
The Break Up

Feb 4th, 2014
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  1. HoodedVigilante has joined the chat
  2. HoodedVigilante: -Chris sat in his music studio, he was on the couch fumbling with a pen, he had been dressed fancy, he had some business he needed to attend today, he was waiting for steph, he knew what it was about and he was prepared and wasnt going to back down
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Steph walked up to the studio, moving through the parking lot and seeing Chris' truck out front. She took a deep breath, pulling open the door and stepping inside, moving around the equipment to see him seated on the couch. She folded her slender arms over her chest, staring at him and not saying a word.-
  4. HoodedVigilante: -he looked up at her- you wanna talk. say something
  5. Alexithymiaa: -Her face remained still, only her lips moving as she spoke calmly. "I strongly advise that you say something."-
  6. HoodedVigilante: I dont wanna fucking say shit. Sorry? there i said that, what else more do you fucking want- he stood up walking torward her- want me to bend down and kiss your feet like ive been doing since weve been dating? ive been your little bitch and you have the nerve to say weve been on my terms? your stupid for that.if it were my terms maybe youd quit acting like a bitch all the time. I was drunk at cadences and she was pushing me around. im tired of people doing that,. i have anger problems to, you know that, i got drunk and angry and lashed out, and then she fought back, so i ended it. kay? now shut the fuck up and get out. stay away from me. people are going to want you to anyway
  7. Alexithymiaa: -She stared at him calmly, her breathing level as her eyes followed up to his face as he stood. She lifted her right knee, aiming it at his stomach swiftly with as much strength as she could muster from a standing position. She lowered her foot back to the floor, curling her hand into a fist and bringing it up to her chin, twisting her hips forward as her arm shot out, aiming her balled fist at his jaw.-
  8. HoodedVigilante: -he got kneed in the stomache and bent down a little not expecting it- what the...steph the fuc...-before he could finish he looked up and got nailed in the jaw sending him to the floor, he raided his head holding his stomache, it felt like she broke a rib or something, he winced and held his rib, he looked up at her with his blue eyes in pain and softly spoke out- Im...impressed..
  10. HoodedVigilante: (i was being a smart ass lol)
  11. Alexithymiaa: -She clenched her jaw, retracting her fist and staring down at him. "Yeah? Good. 'Cause while you were out fucking Maci and beating up my best friend, I was training. I think it's clear who came out on top this time. And don't you dare ever fucking open your mouth like that to me again. You have no fucking reason to be so god damn rude when I'll I've done is cater to what you want and you repay me by sneaking behind my back. So go fuck Maci some more because I swear if you ever so much as look at me again, I'll kill you." Her eyes welled up with tears, staring down at him with her chest heaving, breathing deeply.-
  12. HoodedVigilante: -he stood up quickly and got in her face, pushing her to the wall,staying in her face as they both went to the wall- there you go listening to the fucking rumors. i dont know what the fuck happened that night. i was drugged and drunk. if i did fuck her. im sorry steph, but jesus, it was 3 months ago, just because you hear about it now doesnt make any sense, people just dont want you to be with me, and the cadence thing. i feel bad about, you know it inside, it was accidental- he sighed and put his hands on the wall- im sorry
  13. Alexithymiaa: -She attempted to shove him away from her, planting her palms on his chest. "Oh so because you were drunk and on drugs that makes it okay? Because it was three months ago that means I shouldn't care? You're fucking delusional if you think any of what you just said should play a part in my decision of never wanting to see you again."-
  14. HoodedVigilante: If you dont wanna se me fine, i wont stop you, but if you go...just know that i love you no matter what. but i promise you wont se me again.
  15. Alexithymiaa: -She brought her hands up to her hands, tucking her chin down into her chest and closing her eyes. "Stop! Don't fucking lie to me!"-
  16. HoodedVigilante: What with me loving you?-he slowly walked torward her holding his hands out- I do.. its not a lie, if its about me never seing you again, i promise you wont, if you want it to happen i will
  17. Alexithymiaa: -She lifted her eyes to him, her eyes glassy and swimming as she shook her head. "No. It is a lie. And I was stupid to believe it, even if just for a second." She pushed passed him, aiming for the exit.-
  18. HoodedVigilante: So you leaving me is your sign of breaking up with me then? and who are you to tell me i dont fucking love you.-he clenched his fist.- think before you act.
  19. HoodedVigilante: If you walk out that door it just proves you didnt love me. your easy on walking away. stay and face it. but hey, im just a cheating peice of shit woman beater, what do i know right?
  20. Alexithymiaa: -She whipped her head around, her voice catching in her throat as she screamed at him. "Yeah! You fucking are! Why would I want to stay with such a douchebag like you?" She lifted both hands, her palms facing upward to the ceiling. "Either I can leave and never have to look at you and take the easy way out, or I can blow all of my savings and find new and intricate ways to kill you." She moved her hands up and down, weighing her options. "I think I'll go with the easier and cheaper route. Just go fuck yourself and leave me alone." She turned on her heel, groaning and shoving open the door as she began stalking down the sidewalk away from the studio.-
  21. HoodedVigilante: FUck...-he ran after her quickly, once he exited out of the door he slipped on ice and fell on the ground hard, he rolled over looking at steph as she walked away, he rached his hand out in a dramatic NOOOOOO kinda way (like anakin did when he died) he got up quickly and limped torward her holding his ribs, he grabbed her arm and turned her around, he leaned in rabbing her face and kissed her, a little more then a peck, hard, like he had never kissed her before, he knew what the outcome was going to be but he didnt care- I love you. il prove it, we can have a venting session, anything, il build you a batcave damnit, i cant lose the girl of my dreams, il admit i fucked up, but i dnt remember the sleeping with her, if i did, il take any punishment, you can bite my dick if you want to, tazer me, anything i dont care, i just cant admit anything will be something without you, because everything will be nothing, i do love you, like a fat kid loves food, steph -he sihghed looking around- you make me me, i need you in my life, please..-he looked her in the eyes moving his hands down to her hips spitting out all those words as quick as possible
  22. Alexithymiaa: -She pushed him back hard, raising her fight hand and slapping him across the cheek hard, shaking her head. "The fact that you think I even fucking care at all is pathetic. If you loved me, you wouldn't so such stupid fucking shit. Now leave me alone." She turned again, breaking into a run in the opposite direction as she headed back to the bowling alley, taking her phone from her pocket and texting Cadence.-
  23. HoodedVigilante: -he lowered his head in disbelief and slowly walked back to the studio, he looked ahead of him and walked inside
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