
Prohormones Powder 1-Testosteroe CAS: 65-06-5

May 23rd, 2017
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  1. Prohormones Powder 1-Testosteroe CAS: 65-06-5
  3. MOQ:10G
  6. Skype:live:kathelin_4
  7. WhatsApp:+86-188 7222 0706
  9. User experiences
  10. Many users claim that DHB has some thermogenic properties, similar to trenbolone, in terms of sweating and insomnia at night. On the flipside, DHB gives very nice strength gains without hurting appetite, so it can be a very nice bulker. Although it may share its name with equipoise or testosterone, users consider DHB more as trenbolone's baby brother. Just like all steroids, DHB is suppressive, so a thorough post cycle therapy (PCT) should be implemented, and support supplements should be taken on cycle.
  12. Typical cycle
  13. Users will usually kickstart their cycle off with an oral and then stack around 400-500 milligrams (mg) per week of DHB with some long estered testosterone. When you do this, you should also run an aromatase inhibitor (AI) to offset the estrogen increases from testosterone, and you should also use such support supplements as N2Guard.
  15. Female use
  16. Virilization symptoms such as deepening voice, enlarged clitoris, and facial/body hair can occur when females intentionally, or accidentally, run androgenic compounds. As stated above, although DHB on paper is as androgenic as testosterone, that doesn't mean that it will yield as much androgenic symptoms as testosterone, so females usually chose DHB over testosterone. What's more, DHB is structurally more similar to primobolan and equipoise than to testosterone, so the virilization risk is lower.
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