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Aug 28th, 2024
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  1. How to stop Remote neural monitoring, Massachusetts, none, Disconnect me from Remote Neural Monitoring
  2. Lawyer's Assistant chatimg
  3. Customer: How to stop Remote neural monitoring
  4. Lawyer's Assistant: What state is this in? It matters because laws vary by location.
  5. Customer: Massachusetts
  6. Lawyer's Assistant: What steps have been taken so far?
  7. Customer: none
  8. Lawyer's Assistant: Anything else you want the Lawyer to know before I connect you?
  9. Customer: Disconnect me from Remote Neural Monitoring
  10. Answered by GlennM in 20 mins 4 years ago
  11. imglogo
  12. GlennM
  13. 35+ Year Experienced Attorney
  14. logo
  15. 9,222 satisfied customers
  17. Specialities include: Bankruptcy Law, Business Law, CA Real Estate, California Employment Law, Consumer Protection Law, Education Law, Employment Law, Intellectual Property Law, Landlord-Tenant, Legal, Real Estate Law
  18. img
  19. Lawyer: GlennM
  21. My name is***** am a very experienced attorney with a near 100% satisfaction rating on JustAnswer and am happy to respond to your inquiry today.What is it more specifically you are interested in knowing? I cannot respond unless you clarify what "remote neutral monitoring" is and why you believe it may violate your legal rights.
  22. Customer
  23. Hi Glenn, I am Targeted Individual on Remote Neural Monitoring.NSA via secret satellite and ground based sensors. the CIA and DoD rollsaround the world with secret compact brain computer interfaces whichfits inside cars - they monitor and image brain waves, reading eachindividual neuron. a computer puts these signals back together, and theythrough continious monitoring, they have access to everything in yourmind; in your home, in private, and more. see, hear, through walls usingadvanced terahertz wave imaging and fMRI techniques. and see what yousee, hear, think, feel, dream, and induce pain, high blood pressure.
  24. Customer
  25. No phone call thank you
  26. img
  27. Lawyer: GlennM
  29. OK. If you believe that you can file a lawsuit for monetary damages and injunctive relief under 42 USC ยงยง 1981 and 1983.The phone call option is automatically generated and YOU ARE NOT REQUIRED TO ACCEPT IT. I am happy to discuss your situation with you via chat.
  30. Customer
  31. Hi Glenn I understand the talk is auto thank you for telling. Glenn do you represent people in Massachusetts?
  32. Customer
  33. Chat I have to get app
  34. img
  35. Lawyer: GlennM
  37. experts on JA are not permitted to offer Experts on JustAnswer are not permitted to offer legal representation or provide legal referrals. Those are restrictions imposed by the website and experts are site users like you. If that is unacceptable please contact***@******.*** for as sistance or a refund instead of taking any frustration out on me for a constraint over which I have no control as an expert.
  38. Customer
  39. Thank you for telling me
  40. img
  41. Lawyer: GlennM
  43. Many thanks for the positive rating. Best wishes and good luck.
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