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  2. Eric Aboadwe
  3. September 21, 2017 ·
  7. Our study continues from Psalms where it is written:
  9. “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us. As a father PITIES his children, so the LORD PITIES those who fear Him. For He knows our frame; He remembers that we are DUST” (Psalm 103:12)
  11. We thank God once again for this blessed day. Today I will try as much as possible to summarize our study in Psalm 103 so that we can complete our study by tomorrow if God permits.
  13. The verse 11 talks about the GREATNESS of God “MERCY” towards those of us who “fear Him,” and we have already learnt about God’s “MERCY” and “GRACE” in the Part 6. So we are looking at the verse 12 and we will jump to other verses and bring our study on this IMPORTANT TOPIC into conclusion latest by the next day.
  15. As Christians, when the “Word” of God is speaking to us, we have to first and foremost “deny” our FLESHLY thoughts and “open” our SPIRITUAL minds in order for His “Word” which is “spirit and life” (John 6:63) to work in our “souls.” When we do this, what God told us in Isaiah will come to pass when He said, “So shall My Word be that goes from My MOUTH; It shall not return to Me VOID, but it shall ACCOMPLISH what I please, and it shall PROSPER in the things for which I sent it” (Isaiah 55:11).
  17. Dearly beloved, God tell us clearly that He has a “MOUTH” and therefore He speaks. And because JESUS is the “Word” (John 1:1), when God opens His “MOUTH” to speak, He speaks JESUS. That’s why the Apostle Paul tells us in Hebrews that God “has in these last days SPOKEN to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds” (Hebrews 1:2).
  19. Therefore when God speak to us in Psalms and He says, “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgression FROM us,” then we must understand the word “REMOVE” in the passage. When you “REMOVE” something, you displace it from its original position to somewhere else. And we have already learnt that when God speaks, He speaks to us through JESUS.
  21. Therefore when the “Word” of God which came from His “MOUTH” through His servant David says that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us,” then we must know that God is speaking to us concerning what JESUS CHRIST has done for us through His water, blood and resurrection.
  23. When you read the book of Isaiah, God told us, “Search from the book of the LORD, and read; Not one of these shall FAIL; Not one shall lack her MATE. For My MOUTH has commanded it, and His Spirit has gathered them” (Isaiah 34:16). Therefore we must know that what king David was singing and uttering in his hymn of PRAISE was commanded by the “MOUTH” of God and it is the “Holy Spirit” who gathered all those writings and many others for the good of our “soul.”
  25. Brothers and Sisters, if the Word of God has a “MATE” and it is written that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us,” then what is the “MATE” of this passage in the New Testament? This question is answered by the Scriptures, and it was John the Baptist whom God used to declare the “MATE” of this passage when he said, “Behold! The LAMB of God who TAKES AWAY the SIN of the world” (John 1:29).
  27. Therefore when David says God “has REMOVED our transgression FROM US,” and John the Baptist also says that JESUS is the one who “TAKES AWAY the SIN of the world,” then we must understand that the word “REMOVE” and the phrase “TAKES AWAY” are all connoting the same meaning. These two words are interconnected by both the Old and the New Testament.
  29. Therefore unless a Christian gets to know, understand, and believe in the ministry of John the Baptist which God gave to him as the representative of mankind to TRANSFER our SINS onto the “LAMB of God” as prophesied in Leviticus 16:21 for our SALVATION, he will never be able to comprehend Psalm 103:12 no matter how many times he reads it or sing it.
  31. If a Christian FAIL to understand this, then the entire Psalm 103 will have no impact in his “soul.” That’s why even though many Christian read and sing Psalm 103, they are still SINNERS. This is because they have been DECEIVED by Satan who came “to steal, to kill and to destroy” (John 10:10).
  33. John the Baptist was consecrated by God to TRANSFER all “the SIN of the world” unto JESUS CHRIST before He was qualified to die on the Cross. So let us understand that even though king David was hymning songs of praise about our SALVATION, he was actually singing “prophecies.”
  35. That’s why JESUS told us, “These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be FULFILLED which were written in the LAW of Moses and the PROPHETS and the PSALMS concerning Me” (Luke 24:44). For this reason, when David prophesied that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgression FROM us,” it was “the PSALMS concerning Me” which JESUS was talking about in the passage from Luke.
  37. Therefore when JESUS came to John the Baptist to be baptized and He told him, “Permit it to be so now, for thus, it is fitting for us to fulfill all RIGHTEOUSNESS” (Matthew 3:15), it was for the purpose of the fulfilment of the prophecy of David when he said, “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgression FROM us.”
  39. JESUS CHRIST is the one who “REMOVED our transgression FROM us,” and therefore when the Scripture says “FROM us,” it means our SINS were moved “FROM us” and handed over to “JESUS” in the form of the “laying on of hands” by John the Baptist. JESUS then carried these SINS to the Cross and died for them. He then resurrected with the assurance that he has “PURGED our SINS” (Hebrews 1:3), and they are no more with Him.
  41. When you understand this very well, it is then that you will be able to comprehend what David meant by “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgression FROM us.”
  43. Our study continues..............
  45. God is so “GOOD” to us!
  53. Eric Aboadwe
  54. September 23, 2017 ·
  58. Our Scripture reading is taken once again from Psalms where it says:
  60. “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us” (Psalm 103:12)
  62. In our previous study of this topic, we understood that the words above were the prophetic song of king David about the work of CHRIST. We also learnt how JESUS fulfilled this prophecy of REMOVING our “transgressions” through the POWER of His baptism which He received from John the Baptist and for which He became “The LAMB of God who TAKES AWAY the SIN of the world” and shedding His blood on the Cross.
  64. It is therefore important for every Christian to know that, because God “REMOVED our transgressions FROM us” according to our Scripture reading, He “forgave” us all of them. This is because JESUS took all of them “AWAY.” For this reason, the Apostle Paul said that, “And you being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your FLESH, He has made alive together with Him, having FORGIVEN you all trespasses (Colossians 2:13).
  66. That’s why God spoke through His servant David that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us.” And through this Word, God is telling us that, “I am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake, and I will not remember your SINS” (Isaiah 43:25). This means that our SINS are no more.
  68. If God who cannot lie (Numbers 23:19) says that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us,” and a Christian does not believe in His Word, but he keeps on asking Him to “REMOVE” it every day through “The prayers of repentance,” then the only thing which awaits such person is “judgment.” This is very dangerous! We must not take the SALVATION of JESUS for granted, and we must not allow the Devil to fool us as Christians.
  70. Who can measure the distance “As FAR as the East is from the West?” Is there anybody? As humans, we must know that our minds have a very limited scope. That’s why God told us that, “For My THOUGHTS are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My WAYS, says the LORD. For as the Heavens are HIGHER than the Earth, so are My WAYS higher than your ways, and My THOUGHTS higher than your thoughts” (Isaiah 55:8-9).
  72. Therefore somebody may measure the “East from the West” by starting from Russia which is in the “East” of Asian and Europe to Ghana which is from the “West” of Africa. But we have to move away from our planet Earth and come to the measurements in outer space and in the heavenly places.
  74. Scientists tell us that the distance from our Planet Earth to the Sun is about 150 million kilometers or 93 million miles. But the question is do they even know the END of the universe? Can they measure the distance of the Earth to the END of the “Milky Way Galaxy” which contains millions of stars?
  76. When the Bible tells us that that God is the One “Who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers, Who STRETCHES OUT the heavens like a curtain, and SPREADS them OUT like a tent to dwell in” (Isaiah 40:22), then we must know that He is the Lord God Almighty who told us that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us” through the baptism and the blood of CHRIST.
  78. Therefore any Christian who moves spiritually as “FAR” as the “EAST is from the WEST” in SEARCH for his SINS and to confess them through “The Prayers of Repentance” shall be judged by God, and he will be thrown along with Satan and the Antichrist to the burning flames of “hell.” This is because such a person was trying to “build again” those things which God has already “DESTROYED.” And by doing that such a person makes himself “a transgressor.”
  80. That’s why Paul the Apostle said that, “For if I build again those things which I DESTROYED, I make myself a transgressor” (Galatians 2:18). Here Paul was saying this because he was a preacher of the GOOD NEWS of Salvation, and he preached that we obtain FORGIVENESS through FAITH in the GRACE of CHRIST and not by obeying the LAW of Moses. But if Paul were to change his preaching by telling people that they can received FORGIVENESS or justification through “Prayers of Repentance” or by obeying the 10 Commandments, then he will “build again those things” which he “DESTROYED.”
  82. However the Holy Scripture tells us clearly that God “Has REMOVED our transgressions from us.” But if a Christian is still confessing that JESUS couldn't “TAKE AWAY” or “REMOVE” his “transgressions as FAR as the East is from the West,” then Paul says that such a person is making himself a “transgressor.” This is because he is building again those things (the SINS) which CHRIST has “DESTROYED.”
  84. JESUS is the one who “DESTROYED” SIN when He “finished the transgression” and “made an END of SINS” (Daniel 9:24). Therefore if you are coming before God with the SINS which JESUS has already “DESTROYED,” then you will surely be judged by God for your “disobedience” to the GOSPEL of the LORD JESUS, and you will suffer eternal damnation for not believing in His Word of Truth.
  86. Therefore if God “Who measured the waters in the hollow of His hand, measured heaven with a span and calculated the DUST of the Earth in a measure” (Isaiah 40:12), says that “As FAR as the East is from the West, so FAR has He REMOVED our transgressions FROM us,” then We must BELIEVE in His Word.
  88. Our study continues..............
  90. Those who BELIEVE are BLESSED!
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