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Feb 19th, 2017
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  1. # +----------------------SuperHub----------------------+
  2. # S Here is where you configure all the custom H
  3. # S join items that i have created for this plugin H
  4. # S For FunMenu Permissions, set the permission H
  5. # S to two 'char' symbols like so '' to bypass them H
  6. # S -------------------------------------------------- H
  7. # S For all the guns, use left click to switch modes H
  8. # S For all the gadgets, crouch to activate H
  9. # +----------------------SuperHub----------------------+
  11. # 1=Enabled Items regiven on /sh items reload
  12. GiveNewItemsOnItemReload: 1
  14. # 0=add to inv(ignores slot) 1=set in defined slot
  15. ItemsAddToOrSetInInventory: 1
  17. # 1=Replace slot with the item, 0=ignore if item there
  18. ForceSetItemInInv: 1
  20. # 1=Remove active disguise on server quit
  21. RemoveDisguiseOnQuit: 1
  23. # 1=Players Join with stacker on
  24. StackerAutoOn: 1
  26. # 1=After quit, players will rejoin with stacking off
  27. TurnStackerOffOnQuit: 1
  29. # 1=Broadcast in world when playing stacker
  30. AnnounceStackerStatus: 1
  32. # Shot items get despawned by lightning!
  33. GunEntityDespawnEffect: 1
  35. # 1=Spawn animals even if they are disabled
  36. ForceSpawnMobGun: 1
  38. # Bats Move players around in a whirlwind
  39. MobGunBatEffect: 1
  41. # Players hit with paintgun get colored armor
  42. PaintGunPaintsPlayers: 1
  44. # Sheep will get painted wool if hit by the Paint Gun!
  45. PaintGunPaintsSheep: 1
  47. # 1=If you ''die brawling'' your PVP sword is removed
  48. LosePvpSwordIfDiePvping: 1
  50. # 0=Regive sword on rejoin/respawn and /sh items give
  51. PvpSwordLossPermanent: 0
  53. # 0=Die 1=Tp to MainHub 2=Tp to Join pos 3=Tp to custom xyz
  54. BrawlerPvpingDeathEvent: 2
  56. # Fun Menu contains gadgets+particles
  57. FunMenu:
  58. Title: '&d&lGadgets'
  59. Name: '&d&lGadgets'
  60. Lore: '&7Use The Gadgets!'
  61. InvSlot: 8
  62. Item: CHEST
  63. Cooldown: 3
  64. Gadgets:
  65. Title: '&d&lGadgets'
  66. Name: '&d&lGadgets'
  67. Lore: '&7Use The Gadgets!'
  68. WarpCore:
  69. Name: '&a&lWarp Core'
  70. Lore: '&5Toggle Warp Core!'
  71. Permission: shub.warpcore
  72. Distance: 100
  73. JumpDrive:
  74. Name: '&a&lJump Drive'
  75. Lore: '&5Toggle Jump Drive!'
  76. Permission: shub.jumpdrive
  77. Force: 10
  78. PropulsionEngine:
  79. Name: '&a&lPropulsion Engine'
  80. Lore: '&5Screw Gravity!'
  81. Permission: shub.propulsionengine
  82. PaintGun:
  83. Name: '&a&lPaint Gun'
  84. Lore: '&5Paint the World!'
  85. Item: GOLD_BARDING
  86. Permission: shub.paintgun
  87. InvMove: 1
  88. Cooldown: 0
  89. BlockExclude:
  90. - 37
  91. - 39
  92. - 40
  93. - 31
  94. - 175
  95. - 389
  96. - 323
  97. - 72
  98. - 148
  99. - 98
  100. - 330
  101. - 324
  102. - 70
  103. - 54
  104. - 130
  105. - 146
  106. - 61
  107. - 147
  108. - 50
  109. MobGun:
  110. Name: '&a&lMob Gun'
  111. Lore: '&5Fire Mob!'
  113. Cooldown: 5
  114. Permission: shub.mobgun
  115. ItemGun:
  116. Name: '&a&lItem Gun'
  117. Lore: '&5Item Cannon 1.0!'
  118. Item: IRON_BARDING
  119. Cooldown: 10
  120. Permission: shub.itemgun
  121. Item: CHEST
  122. Special:
  123. Title: '&d&lAbilities'
  124. Name: '&d&lAbilities'
  125. Lore: '&7Use Custom Abilities!'
  126. Item: NETHER_STAR
  127. PlayerHider:
  128. Name: '&a&lPlayer Hider'
  129. Item: TORCH
  130. Lore: '&5Hide Players'
  131. Permission: shub.user
  132. Stacker:
  133. Name: '&a&lPlayer Stacker'
  134. Item: MAGMA_CREAM
  135. Lore: '&5Stack Players'
  136. Permission: shub.user
  137. Menu:
  138. Name: '&a&lNavigation Menu'
  139. Item: COMPASS
  140. Lore: '&5Navigate through space and time'
  141. Permission: shub.user
  142. Particles:
  143. Title: '&d&lPartlicles'
  144. Name: '&d&lParticles'
  145. Lore: '&7Have Some Particles!'
  146. Item: FIREWORK
  147. ParticleHat:
  148. Name: '&a&lParticle Hat'
  149. Lore: '&5Silly Hat'
  150. Permission: shub.particlehat
  151. Necro:
  152. Name: '&a&lNecromancer'
  153. Lore: '&5Unleash the darkness'
  154. Permission: shub.necromancer
  155. AdminsCloud:
  156. Name: '&a&lAdmins Cloud'
  157. Lore: '&5Fly on the cloud'
  158. Permission: shub.adminscloud
  159. RainCloud:
  160. Name: '&a&lRain Cloud'
  161. Lore: '&5Rain On Me'
  162. Permission: shub.raincloud
  163. FireCloud:
  164. Name: '&a&lFire Cloud'
  165. Lore: '&5Flame On Me'
  166. Permission: shub.firecloud
  167. Pets:
  168. Title: '&d&lPets'
  169. Name: '&d&lPets'
  170. Lore: '&7Have A Pet!'
  171. Item: BONE
  172. Wolf:
  173. Name: '&a&lPet Wolf'
  174. Lore: '&5Mans best companion'
  175. Permission: shub.petwolf
  176. Enderman:
  177. Name: '&a&lPet Enderman'
  178. Lore: '&5Dont look in its eyes'
  179. Permission: shub.petenderman
  180. Zombie:
  181. Name: '&a&lPet Zombie'
  182. Lore: '&5Brains'
  183. Permission: shub.petzombie
  184. Spider:
  185. Name: '&a&lPet Spider'
  186. Lore: '&5Its hairy and mean'
  187. Permission: shub.petspider
  188. Chicken:
  189. Name: '&a&lPet Chicken'
  190. Lore: '&5Cock-a-doodle-do'
  191. Permission: shub.petchicken
  192. Skeleton:
  193. Name: '&a&lPet Skeleton'
  194. Lore: '&5Its a skelly'
  195. Permission: shub.petskeleton
  196. Ghast:
  197. Name: '&a&lPet Ghast'
  198. Lore: '&5Screeech'
  199. Permission: shub.petghast
  200. Creeper:
  201. Name: '&a&lPet Creeper'
  202. Lore: '&5To DIE for'
  203. Permission: shub.petcreeper
  204. MooshroomCow:
  205. Name: '&a&lPet MooshroomCow'
  206. Lore: '&5Moo?'
  207. Permission: shub.petmooshroomcow
  208. Blaze:
  209. Name: '&a&lPet Blaze'
  210. Lore: '&5Hes on fire!'
  211. Permission: shub.petblaze
  212. Wither:
  213. Name: '&a&lPet Wither'
  214. Lore: '&5Scary Mob Boss!'
  215. Permission: shub.petwither
  216. Giant:
  217. Name: '&a&lPet Giant'
  218. Lore: '&5Bigger than life'
  219. Permission: shub.petgiant
  220. Horse:
  221. Name: '&a&lPet Horse'
  222. Lore: '&5Its a pony'
  223. Permission: shub.pethorse
  224. EnderDragon:
  225. Name: '&a&lPet EnderDragon'
  226. Lore: '&5Fly like an eagl...dragon!'
  227. Permission: shub.petenderdragon
  228. Trails:
  229. Title: '&d&lTrails'
  230. Name: '&d&lTrails'
  231. Lore: '&7Apply A Trail!'
  232. Item: 377
  233. Love:
  234. Name: '&a&lHearts'
  235. Lore: '&5Love is in the air'
  236. Permission: shub.lovetrail
  237. Spark:
  238. Name: '&a&lSparks'
  239. Lore: '&5Spark it up'
  240. Item: FIREWORK
  241. Permission: shub.sparktrail
  242. Flame:
  243. Name: '&a&lFlames'
  244. Lore: '&5Flame on'
  245. Permission: shub.flametrail
  246. Magic:
  247. Name: '&a&lMagics'
  248. Lore: '&5Its Magical'
  249. Permission: shub.magictrail
  250. Cloud:
  251. Name: '&a&lClouds'
  252. Lore: '&5Woosh!'
  253. Permission: shub.cloudtrail
  254. Note:
  255. Name: '&a&lNotes'
  256. Lore: '&5Live Music'
  257. Permission: shub.notetrail
  258. Red:
  259. Name: '&a&lRedstone'
  260. Lore: '&5Power the Hub'
  261. Permission: shub.redstonetrail
  262. WitchMagic:
  263. Name: '&a&lWitchMagic'
  264. Lore: '&5Beware the magic'
  265. Permission: shub.withcmagictrail
  266. Aura:
  267. Name: '&a&lAura'
  268. Lore: '&5Its secretive'
  269. Permission: shub.auratrail
  270. Critical:
  271. Name: '&a&lCritical'
  272. Lore: '&5Constant pvp action!'
  273. Permission: shub.criticaltrail
  274. Barrier:
  275. Name: '&a&lBarrier'
  276. Lore: '&5None shall pass'
  277. Permission: shub.barriertrail
  278. Splash:
  279. Name: '&a&lSplash'
  280. Lore: '&5Spring break kind of fun'
  281. Permission: shub.splashtrail
  282. Explode:
  283. Name: '&a&lExplosion'
  284. Lore: '&5Esplosionz'
  285. Permission: shub.explodetrail
  286. AngryVillager:
  287. Name: '&a&lAngryVillager'
  288. Lore: '&5Angryness'
  289. Permission: shub.angryvillagertrail
  290. HappyVillager:
  291. Name: '&a&lHappyVillager'
  292. Lore: '&5Opposite of Angry Villager trail'
  293. Permission: shub.happyvillagertrail
  294. Smoke:
  295. Name: '&a&lSmoke'
  296. Lore: '&5Smoke Monster Reloaded'
  297. Permission: shub.smoketrail
  298. Lava:
  299. Name: '&a&lLava'
  300. Lore: '&5Powerful trail'
  301. Permission: shub.lavatrail
  302. MagicCritical:
  303. Name: '&a&lMagicCritical'
  304. Lore: '&5Critical plus 1'
  305. Permission: shub.magiccriticaltrail
  306. Spell:
  307. Name: '&a&lSpell'
  308. Lore: '&5Alakazam'
  309. Permission: shub.spelltrail
  310. Portal:
  311. Name: '&a&lPortal'
  312. Lore: '&5Portal 2'
  313. Permission: shub.portaltrail
  314. Slime:
  315. Name: '&a&lSlime'
  316. Lore: '&5Bleh'
  317. Permission: shub.slimetrail
  318. Disguises:
  319. Title: '&d&lDisguises'
  320. Name: '&d&lDisguises'
  321. Lore: '&7Disguise Yourself!'
  322. Item: 397:3
  323. Wolf:
  324. Name: '&a&lWolf Disguise'
  325. Lore: '&5Chase some tail'
  326. Permission: shub.disguisewolf
  327. Enderman:
  328. Name: '&a&lEnderman Disguise'
  329. Lore: '&5No comment'
  330. Permission: shub.disguiseenderman
  331. Zombie:
  332. Name: '&a&lZombie Disguise'
  333. Lore: '&5Eat some Brains'
  334. Permission: shub.disguisezombie
  335. Spider:
  336. Name: '&a&lSpider Disguise'
  337. Lore: '&5Be hairy and mean'
  338. Permission: shub.disguisespider
  339. Chicken:
  340. Name: '&a&lChicken Disguise'
  341. Lore: '&5Rise and shine in the Hub'
  342. Permission: shub.disguisechicken
  343. Skeleton:
  344. Name: '&a&lSkeleton Disguise'
  345. Lore: '&5Ultimate Bones'
  346. Permission: shub.disguiseskeleton
  347. Ghast:
  348. Name: '&a&lGhast Disguise'
  349. Lore: '&5No one will like you'
  350. Permission: shub.disguiseghast
  351. Creeper:
  352. Name: '&a&lCreeper Disguise'
  353. Lore: '&5/kill'
  354. Permission: shub.disguisecreeper
  355. Blaze:
  356. Name: '&a&lBlaze Disguise'
  357. Lore: '&5You''re on fire!'
  358. Permission: shub.disguiseblaze
  359. Giant:
  360. Name: '&a&lGiant Disguise'
  361. Lore: '&5Be bigger than life'
  362. Permission: shub.disguisegiant
  363. Horse:
  364. Name: '&a&lHorse Disguise'
  365. Lore: '&5My Little Pony'
  366. Permission: shub.disguisehorse
  367. Ender_Dragon:
  368. Name: '&a&lEnderDragon Disguise'
  369. Lore: '&5Aka El Jefe!'
  370. Permission: shub.disguiseenderdragon
  371. Wither_Boss:
  372. Name: '&a&lWither Disguise'
  373. Lore: '&5Scary Mob Boss!'
  374. Permission: shub.disguisewither
  375. Mooshroom:
  376. Name: '&a&lMooshroom Disguise'
  377. Lore: '&5Moo?'
  378. Permission: shub.disguisemooshroom
  379. Sheep:
  380. Name: '&a&lSheep Disguise'
  381. Lore: '&5Scary Fluff ball!'
  382. Permission: shub.disguisesheep
  383. Iron_Golem:
  384. Name: '&a&lIronGolem Disguise'
  385. Lore: '&5Do you even lift bro?!'
  386. Permission: shub.disguiseirongolem
  387. Pig:
  388. Name: '&a&lPig Disguise'
  389. Lore: '&5Baconnnn'
  390. Permission: shub.disguisepig
  391. Bat:
  392. Name: '&a&lBat Disguise'
  393. Lore: '&5Zoobat''s distant cousin'
  394. Permission: shub.disguisebat
  395. Villager:
  396. Name: '&a&lVillager Disguise'
  397. Lore: '&5Are you jewish? Jk'
  398. Permission: shub.disguisevillager
  399. Snowman:
  400. Name: '&a&lSnowman Disguise'
  401. Lore: '&5Stay frosty my friends'
  402. Permission: shub.disguisesnowman
  403. Slime:
  404. Name: '&a&lSlime Disguise'
  405. Lore: '&5Flop like a fish'
  406. Permission: shub.disguiseslime
  408. # CustomMenu is the warp/command menu. Size can be
  409. # 9,18,27,36,45,54. If other size, SuperHub corrects it
  410. NavigationMenu:
  411. Size: 18
  412. Title: '&6&lSuper &8Navigation'
  413. CustomItemsCooldown: 5
  414. Hub:
  415. Name: '&aHub'
  416. Lore: '&eTake me to the HUB'
  417. InvSlot: 0
  418. Item: BEACON
  419. Games:
  420. Name: '&aGames'
  421. Lore: '&eTake me to Games'
  422. InvSlot: 1
  423. Item: GOLD_SWORD
  424. Lobby:
  425. Name: '&aLobby'
  426. Lore: '&eTake me to the Lobby'
  427. InvSlot: 2
  428. Item: NOTE_BLOCK
  429. Shop:
  430. Name: '&aShop'
  431. Lore: '&eTake me to the Shop'
  432. InvSlot: 3
  433. Item: IRON_INGOT
  434. Market:
  435. Name: '&aMarket'
  436. Lore: '&eTake me to the Market'
  437. InvSlot: 4
  438. Item: ANVIL
  439. Staff:
  440. Enabled: 0
  441. Name: '&aStaff'
  442. InvSlot: 16
  443. Lore: '&eServer Staff'
  444. Item: DRAGON_EGG
  445. Help:
  446. Enabled: 0
  447. Name: '&aHelp'
  448. InvSlot: 17
  449. Lore: '&eImportant Information'
  450. Item: NETHER_STAR
  451. Messages:
  452. - '&7-------------------[ &d&lServer Info&7 ]------------------'
  453. - '&b'
  454. - '&eDont Forget to Vote!'
  455. CustomItem:
  456. '1':
  457. Enabled: 1
  458. Name: '&aHubber'
  459. Permission: shub.user
  460. InvSlot: 13
  461. Lore: '&eConsole Hubs me!'
  462. Item: ENDER_PEARL
  463. PlayerOrConsoleCommand: 1
  464. PlayerCommand: /hub
  465. ConsoleCommand: hubone %player%
  466. '2':
  467. Enabled: 1
  468. Name: '&aVoter'
  469. Permission: shub.user
  470. InvSlot: 14
  471. Lore: '&eHello %player%, you will /vote'
  472. Item: CHEST
  473. PlayerOrConsoleCommand: 0
  474. PlayerCommand: /vote
  475. ConsoleCommand: hubone %player%
  476. '3':
  477. Enabled: 1
  478. Name: '&aTeleporter'
  479. Permission: shub.user
  480. InvSlot: 15
  481. Lore: '&eI am TP''d to pos 0,70,0 in &6%world%'
  482. Item: DIAMOND
  483. PlayerOrConsoleCommand: 1
  484. PlayerCommand: /superhub
  485. ConsoleCommand: sh tp %player% %world% 0 70 0
  487. # Pop Players in the air with the Bow Popper
  488. BowPopper:
  489. Name: '&d&lPlayer Launcher'
  490. Lore: '&7Launch Players'
  491. InvSlot: 0
  492. CanPopSelf: 0
  493. Cooldown: 2
  494. Force: 2.0
  496. # Ops can be kicked if FunForOPs=1
  497. Kicker:
  498. Item: BLAZE_ROD
  499. Name: '&b&lSuper &7Kicker'
  500. Lore: '&aSwitch to me to enter KICK Mode!'
  501. InvSlot: 1
  502. Cooldown: 3
  503. RespawnProtection: 5
  504. KickMessage: '&4You were kicked by &b%player%&4''s KickStick'
  506. # Bypass Pvp! Configure Death Event.
  507. # Really only works if pvp is disabled
  508. Brawler:
  509. Item: DIAMOND_SWORD
  510. Name: '&dPvP Mode'
  511. Lore: '&7Toggle PvP Mode!'
  512. InvSlot: 2
  514. # Server info book. Configurable per world
  515. InfoBook:
  516. InvSlot: 6
  517. world:
  518. CustomMenu:
  519. Enabled: 1
  520. Drop: 0
  521. Pickup: 0
  522. InvMove: 0
  523. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  524. GadgetGuns:
  525. InvMove: 0
  526. FunMenu:
  527. Enabled: 1
  528. Drop: 0
  529. Pickup: 0
  530. InvMove: 0
  531. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  532. BowPopper:
  533. Enabled: 1
  534. Drop: 0
  535. Pickup: 0
  536. InvMove: 0
  537. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  538. Kicker:
  539. Enabled: 0
  540. Drop: 0
  541. Pickup: 0
  542. InvMove: 0
  543. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  544. Brawler:
  545. Enabled: 1
  546. Drop: 0
  547. Pickup: 0
  548. InvMove: 0
  549. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  550. InfoBook:
  551. Enabled: 1
  552. UpdateBookOnJoin: 1
  553. Title: '&d&lServer Information'
  554. Author: '&bLolly&dNetwork'
  555. Pages: 1
  556. Page1: '&bHello &d%player%, &bThank You For Checking Out The Server! To Start
  557. Playing, Right Click The &dCompass &bTo Navigate Around All Of Our Servers.
  558. &c&lNOTE: &bWe Are A Growing Server, More Servers Will Be Coming Soon!'
  559. Lore: '&bREADME'
  560. Drop: 0
  561. Pickup: 0
  562. InvMove: 0
  563. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  564. TheHub:
  565. CustomMenu:
  566. Enabled: 1
  567. Drop: 0
  568. Pickup: 0
  569. InvMove: 0
  570. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  571. GadgetGuns:
  572. InvMove: 0
  573. FunMenu:
  574. Enabled: 1
  575. Drop: 0
  576. Pickup: 0
  577. InvMove: 0
  578. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  579. BowPopper:
  580. Enabled: 1
  581. Drop: 0
  582. Pickup: 0
  583. InvMove: 0
  584. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  585. Kicker:
  586. Enabled: 0
  587. Drop: 0
  588. Pickup: 0
  589. InvMove: 0
  590. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  591. Brawler:
  592. Enabled: 1
  593. Drop: 0
  594. Pickup: 0
  595. InvMove: 0
  596. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  597. InfoBook:
  598. Enabled: 1
  599. UpdateBookOnJoin: 1
  600. Title: '&d&lServer Information'
  601. Author: '&bLolly&dNetwork'
  602. Pages: 1
  603. Page1: '&bHello &d%player%, &bThank You For Checking Out The Server! To Start
  604. Playing, Right Click The &dCompass &bTo Navigate Around All Of Our Servers.
  605. &c&lNOTE: &bWe Are A Growing Server, More Servers Will Be Coming Soon!'
  606. Lore: '&bPlease Read! &dThanks.'
  607. Drop: 0
  608. Pickup: 0
  609. InvMove: 0
  610. GiveOnRespawn: 1
  611. KICKER:
  612. Kicks:
  613. LollyYT: 1
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