
Kanye Pasta

Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. Kanye isn't in-and-out of rehab or jail. He doesn't carry a gun or associate with gang members. His songs don't promote crime or violence. He's not flashing his balls as he climbs in and out of his sports car for free press... he's not even a man whore. He's had like 2 girlfriends in 12 years, one of which became his wife and the other, he loved so much, that when she left him he wrote an entire album dealing with his broken heart.
  3. The lyric "I want to fuck you hard over the sink" might not be the most romantic sounding thing anyone has ever heard, but it's pretty sweet when you consider, in context, he's singing about how he wants to make love to his wife, whom he's very open about loving, as opposed to all of the other rappers who talk about they want to fuck everyone elses wive because all women are whores who don't deserve respect. Writing a song about how much you love your wife isn't something that should get you persecuted in the media.
  5. He writes about working hard and following your dreams. He sings about love for his family, falling in love, and starting a family of his own.
  7. He doesn't sport colors or sag his pants so his underwear shows... he wears high fashion, and tries to look good. He's confident in his ability as a musician and artist and he's open to the world about his innermost thoughts. You can't ever say Kanye isn't 'real'.
  9. ...and yet, the world hates him. Rothesburger raped a woman in the bathroom and people everywhere root for him to win the Superbowl. Kanye says "be yourself, follow your dreams", and people want him and his family burned alive.
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