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- <?php
- // Copyright (c) 2008 Czarek Tomczak
- // All rights reserved. Licensed under BSD 3-clause license.
- // Project website:
- // zlib conflicts with ob_gzhandler.
- ini_set('zlib.output_compression', 0);
- ini_set('output_buffering', 0);
- if (ini_get('zlib.output_compression')) {
- ob_start();
- } else {
- if (function_exists('ob_gzhandler')) {
- ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
- } else {
- ob_start();
- }
- }
- // Some of the features in the SQL editor require creating 'dbkiss_sql'
- // directory, where history of queries are kept and other data. If the
- // script has permission it will create that directory automatically,
- // otherwise you need to create that directory manually and make it
- // writable. You can also set it to empty '' string, but some of the
- // features in the sql editor will not work (templates, pagination).
- if (!defined('DBKISS_SQL_DIR')) {
- define('DBKISS_SQL_DIR', 'dbkiss_sql');
- }
- /*
- An example configuration script that will automatically connect to localhost database.
- This is useful on localhost if you don't want to see the "Connect" screen.
- mysqli_local.php:
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- define('COOKIE_PREFIX', str_replace('.php', '', basename(__FILE__)).'_');
- define('DBKISS_SQL_DIR', 'dbkiss_mysqli');
- $cookie = array(
- 'db_driver' => 'mysqli',
- 'db_server' => 'localhost',
- 'db_name' => 'test',
- 'db_user' => 'root',
- 'db_pass' => 'toor',
- 'db_charset' => 'latin2',
- 'page_charset' => 'iso-8859-2',
- 'remember' => 1
- );
- foreach ($cookie as $k => $v) {
- if ('db_pass' == $k) { $v = base64_encode($v); }
- $k = COOKIE_PREFIX.$k;
- if (!isset($_COOKIE[$k])) {
- $_COOKIE[$k] = $v;
- }
- }
- require './dbkiss.php';
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
- /*
- Changelog:
- 1.20
- * Support for PHP 7 and PostgreSQL (Issue #2)
- * Support for MySQL in PHP 7 via mysqli driver (Issue #3)
- 1.16
- * Compatibility fixes for PHP 5.5.7
- * Permanent links for saved SQL templates, the url in browser
- includes template name (Issue 3)
- * After connecting to database you will be redirected to the
- url you came from
- 1.15
- * Fixed Postgresql 9 bug on Linux, no data rows were displayed
- for SELECT queries in the SQL editor (Issue 5).
- 1.14
- * IIS server fixes: $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] missing
- 1.13
- * Table names and column names may start with numeric values ex.
- `52-644` as table name is now allowed.
- 1.12
- * Fixed "order by" bug in views.
- 1.11
- * Links in data output are now clickable. Clicking them does not reveal
- the location of your dbkiss script to external sites.
- 1.10
- * Support for views in Postgresql (mysql had it already).
- * Views are now displayed in a seperate listing, to the right of
- the tables on main page.
- * Secure redirection - no referer header sent - when clicking external
- links (ex. powered by), so that the location of the dbkiss script on
- your site is not revealed.
- 1.09
- * CSV export in sql editor and table view (feature sponsored by
- Patrick McGovern)
- 1.08
- * date.timezone E_STRICT error fixed
- 1.07
- * mysql tables with dash in the name generated errors, now all
- tables in mysql driver are enquoted with backtick.
- 1.06
- * postgresql fix
- 1.05
- * export of all structure and data does take into account the table
- name filter on the main page, so you can filter the tables that
- you want to export.
- 1.04
- * exporting all structure/data didn't work (ob_gzhandler flush bug)
- * cookies are now set using httponly option
- * text editor complained about bad cr/lf in exported sql files
- (mysql create table uses \n, so insert queries need to be seperated
- by \n and not \r\n)
- 1.03
- * re-created array_walk_recursive for php4 compatibility
- * removed stripping slashes from displayed content
- * added favicon (using base64_encode to store the icon in php code,
- so it is still one-file database browser)
- 1.02
- * works with short_open_tag disabled
- * code optimizations/fixes
- * postgresql error fix for large tables
- 1.01
- * fix for mysql 3.23, which doesnt understand "LIMIT x OFFSET z"
- 1.00
- * bug fixes
- * minor feature enhancements
- * this release is stable and can be used in production environment
- 0.61
- * upper casing keywords in submitted sql is disabled (it also
- modified quoted values)
- * sql error when displaying table with 0 rows
- * could not connect to database that had upper case characters
- */
- // todo: php error handler which cancels buffer output and exits on error
- // todo: XSS and CSRF protection.
- // todo: connect screen: [x] create database (if not exists) [charset]
- // todo: connect screen: database (optional, if none provided will select
- // the first database the user has access to)
- // todo: support for the enum field type when editing row
- // todo: search whole database form should appear also on main page
- // todo: improve detecting primary keys when editing row (querying
- // information_schema , for mysql > 4)
- // todo: when dbkiss_sql dir is missing, display a message in sql editor
- // that some features won't work (templates, pagination) currently
- // it displays a message to create that dir and EXIT, but should
- // allow basic operations.
- // todo: "Insert" on table view page
- // todo: edit table structure
- error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_STRICT & ~E_DEPRECATED);
- ini_set('display_errors', true);
- if (!ini_get('date.timezone')) {
- ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Warsaw');
- }
- // Fix IIS missing variables in $_SERVER:
- if (!isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) {
- if (isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) {
- }
- }
- if (!isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) {
- if (isset($_SERVER['LOCAL_ADDR'])) {
- } else {
- $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] = 'unknown';
- }
- }
- set_error_handler('errorHandler');
- register_shutdown_function('errorHandler_last');
- ini_set('display_errors', 1);
- global $Global_LastError;
- function errorHandler_last()
- {
- if (function_exists("error_get_last")) {
- $error = error_get_last();
- if ($error) {
- errorHandler($error['type'], $error['message'], $error['file'], $error['line']);
- }
- }
- }
- function errorHandler($errno, $errstr, $errfile, $errline)
- {
- global $Global_LastError;
- $Global_LastError = $errstr;
- // Check with error_reporting, if statement is preceded
- // with @ we have to ignore it.
- if (!($errno & error_reporting())) {
- return;
- }
- // Headers.
- if (!headers_sent()) {
- header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
- while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } // This will cancel ob_gzhandler, so later we set Content-encoding to none.
- header('Content-Encoding: none'); // Fix gzip encoding header.
- header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8");
- header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
- header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
- header("Pragma: no-cache");
- }
- // Error short message.
- $errfile = basename($errfile);
- $msg = sprintf('%s<br>In %s on line %d.', nl2br($errstr), $errfile, $errline);
- // Display error.
- printf("<!doctype html><html><head><meta charset=utf-8><title>PHP Error</title>");
- printf("<meta name=\"robots\" content=\"noindex,nofollow\">");
- printf("<link rel=\"shortcut icon\" href=\"{$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}?dbkiss_favicon=1\">");
- printf("<style type=text/css>");
- printf("body { font: 12px Arial, Sans-serif; line-height: 17px; padding: 0em; margin: 2em 3em; }");
- printf("h1 { font: bold 18px Tahoma; border-bottom: rgb(175, 50, 0) 1px solid; margin-bottom: 0.85em; padding-bottom: 0.25em; color: rgb(200, 50, 0); text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }");
- print("h2 { font: bold 15px Tahoma; margin-top: 1em; color: #000; text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #fff; }");
- printf("</style></head><body>");
- printf("<h1>PHP Error</h1>");
- print($msg);
- if (!isset($_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"])
- || $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] == "unknown") {
- }
- if ("" == $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] && "" == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])
- {
- // Showing backtrace only on localhost, cause it shows full arguments passed to functions,
- // that would be a security hole to display such data, cause it could contain some sensitive
- // data fetched from tables or could even contain a database connection user and password.
- printf("<h2>Backtrace</h2>");
- ob_start();
- debug_print_backtrace();
- $trace = ob_get_clean();
- $trace = preg_replace("/^#0[\s\S]+?\n#1/", "#1", $trace); // Remove call to errorHandler() from trace.
- $trace = trim($trace);
- print nl2br($trace);
- }
- printf("</body></html>");
- // Log error to file.
- if ("" == $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] && "" == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) {
- error_log($msg);
- }
- // Email error.
- exit();
- }
- // You can access this function only on localhost.
- if ("" == $_SERVER["SERVER_ADDR"] && "" == $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"])
- {
- function dump($data)
- {
- // @dump
- if (!headers_sent()) {
- header('HTTP/1.0 503 Service Unavailable');
- while (ob_get_level()) { ob_end_clean(); } // This will cancel ob_gzhandler, so later we set Content-encoding to none.
- header('Content-encoding: none'); // Fix gzip encoding header.
- header("Content-type: text/html");
- header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
- header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
- header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
- header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false);
- header("Pragma: no-cache");
- }
- if (func_num_args() > 1) { $data = func_get_args(); }
- if ($data && count($data) == 2 && isset($data[1]) && "windows-1250" == strtolower($data[1])) {
- $charset = "windows-1250";
- $data = $data[0];
- } else if ($data && count($data) == 2 && isset($data[1]) && "iso-8859-2" == strtolower($data[1])) {
- $charset = "iso-8859-2";
- $data = $data[0];
- } else {
- $charset = "utf-8";
- }
- printf('<!doctype html><head><meta charset='.$charset.'><title>dump()</title></head><body>');
- printf('<h1 style="color: rgb(150,15,225);">dump()</h1>');
- ob_start();
- print_r($data);
- $html = ob_get_clean();
- $html = htmlspecialchars($html);
- printf('<pre>%s</pre>', $html);
- printf('</body></html>');
- exit();
- }
- }
- if (isset($_GET['dbkiss_favicon'])) {
- header('Content-type: image/');
- echo base64_decode($favicon);
- exit();
- }
- if (!function_exists('array_walk_recursive'))
- {
- function array_walk_recursive(&$array, $func)
- {
- foreach ($array as $k => $v) {
- if (is_array($v)) {
- array_walk_recursive($array[$k], $func);
- } else {
- $func($array[$k], $k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function create_links($text)
- {
- // Protocols: http, https, ftp, irc, svn
- // Parse emails also?
- $text = preg_replace_callback('#([a-z]+://[a-zA-Z0-9\.\,\;\:\[\]\{\}\-\_\+\=\!\@\#\%\&\(\)\/\?\`\~]+)#', 'create_links_eval', $text);
- // Exceptions:
- // 1) cut last char if link ends with ":" or ";" or "." or "," - cause in 99% cases that char doesnt belong to the link
- // (check if previous char was "=" then let it stay cause that could be some variable in a query, some kind of separator)
- // (should we add also "-" ? But it is a valid char in links and very common, many links might end with it when creating from some title of an article?)
- // 2) brackets, the link could be inside one of 3 types of brackets:
- // [http://...] , {http://...}
- // and most common: ( OR description of the link)
- // In these cases regular expression will catch: "" AND ""
- // So when we catch some kind of bracket in the link we will cut it unless there is also a closing bracket in the link:
- // We will not cut brackets in this link: - wikipedia often uses brackets.
- return $text;
- }
- function create_links_eval($link)
- {
- $link = $link[0];
- $orig_link = $link;
- $cutted = "";
- if (in_array($link[strlen($link)-1], array(":", ";", ".", ","))) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, -1);
- $cutted = $orig_link[strlen($orig_link)-1];
- }
- if (($pos = strpos($link, "(")) !== false) {
- if (strpos($link, ")") === false) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos);
- $cutted = substr($orig_link, $pos);
- }
- } else if (($pos = strpos($link, ")")) !== false) {
- if (strpos($link, "(") === false) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos);
- $cutted = substr($orig_link, $pos);
- }
- } else if (($pos = strpos($link, "[")) !== false) {
- if (strpos($link, "]") === false) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos);
- $cutted = substr($orig_link, $pos);
- }
- } else if (($pos = strpos($link, "]")) !== false) {
- if (strpos($link, "[") === false) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos);
- $cutted = substr($orig_link, $pos);
- }
- } else if (($pos = strpos($link, "{")) !== false) {
- if (strpos($link, "}") === false) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos);
- $cutted = substr($orig_link, $pos);
- }
- } else if (($pos = strpos($link, "}")) !== false) {
- if (strpos($link, "{") === false) {
- $link = substr($link, 0, $pos);
- $cutted = substr($orig_link, $pos);
- }
- }
- return "<a title=\"$link\" style=\"color: #000; text-decoration: none; border-bottom: #000 1px dotted;\" href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"link_noreferer('$link')\">$link</a>$cutted";
- }
- function truncate_html($string, $length, $break_words = false, $end_str = '..')
- {
- // Does not break html tags whilte truncating, does not take into account chars inside tags: <b>a</b> = 1 char length.
- // Break words is always TRUE - no breaking is not implemented.
- // Limits: no handling of <script> tags.
- $inside_tag = false;
- $inside_amp = 0;
- $finished = false; // finished but the loop is still running cause inside tag or amp.
- $opened = 0;
- $string_len = strlen($string);
- $count = 0;
- $ret = "";
- for ($i = 0; $i < $string_len; $i++)
- {
- $char = $string[$i];
- $nextchar = isset($string[$i+1]) ? $string[$i+1] : null;
- if ('<' == $char && ('/' == $nextchar || ctype_alpha($nextchar))) {
- if ('/' == $nextchar) {
- $opened--;
- } else {
- $opened++;
- }
- $inside_tag = true;
- }
- if ('>' == $char) {
- $inside_tag = false;
- $ret .= $char;
- continue;
- }
- if ($inside_tag) {
- $ret .= $char;
- continue;
- }
- if (!$finished)
- {
- if ('&' == $char) {
- $inside_amp = 1;
- $ret .= $char;
- continue;
- }
- if (';' == $char && $inside_amp) {
- $inside_amp = 0;
- $count++;
- $ret .= $char;
- continue;
- }
- if ($inside_amp) {
- $inside_amp++;
- $ret .= $char;
- if ('#' == $char || ctype_alnum($char)) {
- if ($inside_amp > 7) {
- $count += $inside_amp;
- $inside_amp = 0;
- }
- } else {
- $count += $inside_amp;
- $inside_amp = 0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- $count++;
- if (!$finished) {
- $ret .= $char;
- }
- if ($count >= $length) {
- if (!$inside_tag && !$inside_amp) {
- if (!$finished) {
- $ret .= $end_str;
- $finished = true;
- if (0 == $opened) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (0 == $opened) {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function table_filter($tables, $filter)
- {
- $filter = trim($filter);
- if ($filter) {
- foreach ($tables as $k => $table) {
- if (!str_has_any($table, $filter, $ignore_case = true)) {
- unset($tables[$k]);
- }
- }
- }
- return $tables;
- }
- function get($key, $type='string')
- {
- if (is_string($key)) {
- $_GET[$key] = isset($_GET[$key]) ? $_GET[$key] : null;
- if ('float' == $type) $_GET[$key] = str_replace(',','.',$_GET[$key]);
- settype($_GET[$key], $type);
- if ('string' == $type) $_GET[$key] = trim($_GET[$key]);
- return $_GET[$key];
- }
- $vars = $key;
- foreach ($vars as $key => $type) {
- $_GET[$key] = isset($_GET[$key]) ? $_GET[$key] : null;
- if ('float' == $type) $_GET[$key] = str_replace(',','.',$_GET[$key]);
- settype($_GET[$key], $type);
- if ('string' == $type) $_GET[$key] = trim($_GET[$key]);
- $vars[$key] = $_GET[$key];
- }
- return $vars;
- }
- function post($key, $type='string')
- {
- if (is_string($key)) {
- $_POST[$key] = isset($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : null;
- if ('float' == $type) $_POST[$key] = str_replace(',','.',$_POST[$key]);
- settype($_POST[$key], $type);
- if ('string' == $type) $_POST[$key] = trim($_POST[$key]);
- return $_POST[$key];
- }
- $vars = $key;
- foreach ($vars as $key => $type) {
- $_POST[$key] = isset($_POST[$key]) ? $_POST[$key] : null;
- if ('float' == $type) $_POST[$key] = str_replace(',','.',$_POST[$key]);
- settype($_POST[$key], $type);
- if ('string' == $type) $_POST[$key] = trim($_POST[$key]);
- $vars[$key] = $_POST[$key];
- }
- return $vars;
- }
- function req_gpc_has($str)
- {
- /* finds if value exists in GPC data, used in filter_() functions, to check whether use html_tags_undo() on the data */
- foreach ($_GET as $k => $v) {
- if ($str == $v) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) {
- if ($str == $v) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- foreach ($_COOKIE as $k => $v) {
- if ($str == $v) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- if (ini_get('magic_quotes_gpc')) {
- ini_set('magic_quotes_runtime', 0);
- array_walk_recursive($_GET, 'db_magic_quotes_gpc');
- array_walk_recursive($_POST, 'db_magic_quotes_gpc');
- array_walk_recursive($_COOKIE, 'db_magic_quotes_gpc');
- }
- function db_magic_quotes_gpc(&$val)
- {
- $val = stripslashes($val);
- }
- $sql_font = 'font-size: 12px; font-family: courier new;';
- $sql_area = $sql_font.' width: 708px; height: 182px; border: #ccc 1px solid; background: #f9f9f9; padding: 3px;';
- if (!isset($db_name_style)) {
- $db_name_style = '';
- }
- if (!isset($db_name_h1)) {
- $db_name_h1 = '';
- }
- global $db_link, $db_name;
- if (!defined('COOKIE_PREFIX')) {
- define('COOKIE_PREFIX', 'dbkiss_');
- }
- define('COOKIE_WEEK', 604800); // 3600*24*7
- define('COOKIE_SESS', 0);
- function cookie_get($key)
- {
- $key = COOKIE_PREFIX.$key;
- if (isset($_COOKIE[$key])) return $_COOKIE[$key];
- return null;
- }
- function cookie_set($key, $val, $time = COOKIE_SESS)
- {
- $key = COOKIE_PREFIX.$key;
- $expire = $time ? time() + $time : 0;
- if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=')) {
- setcookie($key, $val, $expire, '', '', false, true);
- } else {
- setcookie($key, $val, $expire);
- }
- $_COOKIE[$key] = $val;
- }
- function cookie_del($key)
- {
- $key = COOKIE_PREFIX.$key;
- if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=')) {
- setcookie($key, '', time()-3600*24, '', '', false, true);
- } else {
- setcookie($key, '', time()-3600*24);
- }
- unset($_COOKIE[$key]);
- }
- conn_modify('db_name');
- conn_modify('db_charset');
- conn_modify('page_charset');
- function conn_modify($key)
- {
- if (array_key_exists($key, $_GET)) {
- cookie_set($key, $_GET[$key], cookie_get('remember') ? COOKIE_WEEK : COOKIE_SESS);
- if (isset($_GET['from']) && $_GET['from']) {
- header('Location: '.$_GET['from']);
- } else {
- header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
- }
- exit;
- }
- }
- $db_driver = cookie_get('db_driver');
- $db_server = cookie_get('db_server');
- $db_name = cookie_get('db_name');
- $db_user = cookie_get('db_user');
- $db_pass = base64_decode(cookie_get('db_pass'));
- $db_charset = cookie_get('db_charset');
- $page_charset = cookie_get('page_charset');
- $charset1 = array('latin1', 'latin2', 'utf8', 'cp1250');
- $charset2 = array('iso-8859-1', 'iso-8859-2', 'utf-8', 'windows-1250');
- $charset1[] = $db_charset;
- $charset2[] = $page_charset;
- $charset1 = charset_assoc($charset1);
- $charset2 = charset_assoc($charset2);
- $driver_arr = array('mysqli', 'pgsql');
- $driver_arr = array_assoc($driver_arr);
- function array_assoc($a)
- {
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($a as $v) {
- $ret[$v] = $v;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function charset_assoc($arr)
- {
- sort($arr);
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($arr as $v) {
- if (!$v) { continue; }
- $v = strtolower($v);
- $ret[$v] = $v;
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- if (isset($_GET['disconnect']) && $_GET['disconnect'])
- {
- cookie_del('db_pass');
- header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
- exit;
- }
- if (!$db_pass || (!$db_driver || !$db_server || !$db_name || !$db_user))
- {
- $original_url = post('original_url');
- if (!$original_url) {
- $original_url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- }
- {
- $db_driver = post('db_driver');
- $db_server = post('db_server');
- $db_name = post('db_name');
- $db_user = post('db_user');
- $db_pass = post('db_pass');
- $db_charset = post('db_charset');
- $page_charset = post('page_charset');
- if ($db_driver && $db_server && $db_name && $db_user)
- {
- $db_test = true;
- db_connect($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass);
- if ($db_link)
- {
- $time = post('remember') ? COOKIE_WEEK : COOKIE_SESS;
- cookie_set('db_driver', $db_driver, $time);
- cookie_set('db_server', $db_server, $time);
- cookie_set('db_name', $db_name, $time);
- cookie_set('db_user', $db_user, $time);
- cookie_set('db_pass', base64_encode($db_pass), $time);
- cookie_set('db_charset', $db_charset, $time);
- cookie_set('page_charset', $page_charset, $time);
- cookie_set('remember', post('remember'), $time);
- $redirect_to = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
- if ($original_url) {
- $redirect_to = $original_url;
- }
- header('Location: '.$redirect_to);
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $_POST['db_driver'] = $db_driver;
- $_POST['db_server'] = $db_server ? $db_server : 'localhost';
- $_POST['db_name'] = $db_name;
- $_POST['db_user'] = $db_user;
- $_POST['db_charset'] = $db_charset;
- $_POST['page_charset'] = $page_charset;
- $_POST['db_driver'] = $db_driver;
- }
- ?>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
- <title>Connect</title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?dbkiss_favicon=1">
- <script type='text/javascript' src='//'></script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php layout(); ?>
- <h1>Connect</h1>
- <?php if (isset($db_test) && is_string($db_test)): ?>
- <div style="background: #ffffd7; padding: 0.5em; border: #ccc 1px solid; margin-bottom: 1em;">
- <span style="color: red; font-weight: bold;">Error:</span>
- <?php echo $db_test;?>
- </div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
- <input type="hidden" name="original_url" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($original_url); ?>">
- <table class="ls ls2" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <th>Driver:</th>
- <td><select name="db_driver"><?php echo options($driver_arr, post('db_driver'));?></select></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Server:</th>
- <td><input type="text" name="db_server" value="<?php echo post('db_server');?>"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Database:</th>
- <td><input type="text" name="db_name" value="<?php echo post('db_name');?>"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>User:</th>
- <td><input type="text" name="db_user" value="<?php echo post('db_user');?>"></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Password:</th>
- <td><input type="password" name="db_pass" value=""></td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Db charset:</th>
- <td><input type="text" name="db_charset" value="<?php echo post('db_charset');?>" size="10"> (optional)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Page charset:</th>
- <td><input type="text" name="page_charset" value="<?php echo post('page_charset');?>" size="10"> (optional)</td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" class="none" style="padding: 0; background: none; padding-top: 0.3em;">
- <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr><td>
- <input type="checkbox" name="remember" id="remember" value="1" <?php echo checked(post('remember'));?>></td><td>
- <label for="remember">remember me on this computer</label></td></tr></table>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td class="none" colspan="2" style="padding-top: 0.4em;"><input type="submit" value="Connect"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php powered_by(); ?>
- </body>
- </html>
- <?php
- exit;
- }
- db_connect($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass);
- if ($db_charset && 'mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe("SET NAMES $db_charset");
- }
- if (isset($_GET['dump_all']) && 1 == $_GET['dump_all'])
- {
- dump_all($data = false);
- }
- if (isset($_GET['dump_all']) && 2 == $_GET['dump_all'])
- {
- dump_all($data = true);
- }
- if (isset($_GET['dump_table']) && $_GET['dump_table'])
- {
- dump_table($_GET['dump_table']);
- }
- if (isset($_GET['export']) && 'csv' == $_GET['export'])
- {
- export_csv(base64_decode($_GET['query']), $_GET['separator']);
- }
- if (isset($_POST['sqlfile']) && $_POST['sqlfile'])
- {
- $files = sql_files_assoc();
- if (!isset($files[$_POST['sqlfile']])) {
- exit('File not found. md5 = '.$_POST['sqlfile']);
- }
- $sqlfile = $files[$_POST['sqlfile']];
- layout();
- echo '<div>Importing: <b>'.$sqlfile.'</b> ('.size(filesize($sqlfile)).')</div>';
- echo '<div>Database: <b>'.$db_name.'</b></div>';
- flush();
- import($sqlfile, post('ignore_errors'), post('transaction'), post('force_myisam'), post('query_start','int'));
- exit;
- }
- if (isset($_POST['drop_table']) && $_POST['drop_table'])
- {
- $drop_table_enq = quote_table($_POST['drop_table']);
- db_exe('DROP TABLE '.$drop_table_enq);
- header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
- exit;
- }
- if (isset($_POST['drop_view']) && $_POST['drop_view'])
- {
- $drop_view_enq = quote_table($_POST['drop_view']);
- db_exe('DROP VIEW '.$drop_view_enq);
- header('Location: '.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
- exit;
- }
- function db_connect($db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link, $db_test;
- if (!extension_loaded($db_driver)) {
- trigger_error($db_driver.' extension not loaded', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $db_link = @mysqli_connect($db_server, $db_user, $db_pass);
- if (!$db_link) {
- if ($db_test) {
- $db_test = 'mysqli_connect() failed: '.db_error();
- return;
- } else {
- cookie_del('db_pass');
- cookie_del('db_name');
- die('mysqli_connect() failed: '.db_error());
- }
- }
- if (!@mysqli_select_db($db_link, $db_name)) {
- $error = db_error();
- db_close();
- if ($db_test) {
- $db_test = 'mysqli_select_db() failed: '.$error;
- return;
- } else {
- cookie_del('db_pass');
- cookie_del('db_name');
- die('mysqli_select_db() failed: '.$error);
- }
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- $conn = sprintf("host='%s' dbname='%s' user='%s' password='%s'", $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_pass);
- $db_link = @pg_connect($conn);
- if (!is_resource($db_link)) {
- $db_link = null;
- }
- if (!$db_link) {
- if ($db_test) {
- $db_test = 'pg_connect() failed: '.db_error();
- return;
- } else {
- cookie_del('db_pass');
- cookie_del('db_name');
- die('pg_connect() failed: '.db_error());
- }
- }
- }
- register_shutdown_function('db_cleanup');
- }
- function db_cleanup()
- {
- db_close();
- }
- function db_close()
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ($db_link) {
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- ((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_close($db_link))) ? false : $___mysqli_res);
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- pg_close($db_link);
- }
- }
- }
- function db_query($query, $dat = false)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- $query = db_bind($query, $dat);
- if (!db_is_safe($query)) {
- return false;
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $rs = mysqli_query($db_link, $query);
- if (!$rs) {
- trigger_error("mysqli_query() failed: $query.<br>Error: ".db_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- return $rs;
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- $rs = pg_query($db_link, $query);
- if (!$rs) {
- trigger_error("pg_query() failed: $query.<br>Error: ".db_error(), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- return $rs;
- }
- }
- function db_is_safe($q, $ret = false)
- {
- // currently only checks UPDATE's/DELETE's if WHERE condition is not missing
- $upd = 'update';
- $del = 'delete';
- $q = ltrim($q);
- if (strtolower(substr($q, 0, strlen($upd))) == $upd
- || strtolower(substr($q, 0, strlen($del))) == $del) {
- if (!preg_match('#\swhere\s#i', $q)) {
- if ($ret) {
- return false;
- } else {
- trigger_error(sprintf('db_is_safe() failed. Detected UPDATE/DELETE without WHERE condition. Query: %s.', $q), E_USER_ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function db_exe($query, $dat = false)
- {
- $rs = db_query($query, $dat);
- db_free($rs);
- }
- function db_one($query, $dat = false)
- {
- $row = db_row_num($query, $dat);
- if ($row) {
- return $row[0];
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function db_row($query, $dat = false)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- if (is_resource($query) || is_object($query)) {
- $rs = $query;
- return mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);
- } else {
- $query = db_limit($query, 0, 1);
- $rs = db_query($query, $dat);
- $row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);
- db_free($rs);
- if ($row) {
- return $row;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- if (is_resource($query) || is_object($query)) {
- $rs = $query;
- return pg_fetch_assoc($rs);
- } else {
- $query = db_limit($query, 0, 1);
- $rs = db_query($query, $dat);
- $row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs);
- db_free($rs);
- if ($row) {
- return $row;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- function db_row_num($query, $dat = false)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- if (is_resource($query) || is_object($query)) {
- $rs = $query;
- return mysqli_fetch_row($rs);
- } else {
- $rs = db_query($query, $dat);
- if (!$rs) {
- /*
- echo '<pre>';
- print_r($rs);
- echo "\r\n";
- print_r($query);
- echo "\r\n";
- print_r($dat);
- exit;
- */
- }
- $row = mysqli_fetch_row($rs);
- db_free($rs);
- if ($row) {
- return $row;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- if (is_resource($query) || is_object($query)) {
- $rs = $query;
- return pg_fetch_row($rs);
- } else {
- $rs = db_query($query, $dat);
- $row = pg_fetch_row($rs);
- db_free($rs);
- if ($row) {
- return $row;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- function db_list($query)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- $rs = db_query($query);
- $ret = array();
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
- $ret[] = $row;
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- while ($row = pg_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
- $ret[] = $row;
- }
- }
- db_free($rs);
- return $ret;
- }
- function db_assoc($query)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- $rs = db_query($query);
- $rows = array();
- $num = db_row_num($rs);
- if (!is_array($num)) {
- return array();
- }
- if (!array_key_exists(0, $num)) {
- return array();
- }
- if (1 == count($num)) {
- $rows[] = $num[0];
- while ($num = db_row_num($rs)) {
- $rows[] = $num[0];
- }
- return $rows;
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- mysqli_data_seek($rs, 0);
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- pg_result_seek($rs, 0);
- }
- $row = db_row($rs);
- if (!is_array($row)) {
- return array();
- }
- if (count($num) < 2) {
- trigger_error(sprintf('db_assoc() failed. Two fields required. Query: %s.', $query), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- if (count($num) > 2 && count($row) <= 2) {
- trigger_error(sprintf('db_assoc() failed. If specified more than two fields, then each of them must have a unique name. Query: %s.', $query), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
- $first_key = $k;
- break;
- }
- if (count($row) > 2) {
- $rows[$row[$first_key]] = $row;
- while ($row = db_row($rs)) {
- $rows[$row[$first_key]] = $row;
- }
- } else {
- $rows[$num[0]] = $num[1];
- while ($num = db_row_num($rs)) {
- $rows[$num[0]] = $num[1];
- }
- }
- db_free($rs);
- return $rows;
- }
- function db_limit($query, $offset, $limit)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- $offset = (int) $offset;
- $limit = (int) $limit;
- $query = trim($query);
- if (str_ends_with($query, ';')) {
- $query = str_cut_end($query, ';');
- }
- $query = preg_replace('#^([\s\S]+)LIMIT\s+\d+\s+OFFSET\s+\d+\s*$#i', '$1', $query);
- $query = preg_replace('#^([\s\S]+)LIMIT\s+\d+\s*,\s*\d+\s*$#i', '$1', $query);
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- // mysql 3.23 doesn't understand "LIMIT x OFFSET z"
- return $query." LIMIT $offset, $limit";
- } else {
- return $query." LIMIT $limit OFFSET $offset";
- }
- }
- function db_escape($value)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- return mysqli_real_escape_string($db_link, $value);
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- return pg_escape_string($value);
- }
- }
- function db_quote($s)
- {
- switch (true) {
- case is_null($s): return 'NULL';
- case is_int($s): return $s;
- case is_float($s): return $s;
- case is_bool($s): return (int) $s;
- case is_string($s): return "'" . db_escape($s) . "'";
- case is_object($s): return $s->getValue();
- default:
- trigger_error(sprintf("db_quote() failed. Invalid data type: '%s'.", gettype($s)), E_USER_ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- }
- function db_strlen_cmp($a, $b)
- {
- if (strlen($a) == strlen($b)) {
- return 0;
- }
- return strlen($a) > strlen($b) ? -1 : 1;
- }
- function db_bind($q, $dat)
- {
- if (false === $dat) {
- return $q;
- }
- if (!is_array($dat)) {
- //return trigger_error('db_bind() failed. Second argument expects to be an array.', E_USER_ERROR);
- $dat = array($dat);
- }
- $qBase = $q;
- // special case: LIKE '%asd%', need to ignore that
- $q_search = array("'%", "%'");
- $q_replace = array("'\$", "\$'");
- $q = str_replace($q_search, $q_replace, $q);
- preg_match_all('#%\w+#', $q, $match);
- if ($match) {
- $match = $match[0];
- }
- if (!$match || !count($match)) {
- return trigger_error('db_bind() failed. No binding keys found in the query.', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $keys = $match;
- usort($keys, 'db_strlen_cmp');
- $num = array();
- foreach ($keys as $key)
- {
- $key2 = str_replace('%', '', $key);
- if (is_numeric($key2)) $num[$key] = true;
- if (!array_key_exists($key2, $dat)) {
- return trigger_error(sprintf('db_bind() failed. No data found for key: %s. Query: %s.', $key, $qBase), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $q = str_replace($key, db_quote($dat[$key2]), $q);
- }
- if (count($num)) {
- if (count($dat) != count($num)) {
- return trigger_error('db_bind() failed. When using numeric data binding you need to use all data passed to the query. You also cannot mix numeric and name binding.', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- }
- $q = str_replace($q_replace, $q_search, $q);
- return $q;
- }
- function db_free($rs)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if (db_is_result($rs)) {
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) return ((mysqli_free_result($rs) || (is_object($rs) && (get_class($rs) == "mysqli_result"))) ? true : false);
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) return pg_free_result($rs);
- }
- }
- function db_is_result($rs)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) return is_object($rs) || is_resource($rs);
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) return is_object($rs) || is_resource($rs);
- }
- function db_error()
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- if ($db_link) {
- if (mysqli_error($db_link)) {
- return mysqli_error($db_link). ' ('. mysqli_errno($db_link).')';
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- } else {
- if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
- return mysqli_connect_error(). ' ('. mysqli_connect_errno().')';
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- if ($db_link) {
- return pg_last_error($db_link);
- }
- }
- }
- function db_begin()
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe('SET AUTOCOMMIT=0');
- db_exe('BEGIN');
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe('BEGIN');
- }
- }
- function db_end()
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe('COMMIT');
- db_exe('SET AUTOCOMMIT=1');
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe('COMMIT');
- }
- }
- function db_rollback()
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe('ROLLBACK');
- db_exe('SET AUTOCOMMIT=1');
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- db_exe('ROLLBACK');
- }
- }
- function db_in_array($arr)
- {
- $in = '';
- foreach ($arr as $v) {
- if ($in) $in .= ',';
- $in .= db_quote($v);
- }
- return $in;
- }
- function db_where($where_array, $field_prefix = null, $omit_where = false)
- {
- $field_prefix = str_replace('.', '', $field_prefix);
- $where = '';
- if (count($where_array)) {
- foreach ($where_array as $wh_k => $wh)
- {
- if (is_numeric($wh_k)) {
- if ($wh) {
- if ($field_prefix && !preg_match('#^\s*\w+\.#i', $wh) && !preg_match('#^\s*\w+\s*\(#i', $wh)) {
- $wh = $field_prefix.'.'.trim($wh);
- }
- if ($where) $where .= ' AND ';
- $where .= $wh;
- }
- } else {
- if ($wh_k) {
- if ($field_prefix && !preg_match('#^\s*\w+\.#i', $wh_k) && !preg_match('#^\s*\w+\s*\(#i', $wh)) {
- $wh_k = $field_prefix.'.'.$wh_k;
- }
- $wh = db_cond($wh_k, $wh);
- if ($where) $where .= ' AND ';
- $where .= $wh;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($where) {
- if (!$omit_where) {
- $where = ' WHERE '.$where;
- }
- }
- }
- return $where;
- }
- function db_insert($tbl, $dat)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if (!count($dat)) {
- trigger_error('db_insert() failed. Data is empty.', E_USER_ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- $cols = '';
- $vals = '';
- $first = true;
- foreach ($dat as $k => $v) {
- if ($first) {
- $cols .= $k;
- $vals .= db_quote($v);
- $first = false;
- } else {
- $cols .= ',' . $k;
- $vals .= ',' . db_quote($v);
- }
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $tbl = "`$tbl`";
- }
- $q = "INSERT INTO $tbl ($cols) VALUES ($vals)";
- db_exe($q);
- }
- // $wh = WHERE condition, might be (string) or (array)
- function db_update($tbl, $dat, $wh)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if (!count($dat)) {
- trigger_error('db_update() failed. Data is empty.', E_USER_ERROR);
- return false;
- }
- $set = '';
- $first = true;
- foreach ($dat as $k => $v) {
- if ($first) {
- $set .= $k . '=' . db_quote($v);
- $first = false;
- } else {
- $set .= ',' . $k . '=' . db_quote($v);
- }
- }
- if (is_array($wh)) {
- $wh = db_where($wh, null, $omit_where = true);
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $tbl = "`$tbl`";
- }
- $q = "UPDATE $tbl SET $set WHERE $wh";
- return db_exe($q);
- }
- function db_insert_id($table = null, $pk = null)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- return ((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_insert_id($_db['conn_id']))) ? false : $___mysqli_res);
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- if (!$table || !$pk) {
- trigger_error('db_insert_id(): table & pk required', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $seq_id = $table.'_'.$pk.'_seq';
- return db_seq_id($seq_id);
- }
- }
- function db_seq_id($seqName)
- {
- return db_one('SELECT currval(%seqName)', array('seqName'=>$seqName));
- }
- function db_cond($k, $v)
- {
- if (is_null($v)) return sprintf('%s IS NULL', $k);
- else return sprintf('%s = %s', $k, db_quote($v));
- }
- function list_dbs()
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $result = mysqli_query($db_link, 'SHOW DATABASES');
- $ret = array();
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
- $ret[$row[0]] = $row[0];
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- return db_assoc('SELECT datname, datname FROM pg_database');
- }
- }
- function views_supported()
- {
- static $ret;
- if (isset($ret)) {
- return $ret;
- }
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $version = ((is_null($___mysqli_res = mysqli_get_server_info($db_link))) ? false : $___mysqli_res);
- if (strpos($version, "-") !== false) {
- $version = substr($version, 0, strpos($version, "-"));
- }
- if (version_compare($version, "5.0.2", ">=")) {
- // Views are available in 5.0.0 but we need SHOW FULL TABLES
- // and the FULL syntax was added in 5.0.2, FULL allows us to
- // to distinct between tables & views in the returned list by
- // by providing an additional column.
- $ret = true;
- return true;
- } else {
- $ret = false;
- return false;
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- $ret = true;
- return true;
- }
- }
- function list_tables($views_mode=false)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link, $db_name;
- if ($views_mode && !views_supported()) {
- return array();
- }
- static $cache_tables;
- static $cache_views;
- if ($views_mode) {
- if (isset($cache_views)) {
- return $cache_views;
- }
- } else {
- if (isset($cache_tables)) {
- return $cache_tables;
- }
- }
- static $all_tables; // tables and views
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- if (!isset($all_tables)) {
- $all_tables = db_assoc("SHOW FULL TABLES");
- // assoc: table name => table type (BASE TABLE or VIEW)
- }
- // This chunk of code is the same as in pgsql driver.
- if ($views_mode) {
- $views = array();
- foreach ($all_tables as $view => $type) {
- if ($type != 'VIEW') { continue; }
- $views[] = $view;
- }
- $cache_views = $views;
- return $views;
- } else {
- $tables = array();
- foreach ($all_tables as $table => $type) {
- if ($type != 'BASE TABLE') { continue; }
- $tables[] = $table;
- }
- $cache_tables = $tables;
- return $tables;
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- if (!isset($all_tables)) {
- $query = "SELECT table_name, table_type ";
- $query .= "FROM information_schema.tables ";
- $query .= "WHERE table_schema = 'public' ";
- $query .= "AND (table_type = 'BASE TABLE' OR table_type = 'VIEW') ";
- $query .= "ORDER BY table_name ";
- $all_tables = db_assoc($query);
- }
- // This chunk of code is the same as in mysql driver.
- if ($views_mode) {
- $views = array();
- foreach ($all_tables as $view => $type) {
- if ($type != 'VIEW') { continue; }
- $views[] = $view;
- }
- $cache_views = $views;
- return $views;
- } else {
- $tables = array();
- foreach ($all_tables as $table => $type) {
- if ($type != 'BASE TABLE') { continue; }
- $tables[] = $table;
- }
- $cache_tables = $tables;
- return $tables;
- }
- }
- }
- function IsTableAView($table)
- {
- // There is no cache here, so call it only once!
- global $db_driver, $db_name;
- if ("mysql" == $db_driver) {
- // Views and information_schema is supported since 5.0
- if (views_supported()) {
- $query = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=%0 AND table_name=%1 AND table_type='VIEW' ";
- $row = db_row($query, array($db_name, $table));
- return (bool) $row;
- }
- return false;
- }
- else if ("pgsql" == $db_driver) {
- $query = "SELECT table_name, table_type ";
- $query .= "FROM information_schema.tables ";
- $query .= "WHERE table_schema = 'public' ";
- $query .= "AND table_type = 'VIEW' AND table_name = %0 ";
- $row = db_row($query, $table);
- return (bool) $row;
- }
- }
- function quote_table($table)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- return "`$table`";
- } else {
- return "\"$table\"";
- }
- }
- function table_structure($table)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $query = "SHOW CREATE TABLE `$table`";
- $row = db_row_num($query);
- echo $row[1].';';
- echo "\n\n";
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- return '';
- }
- }
- function table_data($table)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- set_time_limit(0);
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM `$table`";
- } else {
- $query = "SELECT * FROM $table";
- }
- $result = db_query($query);
- $count = 0;
- while ($row = db_row($result))
- {
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- echo 'INSERT INTO `'.$table.'` VALUES (';
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- echo 'INSERT INTO '.$table.' VALUES (';
- }
- $x = 0;
- foreach($row as $key => $value)
- {
- if ($x == 1) { echo ', '; }
- else { $x = 1; }
- if (is_numeric($value)) { echo "'".$value."'"; }
- elseif (is_null($value)) { echo 'NULL'; }
- else { echo '\''. escape($value) .'\''; }
- }
- echo ");\n";
- $count++;
- if ($count % 100 == 0) { flush(); }
- }
- db_free($result);
- if ($count) {
- echo "\n";
- }
- }
- function table_status()
- {
- // Size is not supported for Views, only for Tables.
- global $db_driver, $db_link, $db_name;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $status = array();
- $status['total_size'] = 0;
- $result = mysqli_query($db_link, "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `$db_name`");
- while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
- if (!is_numeric($row['Data_length'])) {
- // Data_length for Views is NULL.
- continue;
- }
- $status['total_size'] += $row['Data_length']; // + Index_length
- $status[$row['Name']]['size'] = $row['Data_length'];
- $status[$row['Name']]['count'] = $row['Rows'];
- }
- return $status;
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- $status = array();
- $status['total_size'] = 0;
- $tables = list_tables(); // only tables, not views
- if (!count($tables)) {
- return $status;
- }
- $tables_in = db_in_array($tables);
- $rels = db_list("SELECT relname, reltuples, (relpages::decimal + 1) * 8 * 2 * 1024 AS relsize FROM pg_class WHERE relname IN ($tables_in)");
- foreach ($rels as $rel) {
- $status['total_size'] += $rel['relsize'];
- $status[$rel['relname']]['size'] = $rel['relsize'];
- $status[$rel['relname']]['count'] = $rel['reltuples'];
- }
- return $status;
- }
- }
- function table_columns($table)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- static $cache = array();
- if (isset($cache[$table])) {
- return $cache[$table];
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $row = db_row("SELECT * FROM `$table`");
- } else {
- $row = db_row("SELECT * FROM $table");
- }
- if (!$row) {
- $cache[$table] = array();
- return array();
- }
- foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
- $row[$k] = $k;
- }
- $cache[$table] = $row;
- return $row;
- }
- function table_types($table)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $rows = db_list("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$table`");
- $types = array();
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $type = $row['Type'];
- $types[$row['Field']] = $type;
- }
- return $types;
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- return db_assoc("SELECT column_name, udt_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name ='$table' ORDER BY ordinal_position");
- }
- }
- function table_types2($table)
- {
- global $db_driver;
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $types = array();
- $rows = @db_list("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `$table`");
- if (!($rows && count($rows))) {
- return false;
- }
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- $type = $row['Type'];
- preg_match('#^[a-z]+#', $type, $match);
- $type = $match[0];
- $types[$row['Field']] = $type;
- }
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- $types = db_assoc("SELECT column_name, udt_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name ='$table' ORDER BY ordinal_position");
- if (!count($types)) {
- return false;
- }
- foreach ($types as $col => $type) {
- // "_" also in regexp - error when retrieving column info from "pg_class",
- // udt_name might be "_aclitem" / "_text".
- preg_match('#^[a-z_]+#', $type, $match);
- $type = $match[0];
- $types[$col] = $type;
- }
- }
- foreach ($types as $col => $type) {
- if ('varchar' == $type) { $type = 'char'; }
- if ('integer' == $type) { $type = 'int'; }
- if ('timestamp' == $type) { $type = 'time'; }
- $types[$col] = $type;
- }
- return $types;
- }
- function table_types_group($types)
- {
- foreach ($types as $k => $type) {
- preg_match('#^\w+#', $type, $match);
- $type = $match[0];
- $types[$k] = $type;
- }
- $types = array_unique($types);
- $types = array_values($types);
- $types2 = array();
- foreach ($types as $type) {
- $types2[$type] = $type;
- }
- return $types2;
- }
- function table_pk($table)
- {
- $cols = table_columns($table);
- if (!$cols) return null;
- foreach ($cols as $col) {
- return $col;
- }
- }
- function escape($text)
- {
- $text = addslashes($text);
- $search = array("\r", "\n", "\t");
- $replace = array('\r', '\n', '\t');
- return str_replace($search, $replace, $text);
- }
- function ob_cleanup()
- {
- while (ob_get_level()) {
- ob_end_clean();
- }
- if (headers_sent()) {
- return;
- }
- if (function_exists('headers_list')) {
- foreach (headers_list() as $header) {
- if (preg_match('/Content-Encoding:/i', $header)) {
- header('Content-encoding: none');
- break;
- }
- }
- } else {
- header('Content-encoding: none');
- }
- }
- function query_color($query)
- {
- $color = 'red';
- $words = array('SELECT', 'UPDATE', 'DELETE', 'FROM', 'LIMIT', 'OFFSET', 'AND', 'LEFT JOIN', 'WHERE', 'SET',
- $words = implode('|', $words);
- $query = preg_replace("#^({$words})(\s)#i", '<font color="'.$color.'">$1</font>$2', $query);
- $query = preg_replace("#(\s)({$words})$#i", '$1<font color="'.$color.'">$2</font>', $query);
- // replace twice, some words when preceding other are not replaced
- $query = preg_replace("#([\s\(\),])({$words})([\s\(\),])#i", '$1<font color="'.$color.'">$2</font>$3', $query);
- $query = preg_replace("#([\s\(\),])({$words})([\s\(\),])#i", '$1<font color="'.$color.'">$2</font>$3', $query);
- $query = preg_replace("#^($words)$#i", '<font color="'.$color.'">$1</font>', $query);
- preg_match_all('#<font[^>]+>('.$words.')</font>#i', $query, $matches);
- foreach ($matches[0] as $k => $font) {
- $font2 = str_replace($matches[1][$k], strtoupper($matches[1][$k]), $font);
- $query = str_replace($font, $font2, $query);
- }
- return $query;
- }
- function query_upper($sql)
- {
- return $sql;
- // todo: don't upper quoted ' and ' values
- $queries = preg_split("#;(\s*--[ \t\S]*)?(\r\n|\n|\r)#U", $sql);
- foreach ($queries as $k => $query) {
- $strip = query_strip($query);
- $color = query_color($strip);
- $sql = str_replace($strip, $color, $sql);
- }
- $sql = preg_replace('#<font color="\w+">([^>]+)</font>#iU', '$1', $sql);
- return $sql;
- }
- function html_spaces($string)
- {
- $inside_tag = false;
- for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($string); $i++)
- {
- $c = $string{$i};
- if ('<' == $c) {
- $inside_tag = true;
- }
- if ('>' == $c) {
- $inside_tag = false;
- }
- if (' ' == $c && !$inside_tag) {
- $string = substr($string, 0, $i).' '.substr($string, $i+1);
- $i += strlen(' ')-1;
- }
- }
- return $string;
- }
- function query_cut($query)
- {
- // removes sub-queries and string values from query
- $brace_start = '(';
- $brace_end = ')';
- $quote = "'";
- $inside_brace = false;
- $inside_quote = false;
- $depth = 0;
- $ret = '';
- $query = str_replace('\\\\', '', $query);
- for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($query); $i++)
- {
- $prev_char = isset($query{$i-1}) ? $query{$i-1} : null;
- $char = $query{$i};
- if ($char == $brace_start) {
- if (!$inside_quote) {
- $depth++;
- }
- }
- if ($char == $brace_end) {
- if (!$inside_quote) {
- $depth--;
- if ($depth == 0) {
- $ret .= '(...)';
- }
- continue;
- }
- }
- if ($char == $quote) {
- if ($inside_quote) {
- if ($prev_char != '\\') {
- $inside_quote = false;
- if (!$depth) {
- $ret .= "'...'";
- }
- continue;
- }
- } else {
- $inside_quote = true;
- }
- }
- if (!$depth && !$inside_quote) {
- $ret .= $char;
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function table_from_query($query)
- {
- if (preg_match('#\sFROM\s+["`]?(\w+)["`]?#i', $query, $match)) {
- $cut = query_cut($query);
- if (preg_match('#\sFROM\s+["`]?(\w+)["`]?#i', $cut, $match2)) {
- $table = $match2[1];
- } else {
- $table = $match[1];
- }
- } else if (preg_match('#UPDATE\s+"?(\w+)"?#i', $query, $match)) {
- $table = $match[1];
- } else if (preg_match('#INSERT\s+INTO\s+"?(\w+)"?#', $query, $match)) {
- $table = $match[1];
- } else {
- $table = false;
- }
- return $table;
- }
- function is_select($query)
- {
- return preg_match('#^\s*SELECT\s+#i', $query);
- }
- function query_strip($query)
- {
- // strip comments and ';' from the end of query
- $query = trim($query);
- if (str_ends_with($query, ';')) {
- $query = str_cut_end($query, ';');
- }
- $lines = preg_split("#(\r\n|\n|\r)#", $query);
- foreach ($lines as $k => $line) {
- $line = trim($line);
- if (!$line || str_starts_with($line, '--')) {
- unset($lines[$k]);
- }
- }
- $query = implode("\r\n", $lines);
- return $query;
- }
- function dump_table($table)
- {
- ob_cleanup();
- define('DEBUG_CONSOLE_HIDE', 1);
- set_time_limit(0);
- global $db_name;
- header("Cache-control: private");
- header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$db_name.'_'.$table.'.sql');
- table_structure($table);
- table_data($table);
- exit;
- }
- function dump_all($data = false)
- {
- global $db_name;
- ob_cleanup();
- define('DEBUG_CONSOLE_HIDE', 1);
- set_time_limit(0);
- $tables = list_tables();
- $table_filter = get('table_filter');
- $tables = table_filter($tables, $table_filter);
- header("Cache-control: private");
- header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.date('Ymd').'_'.$db_name.'.sql');
- foreach ($tables as $key => $table)
- {
- table_structure($table);
- if ($data) {
- table_data($table);
- }
- flush();
- }
- exit;
- }
- function export_csv($query, $separator)
- {
- ob_cleanup();
- set_time_limit(0);
- if (!is_select($query)) {
- trigger_error('export_csv() failed: not a SELECT query: '.$query, E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $table = table_from_query($query);
- if (!$table) {
- $table = 'unknown';
- }
- header("Cache-control: private");
- header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
- header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='.$table.'_'.date('Ymd').'.csv');
- $rs = db_query($query);
- $first = true;
- while ($row = db_row($rs)) {
- if ($first) {
- echo csv_row(array_keys($row), $separator);
- $first = false;
- }
- echo csv_row($row, $separator);
- flush();
- }
- exit();
- }
- function csv_row($row, $separator)
- {
- foreach ($row as $key => $val) {
- $enquote = false;
- if (false !== strpos($val, $separator)) {
- $enquote = true;
- }
- if (false !== strpos($val, "\"")) {
- $enquote = true;
- $val = str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $val);
- }
- if (false !== strpos($val, "\r") || false !== strpos($val, "\n")) {
- $enquote = true;
- $val = preg_replace('#(\r\n|\r|\n)#', "\n", $val); // excel needs \n instead of \r\n
- }
- if ($enquote) {
- $row[$key] = "\"".$val."\"";
- }
- }
- $out = implode($separator, $row);
- $out .= "\r\n";
- return $out;
- }
- function import($file, $ignore_errors = false, $transaction = false, $force_myisam = false, $query_start = false)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link, $db_charset;
- if ($ignore_errors && $transaction) {
- echo '<div>You cannot select both: ignoring errors and transaction</div>';
- exit;
- }
- $count_errors = 0;
- set_time_limit(0);
- $fp = fopen($file, 'r');
- if (!$fp) { exit('fopen('.$file.') failed'); }
- flock($fp, 1);
- $text = trim(fread($fp, filesize($file)));
- flock($fp, 3);
- fclose($fp);
- if ($db_charset == 'latin2') {
- $text = charset_fix($text);
- }
- if ($force_myisam) {
- $text = preg_replace('#TYPE\s*=\s*InnoDB#i', 'TYPE=MyISAM', $text);
- }
- $text = preg_split("#;(\r\n|\n|\r)#", $text);
- $x = 0;
- echo '<div>Ignoring errors: <b>'.($ignore_errors?'Yes':'No').'</b></div>';
- echo '<div>Transaction: <b>'.($transaction?'Yes':'No').'</b></div>';
- echo '<div>Force MyIsam: <b>'.($force_myisam?'Yes':'No').'</b></div>';
- echo '<div>Query start: <b>#'.$query_start.'</b></div>';
- echo '<div>Queries found: <b>'.count($text).'</b></div>';
- echo '<div>Executing ...</div>';
- flush();
- if ($transaction) {
- echo '<div>BEGIN;</div>';
- db_begin();
- }
- $time = time_start();
- $query_start = (int) $query_start;
- if (!$query_start) {
- $query_start = 1;
- }
- $query_no = 0;
- foreach($text as $key => $value)
- {
- $x++;
- $query_no++;
- if ($query_start > $query_no) {
- continue;
- }
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $result = @mysqli_query($db_link, $value.';');
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- $result = @pg_query($db_link, $value.';');
- }
- if(!$result) {
- $x--;
- if (!$count_errors) {
- echo '<table class="ls" cellspacing="1"><tr><th width="25%">Error</th><th>Query</th></tr>';
- }
- $count_errors++;
- echo '<tr><td>#'.$query_no.' '.db_error() .')'.'</td><td>'.nl2br(html_once($value)).'</td></tr>';
- flush();
- if (!$ignore_errors) {
- echo '</table>';
- echo '<div><span style="color: red;"><b>Import failed.</b></span></div>';
- echo '<div>Queries executed: <b>'.($x-$query_start+1).'</b>.</div>';
- if ($transaction) {
- echo '<div>ROLLBACK;</div>';
- db_rollback();
- }
- echo '<br><div><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?import=1"><< go back</a></div>';
- exit;
- }
- }
- }
- if ($count_errors) {
- echo '</table>';
- }
- if ($transaction) {
- echo '<div>COMMIT;</div>';
- db_end();
- }
- echo '<div><span style="color: green;"><b>Import finished.</b></span></div>';
- echo '<div>Queries executed: <b>'.($x-$query_start+1).'</b>.</div>';
- echo '<div>Time: <b>'.time_end($time).'</b> sec</div>';
- echo '<br><div><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?import=1"><< go back</a></div>';
- }
- function layout()
- {
- global $sql_area;
- ?>
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- function event_add(el, event, func)
- {
- if (is_ie()) {
- if (el.attachEvent) {
- el.attachEvent("on"+event, func);
- }
- } else {
- if (el.addEventListener) {
- el.addEventListener(event, func, false);
- } else if (el.attachEvent) {
- el.attachEvent("on"+event, func);
- } else {
- var oldfunc = el["on"+event];
- el["on"+event] = function() { oldfunc(); func(); }
- }
- }
- }
- function event_target(event)
- {
- var el;
- if (window.event) el = window.event.srcElement;
- else if (event) el =;
- if (el.nodeType == 3) el = el.parentNode;
- return el;
- }
- function button_init()
- {
- // dependency: event_add(), event_target()
- event_add(window, "load", function() {
- for (var i = 0; i < document.forms.length; i++) {
- event_add(document.forms[i], "submit", function(event) {
- var form = event_target(event);
- if (form.tagName != 'FORM') form = this;
- for (var k = 0; k < form.elements.length; k++) {
- if ("button" == form.elements[k].type || "submit" == form.elements[k].type) {
- button_click(form.elements[k], true);
- }
- }
- });
- var form = document.forms[i];
- for (var j = 0; j < form.elements.length; j++) {
- if ("button" == form.elements[j].type || "submit" == form.elements[j].type) {
- event_add(form.elements[j], "click", button_click);
- }
- }
- }
- var inputs = document.getElementsByTagName('INPUT');
- for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
- if (('button' == inputs[i].type || 'submit' == inputs[i].type) && !inputs[i].form) {
- event_add(inputs[i], 'click', button_click);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function button_click(but, calledFromOnSubmit)
- {
- but = but.nodeName ? but : event_target(but);
- if ('button' == this.type || 'submit' == this.type) {
- but = this;
- }
- if (but.getAttribute('button_click') == 1 || but.form && but.form.getAttribute("button_click") == 1) {
- return;
- }
- if (button_click_sess_done(but)) {
- return;
- }
- if ("button" == but.type) {
- if (but.getAttribute("wait")) {
- button_wait(but);
- but.setAttribute("button_click", 1);
- if (but.form) {
- but.form.setAttribute("button_click", 1); // only when WAIT = other buttons in the form Choose From Pop etc.
- }
- }
- } else if ("submit" == but.type) {
- if (but.getAttribute("wait")) {
- button_wait(but);
- but.setAttribute("button_click", 1);
- }
- if (but.form) {
- but.form.setAttribute("button_click", 1);
- }
- if (calledFromOnSubmit) {
- if (but.getAttribute("block")) {
- button_disable(but);
- }
- } else {
- if (!but.form.getAttribute('button_disable_onsubmit'))
- {
- event_add(but.form, "submit", function(event) {
- var form = event_target(event);
- if (form.tagName != 'FORM') form = this;
- if (!button_disable_sess_done(form)) {
- for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
- if (form.elements[i].getAttribute("block")) {
- button_disable(form.elements[i]);
- }
- }
- }
- });
- but.form.setAttribute('button_disable_onsubmit', 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- //return alert("button_click() failed, unknown button type");
- }
- }
- function button_click_sess_done(but)
- {
- if (but.getAttribute('button_click_sess_done') == 1 || but.form && but.form.getAttribute('button_click_sess_done') == 1) {
- if (but.getAttribute('button_click_sess_done') == 1) {
- but.setAttribute('button_click_sess_done', 0);
- }
- if (but.form && but.form.getAttribute('button_click_sess_done') == 1) {
- but.form.setAttribute('button_click_sess_done', 0);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function button_disable_sess_done(but)
- {
- if (but.getAttribute('button_disable_sess_done') == 1 || but.form && but.form.getAttribute('button_disable_sess_done') == 1) {
- if (but.getAttribute('button_disable_sess_done') == 1) {
- but.setAttribute('button_disable_sess_done', 0);
- }
- if (but.form && but.form.getAttribute('button_disable_sess_done') == 1) {
- but.form.setAttribute('button_disable_sess_done', 0);
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function button_disable(button)
- {
- button.disabled = true;
- if (
- {
- var form = button.form;
- var input = document.createElement('input');
- input.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
- input.setAttribute('name',;
- input.setAttribute('value', button.value);
- form.appendChild(input);
- }
- }
- function button_wait(but)
- {
- //but.value += " ..";
- but.className = but.className + ' button_click';
- }
- function button_clear(but)
- {
- if (but.tagName == 'FORM') {
- var form = but;
- for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) {
- button_clear(form.elements[i]);
- }
- form.setAttribute('button_click', 0);
- form.setAttribute('button_click_sess_done', 1);
- form.setAttribute('button_disable_sess_done', 1);
- } else {
- if (but.type == 'submit' || but.type == 'button')
- {
- if (but.getAttribute('button_click') == 1) {
- //but.value = but.value.replace(/[ ]?\.{2,}$/, '');
- but.className = but.className.replace('button_click', '');
- but.setAttribute('button_click', 0);
- but.setAttribute('button_click_sess_done', 1);
- but.setAttribute('button_disable_sess_done', 1);
- }
- if (but.form && but.form.getAttribute('button_click') == 1) {
- but.form.setAttribute('button_click', 0);
- but.form.setAttribute('button_click_sess_done', 1);
- but.form.setAttribute('button_disable_sess_done', 1);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- button_init();
- </script>
- <?php
- }
- function conn_info()
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_server, $db_name, $db_user, $db_charset, $page_charset, $charset1, $charset2;
- $dbs = list_dbs();
- $db_name = $db_name;
- ?>
- <p>
- Driver: <b><?php echo $db_driver;?></b>
- -
- Server: <b><?php echo $db_server;?></b>
- -
- User: <b><?php echo $db_user;?></b>
- -
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?execute_sql=1">Execute SQL</a>
- ( open in <a class=blue href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="popup('<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?execute_sql=1&popup=1')">Popup</a> )
- -
- Database: <select name="db_name" onchange="location='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?db_name='+this.value"><?php echo options($dbs, $db_name);?></select>
- -
- Db charset: <select name="db_charset" onchange="location='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?db_charset='+this.value+'&from=<?php echo urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);?>'">
- <option value=""></option><?php echo options($charset1, $db_charset);?></select>
- -
- Page charset: <select name="page_charset" onchange="location='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?page_charset='+this.value+'&from=<?php echo urlencode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);?>'">
- <option value=""></option><?php echo options($charset2, $page_charset);?></select>
- -
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?disconnect=1">Disconnect</a>
- </p>
- <?php
- }
- function size($bytes)
- {
- return number_format(ceil($bytes / 1024),0,'',',').' KB';
- }
- function html($s)
- {
- $html = array(
- '&' => '&',
- '<' => '<',
- '>' => '>',
- '"' => '"',
- '\'' => '''
- );
- $s = preg_replace('/&#(\d+)/', '@@@@@#$1', $s);
- $s = str_replace(array_keys($html), array_values($html), $s);
- $s = preg_replace('/@@@@@#(\d+)/', '&#$1', $s);
- return trim($s);
- }
- function html_undo($s)
- {
- $html = array(
- '&' => '&',
- '<' => '<',
- '>' => '>',
- '"' => '"',
- '\'' => '''
- );
- return str_replace(array_values($html), array_keys($html), $s);
- }
- function html_once($s)
- {
- $s = str_replace(array('<','>','&lt;','&gt;'),array('<','>','<','>'),$s);
- return str_replace(array('<','>','<','>'),array('&lt;','&gt;','<','>'),$s);
- }
- function html_tags($s)
- {
- // succession of str_replace array is important! double escape bug..
- return str_replace(array('<','>','<','>'), array('&lt;','&gt;','<','>'), $s);
- }
- function html_tags_undo($s)
- {
- return str_replace(array('<','>','&lt;', '&gt;'), array('<','>','<','>'), $s);
- }
- function html_allow_tags($s, $allow)
- {
- $s = html_once(trim($s));
- preg_match_all('#<([a-z]+)>#i', $allow, $match);
- foreach ($match[1] as $tag) {
- $s = preg_replace('#<'.$tag.'\s+style\s*=\s*"([^"<>]+)"\s*>#i', '<'.$tag.' style="$1">', $s);
- $s = str_replace('<'.$tag.'>', '<'.$tag.'>', $s);
- $s = str_replace('</'.$tag.'>', '</'.$tag.'>', $s);
- }
- return $s;
- }
- function str_truncate($string, $length, $etc = ' ..', $break_words = true)
- {
- if ($length == 0) {
- return '';
- }
- if (strlen($string) > $length + strlen($etc)) {
- if (!$break_words) {
- $string = preg_replace('/\s+?(\S+)?$/', '', substr($string, 0, $length+1));
- }
- return substr($string, 0, $length) . $etc;
- }
- return $string;
- }
- function str_bind($s, $dat = array(), $strict = false, $recur = 0)
- {
- if (!is_array($dat)) {
- return trigger_error('str_bind() failed. Second argument expects to be an array.', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- if ($strict) {
- foreach ($dat as $k => $v) {
- if (strpos($s, "%$k%") === false) {
- return trigger_error(sprintf('str_bind() failed. Strict mode On. Key not found = %s. String = %s. Data = %s.', $k, $s, print_r($dat, 1)), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $s = str_replace("%$k%", $v, $s);
- }
- if (preg_match('#%\w+%#', $s, $match)) {
- return trigger_error(sprintf('str_bind() failed. Unassigned data for = %s. String = %s.', $match[0], $sBase), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- return $s;
- }
- $sBase = $s;
- preg_match_all('#%\w+%#', $s, $match);
- $keys = $match[0];
- $num = array();
- foreach ($keys as $key)
- {
- $key2 = str_replace('%', '', $key);
- if (is_numeric($key2)) $num[$key] = true;
- /* ignore!
- if (!array_key_exists($key2, $dat)) {
- return trigger_error(sprintf('str_bind() failed. No data found for key: %s. String: %s.', $key, $sBase), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- */
- $val = $dat[$key2];
- /* insecure!
- if (preg_match('#%\w+%#', $val) && $recur < 5) {
- $val = str_bind($val, $dat, $strict, ++$recur);
- }
- */
- $s = str_replace($key, $val, $s);
- }
- if (count($num)) {
- if (count($dat) != count($num)) {
- return trigger_error('str_bind() failed. When using numeric data binding you need to use all data passed to the string. You also cannot mix numeric and name binding.', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- }
- if (preg_match('#%\w+%#', $s, $match)) {
- /* ignore! return trigger_error(sprintf('str_bind() failed. Unassigned data for = %s. String = %s. Data = %s.', $match[0], htmlspecialchars(print_r($sBase, true)), print_r($dat, true)), E_USER_ERROR);*/
- }
- return $s;
- }
- function dir_read($dir, $ignore_ext = array(), $allow_ext = array(), $sort = null)
- {
- if (is_null($ignore_ext)) $ignore_ext = array();
- if (is_null($allow_ext)) $allow_ext = array();
- foreach ($allow_ext as $k => $ext) {
- $allow_ext[$k] = str_replace('.', '', $ext);
- }
- $ret = array();
- if ($handle = opendir($dir)) {
- while (($file = readdir($handle)) !== false) {
- if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') {
- $ignore = false;
- foreach ($ignore_ext as $ext) {
- if (file_ext_has($file, $ext)) {
- $ignore = true;
- }
- }
- if (is_array($allow_ext) && count($allow_ext) && !in_array(file_ext($file), $allow_ext)) {
- $ignore = true;
- }
- if (!$ignore) {
- $ret[] = array(
- 'file' => $dir.'/'.$file,
- 'time' => filemtime($dir.'/'.$file)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- closedir($handle);
- }
- if ('date_desc' == $sort) {
- $ret = array_sort_desc($ret, 'time');
- }
- return array_col($ret, 'file');
- }
- function array_col($arr, $col)
- {
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($arr as $k => $row) {
- $ret[] = $row[$col];
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function array_sort($arr, $col_key)
- {
- if (is_array($col_key)) {
- foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
- $arr[$k]['__array_sort'] = '';
- foreach ($col_key as $col) {
- $arr[$k]['__array_sort'] .= $arr[$k][$col].'_';
- }
- }
- $col_key = '__array_sort';
- }
- uasort($arr, create_function('$a,$b', 'if (is_null($a["'.$col_key.'"]) && !is_null($b["'.$col_key.'"])) return 1; if (!is_null($a["'.$col_key.'"]) && is_null($b["'.$col_key.'"])) return -1; return strnatcasecmp($a["'.$col_key.'"], $b["'.$col_key.'"]);'));
- if ('__array_sort' == $col_key) {
- foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
- unset($arr[$k]['__array_sort']);
- }
- }
- return $arr;
- }
- function array_sort_desc($arr, $col_key)
- {
- if (is_array($col_key)) {
- foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
- $arr[$k]['__array_sort'] = '';
- foreach ($col_key as $col) {
- $arr[$k]['__array_sort'] .= $arr[$k][$col].'_';
- }
- }
- $col_key = '__array_sort';
- }
- uasort($arr, create_function('$a,$b', 'return strnatcasecmp($b["'.$col_key.'"], $a["'.$col_key.'"]);'));
- if ('__array_sort' == $col_key) {
- foreach ($arr as $k => $v) {
- unset($arr[$k]['__array_sort']);
- }
- }
- return $arr;
- }
- function options($options, $selected = null, $ignore_type = false)
- {
- $ret = '';
- foreach ($options as $k => $v) {
- //str_replace('"', '\"', $k)
- $ret .= '<option value="'.$k.'"';
- if ((is_array($selected) && in_array($k, $selected)) || (!is_array($selected) && $k == $selected && $selected !== '' && $selected !== null)) {
- if ($ignore_type) {
- $ret .= ' selected="selected"';
- } else {
- if (!(is_numeric($k) xor is_numeric($selected))) {
- $ret .= ' selected="selected"';
- }
- }
- }
- $ret .= '>'.$v.' </option>';
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function sql_files()
- {
- $files = dir_read('.', null, array('.sql'));
- $files2 = array();
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $files2[md5($file)] = $file.sprintf(' (%s)', size(filesize($file)));
- }
- return $files2;
- }
- function sql_files_assoc()
- {
- $files = dir_read('.', null, array('.sql'));
- $files2 = array();
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- $files2[md5($file)] = $file;
- }
- return $files2;
- }
- function file_ext($name)
- {
- $ext = null;
- if (($pos = strrpos($name, '.')) !== false) {
- $len = strlen($name) - ($pos+1);
- $ext = substr($name, -$len);
- if (!preg_match('#^[a-z0-9]+$#i', $ext)) {
- return null;
- }
- }
- return $ext;
- }
- function checked($bool)
- {
- if ($bool) return 'checked="checked"';
- }
- function radio_assoc($checked, $assoc, $input_name, $link = false)
- {
- $ret = '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>';
- foreach ($assoc as $id => $name)
- {
- $params = array(
- 'id' => $id,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'checked' => checked($checked == $id),
- 'input_name' => $input_name
- );
- if ($link) {
- if (is_array($link)) {
- $params['link'] = $link[$id];
- } else {
- $params['link'] = sprintf($link, $id, $name);
- }
- $ret .= str_bind('<td><input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="%input_name%" id="%input_name%_%id%" value="%id%" %checked%></td><td>%link% </td>', $params);
- } else {
- $ret .= str_bind('<td><input class="checkbox" type="radio" name="%input_name%" id="%input_name%_%id%" value="%id%" %checked%></td><td><label for="%input_name%_%id%">%name%</label> </td>', $params);
- }
- }
- $ret .= '</tr></table>';
- return $ret;
- }
- function self($cut_query = false)
- {
- $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- if ($cut_query) {
- $before = str_before($uri, '?');
- if ($before) {
- return $before;
- }
- }
- return $uri;
- }
- function url($script, $params = array())
- {
- $query = '';
- /* remove from script url, actual params if exist */
- foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
- $exp = sprintf('#(\?|&)%s=[^&]*#i', $k);
- if (preg_match($exp, $script)) {
- $script = preg_replace($exp, '', $script);
- }
- }
- /* repair url like 'script.php&id=12&asd=133' */
- $exp = '#\?\w+=[^&]*#i';
- $exp2 = '#&(\w+=[^&]*)#i';
- if (!preg_match($exp, $script) && preg_match($exp2, $script)) {
- $script = preg_replace($exp2, '?$1', $script, 1);
- }
- foreach ($params as $k => $v) {
- if (!strlen($v)) continue;
- if ($query) { $query .= '&'; }
- else {
- if (strpos($script, '?') === false) {
- $query .= '?';
- } else {
- $query .= '&';
- }
- }
- if ('%s' != $v) {
- $v = urlencode($v);
- }
- $v = preg_replace('#%25(\w+)%25#i', '%$1%', $v); // %id_news% etc. used in listing
- $query .= sprintf('%s=%s', $k, $v);
- }
- return $script.$query;
- }
- function url_offset($offset, $params = array())
- {
- $url = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
- if (preg_match('#&offset=\d+#', $url)) {
- $url = preg_replace('#&offset=\d+#', '&offset='.$offset, $url);
- } else {
- $url .= '&offset='.$offset;
- }
- return $url;
- }
- function str_wrap($s, $width, $break = ' ', $omit_tags = false)
- {
- //$restart = array(' ', "\t", "\r", "\n");
- $restart = array();
- $cnt = 0;
- $ret = '';
- $open_tag = false;
- $inside_link = false;
- for ($i=0; $i<strlen($s); $i++)
- {
- $char = $s[$i];
- $nextchar = isset($s[$i+1]) ? $s[$i+1] : null;
- $nextchar2 = isset($s[$i+2]) ? $s[$i+2] : null;
- if ($omit_tags)
- {
- if ($char == '<') {
- $open_tag = true;
- if ('a' == $nextchar) {
- $inside_link = true;
- } else if ('/' == $nextchar && 'a' == $nextchar2) {
- $inside_link = false;
- }
- }
- if ($char == '>') {
- $open_tag = false;
- }
- if ($open_tag) {
- $ret .= $char;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (in_array($char, $restart)) {
- $cnt = 0;
- } else {
- $cnt++;
- }
- $ret .= $char;
- if ($cnt > $width) {
- if (!$inside_link) {
- // Inside link, do not break it.
- $ret .= $break;
- $cnt = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function time_micro()
- {
- list($usec, $sec) = explode(" ", microtime());
- return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
- }
- function time_start()
- {
- return time_micro();
- }
- function time_end($start)
- {
- $end = time_micro();
- $end = round($end - $start, 3);
- $end = pad_zeros($end, 3);
- return $end;
- }
- function str_has($str, $needle, $ignore_case = false)
- {
- if (is_array($needle)) {
- foreach ($needle as $n) {
- if (!str_has($str, $n, $ignore_case)) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- if ($ignore_case) {
- $str = str_lower($str);
- $needle = str_lower($needle);
- }
- return strpos($str, $needle) !== false;
- }
- function str_has_any($str, $arr_needle, $ignore_case = false)
- {
- if (is_string($arr_needle)) {
- $arr_needle = preg_replace('#\s+#', ' ', $arr_needle);
- $arr_needle = explode(' ', $arr_needle);
- }
- foreach ($arr_needle as $needle) {
- if (str_has($str, $needle, $ignore_case)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function str_before($str, $needle)
- {
- $pos = strpos($str, $needle);
- if ($pos !== false) {
- $before = substr($str, 0, $pos);
- return strlen($before) ? $before : false;
- } else {
- return false;
- }
- }
- function pad_zeros($number, $zeros)
- {
- if (str_has($number, '.')) {
- preg_match('#\.(\d+)$#', $number, $match);
- $number .= str_repeat('0', $zeros-strlen($match[1]));
- return $number;
- } else {
- return $number.'.'.str_repeat('0', $zeros);
- }
- }
- function charset_fix_invalid($s)
- {
- $fix = '€â“„¢ž˜™”Ã';
- $s = str_replace(str_array($fix), '', $s);
- return $s;
- }
- function charset_is_invalid($s)
- {
- $fix = '€â“„¢ž˜™”Ã';
- $fix = str_array($fix);
- foreach ($fix as $char) {
- if (str_has($s, $char)) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function charset_fix($string)
- {
- // UTF-8 && WIN-1250 => ISO-8859-2
- // todo: is checking required? redundant computing?
- if (charset_win_is($string)) {
- $string = charset_win_fix($string);
- }
- if (charset_utf_is($string)) {
- $string = charset_utf_fix($string);
- }
- return $string;
- }
- function charset_win_is($string)
- {
- $win = '¹¥æÆêʳ£ñÑóÓœŒŸ¿¯';
- $iso = '±¡æÆêʳ£ñÑóÓ¶¦¼¬¿¯';
- for ($i=0; $i<strlen($win); $i++) {
- if ($win{$i} != $iso{$i}) {
- if (strstr($string, $win{$i}) !== false) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function charset_win_fix($string)
- {
- $win = '¹¥æÆêʳ£ñÑóÓœŒŸ¿¯';
- $iso = '±¡æÆêʳ£ñÑóÓ¶¦¼¬¿¯';
- $srh = array();
- $rpl = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($win); $i++) {
- if ($win{$i} != $iso{$i}) {
- $srh[] = $win{$i};
- $rpl[] = $iso{$i};
- }
- }
- $string = str_replace($srh, $rpl, $string);
- return $string;
- }
- function charset_utf_is($string)
- {
- $utf_iso = array(
- "\xc4\x85" => "\xb1",
- "\xc4\x84" => "\xa1",
- "\xc4\x87" => "\xe6",
- "\xc4\x86" => "\xc6",
- "\xc4\x99" => "\xea",
- "\xc4\x98" => "\xca",
- "\xc5\x82" => "\xb3",
- "\xc5\x81" => "\xa3",
- "\xc3\xb3" => "\xf3",
- "\xc3\x93" => "\xd3",
- "\xc5\x9b" => "\xb6",
- "\xc5\x9a" => "\xa6",
- "\xc5\xba" => "\xbc",
- "\xc5\xb9" => "\xac",
- "\xc5\xbc" => "\xbf",
- "\xc5\xbb" => "\xaf",
- "\xc5\x84" => "\xf1",
- "\xc5\x83" => "\xd1",
- // xmlhttprequest utf-8 encoding
- "%u0104" => "\xA1",
- "%u0106" => "\xC6",
- "%u0118" => "\xCA",
- "%u0141" => "\xA3",
- "%u0143" => "\xD1",
- "%u00D3" => "\xD3",
- "%u015A" => "\xA6",
- "%u0179" => "\xAC",
- "%u017B" => "\xAF",
- "%u0105" => "\xB1",
- "%u0107" => "\xE6",
- "%u0119" => "\xEA",
- "%u0142" => "\xB3",
- "%u0144" => "\xF1",
- "%u00D4" => "\xF3",
- "%u015B" => "\xB6",
- "%u017A" => "\xBC",
- "%u017C" => "\xBF"
- );
- foreach ($utf_iso as $k => $v) {
- if (strpos($string, $k) !== false) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function charset_utf_fix($string)
- {
- $utf_iso = array(
- "\xc4\x85" => "\xb1",
- "\xc4\x84" => "\xa1",
- "\xc4\x87" => "\xe6",
- "\xc4\x86" => "\xc6",
- "\xc4\x99" => "\xea",
- "\xc4\x98" => "\xca",
- "\xc5\x82" => "\xb3",
- "\xc5\x81" => "\xa3",
- "\xc3\xb3" => "\xf3",
- "\xc3\x93" => "\xd3",
- "\xc5\x9b" => "\xb6",
- "\xc5\x9a" => "\xa6",
- "\xc5\xba" => "\xbc",
- "\xc5\xb9" => "\xac",
- "\xc5\xbc" => "\xbf",
- "\xc5\xbb" => "\xaf",
- "\xc5\x84" => "\xf1",
- "\xc5\x83" => "\xd1",
- // xmlhttprequest uses different encoding
- "%u0104" => "\xA1",
- "%u0106" => "\xC6",
- "%u0118" => "\xCA",
- "%u0141" => "\xA3",
- "%u0143" => "\xD1",
- "%u00D3" => "\xD3",
- "%u015A" => "\xA6",
- "%u0179" => "\xAC",
- "%u017B" => "\xAF",
- "%u0105" => "\xB1",
- "%u0107" => "\xE6",
- "%u0119" => "\xEA",
- "%u0142" => "\xB3",
- "%u0144" => "\xF1",
- "%u00D4" => "\xF3",
- "%u015B" => "\xB6",
- "%u017A" => "\xBC",
- "%u017C" => "\xBF"
- );
- return str_replace(array_keys($utf_iso), array_values($utf_iso), $string);
- }
- function str_starts_with($str, $start, $ignore_case = false)
- {
- if ($ignore_case) {
- $str = str_upper($str);
- $start = str_upper($start);
- }
- if (!strlen($str) && !strlen($start)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (!strlen($start)) {
- trigger_error('str_starts_with() failed, start arg cannot be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- if (strlen($start) > strlen($str)) {
- return false;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($start); $i++) {
- if ($start{$i} != $str{$i}) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function str_ends_with($str, $end, $ignore_case = false)
- {
- if ($ignore_case) {
- $str = str_upper($str);
- $end = str_upper($end);
- }
- if (!strlen($str) && !strlen($end)) {
- return true;
- }
- if (!strlen($end)) {
- trigger_error('str_ends_with() failed, end arg cannot be empty', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- if (strlen($end) > strlen($str)) {
- return false;
- }
- return str_starts_with(strrev($str), strrev($end));
- return true;
- }
- function str_cut_start($str, $start)
- {
- if (str_starts_with($str, $start)) {
- $str = substr($str, strlen($start));
- }
- return $str;
- }
- function str_cut_end($str, $end)
- {
- if (str_ends_with($str, $end)) {
- $str = substr($str, 0, -strlen($end));
- }
- return $str;
- }
- function file_get($file)
- {
- return file_get_contents($file);
- }
- function file_put($file, $s)
- {
- $fp = fopen($file, 'wb') or trigger_error('fopen() failed: '.$file, E_USER_ERROR);
- if ($fp) {
- fwrite($fp, $s);
- fclose($fp);
- }
- }
- function file_date($file)
- {
- return date('Y-m-d H:i:s', filemtime($file));
- }
- function dir_exists($dir)
- {
- return file_exists($dir) && !is_file($dir);
- }
- function dir_delete_old_files($dir, $ext = array(), $sec)
- {
- // NOT USED right now.
- // older than x seconds
- $files = dir_read($dir, null, $ext);
- $time = time() - $sec;
- foreach ($files as $file) {
- if (file_time($file) < $time) {
- unlink($file);
- }
- }
- }
- global $_error, $_error_style;
- $_error = array();
- $_error_style = '';
- function error($msg = null)
- {
- if (isset($msg) && func_num_args() > 1) {
- $args = func_get_args();
- $msg = call_user_func_array('sprintf', $args);
- }
- global $_error, $_error_style;
- if (isset($msg)) {
- $_error[] = $msg;
- }
- if (!count($_error)) {
- return null;
- }
- if (count($_error) == 1) {
- return sprintf('<div class="error" style="%s">%s</div>', $_error_style, $_error[0]);
- }
- $ret = '<div class="error" style="'.$_error_style.'">Following errors appeared:<ul>';
- foreach ($_error as $msg) {
- $ret .= sprintf('<li>%s</li>', $msg);
- }
- $ret .= '</ul></div>';
- return $ret;
- }
- function timestamp($time, $span = true)
- {
- $time_base = $time;
- $time = substr($time, 0, 16);
- $time2 = substr($time, 0, 10);
- $today = date('Y-m-d');
- $yesterday = date('Y-m-d', time()-3600*24);
- if ($time2 == $today) {
- if (substr($time_base, -8) == '00:00:00') {
- $time = 'Today';
- } else {
- $time = 'Today'.substr($time, -6);
- }
- } else if ($time2 == $yesterday) {
- $time = 'Yesterday'.substr($time, -6);
- }
- return '<span style="white-space: nowrap;">'.$time.'</span>';
- }
- function str_lower($str)
- {
- /* strtolower iso-8859-2 compatible */
- $lower = str_array(iso_chars_lower());
- $upper = str_array(iso_chars_upper());
- $str = str_replace($upper, $lower, $str);
- $str = strtolower($str);
- return $str;
- }
- function str_upper($str)
- {
- /* strtoupper iso-8859-2 compatible */
- $lower = str_array(iso_chars_lower());
- $upper = str_array(iso_chars_upper());
- $str = str_replace($lower, $upper, $str);
- $str = strtoupper($str);
- return $str;
- }
- function str_array($str)
- {
- $arr = array();
- for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($str); $i++) {
- $arr[$i] = $str{$i};
- }
- return $arr;
- }
- function iso_chars()
- {
- return iso_chars_lower().iso_chars_upper();
- }
- function iso_chars_lower()
- {
- return '����';
- }
- function iso_chars_upper()
- {
- return '��ʣ�Ӧ��';
- }
- function array_first_key($arr)
- {
- $arr2 = $arr;
- reset($arr);
- list($key, $val) = each($arr);
- return $key;
- }
- function array_first($arr)
- {
- return array_first_value($arr);
- }
- function array_first_value($arr)
- {
- $arr2 = $arr;
- return array_shift($arr2);
- }
- function array_col_values($arr, $col)
- {
- $ret = array();
- foreach ($arr as $k => $row) {
- $ret[] = $row[$col];
- }
- return $ret;
- }
- function array_col_values_unique($arr, $col)
- {
- return array_unique(array_col_values($arr, $col));
- }
- function array_col_match($rows, $col, $pattern)
- {
- if (!count($rows)) {
- trigger_error('array_col_match(): array is empty', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $ret = true;
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- if (!preg_match($pattern, $row[$col])) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function array_col_match_unique($rows, $col, $pattern)
- {
- if (!array_col_match($rows, $col, $pattern)) {
- return false;
- }
- return count($rows) == count(array_col_values_unique($rows, $col));
- }
- function redirect($url)
- {
- $url = url($url);
- header("Location: $url");
- exit;
- }
- function redirect_notify($url, $msg)
- {
- if (strpos($msg, '<') === false) {
- $msg = sprintf('<b>%s</b>', $msg);
- }
- cookie_set('flash_notify', $msg);
- redirect($url);
- }
- function redirect_ok($url, $msg)
- {
- if (strpos($msg, '<') === false) {
- $msg = sprintf('<b>%s</b>', $msg);
- }
- cookie_set('flash_ok', $msg);
- redirect($url);
- }
- function redirect_error($url, $msg)
- {
- if (strpos($msg, '<') === false) {
- $msg = sprintf('<b>%s</b>', $msg);
- }
- cookie_set('flash_error', $msg);
- redirect($url);
- }
- function flash()
- {
- static $is_style = false;
- $flash_error = cookie_get('flash_error');
- $flash_ok = cookie_get('flash_ok');
- $flash_notify = cookie_get('flash_notify');
- $flash_error = filter_allow_tags($flash_error, '<b><i><u><br><span>');
- $flash_ok = filter_allow_tags($flash_ok, '<b><i><u><br><span>');
- $flash_notify = filter_allow_tags($flash_notify, '<b><i><u><br><span>');
- if (!($flash_error || $flash_ok || $flash_notify)) {
- return false;
- }
- ob_start();
- ?>
- <?php if (!$is_style): ?>
- <style type="text/css">
- #flash { background: #ffffd7; padding: 0.3em; padding-bottom: 0.15em; border: #ddd 1px solid; margin-bottom: 1em; }
- #flash div { padding: 0em 0em; }
- #flash table { font-weight: normal; }
- #flash td { text-align: left; }
- </style>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <div id="flash" ondblclick="document.getElementById('flash').style.display='none';">
- <table width="100%" ondblclick="document.getElementById('flash').style.display='none';"><tr>
- <td style="line-height: 14px;"><?php echo $flash_error ? $flash_error : ($flash_ok ? $flash_ok : $flash_notify); ?></td></tr></table>
- </div>
- <?php
- $cont = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- if ($flash_error) cookie_del('flash_error');
- else if ($flash_ok) cookie_del('flash_ok');
- else if ($flash_notify) cookie_del('flash_notify');
- $is_style = true;
- return $cont;
- }
- function filter($post, $filters)
- {
- if (is_string($filters))
- {
- $filter = $filters;
- $func = 'filter_'.$filter;
- foreach ($post as $key => $val) {
- $post[$key] = call_user_func($func, $post[$key]);
- }
- return $post;
- }
- foreach ($filters as $key => $filter)
- {
- if (!array_key_exists($key, $post)) {
- return trigger_error(sprintf('filter() failed. Key missing = %s.', $key), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $func = 'filter_'.$filter;
- if (!function_exists($func)) {
- return trigger_error(sprintf('filter() failed. Filter missing = %s.', $func), E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- $post[$key] = call_user_func($func, $post[$key]);
- }
- return $post;
- }
- function filter_html($s)
- {
- if (req_gpc_has($s)) {
- $s = html_tags_undo($s);
- }
- return html(trim($s));
- }
- function filter_allow_tags($s, $allow)
- {
- if (req_gpc_has($s)) {
- $s = html_tags_undo($s);
- }
- return html_allow_tags($s, $allow);
- }
- function filter_allow_html($s)
- {
- global $SafeHtml;
- if (!isset($SafeHtml)) {
- include_once 'inc/SafeHtml.php';
- }
- if (req_gpc_has($s)) {
- $s = html_tags_undo($s);
- }
- if (in_array(trim(strtolower($s)), array('<br>', '<p> </p>'))) {
- return '';
- }
- $SafeHtml->clear();
- $s = $SafeHtml->parse($s);
- return trim($s);
- }
- function filter_allow_html_script($s)
- {
- if (in_array(trim(strtolower($s)), array('<br>', '<p> </p>'))) {
- return '';
- }
- if (req_gpc_has($s)) {
- $s = html_tags_undo($s);
- }
- return trim($s);
- }
- function filter_editor($s)
- {
- return filter_allow_html($s);
- }
- function date_now()
- {
- return date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
- }
- function guess_pk($rows)
- {
- if (!count($rows)) {
- return false;
- }
- $patterns = array('#^\d+$#', '#^[^\s]+$#');
- $row = array_first($rows);
- foreach ($patterns as $pattern)
- {
- foreach ($row as $col => $v) {
- if ($v && preg_match($pattern, $v)) {
- if (array_col_match_unique($rows, $col, $pattern)) {
- return $col;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- function layout_start($title='')
- {
- global $page_charset;
- $flash = flash();
- ?>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $page_charset;?>">
- <title><?php echo $title;?></title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?dbkiss_favicon=1">
- <script>
- function $(id)
- {
- if (typeof id == 'string') return document.getElementById(id);
- return id;
- }
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php layout(); ?>
- <?php if ($flash) { echo $flash; } ?>
- <?php
- }
- function layout_end()
- {
- ?>
- <?php powered_by(); ?>
- </body>
- </html>
- <?php
- }
- function powered_by()
- {
- ?>
- <script>
- function link_noreferer(link)
- {
- // Tested: Chrome, Firefox, Inetrnet Explorer, Opera.
- var w ="about:blank", "_blank");
- w.document.write("<"+"!doctype html>");
- w.document.write("<"+"html><"+"head>");
- w.document.write("<"+"title>Secure redirection</title>");
- w.document.write("<"+"style>body { font: 11px Tahoma; }<"+"/style>");
- w.document.write("<"+"meta http-equiv=refresh content='10;url="+link+"'>");
- // Meta.setAttribute() doesn't work on firefox.
- // Firefox: needs document.write('<meta>')
- // IE: the firefox workaround doesn't work on ie, but we can use a normal redirection
- // as IE is already not sending the referer because it does not do it when using
- // open.window, besides the blank url in address bar works fine (about:blank).
- // Opera: firefox fix works.
- w.document.write("<"+"script>function redirect() { if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') != -1) { location.replace('"+link+"'); } else {; document.write('<"+"meta http-equiv=refresh content=\"0;"+link+"\">'); document.close(); } }<"+"/script>");
- w.document.write("<"+"/head><"+"body>");
- w.document.write("<"+"h1>Secure redirection<"+"/h1>");
- w.document.write("<"+"p>This is a secure redirection that hides the HTTP REFERER header - using javascript and meta refresh combination.");
- w.document.write("<br>The site you are being redirected will not know the location of the dbkiss script on your site.<"+"/p>");
- w.document.write("<"+"p>In 10 seconds you will be redirected to the following address: <"+"a href='javascript:void(0)' onclick='redirect()'>"+link+"<"+"/a><br>");
- w.document.write("Clicking the link is also secure, so if you do not wish to wait, then click it.<"+"/p>");
- w.document.write("<"+"/body><"+"/html>");
- w.document.close();
- }
- </script>
- <div style="text-align: center; margin-top: 2em; border-top: #ccc 1px solid; padding-top: 0.5em;">Powered by <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="link_noreferer('')">dbkiss</a></div>
- <?php
- }
- ?>
- <?php if (get('import')): ?>
- <?php
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- ?>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $page_charset;?>">
- <title><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?> > Import</title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?dbkiss_favicon=1">
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php layout(); ?>
- <h1><a class=blue style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></a> > Import</h1>
- <?php conn_info(); ?>
- <?php $files = sql_files(); ?>
- <?php if (count($files)): ?>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="post">
- <table class="none" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <td>SQL file:</th>
- <td><select name="sqlfile"><option value="" selected="selected"></option><?php echo options($files);?></select></td>
- <td><input type="checkbox" name="ignore_errors" id="ignore_errors" value="1"></td>
- <td><label for="ignore_errors">ignore errors</label></td>
- <td><input type="checkbox" name="transaction" id="transaction" value="1"></td>
- <td><label for="transaction">transaction</label></td>
- <td><input type="checkbox" name="force_myisam" id="force_myisam" value="1"></td>
- <td><label for="force_myisam">force myisam</label></td>
- <td><input type="text" size="5" name="query_start" value=""></td>
- <td>query start</td>
- <td><input type="submit" value="Import"></td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <br>
- <?php else: ?>
- No sql files found in current directory.
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php powered_by(); ?>
- </body></html>
- <?php exit; endif; ?>
- <?php if ('editrow' == get('action')): ?>
- <?php
- function dbkiss_filter_id($id)
- {
- # mysql allows table names of: `62-511`
- # also, columns might be numeric ex. `62`
- if (preg_match('#^[_a-z0-9][a-z0-9_\-]*$#i', $id)) {
- return $id;
- }
- return false;
- }
- $get = get(array(
- 'table' => 'string',
- 'pk' => 'string',
- 'id' => 'string'
- ));
- $get['table'] = html_once($get['table']);
- $get['pk'] = html_once($get['pk']);
- $title_edit = sprintf('Edit row (%s=%s)', $get['pk'], $get['id']);
- $title = ' > '.$get['table'].' > '.$title_edit;
- if (!dbkiss_filter_id($get['table'])) {
- error('Invalid table name');
- }
- if (!dbkiss_filter_id($get['pk'])) {
- error('Invalid pk');
- }
- $row = false;
- if (!error())
- {
- $table_enq = quote_table($get['table']);
- $test = db_row("SELECT * FROM $table_enq");
- if ($test) {
- if (!array_key_exists($get['pk'], $test)) {
- error('Invalid pk');
- }
- }
- if (!error())
- {
- $table_enq = quote_table($get['table']);
- $query = db_bind("SELECT * FROM $table_enq WHERE {$get['pk']} = %0", $get['id']);
- $query = db_limit($query, 0, 2);
- $rows = db_list($query);
- if (count($rows) > 1) {
- error('Invalid pk: found more than one row with given id');
- } else if (count($rows) == 0) {
- error('Row not found');
- } else {
- $row = $rows[0];
- $row_id = $row[$get['pk']];
- }
- }
- }
- if ($row) {
- $types = table_types2($get['table']);
- }
- $edit_actions_assoc = array(
- 'update' => 'Update',
- 'update_pk' => 'Overwrite pk',
- 'insert' => 'Copy row (insert)',
- 'delete' => 'Delete'
- );
- $edit_action = post('dbkiss_action');
- if ($_ENV['IS_GET'])
- {
- $edit_action = array_first_key($edit_actions_assoc);
- $post = $row;
- }
- if ($_ENV['IS_POST'])
- {
- if (!array_key_exists($edit_action, $edit_actions_assoc)) {
- $edit_action = '';
- error('Invalid action');
- }
- $post = array();
- foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
- if (array_key_exists($k, $_POST)) {
- $val = (string) $_POST[$k];
- if ('null' == $val) {
- $val = null;
- }
- if ('int' == $types[$k]) {
- if (!strlen($val)) {
- $val = null;
- }
- if (!(preg_match('#^-?\d+$#', $val) || is_null($val))) {
- error('%s: invalid value', $k);
- }
- }
- if ('float' == $types[$k]) {
- if (!strlen($val)) {
- $val = null;
- }
- $val = str_replace(',', '.', $val);
- if (!(is_numeric($val) || is_null($val))) {
- error('%s: invalid value', $k);
- }
- }
- if ('time' == $types[$k]) {
- if (!strlen($val)) {
- $val = null;
- }
- if ('now' == $val) {
- $val = date_now();
- }
- }
- $post[$k] = $val;
- } else {
- error('Missing key: %s in POST', $k);
- }
- }
- if ('update' == $edit_action)
- {
- if ($post[$get['pk']] != $row[$get['pk']]) {
- if (count($row) != 1) { // Case: more than 1 column
- error('%s: cannot change pk on UPDATE', $get['pk']);
- }
- }
- }
- if ('update_pk' == $edit_action)
- {
- if ($post[$get['pk']] == $row[$get['pk']]) {
- error('%s: selected action Overwrite pk, but pk value has not changed', $get['pk']);
- }
- }
- if ('insert' == $edit_action)
- {
- if (strlen($post[$get['pk']])) {
- $table_enq = quote_table($get['table']);
- $test = db_row("SELECT * FROM $table_enq WHERE {$get['pk']} = %0", array($post[$get['pk']]));
- if ($test) {
- error('%s: there is already a record with that id', $get['pk']);
- }
- }
- }
- if (!error())
- {
- $post2 = $post;
- if ('update' == $edit_action)
- {
- if (count($row) != 1) { // Case: more than 1 column
- unset($post2[$get['pk']]);
- }
- db_update($get['table'], $post2, array($get['pk'] => $row_id));
- if (db_error()) {
- error('<font color="red"><b>DB error</b></font>: '.db_error());
- } else {
- if (count($row) == 1) { // Case: only 1 column
- redirect_ok(url(self(), array('id'=>$post[$get['pk']])), 'Row updated');
- } else {
- redirect_ok(self(), 'Row updated');
- }
- }
- }
- if ('update_pk' == $edit_action)
- {
- @db_update($get['table'], $post2, array($get['pk'] => $row_id));
- if (db_error()) {
- error('<font color="red"><b>DB error</b></font>: '.db_error());
- } else {
- $url = url(self(), array('id' => $post[$get['pk']]));
- redirect_ok($url, 'Row updated (pk overwritten)');
- }
- }
- if ('insert' == $edit_action)
- {
- $new_id = false;
- if (!strlen($post2[$get['pk']])) {
- unset($post2[$get['pk']]);
- } else {
- $new_id = $post2[$get['pk']];
- }
- @db_insert($get['table'], $post2);
- if (db_error()) {
- error('<font color="red"><b>DB error</b></font>: '.db_error());
- } else {
- if (!$new_id) {
- $new_id = db_insert_id($get['table'], $get['pk']);
- }
- $url = url(self(), array('id'=>$new_id));
- $msg = sprintf('Row inserted (%s=%s)', $get['pk'], $new_id);
- redirect_ok($url, $msg);
- }
- }
- if ('delete' == $edit_action)
- {
- $table_enq = quote_table($get['table']);
- @db_exe("DELETE FROM $table_enq WHERE {$get['pk']} = %0", $get['id']);
- if (db_error()) {
- error('<font color="red"><b>DB error</b></font>: '.db_error());
- } else {
- redirect_ok(self(), 'Row deleted');
- }
- }
- }
- }
- ?>
- <?php layout_start($title_edit); ?>
- <h1><span style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></span><?php echo $title;?></h1>
- <?php echo error();?>
- <?php if ($row): ?>
- <form action="<?php echo self();?>" method="post">
- <?php echo radio_assoc($edit_action, $edit_actions_assoc, 'dbkiss_action');?></td>
- <br>
- <table cellspacing="1" class="ls ls2">
- <?php foreach ($post as $k => $v): if (is_null($v)) { $v = 'null'; } $v = htmlspecialchars($v); ?>
- <tr>
- <th><?php echo $k;?>:</th>
- <td>
- <?php if ('int' == $types[$k]): ?>
- <input type="text" name="<?php echo $k;?>" value="<?php echo html_once($v);?>" size="11">
- <?php elseif ('char' == $types[$k]): ?>
- <input type="text" name="<?php echo $k;?>" value="<?php echo html_once($v);?>" size="50">
- <?php elseif (in_array($types[$k], array('text', 'mediumtext', 'longtext')) || str_has($types[$k], 'blob')): ?>
- <textarea name="<?php echo $k;?>" cols="80" rows="<?php echo $k=='notes'?10:10;?>"><?php echo html_once($v);?></textarea>
- <?php else: ?>
- <input type="text" name="<?php echo $k;?>" value="<?php echo html_once($v);?>" size="30">
- <?php endif; ?>
- </td>
- <td valign="top"><?php echo $types[$k];?></td>
- </tr>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="3" class="none">
- <input type="submit" wait="1" block="1" class="button" value="Edit">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php layout_end(); ?>
- <?php exit; endif; ?>
- <?php if (isset($_GET['execute_sql']) && $_GET['execute_sql']): ?>
- <?php
- function listing($base_query, $md5_get = false)
- {
- global $db_driver, $db_link;
- $md5_i = false;
- if ($md5_get) {
- preg_match('#_(\d+)$#', $md5_get, $match);
- $md5_i = $match[1];
- }
- $base_query = trim($base_query);
- $base_query = str_cut_end($base_query, ';');
- $query = $base_query;
- $ret = array('msg'=>'', 'error'=>'', 'data_html'=>false);
- $limit = 25;
- $offset = get('offset','int');
- $page = floor($offset / $limit + 1);
- if ($query) {
- if (is_select($query) && !preg_match('#\s+LIMIT\s+\d+#i', $query) && !preg_match('#into\s+outfile\s+#', $query)) {
- $query = db_limit($query, $offset, $limit);
- } else {
- $limit = false;
- }
- $time = time_start();
- if (!db_is_safe($query, true)) {
- $ret['error'] = 'Detected UPDATE/DELETE without WHERE condition (put WHERE 1=1 if you want to execute this query)';
- return $ret;
- }
- $rs = @db_query($query);
- if ($rs) {
- if ($rs === true) {
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver)
- {
- $affected = mysqli_affected_rows($db_link);
- $time = time_end($time);
- $ret['data_html'] = '<b>'.$affected.'</b> rows affected.<br>Time: <b>'.$time.'</b> sec';
- return $ret;
- }
- } else {
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver)
- {
- // Since Postgresql 9 on Linux pg_affected_rows()
- // returns >= 0 for SELECT queries
- if (!preg_match('#^\s*SELECT\s+#i', $query)) {
- $affected = @pg_affected_rows($rs);
- if ($affected || preg_match('#^\s*(DELETE|UPDATE)\s+#i', $query)) {
- $time = time_end($time);
- $ret['data_html'] = '<p><b>'.$affected.'</b> rows affected. Time: <b>'.$time.'</b> sec</p>';
- return $ret;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- $rows = array();
- while ($row = db_row($rs)) {
- $rows[] = $row;
- if ($limit) {
- if (count($rows) == $limit) { break; }
- }
- }
- db_free($rs);
- if (is_select($base_query)) {
- $found = @db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ($base_query) AS sub");
- if (!is_numeric($found) || (count($rows) && !$found)) {
- global $COUNT_ERROR;
- $found = count($rows);
- }
- } else {
- if (count($rows)) {
- $found = count($rows);
- } else {
- $found = false;
- }
- }
- if ($limit) {
- $pages = ceil($found / $limit);
- } else {
- $pages = 1;
- }
- $time = time_end($time);
- } else {
- $ret['error'] = db_error();
- return $ret;
- }
- } else {
- $ret['error'] = 'No query found.';
- return $ret;
- }
- ob_start();
- ?>
- <?php if (is_numeric($found)): ?>
- <p>
- Found: <b><?php echo $found;?></b><?php echo isset($GLOBALS['COUNT_ERROR'])?$GLOBALS['COUNT_ERROR']:'';?>.
- Time: <b><?php echo $time;?></b> sec.
- <?php
- $params = array('md5'=>$md5_get, 'offset'=>get('offset','int'));
- if (get('only_marked') || post('only_marked')) { $params['only_marked'] = 1; }
- if (get('only_select') || post('only_select')) { $params['only_select'] = 1; }
- ?>
- / <a href="<?php echo url(self(), $params);?>">Refetch</a>
- / Export to CSV:
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode('|');?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">pipe</a>
- -
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode("\t");?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">tab</a>
- -
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode(',');?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">comma</a>
- -
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode(';');?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">semicolon</a>
- </p>
- <?php else: ?>
- <p>Result: <b>OK</b>. Time: <b><?php echo $time;?></b> sec</p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if (is_numeric($found)): ?>
- <?php if ($pages > 1): ?>
- <p>
- <?php if ($page > 1): ?>
- <?php $ofs = ($page-1)*$limit-$limit; ?>
- <?php
- $params = array('md5'=>$md5_get, 'offset'=>$ofs);
- if (get('only_marked') || post('only_marked')) { $params['only_marked'] = 1; }
- if (get('only_select') || post('only_select')) { $params['only_select'] = 1; }
- ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url(self(), $params);?>"><< Prev</a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- Page <b><?php echo $page;?></b> of <b><?php echo $pages;?></b>
- <?php if ($pages > $page): ?>
- <?php $ofs = $page*$limit; ?>
- <?php
- $params = array('md5'=>$md5_get, 'offset'=>$ofs);
- if (get('only_marked') || post('only_marked')) { $params['only_marked'] = 1; }
- if (get('only_select') || post('only_select')) { $params['only_select'] = 1; }
- ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url(self(), $params);?>">Next >></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <script>
- function mark_row(tr)
- {
- var els = tr.getElementsByTagName('td');
- if (tr.marked) {
- for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
- els[i].style.backgroundColor = '';
- }
- tr.marked = false;
- } else {
- tr.marked = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
- els[i].style.backgroundColor = '#ddd';
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <?php if ($found): ?>
- <?php
- $edit_table = table_from_query($base_query);
- if ($edit_table) {
- $edit_pk = array_first_key($rows[0]);
- if (is_numeric($edit_pk)) { $edit_table = false; }
- }
- if ($edit_table) {
- $types = table_types2($edit_table);
- if ($types && count($types)) {
- if (in_array($edit_pk, array_keys($types))) {
- if (!array_col_match_unique($rows, $edit_pk, '#^\d+$#')) {
- $edit_pk = guess_pk($rows);
- if (!$edit_pk) {
- $edit_table = false;
- }
- }
- } else {
- $edit_table = false;
- }
- } else {
- $edit_table = false;
- }
- }
- $edit_url = '';
- if ($edit_table) {
- $edit_url = url(self(true), array('action'=>'editrow', 'table'=>$edit_table, 'pk'=>$edit_pk, 'id'=>'%s'));
- }
- ?>
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <?php if ($edit_url): ?><th>#</th><?php endif; ?>
- <?php foreach ($rows[0] as $col => $v): ?>
- <th><?php echo $col;?></th>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php foreach ($rows as $row): ?>
- <tr ondblclick="mark_row(this)">
- <?php if ($edit_url): ?>
- <td><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="popup('<?php echo sprintf($edit_url, $row[$edit_pk]);?>', 620, 500)">Edit</a> </td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php
- $count_cols = 0;
- foreach ($row as $v) { $count_cols++; }
- ?>
- <?php foreach ($row as $k => $v): ?>
- <?php
- if (preg_match('#^\s*<a[^>]+>[^<]+</a>\s*$#iU', $v) && strlen(strip_tags($v)) < 50) {
- $v = strip_tags($v, '<a>');
- $v = create_links($v);
- } else {
- $v = strip_tags($v);
- $v = str_replace(' ', ' ', $v);
- $v = preg_replace('#[ ]+#', ' ', $v);
- $v = create_links($v);
- if (!get('full_content') && strlen($v) > 50) {
- if (1 == $count_cols) {
- $v = truncate_html($v, 255);
- } else {
- $v = truncate_html($v, 50);
- }
- }
- // $v = html_once($v); - create_links() disabling
- }
- $nl2br = get('nl2br');
- if (get('full_content')) {
- $v = str_wrap($v, 80, '<br>', true);
- }
- if (get('nl2br')) {
- $v = nl2br($v);
- }
- //$v = stripslashes(stripslashes($v));
- if (@$types[$k] == 'int' && (preg_match('#time#i', $k) || preg_match('#date#i', $k))
- && preg_match('#^\d+$#', $v))
- {
- $tmp = @date('Y-m-d H:i', $v);
- if ($tmp) {
- $v = $tmp;
- }
- }
- global $post;
- if (str_has($post['sql'], '@gethostbyaddr') && (preg_match('#^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$#', $v))) {
- $v = $v.'<br>'.@gethostbyaddr($v);
- }
- ?>
- <td onclick="mark_col(this)" <?php echo $nl2br?'valign="top"':'';?> nowrap><?php echo is_null($row[$k])?'-':$v;?></td>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </table>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($pages > 1): ?>
- <p>
- <?php if ($page > 1): ?>
- <?php $ofs = ($page-1)*$limit-$limit; ?>
- <?php
- $params = array('md5'=>$md5_get, 'offset'=>$ofs);
- if (get('only_marked') || post('only_marked')) { $params['only_marked'] = 1; }
- if (get('only_select') || post('only_select')) { $params['only_select'] = 1; }
- ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url(self(), $params);?>"><< Prev</a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- Page <b><?php echo $page;?></b> of <b><?php echo $pages;?></b>
- <?php if ($pages > $page): ?>
- <?php $ofs = $page*$limit; ?>
- <?php
- $params = array('md5'=>$md5_get, 'offset'=>$ofs);
- if (get('only_marked') || post('only_marked')) { $params['only_marked'] = 1; }
- if (get('only_select') || post('only_select')) { $params['only_select'] = 1; }
- ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url(self(), $params);?>">Next >></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php
- $cont = ob_get_contents();
- ob_end_clean();
- $ret['data_html'] = $cont;
- return $ret;
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- set_time_limit(0);
- $template = get('template');
- $msg = '';
- $error = '';
- $top_html = '';
- $data_html = '';
- $get = get(array(
- 'popup'=> 'int',
- 'md5' => 'string',
- 'only_marked' => 'bool',
- 'only_select' => 'bool',
- 'sql_template' => 'string'
- ));
- $post = post(array(
- 'sql' => 'string',
- 'perform' => 'string',
- 'only_marked' => 'bool',
- 'only_select' => 'bool',
- 'save_as' => 'string',
- ));
- if ($get['md5']) {
- $get['only_select'] = true;
- $post['only_select'] = true;
- }
- if ($get['only_marked']) { $post['only_marked'] = 1; }
- if ($get['only_select']) { $post['only_select'] = 1; }
- $sql_dir = false;
- if (defined('DBKISS_SQL_DIR')) {
- $sql_dir = DBKISS_SQL_DIR;
- }
- if ($sql_dir) {
- if (!(dir_exists($sql_dir) && is_writable($sql_dir))) {
- if (!dir_exists($sql_dir) && is_writable('.')) {
- mkdir($sql_dir);
- } else {
- exit('You must create "'.$sql_dir.'" directory with write permission.');
- }
- }
- if (!file_exists($sql_dir.'/.htaccess')) {
- file_put($sql_dir.'/.htaccess', 'deny from all');
- }
- if (!file_exists($sql_dir.'/index.html')) {
- file_put($sql_dir.'/index.html', '');
- }
- }
- if ('GET' == $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']) {
- if ($sql_dir)
- {
- if ($get['md5'] && preg_match('#^(\w{32,32})_(\d+)$#', $get['md5'], $match)) {
- $md5_i = $match[2];
- $md5_tmp = sprintf($sql_dir.'/zzz_%s.dat', $match[1]);
- $post['sql'] = file_get($md5_tmp);
- $post['perform'] = 'execute';
- } else if ($get['md5'] && preg_match('#^(\w{32,32})$#', $get['md5'], $match)) {
- $md5_tmp = sprintf($sql_dir.'/zzz_%s.dat', $match[1]);
- $post['sql'] = file_get($md5_tmp);
- $get['md5'] = '';
- } else {
- if ($get['md5']) {
- trigger_error('invalid md5', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- $get['md5'] = '';
- }
- if (str_has($post['sql'], '@nl2br')) {
- $_GET['nl2br'] = 1;
- }
- if (str_has($post['sql'], '@full_content')) {
- $_GET['full_content'] = 1;
- }
- $post['sql'] = trim($post['sql']);
- $md5 = md5($post['sql']);
- $md5_file = sprintf($sql_dir.'/zzz_%s.dat', $md5);
- if ($sql_dir && $post['sql']) {
- file_put($md5_file, $post['sql']);
- }
- if ($sql_dir && 'save' == $post['perform'] && $post['save_as'] && $post['sql'])
- {
- $post['save_as'] = str_replace('.sql', '', $post['save_as']);
- if (preg_match('#^[\w ]+$#', $post['save_as'])) {
- $file = $sql_dir.'/'.$post['save_as'].'.sql';
- $overwrite = '';
- if (file_exists($file)) {
- $overwrite = ' - <b>overwritten</b>';
- $bak = $sql_dir.'/zzz_'.$post['save_as'].'_'.md5(file_get($file)).'.dat';
- copy($file, $bak);
- }
- $msg .= sprintf('<div>Sql saved: %s %s</div>', basename($file), $overwrite);
- file_put($file, $post['sql']);
- } else {
- error('Saving sql failed: only alphanumeric chars are allowed');
- }
- }
- if ($sql_dir) {
- $sql_templates = dir_read($sql_dir, null, array('.sql'), 'date_desc');
- }
- $sql_templates_assoc = array();
- if ($sql_dir) {
- foreach ($sql_templates as $file) {
- $file_path = $file;
- $file = basename($file);
- $sql_templates_assoc[$file] = '('.substr(file_date($file_path), 0, 10).')'.' ' .$file;
- }
- }
- if ($sql_dir && $get['sql_template'])
- {
- $file = $sql_dir.'/'.$get['sql_template'];
- if (array_key_exists($get['sql_template'], $sql_templates_assoc) && file_exists($file)) {
- $msg .= sprintf('<div>Sql loaded: %s (%s)</div>', basename($file), timestamp(file_date($file)));
- $post['sql'] = file_get($file);
- $post['save_as'] = basename($file);
- $post['save_as'] = str_replace('.sql', '', $post['save_as']);
- } else {
- error('<div>File not found: %s</div>', $file);
- }
- }
- // after load - md5 may change
- $md5 = md5($post['sql']);
- if ($sql_dir && 'load' == $post['perform'] && !error()) {
- $md5_tmp = sprintf($sql_dir.'/zzz_%s.dat', $md5);
- file_put($md5_tmp, $post['sql']);
- }
- $is_sel = false;
- $queries = preg_split("#;(\s*--[ \t\S]*)?(\r\n|\n|\r)#U", $post['sql']);
- foreach ($queries as $k => $query) {
- $query = query_strip($query);
- if (str_starts_with($query, '@')) {
- $is_sel = true;
- }
- $queries[$k] = $query;
- if (!trim($query)) { unset($queries[$k]); }
- }
- $sql_assoc = array();
- $sql_selected = false;
- $i = 0;
- $params = array(
- 'md5' => $md5,
- 'only_marked' => $post['only_marked'],
- 'only_select' => $post['only_select'],
- 'offset' => ''
- );
- $sql_main_url = url(self(), $params);
- foreach ($queries as $query) {
- $i++;
- $query = str_cut_start($query, '@');
- if (!is_select($query)) {
- continue;
- }
- $query = preg_replace('#\s+#', ' ', $query);
- $params = array(
- 'md5' => $md5.'_'.$i,
- 'only_marked' => $post['only_marked'],
- 'only_select' => $post['only_select'],
- 'offset' => ''
- );
- $url = url(self(), $params);
- if ($get['md5'] && $get['md5'] == $params['md5']) {
- $sql_selected = $url;
- }
- $sql_assoc[$url] = str_truncate(strip_tags($query), 80);
- }
- {
- if (!$post['perform']) {
- $error = 'No action selected.';
- }
- if (!$error)
- {
- $time = time_start();
- switch ($post['perform']) {
- case 'execute':
- $i = 0;
- db_begin();
- $commit = true;
- foreach ($queries as $query)
- {
- $i++;
- if ($post['only_marked'] && !$is_sel) {
- if (!$get['md5']) { continue; }
- }
- if ($is_sel) {
- if (str_starts_with($query, '@')) {
- $query = str_cut_start($query, '@');
- } else {
- if (!$get['md5']) { continue; }
- }
- }
- if ($post['only_select'] && !is_select($query)) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($get['md5'] && $i != $md5_i) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($get['md5'] && $i == $md5_i) {
- if (!is_select($query)) {
- trigger_error('not select query', E_USER_ERROR);
- }
- }
- $exec = listing($query, $md5.'_'.$i);
- $query_trunc = str_truncate(html_once($query), 1000);
- $query_trunc = query_color($query_trunc);
- $query_trunc = nl2br($query_trunc);
- $query_trunc = html_spaces($query_trunc);
- if ($exec['error']) {
- $exec['error'] = preg_replace('#error:#i', '', $exec['error']);
- $top_html .= sprintf('<div style="background: #ffffd7; padding: 0.5em; border: #ccc 1px solid; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-top: 1em;"><b style="color:red">Error</b>: %s<div style="margin-top: 0.25em;"><b>Query %s</b>: %s</div></div>', $exec['error'], $i, $query_trunc);
- $commit = false;
- break;
- } else {
- $query_html = sprintf('<div class="query"><b style="font-size: 10px;">Query %s</b>:<div style="'.$sql_font.' margin-top: 0.35em;">%s</div></div>', $i, $query_trunc);
- $data_html .= $query_html;
- $data_html .= $exec['data_html'];
- }
- }
- if ($commit) {
- db_end();
- } else {
- db_rollback();
- }
- break;
- }
- $time = time_end($time);
- }
- }
- if ($post['only_marked'] && !$is_sel) {
- error('No queries marked');
- }
- ?>
- <?php layout_start(($db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name).' > Execute SQL'); ?>
- <?php if ($get['popup']): ?>
- <h1><span style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></span> > Execute SQL</h1>
- <?php else: ?>
- <h1><a class=blue style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></a> > Execute SQL</h1>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php echo error();?>
- <script>
- function sql_submit(form)
- {
- if (form.perform.value.length) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- function sql_execute(form)
- {
- form.perform.value='execute';
- form.submit();
- }
- function sql_preview(form)
- {
- form.perform.value='preview';
- form.submit();
- }
- function sql_save(form)
- {
- form.perform.value='save';
- form.submit();
- }
- function sql_load(form)
- {
- if (form.sql_template.selectedIndex)
- {
- currentUrl = window.location.href;
- currentUrl = currentUrl.replace(/&sql_template=[^&]*/g, '');
- window.location = currentUrl + "&sql_template=" +
- escape(form.sql_template.value)
- return true;
- }
- button_clear(form);
- return false;
- }
- </script>
- <?php if ($msg): ?>
- <div class="msg"><?php echo $msg;?></div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php echo $top_html;?>
- <?php if (count($sql_assoc)): ?>
- <p>
- SELECT queries:
- <select name="sql_assoc" onchange="if (this.value.length) location=this.value">
- <option value="<?php echo html_once($sql_main_url);?>"></option>
- <?php echo options($sql_assoc, $sql_selected);?>
- </select>
- </p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($get['md5']): ?>
- <?php echo $data_html;?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?execute_sql=1&popup=<?php echo $get['popup'];?>" method="post" onsubmit="return sql_submit(this);" style="margin-top: 1em;">
- <input type="hidden" name="perform" value="">
- <div style="margin-bottom: 0.25em;">
- <textarea id="sql_area" name="sql" class="sql_area"><?php echo htmlspecialchars(query_upper($post['sql']));?></textarea>
- </div>
- <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="button" wait="1" class="button" value="Execute" onclick="sql_execute(this.form); ">
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="button" wait="1" class="button" value="Preview" onclick="sql_preview(this.form); ">
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="checkbox" name="only_marked" id="only_marked" value="1" <?php echo checked($post['only_marked'] || $get['only_marked']);?>>
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <label for="only_marked">only marked with @</label>
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="checkbox" name="only_select" id="only_select" value="1" <?php echo checked($post['only_select'] || $get['only_select']);?>>
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <label for="only_select">only SELECT</label>
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="text" name="save_as" value="<?php echo html_once($post['save_as']);?>">
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="button" wait="1" class="button" value="Save" onclick="sql_save(this.form); ">
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <select name="sql_template" style="width: 140px;"><option value=""></option><?php echo options($sql_templates_assoc);?></select>
- </td>
- <td nowrap>
- <input type="button" wait="1" class="button" value="Load" onclick="return sql_load(this.form);">
- </td>
- </tr></table>
- </form>
- <?php
- if ('preview' == $post['perform'])
- {
- echo '<h2>Preview</h2>';
- $i = 0;
- foreach ($queries as $query)
- {
- $i++;
- $query = str_cut_start($query, '@');
- $query = html_once($query);
- $query = query_color($query);
- $query = nl2br($query);
- $query = html_spaces($query);
- printf('<div class="query"><b style="font-size: 10px;">Query %s</b>:<div style="'.$sql_font.' margin-top: 0.35em;">%s</div></div>', $i, $query);
- }
- }
- ?>
- <?php if (!$get['md5']): ?>
- <script>$('sql_area').focus();</script>
- <?php echo $data_html;?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php layout_end(); ?>
- <?php exit; endif; ?>
- <?php if (isset($_GET['viewtable']) && $_GET['viewtable']): ?>
- <?php
- set_time_limit(0);
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- $table = $_GET['viewtable'];
- $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- $count = db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_enq");
- $types = table_types2($table);
- $columns = table_columns($table);
- if (!count($columns)) {
- $columns = array_assoc(array_keys($types));
- }
- $columns2 = $columns;
- foreach ($columns2 as $k => $v) {
- $columns2[$k] = $v.' ('.$types[$k].')';
- }
- $types_group = table_types_group($types);
- $_GET['search'] = get('search');
- $where = '';
- $found = $count;
- if ($_GET['search']) {
- $search = $_GET['search'];
- $cols2 = array();
- if (get('column')) {
- $cols2[] = $_GET['column'];
- } else {
- $cols2 = $columns;
- }
- $where = '';
- $search = db_escape($search);
- $column_type = '';
- if (!get('column')) {
- $column_type = get('column_type');
- } else {
- $_GET['column_type'] = '';
- }
- $ignore_int = false;
- $ignore_time = false;
- foreach ($columns as $col)
- {
- if (!get('column') && $column_type) {
- if ($types[$col] != $column_type) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (!$column_type && !is_numeric($search) && str_has($types[$col], 'int')) {
- $ignore_int = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (!$column_type && is_numeric($search) && str_has($types[$col], 'time')) {
- $ignore_time = true;
- continue;
- }
- if (get('column') && $col != $_GET['column']) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($where) { $where .= ' OR '; }
- if (is_numeric($search)) {
- $where .= "$col = '$search'";
- } else {
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $where .= "$col LIKE '%$search%'";
- } else if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- $where .= "$col ILIKE '%$search%'";
- } else {
- trigger_error('db_driver not implemented');
- }
- }
- }
- if (($ignore_int || $ignore_time) && !$where) {
- $where .= ' 1=2 ';
- }
- $where = 'WHERE '.$where;
- }
- if ($where) {
- $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- $found = db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_enq $where");
- }
- $limit = 50;
- $offset = get('offset','int');
- $page = floor($offset / $limit + 1);
- $pages = ceil($found / $limit);
- $pk = table_pk($table);
- $order = "ORDER BY";
- if (get('order_by')) {
- $order .= ' '.$_GET['order_by'];
- } else {
- if ($pk) {
- if (IsTableAView($table)) {
- $order = '';
- } else {
- $order .= ' '.$pk;
- }
- } else {
- $order = '';
- }
- }
- if (get('order_desc')) { $order .= ' DESC'; }
- $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- $base_query = "SELECT * FROM $table_enq $where $order";
- $rs = db_query(db_limit($base_query, $offset, $limit));
- if ($count && $rs) {
- $rows = array();
- while ($row = db_row($rs)) {
- $rows[] = $row;
- }
- db_free($rs);
- if (count($rows) && !array_col_match_unique($rows, $pk, '#^\d+$#')) {
- $pk = guess_pk($rows);
- }
- }
- function indenthead($str)
- {
- if (is_array($str)) {
- $str2 = '';
- foreach ($str as $k => $v) {
- $str2 .= sprintf('%s: %s'."\r\n", $k, $v);
- }
- $str = $str2;
- }
- $lines = explode("\n", $str);
- $max_len = 0;
- foreach ($lines as $k => $line) {
- $lines[$k] = trim($line);
- if (preg_match('#^[^:]+:#', $line, $match)) {
- if ($max_len < strlen($match[0])) {
- $max_len = strlen($match[0]);
- }
- }
- }
- foreach ($lines as $k => $line) {
- if (preg_match('#^[^:]+:#', $line, $match)) {
- $lines[$k] = str_replace($match[0], $match[0].str_repeat(' ', $max_len - strlen($match[0])), $line);
- }
- }
- return implode("\r\n", $lines);
- }
- if (get('indenthead')) {
- echo '<pre>';
- echo 'Table: '.get('viewtable')."\r\n";
- echo str_repeat('-', 80)."\r\n";
- if (isset($rows)) {
- foreach ($rows as $row) {
- echo indenthead($row);
- echo str_repeat('-', 80)."\r\n";
- }
- }
- echo '</pre>';
- exit;
- }
- ?>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $page_charset;?>">
- <title><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?> > Table: <?php echo $table;?></title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?dbkiss_favicon=1">
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php layout(); ?>
- <h1><a class=blue style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></a> > Table: <?php echo $table;?></h1>
- <?php conn_info(); ?>
- <p>
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>">All tables</a>
- >
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?viewtable=<?php echo $table;?>"><b><?php echo $table;?></b></a> (<?php echo $count;?>)
- /
- Export to CSV:
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode('|');?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">pipe</a>
- -
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode("\t");?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">tab</a>
- -
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode(',');?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">comma</a>
- -
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?export=csv&separator=<?php echo urlencode(';');?>&query=<?php echo base64_encode($base_query); ?>">semicolon</a>
- /
- Functions:
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?viewtable=<?php echo $table;?>&indenthead=1">indenthead()</a>
- </p>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="get" style="margin-bottom: 1em;">
- <input type="hidden" name="viewtable" value="<?php echo $table;?>">
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <td><input type="text" name="search" value="<?php echo html_once(get('search'));?>"></td>
- <td><select name="column"><option value=""></option><?php echo options($columns2, get('column'));?></select></td>
- <td><select name="column_type"><option value=""></option><?php echo options($types_group, get('column_type'));?></select></td>
- <td><input type="submit" value="Search"></td>
- <td>
- order by:
- <select name="order_by"><option value=""></option><?php echo options($columns, get('order_by'));?></select>
- <input type="checkbox" name="order_desc" id="order_desc" value="1" <?php echo checked(get('order_desc'));?>>
- <label for="order_desc">desc</label>
- </td>
- <td>
- <input type="checkbox" name="full_content" id="full_content" <?php echo checked(get('full_content'));?>>
- <label for="full_content">full content</label>
- </td>
- <td>
- <input type="checkbox" name="nl2br" id="nl2br" <?php echo checked(get('nl2br'));?>>
- <label for="nl2br">nl2br</label>
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php if ($count): ?>
- <?php if ($count && $count != $found): ?>
- <p>Found: <b><?php echo $found;?></b></p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($found): ?>
- <?php if ($pages > 1): ?>
- <p>
- <?php if ($page > 1): ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url_offset(($page-1)*$limit-$limit);?>"><< Prev</a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- Page <b><?php echo $page;?></b> of <b><?php echo $pages;?></b>
- <?php if ($pages > $page): ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url_offset($page*$limit);?>">Next >></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <script>
- function mark_row(tr)
- {
- var els = tr.getElementsByTagName('td');
- if (tr.marked) {
- for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
- els[i].style.backgroundColor = '';
- }
- tr.marked = false;
- } else {
- tr.marked = true;
- for (var i = 0; i < els.length; i++) {
- els[i].style.backgroundColor = '#ddd';
- }
- }
- }
- </script>
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <?php if ($pk): ?><th>#</th><?php endif; ?>
- <?php foreach ($columns as $col): ?>
- <?php
- $params = array('order_by'=>$col);
- $params['order_desc'] = 0;
- if (get('order_by') == $col) {
- $params['order_desc'] = get('order_desc') ? 0 : 1;
- }
- ?>
- <th><a style="color: #000;" href="<?php echo url(self(), $params);?>"><?php echo $col;?></a></th>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php
- $get_full_content = get('full_content');
- $get_nl2br = get('nl2br');
- $get_search = get('search');
- ?>
- <?php
- $edit_url_tpl = url(self(true), array('action'=>'editrow', 'table'=>$table, 'pk'=>$pk, 'id'=>'%s'));
- ?>
- <?php foreach ($rows as $row): ?>
- <tr ondblclick="mark_row(this)">
- <?php if ($pk): ?>
- <?php $edit_url = sprintf($edit_url_tpl, $row[$pk]); ?>
- <td><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="popup('<?php echo $edit_url;?>', 620, 500)">Edit</a> </td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php foreach ($row as $k => $v): ?>
- <?php
- $v = strip_tags($v);
- $v = create_links($v);
- if (!$get_full_content) {
- $v = truncate_html($v, 50);
- }
- //$v = html_once($v);
- //$v = htmlspecialchars($v); -- create_links() disabling
- $nl2br = $get_nl2br;
- if ($get_full_content) {
- $v = str_wrap($v, 80, '<br>', true);
- }
- if ($get_nl2br) {
- $v = nl2br($v);
- }
- //$v = stripslashes(stripslashes($v));
- if ($get_search) {
- $search = $_GET['search'];
- $search_quote = preg_quote($search);
- $v = preg_replace('#('.$search_quote.')#i', '<span style="background: yellow;">$1</span>', $v);
- }
- if ($types[$k] == 'int' && (preg_match('#time#i', $k) || preg_match('#date#i', $k))
- && preg_match('#^\d+$#', $v))
- {
- $tmp = @date('Y-m-d H:i', $v);
- if ($tmp) {
- $v = $tmp;
- }
- }
- ?>
- <td onclick="mark_col(this)" <?php echo $nl2br?'valign="top"':'';?> nowrap><?php echo is_null($row[$k])?'-':$v;?></td>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </table>
- <?php if ($pages > 1): ?>
- <p>
- <?php if ($page > 1): ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url_offset(($page-1)*$limit-$limit);?>"><< Prev</a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- Page <b><?php echo $page;?></b> of <b><?php echo $pages;?></b>
- <?php if ($pages > $page): ?>
- <a href="<?php echo url_offset($page*$limit);?>">Next >></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php powered_by(); ?>
- </body>
- </html>
- <?php exit; endif; ?>
- <?php if (get('searchdb')): ?>
- <?php
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- $get = get(array(
- 'types' => 'array',
- 'search' => 'string',
- 'md5' => 'bool',
- 'table_filter' => 'string'
- ));
- $get['search'] = trim($get['search']);
- $tables = list_tables();
- if ($get['table_filter']) {
- foreach ($tables as $k => $table) {
- if (!str_has_any($table, $get['table_filter'], $ignore_case = true)) {
- unset($tables[$k]);
- }
- }
- }
- $all_types = array();
- $columns = array();
- foreach ($tables as $table) {
- $types = table_types2($table);
- $columns[$table] = $types;
- $types = array_values($types);
- $all_types = array_merge($all_types, $types);
- }
- $all_types = array_unique($all_types);
- if ($get['search'] && $get['md5']) {
- $get['search'] = md5($get['search']);
- }
- ?>
- <?php layout_start(sprintf('%s > Search', $db_name)); ?>
- <h1><a class=blue style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></a> > Search</h1>
- <?php conn_info(); ?>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="get">
- <input type="hidden" name="searchdb" value="1">
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <th>Search:</th>
- <td>
- <input type="text" name="search" value="<?php echo html_once($get['search']);?>" size="40">
- <?php if ($get['search'] && $get['md5']): ?>
- md5(<?php echo html_once(get('search'));?>)
- <?php endif; ?>
- <input type="checkbox" name="md5" id="md5_label" value="1">
- <label for="md5_label">md5</label>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Table filter:</th>
- <td><input type="text" name="table_filter" value="<?php echo html_once($get['table_filter']);?>">
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <th>Columns:</th>
- <td>
- <?php foreach ($all_types as $type): ?>
- <input type="checkbox" id="type_<?php echo $type;?>" name="types[<?php echo $type;?>]" value="1" <?php echo checked(isset($get['types'][$type]));?>>
- <label for="type_<?php echo $type;?>"><?php echo $type;?></label>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <tr>
- <td colspan="2" class="none">
- <input type="submit" value="Search">
- </td>
- </tr>
- </table>
- </form>
- <?php if ($get['search'] && !count($get['types'])): ?>
- <p>No columns selected.</p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php if ($get['search'] && count($get['types'])): ?>
- <p>Searching <b><?php echo count($tables);?></b> tables for: <b><?php echo html_once($get['search']);?></b></p>
- <?php $found_any = false; ?>
- <?php set_time_limit(0); ?>
- <?php foreach ($tables as $table): ?>
- <?php
- $where = '';
- $cols2 = array();
- $where = '';
- $search = db_escape($get['search']);
- foreach ($columns[$table] as $col => $type)
- {
- if (!in_array($type, array_keys($get['types']))) {
- continue;
- }
- if ($where) {
- $where .= ' OR ';
- }
- if (is_numeric($search)) {
- $where .= "$col = '$search'";
- } else {
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- $where .= "$col LIKE '%$search%'";
- } else if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- $where .= "$col ILIKE '%$search%'";
- } else {
- trigger_error('db_driver not implemented');
- }
- }
- }
- $found = false;
- if ($where) {
- $where = 'WHERE '.$where;
- $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- $found = db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_enq $where");
- }
- if ($found) {
- $found_any = true;
- }
- ?>
- <?php
- if ($where && $found) {
- $limit = 10;
- $offset = 0;
- $pk = table_pk($table);
- $order = "ORDER BY $pk";
- $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- $rs = db_query(db_limit("SELECT * FROM $table_enq $where $order", $offset, $limit));
- $rows = array();
- while ($row = db_row($rs)) {
- $rows[] = $row;
- }
- db_free($rs);
- if (count($rows) && !array_col_match_unique($rows, $pk, '#^\d+$#')) {
- $pk = guess_pk($rows);
- }
- }
- ?>
- <?php if ($where && $found): ?>
- <p>
- Table: <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?viewtable=<?php echo $table;?>&search=<?php echo urlencode($get['search']);?>"><b><?php echo $table;?></b></a><br>
- Found: <b><?php echo $found;?></b>
- <?php if ($found > $limit): ?>
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?viewtable=<?php echo $table;?>&search=<?php echo urlencode($get['search']);?>">show all >></a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <?php if ($pk): ?><th>#</th><?php endif; ?>
- <?php foreach ($columns[$table] as $col => $type): ?>
- <th><?php echo $col;?></th>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php foreach ($rows as $row): ?>
- <tr>
- <?php if ($pk): ?>
- <?php $edit_url = url(self(true), array('action'=>'editrow', 'table'=>$table, 'pk'=>$pk, 'id'=>$row[$pk])); ?>
- <td><a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="popup('<?php echo $edit_url;?>', 620, 500)">Edit</a> </td>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php foreach ($row as $k => $v): ?>
- <?php
- $v = str_truncate($v, 50);
- $v = html_once($v);
- //$v = stripslashes(stripslashes($v));
- $search = $get['search'];
- $search_quote = preg_quote($search);
- if ($columns[$table][$k] == 'int' && (preg_match('#time#i', $k) || preg_match('#date#i', $k)) && preg_match('#^\d+$#', $v)) {
- $tmp = @date('Y-m-d H:i', $v);
- if ($tmp) {
- $v = $tmp;
- }
- }
- $v = preg_replace('#('.$search_quote.')#i', '<span style="background: yellow;">$1</span>', $v);
- ?>
- <td nowrap><?php echo $v;?></td>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </tr>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </table>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- <?php if (!$found_any): ?>
- <p>No rows found.</p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <?php layout_end(); ?>
- <?php exit; endif; ?>
- <?php
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- // ----------------------------------------------------------------
- $get = get(array('table_filter'=>'string'));
- ?>
- <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "">
- <html>
- <head>
- <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=<?php echo $page_charset;?>">
- <title><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></title>
- <link rel="shortcut icon" href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?dbkiss_favicon=1">
- </head>
- <body>
- <?php layout(); ?>
- <h1 style="<?php echo $db_name_style;?>"><?php echo $db_name_h1?$db_name_h1:$db_name;?></h1>
- <?php conn_info(); ?>
- <?php $tables = list_tables(); ?>
- <?php $status = table_status(); ?>
- <?php $views = list_tables(true); ?>
- <p>
- Tables: <b><?php echo count($tables);?></b>
- -
- Total size: <b><?php echo number_format(ceil($status['total_size']/1024),0,'',',').' KB';?></b>
- -
- Views: <b><?php echo count($views);?></b>
- -
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?searchdb=1&table_filter=<?php echo html_once($get['table_filter']);?>">Search</a>
- -
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?import=1">Import</a>
- -
- Export all:
- <?php if ('pgsql' == $db_driver): ?>
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?dump_all=2&table_filter=<?php echo urlencode(html_once($get['table_filter']));?>">Data only</a>
- <?php else: ?>
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?dump_all=1&table_filter=<?php echo urlencode(html_once($get['table_filter']));?>">Structure</a> ,
- <a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?dump_all=2&table_filter=<?php echo urlencode(html_once($get['table_filter']));?>">Data & structure</a>
- <?php endif; ?>
- </p>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" method="get" name=table_filter_form style="margin-bottom: 0.5em;">
- <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"><tr>
- <td style="padding-right: 3px;">Table or View:</td>
- <td style="padding-right: 3px;"><input type="text" name="table_filter" id=table_filter value="<?php echo html_once($get['table_filter']);?>"></td>
- <td style="padding-right: 3px;"><input type="submit" class="button" wait="1" value="Filter"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="alert('You just start typing on the page and the Input will be focused automatically. ALT+R will Reset the Input and submit the form.')">[?]</a></td>
- </tr></table>
- </form>
- <script>
- function table_filter_keydown(e)
- {
- if (!e) { e = window.event; }
- if (e.keyCode == 27 || e.keyCode == 33 || e.keyCode == 34 || e.keyCode == 38 || e.keyCode == 40) {
- document.getElementById('table_filter').blur();
- return;
- }
- // alt + r - reset filter input
- if (e.keyCode == 82 && e.altKey) {
- document.getElementById('table_filter').value = "";
- document.forms["table_filter_form"].submit();
- return;
- }
- // 0-9
- if (e.keyCode >= 48 && e.keyCode <= 57 && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey) {
- document.getElementById('table_filter').focus();
- }
- // a-z
- if (e.keyCode >= 65 && e.keyCode <= 90 && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey && !e.metaKey) {
- document.getElementById('table_filter').focus();
- }
- }
- document.onkeydown = table_filter_keydown;
- </script>
- <div style="float: left;">
- <?php
- $tables = table_filter($tables, $get['table_filter']);
- ?>
- <?php if ($get['table_filter']): ?>
- <p>Tables found: <b><?php echo count($tables);?></b></p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <th>Table</th>
- <th>Count</th>
- <th>Size</th>
- <th>Options</th>
- </tr>
- <?php foreach ($tables as $table): ?>
- <tr>
- <td><a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?viewtable=<?php echo $table;?>"><?php echo $table;?></a></td>
- <?php
- if ('mysqli' == $db_driver) {
- // $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- // $count = db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_enq");
- $count = $status[$table]['count'];
- }
- if ('pgsql' == $db_driver) {
- $count = $status[$table]['count'];
- if (!$count) {
- $table_enq = quote_table($table);
- $count = db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table_enq");
- }
- }
- ?>
- <td align="right"><?php echo number_format($count,0,'',',');?></td>
- <td align="right"><?php echo number_format(ceil($status[$table]['size']/1024),0,'',',').' KB';?></td>
- <td>
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?dump_table=<?php echo $table;?>">Export</a>
- -
- <?php $table_enq = quote_table($table); ?>
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" name="drop_<?php echo $table;?>" method="post" style="display: inline;"><input type="hidden" name="drop_table" value="<?php echo $table;?>"></form>
- <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if (confirm('DROP TABLE <?php echo $table;?> ?')) document.forms['drop_<?php echo $table;?>'].submit();">Drop</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </table>
- <?php unset($table); ?>
- </div>
- <?php if (views_supported() && count($views)): ?>
- <div style="float: left; margin-left: 2em;">
- <?php
- $views = table_filter($views, $get['table_filter']);
- ?>
- <?php if ($get['table_filter']): ?>
- <p>Views found: <b><?php echo count($views);?></b></p>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <table class="ls" cellspacing="1">
- <tr>
- <th>View</th>
- <th><a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?table_filter=<?php echo urlencode($get['table_filter']);?>&views_count=<?php echo (isset($_GET['views_count']) && $_GET['views_count']) ? 0 : 1; ?>" style="color: #000; text-decoration: underline;" title="Click to enable/disable counting in Views">Count</a></th>
- <th>Options</th>
- </tr>
- <?php foreach ($views as $view): ?>
- <?php $view_enq = quote_table($view); ?>
- <tr>
- <td><a class=blue href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?viewtable=<?php echo $view;?>"><?php echo $view;?></a></td>
- <?php
- if (isset($_GET['views_count']) && $_GET['views_count']) {
- $count = db_one("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $view_enq");
- } else {
- $count = null;
- }
- ?>
- <td align=right><?php echo isset($count) ? $count : '-'; ?></td>
- <td>
- <a href="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>?dump_table=<?php echo $view;?>">Export</a>
- -
- <form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];?>" name="drop_<?php echo $view;?>" method="post" style="display: inline;">
- <input type="hidden" name="drop_view" value="<?php echo $view;?>"></form>
- <a href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="if (confirm('DROP VIEW <?php echo $view;?> ?')) document.forms['drop_<?php echo $view;?>'].submit();">Drop</a>
- </td>
- </tr>
- <?php endforeach; ?>
- </table>
- </div>
- <?php endif; ?>
- <div style="clear: both;"></div>
- <?php powered_by(); ?>
- </body>
- </html>
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