room probably has ridiculous acoustics.
  470. ?AO: You bang on Cyan's limb enhancer. Echoes emanate throughout the chamber.
  471. ?AO: Not one, but two squawks resound back.
  472. CAU: >Two of the same?
  473. ?AO: You can't quite tell.
  474. CAU: >Make the noise a second time. Perhaps they will respond again.
  475. ?AO: You get more than that.
  476. ?AO: The sound of flapping wings is drawn to your attention almost immediately.
  477. ?AO: You can see two birds leap off of several balconies to meet you. Neither of them have Delta.
  478. ?AO: That just means they have free space to peck your eyes out, of course.
  479. ?AO: Would you like to engage in combat?
  480. CAU: >Have Cyan prepare another shield. Backpedal out the door and draw the birds into the shard defenses.
  481. ?AO: You can't do that without engaging in combat.
  482. CAU: >Engage in combat.
  484. CAU: >OBSERVE
  485. ?AO: Flopbird Senator: ████████ HP x2. NOTES: A statesman of the highest order in the flopbird community. With unparalleled wit and skill, flopbirds run their draconian senate in order to regulate the capture of unwilling food.
  486. ?AO: Are they actually senators? No. Can you imagine they are, for fun? Absolutely.
  487. CAU: >Briefly imagine a silly flopbird court. No, this wont take up an entire turn.
  488. CCP: i reαlly should αctuαlly finish the trαde pαrt of my rituαl
  489. CCP: AO: Gonnα finish the αctuαl selling my soul pαrt of my rituαl post this updαte
  490. ?AO: 'You are not permitted to utilize your imagination in the senate.'
  491. CCP: ^
  492. ?GG: oh yeah ı should probably sell my soul ı mean get a mark
  493. ?GG: and also some other stuff
  494. ?GG: that ı wanted
  495. CCP: "Creαtivity is βαnned βy Section 924, line 2495 of the Flopβird Constitution"
  496. ?AO: Please enter command.
  497. ?GG: oh hey captaın underpants movıe confırm
  498. ?GG: ı don't know ıf ı'm too old to see ıt 
  499. CAU: >Lapis, shoot a high-pressure jet of water at one of the flopbird senators. Sort of like a water lance.
  500. ?AO: What shall Topaz and Cyan do?
  501. CAU: Fuck I wasn't around for Topaz's introduction. What are their abilities? 
  502. ?AO: She's got a cool summoned sword.
  503. ?AO: Before you ask, yes, she can throw it.
  504. CAU: >Topaz, assume a defensive stance and prepare to try and counter any of the flopbird's attacks, probably something along the lines of putting up a plasma shield last second so they don't expect it.
  505. CAU: ER
  506. CAU: >CYAN*
  507. CAU: >Topaz, Summon your sword and hit the same flopbird that Lapis is targeting.
  508. ?AO: Very well.
  509. CAU: There, successful turn commands inputted. What an accomplishment.
  510. CAU: Oh thank god UT is back to save me.
  511. CAU: Help UT we are fighting the final boss and I have no idea what to do.
  512. CAU: Dammit.
  513. ?AO: This isn't the final boss. It isn't even the final boss of this room, let alone this sector.
  514. ?AO: Cyan pulls up an electrogemological shield with her enhancers, right as you spear impales a senator.
  515. ?AO: Topaz cuts off one of the creature's wings, drawing no blood whatsoever, oddly enough.
  516. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  517. ?AO: The flopbird not deprived of a wing just sort of flies over your shield, and viciously pecks at Cyan. The other one stumbles about slightly, one-winged.
  518. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  520. CCP: >OBSERVE
  521. ?AO: Flopbird Senator: ████████ ████████ HP. NOTES: A statesman of the highest order in the flopbird community. With unparalleled wit and skill, flopbirds run their draconian senate in order to regulate the capture of unwilling food.
  522. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  523. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  524. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  525. ?AO: Please enter command.
  526. CAU: Well we got some COT going on right now and I suppose it is time for me to take the reigns. SO I will now begin actually typing up turn commands.
  527. CAU: Sorry, power flickered.
  528. CAU: Can lapis make a neat water sword?
  529. ?AO: Sure.
  530. CAU: >LAPIS: Make a neat water sword and team up with Topaz to disable the other flopbird.
  531. CCP: Ticκ, tocκ, ticκ, tocκ....
  532. CUT: Hrm, what's with all the glowing spires...
  533. CCP: TICK. 4 more minutes left.
  534. ?AO: And Cyan?
  535. CAU: >CYAN: Keep the other one distracted with... plasma bolts? Is that a thing they can do?
  536. CCP: TOCK. Noω, three.
  537. ?AO: Electrogemological bolts, sure.
  538. CTG: /back. fill me in on what I missed?
  539. CAU: >CYAN: Then yeah, do that.
  540. ?GG: "everyone dıed"
  541. ?GG: "we're ın hell"
  542. CAU: We a battling the highest of flopbird royalty.
  543. CAU: Like... flopbird nobles man.
  544. CCP: TICK. Tωo more left.
  545. CTG: huh.
  546. ?AO: You manage to double-stab the bird in the eye, but not dewing it.
  547. ?AO: The twin birds respond by annihilating all of your shields. Doesn't anyone get it when one says Bloodborne-esque combat.
  548. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  549. ?AO: The senators scrape Topaz and yourself with their talons. It is quite painful.
  550. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  551. CCP: Any oβjections?
  553. CTG: so you needed to open the eyes and/or mouth to break the curse. that's... pretty cool.
  554. CTG: I like it.
  555. CCU: |t was an abberation to the curse. As Richard said in that update, normally this would be impractical, but UserZero would take more damage if defeating chara was that hard.
  556. CUT ceased responding to memo.
  557. CCU: MUCH more damage.
  558. CAU: Oh right, I forgot our change to bloodborne esque combat form a while back.
  559. CAC: D<0> IT.
  560. CCP: No oβjections? One Compresed Compressed Dog Blocκ for Teαg2 coming right up.
  561. CAC: USE THE BL<0>CK.
  562. ?AO: Hah. Please enter command.
  563. CCU: |n other words, a mar on a backslash to make it resemble something else makes it no longer a curse.
  564. CCU: For instance.
  565. CCP: Also crαfting ωith hαlloωed βαrs
  566. CCU: Now back to your reguarly scheduled AO.  Please enter command.
  567. ?GG: anyways "what does hezetor get for that levelwıse"
  568. CAU: You available TG?
  569. CURRENT universallyTraveling1 [CUT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  570. ?UT: holy shit hallowed bars
  571. CAU: Let's work TOGETHER or something on this.
  572. CUT: fukken sweet
  573. ?GG: "and also sınce he doesn't use spoıls anyways can ı steal the locket"
  574. ?GG: 
  575. CTG: erm...
  576. CCP: <0>
  577. CAU: Though I wouldn't necessarily mind having the GLORY of leading AO for a little bit longer, as long as I don't somehow lead us to ruin haha.
  578. ?GG: >dıe horrıbly
  579. CTG: go ahead, man
  580. ?AO: You probably won't.
  581. CTG: > Observe first though.
  582. CAU: We did, twice.
  583. ?AO: But, more people is always better.
  584. CAU: But hey, thrice doesn't hurt yo.
  585. ?AO: Flopbird Senator: ████████ ████████ HP. NOTES: A statesman of the highest order in the flopbird community. With unparalleled wit and skill, flopbirds run their draconian senate in order to regulate the capture of unwilling food.
  586. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  587. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  588. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  589. ?AO: Please enter command.
  590. CAU: >Are the two flopbirds close together or more spaced apart?
  591. ?AO: Within five feet.
  592. CTG: slam the two of them together than punch them into the ground using the force of water
  593. ?AO: As for Cyan and Topaz?
  594. CAU: Yeah that sounds good. but remember the BLOODBORNE mechanics.
  595. CAU: We gotta be careful because we are taking a fair bit of damage across the board.
  596. ?AO: Said mechanics do naught but discourage turtling, my friend.
  597. ?AO: Please confirm methods of action for two other party members.
  598. CAU: >Topaz, If both birds are successfully grouped up after Lapis' action, swing to hit both of them for cleave damage. Otherwise, play it safe and attack the one who still has both wings.
  599. CAU: >Cyan, keep your distance so you have room to dodge any oncoming attacks, and fire more electrogeomological bolt things at the more wounded flopbird.
  600. ?AO: 2/3. You slam the birds together. Without any further ado, they both instantly pop into nothing, dust pouring forth. You note two gem shards on the ground where they once were. Congratulations.
  601. CAU: Woo.
  602. ?AO: Now what?
  603. CTG: bubble their shards.
  604. ?AO: You bubble them, like a sensible person, and send the azure bubbles back to the ship. As you do so, you hear a singular click.
  605. ?AO: Looking up, you sight what appears to be a large floating limestone construct levitating up by the roof, accompanied by a massive flopbird upon the top of the central pillar.
  606. ?AO: Delta is within the maw of said flopbird.
  607. CCP: >Engαge in comβαt ωith mαssive flopβird if possiβle
  608. CCU ceased responding to memo.
  610. CCP: >Oβserve
  611. ?AO: Flopbird Archmagister: ███████████ HP. NOTES: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the being entrapped and unconscious in the flopbird's maw.
  612. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you.
  613. CTG: OH GOD.
  614. CCP: >Use self αs Flopβird βαit
  615. CTG: kill that crystal quartz and kill it now
  616. ?AO: But how?
  617. CTG: question: are there windows around.
  618. CTG: or any high drops.
  619. CAC ceased responding to memo.
  620. ?AO: A great many windows, all with balconies.
  621. CTG: pick up crystal turret, smash it out of window and into the harsh ground below, where it can't interact with the archmagister.
  622. CCP: The Bαlconies αre oβviously so the Flopβird senαtors could give speechs
  623. ?AO: What will the others do? (That's the idea, as well. This is clearly the Galactic Senate: Flopbird Edition.)
  624. CTG: not sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ AU can you help?
  625. CURRENT macinToast [CMT] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  626. CMT: t0ast!
  627. CMT: hey
  628. CCP: Tακe potshots αt the Flopβird, try to chop off it's ωing or upper βeακ
  629. CCP: hello t0αstyd0g
  630. ?AO: NOTICE: COALESCE is a thing that exists, and can be done between two people who don't have the Interface.
  631. CMT: I'm guessing that the statement that is false is the second or the third
  632. CMT: from gladius
  633. CMT: in chaos
  634. ?AO: Regardless, actions selected, it appears.
  635. CMT: any s
  636. ?AO: Heads. You're lucky. You grab the turret with a massive water hand, and immediately smash it outside with great force.
  637. ?AO: The other two on the ground can't quite reach the top of the pillar with potshots and sword slashes.
  638. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  639. ?AO: The turret does not act, as it is current in a pile of strawberry goo, being assaulted by deadly butterflies.
  640. ?AO: *currently.
  641. ?AO: The Archmagister swoops down from the heavens, and immediately strikes all three of you at once with its gargantuan wingspan, sending you all careening into the wall.
  642. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  645. ?AO: Before I say anything, I should mention the damage from last battle carried over.
  646. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you.
  647. ?AO: Flopbird Archmagister: ███████████ HP. NOTES: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the being entrapped and unconscious in the flopbird's maw.
  648. ?AO: Azure Lapis: ███████████████ HP.
  649. ?AO: Cyan Amaranthine: ██████████ HP.
  650. ?AO: Topaz: ███████████████████ HP.
  651. CTG: who do we have that can heal.
  652. ?AO: You've plenty of medkits.
  653. CURRENT caledfwlchUnleashed [CCU] RIGHT NOW responded to memo.
  654. CCU: Of course we crash, but whatever.
  655. CCU: Not much, | don't think.
  656. CTG: give medkits to all three of us. does that use up our action for the turn or what?
  657. ?AO: It does.
  658. CTG: whatever, do it anyway, it's important we survive
  659. ?AO: Very well.
  660. ?AO: You fully heal your entire team.
  661. ?AO: ENEMY TURN.
  662. ?AO: Quartz crystals on the turret outside grow over its damage, further repairing it. The flopbird stares at you all. Tendrils of violet energy waft up from the shard in Delta's chest, to the flopbird.
  663. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  665. CCU: ((quick, can someone tell me how to replace text with other text quickly?))
  666. CTG: well we don't have to worry about the turret now, beacuse it's outside and can't interact with us, right?
  667. ?AO: For now.
  668. CCU: ((I'm just hoping there's like a shortcut to delete all the spaces in the BB code Erelye gave me for Crystal's post.))
  669. CCU: ((Actually nvm.))
  670. CTG: alright.
  671. CTG: as for AO... observe.
  672. CCP: CU, UT: Teαg getting reκt post finished.
  673. ?AO: Crystal Turret: ████████████████████ HP. NOTES: A rotating mass of ornate limestone and quartz. Several turquoise shards jut out of the thing's barrel. The turret appears to be a relic of a much older time than that of the battle around you.
  674. ?AO: Flopbird Archmagister: ███████████ HP. NOTES: The original thief. The archmagister presides over the Senate, humanoid being in its mouth all the while. You can see a bloodstained turquoise shard sticking out of the chest of the being entrapped and unconscious in the flopbird's maw. Δ.
  675. CCP: Why didn't ωe loot αny of the Wαr Roβo's pαste
  676. ?AO: As for the others, full health.
  677. CCP: Using it didn't tακe α αction
  678. CCP: Unliκe the medκits
  679. CTG: W H O O P S !
  680. ?AO: Too late now.
  681. CCP: *deαdly glαre of instαdeαth*
  683. CCP: Lαpis cαn get αt the Bird.
  684. CCP: It's Topαz αnd Cyαn ωe should merge, for mαχ effectiness
  685. CTG: alright then
  686. ?AO: You can't COALESCE without selecting a specific fusion from the menu!
  687. CTG: F U C K
  689. CTG: which one is topaz + cyan
  690. ?AO: Heliotrope.
  691. ?AO: Beryl is Topaz/Azure, and Chrysoberyl is all three at once.
  694. ?AO: Would you like to go for a triple, or merely Heliotrope?
  695. CUT: Nice post, Battlefury.
  696. CUT: dog.
  697. CCP: I sure hope 422 dogs αre not poωerful enough to βrute-force the Updop Terminαl
  698. CTG: hmmm...
  699. CTG: what do you guys think
  700. CTG: I think we should just do heliotrope
  701. CUT: Hrm.
  702. CCP: Well, this is α someωhαt serious chαllenge.
  703. CCP: We could go for A TRIPLE KILL
  704. CUT: yeah, triple would be quite unstable
  705. CCP: ^
  706. CUT: let's try heliotrope.
  707. ?AO: Cyan and Topaz form HELIOTROPE.
  708. ?AO: What for Azure?
  709. CTG: rescue delta from the flopbird's mouth by using your water hands to wrench its beak out of its body.
  710. ?AO: Sounds good.
  711. ?AO: Tails.
  712. CCP: rip
  713. ?AO: You pull at the beak with water hands, and the flopbird responds by just clamping its jaws down heavily.
  714. ?AO: Strangely enough, the bird opens its mouth, revealing Delta is gone, with quite an amount of dust. All that remains is the shard, flickering violet occasionally.
  717. CCP: >Aqiure Shαrd, quicκly!
  718. CUT: Get ye shard.
  719. ?AO: "Your age isn't real and your body's an illusion."
  720. CUT: Also, fuck.
  721. ?AO: You grab the shard. Congrats, compact storage of war criminals!
  722. ?AO: YOUR TURN.
  724. CUT: Waaaait.
  725. CUT: Delta's in that shard, isn't he.
  726. CCP: duuuuuuuuuuuuuh
  727. ?AO: Naturally.
  728. CUT: You mentioned crystal plagues before. nice.
  729. CCP: they didn't sαy his SHARD ωαs dαmαged just his βody
  730. ?AO: They aren't actually crystal plagues here, but oui.
  731. ?AO: The shard is entirely undamaged.
  732. CMT: CP: seems like teag is the new battlefury 
  733. ?AO: Please enter command.
  734. CCP: tru tru
  735. CTG: wait, did we want delta dead
  736. ?AO: You wanted him contained, mostly.
  737. ?AO: Which has been accomplished, technically. All you need now is a bubble.
  738. CUT: Hah.
  739. CUT: So is he a gem now?
  740. ?AO: More likely so than not.
  741. CAU: ((Sorry for inactivity erelye, i've had to go do things several times during all of this :s))
  742. ?AO: Autosave initiated.
  743. ?AO: Saving...
  744. ?AO: Saving...
  745. ?AO: Saving...
  746. ?AO: Game saved successfully. Auto-quit activated. Have a nice day.
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