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Jan 16th, 2017
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  1. in UITableViewCell:
  2. _tableView (<UITable_UITableViewCellDelegate>*): nil
  3. _layoutManager (id): <UITableViewCellLayoutManager: 0x6080000150a0>
  4. _target (id): nil
  5. _editAction (SEL): (null)
  6. _accessoryAction (SEL): (null)
  7. _oldEditingData (_UITableViewCellOldEditingData*): nil
  8. _editingData (id): nil
  9. _rightMargin (double): 0
  10. _indentationLevel (long): 0
  11. _indentationWidth (double): 10
  12. _reuseIdentifier (NSString*): @"LOL"
  13. _floatingContentView (_UIFloatingContentView*): nil
  14. _lineBreakModeBeforeFocus (long): 0
  15. _contentView (UIView*): <UITableViewCellContentView: 0x7fb679f0f130>
  16. _imageView (UIImageView*): nil
  17. _textLabel (UILabel*): nil
  18. _detailTextLabel (UILabel*): nil
  19. _backgroundView (UIView*): nil
  20. _selectedBackgroundView (UIView*): nil
  21. _multipleSelectionBackgroundView (UIView*): nil
  22. _selectedOverlayView (UIView*): nil
  23. _selectionFadeDuration (double): 0.5
  24. _backgroundColor (UIColor*): <UICachedDeviceWhiteColor: 0x60800045bc30>
  25. _separatorColor (UIColor*): <UIDeviceRGBColor: 0x608000077e00>
  26. _separatorEffect (UIVisualEffect*): nil
  27. _topShadowColor (UIColor*): <UIDeviceWhiteColor: 0x6080006449e0>
  28. _bottomShadowColor (UIColor*): <UIDeviceWhiteColor: 0x60800045d670>
  29. _sectionBorderColor (UIColor*): <UIDeviceRGBColor: 0x608000077e00>
  30. _floatingSeparatorView (UIView*): nil
  31. _topShadowAnimationView (UIView*): nil
  32. _bottomShadowAnimationView (UIView*): nil
  33. _badge (id): nil
  34. _unhighlightedStates (struct __CFDictionary*): 0x7fb67a00ca98 -> 0x0
  35. _highlightingSupport (id): nil
  36. _selectionSegueTemplate (id): nil
  37. _accessoryActionSegueTemplate (id): nil
  38. _accessoryActionPreviewingSegueTemplateStorage (UIStoryboardPreviewingSegueTemplateStorage*): nil
  39. _accessoryView (UIControl*): nil
  40. _editingAccessoryView (UIControl*): nil
  41. _customAccessoryView (UIView*): nil
  42. _customEditingAccessoryView (UIView*): nil
  43. _separatorView (_UITableViewCellSeparatorView*): <_UITableViewCellSeparatorView: 0x7fb679ca6140>
  44. _topSeparatorView (_UITableViewCellSeparatorView*): nil
  45. _topShadowView (UIView*): nil
  46. _editableTextField (UITextField*): nil
  47. _lastSelectionTime (double): 0
  48. _deselectTimer (NSTimer*): nil
  49. _textFieldOffset (double): 114
  50. _indexBarWidth (double): 0
  51. _separatorInset (struct UIEdgeInsets): {-1, -1, -1, -1}
  52. _backgroundInset (struct UIEdgeInsets): {0, 0, 0, 0}
  53. _returnAction (SEL): (null)
  54. _selectionTintColor (UIColor*): <UICachedDeviceWhiteColor: 0x60800005e330>
  55. _accessoryTintColor (UIColor*): nil
  56. _reorderControlImage (UIImage*): nil
  57. _menuGesture (UILongPressGestureRecognizer*): <UILongPressGestureRecognizer: 0x7fb679f30060>
  58. _representedIndexPath (NSIndexPath*): nil
  59. _focusable (BOOL): NO
  60. _swipeToDeleteConfirmationView (UITableViewCellDeleteConfirmationView*): nil
  61. _swipeToDeleteCancelationGesture (UITapGestureRecognizer*): nil
  62. _clearBlendingView (UIView*): nil
  63. _swipeToDeleteDistancePulled (double): 0
  64. _sectionCornerRadius (double): 0
  65. _sectionBorderWidth (double): 0
  66. _defaultMarginWidth (double): 16
  67. _editControlFocusGuide (UIFocusGuide*): nil
  68. _reorderControlFocusGuide (UIFocusGuide*): nil
  69. _constants (<UITableConstants>*): <UITableConstants_Phone: 0x608000012fd0>
  70. _tableCellFlags (struct ?): {
  71. showingDeleteConfirmation (b1): NO
  72. separatorStyle (b3): 1
  73. selectionStyle (b3): 0
  74. selectionFadeFraction (b11): 0
  75. editing (b1): NO
  76. editingStyle (b3): 0
  77. accessoryType (b3): 0
  78. editingAccessoryType (b3): 0
  79. showsAccessoryWhenEditing (b1): NO
  80. showsReorderControl (b1): NO
  81. showDisclosure (b1): NO
  82. showTopSeparator (b1): NO
  83. hideTopSeparatorDuringReordering (b1): NO
  84. disclosureClickable (b1): NO
  85. disclosureStyle (b1): NO
  86. showingRemoveControl (b1): NO
  87. sectionLocation (b3): 2
  88. tableViewStyle (b1): YES
  89. shouldIndentWhileEditing (b1): NO
  90. fontSet (b1): NO
  91. usingDefaultSelectedBackgroundView (b1): NO
  92. usingDefaultBackgroundView (b1): NO
  93. wasSwiped (b1): NO
  94. highlighted (b1): NO
  95. separatorDirty (b1): YES
  96. drawn (b1): NO
  97. drawingDisabled (b1): NO
  98. style (b12): 0
  99. showingMenu (b1): NO
  100. clipsContents (b1): NO
  101. animatingSelection (b1): NO
  102. backgroundColorSet (b1): YES
  103. needsSetup (b1): NO
  104. dontDrawTopShadow (b1): NO
  105. usingMultiselectbackgroundView (b1): NO
  106. isCarPlayCell (b1): NO
  107. deleteAnimationInProgress (b1): NO
  108. deleteCancelationAnimationInProgress (b1): NO
  109. animating (b1): NO
  110. shouldHaveFullLengthBottomSeparator (b1): NO
  111. shouldHaveFullLengthTopSeparator (b1): YES
  112. drawsSeparatorAtTopOfSection (b1): YES
  113. drawsSeparatorAtBottomOfSection (b1): YES
  114. separatorBackdropOverlayBlendMode (b3): 0
  115. separatorDrawsInVibrantLightMode (b1): NO
  116. separatorHidden (b1): NO
  117. hidingSeparatorsForSelection (b1): NO
  118. clippedBeforeSwiping (b1): NO
  119. allowsReorderingWhenNotEditing (b1): NO
  120. needsHeightCalculation (b1): NO
  121. reordering (b1): NO
  122. doesNotOverrideDidUpdateFocus (b1): NO
  123. hasEditingFocusGuides (b1): NO
  124. focusStyle (b3): 0
  125. accessoryViewsHidden (b1): NO
  126. }
  127. _isLayoutEngineSuspended (BOOL): NO
  128. in UIView:
  129. _constraintsExceptingSubviewAutoresizingConstraints (NSMutableArray*): nil
  130. _cachedTraitCollection (UITraitCollection*): <UITraitCollection: 0x6080000d4890>
  131. _layer (CALayer*): <CALayer: 0x608000434860>
  132. _layerRetained (CALayer*): nil
  133. _gestureInfo (id): nil
  134. _gestureRecognizers (NSMutableArray*): nil
  135. _window (UIWindow*): <CATWindow: 0x7fb679c0cf20>
  136. _subviewCache (NSArray*): <__NSArrayM: 0x608000446ab0>
  137. _templateLayoutView (UIView*): nil
  138. _charge (float): 0
  139. _tag (long): 0
  140. _viewDelegate (UIViewController*): nil
  141. _backgroundColorSystemColorName (NSString*): @"tableCellGroupedBackgroundColor"
  142. _countOfMotionEffectsInSubtree (unsigned long): 0
  143. _countOfTraitChangeRespondersInDirectSubtree (unsigned long): 3
  144. _cachedScreenScale (double): 2
  145. _viewFlags (struct ?): {
  146. userInteractionDisabled (b1): NO
  147. implementsDrawRect (b1): NO
  148. implementsDidScroll (b1): NO
  149. implementsMouseTracking (b1): YES
  150. implementsIntrinsicContentSize (b1): NO
  151. hasBackgroundColor (b1): NO
  152. isOpaque (b1): YES
  153. becomeFirstResponderWhenCapable (b1): NO
  154. interceptMouseEvent (b1): NO
  155. deallocating (b1): NO
  156. debugFlash (b1): NO
  157. isAncestorOfFirstResponder (b1): NO
  158. dontAutoresizeSubviews (b1): NO
  159. autoresizeMask (b6): 2
  160. patternBackground (b1): NO
  161. fixedBackgroundPattern (b1): NO
  162. dontAnimate (b1): NO
  163. superLayerIsView (b1): YES
  164. layerKitPatternDrawing (b1): NO
  165. multipleTouchEnabled (b1): NO
  166. exclusiveTouch (b1): NO
  167. hasViewController (b1): NO
  168. needsDidAppearOrDisappear (b1): NO
  169. gesturesEnabled (b1): YES
  170. deliversTouchesForGesturesToSuperview (b1): YES
  171. deliversButtonsForGesturesToSuperview (b1): YES
  172. chargeEnabled (b1): NO
  173. skipsSubviewEnumeration (b1): NO
  174. needsDisplayOnBoundsChange (b1): YES
  175. hasTiledLayer (b1): NO
  176. hasLargeContent (b1): NO
  177. unused (b1): NO
  178. traversalMark (b1): NO
  179. appearanceIsInvalid (b1): NO
  180. monitorsSubtree (b1): NO
  181. hostsAutolayoutEngine (b1): YES
  182. constraintsAreClean (b1): NO
  183. subviewLayoutConstraintsAreClean (b1): NO
  184. intrinsicContentSizeConstraintsAreClean (b1): NO
  185. strictDescendantNeedsDoubleUpdateConstraints (b1): NO
  186. strictDescendantNeedsDoubleUpdateConstraintsIsInvalid (b1): NO
  187. determiningWidthForDoubleUpdateConstraints (b1): NO
  188. inSecondConstraintsPass (b1): NO
  189. potentiallyHasDanglyConstraints (b1): NO
  190. doesNotTranslateAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints (b1): NO
  191. autolayoutIsClean (b1): NO
  192. autolayoutBoundsAreClean (b1): NO
  193. layoutFlushingDisabled (b1): NO
  194. layingOutFromConstraints (b1): NO
  195. wantsAutolayout (b1): NO
  196. subviewWantsAutolayout (b1): NO
  197. isApplyingValuesFromEngine (b1): NO
  198. isInAutolayout (b1): NO
  199. isInAnimatedLayout (b1): NO
  200. isSubviewUpdatingAutoresizingConstraints (b1): NO
  201. isUpdatingConstraints (b1): NO
  202. isHostingUpdateConstraintsPassDuringLayout (b1): NO
  203. isRunningEngineLevelConstraintsPass (b1): NO
  204. isUpdatingLayoutEngineHostConstraints (b1): NO
  205. isUnsatisfiableConstraintsLoggingSuspended (b1): NO
  206. isExpectingToFlushPendingLayoutChangeNotifications (b1): NO
  207. systemLayoutFittingSizeNeedsUpdate (b1): NO
  208. systemLayoutFittingSizeNeedsUpdateInWholeSubtree (b1): NO
  209. isCalculatingSystemLayoutFittingSize (b1): NO
  210. suppressEncapsulationConstraints (b1): NO
  211. stayHiddenAwaitingReuse (b1): NO
  212. stayHiddenAfterReuse (b1): NO
  213. skippedLayoutWhileHiddenForReuse (b1): NO
  214. isPendingHiddenForAnimation (b1): NO
  215. hasMaskView (b1): NO
  216. hasVisualAltitude (b1): NO
  217. hasBackdropMaskViews (b1): NO
  218. backdropMaskViewFlags (b5): 0
  219. delaysTouchesForSystemGestures (b1): NO
  220. subclassShouldDelayTouchForSystemGestures (b1): NO
  221. hasMotionEffects (b1): NO
  222. backdropOverlayMode (b2): 0
  223. tintAdjustmentMode (b2): 0
  224. isReferenceView (b1): NO
  225. focusState (b2): 0
  226. hasUserInterfaceIdiom (b1): YES
  227. userInterfaceIdiom (b3): 0
  228. ancestorDefinesTintColor (b1): NO
  229. ancestorDefinesTintAdjustmentMode (b1): NO
  230. needsTraitCollectionDidChangePropagation (b1): NO
  231. overridesTraitCollectionDidChange (b1): YES
  232. coloredViewBounds (b1): NO
  233. coloredAlignmentRects (b1): NO
  234. coloredFocusItems (b1): NO
  235. preservesSuperviewMargins (b1): YES
  236. hasGeometryObservers (b1): NO
  237. wantsGeometryChanges (b1): NO
  238. hasTraitStorageList (b1): NO
  239. cachedTraitCollectionIsValid (b1): YES
  240. dontUpdateInferredLayoutMargins (b1): NO
  241. implementsViewForBaselineLayout (b1): NO
  242. tracksFocusedAncestors (b1): NO
  243. hasLayoutArrangements (b1): NO
  244. isHiddenManagedByLayoutArrangement (b1): NO
  245. hasFocusableContentMargins (b1): NO
  246. shouldReverseLayoutDirection (b1): NO
  247. cannotBeParentTraitEnvironment (b1): NO
  248. didSetViewGenerator (b1): NO
  249. viewGeneratorAppearanceState (b2): 0
  250. viewGeneratorPendingAppearanceCompletion (b1): NO
  251. viewGeneratorReparenting (b1): NO
  252. viewGeneratorOriginalAppearanceChanged (b1): NO
  253. viewGeneratorAppearanceCompletionCalledWithinRunTransition (b1): NO
  254. viewGeneratorNewChange (b1): NO
  255. hasTemplateLayoutView (b2): 0
  256. ignoresTemplateLayoutView (b2): 0
  257. hasMirrorTransform (b1): NO
  258. needsContentsFormatUpdate (b1): YES
  259. }
  260. _layoutSubviewsCount (long): 0
  261. _retainCount (long): 16
  262. _tintAdjustmentDimmingCount (long): 0
  263. _shouldArchiveUIAppearanceTags (BOOL): NO
  264. _wantsDeepColorDrawing (BOOL): YES
  265. _interactionTintColor (UIColor*): nil
  266. _layoutMarginsGuide (UILayoutGuide*): nil
  267. _minXVariable (NSISVariable*): nil
  268. _minYVariable (NSISVariable*): nil
  269. _boundsWidthVariable (NSISVariable*): nil
  270. _boundsHeightVariable (NSISVariable*): nil
  271. _layoutEngine (NSISEngine*): nil
  272. _layoutDebuggingIdentifier (NSString*): nil
  273. _stashedLayoutVariableObservations (NSMapTable*): nil
  274. _internalConstraints (NSMutableArray*): nil
  275. _continuousCornerRadius (double): 0
  276. _countOfFocusedAncestorTrackingViewsInSubtree (unsigned long): 0
  277. _semanticContentAttribute (long): 0
  278. _contentSizeNotificationToken (id): nil
  279. _readableContentGuide (UILayoutGuide*): nil
  280. __preferedContentsFormat (long): 0
  281. _previewingSegueTemplateStorage (UIStoryboardPreviewingSegueTemplateStorage*): nil
  282. __presentationControllerToNotifyOnLayoutSubviews (UIPresentationController*): nil
  283. _rawLayoutMargins (struct UIEdgeInsets): {11, 8, 11, 8}
  284. _inferredLayoutMargins (struct UIEdgeInsets): {11, 16, 11, 16}
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