
Translation Project: DQ5 35 Monster catching Plan

Aug 25th, 2021 (edited)
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  1. 1. Foreword
  3. Welcome to my translation project for Pekora's nine "35 monster catching plan in DQ5" streams.
  5. Because of the disgusting denseness of this compilation summary and my poor choice of platform that doesn't allow me to format the text, I decided to make a table of contents the old-school way. If you have no intention of reading everything then simply Ctrl + F the topic signifier [a0], for example, that you do want to read, to jump straight to that topic.
  7. All topics are marked with their timestamp and a link to said timestamp, so that you can listen to it yourself as you read or for whatever reason you wish to know where I translated from.
  8. All days also have their respective stream linked at the top of the summary.
  10. If you wish to share this with anyone or anywhere then feel free to do so, I have nothing against that in fact I'd be glad you did.
  12. 2. Table of contents
  14. 1. Foreword
  15. 2. Table of contents
  16. 3. Stats
  17. 4. Translations
  18. 4a. Day 1
  19. [a1]Probability misunderstanding
  20. [a2]Feigned illness during school
  21. [a3]The human body is scary
  22. [a4]Wants to be able to fall asleep instantly
  23. [a5]Sometimes forgetful of things she was just doing
  24. 4b. Day 2
  25. [b1]Only clean people allowed and worst thing she's seen in a movie
  26. [b2]Her best subject at school and what club she was in during grade school
  27. [b3]Embarrassed herself at a sprint competition
  28. [b4]Where is the image we see being projected and why do we feel pain
  29. [b5]Wants to try learning psychology
  30. [b6]No air of superiority among her senpais
  31. [b7]Plays on an actual old PS2 received from her brother
  32. [b8]Parallel worlds
  33. [b9]Streaming is exercise
  34. [b10]Past or Future
  35. 4c. Day 3
  36. [c1]Gakki marriage
  37. [c2]One of Pekora's favorite actresses got married
  38. [c3]So how is your brother lately?
  39. [c4]Convenience store trip
  40. [c5]Human teeth talk
  41. [c6]Hololive member length
  42. [c7]Re-reading Bleach and general manga/anime talk
  43. [c8]Seiyuu talk and more anime talk
  44. [c9]Choking on Ramune and Gundam candy
  45. [c10]For the sake of your confession
  46. 4d. Day 4
  47. [d1]Moving out and furnishing it into a dragon quest house
  48. [d2]Want to think up her own character
  49. [d3]Diamond channel plate dream
  50. [d4]Missed out on an anticipated movie
  51. [d5]Poor articulation and clever idol tactics
  52. [d6]Went out today
  53. [d7]Clone discussion
  54. [d8]Aren't you tired?
  55. [d9]Made a Usaken Discord server
  56. [d10]Holo Alternative full teaser video one million viewers
  57. [d11]Her outward trip highlight and mistaken flower
  58. [d12]Gigantes miracle
  59. 4e. Day 5
  60. [e1]Double long hour streams on a weekend
  61. [e2]Koro series plushies/figures
  62. [e3]Targeted advertisement after philosophy talk
  63. [e4]Was a lemon juice enthusiast and a long Yakiniku discussion
  64. [e5]Worried that her cuteness have been lost
  65. [e6]A stream burns 500kcal
  66. [e7]Hates running and Homework hate
  67. [e8]Knows her limits when it comes to endurance streaming
  68. [e9]Sushi parlor talk and a childhood Sushi battle with a friend
  69. [e10]Growing out of food related barriers
  70. [e11]Slot machine dreg
  71. [e12]This purity cannot be tainted
  72. [e13]Minecraft getting lively again
  73. [e14]The Berserk manga and its author's death
  74. [e15]Heartless Nousagi and weight related conversation
  75. [e16]Regular bed time
  76. [e17]Making complaints towards the creator of Dragon quest
  77. [e18]The fall of Koro hero
  78. 4f. Day 6
  79. [f1]Adding topics to her talk deck
  80. [f2]The sea is frightening and Pekora's specialty is crawl swimming
  81. [f3]Deep sea and it's lifeforms
  82. [f4]Human "evolution" and what kind of superpower would you like to have?
  83. [f5]Favorite scent and what brand of fabric conditioner she uses
  84. [f6]Food stuff that is dangerous to humans
  85. [f7]Not very good with strong flavors and bought some oatmeal
  86. [f8]Chocomint time
  87. [f9]Foreign prank videos impressions
  88. [f10]Pekora has a sharingan and some light Sasuke/Itachi talk
  89. [f11]Nousagi teasing
  90. [f12]Eyes, and discussion about herbivores and carnivores
  91. [f13]Nousagi who wants to go to sleep
  92. [f14]Plans for tomorrow and conveying how fun she is having
  93. [f15]Is not the type who can pick a favorite and some reminiscing about her played games
  94. [f16]Today's Gundam Corner
  95. 4g. Day 7
  96. [g1]Wasabi Yakisoba as "punishment" game
  97. [g2]Pekora the "Word Magician"
  98. [g3]Forgot about her boiling pot of water
  99. [g4]Recovering from feeling down and streaming addiction
  100. [g5]How did they find out about poisonous food?
  101. [g6]What to do about the last monster
  102. [g7]Peko Points are not for resale
  103. [g8]No Gundam corner today
  104. [g9]Favorite number is 3
  105. [g10]The "Guaranteed critical hit" formula
  106. [g11]What exactly is "occult"
  107. [g12]Ionazun disbelievers
  108. 4h. Day 8
  109. [h1]Plans for today
  110. [h2]Almost called off the stream
  111. [h3]The spontaneous Towa, Botan and Moona Minecraft appearance
  112. [h4]Only cotton candy and marshmallows come out of her
  113. [h5]A permanent-like stream
  114. [h6]Things you can only talk about during night
  115. [h7]Didn't read Shounen Jump and Pekora's preferred hair styles
  116. [h8]Afro Hairstyle
  117. [h9]Urban legends
  118. [h10]Disney fan-fiction videos
  119. [h11]How many hair strands do humans lose per day?
  120. [h12]Do we shed skin like reptiles?
  121. [h13]Drinks with a straw
  122. [h14]Heartbroken nousagi don't have to worry because Pekora is here
  123. [h15]If she did this alone she'd give up
  124. [h16]Today's Gundam corner
  125. [h17]Blood from cleaning her ears and inaudible sound
  126. [h18]Pekora's daily routine for the nousagi
  127. [h19]It truly is because you all are here
  128. 4i. Day 9
  129. [i1]It is still only evening
  130. [i2]The stairway to adulthood
  131. [i3]What's popular among middle school and high school students?
  132. [i4]Pekora's idea of a crab girl anime
  133. [i5]What does poison feel like?
  134. [i6]What is popular among college students?
  135. [i7]I'll become your "Convenient woman" any time you want
  136. [i8]Wouldn't like an exact clone of herself and Twin's telepathy
  137. [i9]Will you have enough in your talk deck?
  138. [i10]Sneaks a peak at other people's phone screen during train rides
  139. [i11]Has a very fickle nature
  140. [i12]Idols don't say stuff like "Shit"
  141. [i13]Supermoon Lunar Eclipse
  142. [i14]Takes vitamin supplements
  143. [i15]A one-piece dress as a reward for herself
  144. [i16]Doesn't really know what one does for fun in the outside world
  145. [i17]Will we be able to live on the moon someday?
  146. [i18]Don't you have any hobbies?
  147. [i19]What job conditions can Pekora offer Liquid Metal Slime?
  148. [i20]Liquid Metal Slime gets caught
  149. 5. Afterword
  151. 3. Stats
  153. Not counting the table of contents, afterword, and foreword this project is in total 51,871 words and 281,842 characters.
  154. There are a total of 122 topics.
  155. I never clocked myself but a rough guess would be somewhere around 122 hours of active work, one hour for every topic with some being much longer and some being shorter.
  156. This project lasted somewhere around 3 months, starting from a few days after she got done with her streams.
  158. 4. Translations
  160. --------
  161. Summarized from:
  163. Day 1
  165. [a1] - Probability misunderstanding(37:15) -
  166. While aiming for the Candle monster which has a 1/16 chance of joining your party she asks if the "1/16 probability" stands for that within 16 kills, one of them will join your party, or if it means that within 16 encounters, one will join your party. The chat tells her that is wrong, completely wrong, and she is surprised and asks for clarification saying she might just be stupid but it isn't once within 16 attempts?. The chat tries to explain that it means that every time you run into the monster, there is a 1 in 16 chance it will join your party, and that there is no upper limit to your attempts.
  167. Eventually she understands the meaning and asks if that doesn't mean that the 1/256 chance monster is going to be super hard and that it means that she'll have to challenge a 1/256 chance every time?
  168. She questions herself wondering if she really screwed this one up and that her thinking was completely different from how it actually works. She falls into a very short lapse of despair before saying that as long as the nousagi are there having fun talking with her then it will work out somehow.
  170. [a2] - Feigned illness during school(1:43:10) -
  171. She asks the chat what they do if there is a situation that they don't like, and says that she thinks there are a lot of those for everyone in life and for her as well, as she brings up an example of being served food she doesn't want to eat and such but says it isn't related to her but just used to signify what she means, instead for her it would be something like during school where they would have class with presentations and the like and this is something she was really bad with so she would be wondering if there wasn't a way for her to get out of it somehow since it might have been the class or someone in the class that she didn't get along with.
  172. And from that she again asks what the chat would do in such a scenario or if there was someone they don't match with. In Pekora's case, if confronted with a scenario she didn't like she'd feign illness, she laughs and says that if it was something she couldn't run away from then she'd reluctantly do it but in general she'd feign illness, saying something like her stomach hurts. However when her mother heard this she'd generally see through her attempt and take her to school.
  174. A Nousagi says that feigning illness was a good method and she agrees with him saying it is really useful, then as she is about to continue on the same thought she suddenly stops herself, clears her throat, and says that she forgot that she has kids watching her channel as well. She says that most kids are probably already asleep since it is 22 but in the case that there are kids listening she tells them that feigning illness is something you should not do and that they should properly and earnestly study and that they should treasure the tremendously important things they learn at school.
  175. So she reiterates that stuff like feigning illness is something they shouldn't do and go to school properly.
  176. Pekora then explains how she acts when she is with a person she doesn't get along with, she'll completely keep her distance from the person, or rather she'll completely behave in such a way that she doesn't catch any attention. Stress is the culprit that brings about that unfavorable behavior.
  177. But seeing so many people also making use of the feigning illness trick makes her relived as it confirms her thoughts that everyone thinks the same as she does. Someone then says that "That's the most important thing"*, and she agrees saying that if you are in such a situation where people around you are people you don't get along with then you shouldn't do anything unreasonable.
  179. *This is in response to her saying she avoids attention in a situation where she is around people she doesn't get along with
  181. [a3] - The human body is scary(02:10:18) -
  182. Coming from her re-telling of her "Half-body bathing" incident where she severely dehydrated herself through sweating she brings up that she thinks sweating is a very important thing and all that but she wonders why sweat has a salty taste and wonders if there are people in her chat who knows and asks them to explain the reason.
  183. Someone tells her that it is seasoning and she doesn't understand what he means by that, but the majority tells her that it is salt content from blood that gets mixed into the sweat and hearing that surprises her prompting her to ask if blood really is salty, then she asks if everyone has eaten blood before. She says that there has been times where she hurt herself and got blood into her mouth but her memory of it isn't it being salty.
  184. A nousagi tells her that now it is starting to sound like a kids channel, and she hops onto that and explains to the kids watching that the thing called blood is very salty, then rectifies herself saying it probably isn't very salty, but that blood is something dangerous and that you shouldn't put it in your mouth, because it might be bad for you. The point of other people's blood gets brought up and she reiterates that when it comes to other people's blood even touching it is dangerous so definitely do not.
  186. Continuing on with her thoughts regarding blood she suddenly asks why we are suddenly talking about blood and how did it get to this from the previous bathing conversation, someone reminds her that it was from the topic of sweat*. In any case she asks why is it that blood is red but before anyone can answer she proudly exclaims that she knows why and that is because of the substance known as Hemoglobin.
  187. She calls out to the kids watching saying that she just said something genius and reiterates that the reason for blood being red is because it contains Hemoglobin and that tomorrow they can boast about this to their friends.
  188. Despite that pride she shortly afterwards asks what Hemoglobin is, then says that isn't the human body scary? Then she asks that isn't the human body roughly 80% in water? She finishes her thoughts by wondering in what way the body functions. A brief pause as she says that since it is late at night she starts thinking about these weird things and that maybe she should stop, but then continues and questions why is it that humans are like this, the body for example. She brings up nails saying that aren't they very different from the rest of the body, they grow, they are hard, she really wonders what they are and finds them strange. Chat brings up hair and she thinks the same of that, saying that aren't hair and nails a bit scary and why is it that they are like this?
  190. One thing she used to think about as a kid was, what is the reason for humans having five fingers. She was told that it is for grasping things, or finer movement like playing a game, and that five fingers is just right for easy manipulation of things, and she understood that explanation but still wonders why exactly five. Someone brings up that five fingers is the standard and that prompt Pekora to say that, for sure if it became six fingers that would be scary but isn't that just something that would be obvious to think for people who have five fingers. For example she says that it is a case of stereotyping since she thinks that if we had six fingers instead of five then people with six fingers wouldn't seem strange at all. After that verbal barrage she says it is pretty bad how much this conversation is firing her up, and that if she isn't talking about Dragon quest then, when it is late at night like this she'll talk about these weird topics and she must be careful.
  192. *Literally barely a minute ago
  194. [a4] - Wants to be able to fall asleep instantly(3:01:00) -
  195. She gets into this from someone telling her that he is happy about her late night streams but that she should treasure her skin as well, she agrees and says that staying up late is the enemy of skincare after all. From that point she brings up that whenever she does streams like this, or rather doing work as a streamer she ends up reversing her day and nights.
  196. It isn't like she doesn't want to go to sleep but she ends up staying up late regardless, fiddling with her phone, or doing stuff like work, and next thing she knows it is morning and she realizes she must go to sleep. In relation to that something has been troubling her recently, stating that she'd like to be able to fall asleep immediately as she lies down and closes her eyes, because if the time between her closing her eyes and falling asleep drags on for too long she'll start to worry about if this is another one of those times she can't fall asleep, and those thoughts makes her unable to sleep, like a sort of "fear of not being able to sleep" situation.
  197. Someone brings up that he listens to ASMR as he falls asleep and Pekora says she hasn't ever done that, and that in general she sleeps without any audial aid but that there was one period in her life where she couldn't fall asleep without listening to something, and it would be those kind of sleep/relaxation aid noise videos like the sound of the sea, or in general calming type of noise. Thinking on it now makes her wonder why that was.
  198. She reiterates that these days she doesn't use audial aid to help her sleep but that if she isn't tired to the point of her just immediately passing out then she can't fall asleep. A nousagi interjects that he uses Pekora's streams to fall asleep, and she commends him and gives him 5 "Peko Points", someone asks her what those points can be used for and she says that if you save up 10,000,000 points you receive Pekora's smile.
  199. Someone else points out that what she describes is fainting and she replies; "Is that so?" in a slightly startled way, but then says that when you mention it, those guys who can fall asleep in a few second after closing their eyes sounds a lot like they are fainting doesn't it, but even if that was the case she'd be fine with it, she wants to be able to just instantly fall asleep.
  201. [a5] - Sometimes forgetful of things she was just doing(03:26:30) -
  202. Coming from a bit of motivational speech about the importance of confirming things you are unsure about right away as to avoid dwelling on it. She says that this has been with her from a long time ago, and brings up an example where she'd be watching TV, get the feeling of wanting to go the store, and on the way there at a pedestrian crossing she'd suddenly think; "Huh, what was I watching on TV just now?", that sort of thing happened to her. She wonders if the chat has experienced that same sort of "Forgetting things that happened only a few moments ago".
  203. The responses are mostly in agreement but also some who deny it and she picks up on that, being surprised that there are people who don't experience that. She then extends on it saying that during her childhood it happened a lot, where she'd wonder what she was watching on TV but then brush it off as whatever since she'll know once she gets back home, but that it still happens to her sometimes is a bit scary for her.
  204. Among the responses are the usual teases saying it is a bad sign, which prompts her to ask if it really is, one guy says it is a self-defense mechanism and she wonders what he means by that but before he gets a chance to elaborate on that she catches her last monster for the day and ends the stream.
  205. ------
  206. Summarized from:
  208. Day 2
  210. [b1] - Only clean people allowed and worst thing she's seen in a movie(1:25:10) -
  211. After some talk about horror movies someone tells her to stop since he is going to start imagining a lady with long hair standing behind him as he is washing his hair, from that Pekora goes on to say that something she often hears is that when you are in the bathroom or laying in bed and you close your eyes and get that feeling of someone being there, then she heard that it really seems to be true. After that she exclaims that she has scared anyone watching from bed or from the bath and that from hereon out they should watch her stream to the end, since as long as she is with them it will be fine.
  212. She again reiterates that it really seems like there is truth to that, although she doesn't remember where she heard it from and says it could just be a lie too.
  213. She brings up that she also experienced that, like when washing her hair and then closing her eyes when rinsing, at the time she got a creepy feeling of being watched and reflects on if that really is for real.
  214. A nousagi tells her that he will never again take a bath, she disapproves of that and tells him to keep taking a bath because he'll smell otherwise. She laughs a bit and apologizes but asks of him to take a bath because only clean people are allowed to enter her stream. After all since she also purifies her body by bathing before streaming she asks that the nousagi do the same else they won't be able to meet.
  215. Someone else tells her to take responsibility for making him scared by streaming forever and she laughs and asks that surely she didn't scare them that much.
  217. From that she suddenly goes into the topic of movies and her biggest blunder when it comes to them and it was from a Japanese movie about a bullied kid taking revenge, something along those lines, and there was a point in that movie that made her really regret watching it. She warns everyone that what she is about to say is trauma levels of bad, and says that if there are people eating right now there is a risk they will lose their appetite and for them to shut their ears. She gives a countdown from five to one and starts, in the movie she watched there was a scene where someone was forced to eat a bowl of rice that was filled with bugs, after having watched that she wasn't able to eat rice for some time and apologizes to anyone who might be eating rice at the time although she thinks nobody is since it is fairly late.
  218. She once again tries to think upon the movie but can't remember what it was called, but the storyline was in short a kid enacting revenge on those who bullied him by subjecting them to the same things he was. At the time she wasn't able to eat rice she kept thinking she really shouldn't have watched it because just seeing rice made her remember that scene from the movie making her think something is about to come crawling out of the rice.
  220. [b2] - Her best subject at school and what club she was in during grade school(01:37:25) -
  221. She gets the question what subject at school was her forte, and she thinks for a while, rather than specifically saying if she was good at it she instead says that she did like physical education and music. Someone brings up morals and she laughs at it saying that if it was grade school then yeah, then she breaks off into asking the chat what they think her club was during her fifth year of grade school, she believes she has said this at one point before.
  222. One of the guesses is badminton club to which she responds that she did go to such a club, but that was in junior high. Another guess that gets a response is table-tennis club and she says that while she wasn't in a club for it she did used to play table-tennis for fun from time to time after school was over at some sort of community center.
  224. Eventually she explains that she was in the "Ball club" and says that it is unexpected isn't it? The chat is filled with questions marks and wonders what the hell a "Ball club" is and she explains that "Ball club" wasn't its official name but something everybody called it since it was a club for playing various games that involved balls, Kickball, Basketball, Dodgeball, Baseball being examples of what she played.
  225. She gets the question when was it recently that she played a ball game, she says she hasn't done it recently and says that it is because lately she hasn't been moving her body at all.
  227. A comment calling her an active bunny triggers her memory of something similar that happened during her school years, where a person she wasn't on good enough terms with told her in a surprised manner; "So you can run, Usada-san". She thinks the girl was from the same class or a neighboring class, she can't remember very well and she was told this during basketball class, which prompted her to think; "What is this girl saying?" but her response was just a "Y-yeah".
  228. She laughs and explains that she isn't the type of person who can just speak her mind like that, so things like; "Isn't that a rude thing to say?" is something she can't say, the girl being someone she doesn't know well on top of it. So she endured it with her "Y-yeah".
  229. She flares up a bit at the memory saying that it really was extremely rude to say something like that and at the time she was thinking; "I was in the Badminton club once you know?".
  230. A nousagi says that she should have made that person the ball, Pekora laughs and says that the person was a track-and-field member and a very energetic and positive person* so she couldn't do much, but she was also thinking; "Well you don't know anything about me do you?"
  231. In short she says she was put down by a track-and-field member and says that there isn't anything she can say towards such a person, it was obvious she couldn't win and finishes by saying that she was a very fast runner.
  233. *She uses the term 陽キャ which is the kanji for Yang(The positive) and a shortening of キャラクター(Character). So basically a cheerful, positive person, you probably remember at least on person who was like this at school. Pekora often being referred to as 陰キャ which as you might have guessed is the kanji for Yin(The negative), basically referring to a gloomy, negative person, the polar opposite of this track-and-field girl.
  235. Note: Judging by the responses from the chat, the track-and-field club is one of the clubs at the top of the social caste. As soon as she mentioned that the girl was a track-and-field member the chat in unison agreed that it was a lost battle from the very start.
  237. [b3] - Embarrassed herself at a sprint competition(01:42:15) -
  238. From mentioning that she was a very fast runner, Pekora remembers a very embarrassing thing that happened to her during grade school, at a sort of 25m/50m sprint competition. Then when the teacher told them to warn-up, Pekora didn't properly listen and didn't know it was a warm-up, so as they start running Pekora thinks this is the real deal and notices that the others to her side are going very fast which makes her worried that she'll be laughed at for being so slow, so she pulls out all the stops and starts full-power sprinting and soon notices that she is far ahead of the others, she is shocked at her own speed and is grinning over the fact that she turned out to be this fast.
  239. But it was only the warm-up, what the teacher probably told them was to do one attempt while lightly running for a warm-up. Pekora when getting back to her friend also told her, while grinning happily; "Wasn't that amazing? I ran super fast!". But of course when the real race started the real difference in ability was revealed and Pekora was crushed, it brought her close to tears.
  241. There hasn't been anything as embarrassing as that for her and she thinks that this is a story that really should be shared because of how it went down. A Nousagi quotes the thought of those girls as such; "This person runs with all her might during the warm up?". Pekora laughs and thinks they probably did think that and then goes on to say that she knew that these other runners were fast, because during the sport festival relay race they were people who were picked roughly second, and Pekora at the time of the sprint thought it was amazing that she won over these super fast people, and wondered why wasn't she picked for the relay race if she is this fast.
  242. But of course, the reality of it hit her shortly afterwards. She laments a bit about being made to remember such an embarrassing story, but says it is fine, since now that she is an adult she doesn't have to run or do such competitions anymore.
  244. [b4] - Where is the image we see being projected and why do we feel pain(01:46:31) -
  245. As she points out to the monster she just defeated that their eye is hanging out, the thought of eyes and their function also comes forth. She first wonders what the tactile sensation of the eyeball is but breaks off into asking if they are connected and in that case, where, but she swiftly says that if they aren't connected anywhere then you wouldn't be able to see. A nousagi tells her to stop, and she laughs and says that because of her grade schooler-like curiosity she will, with an accompanied question mark over her head, end up wanting to ask about anything that she sees that makes her wonder why it is like it is.
  246. The chat tells her that the eyes are connected to the brain, and at first she sounds rather surprised about the fact but eventually realizes that it is obvious, then she hits upon another thought, with some difficulty she eventually manages to explain that she is curious as to where the imagery that we see with our eyes is created, she tries several times to describe what exactly it is she wants to ask but as soon as she gets to the part where she has to imagine where this "image" that we see is being "projected/translated" she can't explain herself and says that thinking about this whole thing is making her afraid.
  247. She gives another example as she taps her controller on her desk and asks why it is that through the sound that it makes, we are able to understand that it is a hard object.
  248. The chat tells her that all of this comes from inside the brain and that prompts her to ask what even is the brain in the first place, and reflects on that there is a right and left side of the brain. She again tries to rack her brain around it contemplating that the brain has a lot of nerves, and that with the signals from the eyes, where do you "see" the image? Do you see it in the brain? She trails off and says she doesn't really understand it and says that once again her curiosity has caused her to think about this deep subject. This is something she has never thought about before, the whole idea that we can see is obvious to her, of course, but the scary thing is to think about where is this "image" we are seeing is located. She laments on that this time slot is often scary.
  250. She thinks it is fun to think about humans in this way, and begins on another thread and asks why do humans feels pain, although she answers that herself by saying that if it didn't exist then you could easily die, or easily wound yourself from not noticing something harmful, but things like touch, taste, and pain, and various other feelings are interesting to think about. A Nousagi brings up the five senses in general and she says that she wonders why they exist, and answers herself by saying that since they exist then it is possible to enjoy life. Someone breaks in and asks if she is Ryūku* which makes her laugh, and another says that it is through evolution that they became the way they are.
  251. She reflects on that response and says that she really does find humans interesting and brings up that she understands why the people from long past did all this research on humans. But it isn't just humanity she has these thoughts about but animals as well, like why is it that this creature has wings to fly with and such. She ends on a note stating that curiosity and a sense of inquiry is what evolves humans further.
  253. *Death Note's Ryuk
  255. [b5] - Wants to try learning psychology(01:52:01) -
  256. From that she says that she'd like to try study psychology since she thinks it sounds like a lot of fun, she says that since she normally likes these simple psychology tests she'd like to try to learn something like behavioral psychology. A Nousagi tells her that he heard that the courses for psychology aren't really like that, and Pekora questions that, asking if it isn't interesting to study about it since you'll learn about why people act in the way they do, she gets the response that actual psychology studying isn't really like that.
  257. Someone else brings up criminal psychology and she thinks that sounds amazing, like; "Why did the criminal turn out this way?". She brings up that whenever she watches something like a detective movie where they go through the motives and backstory of the criminal trying to piece together why he did what he did she gets that spark of interest to want to try learning it.
  258. A nousagi tells her that strictly speaking there are a lot of likes and dislikes in the field of psychology so it isn't suitable to people who won't match it. She asks what he means by this, asking if there are preferences within psychology and gets the response that there are a lot of different types of psychology.
  259. One thought she has about the profession is that she gets the feeling that anyone who does study in the field seem to be going on fine in life, although she also realizes that there must be painful times as well considering you'll be learning about people's depressing psychological states and the like, and thinks that perhaps in some cases it is better not to know about the psychology of the person you are with.
  261. After that discussion she asks anyone that is studying psychology in the chat to do a read on the Rotted Corpse monster that she is trying to catch, since she wants to understand why they aren't showing up at all. One guy tells her that these guys don't have any thoughts, and she laughs and then opposes that by saying that they do have feelings, because there was a Rotted Corpse at the Medal academy in DQ11, everyone has feelings even when you become a monster, so she asks him to not say things like that as she feels bad for the Rotted Corpse.
  263. [b6] - No air of superiority among her senpais(01:58:50) -
  264. Someone asks her if her badminton club was a place where it was rough to participate and she says that the hierarchy in it felt rough but then says that isn't that the case for most sports clubs, saying that it is from that one might perceive that the environment is difficult. Bringing up an example of a senior ordering a first-year to do X, although she thinks it varies from location to location. Her image of something being ドロドロ(Dorodoro)* is a severe or strict environment, and she says that she wasn't one to contribute to that sort of thing.
  265. She gets the question if Hololive is the same to which she responds that it isn't, and she laughs and says it would be pretty bad if Hololive had that kind of strict treatment between members and instead says that she thinks the seniors within Hololive are all very kind and that it is completely different from how sports-oriented people are, so something like a senpai/kouhai wall doesn't exist in her eyes since it is very easy to do stuff with them, it is something she thinks is amazing.
  267. She reiterates that there seriously isn't any senior superiority attitude from them, and because of that Pekora has had in mind to treat her juniors reversely, for example putting on airs and reminding them that it is Pekora-senpai to them. She laughs and says that while it is something she wants to do, it isn't something she has been able to do. Another example being that when she wakes up she'll ask if they aren't going to greet their senpai?
  268. Despite those evil intentions Pekora says that conversely her juniors are amazing in that they have a lot of things that Pekora herself doesn't have.
  269. But for the time being she says that at least she has Minecraft where she has her unique position as the company president where she can act superior towards her underlings.
  271. *There is really no appropriate substitute word to use to describe what something being ドロドロ is, hence leaving it as it is.
  273. [b7] - Plays on an actual old PS2 received from her brother(02:34:19) -
  274. A Nousagi asks her if it isn't time to start taking this seriously and she snaps at him saying she has been serious this entire time and in the middle of her banter she notices that the overworld BGM was still playing even in combat, until it fixes itself a few seconds later. It gets her worrying if the game is alright and if it might be because she has been playing so much, it also makes her think of the worst case scenario which would be data corruption, she'd definitely cry if that came to be the case.
  275. She confirms the questions regarding it being a real PS2 and it makes her think about that it has quite the lifespan to it, wondering what year the PS2 was released, she further describes it as a fat model PS2 that used to be her brothers that she later on received from him, he also had a Dragon ball Budokai 3 memory card, although it might just be a sticker attached to the card. She further lets on that sometimes a strange smell will emanate from it which does make her wonder if it really is ok, then says that if she properly smells the air right now she will get that smell, she briefly wonders if it is something that is alright to smell. One worried nousagi asks if it won't catch on fire and she doubts that, although she says it would be pretty bad if it suddenly caught fire and then engulfed Pekora in flames but she is certain that it is fine in that regard, someone brings up it is likely to be heating up and that gets her thinking it could be the case, but as she seemingly checks on it she says that it doesn't feel hot at all and that rather her PC is a lot hotter in that regard.
  277. Someone brings up that if you play on the PS2 for a long time...*, then she interrupts the reading and says a year ago when she played DQ5 she normally did long streams, she adds on that other than that time she doesn't think she has touched her PS2. Someone points out that it endured her 9 hour DQ5 board game stream and she talks about that briefly saying that since it endured 9 hours of streaming her PS2 is quite the warrior and it ought not break that easily.
  279. *She doesn't read the full comment and I never managed to find it so I can't be entirely sure about the entire context
  281. [b8] - Parallel worlds(02:47:20) -
  282. Light context: Earlier on she accuses a person who claims to be from the future that his information was wrong only to be told that she is off by a minute. This prompts a nousagi to tell her that the future changed and she says that can't be since the future doesn't change, which prompts her to ask if there really is only one timeline, or if there is something like parallel worlds, it is something she is very curious about. The conversation never really takes off because the appointed time for the future person's prediction arrives and Pekora still isn't getting any Rotted corpse monsters, chat says the future person was a fraud and Pekora joins in on it until two metal slimes appear, she holds her thought saying he might be the real deal if this metal slime join her, but it ran away so she finishes her previous sentence calling the guy a fraud.
  284. [b9] - Streaming is exercise(02:50:26) -
  285. She says that lately she occasionally gets a strong urge to eat something sweet, like shortcake for example, and that recently she has had her mother go buy some cake for her, not for any particular reason like a birthday or something along those lines. She can't explain as to why but she sometimes just get that very strong urge to want to eat something sweet, more so than she gets for food.
  286. Chat quickly jumps in to inform her that she is going to get fat, and she says that it isn't related because it isn't like she eats to that extent. She complains that every time there is a conversation like this, the chat immediately says that she is going to get fat and informs them that they don't have to worry because she pays attention to her health.
  287. A Nousagi asks her if she exercises anything, and she answers that in her case, streaming is exercise. The chat fills with question marks and she defends herself by saying that you'll understand if you see her heart-rate monitor, taking that into account then streaming is like exercise for her. The chat doesn't buy it and she further says that after a stream she is out of breath from the hard work, and that she burns calories as if it was a marathon with how much she speaks. Someone tells her to look up the definition of the word "Exercise" and she just replies with an "Eh?".
  288. Jokes aside she says they don't have to worry, she doesn't actually become short of breath after a stream, that only happens during Ring fit streams and during those times she feels like she is dying, and brings up one time where she legitimately was close to throwing up from exhaustion.
  290. Rather than her body getting tired she does mention that her eyes tend to get tired from staring at her screen for so long, so she uses some eye drops to help deal with that. Someone recommends blue-light filter and she says that she has had that at one point*, and that she does feel there is a noticeable difference between glasses with and without.
  292. *She has mentioned having glasses with blue-light filter before, likely one of the pairs she ended up crushing with her bunny ass, hence the past tense.
  294. [b10] - Past or Future(03:18:50) -
  295. She asks the chat which time they'd like to visit, the past or the future. As the chat responds she thinks what she'd prefer and finds it to be a difficult proposition and reflects on that if you went to the future you'd be interested in what has happened to you, and in the past if there was a negative situation that you experienced and were able to change, then it is something you'd like to try to do right. Someone tells her that he does not want to know about the future and she reflects on that there are people like that too but she is one to get curious about the future, wondering how it has turned out, although she briefly reflects on the fact changing the future from accidentally changing something in the past would be pretty bad.
  296. Which prompts her to ask if a time machine exists and if the chat doesn't think that someday we'd be able to make one. Chat responses are a mix of it being possible, there already are ones, one exists in a guy's' home, there are none, and someone telling her it is only possible in theory. Regardless she ponders on that if there was a time machine then she'd like to try use it, and since she is currently happy she'd like to go to the future because she'd be interested to see if an even older Pekora would still be streaming, and if not, what else would she'd be doing. However if the future turns out to be awful she'd immediately go back home.
  297. These next 10,20,30 years, will she still be streaming she wonders, will her and the nousagi still be excitedly chatting away like this, that sort of thing makes her curious. A nousagi tells her that it seems likely that she'd still be streaming after 10 years and she laughs and agrees, saying that right now she has no intention at all of stopping.
  299. ------
  300. Summarized from:
  302. Day 3
  304. [c1] - Gakki marriage(13:00) -
  305. She starts off with her first topic of the day, the announcement that Gakki* has gotten married. She drops her controller to give a short applause and then sings a short bit out of the song 恋(Koi)**, afterwards she congratulates the marriage and says it surprised her and more so because it was with Gen Hoshino** who co-starred with her in the live-action adaptation of NigeHaji(逃げ恥)**, although Pekora says that she didn't watch the drama so doesn't really know anything about it and says she only knows about its theme song.
  306. She thinks about what Gakki has done that she liked, and starts with Dragon Zakura(ドラゴン桜) as one show leaving a strong impression on her, specifically saying she was impressed by her Gyaru act, other than that she brings up Legal High(リーガル・ハイ) as a show she really liked, and Code Blue(コード・ブルー), although this is not a show she watched, she has heard that it is very interesting, and asks the chat if it is the one with the hospital setting. She tries to think about what else there is and reflects on there being a lot but she doesn't come up with anything and reiterates that Legal High was very good.
  307. Someone brings up My boss My Hero(マイ★ボス マイ★ヒーロー) and she says she has heard of it but not seen it and asks what kind of setting it had, eventually she gets informed it is a school type setting.
  308. Another one brings up Koizora(恋空) and it fills her with nostalgia, asking the chat if that isn't the romantic novel film adaptation that Miura Haruma stars in. She further reflects on the nostalgia of it saying it is an old novel, also pointing out that it originally was a cell phone novel***.
  310. Someone from chat pops out to tell Pekora that he is currently using her to cope with the fact that Gakki has gotten married, Pekora laughs and snaps at him asking why he is using Pekora for that purpose. She swiftly turns it around and says that isn't it a good thing, that even if Gakki has gotten married Pekora is still here unmarried, so doesn't that mean that they can continue to happily get along?
  311. She continues and asks if the chat knows why she wanted to stream today, and answers her own question by saying that she was wondering if everyone was feeling a sense of loss over Gakki's marriage, and that in Pekora's own special way, wanted to give relief to those whom she figured might be depressed over the news and since Pekora doesn't want anyone to be suffering through a lonely night, crying into their pillow, she decided on streaming today. She thinks that this kind of Pekora is someone they should treasure.
  313. *
  315. **
  316. This song is produced, written, and sung by Gakki's husband, Gen Hoshino.
  317. It was also the theme song for the live adaptation of which had Gakki and Gen as the lead roles.
  318. Here is a bonus PekoMiko short version
  320. ***
  321. A type of literary form that originated in Japan. Basically novels written as a text message on an old cell phone. The limitations of old cell phones made each chapter rather short.
  323. ****List of shows brought up in this conversation
  330. [c2] - One of Pekora's favorite actresses got married(16:30) -
  331. Continuing from the previous topic she says that while she does like Gakki it didn't shock her to hear her getting married, rather in her case, Maki Horikita* sudden marriage announcement made her slightly shocked, since it was like they got married without ever dating beforehand**.
  332. Pekora confidently states that her favorite actress, Shida Mirai*** is still there, although she hasn't been watching her as of late and wonders what she is up to, but she thinks that she probably hasn't gotten married yet. She can't even remember how old she is right now but puts that aside and once again smugly declares that she is fine since Mirai is still there unmarried.
  333. The chat gives her the tragic news that she is in fact married. Pekora reacts with an "Eh?", "She's married?", she then tries to deny it by saying that there hasn't been any such announcement, and that she hasn't heard anything like that. Slowly she begins to believe it and asks since when has she been married, and a Nousagi gives her some more details, informing her that she got married in 2018 to a non-celebrity.
  334. After a short moment of silence she informs the viewers with a dejected voice that despite not having caught one monster, she'll end the stream today. She apologizes that she was supposed to make this an uplifting stream but since she wasn't aware of Mirai's marriage up until now, she has been hit with a loss of her own. She further apologizes over the fact that she might have to take a week long break to cope with this sudden hole in her heart.
  335. She laughs at the chat's reaction and laments over that she has been married for 3 years without her knowing about it and asks the chat if there really was an announcement of it on the news or if it was just a case of Pekora not seeing it.
  337. She continues and whines a bit while asking if there still is a female actress out there that isn't married since Aya Ueto*** got married to a member of EXILE***. Other than Aya she asks if Fukakyon*** is married and reaffirms her thoughts that she isn't right? Eventually she gets a response that she still isn't married and Pekora swiftly turns around says with that she can still live, although she adds in that it is unexpected that someone as beautiful as her isn't married yet.
  339. *
  341. **Anyone with keen ears will realize that she doesn't say this, but the thing she brings up is something I can't really directly translate, hence the reformatting.
  342. What she brings up is the thing known as 交際0日婚(Although she says it 0日交際結婚みたい), which translates into something like "Marrying after 0 days of dating/socializing", basically the idea behind it is to marry your partner without a dating period.
  343. Now Pekora says みたい(Mitai) meaning it was "kinda like" this concept because these two did actually socialize for some time before getting married, but the reason their marriage got called this is because they were very fast and sneaky with it. The marriage certificate was handed in by a proxy, there was no press conference announcing it, and they held no ceremony or celebration.
  345. ***
  346. ***
  347. ***
  348. ***
  350. [c3] - So how is your brother lately?(40:00) -
  351. She suddenly gets the question asking how Michael* has been lately. She says she doesn't know since they don't talk at all.
  353. *One of her older brothers. Michael is a stream nickname given to him a long time ago.
  355. [c4] - Convenience store trip(42:21) -
  356. Yesterday there was a conversation about various snacks and candy and because of that she went to the convenience store today to buy some of the stuff mentioned, like フエラムネ(Fue Ramune)* and some mint chocolate ice cream, so that she'd be able to talk about it today. And because of that, today she'll be very good at whistling and asks if the chat wants to hear her Sancho** impression as she digs up one of the Ramune candies.
  357. On the next whistle she whistles along with Sancho using the candy, she also whistles to the tune of the BGM but the candy falls apart after that.
  359. *A whistle candy, here is an image
  360. **One of the members of her party, the one who is always using the whistle skill that spawns an encounter. He is also one of the two used for killing metal slimes, the other being Braun.
  362. [c5] - Human teeth talk(1:01:50) -
  363. Lately she says that she has been thinking a lot about these human body related questions that she has been talking about, and a recent one being about teeth, and in particular, that humans regrow their teeth twice, why exactly twice? The chat gets confused at her saying it being twice and she apologizes for her shitty Japanese and explains it in another way, that they die once, then appear once again, as in why do they come out twice?
  364. She wonders what is the point of that mechanism and why does it end after the second time? And speaking of teeth, why do they have this bone like feeling to them, don't you think it looks like bone sticking it considering the whiteness and the hardiness of it? A Nousagi informs her that sharks can infinitely replace their teeth, and it makes her reiterate her thoughts again, as to why it ends after the first time for humans.
  366. The topic continues and leads into wisdom teeth with Pekora asking if they came out for the chat and if there are any people in here who had any of them removed. Pekora has, and it felt like she was going to die, so she says this in advance to those who are going to get them pulled, if they've grown sideways, you'll die. She laughs a bit and clarifies it a bit, if they grow out cleanly then that's all good but if the grow out sideways, you'll die. When Pekora got hers pulled she felt like she was going to die, and afterwards it was a pain so bad that even painkillers wouldn't prevent it and it was to the degree that she'd continuously cry from the pain. The chat is a mix of fear and mutual understanding and Pekora reaffirms that it was really that painful, so painful that she even thought the dentist was a quack for making her hurt that much, at the time she definitely thought he was a bad dentist.
  367. She continues to describe the awful sound of it all, like when the dentist informed her that they are half-way done but that he needs to cut down the next tooth a bit and then work on removing it, so Pekora imitates the sound of a drill*, saying she heard that all the time, as well as the sound of something hard breaking off from the wiggling of the tooth, it sounded so bad Pekora was worried if the dentist was doing it right. At the time it didn't hurt at all but after the anesthesia wore off it was a hell within hell.
  369. A Nousagi asks her to stop talking about this since he is going to go to the dentist tomorrow to get wisdom teeth removed. Pekora laughs and says that if you have a good dentist and the tooth has grown straight then it probably won't hurt at all she thinks, her procedure was an issue because it had grown sideways for her. She also thinks that if it has grown normally then there might be no need to remove it either, although in this case it is probably not normal since he is going to the dentist for that reason but well, somehow it will be alright. Since if it is the case of a person whom it doesn't particularly hurt for, and that the tooth hasn't been a hindrance in their life then there shouldn't be a reason to remove it, if it is like that then she thinks it is fine.
  370. In Pekora case when one of her teeth started to ache she was worriedly thinking that it might be a tooth cavity and went to the dentist who told her it was just her wisdom teeth acting up. Someone from chat says he got them all four removed in one go under general anesthesia, and Pekora asks if that isn't a proper surgery then? She reflects on that it would have been nice to get that done under general anesthesia, it would already be over by as you are asleep, if that had been the case for Pekora she wouldn't have felt any fear either. Someone tells her it was because it was 4 pulled in one go and Pekora says that she only pulled one or two, she can't remember clearly but knows it was a lower one as it hurt beyond reason.
  372. *Might be wrong and it is another instrument used. I've never been exposed to anything above prongs so.
  374. [c6] - Hololive member length(01:18:55) -
  375. She gets the sudden question how tall she is, and she says she is 153cm without the ears and if counting those she'd be taller and she reflects on that being around the normal within Hololive since Noel and Flare are 158cm, so from that perspective there is only a 5cm difference, it also causes her to reflect on that everyone in Hololive is rather short. She gets the question to compare herself to Rushia and she says that in that case Rushia is tiny, and she tries to remember how tall she is, somewhere around 14xcm but she can't remember it clearly, in any case compared to Pekora she is tiny. Someone from chat clears it for her by saying she is 143cm and that surprises her a bit as she reflects on there being 10cm difference between the two.
  376. After a while someone asks her how tall YAGOO is, and she immediately responds by asking what he'd do if she told him, she laughs and says she doesn't know anyways. On the topic of YAGOO she says she is surprised by how many fans he has, an unexpected amount, more so than she thought since from time to time she'll also see people with YAGOO as their profile picture. Someone from the chat says he is even subscribed to his channel which makes her exclaim that he clearly loves him, then she says that she probably isn't subscribed to his channel since she just now found out that he has one, that is to say if they are talking about the one he uploaded the English clip to, in that case Pekora isn't subscribed to it.
  377. She then laughs at how it sounds to not be subscribed to your boss's channel and says that if she doesn't forget about it she'll subscribe to it later.
  379. [c7] - Re-reading Bleach and general manga/anime talk(1:35:50) -
  380. She brings up that she has been re-reading Bleach and it makes her think about where she was reading it and where she was watching the anime, and thinks that before Aizen's betrayal she was watching the anime rather than reading the manga. In any case she continues to say that while re-reading it now she reaffirms her feelings that it really is a fun read and says that she is at the perfect spot right now, she stops herself a bit to warn about spoilers and says that to those who doesn't want to know, to stop listening, and continues to say that she is at the spot where they get informed that Rukia is going to be executed.
  381. Someone laughs at the fact that it is very early into the manga, and she laughs back at that and says that isn't that part really fun? And that she really loves that arc of the manga. Someone else says it is their favorite arc of the manga and Pekora tends to agree because she doesn't really have any memories of the manga after Aizen's betrayal and thinks she probably didn't read further than that and asks for affirmation that the manga is over, while saying she is looking forward to reading the conclusion of it all. She gets the response that it ended quite a long time ago* and it surprises her a bit to hear that it ended that long ago and that she wasn't aware.
  382. A Nousagi teases her by acting like he was spoiled by the fact that Aizen betrays them and she laughs at it and defends herself by saying how many decades has it been, then changes to probably not decades but how many years has it been since that happened and that still not knowing about that is not ok, then restates that he is a traitor. Although she makes a point to say that this is about the early stages of the manga. And speaking of Aizen and his betrayal, the scene where he changes his hairstyle made her heart flutter.
  384. Moving on from Bleach she says that she didn't really read at lot of Shonen Jump productions although her friends were really into them like Reborn, D-Gray man, Naruto for example. It makes her contemplate on what was it that she did read at the time until someone brings up Kurokoe no Basuke and she says that she has said she liked that one. She continues to say that rather than Shonen Jump magazines she would read magazines more geared towards young girls, like Nakayoshi** for example, although she thinks she probably didn't read that one at that time but that she liked Shoujo manga more so than the Jump ones, and that she in general didn't know a whole lot about the Jump series, however if there was Jump series that got an anime then she'd know about that of course. Someone brings up 別マ(Bessatsu Margaret)** and she says she did read that one.
  386. She changes the topic a bit and explains that within her circle of friends, Reborn, was super popular at one point and Pekora too wanted to be able to cheerfully talk with her friends about stuff but doesn't like being in a conversation she doesn't know about so for that reason she watched Reborn too. Someone brings up the ボンゴレリング(Bongore Ringu)*** which was from her description and some images I found, various rings from the show that were put into these gacha capsule machines, and judging by her reaction that seemed to be prevalent in her circle of friends too.
  387. Aside from that whenever her friends would comment on their favorite character, in this case Hibari Koya, Pekora would, without knowing anything about it, just nod and give affirmative responses, but when she actually took the time to watch it she did find it a lot of fun.
  388. She sings a bit from the fifth ending theme(Sakura Addiction which is sung by the voice actor of Hibari Koya), after singing that short bit she says that this song would always show up when they went to karaoke, and every time she heard it she'd think; "Ah here it is again".
  390. Gintama gets brought up in chat and after a very brief comment on that she really liked it, the topic shifts to Death Note since it was brought up in chat too and Pekora reveals that she did read it however before that her first introduction into the series was the live-action movie where Fujiwara Tatsuya**** plays Kira, as for the anime she didn't properly watch it.
  391. A reason for the movie being her first look at it was because she really enjoyed all the works were Fujiwara appeared, like Kaiji and surely some more that she can't remember at the moment, but when it came to Fujiwara then even series she didn't really pay attention to before, if a live-action adaptation came out of that series with Fujiwara as the actor then she'd get interested and watch it. Diner gets brought up and Pekora laments that she didn't watch that one although she did read the manga and wonders if she should have watched the movie.
  393. *Bleach ended in August 2016
  394. **A Shoujo Manga Magazine aimed at young girls
  395. ***
  396. ****
  398. [c8] - Seiyuu talk and more anime talk(2:02:50) -
  399. She gets asked who her favorite voice actor is and she explains that for her there isn't a particular voice actor out there that will make her watch a series just because of the actor, rather she answers with the neutral response of saying that they are all good, basically she feels they all have good voices so she likes them all.
  400. After a while she says that she wonders when the time will come for her to get a role in voice acting Usada Pekora, she laughs and says it probably won't be voice acting Usada Pekora, OBS crashes and afterwards she continues by saying that she too wants to do something voice acting like as the voice actor "Uda Pekora".* Someone from chat tells her that her acting would be called trash and Pekora agrees that it seems that she'd be viciously flamed for it. Then she draws up a scenario of someone asking themselves who the bad actor for this character is, searching it up and finding Usada Pekora, prompting them to get surprised at it being a vtuber and telling her to stop messing around and not get herself involved in anime. She'd expect that kind of comment.
  401. She imitates some crying and says if she were told that she'd end up crying.
  402. She does say that if a remake would come for Doraemon, Reborn, or perhaps Danganronpa, then she'd be able to voice Tara-chan, Reborn, and Naegi-kun respectively and that she is waiting for that opportunity. As always the reaction from the chat is that Tara-chan is practically the real deal while she doesn't resemble Reborn or Naegi at all.
  404. Tokyo Revengers gets brought up and she says she is really liking it, currently reading it in her manga app that lets her read a chapter a day so she isn't very far into it. But she is interested enough in it to think about buying the whole thing and read it in one go. She gets questioned if she has watched the anime and says she hasn't although she says it looks interesting as well, she also asks if they haven't done a movie as well.
  405. This leads her into explaining that in her case she is the type to want to watch an entire cour in one go, because if she ends up missing an episode during weekly airings then she'll get depressed from that. The whole "1 time a week" format really doesn't match her character, so in that regard she would rather save it up and watch it all in one go, like how stream releases usually are.
  406. Kekkai Sensen gets brought up and it prompts her to briefly sing the opening to it and afterwards comment on that this song got very popular, so popular that even people who didn't watch the anime would know about it.
  407. Tiger and Bunny gets brought up afterwards and she says she hasn't watched it but that a friend of hers did, although Pekora had a sort of "Eh, I'll pass" kind of feeling to it even if it looked interesting. She then asks what kind of story is it, a robot story? She gets told it is a Hero-type story as in there being corporations that employ people as heroes. Pekora did hear that it was interesting but it didn't manage to fully get a hold of her. Someone from the chat says that it is a story he thinks she'd really like and she gets surprised at that and contemplates that maybe she should give it a shot.
  409. *A different reading on her name 兎田ぺこら. 兎田 can be read in numerous ways, Usaida, Usagida, Uta, Uda, Tota, Toda, Menda. With Usaida being a place, Uda and Tota being surnames, and the rest being unclassified names.
  411. [c9] - Choking on Ramune and Gundam candy(2:15:45) -
  412. She drinks a bit and suddenly mutes herself, after a little while she comes back and apologizes for the mute and says that she managed to get her bitten off fragment of her Ramune candy stuck in her bronchi and it was in such a place that she wasn't able to breathe, she really thought she was going to die. She says she is fine but laughs at someone stating; "Cause of death: Ramune". It was excruciating and made her want to violently cough, so she muted herself and did that, except it didn't dislodge immediately which worried her but eventually it cleared out.
  413. She then again reflects on how embarrassing it would be to die from this like; "In the middle of collecting monsters, Ramune enters the bronchi, becoming the cause of death".
  414. After that near death experience she goes on to open her Gundam Package Art Collection Chocolate Wafer candy* and the character card she gets out of it is one she hasn't seen before, Baund Doc, she asks if everyone knows about and wonders if it is popular. She gets some teasing responses that he is famous and popular which makes her happy only to immediately be told it is very so-so and only really popular among die-hard fans which brings her down. But looking at it she notices that he has two horns attached to his head, saying they are Pekora-like horns, and also that his shape kinda looks like Pekora with a skirt and all, like the lower half of the body is like a skirt, looking kinda like Pekora's clothes**, she thinks he looks a lot like her, just that the color is different.
  415. This leads into a building Gunpla discussion where she carefully asks if it isn't very difficult? Saying it looks very detailed but she says she does want to try it. The chat says that cheap ones are rather easy to build and that makes her reflect on that there are easy ones too, her impression of them are that they are difficult in general. The chat further states that there are ones aimed at beginners, which makes her lightly consider trying it out.
  417. *If you want to see how they look Google this. I'd put a link to it but the link was enormous.
  418. ** You be the judge. Maybe if you squint really hard.
  420. [c10] - For the sake of your confession(2:43:25) -
  421. Someone from chat says that if she manages to catch Arm Lion before 3am then he'll confess to his crush. She says to leave it to her, in order for his confession to be a success she'll definitely catch it before 3am and decides to change floors once to "reset" the area and with this things will probably have changed a bit. Her first battle afterwards is 3 Arm Lion and she says she'll definitely make sure that his confession goes well.
  422. And as is par for the course when it comes to miracles, she catches it on this very attempt, and tells the guy to do his best at confessing although she inserts some pressure by saying that if this crush isn't Pekora she'll beat him up.
  424. -----
  425. Summarized from:
  427. Day 4
  429. [d1] - Moving out and furnishing it into a dragon quest house(31:32) -
  430. After briefly mentioning that she'd like to have a King slime balance ball she is reminded of the fact that they also released a Slime themed "Bean bag chair"* that she is definitely going to buy, in fact she has already reserved one, however the state her room is in now she won't be able to place it anywhere but she'll make sure to tidy up before it arrives. Which brings her to say that one of her dreams if she moves out is to decorate her rooms, like the living room for example, with various dragon quest related goods that she has gotten from her fans and Square Enix, since a lot of them are something that can function as decorations.
  431. Someone from chat immediately tells her to not think about doing that and she first thought he meant decorating with Dragon quest goods until she realizes they meant her moving out and she complains about that and tells them to let her create her amazing Dragon quest room. She continues and says she will make at least one of the rooms into a Dragon quest themed one and brings up that she has stuff like Papasu's sword in her current room, and a metal slime keyholder thing that she'd like to put up, but the chat stands firm and continues to disapprove of the idea.
  432. Several Nousagi tell her that it will turn into a house filled with garbage and she says that's not the case and if it were then she'd call for her mother to come clean for her, and she'll also have her mother come bring her pre-made food. Someone tells her that if she wants it to be like that, then isn't living at home just fine? She whines about that and complains that everyone won't let her move out and says that she can be self-reliant you know.
  434. Someone suggests that they should all live in a sharehouse together and Pekora laughs and says she wouldn't want to live together with the nousagi and then asks why would they even do something like that, and that it would turn into a scenario where they wouldn't even need to open the stream to be able to watch her, and she wouldn't want that.
  436. *Best equivalent I can think off, it is basically an oversized cushion.
  438. [d2] - Want to think up her own character(35:20) -
  439. She brings up that the design of the Slime monster family really is amazing when you think about it, since it seriously is so cute and while any monster is also great, the slime is just indescribably loveable. Speaking of the design she apologizes and says normally if you saw this shape you'd see it as poop, but now if you see the silhouette of this shape you'd be able to think about the slime monster too, and that is amazing she thinks, a design so prominent it rewrites a previous general impression.
  440. A bit later she brings up that she'd also like to think up a character like the Slime, not a mini-character but something along the lines of that, and asks if there isn't a nice appearance out there that would make the character beloved by anyone who sees it. The chat posts the Pekomon and she rejects it, saying that the Pekomon is the representation of the nousagi and she wants a character like that but that represents her instead, something like a cute bunny themed representative character.
  441. Someone suggests the "Pekora Slime" and she says that'd definitely make people seriously angry, like if she were to just draw the Slime and attach bunny ears to it and call it her own original character, to which the chat says she'd get sued and she agrees. She envision being told; "This is a plagiarism among plagiarism, I've never seen anything as horrible as this" to which Pekora would defend herself by saying that the idea suddenly came to her as if struck by lightning and that her hand drew the design all on its own making her believe it was her own original work.
  442. The chat says that she'd be going to jail for real in that case and she agrees but if that were to happen she'd have the Nousagi come save her.
  444. [d3] - Diamond channel plate dream(44:12) -
  445. As she thanks someone for subscribing to her channel she is reminded of the fact that according to her analytics, 30% of those who watch her aren't subscribed to her channel, so she asks for them to properly do so, so that they can fulfill her wish of receiving the diamond plate together. She laughs and says that the diamond plate is for channels with 10 million subscribers so it is still rather far away.
  447. Speaking of 10 million subs she wonders if Hikakin* isn't soon to be at that goal and the chat informs her that he is at 9,14m subs and that makes Pekora excitedly wonder if he can't reach it within the year although she doesn't know at what pace his subs are increasing, but couldn't it be reached this year? She also asks if she can't receive half of his subs, she thinks half is too much but something like 3 million would be alright, with that she'd be a bit closer to her dream. Chat calls her shameless and she laughs, but then says that since Hikakin is keeping a cat named Maruo(まるお) that often appear on his channel, then Pekora could appear as a pet named Pekoo saying her trademark "Peko". An example video would be Hikakin scolding Pekoo for doing something bad and for her to just be saying "Peko peko peko" like Maruo just meows.
  448. She gets asked if something like that is fine with her, alluding to the obvious shamefulness of the contents and she says that it is completely fine. She further gets called pitiful and told it would be a Pekora who has thrown away her pride, she laughs and says that she doesn't have any pride, she threw that away a very long time ago. Nowadays pride and shame is not something to talk about, whatever it takes, she'll do it, that is Usada Pekora.
  450. From that joking act into a more serious suggestion, she gets told to learn English and she does agree that if she does then one good aspect from that would be that the chances of various people around the world coming to watch her would increase. Pekora has been thinking about this in the sense that since she has been watching foreign streams from time to time, she has become aware of how it must feel for her foreign viewers when they watch her. Since she generally speaks very fast which means even those who do understand Japanese will sometimes be wondering what it is that she just said, but more than those people, foreigners who don't know Japanese must really have no clue about what she is saying.
  451. And since Pekora too doesn't properly understand English, she thinks that it is more fun when you can understand what the person you are watching is saying, and from that she thinks she really should learn English(For the sake of her foreign viewers not for her own stream watching enjoyment, if that conclusion was unclear)
  452. She gets told her Japanese is good and she wonders what he means by that, and someone else says that he doesn't understand what she is saying but that she is still funny, she thanks him, until she realizes something is amiss and asks him if he really is a foreign nousagi.
  453. But despite that she has been thinking that with her reactions they can understand to some extent, since they are reactions that are mutual to the whole world, like when she's angry, sad, or laughing.
  454. Another jab comes in from someone saying he is a first time viewer who asks her if she is a reaction comedian and she doesn't fall for it and says that he is definitively not a newcomer.
  456. *
  458. [d4] - Missed out on an anticipated movie(55:55) -
  459. Coming from a scattered talk about some movies she says she wants to see a movie again, something like an action film and preferably one that isn't gory. Aquaman gets brought up and she says she has seen that one at the theaters. Bohemian Rhapsody gets brought up that it is going to air on TV soon and that gets her excited and tells the chat to inform her when that gets decided, which triggers her memory of another feature film that was going to air soon that she really wanted to see but ending up forgetting about, she asks the chat if they can't look into it for her and asks them to check which films are featured on May and June on Roadshow**.
  460. The chat brings up that it is Aladdin* that is airing in May, and that makes her super excited only to be immediately shot down by the fact that it aired today so she missed it, the shock kills her for a good 20 seconds until she recovers and briefly sings the Japanese version of "A whole new world", she says she really wanted to see that one and laments a bit over that she ended up streaming over it instead.
  461. She in particular brings up that she really wants to hear Jasmine sing since she really liked her part, and thinks the Nousagi would understand which part she means. She gets the question if she hasn't seen it before but she says she has, just that she wanted to hear Jasmine sing again so she got the desire to watch it again. She laments again on that she messed up and forgot about it like she usually does and says that she ought to have made a memo of it on her phone.
  462. The chat informs her that Goonies and Stand By Me are the two films to be featured next month and she thinks she hasn't seen either and asks which one to see, and she gets told both are masterpieces and that Goonies is a film they think she'd end up liking and she asks if it is a comedy, they further stress that they think she'd like Goonies to an extreme degree and confirm her thoughts on it being amusing. After praising the movie that much Pekora gets interested in it and says she wants to try watching it as another person says that both of the movies are adventure type movies.
  463. She asks if the movies are on Amazon Prime or Netflix and says that if there is time then she'd like to watch them, however Goonies isn't but Stand by Me is and she thanks them for that information.
  465. Moving on she says she wants to watch a movie in a theater again since it was a long time since, and in that pitch black place that is slightly chilly, you can watch on a huge screen and just get absorbed into the movie world. She loves that experience and wants to go again.
  466. From that description the topic of a haunted house gets brought up and she comments on that she hates that sort of thing since it is scary, like haunted houses where you get chased or grabbed she is especially bad with, the topic makes her question if there has been any haunted houses recently and says that outside of amusement parks she feels she hasn't seen one.
  467. A Nousagi asks if she didn't talk about a haunted house just the other day and she gets confused, asking if she did since she doesn't remember at all. After some help from the chat she realizes it is about when she spoke about that sensation you get when closing your eyes and imagining there being "something" there. She asks if the chat was alright that night, it wasn't scary right? In her case she fell asleep as if fainting so she doesn't even remember and says that lately she has a bad habit of staying up to the point where she is so tired she can just pass out. Someone else says they to fell asleep as if passing out and she says that isn't that nice, when you are so tired you can't think of anything and just fall asleep.
  469. *Live action one
  470. **金曜ロードショー(Friday Road Show), a channel that airs a selection of movies each month.
  472. [d5] - Poor articulation and clever idol tactics(1:08:22) -
  473. A Nousagi tells her that lately he feels her articulation has been bad, she fake cries a bit and then says that it isn't lately but just today and she agrees that during the Minecraft stream it was pretty bad but she has an excuse lined up for that, and that is that she hadn't spoken anything that day and it being a long time since she had a conversation with a human being, and in the middle of the stream the tension was a bit lower than it usually is. So that's why it was like that because Pekora can speak just fine if she does it just once before to sort of set herself up.
  474. Someone tells her to talk to her mother and she laughs and says they have nothing to talk about, then she asks the chat to tell her what they talk about with their parents.
  475. Instead of commenting on that she reads out a comment that asks her if she isn't a pro that tunes herself in preparation for the stream and she says that showing that kind of perfect Pekochan is also fine but she is more devious than that and will purposefully show her imperfect sides so the Nousagi will worry a bit and feel like they have to support her, after all that is also what an idol is about, being impish. But they should feel at ease, since she streams every day to continue to give her affection to the Nousagi.
  477. Sliding from that conversation she says that something she found very funny about that whole dating application game was that there seemed to be people in the chat who thought it was a real dating app she was going to stream, despite her thinking that it is obviously a game as written in the title. But as she was reading the chat box prior to the game there were people who were trying to stop her and saying things like; "Is this really fine to do as an idol?".
  478. It made her think that there are cute listeners out there who are trying to protect her from doing risky things which made her smile. Still, she wonders why she is turning into a character that seems prone to doing riskful things and furthermore if she actually were to announce that; "Today I'm going to be playing with X dating application!" then she'd obviously be stopped by management.
  480. Someone from chat says that if she praises the Nousagi too much they'll get full of themselves and she agrees and says that she'll stop that as she starts to act out a rebellious Pekora saying that they don't have to be that excessively worried about her since she knows herself the best, and to not restrain her with their chains and instead let her do as she pleases else she'll enter a rebellious age.
  481. A Nousagi says that if she gets arrested again he won't be there to help her anymore, and she just scoffs and says that she is a prison break king, remember Shawshank Redemption? That was Pekora and on the contrary she let herself be imprisoned and she could escape any time she wanted. A Nousagi asks if she escaped through the sewage pipe as well and she confirms it, saying it stank worse than she expected.
  483. [d6] - Went out today(1:14:40) -
  484. Changing topics she begins speaking about her trip outside and at first wonders if she has already spoken about this but the chat says she hasn't so she gets going. She went out today to visit the bank in regards to her bank account then on the way back she stopped by a rather large pharmacy to buy some Kanpou* and it surprised her how expensive medicine is. Aside from Kanpou she bought some blueberry tasting cough drops** that she hasn't had in a while, and a new toothbrush since her old one was starting to get nasty. She picks up the plastic bag and starts rummaging in it saying she bought all kinds of things and reflects on that Kanpou in particular was pretty expensive. Unfortunately she ran out of her whistle candy and hasn't restocked on that, and she also bought some medicine that is good for your health***
  485. A sharp Nousagi asks her why all those things are still in the plastic bag and she reacts with an "Eh?" and says it is just something she hasn't gotten around to yet, and she defiantly asks if there is a problem with that, as she eats a cough drop. She tells them that once the stream is over and she goes to brush her teeth she'll put all the stuff in the washstand, so there is no need to worry.
  486. She earlier on got the question if she doesn't use Amazon to purchase these things and she says she sometimes buys water from there which prompted a Nousagi to question that further, and she just affirms it again saying she usually buys drinks from Amazon and thinking harder she has also ordered 一平ちゃん(Ippeichan)****, as she is going to further elaborate on what she orders from there the game interrupts her, as she recovers she says that lately it is roughly only that she purchases from Amazon.
  488. But one thing she does want to buy is a new audio interface since she has had her current one for a long time, but it isn't like there is an issue with her current one, in fact it is working well enough that she doesn't have to buy a new one but she still feels like it is time to buy a new one but hasn't gotten around to it just yet. A new mic is also something she wants to buy but it is expensive, audio equipment in general is expensive she says.
  489. She briefly explains the function of an audio interface, how she uses it to regulate the audio in regards to her stream and for example, her echo function that she can instantly do, is also controlled by a button on the audio interface that she just pushes to activate which is nice because it is so easy to do.
  490. Someone suggests the Ku-100***** and she asks if that isn't the roughly one million yen ASMR microphone and says that the way her room is currently there is no way she'd be able to place it anywhere.
  491. She gets into the topic of her MacBook and complains that it's screen has gotten really dirty with her fingerprints to the point of being a shock to her and she asks what she can do about that and sure she understand she shouldn't touch it but still, what can she do? Someone suggests a screen filter and she says that she should have bought one from the start but she thought that she definitely wouldn't make it dirty and that she vowed to herself to treat it with care, so she figured it would be alright without one, but it got a lot dirtier than she thought it would get.
  492. Someone tells her she can just clean it with water and she gets surprised asking if that really works, she has tried to just wipe it off with a dry towel but no matter what it still remains dirty, someone else says that you just have to buy a microfiber tissue to wipe it with and she asks if there is something like that and if it will make it clean. Since she has glasses they suggest her to just use the cloth she uses to wipe her glasses with and that makes her ask if their glasses get clean from that because her's doesn't, which makes her ask if her hands are that dirty with fat. Someone tells her that the Mac is like that, and she says she heard that it gets dirty easily but not to this degree.
  493. They tease are about not touching the screen with the hand she is using to eat potato chips with and she says she doesn't, she understands that much. And besides she says there are plenty of wet tissues in her room since she got a lot of them as presents from the Nousagi, and that they have been really helpful.
  495. *A Chinese herbal throat medicine recommended to her by Rushia, the name is 麦門冬湯
  496. **These ones specifically 龍角散ののどすっきり飴 ブルーベリー google this and the amazon link should be correct.
  497. ***Yes she is this vague, she says 体に利くようなやつ which can be translated into; "A thing(medicine) that is good for your health". She doesn't elaborate on it further.
  498. **** From what I can tell it is a brand of instant food, namely supposed to replicate food stand yakisoba.
  499. *****A binaural microphone that at the time of writing goes for roughly 9500 dollars, Noel has two of these.
  501. [d7] - Clone discussion(1:24:25) -
  502. Someone from chat asks for Pekora's used wet tissues and she asks him what he plans on doing with them, if he is a bad person then perhaps he'll try to take the DNA from it, and what will she do if he makes a clone out of her. Which leads her to ask if it is possible to create a human clone in this day and age, and she feels like it seems possible although she doesn't know if the clone would have a consciousness or not.
  503. The inform that it is possible although ethically banned and it makes sense to her that it would be banned although the fact that you seem to can surprises her, but she continues and asks for what reason would you utilize cloning? In movies for example there is the common plot of the original being killed and the clone taking his place to do something, she says.
  504. The chat brings up that it could be used for organ transplantation and she gets confused and wonders what he means by that, thinking about it some more she asks if he isn't saying something really dark right now. After reading the chat some more she realizes that they are saying that you create a clone of yourself for when you get sick and need organs you will then take them from the clone. The thought scares her saying that surely that is something that can't be forgiven, would it be used for that purpose really? If you think about it like that she finds it pretty nasty, and the chat says that it is for that reason it is being forbidden.
  505. This leads her into asking if organs aren't possible to manufacture as opposed to taking them from a human, she balances a bit on the edge by saying that it does seem like something that can't be artificially made but at the same time she wonders if it might be possible. She brings up an example that Mayuri from Bleach has a bunch of extra organs in his body. The chat informs her that it is possible and that surprises her again, asking if they mean you can make any kind of artificial organ. The chat informs her that organs can be made/grown by using iPSCs* and she says it is a name she feels she has heard since she remember it being a pretty big thing on the news during some period as she cites a headline from her memory; "iPS細胞はありまぁす!"**
  506. The chat informs her of her mistake, saying that was STAP and not iPS which confuses her further and she asks them to explain the difference between the two as if she was three years old. They tell her to stop talking about it because she'll be erased and that scares her asking if it is a really bad cell, and asks them not to mention such a dangerous cell on her stream.
  507. She continues to read comments like people saying the STAP method was amazing in comparison, and that iPSC is actually real while the STAP method was found to be fake, and an existing method vs one that doesn't exist. All this just further confuses her as she just "Eh?"s in continued confusion.
  508. A Nousagi says that this talk really is dangerous so they should stop, and she says ok but then asks what do they mean, until one says that this is worse than Umbrella Corp which makes her laugh and finally give up saying that weren't they talking about "Steppu steppu ran ran ran"? What do they mean cells, she didn't say anything about cells and definitely didn't mention anything like STAP only Steppu steppu ran ran ran. It is too late since a Nousagi says that tomorrow Pekora won't be there any more and she despairs saying that as soon as the stream ends she'll be captured by some dangerous person
  509. Done with their roleplaying Pekora goes back to say that she finds it amazing that there are so many various cells and that she thinks the people researching on the human body and health are amazing.
  511. *
  512. **This was actually "STAP細胞はありまぁす!" and seems to be a rather infamous quote since the whole STAP method was found out to be a fraud because of falsified data in a report released by a Japanese researcher named Haruko Obokata.
  513. The story can be read here
  515. [d8] - Aren't you tired?(1:56:15) -
  516. She gets the sudden question if she isn't tired and it gives her some thought as she answers that before she started streaming like when she was just resting she was tired, but if she is streaming then she doesn't get tried like that. Rather it is more like she wakes up when she streams and it is probably because she is talking a lot, it is like if her brain wakes up from speaking a lot. But really before she started streaming and after she had eaten she was just sitting there stupefied, doing nothing.
  517. Someone suggests it being adrenaline, but she isn't so sure about that, another one says it is her "Streaming mode" and that makes her say that, for sure, during streams she is generally this energetic but in her every day life it isn't always like this. There are times when she is in high spirits off-stream as well but generally she is just pretty deadpan and doesn't say anything. There are even times where she is making a face that implies she would just shrug her shoulders if she were to notice that the world was ending.
  518. But she says of course, she too is a living being and says that doesn't the nousagi also have days where they are feeling down, and for her there are such days as well. But then if she streams her energy will recover, it is like if she streams then that lost tension will go right back up.
  520. [d9] - Made a Usaken Discord server(2:01:26) -
  521. Suddenly she lets on that there is the possibility that various things is going to happen in Minecraft soon, in regards to Usaken and says that up until now Usaken hasn't had a Discord server but today, she created one. They've all gathered in their own server where they are discussing about what they should do, finally becoming a real team. Before the server was made they would send information to everyone one by one which was a lot of trouble, so now with the server she can just send something there and everyone will see.
  522. She gets told it is pretty rare for her to assume a leadership role like this and well she says it isn't really like that since she was contacted by an Usaken member who wanted to propose a discussion with her, and this member was interested in doing something with everyone if the conditions were alright, and because of that Pekora made the Discord server.
  523. She also brings up that it was the first time she's ever made a server so there was a lot of stuff she didn't understand regarding the settings, and Towa laughed at her saying it has become a studying errand for her, setting up this server. For the time being she managed to invite everyone but other than that she doesn't really understand it.
  525. [d10] - Holo Alternative full teaser video one million viewers(2:07:35) -
  526. The chat informs her that the full Holo Alternative teaser video already has 1 million views and she can barely believe it saying it is really fast, she reflects on that it is amazing to get one million views on something but then says that it is just that well made. When she was watching it together with everyone she really felt it was amazing and after the stream she watched it again, while pausing through the segments to carefully go through it, then getting to her own parts she was thinking that the nousagi really wasn't helping her at all. The Nousagi tries defending themselves saying they did help her and she says they totally didn't, they were just jumping up and down, another Nousagi says he was supporting her and she says that is no good in this case.
  528. [d11] - Her outward trip highlight and mistaken flower(2:22:40) -
  529. She starts the conversation by asking if it is fine for her to talk about the highlight of her trip outside today, and explains that she walked both the way there and the way home and on the way back she was feeling hungry and saw that they had managed to build a sort of trendy shop in this area, so she decided to give it a try for the first time. She further describes the place as a place that seems like it would be a popular spot for Instagram users*.
  530. In any case she ordered something to eat there however the taste was too "trendy" for her which made her reaffirm with herself that she is one to like more common and plain tastes, furthermore it was nothing but soup and bread, and she couldn't understand the flavor at all.
  531. She further emphasizes that it was a taste she didn't get used to and that it was a taste that didn't match her cheap tongue, which just left her with a very dissatisfied reaction, thinking that it is a very nice looking shop however it doesn't seem like she will come here again.
  533. While earnestly thinking that she went on her way home and on her way home she suddenly smelled Fragrant Olives** in various spots, which gave her a nostalgic feeling, making her think that this is something she has smelled before, she asks if the Nousagi too have Fragrant Olives where they live.
  534. She emphasizes a bit more saying that on her road back home there were those flowers blooming and just being able to smell them made her feel like this whole trip outside was worth it, despite the prior food failure, adding on that it was a long time since she smelled the smell of flowers.
  535. As this is going on the chat is very confused because there are several people in there that know that Fragrant Olives bloom in Fall, so it couldn't have been Fragrant Olives. She reads this and stands firm saying it was definitely Fragrant Olives, that really small flower that gives of a smell that is often referred to as toilet air freshener***. Someone from chat probes her asking that despite being a Fall flower it is blooming right now? And she is still sure using her toilet freshener example again but falters a bit in the end by asking if that wasn't Fragrant Olives then, that small yellow flower.
  536. They tell her that was just the smell of a toilet she smelled and she says that obviously wasn't the case, someone else suggests it was Dandelions and she says she'd definitely know if it was Dandelions and again says it was a Fragrant Olive-like flower, or at least so she thought.
  538. The color definitely puts a hole in her story as the chat tells her it is orange-like in color, and that makes Pekora believe she was mistaken, since what she saw was a yellow/white flower. Getting a bit embarrassed she asks the chat for affirmation if what the flower she thought was Fragrant Olives turned out to be something else? Because she looked to the side and saw a lot of tiny flowers and thought; "Fragrant Olives... Nice scent"
  539. Having been told so strongly that she was wrong she decides to look it up and as she sees a picture of the flower she exclaims that the color is different, and that it wasn't this flower, not this orange-like color. She thought it was Fragrant Olives this whole time and at the time thought that this is something she'll tell the nousagi. The flower Asiatic jasmine gets mentioned and she investigates it and says that it is was kinda like this one but also not, something along the lines of this one at least maybe. She reflects on that she was completely mistaken and what she thought Fragrant Olives was, was something else, and is a bit impressed about the fact that there are plant professors in her chat.
  541. Being that wrong about the flower made the nousagi start teasing her, telling her not to tell impossible stories and asking her if she really did go outside today. She says she really did and wonders why this has to turn into a conversation about her lying about going outside just to have something for her talk-deck, and says that the whole plastic bag thing happened earlier right? She again says she did, she went to the bank, then the pharmacy, then got some food, and on the way home she smelled the flower she mistook for Fragrant Olives and went home.
  542. Someone says that the bag could just have been one she had at hand and she says that's not the case and tell them to believe in people, you first have to believe in others because if you don't then you can't live life. They don't relent and say that because it is Pekora he can't trust her, and Pekora retorts with that up until now what has she tricked the nousagi with, she hasn't tricked everyone even once.
  543. Someone says it is her everyday conduct and she says that even if they say that is there even one bad thing she has done, there isn't one and that's how it is, and further more her "Everyday conduct" is just playing games.
  545. Someone brings up Subaru's complete loss of items at her park and she says that is irrelevant, even if she is the owner of the park, there are still other people there who aren't losing everything all the time, rather it is a rare thing to end up losing all your things and therefore she does not need to take any responsibility for that event. She says that no matter how many times you carefully inspect everything, within all instances of people coming to enjoy the park there will be unforeseen accidents, therefore from this perspective, Pekora has done nothing wrong. However she says that if 100 people out of 100 were to die in an accident, then she'd say; "I'm sorry" and conduct an inspection on the site.
  546. A nousagi asks her; "So what you are saying is that your seniors are in the wrong?" and she denies it, saying that she did not mean that. She says that there is nobody here who is in the wrong, and that this is not a conversation meant to point out a wrongdoer, she asks them; "Why is it that you have to make someone into the wrongdoer?" Don't you think so? Nobody is in the wrong, isn't that alright?
  547. With how she is presenting her defense the chat is posting camera emojis to simulate a press conference and Pekora notices it and says she isn't holding a press conference here, then says that she wants them to refrain from using the flash, and then that photographing is forbidden because it violates the law of using someone's personal likeness without their permission.
  548. A final demand for her to correct her guilty consciousness, and she questions why she has to do that and says that Pekoland is a place of wishes and dreams, so doesn't that mean the losses happened in a dream?
  550. *Word used is インスタ映え as slang used to describe something that would look good on Instagram, so for this reason the chat is guessing this was some sore of Café.
  551. **A flower
  552. ***She doesn't actually use the correct word 消臭剤(Shoushuuzai) which means air freshener, deodorant, and so on. Instead she says koushuuzai which doesn't really complete into something relevant, but from the chat thinking the same thing and her talking about a good smell that is often in relation to toilets it is very likely she just pronounced it wrong. Koushuuzai amusingly can complete into 口臭剤 which would translate into something like "Bad breath medicine", but as funny as it is in this context, it doesn't make sense with the toilet context.
  554. [d12] - Gigantes miracle(2:38:00) -
  555. Rather than paraphrase what she says since this is a more visual experience I'll just try to summarize the events of this section and I'll recommend you to watch it in action because it is seriously a miracle like development that only she can produce.
  556. Prior to the timestamp Gigantes(The big one eyed cyclops monster) started appearing less and Pekora was thinking about moving on to a different monster, and eventually makes up her mind and says that; "If he doesn't show up this time I'll move on" and he does, causing Pekora to be amazed at the timing of it.
  557. Afterwards he stops showing up again and the very second Pekora says she'll give up if he doesn't show up next time, he shows up once again. This sort of event happens a couple of times and it eventually mind breaks Pekora and she begs Gigantes not to toy with her feelings like this, calling him out on using "playboy tactics"*, never letting her go, roleplaying some domestic violence, and more.
  558. Most of this does not require actual knowledge of Japanese since the screen will tell you the story pretty much. As she finally captures him she erupts in lovestruck happiness until she twists it back to anger and says that she'll use him to the point of breaking as reprisal for all the beatings she has had to suffer.
  560. *She doesn't actually say this literally but it is the best word I could use to describe what she meant. Basically a person using manipulative tactics to keep you interested.
  562. -----
  563. Summarized from:
  565. Day 5
  567. [e1] - Double long hour streams on a weekend(3:35) -
  568. She starts the stream exclaiming that this is the fifth instance of her 35 monster collection project and asks if everyone is happy that she is first doing long hours at Midday then at night you can meet her again. After taking a sip of water she says that perhaps some time she'll be taking a long term break, and laughs. She thinks it has been a long time since she did night streams on a weekend since she always streams for long hours during the day and afterwards is too exhausted to do another one, but now since she has this project running she is filled with energy, like since she finds it fun to do she feels like she definitely wants to do it and since speaking with the nousagi while doing this monster collecting is refreshing for her, while idling time away after dinner she figured why not do another one.
  569. Her initial plans was not to do these streams during weekends but since she fears that 1/256 chance she felt that any amount of monster she could catch during the weekend would help make the rest of the plan smoother.
  571. [e2] - Koro series plushies/figures(14:40) -
  572. The first Koro series encounter shows up and after it she mentions that she wants a plushie of every member, wondering if they are being sold. Both the Koro series and the Puchi series she finds cute, so she'd like to have both of them as decorations and figurines would be fine as well, lining them up in a row, she gets told to clean up her room first. A Nousagi tells her of a memory that he once wanted to do a party of just the Puchi series but no matter how much he tried leveling them they would still be too weak which made him cry, Pekora really likes the idea and wants to do a journey like that too but finds it sad that no matter how much you try strengthening them they'd be still be too weak. She finds that party to be really cute, just looking at them would be refreshing but does agree that they look like they'd get knocked around, like a one-shot being the standard, but also wonders that maybe they could become strong if you properly leveled them, somehow.
  573. The plan for today is to only focus on the Koro series, any other monster she'll run away from, but man she now understands the reason why she was told that the Koro series is difficult since they aren't showing up at all, but still she really wants to reduce her remaining amount a little bit here since it will make it easier, she just has 14 monsters left at this point so just 2 would be a victory for her, all 4 of them would be ideal but she won't put that up as a goal.
  574. They show up again and getting another look at them now she says they are seriously cute, so cute she'd like to eat them up and saying she really wants a figurine of them and says this is not something she often says.
  575. They show up a third time right after the second time and she wonders if they've gone dere for her or if it is that they actually want her to eat them, or if they want to be placed in her hair where her carrots usually are and she says that's fine, just come to her. After all her braids can hold anything as she mentioned way back during the curry meshi stream, well anything except for anything humongous. The nousagi reacts at her saying "Anything" and she gives some examples like Braun, although he'd probably get angry, Slime, Pekonsu her Dragon quest 5 son, and even the Golem monster as long as you shrink its body, with that she coyly invites the Dragon quest team into giving her a sponsorship where they can try to put various characters in her hair.
  577. [e3] - Targeted advertisement after philosophy talk(20:45) -
  578. She starts off by refreshing the memory of those listening by saying that in a previous day she spoke about the whole "Where is the image that we see being projected", and today something scary regarding that happened because as she was resting before the stream she decided to check on Youtube and at the top page there was a video titled something like; "Is the world you are seeing real?" from a channel whose name she can't properly remember*. Being recommended this sort of video made her scared, wondering why as she checked out the channel and saw that it was a channel for uploading footage of presentations held in front of an audience, like a scientific assembly.
  579. So she decided to watch the recommended video and was shocked to find out that this scientist was just openly throwing himself at the same questions she had been thinking about, the revelation scared her and made her think that everyone else are after all also thinking about these things. She decided to listen to this presentation for around 20 minutes and at the beginning he didn't introduce himself instead he told about how he came to this conference by train and sitting next to him was a junior high school aged girl that he was giving quick glances every now and then, Pekora laughs and says that she thought to herself if this kind of opener is alright, but after that it went more into thought experiments and stuff about the actual theme of the conference.
  580. She begins to explain an example of what was said in the video and says that right now her listeners are watching her right, and there is also color right like the three primary colors, blue, green, and red and that there are sensors for these three colors in our eyes. But something like a yellow sensor is something we don't have, so why is it that we can see yellow things or otherwise things that we don't have sensors for. This great professor said something along these lines and continues on with another paraphrasing describing a situation where one is looking at a part of a flower, and the right eye sees green, while the left eye pretends to see nothing but red, what would the resulting image be? Pekora thought to herself; "I have no idea?" at the time and the guy would then say "Yellow", and continue on saying that it shows yellow although it isn't actually yellow, so is the world we are seeing really for real. This blows Pekora's mind and she finds the guy scary but before she can continue Koro Wizard gets caught and the conversation ends.
  582. *It was this video she saw, and the actual title of the presentation was; "Is this world that I'm sensing real?"
  584. [e4] - Was a lemon juice enthusiast and a long Yakiniku discussion(27:20) -
  585. After briefly stating how she enjoys the gummy she is eating she suddenly asks that the nousagi won't pull away from her after what she is about to say, which is that during one period of her life she was a lemon enthusiast. She laughs and says not as a fruit but the lemon juice, like the stuff you can use to pour on the meat at a Yakiniku parlor for example, that kind she really loved at one point. Even if meat was what would generally be served she'd apply lemon onto everything at one point feeling like it made anything taste good. At one point she was all about that but presently not that much instead now that she is an adult it is salt or regular dipping sauce, but she still does apply lemon to her food but in moderation.
  586. She gets the question what she thinks about ポン酢* and she says that is delicious as well but then quickly throws out the question what the nousagi likes the most at a Yakiniku place and apologizes if there turns out to be a conflict in their preferences. For Pekora it is beef tongue and she suspects that this might be popular among girls in general, but tongue in general she loves. She reads from the chat and sees a lot of tongue replies which makes her happy and then spots someone saying they like Galbi** the most and she comments on that saying that isn't it a bit difficult? She agrees on that it is tasty but isn't it something you just end up gorging yourself on? Before an answer she reads out that a lot of people seem to prefer Skirt steak too, and asks if that isn't the more healthy meat, she admits that even though she has eaten it she doesn't know a whole lot about it, and even if they told her where it is located she wouldn't get it.
  587. Another response is Pork Jowl and Pekora responds that he must really love fat and says that when she was little she used to really love that fatty, fat Pork Jowl but these days she doesn't eat it since she finds the fat to be too much, ending with her just not wanting to eat more.
  588. Another one is brought up being Horumon*** and she understands saying it was also one of those things she loved as a kid and mentions that she had a period in her younger years where she just loved fat food in general, but she still eats Horumon occasionally if she goes to a Yakiniku. She briefly explains what she usually orders when if she goes to a Yakiniku parlor, tongue being the standard, and Horumon she'll eat if someone orders it, Galbi she'll be happy with one plate, but skirt steak is not something she orders that often she believes but she has eaten it before.
  589. Continuing on with the topic of Yakiniku she says that before she used to be someone who preferred stone-roasted bibimbap but these days she has changed into one that prefers Gukbap****, and further asks if the chat is more on the white rice fence. She gets some agreements on her choice of Gukbap and says it is really nice isn't it and further explains that she recently got really into it but when she was a kid she used to love stone-roasted bibimbap and would eat pretty much nothing but that, but these days she has fallen for Gukbap and will eat that in a frenzy instead, although she ends on that she hasn't gone to a Yakiniku parlor lately and laughs, despite their current yakiniku conversation she hasn't been lately at all and they haven't had anything like it at home either.
  590. After saying that white rice is something that goes with anything so much that it is like a cheat she suddenly starts sharing an old story of something that really shocked her at a yakiniku parlor, where she saw was someone at the neighboring table eat one of his pieces of meat completely raw, and exclaims that isn't that dangerous, it is dangerous right. She was watching him as he picked up the meat with his chopsticks, thinking he'd place it on the grill but instead he just ate it, chat gives credence to her suspicions and that makes her wonder if it would have been better to stop him but he did exclaim how tasty it was as he ate it and he was with his family as well.
  591. Some people in chat are suggesting it could have been Yukhoe***** and she says it wasn't like that since she'd obviously know if it was Yukhoe, it was some meat that was ordered for the purpose of grilling, she recalls it being a big piece like Galbi for example, and doesn't think it was horse meat sashimi either.
  592. It gets her thinking that maybe it is fine to eat if it is really fresh, and wonders if there aren't meats like that. A lot of people in the chat tells her that's not the case and that it is a bad thing to consider and she again wonders if she shouldn't have tried stopping him and wonders if he is alive today, although she did laugh at the scene while thinking to herself if this was really ok to do, she realizes it is rude to laugh at that but it shocked her enough to make her spill her voice.
  593. A Nousagi says that they had a yakiniku parlor from their childhood that had A5-meat you could eat even if it was raw and that surprises her and scolds the chat for saying that it is dangerous when it sounds like really high quality meat can be eaten raw. Which leads her into saying that she too wants to try eating something raw and tries to bring up something similar to Yukhoe but can't name it and instead settles for horse meat sashimi since it was some time since she ate that, and that is fine to eat even raw right? Someone says that licking the chopsticks used for raw meat saved him the troubled trying a piece.
  594. She laughs and says that she has always wondered about if it is alright to use the same set of chopsticks you used to handle raw meat to then use as dinnerware because that is something that she happened to her often. They say that is bad thing to do and it shocks her and she says that if you are frying something then it can't be helped to touch raw meat but as you are frying the meat aren't your chopsticks being disinfected from the heat?
  595. They still say it isn't good and she wonders if she should stop with that because occasionally it does happen to her, like not using long chopsticks for cooking and instead using the same chopsticks for everything. After reading a final comment saying it is in general not a good thing she relents and says she'll be careful and tells everyone else to also be careful and that raw meat is no good.
  597. *A type of sauce made from soy sauce and citrus juice
  598. **Marinated barbeque ribs
  599. ***A dish made from either pork or beef offal
  600. ****Basically cooked rice in hot soup
  601. *****Korean dish of seasoned raw beef topped with an egg yolk
  603. [e5] - Worried that her cuteness have been lost(36:40) -
  604. Coming directly from that long conversation about meat she says that, lately, then clears her throat and puts on an exaggerated cute voice and continues by saying that lately she has been looking at her own archives a bit and getting the feeling that she is losing her cuteness every year that goes by, and asks why is she losing her cuteness, isn't that odd? Like something weird about her voice and she tries to recall what archive it was that she watched and it was a collab with Rushia where they were on call setting something up and Rushia reacted to something Pekora just said calling out her sounding odd and she got worried wondering if she just let out a strange voice.
  605. Someone tells her that is not true and that she is still cute, she fake cries and thanks him saying that she got anxious over thinking her cuteness might have been lost after watching her old archives and videos. After that act she immediately reverts and smugly says that; "I'm still cute? Well then I can just continue on like this" and laughs. If she is cute as she is right now then it is all fine, and if the nousagi are saying she is cute then that is also alright, she just thought that lately she has been losing a bit of cuteness in her voice, and reflects on that she has been screaming recently so it is probably because of that too.
  607. [e6] - A stream burns 500kcal(52:15) -
  608. She eats some more of the gummi she has and comments on that eating this late at night is something she shouldn't do but says that gummi seems to be light on the calories so they seem to be something that won't make you fat. Saying that gets her thinking, will gummi make you fat and first of all what are they even made of. She picks up the bag and reads that it contains wheat which shocks her wondering how that is even used, then sees gelatin as well and starts wondering if these aren't as light as she thought, she reads out that one bag of Pyuraru gumi is 187kcal and checks the Pure gumi bag as well but it seems the calorie per bag intake isn't written down on that one.
  609. Well she says it doesn't really matter if it is some hundred kcal because she burns roughly 500kcal every time she streams so it is plus minus zero, rather minus in this case, and if she thinks of it like that then it is fine to snack like this. The chat obviously doesn't buy it but she says this is really the case and that after a stream she is completely dried up to the point it is like she'll collapse.
  611. [e7] - Hates running and Homework hate(53:40) -
  612. Someone says that it could be the case if she was running as she was streaming and she laughs at that saying that if she did that then she wouldn't be able to stream for long. Talking about running makes her say that she really hates running and that she is really bad with stuff like a marathon, and especially those kinds of runs that you can't see the end of. Even those that have a set end point are rough but those runs at the schoolyard where they were told to run until the teacher tells them to stop are her worst enemy, they make her really suffer.
  613. A Nousagi brings up the beep test and she recalls that one as the sprint with the accompanied audio ques and says she did do that during school although she doesn't remember how long she held out for, besides she thinks that she didn't exactly give it her all since it was probably like she was running alongside her friend and telling that friend that maybe it is time for her to give up, to which she'd purposefully miss the timing and faking being disappointed by it.
  614. After someone from chat mentions that he did 12 laps during his first year of elementary school Pekora tries to remember if she even had the test at that year of school and feels like it was from when she got older instead, she really has no memory of doing it at that year at all, and feels like it was during her fifth or sixth year instead, but do have a vague recollection of doing it in her fourth year.
  616. From this she suddenly remembers a certain person from her elementary school years that baffled her every time with her conduct during a certain event.
  617. During elementary school if you had forgotten to do your homework then there was a sort of detention dedicated to completing the things you had missed, but there was one person who'd almost every time just immediately go home instead. At the start the everyone would be confused at this person being missing but eventually the teacher would collude with the students to make it so that this person couldn't run away, it was almost like they would reach the point of chasing after the person yelling at them to stop. Pekora can't understand why they'd be so intent on running away from the extra class and of course the person understood that the next day they'd be scolded by the school for doing just that but they still did it, it made her think that the person must have a strong will. In Pekora's case she didn't want to be scolded so she'd definitely attend every time.
  618. Besides that person was also someone who was good enough at running that they'd be chosen for the relay races, so nobody could catch up to that person anyways. Pekora would just vacantly watch that scene unfold and didn't participate herself.
  620. But she understands as Pekora too disliked doing homework and if she were asked by a parent if she had done her homework she'd get annoyed, she'd just give an annoyed response that she had already done it despite not having done so, instead she'd do it as soon as she got to school. Thinking about this makes her wonder why homework is something that is so disliked, since she too really disliked it.
  621. She draws up a particular scenario that she really didn't like and that was being asked if she had done her homework when she was just thinking about doing it which would make her lose her motivation to do it, she further complains that doesn't mothers always seem to have good timing with this sort of thing? This sort of thing even occasionally pissed her off, since she always felt like she wanted to do it at her own pace because she would do it eventually.
  622. Every time she'd hear her ask; "Have you done it?", "If you haven't done it then do it now", but Pekora thinks it is probably from worry that parents do this.
  624. She does reflect on that now as an adult when you aren't being told a bunch of things it is a little lonely, since as a kid then it was because you were a kid that they would worry a lot about you but once you are an adult then that sort of thing stops happening and that is a little sad in its own way.
  625. Someone from chat points out that she says this despite being a person who'd get pissed off at being told to do something as an adult, and she agrees and acts out a scene where she'd say something like; "I'm an adult you know, you don't have to keep telling me this! Shut up, I'm not a kid!", then says that if it is Pekora then this is something she'd probably say. Although she says that she still feels like a kid.
  627. [e8] - Knows her limits when it comes to endurance streaming(1:07:10) -
  628. Coming from a discussion on if she'll go for the Liquid metal slime or not and then the subsequent warnings about how catching him is a real hell and could very well go over 24 hours she gets the question if she won't do it as an endurance stream.
  629. And she says that she knows roughly how far her stamina reaches so if she were to do something like a 24 hour stream then the latter half of it she'd be very tired and most likely not be speaking at all, if she were to maintain the same speaking pace as now then she'd like to try a very long endurance like that but she knows herself and knows that after a certain amount of hours she wouldn't be able to keep it up so therefore she doesn't think she'd be able to do very long endurances like a 24 hour stream for example. If she had some breaks within the endurance then she'd probably be able to work through it.
  631. She says she is the type to constantly talk after all and the times where she stays quiet are very few so in terms of endurance streams she believes her throat would give up first. Among streamers there are those who talk a lot, talk a normal amount, and those who don't really speak at all, and Pekora believes she fits right in with the ones who talk the most, and her throat isn't really that strong so she has to limit herself. But still, she wants to try one day to go for the liquid metal slime, and if things are looking well by the end of all this then she will try for him.
  633. [e9] - Sushi parlor talk and a childhood Sushi battle with a friend(1:16:00) -
  634. Out of nowhere she gets the question what sushi she likes, she laughs at this sudden change of topic and mentions things like torched salmon, torched Japanese scallop, and that's about it she can come up with herself, she really likes them torched. Amberjack gets brought up and she says she likes that too. She gets asked which sushi place she goes to but she says she hasn't gone lately but wants to, specifically mentioning wanting to go to a conveyor belt sushi place so she can gorge herself, not that she doesn't want to go to a regular sushi place too but she feels it would be very expensive.
  635. She'd like to try doing sushi at home too but her mother isn't very good with raw fish or stuff like sashimi so they haven't really had any sort of "sushi party" at home, although it seems to be just her mother because she mentions that her brother too likes it.
  636. She gets the question about how she likes Hamburger Sushi* and she skeptically asks if that is any good, and further asks if it is made with the same vinegared rice that is used to make normal sushi pieces, she feels like it really wouldn't fit a hamburger steak. She gets told that it is and that it is actually pretty good and that really makes her believe it won't match, some people say that if you don't think of it like sushi then it is tasty but she still doesn't buy it, since she emphasizes that it is vinegar and a hamburger steak and that isn't something you'd expect to match if you think about it.
  637. She gets further told that if you try it you'll understand, and that it is an unexpected match, and she just "ehhhhh"s and mimics a dry heave when thinking about it but resigns and says that if it is up for order at sushi places then it probably does match. She gets called out on judging it without having tried it and she says that might be the case for her but sushi and hamburger is just something she can't imagine together.
  639. A shift from the hamburger sushi brings us to a question if she is the type to eat dessert at a conveyor belt sushi place and she says she does, things like melon and fruits for example. Pineapple gets brought up and she says that if it is something that is put on Pizza for example then she probably wouldn't be able to eat it, saying she is bad with that kind of combination.
  640. Ordering ramen at a sushi place gets brought up and that confuses her, asking if that is actually a thing, and questions if it isn't just Arajiru** or something like that, they say that there are even places that have curry as well and she wonders if they aren't talking about a family restaurant right now but they say this is at a sushi place. This was unexpected for her to hear that it does exists and that it is seemingly good as well, she gets the response that lately there are all kinds of things at conveyor sushi places and that makes her want to go even more and do something like a "How many plates can you eat" battle.
  641. Someone says that Kurasuji's udon on weekdays is good and she retorts with; "Eh, weekdays? So if it was a weekend it wouldn't be good?", they laugh and say that it is cheap on weekdays therefore the choice of word.
  642. Back to the "How much can you eat" battle, she wonders to herself how many plates she could go for, and believes she could eat quite a lot. Someone says 5 plates and she thinks that is far too lenient because even if it is 2 pieces per plate that is still only 10 pieces you've eaten, and that if it is sushi then you can eat any amount of plates. Someone else says 30 plates and that is something she thinks would be difficult as it would be something like 60 pieces, and at that level aren't you pretty much a heavy eating contestant.
  644. On the topic of eating a lot of sushi she breaks off into a story from her childhood explaining that she once accompanied a friend and their family to a sushi place. At the place she and her friend decided on a contest to see who could eat the most medium-fatty tuna so they both ate nothing but all kinds of tuna, and Pekora got surprised and scared just how bad she started to feel during the middle of it, feeling like she was at risk of throwing up the pieces she has already eaten. it was at that point she learned that eating too much of such a fatty food is downright dangerous.
  645. At the start of the contest she of thought it so delicious she felt like she could eat any amount and that this would be a piece of cake, but it turned out to be awful since the damage she received at the end of it was no joke. She explains her conduct a bit by saying at that time she was a sore loser and definitely did not want to lose to her friend and thought that it would be alright, turned out it wasn't alright.
  647. *A hamburger steak on top of rice. Just imagine a sushi piece but the fish is hamburger instead.
  648. **A miso soup made out of leftover scraps from fish
  650. [e10] - Growing out of food related barriers(1:22:55) -
  651. Since the previous topic was about sushi she gets asked about Wasabi and she says that when she was a kid she didn't care at all for wasabi and refused to eat anything containing it. These days she is completely alright with wasabi and she can't really remember at what point in time she became able to eat it. Some suggest it is because she grew up and she agrees on that since these days she can eat most of everything, like Natto, the accompanied Natto mustard*, pickled plums, and eggplants for some examples.
  652. On the topic of Natto she says that she had a period where she was bad with natto but that she has a natto she wants to recommend to everyone, and product is Tamago natto. At her home there used to be a lot of Okame natto but then one day she went to the store and saw this Tamago natto being there and casually bought it, and it turned out to be delicious. So delicious in fact that she thought it was an innovation within the natto world and recommends it even to those who are on the fence about natto. After that she immediately told her mother about this natto and from then no other natto will show up in their home.
  653. She gets questioned if it isn't bad to put egg into natto and she says they are mistaken and that it is just the name of the product** and that it doesn't mean there is an egg in it. She further praises it saying that it is a natto that you could bring out anywhere and it wouldn't be embarrassing.
  655. *Since I know nothing about Natto I had to do some research and this mustard refers to a tiny package that is usually accompanied with package bought Natto that you mix with the Natto. It looks like this
  656. Apparently it is one of those things that divide people into those who use it and those who don't
  657. **Tamago means egg hence the confusion.
  659. [e11] - Slot machine dreg(1:39:25) -
  660. After catching Koro fighter and thinking about her current progress she is feeling really good about the pace. Someone says that she has enough leeway to head to the Casino and play some and she laughs and agrees with that but then says that what if she were to go to the Casino and waste enough time there that she'd fail the plan, that wouldn't be a laughing matter, she'd cry. Underestimating the game and thinking she can go to the casino to have some fun would be pretty bad, she'd definitely end up being permanently branded as "Slots dreg" wherever she went if that were to happen and she wouldn't want that to happen and vows that she will complete this plan, she will make 35 monsters her comrades.
  661. A nousagi asks if isn't alright to be called "Slots dreg" and she strongly disagrees, something like "Usada Pekora, slots dreg" would be awful, it would be alright if it were to emphasize that it is in Dragon quest or in a game stream but plainly without context would be cruel, and don't forget that she is a girl too so it isn't a title one should attach to a girl. Would a name like that even be alright for first time viewers she wonders, at the very least just make it "Slots" like "Usada Pekora, slots" something like "Slots dreg" is awful and she wants the chat to apologize to slots players for that horrible word saying that she isn't against slots therefore she doesn't like it, rather it would be better to call them something like "Slot gods". Someone from chat says he won't apologize and she laughs at that bluntness and asks why, it is alright to apologize.
  663. The topic shifts into someone saying he is waiting for that sponsored slot machine stream and she wonders how that would even work, like her just doing her introduction and talking through her progress, calling out when something lights up, when she lands on something good, or that stopping the reel at the right time is difficult, she wonders if they'd really like to see that and says that it isn't something an idol should do. Someone brings up that Madoka's theme Connect would start playing and that makes her say that if it was a themed machine of a series that she knows about like Madoka then she'd like to try it, but if it weren't from anything she knows then she wouldn't really know how to react. But she still wonders if there even are slot machine sponsorships.
  664. She asks if there are more themed machines and the chat brings up that there are like Evangelion, DQ, Idolmasters, Lupin, Fist of the North star, Re:Zero, Resident Evil, Higurashi, Monster Hunter, Danganronpa, and so on, and she reflects on that there really are a lot and that it sounds like anything that is popular has a themed machine.
  665. Metal gear gets brought up and she really reacts to that and finally says she really wants to try one and decides to ask of any slot machine company personnel who happen to be watching that if there is something that she'd be able to advertise from a themed machine that she knows about then please, contact Hololive and Usada Pekora would be up for it. But on that thought she wonders how a sponsorship would even work, as in how would she advertise the machine, something like just enticing the viewers to play with her or something like that.
  666. The chat suggests something like showing how the machine operates and she says the despite being a beginner she could definitely do something like that and says that the slot machine companies doesn't have to pay attention to the fact that she is usually aiming for a kid friendly channel because occasional she can just convert it to a channel only for adults so they can contact her without reservation. The chat fills with the peko stare emote and she laughs and says that; "Just for today, sorry kids" as she mimics the sound of kicking them out.
  668. She likes the idea of playing on a themed machine of something she knows and asks roughly how much she could earn if she were to use 10,000 yen of her own money, and she wonders if slots and pachinko is something you can earn money from with something like 10,000yen. She gets the response that it would be 0yen and that shocks her, prompting her to ask him what he means, does that mean you can't earn money from it? One more says she'll just lose and she asks if it is a case of having to invest money into it to get any returns? Someone else says that it would be over in 5 minutes if it were 10,000yen and she asks if that isn't absurdly pricey, is there really such an expensive fee? The final blow is given by someone saying that 20,000yen is just a greeting and that makes her scared to the point of asking if there aren't online ones made just for fun that she can play with instead since the idea of using real money became scary if something like 10,000 is just going to be gone in 5 to 30 minutes.
  670. Suddenly she turns the conversation around and asks why is it that the nousagi know so much about slots? Could it be that despite laughing so much at Pekora for being dreg they are her senior in being a slot machine dreg? The chat reacts in despair at being found out and Pekora says that she found out something about them that they didn't want to reveal, someone tries to salvage it by saying he is a "Pekora dreg" and she likes that saying he is alright for claiming himself to be that.
  671. A nousagi tells her that he has seven slot machines at his home and she is shocked about that, wondering exactly what he means by it and how he even brought them back home and then tells him that stealing from the slots parlor is something he shouldn't do. She fakes calling the police, saying that she has a listener in her chat who says he has taken home a bunch of slot machines and that she wants them to make him repent for his crimes.
  672. They say that they sell these things and she doesn't understand at all what that actually entails, why do they sell them? In what way? At the parlor? What do you do about the earnings if you bet real money on it? They explain that they sell machines that are no longer being used on the floor as second-hand goods that people can buy to use for fun at a home. She understands it from this and says that it is something for the people who really love slots, so that they can play with it at home.
  673. This reminds her of the fact that during her childhood she used to play on these Medal game machines* that existed in various places, games like Rock, Paper, Scissors, and Goldfish catching simulators for example and earned tokens from them, and asks if this is the same kind of thing.
  675. Another shift in conversation where one nousagi brings up the name; "スロカスファミリア(Slots dreg Familia)**" She laughs at it and asks him to stop, saying it is embarrassing to have the name of her membership change into that and asks him why he would do such an awful thing. She says that nobody would join it with a name like that since they'd just be shocked at the fact that these guys must love slots a whole lot to have a name like this. At least make it something like "Usada slots loving research society", in that case it'd be fine and once a month they'd hold a membership stream for sharing slot machine related information with each other, like "This machine at this place is good this month!" or "The Higurashi machine is good this month!", or "No no, this month it is the Madoka machine!". She gets scared of her own imagination saying that she'd be scared if there were a membership stream like that.
  677. * Large machines where you'd exchange money for tokens to play with, if you won you'd win more tokens. Simulates gambling but isn't since you can't trade it back for money.
  678. **A play on her membership name which is "兎田ファミリア"(Usada Familia)
  680. [e12] - This purity cannot be tainted(1:54:40) -
  681. A superchat comes in from a former slots addict saying that because of Corona he has finally managed to lay off the slots and begs her to satisfy herself with the Casino in dragon quest since he really doesn't want her to become corrupted by that world. She laughs at how desperate his plea sounds and asks what he means by that since she won't be corrupted, since for example, she is a rabbit that won't be stained even if she were to step in poop. She further eases his worries by telling him in a gentle voice that there is no one that is able to sully this purity of hers. The chat reacts with disbelief at her claim of purity and she laughs and says she is "Usada Pekora, the untainted". After all she doesn't go outside and just spends her days indulging herself with games.
  683. [e13] - Minecraft getting lively again(1:56:50) -
  684. Coming from someone saying he found out about Pekora from one of her Minecraft clips, she reflects on that there are a lot of people who come to her stream from having watched a clip and that, that is one point about clips that she is really grateful for, the whole "Cutting out a specifically amusing part and uploading it". The clip the person watch was of her trap tower which made her say that she can't get enough of doing does sort of pranks and that she wants to do something again, but on that thought she realizes that there is actually something in the works at the moment that will make Minecraft even more lively and that everyone should look forward to that, further hyping it up by saying that various construction companies will be involved in it too. The plan is being discussed with the Usaken member who came up with the idea.
  686. [e14] - The Berserk manga and its author's death(2:01:20) -
  687. Suddenly she is reminded of the sad fact that she heard that the author of Berserk died not too long ago and these news got her to buy the manga and try reading it. She has seen the movie but not read the manga but the news of his death made it so that she wants to give the manga a shot. The chat brings up that it is still incomplete and that is one thing she feels is really sad, dying before being able to complete your work. There was also a trend on Twitter during the news like; "What if the same situation where to happen to Hunter x Hunter" and the thought of that scared her.
  688. She asks what kind of story is Berserk and gets the response that it is very interesting must-read type of manga, prompting her to ask if it is something they think she'd enjoy and that it'd be nice if it is. They further explain that it is gory and part of the dark fantasy genre which makes her asks what exactly does dark fantasy entail? Someone else says that if you liked Dark souls then it should be alright and that makes her say; "So something like a setting with a lot of violent fighting?".
  689. Nousagi mention that there is some lewdness in it as well to Pekora's surprise, hearing all of this does make her interested in it and says that if it is in manga form then she is alright with grotesque visuals, the Nousagi say that since she can read Higanjima she'll be fine.
  691. [e15] - Heartless Nousagi and weight related conversation(2:06:45) -
  692. Coming from a brief conversation about the Alternative teaser Pekora states that there was nobody who helped her with her luggage, she was surrounded by nothing but heartless nousagi that were only supporting her. There was even a person that calculated the total weight of those carrots to 2300kg yet Pekora was the only one who was pulling it while the insensitive nousagi did nothing but support her from the side-lines. The nousagi try to defend themselves by saying they don't have any hands to help her with and she retorts that if you don't have any hands then just use your head to push with.
  694. Making this frail girl carry 2 ton by herself is horrible, after saying 2 ton she quickly changes the topic into asking what kind of weight is 2 ton, or 1 ton for that matter? Before an answer she asks another question wondering roughly how heavy the heaviest man that the Guinness book of records has recorded was, something like 300kg? The chat replies with roughly around 500kg and that shocks her stating that it doesn't seem like you'd even be able to walk with your own feet at that weight. She gets the response that you'd obviously be bedridden and she realizes that it should be obvious, at that weight you wouldn't be able to move. She also wonders what would happen if you were to jump, would you go through the floor? They tell her that you wouldn't be able to jump in the first place. Further on she feels like you wouldn't even be able to wash your body, and wonders just how much one would have to eat to reach that weight.
  696. She gets asked how many kilos she weighs and she immediately responds with; "As much as three apples", and that her official weight is three apples. The chat is confused and asks her if it wasn't three carrots and she remembers that and corrects herself to weighing as much as three carrots. She gets told by someone to stop talking nonsense and she laughs and counters with that first of all don't you all know that asking a woman's weight is taboo? Asking a woman about her weight is something you must not do, and besides why do they even want to know, nothing would come out of them knowing her weight so saying it is the equivalent of three carrots is more than enough. A nousagi jabs her with the comment; "Three of those massive carrots?" and she gets mad and calls him a rude person for using precisely those carrots as his reference.
  697. She tries to salvage it by saying that she is a virtual existence so stuff like weight is not something that one needs to pay attention to, so like all the nousagi who are living in the real world might have things like weight and such but to her existence those things have no meaning. So therefore her virtual weight is listed as three carrots.
  699. [e16] - Regular bed time(2:14:05) -
  700. Coming from a question asking her if she is going to be able to get up in the morning and her responding that last time she streamed to 03:00 and was fine so she has more than enough leeway, she gets asked at what time does she usually go to bed. She says that lately her life rhythm is all over the place and that she normally goes to bed at morning, she says that she talked about this before with how she'll end up staying awake until the point where she can just instantly fall asleep when closing her eyes as if it was like she fainted. But at that time she either plays games or does work so it is fine for her, although it is something she'd like to fix because she realizes that it is an unhealthy lifestyle.
  701. A nousagi brings up that whole; "Waiting until you are so tired it is like you faint" method and she says she really likes that feeling of being completely unaware of when one fell asleep, it is one she can't get enough off. She gets questioned if she is someone who sleeps for a long time and she says that at one time she seriously slept for 12 hours and that she doesn't really understand why it varies so much and wonders if it is depending on her health or her physical condition since while she has slept for 12 hours at one point there are also times where she has slept for just 6 hours and woken up fully rested.
  702. So it isn't like it happens all the time so she can't really call herself a long sleeper but she reflects on that if you sleep for too long your body does become sluggish, even if there are also times where you are really refreshed from sleeping a lot, in general you just end up languid from sleeping for too long so because of that it is a bit of a tricky situation.
  704. [e17] - Making complaints towards the creator of Dragon quest(2:22:00) -
  705. After another failed attempt at catching Koro Hero she despairs a bit asking him what is wrong, why doesn't he want to come to her? A nousagi suggests that what if she tries contacting Squeenix about it, and she laughs and asks why would she do that? Something like; "Hey, Koro Hero won't join my party, I've put a lot of hours into this will he really join my party?" They'd obviously get mad at her since despite being given permission to play this game she contacts them to demand compensation, rather she'd like to give them a call to express her gratitude for this wonderful game.
  706. A nousagi brings up that at the time she did that 9 hour long DQ5 board game stream she did complain to Yuji Horii* and she snaps back at him that she definitely didn't and that twisting the truth like that is something he shouldn't do as it is something that easily spreads. She asks when did she ever complain at Horii? There is no way she would do that. The nousagi insist that she did and she continues to deny it and tells them to go watch the VOD or a clip, but preferably the VOD since she spent 9 hours on that, but she definitely didn't say anything like that.
  707. And they just received their long awaited permissions to stream Squeenix games, what if the nousagi saying this made it so that they can no longer stream Squeenix games, what would they do then? It'd be terrible. A nousagi shows up saying he confirmed it with the VOD and she smugly asks him what was it that she said then, what was the complaint that she direct towards him? There is no way she would.
  708. A nousagi says that if you are going to apologize it is time to do it now and she does a complete 180 and rapidly says that on the chance that she did actually say something rude then she apologizes for last year's Pekora saying that she was streaming for 9 hours so it is possible that she wasn't thinking straight from the fatigue and that she is sorry. After that rapid apology she says that; "There, now that won't matter anymore".
  710. She still doesn't accept it even after apologizing asking about what she said. A nousagi finally brings out a quote that goes like this; "Who made this board game?" and she immediately jumps on the opportunity to say that, that is clearly not a complaint but just an innocent question and takes a breath of relief and asks everyone if they just heard that, and explains to them the ways in which something like this would be spun into something bad, for example a video being made stating Pekora having an issue with the board game, and the contents only being her asking who made this in an obviously malignant clipped way. This is not good, it is the worst thing one can do, this kind of deliberate weird clipping.
  711. The nousagi doesn't relent and say that her phrasing towards him was mean and she denies that, claiming that she was politely begging him to let her clear the board game and that wasn't this a case of her being influenced to say Horii since everyone was saying his full name after she asked who made the board game? Someone from chat says he believes in her and she thanks him, saying that she'll prove her innocence**.
  712. A Nousagi says that she also said; "I'll remember this name" and she says that's a good thing, and puts on a gentle voice saying something like; "Oh so the one who made this game series was Horii Yuji? I'll remember that name!" claiming it to be a case of remembering his name because of his talent.
  713. They say that it was definitely not with that kind of tension, and she defends herself by saying that she was exhausted so she didn't say it in her regular energetic way like she would just now, after all she played for up to 9 hours which tired her out making her unable to speak like she normally would.
  715. She gives some ironic compliments to the board game by saying things like an amazing effort was used to make this board game, with its very deep depth, traps that would send you right back at the start, this fantastically good board game that would drop you down and send you back to the start so many, many times.
  716. The nousagi finish of by saying that; "You are really talking a lot about this aren't you?" and she laughs, calls them annoying, and tells them to shut up.
  718. *The creator of the Dragon Quest series
  719. **As one would expect she did actually complain to Horii in that stream saying things like; "Horii Yuji definitely didn't test this board game himself, so dirty!", "Lets go home and away from this trash rip-off of a board game", "What is so fun about this board game!?".
  721. [e18] - The fall of Koro hero(2:46:40) -
  722. After another failed attempt she starts losing it, asking why this is happening, why isn't he becoming her partner, if he joins then the counter will go down to a nice 10, he should understand this. She pleads that to this team he is a valuable existence and necessary, and that they can no longer continue on their adventure and asks if this is alright with him? If he were to join then this journey would definitely become fun, she believes this. But if he doesn't decide to join her then, she will no longer care about him. She wonders if this is another case of her being toyed with, like yesterday's Gigantes.
  723. But she thinks he is so cute she'll forgive anything, and finally another encounter happens. This time Pekora threatens him by saying that she'll kill off his partners one by one and if he decides to join her this time then she won't continue to kill his partners, so the time to join her will be now, and if he doesn't then she'll hunt his partners once again, she'll start the Koro series hunt.
  724. And as her miracles usually go, he does join this time and she is overjoyed and says that; "As expected, a Hero doesn't want his comrades to be killed! All we needed to do was talk and you understood~!"
  726. -----
  727. Summarized from:
  729. Day 6
  731. [f1] - Adding topics to her talk deck(5:35) -
  732. While doing her introductions she is snacking on something and eventually answers the question what it is that she is eating. For the sake of having things to talk about during these streams she has been going to close by places like the supermarket or convenience store and that is when she happened upon Paripari Koiwashi*. She doesn't remember if it was at the convenience store or the supermarket she found these since she has been going to both quite a lot recently, but it was the first time she's seen them and finds them delicious.
  734. *Crunchy dried sardine snack
  736. [f2] - The sea is frightening and Pekora's specialty is crawl swimming(13:50) -
  737. While hunting for a monster that appears at the open sea she gets told it has a higher chance of appearing at night, so she changes it to night and says that isn't the sea at night actually scary? Like in the real world. She explains that despite having been alive for 111 + alpha years she probably has only been to the sea twice and one of those times was mandated by her school, which was some sort of swimming class where they were made to swim a long distance and the other time being with her family when she was a kid.
  738. But there really is something scary about the sea, it has that unknown terror to it. Like sure when waves come you can be all "Waa! and kyaa!" about it but actually if you were to be pulled away to the point where you can't see land anymore then it's over for you.
  740. Chat is surprised about the fact that she can swim and she says of course she can, at the time of that school trip to the sea they had to swim so she practiced in preparation for that, and besides it was a fundamental swimming style which purpose was to not exhaust as much stamina.
  741. But to Pekora that day was pure hell for her since they were doing a swimming that was similar to breaststroke swimming and Pekora is really bad at it and can't advance at all, so it was really tough on her which made her just wish for the day to end already. When it comes to breaststroke swimming she can't advance even a tiny bit, but her specialty is crawling and she says she is really good at this, seriously, and is confident she is faster than anyone at it, ok she admits that was an exaggeration but she does have faith in her crawling.
  742. In regards to her inability to breaststroke swim they say that is just drowning and she says it isn't like that, she isn't drowning, she just can't advance at all and she doesn't really understand the reason for this and always thinks those who are good at breaststroke swimming are amazing.
  743. The talk is interrupted by her catching the monster.
  745. [f3] - Deep sea and it's lifeforms(20:00) -
  746. After preparing for her next target she wants to go back to the discussion about the sea and asks the chat if they think there are any lifeforms that we've yet to discover somewhere in the sea, like she thinks that there probably are some in the deep sea. The chat says that there are and she wonders why it is that there still are many lifeforms we've yet to discover, but then realizes that the deep sea is dangerous for humans to visit and that if you have something like a submarine or similar vessel then you might be able to.
  747. Speaking of that she asks why is it that the pressure gets especially dangerous if you go to deep sea level? What exactly is water pressure, what does that mean? She says she doesn't really understand it. The chat responds that it is because of the weight of the surrounding water and she says she doesn't understand what they mean by "Water's weight" because for example if she is in a pool then it doesn't feel heavy, sure her movements become more sluggish but, is that what they mean by "Water's weight"? They respond that a pool is shallow and she says that sure that is true since it doesn't cover your entire body.
  748. Despite attempts of explaining it to her she doesn't really understand it, especially the part about it being more dangerous the deeper you get. She says that isn't it the case that if humans were to have gills, they too would be able to live even underwater right? She'd like to be able to live even underwater.
  749. Someone suggests to her to picture it as if it was sand or dirt and by doing that she can understand the point they are trying to make but then changes the topic and asks why is it that they lifeforms at deep sea level is able to live, isn't it strange, shouldn't they be flattened, how are they able to endure the pressure? But sure she says that deep sea creatures have plenty of lifeforms with really weird and terrifying features like their faces for example.
  750. They say it is a result of evolution, and Pekora adds to that with the question if it is for the sake of survival then? She continues and says that if it were the case that humans understood what it is about deep-sea fish that allows them to live at deep sea level, then if we were able to add those features onto humans wouldn't that mean we'd perhaps be able to live at deep sea level too? They respond that if we were to do that then you wouldn't be able to live on land anymore. She sighs and asks if this is that thing where mankind being greedy by all means is bad for them.
  752. [f4] - Human "evolution" and what kind of superpower would you like to have?(24:05) -
  753. Coming from the previous conversation which touched upon the evolution of deep sea creatures she asks if humans will be evolving anything anymore, like more so than we already have or is it the case that mankind is even now currently evolving, we aren't regressing? She gets the response that we are evolving and Pekora then wonders that if that is the case, what would be something she'd want to evolve, and eventually lands on the fact that she'd want her eyes to evolve in such a way that she'd be able to see through walls, she laughs and wonders if they understand what she means by that, she'd basically like to evolve as if she possessed a superpower to see through walls.
  754. Someone in chat says that privacy as we know it would cease to exist and she didn't think of that but she has a solution for that and that is that first we'd create walls that are impossible to see through, but in general there would be walls that you can see through. Then this power would be something you can switch off at will, she interrupts herself by laughing at the silliness of what she is saying, but continues and says that it would be off by default and something you actively switch on to use. A nousagi says it sounds like it would be tiring to use and she says that maybe it would be like that but wouldn't you want it anyways? And another one says that if there were walls or materials that you couldn't see through then everything would be made with that.
  756. That topic fires her up and she asks the chat if they were to be told that they'd be awarded one ability/superpower then what would they pick? Various powers get brought up like teleportation, future sight, but she reacts at time stop being a bit surprised but after thinking about it agreeing that it is pretty cool, and someone saying they'd want to have a copy power and she wonders what he means by that, is it a power to replace something real with a counterfeit. Another one pulls a classic one saying he'd like the power to become happy and she laughs at that saying she too would like to have happiness but also says that depending on the person, what makes them happy is different.
  757. She explains that the one she dislikes the most is the power that lets one read other people's mind, she thinks it is a good power but definitely one that would be painful. She doesn't remember exactly what it is called and mistakes it as Telekinesis, but further emphasizes she is jealous of that kind of power but on the other hand it seems to have a lot of painful aspects to it. But maybe she'd go for time stop, or a right hand that can render any person's power useless by touching them*, she eventually lands on what she wants more than those and not exactly hypnotism but the ability to dominate others, like whoever she uses this power on she'd be able to control them, a type in which nobody would be able to resist her. Her earlier rip-off of Touma's power from Index gets exposed and she laughs at that.
  759. She then wonders what is the strongest power even, she doesn't really know which one it is since to her they all seem to be good. Someone brings up immortality as a suggestion but she has her reservations against that by stating that since it is a fact that everyone will die at one point those friends you've made would also die leaving you all alone again, so because she wouldn't want to feel that loneliness she wouldn't want to be immortal.
  760. So she wouldn't want immortality and tries to think again what would be the strongest and eventually lands on the ability to be able to manipulate the numerical value of whatever value you want, so with that you could just add a bunch of 0's to your bank account and become rich for example.
  761. She reads someone suggesting being able to fly but she says that sure she'd like to try flying but since birds can already fly wouldn't it actually be possible for humans to be able to fly via some means sometime in the future? So while she'd like to try flying, being able to manipulate numerical values is good she thinks, every time she'd use it to get the winning number in a lottery granting her a lot of money, furthermore while this is a scary part of the power she'd also be able to manipulate people's lifespan.
  762. She says it is terrifying right? With this you can see that numerical values that seems to be something peaceful is actually something dangerous. Furthermore, you know how food has gram measures to it too right, with this power Pekora would be able to change the salt content for example, into a lethal dose making her able to perform assassinations that are impossible to track** and says to leave something like that to her if it is requested.
  764. The nousagi are rightfully afraid of this and ask her if anything is wrong, and she laughs, apologizes, and says that nothing is off, this is just a conversation that is disconnected from reality, she loves talking about these kinds of silly things. The nousagi insist that if there is anything troubling her then they'll listen and she says there isn't anything in particular, just that these sort of brain-less conversations is something she loves having, ones where you don't have to use your head. She furthermore gets asked if her heart is alright and she says of course it is and complains that fantasying about stuff like this isn't weird and says that doesn't the nousagi too have thoughts like; "Ahh, what if I had a superpower" right?
  765. Tracing back a bit she says that earlier there were people who said they'd like to fly and she says that with her power if you made your weight 0, then wouldn't you be able to fly. From that standpoint manipulating numerical values is a considerably scary thing. And the nousagi might not be aware but perhaps she is changing their lifespan right now to something like; "Next year, this person will die from laughter while watching Pekora's stream" as she mimics the sounds of writing something. The chat promptly points out that, that is just the Death Note.
  767. Someone asks that with that power why doesn't she change her subscriber count so that she gets awarded the diamond plate? She calls him awful, it is because she doesn't have this power that she can excitedly talk about it like this with the nousagi. In any case she has decided on this power now and says that she won't let anyone else take it, it is hers alone.
  768. She has 2 encounters with liquid metal slimes back to back and afterwards someone jabs her and says that with that number power of hers, why doesn't she make liquid metal slime her partner? She starts complaining that they are really acting like a grade schooler teasing their crush right now, this is just a whimsical conversation about how fun it would be if you had a power and here they come and tell her; "Well if you have it why don't you just do X then?", she obviously can't.
  770. *For you who might not know this is a straight rip from the main character of To aru Majutsu no Index
  771. **The word she uses to describe this is 密室殺人(Locked room murder/mystery) a popular trope in various detective plots which usually involve a murder that seemingly cannot have happened. The idea behind her saying this is just that she'd be able to kill anyone without it being traceable back to her, hence the wording.
  773. [f5] - Favorite scent and what brand of fabric conditioner she uses(36:20) -
  774. A nousagi superchats his first superchat and says that in about a month the Pekora body pillow cover should arrive and he figured it would be a good time now to prepare an exclusive fabric conditioner to use for it and asks her if she has a favorite fragrance. She thinks for a short while before saying that she really likes the smell of peaches and as for the fabric conditioner she thinks they have at her home it is from the brand Downy(ダウニー)
  776. [f6] - Food stuff that is dangerous to humans(38:20) -
  777. Coming from Pekora earlier on saying that the shampoo she uses looks like honey and that making her think about that it would be bad if there are people out there who actually eat shampoo and advise them to stop, since she believes that if that were to enter your body surely it would be dangerous. Which makes her think about if we humans actually consume anything poisonous, she hesitates from that choice of word and rewords herself to ask if there is anything we eat that is bad for us, in terms of food, she feels like there aren't.
  778. Eventually she gets the response that there are which shocks her prompting her to ask just what is dangerous in that case and gets further surprised by them saying that margarine is, making her inquire further on why it is. They say that it is because of trans fats and that with the exception of Japan, margarine is banned elsewhere, as well as it being something not even bugs will eat, this shocks her further asking why is it that Japan is still eating it if it is supposedly so dangerous, is it a case of the margarine produced in Japan being safer?
  779. Someone less extreme comes around to tell her that eating too much of anything is dangerous and she agrees with that considering there are things like lethal dosages and such. Another nousagi says that in present times margarine is safe and that is Pekora's belief too since they have margarine in their house as if it was normal, all this talk does scare her a bit though.
  780. A nousagi jabs at her and says she seems like the type to lick it, she laughs and says that there is no way she'd lick margarine just as it is. She finds it strange why he has this horrible image of her being someone who would lick dairy products, sure she loves them but not so much she'd go around licking them. At least say that she seems like the type to put it on bread.
  782. [f7] - Not very good with strong flavors and bought some oatmeal(41:35) -
  783. Another nousagi says she seems to be the type to suck on mayonnaise and that brings her to mention that she isn't really all that good with very strong flavors since the cooking at her home is generally lightly seasoned. She likes mayonnaise in itself but if there is too much of it for example then she won't eat it. The nousagi are saying a lot of things that make Pekora surprised at their detailed knowledge on food items, asking if they are people who are mindful of their health, and on the topic of health she remembers that she recently bought some oatmeal to try, that she hasn't eaten yet but heard that it was healthy and used for diets and such, and wonders if it is tasty.
  784. It costed her something around 500yen making her reflect on that it was rather expensive but speaking of expensive things, The hot eye masks that she often receives as a gift from the nousagi was also being sold at the convenience store in a very thin package that seemed like a single mask, rather than a box of them, and each one of those would also go for 500yen which surprised her and made her feel both sorry for the trouble and grateful that the nousagi buy her something this expensive. Someone tells her that there is usually roughly three masks in those packages and she says that might be the case but they looked super thin so she couldn't be sure. Another nousagi calls oatmeal vomit and says it is disgusting, she says that's rude since there might be people here who eat oatmeal, and that after she has eaten it she'll give her impressions on it.
  786. [f8] - Chocomint time(43:50) -
  787. She gets the question if she has eaten the chocomint yet and she asks if she should go get it right now, and worries if she'll be able to eat it all since she isn't very fond of stuff with mint in it so she doesn't really have the confidence that she'll finish it all. Since it is the first time she eats it there is a chance she might give off a reaction that will offend chocomint fans.
  788. Mint gets called "Toothpaste flavor" and she says that when she is brushing her teeth the taste isn't really something she dislikes so maybe it will be fine anyways, but still is it really like eating toothpaste, I mean it has chocolate in it right? A nousagi reassures her that even people who are bad with mint can like chocomint and that makes her wonder if the mint flavor isn't too strong then.
  789. She goes away to get the chocomint and comes back in a minute or two worrying about being able to eat it as she opens the package. It apparently has a very cool scent to it as well as being green in color which piles onto her worries, but she finally takes a bite. Chewing on it for a while she eventually says that it is just good, and that it isn't like toothpaste at all, sure there was a little taste and aftertaste but not at all enough to be too much, maybe it is just this brand that is good but it really is just tasty.
  790. She is surprised, she was scared to try it since she expected such an overwhelming cool taste it would be any good, but this is just plain tasty and now she understands why these are being sold, this is perfectly edible and recommends this brand* to anyone who is unsure about chocomint.
  792. *
  794. [f9] - Foreign prank videos impressions(1:15:15) -
  795. After a discussion about various Youtube trends like Ice bucket challenge, and 1000c iron ball experiments. When the idea of destroying new game consoles like the PS5 is brought up, Pekora vehemently disagrees on doing something like that and is reminded of a foreign video she watched where the father in the video takes the games and consoles from his kid and turns them into pieces with something. The nousagi say they've seen something similar* and Pekora goes on to say that she felt sad for the kid and wondered just what could the kid have done for the father to go this far with destroying all these things, it certainly looked like it was a lot of money, and she felt the father seemed like a scary person.
  796. She interjects and says that in her case she hasn't really destroyed anything but she has managed to dirty her PS5 with a paint marker but other than that no incidents(She doesn't further explain just what it was she did).
  797. Back to talking about the video a nousagi says the kid must have gone crazy and Pekora confirms it and acts out some of his sounds and obscenities he uttered while watching his pile of shredded games, and sympathizes with him saying that if that was Pekora she'd too go crazy. Furthermore the person filming who she thought was the older brother was laughing at the kid, Pekora felt that it was extra mean of him since it was someone else's issue he was laughing at, looking at that video made her think the family was an evil one.
  799. This leads her into saying that when it comes to foreigner videos of pranks and the likes, the scale is really different, like some of those who exist are flashy enough to make Pekora doubt that they are just mere home made videos. Someone from chat brings up the "Covering a strangers head with a bucket prank"** and Pekora briefly explains it as that one where they sneak up upon someone looking at goods in a store and putting an empty bucket over their head, running away and pretending to be uninvolved, that video? Pekora says that isn't that just harassment and is it really a prank and not just staged since she feels like it would definitely be exposed and surely someone couldn't bother someone like that with cameras seemingly being all over the place.
  800. There was also a point in the video where he covers himself with a bucket pretending to be confused and then speaking to his victim wondering if he too was covered by a bucket, Pekora felt that was cleverly thought upon by the guy.
  801. Someone brings up that if it happened in Japan, and Pekora thinks that if that was Japan then the person would probably not search for the perpetrator, she isn't entirely sure but she gets the impression that they'd just be confused, put the bucket down, and take their leave, something like that. Like if they looked around and saw no one it'd just be a confusion moment, and if this were to happen to Pekora she thinks she'd be like that, she'd get scared and just immediately take her leave from that place. She feels like at that situation she wouldn't be able to know who was the culprit, but of course if she were to hear snickering or footsteps she'd react to it and wonder if someone is there, but when she thinks about it, if she was alone it would be scary, like what if the culprit is an actual bad guy, what would she do then?
  803. *Most people are talking about the video where the father lawnmowers a pile of games and it turned out to be this classic seems to fit the bill with what she is describing, too bad for Pekora that it is fake but that's life on the Internet.
  804. **The description fits this video the best
  806. [f10] - Pekora has a sharingan and some light Sasuke/Itachi talk(1:35:45) -
  807. A foreign viewer named Kakashi-sensei compliments her and she thanks him, reads his name, and starts singing Silhouette and Go briefly before mentioning that Naruto is nostalgic as well as it seemingly being very popular overseas. She gets the question if she has read Bolt and says she hasn't looked at it anything. Another question is if she has a sharingan and she says she has various of them, like the mangekyou sharingan for example, she just hasn't said anything to the nousagi since she thought she'd shock them if she revealed it. A nousagi asks if she doesn't have too many settings in regards to her character and she laughs and says it is alright since this is one of those settings she isn't going to remember.
  809. Having said that she wants to say something briefly about Naruto and says that it should be alright since Naruto has been out for long enough that it won't be called spoilers right? In any case she continues and says that the relationship between Itachi and Sasuke was one she really enjoyed, she really got that "Older brother"-feeling from Itachi which moved her close to tears. Some tell her to stop and she asks why, surely you all read it at the same time as she did, and continues to say that it really was a deep feeling of; "Ah, so that is how it was, I understand now...".
  810. Someone teases her and says this is the first he has heard of it and she asks if he perhaps isn't in the middle of it right now and then scolds him and tells him to finish it, it is very famous after all.
  812. [f11] - Nousagi teasing(1:48:45) -
  813. A comment comes in from someone joking that despite him being a first time viewer of vtubers, Pekora is definitely in love with him right? She laughs at it and wants to ask him what kind of feeling led him to be able to say that, why is it that he thinks that, she'd like to hear the reason for that first. Did he get the feeling of; "She is only speaking to me"? She puts on an extra cute voice and says; "Ah, it got exposed? Why did you have to go and tell it to everyone, I tried to act in a way that wouldn't expose it to everyone". She says that she was talking in such a way that only he would understand, so why did he have to make trouble for her and expose that?
  814. The chat dives into despair with "Eh?", "No way...", "I'm about to lose it", "I'm going to crush you" and she laughs after reading this and says that there is no way that was true, she is the same Pekochan as ever, it was just a joke.
  816. [f12] - Eyes, and discussion about herbivores and carnivores(2:00:10) -
  817. Leading in from some small talk about characters that have one big eye are pretty cute, like Mike Wazowski from Monster Inc for example, she runs into the elephant monster that has three eyes and comments on that wondering what kind of vision one would have with three eyes, and sure she is curious how it would be with one eye too but is it something like we'd be able to see even more colors with three eyes or would it be something like being able to see  various places at once? The thought of having multiple eyes intrigues her, but she wonders if the brain would be able to handle it and feels like it couldn't.
  818. A nousagi informs her that because of the position of a rabbit's eyes they are able to see in 360 degrees and she didn't know that asking if that doesn't mean they can see behind them as well, she thinks about it for a bit and feels like having a field of vision that spans 360 degrees sounds like it would tire you out.
  819. The chat says that it is because rabbits have their eyes on the side of their head, and from that she realizes it makes sense and says that we have our eyes in front of us after all, and thinking about it this way those who do have eyes on the side of their head seem strong.
  820. They continue and say that horses have eyes like that too, and that eyes like that are common for herbivores and Pekora responds with that's how they evolved in order to be able to protect themselves right? She then says that she can't see in 360 degrees, she is a virtual existence with a human half after all.
  822. Someone says that we are about to go into another conversation about evolution and she laughs at that and says that it is a never ending topic. A nousagi says that carnivores have their eyes at the front and she asks "So Lions do to for example?" before going quiet and wondering where lion's have their eyes, and after a short while of thinking she concludes that when he puts it like that they do have them at the front and then says that fact scares her, why is it that when it comes to the animal kingdom that there exists all these varied species that are so different from one another like humans, fishes, reptiles, and mammals for example, is it not possible for everyone to be the same she wonders.
  823. A nousagi says that cannibalism would start in that case and she responds that she wouldn't like that, speaking of which in this "Eat or be eaten" world, why is it that that humans aren't being eaten, that there aren't anything that eats humans? She adds on a bit that occasionally you'll hear about cannibalism and that there seems to be people like that. A lot of the responses are for various reasons but she sees the ones about intelligence and agrees with that, it is because of human's intelligence that we avoid this fate.
  824. Still being curious of the difference she brings up that, of course, if you go to the jungle then there are times where you can end up eaten but in our normal vicinity there are no environment where this would happen, which is something she does think is amazing. Since if she thinks about animals and fish then they don't have any location they can be in where they would definitively avoid being eaten, she takes it back and says maybe they do but not to the extent of humans.
  825. Speaking of humans, they really eat a lot of different animals don't they? Because if it was animals, like a fish for example, she is a bit unsure about the following example since they might eat it but still, she thinks for a while and eventually says that fish don't really have any reason to eat "weird meat", but maybe they do eat random meat, but if you think about that then why is it that humans eat so many different animals? It is a both amazing and scary she thinks.
  827. After a nousagi brings up that humans also use fire to their advantage she quickly shifts the topic to say that humans has something seemingly amazing about them, in that it seems that we hardly ever use the full extent of our brain, like a matter of fact is that we only use a tiny bit of it, and she wonders what would happen if we were to use 100% of it. She says she heard it from that speaker at the conference she watched yesterday, the one holding a presentation about neuroscience*. He said something along the lines of that human intelligence is barely being used as using it all would be like taking a Formula 1 car to the convenience store.
  828. The nousagi tell her that it is a lie, debunked theory, and so on. And she is surprised about that since this Neuroscience research guy said that. Because Pekora was watching that and thinking; "Oh? It is like that? If we used 100% it would be considerably crazy then".
  830. *Covered in the "Targeted advertisement after philosophy talk" section
  832. [f13] - Nousagi who wants to go to sleep(2:26:30) -
  833. A nousagi says that he wants to go to bed soon, and Pekora fakes sounding sad and says that it saddens her but that it is fine, go to bed. After some fake tears she says that recently she has really been keeping the nousagi up late at night so, it is alright to go to sleep, but tomorrow she wants them to come watch her but also tells them to not overdo it. But listen to the stream as you are falling asleep, she warns that she might scream once she captures a monster but still, she gives them permission to close their eyes and listen to her stream with a radio mindset, since listening to her voice as you are falling asleep is happiness. A nousagi asks her to scream at 7:30 and she says she isn't an alarm clock.
  834. Considering how well this day has been going and how she is reaching the end of the plan she has started to feel rather sad about it since once this plan is over it will probably be some time before she does late night streams like these, so the thought that these late night streams together with the nousagi going away makes her rather sad, if only for a little bit she wants to stay by the nousagi's side.
  835. "As if!" She suddenly says and does her smug "Peko" laugh and continue "If I say this these guys will definitely become overjoyed". She continues the tease by putting on an exaggerated cute voice and saying "It is true, I do think it is is lonely". The chat fills with sad and staring emotes and she laughs, and says that if she gets the chance to do something similar to this, then she'd like to stream at night again.
  837. [f14] - Plans for tomorrow and conveying how fun she is having(2:37:00) -
  838. Since today will leave her at 2 monsters remaining she thinks about what her plan will be for tomorrow which is first to aim for the Blizzard bird and since Killer machine also appears at the same place she'll aim for him at the same time. Should the bird join her party and there is ample time left then she will consider going for liquid metal slime and thinks that with two days to do it, she feels it should be doable if she plays from midday, to evening, do a normal stream, and then from night to morning DQ5 again.
  839. Laying out this plan makes the nousagi tell her not to break herself doing this and she says that while there might be a lot of people worried about the condition of her throat, she assures them by saying that she is having a lot of fun doing these streams. She mentions that she had earlier complained a bit about wanting to do these kinds of "Talking with the chat while doing something else" sort of streams, so now being able to do so she is very happy about it.
  840. Since normally when she plays games, they are such games that don't really allow her to talk about anything other than the game, which means these kinds of silly conversations don't really appear. Which is why having been able to make time for just this is for her, real joy, she is very happy about it.
  841. And adding to that, being able to do this while playing one of your favorite games is even better, being able to listen to the music and so on, she started with DQ5 after all so it is special to her and she has had in mind to do this kind of monster capture before, so being able to do so on top of being able to chat with the nousagi like she has wanted to do is excessively fun.
  843. [f15] - Is not the type who can pick a favorite and some reminiscing about her played games(2:44:00) -
  844. She gets asked what is her favorite game and she can't really decide on a favorite since feels like any game has too many good things about them and that she likes them all. But she explains that she is that kind of type in that even if she were told to pick her favorite manga she wouldn't be able to do it since she likes a lot of varied manga and would just get locked up when thinking which one she likes the most, so she is a type who can't decide on a favorite but she thinks that is fine as well since they are all great.
  845. Say if she was asked to pick her favorite RPG, or her favorite action game then she thinks she'd be able to do so but if asking generally she wouldn't know. Continuing on aside from the games she often mention like Dragon quest, Metal gear, and Makaimura there are a lot of other games she also likes, like Biohazard was really fun, Death stranding made her cry, Yakuza with her first-timer mindset, all of that was really fun. Furthermore there is Minecraft and Mario kart that is fun, and she really thinks games are amazing as she continues to be fascinated by them.
  846. Pikmin also gets brought up and she finds the whole aspect of the Pikmin being treated nousagi to be fun since she'd often end up getting them killed to which the chat would yell at her not to kill "Us". She says that there were a lot of instances of the Pikmin being annihilated but she defends herself by complaining that those guys wouldn't listen to her commands, and says that she did play it seriously. The chat says not to lay the blame on the Pikmin and she laughs and apologizes.
  848. Someone from chat tells her that he'd like to see her play Pokemon and she says she doesn't understand anything about it. While she has played Pokemon Sword she doesn't understand the purpose of the stats. And during the big Hololive Pokemon Sword tournament she did carefully select her team while looking up things but she still doesn't really understand the game in a detailed fashion.
  849. "What did I do to deserve this my lord" gets brought up and she says that is really fun game but a difficult one and wonders how does one clear it? She wants to clear it but she says she is too muscle brained to do it, since even when the nousagi give her tips she doesn't understand them to put them into practice and she just ends up attempting to put what she thinks they mean into practice.
  850. Shiren is brought up and she says that out of the Shiren games she has played 5, the one that Okayu is currently playing. It was the first time she has played a one of those "roguelike" games, with their "Memorize and work forward" style. She thought it was a lot of fun but remembers that she'd constantly ask the chat for confirmation that her actions were going to be alright, and the final fight* in particular was hectic, she really thought it was over at one point but somehow she managed to clinch it. She'd like to play one of those types of games again and says that Dragon quest has one of those too.
  852. *Her Shiren 5 final boss fight is one really worth seeing, so if you have the time do check that out.
  854. [f16] - Today's Gundam Corner(2:57:40) -
  855. Announcing that she is about to open today's Gundam corner she brings out the package and says that last time she got Baund Doc and this time, she yelps as she pulls up the card and goes silent before saying that this card is glittering, wondering if this is a rare one. She inspects the card further and clicks her tongue in disappointment and says it isn't rare but that it is something she has seen before and reads the name as ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam* and Kira Yamato, the pilot.
  857. *This lad.
  859. -----
  860. Summarized from:
  862. Day 7
  864. [g1] - Wasabi Yakisoba as "punishment" game(25:55) -
  865. Earlier on during her Tsugi no Hi horror game stream she had a punishment game on the line, which was if her heart rate went over a certain number she'd have to perform one, and it did. So because of that she has some Wasabi Yakisoba on hand to make. It was the first time she saw this product and figured that it should be spicy enough to fit the bill, so she decided to try buying it and asks the chat if they know about this.
  866. They say it is delicious and she is surprised to hear that and laughs that this might not turn out to be a punishment game then. She is still worried about it and asks if it won't be on the level of getting that sharp feeling in your nose and the chat assures her that it is a tasty product which gets her excited to try it out and says that she is boiling water right now. She likes wasabi but isn't good with stuff that is too spicy.
  867. She laughs at it no longer being a punishment game and that it is instead just a regular evening meal, it has turned into a reward punishment game.
  869. [g2] - Pekora the "Word Magician"(28:10) -
  870. The monster she is trying to catch at the moment often uses the spell Zaraki(Know as Thwack in the English version) which is a spell that has a chance to cause instant-death to all enemies, and the spell is described as a "Curse" that is uttered. Pekora finds this concept terrifying, like what if people were to die if she were to shout Zaraki? It really is scary, the idea that whatever you say is what happens, like if she were to say to the nousagi; "Sleep!" and that'd make them fall asleep. But despite it being scary it is one ability she'd like to try having.
  871. She looks over to the chat and sees that they are all playing along with her and pretending to sleep, and she wonders if she already possess this power and commands them to "Wake up!". They pretend to wake up and be confused about having fallen asleep and Pekora says that she, with just her words, controlled them for a little while. She asks if it is ok for her to become a "Word magician", and that she will need the nousagi's cooperation in order to deceive new viewers, her idea is that whatever she says they will actualize and that this is a technique that can only work if the nousagi agree to being her staged actors.
  872. What she has in mind is when a new viewer announces themselves she'll announce herself as a word magician and propose to show them a magic trick, then she'll say something to the nousagi and have them do whatever it is she tells them, without fail. She swiftly gets the question on why she needs to trick new viewers and she says that by showing them this hoax they'll think that she is amazing and from that become her fan. She laughs and says that there is no other method she can use and envisions this plan as having a reaction like; "Ohh, this bunny can so skillfully control these people with just her words!"
  874. The chat does what it usually does whenever she brings up the topic of new viewers and that is to pretend to be new viewers themselves and she notices this and says that she understands this kind of flow completely, in that whenever someone says "First time watching!" then there will be a lot of people having fun by being fake newcomers. She says that she is able to tell from the comment if the person is a true newcomer or not, it is like the atmosphere around it is different, because the nosuagi's comments all have this sort of smoke billowing from them that she can see. Sometimes there are even comments with too much smoke making it hard for her to see it.
  876. [g3] - Forgot about her boiling pot of water(47:05) -
  877. Pekora is suddenly reminded of the fact that she put water to boil before the stream started and that she hasn't checked on it since, and wonders if it is alright to have let it run for this long. She remembers having done this once before which ended with the pot becoming completely dried out, well it will work out somehow she thinks, her mother is there too so. She has a rather long fight and afterwards gets told that this is a reason why she can't live alone, and she laughs and asks why does he think that, of course she can.
  878. She says she is going to go check on the water, comes back and says that she has been subjected to something sad, her boiling water was used to make tea instead. She laughs then complains that her boiling water that was to be used for her night meal was instead used to make tea, the pot was completely empty, everything was used to make the tea. It was a big shock for her to find that her water had turned into barely tea, and the culprit is definitely her mother. The chat says it was ecological of her mother to make use of it but Pekora says it isn't conservative at all since she had left it boiling even before the stream started, but then says that leaving it unattended for over an hour is a pretty bad thing so she directs her gratitude to her mother instead.
  879. But she says that it is fine since an Induction heater won't cause a fire, then stops herself and asks if it really won't cause a fire? There were quite a few question marks earlier on why she wasn't using a proper pot, and she sees some of these questions and confirms that she used a Nabe pot, she doesn't explain further why and some in the chat say that leaving a Nabe pot on for too long will burn it.
  880. The chat explains that even with an IH-Heater a fire can start and Pekora is surprised and scared by this information since she thought it couldn't happen if it was Induction heating. The chat tells her to really give thanks to her mother and she dejectedly says alright, she'll thank her for making good use of her water.
  882. [g4] - Recovering from feeling down and streaming addiction(1:08:05) -
  883. She hits upon another train of thought suddenly and says that what she is about to say is probably something she shouldn't mention but anyways, today she had seriously no energy to do anything, almost like she was suffering from May Blues. Sure it is May so it isn't so strange that one would get the May Blues but today was especially bad and it wasn't like anything bad had happened or anything of the sort.
  884. When this usually happens she'll recover her mood by listening to music while lying down to rest but for some reason that didn't work today and furthermore she had already put up the stream which made her more worried, wondering why she can't seem to work up any energy today.
  885. Someone suggest it could be because of physical fatigue and she says that could be the case, but that feeling this level of unwillingness hasn't happened for a long time. She also apologizes for being so late with her tweets, which was also because of the aforementioned unwillingness.
  886. So with that she asks the chat what they do to recover themselves when they end up in that situation, because she got shocked at herself for being unable to do it this time around. A Nousagi brings up coffee and she feels that is a very adult-like thing and praises the nousagi for being adults. Someone else says they enter the bath and she agrees with that since it seems like something that would lift your spirits.
  887. Another one is to think happy thoughts and Pekora says that she couldn't do that, she was just lying in her futon fiddling with her phone and constantly wondering why she isn't able to raise her spirits.
  888. Training is another thing and she agrees that it fits, and someone else shortly after says that he screams in a strange voice and Pekora laughs and says that if she were to do that chances are that her mother would call the hospital from worry. A Nousagi says he looks at Pekora's face to recover and she likes that and awards him 200 peko points.
  889. But she says that while being in that state of not understanding why she is this dejected, as soon as it was time to stream she recovered and that languid feeling also disappeared, it reaffirms to her that in her case, streaming is something that will definitely raise her spirits.
  890. But this incident was an extraordinary unwillingness that hasn't happened in years, and when she suffers from this unwillingness her heart just becomes dull, she even researched on herself thinking stuff like; "Ah Pekora, so you too during times like those you can't work yourself up", and "If it was as always you'd just listen to music while resting and you'd recover yourself, but as expected that too has stopped working hasn't it?"
  892. They ask her if she doesn't get the shakes if she doesn't stream and she laughs and says that even though she loves streaming and wants to stream it isn't
  893. so bad that she has withdrawal symptoms that make her whole body shake if she doesn't. It is on the level of her looking at the Hololive schedule and if she sees a large gap she'll feel that it is a waste to have a gap there and think that she should stream, but if she will then does she have anything to do? And if she doesn't then ends up not streaming.
  894. They call her a streaming addict and she laughs at it and remembers that she had plans to do a stream at 19JST as well since it was free but on the chance that today's DQ stream would go poorly she figured she'd make it a one hour type stream. She thought about various things before finally giving up on the idea.
  895. Someone from chat asks if she doesn't have a schedule, and she fake cries for a few seconds before saying; "There is none" and laughs, then says that in general she'll tell management that if they have meetings and such to absolutely not book them at nighttime. She'll tell them that she definitely wants to stream at midday's on weekends, and at night time on weekdays, so please do not book meetings at those times, and that keep all the meetings from midday until evening. She laughs and says that they are properly keeping this promise and that, after all their primary work is streaming and that is important, meetings are important too but if they are at middays then it is fine since all she has to do is just wake up early for them.
  896. She'll generally show up at those meetings with her morning voice, often prompting a comment from management; "Ah, did you just wake up?", "Were you sleeping?" and she'll apologize with a drowsy voice.
  898. [g5] - How did they find out about poisonous food?(1:35:40) -
  899. Coming from some talk about the Fugu fish and its poison as well as poisonous mushrooms Pekora asks how was it that they investigated that? She then lowers her voice and says that this conversation might be one that is dangerous to talk about but since there are various poisons out there not just mushrooms, how was it that they ascertained that the object was in fact poisonous? Was it perhaps that there existed a sort of black facility where citizens were sent to and experimented on in detail to find out if it was poison or not? If they didn't do something like that then nobody would want to eat it in the first place right?
  900. The nousagi warn her to not talk about this topic and she says that it really is dangerous as she suspected, because she has been thinking about how did they discover that mushrooms for example were poisonous considering there are a lot of different species of mushrooms, it is clearly strange isn't it, since nobody would want to be the first to eat it since it is scary.
  901. Someone says that it is a state secret and Pekora gets worried and says that if she doesn't stream tomorrow then she might have been abducted and possibly the nousagi will have their memories of Pekora erased, and the next time she shows up it might no longer be the Peko-chan that everybody knows, she asks that they forgive her in that case.
  902. Joking aside she asks if there is anyone actually knows how they found out about that stuff, like is it a case of them looking for a certain reaction and being able to know that it is poison from that? The chat informs her that mice is used for testing purposes and she feels sad for them but also understands that it is because of their sacrifice that humans can live, she also recalls that she has heard it a lot in manga and other places that Guinea pigs are often used for experiment purposes. She realizes that it is thanks to these sacrifices that we can ascertain what is good and what is bad for humans so she won't speak ill of that but she does feel bad for them at the same time.
  904. On the subject of rats she recalls that she has watched a video* about what she thinks is rat extermination although she is unsure, where rat food is placed in a weird spot like a bucket, and once enough rats accumulate and go over a certain weight it breaks and the rats fall down into the bucket. She wonders if anyone has seen it and says that it is probably a foreign video since there was English in it, she wonders if that was for the purpose of extermination or what.
  905. She gets asked why she is watching that kind of video and she says that it was in her recommendations tab and says that the recommendations are strange because despite her not searching for these things they sometimes show up in her tab. Like that video about "Is what you see actually real?" thing she talked about on stream the other day, that too showed up without her searching for it which makes her wonder if there is a recording function somewhere listening to her.
  907. *The description fits this video the best.
  909. [g6] - What to do about the last monster(1:47:10) -
  910. Having caught the second to last monster she is now deliberating on which one to go for, Killer Machine or Liquid Metal Slime. She likes both of the monsters but is on the fence which one to pick, she'd really like to go for Liquid Metal Slime as it is a particular achievement to catch it but she is on the fence about it since there is the fear that she might not complete the plan if she goes for it.
  911. She gets the suggestion to make a Twitter Poll regarding it and she does and LMS wins. She laughs at the landslide victory of LMS and says that it is like the nousagi want her to suffer through the achievement that they themselves couldn't accomplish, because there was also some people like that who told her that they gave up on LMS and that they want her to taste the same agony that they did.
  913. [g7] - Peko Points are not for resale(2:18:00) -
  914. She gets recommended to go to the fifth floor to hunt for LMS as they have a higher chance to appear there, and after a few encounters she likes it and thanks those who told her to go here and awards them 100 Peko Points. They ask what these points can be exchanged for and she responds with "Peko-chan's love", someone tells her he doesn't need that and she asks why, and tells him that despite him saying so he surely wants it.
  915. Someone else tells her that he soon has 10,000 Peko Points and she asks if that is really true since she hasn't distributed that many, she accuses him of fraud and says that she has a Peko Point accounting book to keep track of the points in order to prevent fraud.
  916. He says he used Mericari to buy points and she says that Peko Points are ineffective if resold, since if you use points that were given to someone else then they won't be accepted, she'll know because she has a list of names and if there is a discrepancy between the points and the name she'll inform the police about it. There is also a chip in every Peko Point so she'll immediately know, and with the exception of Pekora giving you points there is no other way of gaining them as they are not for sale. After all these limitations the Nousagi call it a scam and she laughs and defends herself by saying that it is not.
  918. [g8] - No Gundam corner today(2:31:20) -
  919. She gets asked if there is a Gundam corner today and she says that because of her previously mentioned languid feeling that she has had today she didn't go outside*, usually she'd go outside to search for some kind of talking point at the convenience store or supermarket in preparation for these DQ streams but not today, she'll go tomorrow however.
  920. She further gets asked if she doesn't have a lesson of some sort to go to and she says that currently there are none she has and also emphasizes that because of the current state of things** she doesn't want to go outside. The thing she fears the most right now is that if she were to get infected she wouldn't be able to stream.
  922. *This might sound like it contradicts the Yakisoba topic but it is likely she just bought the Yakisoba some other day and picked it as a punishment game as she had it on hand
  923. **Corona
  925. [g9] - Favorite number is 3(2:56:40) -
  926. She asks the chat what their favorite number is and after a bit of thought answers that her own is 3, with the reason that in regards to her life the number 3 comes up a lot and there are a lot of things related to her life that relates to the number 3.
  928. [g10] - The "Guaranteed critical hit" formula(3:08:00) -
  929. When facing specific encounters she uses Ionazun* to clear the remaining non-metal slime enemies and after another successful kill on a slime during an encounter like this she suddenly asks everyone if they have noticed the pattern that is occurring, that is every time she has used Ionazun Braun has always landed a critical hit afterwards. She says that isn't this her having created a formula to guarantee a critical hit, like the hit after using Ionazun is a guaranteed critical hit?
  930. She says that we should verify this, will the hit miss or not, she thinks that up to this point every one has hit if it has been Ionazun into Braun's attack. The chat is skeptical and asks if it isn't just a coincidence and she says she doesn't think that it is. Eventually she meets two slimes again and tests it out except this time Pekora goes after the Ionazun which makes Braun miss but Sancho hits, which makes her believe the ordering is important for the success. The second slime goes the same except Braun hits this time and that convinces Pekora that despite the turn order being messed up it was still a success and she believes this method to be established.
  931. She tells everyone to not tell people about this method and if it ends up on a strategy guide website then they should properly credit the method as an invention from Pekora and if they don't credit her then it is not allowed. Another encounter shows up and she does the same thing again and after the Ionazun a critical hit lands so she further states that they should also write her Twitter and Youtube URL onto the article. She does a 180 and says that if they can, don't put it up on a website either, she really doesn't want them to and if she finds a website where her method is uploaded she'll immediately report it. This is a method found by her after all and apologizes but she'll monopolize it, and she also tells them not to tell their friends about this method as if it was they who discovered it.
  932. Another encounter and this time the turn order is messed up again and she misses both hits, another turn and the same thing happens again and she blames the messed up turn order for this not working, third turn she puts Pekora on guarding so that it is guaranteed that Braun hits after the Ionazun and with this she gets the critical hit deepening her belief in her method.
  933. She gets asked what version she is playing on and she says it is the Playstation 2 version and immediately stops herself when she realizes why she was asked, and tells the nousagi to immediately inform her on Twitter if they find this information uploaded on any strategy guide website from someone claiming to be the originator. And if it is a site that she doesn't often go to then they should tell the person to credit Pekora and explain where they found out about this method.
  934. After another successful encounter she becomes afraid of herself for having found out this method and also praises her Braun as being different from other Brauns in that her's has gone through special training to get this many critical hits. She used the "Carrot and stick" method to beat him into becoming this critical monster.
  935. She suddenly realizes that what if Square Enix sees this method and patches it out? Then it would be over for her, and says to keep it at least until she gets the monster, so she asks the Nousagi to not tweet about this either. They all laugh at the absurdity of patching a PS2 game after all this time and she laughs at their reaction and jokingly says that a patch might arrive if they find out.
  937. *The big explosion spell
  938. Note: What makes this whole lunacy extra funny is that someone actually did upload it to a notorious website known as
  939. You might have heard the Holos use the word "ワザップ"(Wazappu) which spawned because of this website and came to be synonymous with "Fake information" or "Fake trick", or otherwise any given information that is incorrect.
  940. The reason is because the website allowed anyone to upload without verification, hence it became a slang to criticize given information as being fake or otherwise incorrect.
  942. The comment section also properly credits Pekora with attached URLs just like she wanted.
  944. [g11] - What exactly is "occult"(3:28:00) -
  945. Earlier on the Ionazun formula displays a lot of discrepancies to it and Pekora gradually shifts the requirements to have it remain valid as well as going so far to stand in a very specific spot to increase her chances, a spot from which she accidentally moves from much to her dismay as she now thinks her luck might have decreased.
  946. The chat is starting to call all of this nonsense occult and Pekora says that it isn't occult but after saying that she asks what exactly does occult even mean? They describe it as being superstitious and she says where is she being superstitious, she has shown them that it is 100% true. Another response is that it is things like the existence of ghosts and she says that she actually believes that ghosts exists and chastises the chat for being skeptical as she thinks it is important to believe in things.
  947. Aliens get brought up and she very strongly states that they definitely exist and once again chastises the chat for calling things occult and that not believing in things is no good. She again states they exist and says that there is even one in Hololive, Iofi.
  948. She definitely believes there is life out there and even that perhaps they are even more technologically advanced than us.
  950. [g12] - Ionazun disbelievers(3:35:10) -
  951. She reads a comment that laughs at the combo really doesn't miss and she says that is exactly what she told them, and is surprised that he didn't believe her until now, and wants him to believe her instead, after all she has done this how many tens of times by now which makes it pretty much the same as 100%. Even if she missed once that would still make it 99.99999% reliable making it the same as 100%.
  952. They say it is just a coincidence and she says that would a coincidence happen this many times in a row? It wouldn't. They ask her to do it once without Ionazun then and she says she'll do that once one appears and if it misses a guy says he'll punch her.
  953. She starts defending herself by saying that the weather report is also wrong sometimes so an occasional miss is something one should be able to look past because occasionally is fine and having that level of charm to something is better.
  954. She changes her mind and says that it might not be 100%, but something like 80% perhaps, and if it is 80% then any failure can be attributed to that low 20%. That's fine, she likes that and says that she'll go with 80% for now and that if anyone is putting it on a strategy website then they should mention it being 80% as well, although she feels that 90% is also valid.
  956. She finally gets another encounter and does her usual combo but both slimes run away after the Ionazun and that makes Pekora say that they became afraid of Ionazun and that they have probably been discussing amongst themselves that Ionazun is a bad sign and that if they see it they should not take any chances and run away, she feels this is bad because if they are starting to be on alert for Ionazun then it is over for that tactic.
  957. She says the rumors are probably spreading and the slimes are telling each other that if you see the light from Ionazun then run away, with that you won't be killed because the next hit will be a definitive critical.
  959. -----
  960. Summarized from:
  962. Day 8
  964. [h1] - Plans for today(4:15) -
  965. Her plan is as follows, today she'll do all she can and after that she'll sleep and from midday onwards she'll go all out, until she catches it. Tomorrow is the real match and on the off-chance she doesn't get it, she'll be crying as she watches the mirror stream.
  967. [h2] - Almost called off the stream(15:55) -
  968. She explains that once she got back from her hospital visit today she got seriously sleepy being worried that she wouldn't be able to stream properly in this state but also feeling that she has to stream because if she doesn't then chances are she won't catch LMS in time. Despite worriedly tweeting out that she might not be able to stream today when she woke up she felt fully refreshed.
  969. She says that if one is tired they really should sleep, and that even a little bit of sleep makes a huge difference. Also there is something that is often said that even if you don't sleep, just laying down on your bed seems to recover you. So she recommends the nousagi to try it out if they are feeling worn out.
  971. [h3] - The spontaneous Towa, Botan and Moona Minecraft appearance(18:30) -
  972. Talking about the human body again makes her remember the spontaneous Minecraft appearance she had before this stream, and that at that time she brought up one of her philosophical thoughts regarding the human body* and she says they all really pulled away from her.
  973. She retells it in song that she will suddenly talk about human body related conversations in the middle of the night and when she told that to the other members in the collab they pulled away from her. Occasionally she'd have one be courteous and pretend to be interested which was a bit embarrassing. On top of it all she got called a yandere. Moona didn't understand her, neither did Towa and not even Botan understood what she was talking about.
  974. She finishes the song by saying it was really sad, of course she understands why Moona didn't get it since she told it in Japanese but that Towa and Botan both gave her the "What is this woman talking about?" reaction, made her seize up a bit thinking that this might have been a poor decision.
  975. She realizes that Botan noticed that this might become a strained conversation and realized that she was helping Pekora out by feigning interest and giving interjections were due.
  976. She breaks off into another song, stating that at least teasing her would have been fine since Botan doesn't know that giving Pekora too much kindness like that will hurt her instead. Although she is glad that there are kind and good girls who'll call her Shachou like this in Usaken. After another sad song she says that she is glad that Botan did hop onto her conversation because if nobody did she'd probably get depressed from that. The chat says Botan froze up at her conversation and Pekora laughs and is a bit surprised at her getting that troubled by it, but she says that she really was interested in what they do talk about when they do work and such.
  978. On the topic of Usaken she states that there are a lot of members present that use a lot of languages, and that this time Moona was alone and Pekora felt afterwards that it would have been better if she paid more attention to that but she thinks that if they all continue to do work like this together and get on even better terms then they will gradually reach a point where their conversations become easy enough for all of them to follow, because when she was ego searching she found comments feeling pity for Moona and Pekora want them to look at that with kind eyes instead, because Pekora and the rest also tried their best and they've all expressed a desire of wanting to be understood. Maybe one day they will have grown enough to be able to speak in English fluently.
  979. But having said that she feels like she really has to study more and laughs, because she can't do anything but say single words. She wonders if she should start using an English language app, because maybe then she'll be able to remember grammar. She also mentions that watching Towa, Moona, and Botan all being mindful of each other and talking like that made her feel warm in the chest, and feeling like this is what Usaken is. Although at the start there are going to be a lot of times where it isn't going to go so well, but that will gradually get better as they do more work together.
  980. Pekora reflects on that she can read just fine she feels but when it comes to thinking up appropriate words to use it is when she really freezes up, and speaking of that she was surprised at how well Towa and Botan used English. Is it really so that the Shachou is the one who is the worst at English, surely that can't be the case, if that is the case then that'd be pretty bad.
  981. Although she despairs a bit at that she quickly remembers that there are still two fluent English speakers within Usaken, Kiara and Coco. So it is alright, since Usaken is a Bi-lingual group and that if those two are there then she'll generally have them translate for her and convey her thoughts and their translation won't even lose to Google Translate. The chat scolds her and tells her not to be spoiled.
  983. Furthermore she says actually isn't there a method where you just speak to your partner, not for studying but just some simple speaking and if that conversation properly conveys then isn't it just fine? She says she'll do that, and if it turns out that Moona is doing work and is in a voice channel and Pekora has free time then she might just take it upon herself to jump in there and talk a bit, if she does that then perhaps before she knows it they will be able to talk naturally.
  984. On the topic of the collab again she says that she was worrying about joining it since she had just woken up, not eaten anything, and what would she do if she made it awkward with her being half-asleep, furthermore she had a stream coming up so she thought maybe she should preserve her stamina for that, but in the end she went for it. The chat says that the atmosphere was awkward and she says that she didn't know how they were talking earlier, and that she entered the collab without having gotten a grasp of the atmosphere. She did worry a bit if this was alright but thought that "It is fine, I'm the company president after all, making a mistake is all right since I'm the highest authority!"
  986. *It was the "Where is the image our eyes see being projected" to be specific
  988. [h4] - Only cotton candy and marshmallows come out of her(29:15) -
  989. Note: I don't really know the context for this comment, I assume it has something to do with her previously talking about doing a 24 hour stream and bringing up stuff like her taking a bath during the stream and eating and such, highlighting that a 24 hour stream would cause her to leave from time to time to handle basic necessities. But even so the comment seems to come out of nowhere.
  991. She reads out a comment that says that even if you were to fart he'd still love Pekora and she says that this idol called Pekora doesn't do stuff like farting. Nothing but cotton candy and marshmallows come out of her, that's about it. Those things are also being sold at Pekoland, she laughs at the absurdity of what she just said.
  993. [h5] - A permanent-like stream(31:40) -
  994. Rather than a 24 hour dedicated stream that was proposed earlier someone suggests just leaving the stream online for 24 hours, Pekora understands that as basically not needing to speak at all times and only when she feels like doing a stream she'll take it upon herself to become active. If it is something like that she feels like it would be ok, like generally being muted and then here and there showing herself to do something on stream when she gets the urge.
  995. The chat tells her not to mute herself and she says she can't do that, because then they would be able to hear her rare sleep talking which she imitates as something like; "Munya, munya I love you listener-san munya munya, I want to meet you guys soon munya munya" she can't let something like that be heard, it would be too embarrassing.
  996. The chat doesn't fall for her attempts at flattery and says that she definitely doesn't say anything like that, and she contests that and says she might very well say that and does another imitation as; "Playing with everyone was a lot of fun today-peko" then she imitates snoring sounds, laughs and says that she might actually say stuff like that.
  997. The chat asks if she actually does snore and she says that she was never told by her mother that she snores, during the times they slept together when she was younger, rather than snoring she is the type to move around a lot in bed even to the point of doing a whole 180 degrees and ending up having her head where her feet were. She remembers this because it was often that she'd be looking at her mother's feet when she woke up, to which she'd initially complain at there being feet right in front of her before she realized it was she who had been moving in her sleep.
  998. She wonders how that even happens because she wasn't the type to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom so she had to have rotated in her sleep. Someone from chat says it also happened to them and she is surprised and says that this is another of mankind's mysteries.
  1000. [h6] - Things you can only talk about during night(44:05) -
  1001. Coming from a talk about food and her realizing that recently when it gets late at night she has been talking about food often and wonders if there aren't conversations that can only really be had during night time, she'd like to try talking about something like that. The chat goes for the obvious and says; "Lewd topics" and she rejects that and says she doesn't want to talk about lewd stuff with the nousagi, she doesn't really like lewd talk in general. If it is on a level of like saying how nice it is to see a woman with large breasts having a diagonal strap of some kind between her breasts* then she could but otherwise she isn't really interested in having lewd conversations, she thinks that only the nousagi would be overjoyed about it but for her it wouldn't really be all that fun.
  1002. The nousagi excitedly agrees that Paisura is amazing and she laughs at the sudden increase in people using exclamation marks after she said that.
  1004. Aside from lewd talks what else can one talk about she wonders, the chat recommends scary stories and she thinks for a bit if she has one of those to tell. Stuff like specific spots that are allegedly haunted gets brought up and she asks if the chat would be able to go to something like that, and she mentions that there are a lot of stuff like that with people heading to such spots. But for Pekora, well first of all she doesn't leave her home, but aside from that she also thinks she shouldn't go to one.
  1005. She asks if there is anyone who has been to one, like a famous one like a tunnel, a dense forest, or an abandoned building for example, since occasional there are videos like that where they go to something like an abandoned building and find weird paintings for example, she remembers from her childhood that because of that feeling of thrill you get from watching something scary she watched a little of a video like that and felt that it looked really scary.
  1006. The chat brings up something like a deserted village** and she really dislike that prospect, like what if you took a picture and an old lady was found sitting on your shoulders on it, wouldn't that be scary?
  1008. *The word she uses is パイスラ(Paisura)
  1009. **Funnily she says 廃村村(Haisonmura) much to the laughter of the nousagi in chat since 廃村(Haison) already means Deserted village and her saying 廃村村(Haisonmura) is like saying Deserted village village
  1011. [h7] - Didn't read Shounen Jump and Pekora's preferred hair styles(57:50) -
  1012. A little while earlier she was talking about various shoujo manga magazines and from that she gets the question if she didn't read Shounen jump and she responds that she didn't, and that she also didn't borrow the magazine from her brother. She thinks that during her younger years she was rather slow on getting into stuff like manga and Jump, and with Jump and Shounen manga in particular she seriously didn't have any interest in it, thinking stuff like; "Why do they have to have these passionate fights?", it was something she didn't really understand.
  1013. During her childhood it was shoujo manga instead with a focus on romantic love which gave her the kind of feeling like; "Waa, I too want to try having this kind of beautiful romance kya!". She also brings up there being a very popular type of scene known as 芋けんぴついてるよ* which was all the rage with younger girls.
  1014. The chat gets confused at this and asks what about Hitsugaya? And she responds that her encounter with Hitsugaya wasn't from the manga but rather the anime. And furthermore watching the anime was for the purpose of being able to talk with her friends since she didn't read Jump which meant she couldn't follow along with them, so if only for a little she could make do with the anime. Because generally amongst girls the topic of "Who do you like?" would come up all the time and it was at that point Pekora said Hitsugaya.
  1015. From that she gets ask if she truly doesn't like him and she denies it and says she probably does, in general she likes characters with that sort of hairstyle that stands up or is swept back, and takes an example of Aizen saying that before his betrayal she had no interest in him at all but, even to this day she can't forget his appearance at the moment of his betrayal. As for Hitsugaya she thinks he is really cool after having recently been reading the manga, in particular she really likes his adult form.
  1016. They ask what about Kenpachi? And she says that his hairstyle is a bit too special for her but that during the time where he his hair was let down she thought it was cool, being all long and loose.
  1017. Kamyu gets brought up and she says that he has that ingredient to him as well and feels that it is unfair since Pekora is weak to that type of character in general.
  1018. What about Wakka then? She says his hair is different and not the type she likes, and finishes off by saying that "Wakka is a good guy!".
  1019. Vegeta then? As for Vegeta she is a bit on the fence but settles on that his hair is also a bit different from what she likes.
  1020. The names continue with Gon and she says that his hair is far too much with how it stands up, and it isn't the same as the type she does like. She also says that it isn't just about the hair, it has to be a combination of hairstyle, voice, and personality.
  1021. Kirua gets brought up and she says she likes him as normal but that it isn't a feeling that gets her heart skipping. Furthermore she says that while his hair is that type of spiky style, isn't it still a little bit different?
  1022. What about Yugi then? She laughs and says his hair too is a bit too special and says it is different.
  1024. *芋けんぴ(Kenpi), is candied strips of sweet potato, and ついてるよ is to refer that something is attached to something in this case the Kenpi. So the setting is the girl having Kenpi unknowingly stuck to her hair for example, the pretty boy approaching her suddenly to remove it creating a scene of close contact.
  1025. A page can look like this
  1027. [h8] - Afro Hairstyle(1:03:05) -
  1028. From the previous conversation about what hairstyles she likes a character whose hairstyle is an afro gets brought up and that gets her wondering if it feels good to touch, would it be a fluffy kind of feeling? She wonders since has never had the chance to touch one. She wonders how you even go about making it since if you don't have an appropriate amount of hair it won't turn out very good right? She briefly wonders how she would look if she made an Afro.
  1029. She also feels like taking care of it seems like it would be a lot of trouble since if you wash it with water then what happens to it? Would it become straight? It really is a mystery to her and she suddenly asks out into her sea of listeners if there is anyone out there that has an afro, and to teach her what happens if you were to wet it.
  1030. Some people in the chat say that there aren't any listener like that and she says that surely at least one exists, but then realizes that when she is outside she doesn't really see anyone with an afro, in fact after thinking some more she says that she hasn't seen one at all.
  1032. A couple of minutes later a superchat comes in from someone saying that his little brother had an afro perm when he was younger and explains that after he got up from the bath and used a dryer to dry the hair it would cleanly return to its previous shape. Pekora finds that amazing and had no idea it was like that, and says she has learned another piece of trivia, that if you use a dryer on your soaked afro then it returns to its previous shape.
  1033. This inspires her and she wonders if she shouldn't try it herself, because at least once in her life she wants to try having an eccentric hairstyle. Sure right now she already has an eccentric hairstyle since she has carrots attached to her hair, but she wants one even further than that something like an afro that contains a pekomon that can stick out from somewhere, wouldn't that be cute? The chat is in disagreement and she laughs at that.
  1035. [h9] - Urban legends(1:12:10) -
  1036. Coming from a brief conversation about an urban legend regarding Shin-chan she asks if there aren't other urban legends that someone might know about, that sort of stuff that you might believe or might not. Saying that makes her remember that she has watched something on Youtube about the sudden appearance of multiple large stone like objects all over the world, although not an urban legend since it happened for real. The chat identifies it as the Monoliths* and she confirms it as that and really wonders what that is all about, and says that surely that has to be someone who carried it there and put it there right? Some suggest it is for publicity and Pekora in that case wonders for what purpose. A lot of comments mention Monster farm** and she says it isn't from that but in the real world there was this sudden appearance of these objects. Someone says that is plainly just from aliens and she says "Oh I see! That's how it is" with some clear irony in her voice.
  1037. Other than that she brings up that she has watched a video about a certain image or something being uploaded on a foreign website's bulletin board, and that this image is actually encrypted, and if you solve that then it is connected to a certain organization that aims to collect intelligent individuals. The chat identifies that as Cicada 3301 and says she already spoke about this during Minecraft earlier. The conversation is cut short from her thinking she caught LMS but it was just a treasure chest.
  1039. Several minutes later she gets back into the topic of urban legends and asks what exactly that entails, as in what signifies an urban legend or legend in this case. The chat explains it as something that is orally passed down to others, like a tradition or local legend. She finds that very cool and would like to become one herself in terms of vtubing, and asks for the nousagi to pass her story down to their daughter, son, and grandchild, retelling her olden endeavors in catching the LMS. A Nousagi tells her not to speak about a future where she is seemingly gone from their lives, and she laughs at that.
  1041. *
  1042. **It was more than a year ago Pekora did this so I'm just refreshing the memories of those who might have forgotten or those who haven't seen it at all. Pekora's first run of Monster farm 1 was with a monolith-looking monster named Smile hence the reference.
  1044. [h10] - Disney fan-fiction videos(1:27:30) -
  1045. Coming from a couple of conversations about different interpretations of characters in various media, like Totoro actually being the grim reaper for example she says that she has watched a video on Youtube where a girl speaks about these kinds of fan-intepretations of Disney characters*. For example in the video she says that Pluto is actually a playboy since he gets along with so many different female dogs, and that Goofy too has something about him but Pekora doesn't remember enough to retell it, but that it was that kind of video.
  1046. She says there really was a video like that and that she spoke about a lot of characters seemingly very detailed as well, which made Pekora feel like it could be true. The chat reacts as it usually does regarding anything Disney and says that is a dangerous video and that she'll be erased by Disney if she speaks about it, and Pekora says she was just slightly interested and ended up watching it.
  1047. Further on that woman also spoke about a character before Mickey Mouse that also had long ears and who was popular, then somewhere the rights to that character was taken from Disney, and because of that they made Mickey who went on to become super famous**. She felt that the girl must really love Disney since her way of talking about all this was with a rather carefree and detailed feeling.
  1048. Someone from chat mimics Mickey and threateningly asks if Pekora won't remove the archive of this video afterwards? She says she won't and tells the nousagi to remember that if it so happens that this video gets erased after the fact then they will know what happened to her. She further asks them to go out on a campaign to get her back, something like doing a signature collection campaign with the wishes of having Pekora forgiven and returned to them.
  1050. *I tried searching for this video but can't find it for the life of me.
  1051. **This would be Oswald the Lucky Rabbit
  1053. [h11] - How many hair strands do humans lose per day?(1:33:40) -
  1054. She gets into a topic of having investigated something she found interesting about the human body, and starts the conversation by asking if the chat knows how many strands of hair a human sheds every day. She continues to say that she has noticed that when getting up from the bath and combing her hair she found that a lot of strands of hair would come out which was something she was surprised and a little afraid of, so she decided to investigate that. She reads the answers from the chat and is surprised at seeing how many people are correct and continues to say that the site she read about this stated that anywhere from 50 to 100 are lost every day and at first she thought that 100 sounded really bad because in 10 days that would be 1000 strands, and thinking of it like that she felt like wouldn't you go bald? But reading on she was informed that humans have somewhere around 100,000 hair roots so therefore it is no issue with losing a 100 hair strands every day, which garnered a sort of "Ahh, so that's how it is" reaction from her.
  1056. The topic about hair-loss is sensitive for a lot of nousagi so they tell her to seriously stop talking about this, and that she is crossing the line with this. She decides to ease their fears and says that she doesn't look at hair-loss with that sort of negative perspective, like if a person with a shaved head looks good with it then that's fine. She goes on to say that according to her, those who are suffering from that look like that cool actor that appeared in the recent Fast and Furious movie, something Statham, isn't he really good looking, that is the nousagi she says.
  1057. The chat corrects the name for her and she says that according to her they are like Jason Statham and if you think of it like that isn't it all right? It isn't a sad thing she goes on to say, in fact the day might come where she too goes bald and if that happens she wants the nousagi to recommend things to her, she also emphasizes that everyone will lose hair eventually. She finishes by saying that she loves the nousagi the way they are now, so they shouldn't worry.
  1058. Someone says it is alright at all and she is shocked at him reacting like that even though what she just said was supposed to be something really good.
  1060. [h12] - Do we shed skin like reptiles?(1:37:30) -
  1061. She gets into the topic of reptiles and asks if it is that species that shed their skin and as the nousagi answers that they do she asks if we as humans don't do something like that? Because during summer when you've gotten sunburnt on the arm for example, the skin there sort of peels off and she wonders if that is the same as skin shedding? She quietly reads the answers from the chat to which most of them tell her that, that is different. She changes her question and asks if we humans don't do something like a full body skin replacement like a lizard or snake does.
  1062. She gets interrupted by the conditions of the encounter and doesn't read an answer to this but the chat tells her that humans don't.
  1064. [h13] - Drinks with a straw(1:42:40) -
  1065. She takes a sip of her apple juice which produced a sound that a nousagi first thought was a burp, she laughs and repeats it and says that she cutely drinks from her cup with a straw. She flubs her grammar several times trying to phrase how she is drinking with the straw until she just gives up and says that Japanese is really difficult and that's because she is a Pekoland resident, she continues to say that it was recently that she noticed that drinking with a straw is much easier for her when in the middle of a stream since it means she won't need to use a hand to drink and can instead just drink immediately.
  1066. A nousagi tells her that drinking coffee with a straw also prevents your teeth from becoming dirty and she didn't know that and says that straws are amazing.
  1068. [h14] - Heartbroken nousagi don't have to worry because Pekora is here(2:17:35) -
  1069. She switches to Gigantes for a while to try him out in terms of hunting LMS and as she chants his name "Giga", she notices that it sounds a bit like "Gakki" and chants it again while gradually shifting to Gakki, after a while she realizes that she might have re-opened a wound in some nousagi by bringing that up again*. She appeals to them by saying they don't have to worry because Pekora is here for them isn't she?
  1071. *Refer to the "Gakki marriage" section
  1073. [h15] - If she did this alone she'd give up(2:36:40) -
  1074. She asks the nousagi who did this themselves how many they hunted before they got it and realizes that there are probably a lot of people who also gave up and reflects on that she thinks she'd also give up if she were to do this alone, but because she can sit here and talk with the nousagi she isn't feeling the same anguish as she would if she were to do this by herself in silence, that sounds like agony to her.
  1076. [h16] - Today's Gundam corner(2:49:00) -
  1077. After an encounter where she misses the LMS five times in a row causing it to eventually run away she says she got pissed off and is going to open her Gundam wafer package now. She gasps as she sees what card it is and starts singing the Gundam theme and says she got another card with Kira Yamato on it and asks if this isn't the regular, plain Gundam? She names it as the RX-78-2* and the chat confirms her thoughts on that this is the founder series.
  1078. She is happy about getting this card and says that it isn't a rare card or anything like that but it is surely a bringer of luck.
  1080. *
  1082. [h17] - Blood from cleaning her ears and inaudible sound(3:13:25) -
  1083. Earlier on she takes another whistle candy and whistles for some time before reading a comment that says he got blood coming out of his ear and she laughs and wonders what he means by that but then is reminded of that when she cleans her ears too much she too has had blood come out of them, and after the blood some strange fluid also came out. As she was cleaning her ears enjoying the feeling of it, she suddenly noticed this different liquid on the cotton swab, so for the time being she cleaned it up and tossed it away.
  1084. She describes it further as some sap and said she got fairly shocked over it thinking if she was going to die. Then when she showed it to her usual ear doctor that she goes to he said it is in the process of healing so it would be fine and sent her on her way.
  1085. A couple of nousagi tell her that it was part of her brain coming out and she says that's definitely a lie, if that was true it would be pretty bad. Then from that she asks if the ear is connected to the brain, since it makes sense to her that the eyes are connected to the brain but the ears not as easily, she quickly changes her mind when she realizes that if they weren't connected somehow you wouldn't hear anything.
  1086. This leads her into asking why is it that we can hear sound? Like for all the sounds that we normally cannot hear, like the sound of ghosts for example, if it really is that they are making noise then are we able to hear them? Because perhaps the thing that is normally inaudible is actually producing a noise. Because like for ultrasonic sound and bats, they can perceive that noise. She then asks if there isn't some method or item that can be used so that mankind can be able to acquire all the good aspects of various animals eyes and ears, she feels that it would be a good thing if that were possible.
  1087. The chat tells her that there are limits to humans as well and she agrees with that.
  1089. [h18] - Pekora's daily routine for the nousagi(3:17:25) -
  1090. A young nousagi wonders if he should take a break from school and watch her stream instead, and she quickly scolds him and tells him to not do that and to properly wake up for school instead. As a channel for kids she has to properly say this, so go to school because Pekora says so. If it is the case that he really does not want to go to school for some reason then a break is ok, but if it is just a case of it being annoying then that is no good excuse.
  1091. The chat tells her to let them sleep in that case and she tells them to hold up a bit and says that it is still not 3am, and when do they get up at at like 6am perhaps, so when it hits 3am they can properly sleep for 3 hours and then just sleep during class right? And for the one who have a job to go to then they can sleep during lunch break, and during their train rides, and once they come home they should watch Pekora's stream.
  1093. She says that's perfect isn't it, and says she'll be teaching them their daily routine now, and if they follow it then everything will be alright. Stay up until 3am, then sleep for 3 hours, get up at 6 and do your preparations, then commuting, during lunch break check Twitter and check so that Pekora isn't streaming, then back to school/work, then getting home at around 7pm and finishing dinner, then check if Pekora is going to stream and if she does then take a bath and match that time, then when night comes around sit and watch her entire stream. This is their routine.
  1095. Someone says they'd go insane from that and she says that it is alright because when she does short streams they'll be short, it is only during this current plan that she is doing all these long hour streams, once it is over then everyone can rest as Pekora will too rest. Well she says, she'll be streaming anyways since it will be a rest and not a break and laughs. It will just be a rest from these long streams as she will be streaming normally still.
  1097. [h19] - It truly is because you all are here(3:24:30) -
  1098. She gets asked how she managed to acquire this much energy and she plays it up a notch and says that; "It is probably because everyone is coming here to watch me, I think, after all being able to be with everyone at this time is very precious to me and since this it the time we have only now, I end up feeling lively peko". She laughs and says that she is serious, and that despite her saying it in a joking manner she truly agrees with what she said. It is because she can have fun together with the nousagi like this. It gets called a win-win relationship and she agrees with that and tells them lets continue with this win-win relationship.
  1100. -----
  1101. Summarized from:
  1103. Day 9
  1105. [i1] - It is still only evening(30:05) -
  1106. A bit earlier she gets tipped about the item "Sands of time" that when used lets you go back in time to the start of the current encounter but that items does not exist in the PS2 version. From that she imagines that it would be pretty nice to be able to turn back time like that, so every time she failed she'd just be able to go back and redo it until she succeeds, but it also gets her wondering how life would turn out if you were able to never fail, it would be like playing on easy mode.
  1107. She enjoys the idea of that and wonders if it isn't possible to make a machine like that, letting you go back to "That specific time". She catches herself in the act of talking about something strange again and says that it still just evening yet, and that whenever she plays DQ she ends up feeling a nighttime mood.
  1109. [i2] - The stairway to adulthood(42:00) -
  1110. Earlier on when she declared that she is really going to catch it today and for that purpose she will be sucking the luck from all the nousagi. A few nousagi in the chat post the poop emote to give to her* to which she responds that she doesn't need that and that they are being filthy. The stream of poop continues and she says that she doesn't want any of it, and that her stream is not a toilet so don't release yourself here, instead go to your own bathroom and do that.
  1111. A nousagi says the kids in the chat burst out laughing from that sudden poop mention and she laughs at that and reflects on that kids do seem to love that sort of humor like fart and poop jokes for example, but she apologizes to the kids and puts on a sultry voice and asks if they shouldn't try climbing the stairs of adulthood together, there are far more enjoyable things than fart and poop jokes up there.
  1113. *A bit of wordplay, when she says that she'll suck our luck she says 運吸い(Unsui) which sounds very close to うんち(Unchi) which is a childish word for poop.
  1115. [i3] - What's popular among middle school and high school students?(43:25) -
  1116. Coming from her earlier short talk about kids and their love of toilet humor she says that such young kids are probably not watching DQ streams since she imagines that they wouldn't really understand, and probably just wonder who all these weird monsters are, and why she is in this same place all the time, and if told it is because she is hunting LMS they'd just be confused as to what it is and wonder if it is poop. That's how she believes they'd think, and as well as ask her to play Fortnite instead.
  1117. Middle-school students get brought up and that makes her realizes that she most likely has both middle-school and high-school students watching her at least, and asks them if they are enjoying their school-life, are they working hard? She is happy about having middle-school students watching and asks them what is popular among them these days, won't they teach her, she has no idea since she doesn't get the chance to talk to middle-school students. She'll ask the high-school students afterwards so they'll have to wait their turn, earlier on we established that for elementary school kids it was fortnite, so what is it for middle school students?
  1118. A response is "Getting involved with older women" and she laughs at that and tells him to knock it off, because it definitely isn't popular. Apex gets brought up and Mushiking which makes her react wondering if that really is the case since isn't that pretty old? Yu-gi-oh gets mentioned afterwards and she takes that as meaning card games in general are popular. Monster hunter gets brought up and she wonders if it is specifically for them to hunt together. Pokemon cards also get brought up cementing her thoughts on that card games in general seem popular among middle-school students.
  1119. It gets her thinking that she understands that games are popular but she wasn't expecting that card games also were popular.
  1121. The surprising thing she takes from the middle-school students was card games so on to high-school students wondering what is popular amongst them. Are they getting a taste of youth? Love, friendship, the sea? Apex and Uma Musume are first out the door giving her a slight surprised reaction, club activities gets brought up and she comments on that being nice, then Pro Evolution Soccer gets named and she reacts a bit confused but positive to that, Tiktok is also named and romance. Reading the comments she says that there are definitely a lot of non-high-school students commenting. She reads out online dating but says she doesn't understand the point since surely there are cute girls at their school they can meet, as she mimics some slang phrases and words used nearly 25 years ago* to which the chat calls her image of a high-school girl very old.
  1122. She goes on to ask if there aren't occasions where they talk with their friends about Pekora's stream, like having a conversation about what she did the other day and so. Some say that they do and that makes her really happy as she clearly filled with pride asks them to properly praise her during their conversations, her joy gets stopped in its tracks by someone saying that if they did the surrounding girls would pull away from him. She laughs at it and says to stop messing around and to even talk about Pekora with their teacher and the girls.
  1123. Also she wants them to go to other classes and advertise Pekora, saying stuff like "This Pekora person, I've heard that she is entertaining", and mention to them that her objective is gaining the diamond channel plate so if they have a Youtube account then for the time being subscribe to her. Someone brings up that they would pull away from him the same way that Fujita Nikoru pulled away from the commentator talking about Pekora during the Nikshikigoi** program, and hearing that Pekora reacts as if stabbed saying those words made her remember the trauma of seeing Nikoru's facial reaction upon being told about Pekora.
  1124. The pain doesn't stop with someone saying they don't want to the fact that they watch Pekora get exposed and she dejectedly asks if Pekora is that kind of embarrassing streamer, and that they do tell their parents about Pekora, that they should subscribe to her channel, that this Pekora is my oshi and so. They do say that right? She gets the response that he hasn't told them, and she fake cries some more and asks why, it isn't like she is embarrassing right and she wants them to properly advertise her to their parents. Another response is that they can't say it, and she laughs before going back to crying and asking why until someone pulls her out of her gag by saying that his entire family knows about Pekora to which she finds wonderful.
  1125. Another nousagi says that if he were to tell his wife about Pekora she'd get irritated, and Pekora laughs and mimics what she would say as something like; "Who is this "pekopeko" saying girl, are you watching her?" She suggests to just tell his wife that it is like looking a pet, that kind of feeling, if he says that then he'll be forgiven. So when it comes to a girl or their wife there is the risk they might become jealous, so therefore telling them that they are watching Pekora as if she was a pet should prevent them from quarreling over it.
  1127. *One specific being チョベリバ(Choberiba - Very, very bad) which gained popularity in 1995.
  1128. **Refers to the event where she appeared as a talking point on a Japanese TV show, in that show an excited commentator talked about her with passion and one of the female quests there named Fujita Nikoru did some reactions and faces indicating that she wasn't very impressed by the guy's excited descriptions.
  1130. [i4] - Pekora's idea of a crab girl anime(01:06:20) -
  1131. Coming from her calling Violet Evergarden a Kamianime she gets the proposition to try and say Kamianime three times quickly which she tries a couple of times but always stumble on her words making it often sound like Kanianime. Someone in chat laughs at the idea of a crab anime* and that makes her wonder if there has been an anime about crabs, if it were about squids then there is Ika Musume as she sings the very beginning of the OP, but a crab anime leaves her unable to think of anything. Someone brings up the Japanese folktale "The Crab and the Monkey" and she laughs slightly, commenting on going into folktale territory. The chat jokingly asks her if she doesn't know about Kani Musume, and she asks if there actually is an anime like that, because if it was Uma Musume or Ika Musume then she'd know about it but is there really a Kani Musume?
  1132. She imagines the thought of species like the Red King Crab and Snow Crab being anthropomorphized and suddenly realizes that she might have come up with a really good idea for an anime and worries that it might get stolen and that a couple of years from now a Kani Musume anime will appear. The chat asks her what kind of story it would be, and she responds with; "Aiming to become the world's tastiest crab", as she laughs at her own poor plotline and wonders if that sound incredibly boring but it would be a story of a crab aiming to become the world's tastiest crab and for that purpose, everyday it would travel to all kinds of seas, eating all kinds of delicious food. She keeps lightly laughing as she proposes her plotline and says that in the end it will end up becoming food but despite that fate, it will be dedicated to becoming number one.
  1133. So, what do they think about that kind of anime, Kani Musume? The chat's responses are lukewarm at best and expecting it to be a "Shit anime" at worst, most think it sounds like a depressing story. She gets asked to clarify what she means about number one and she says number one in terms of taste, and at the end there would be a character created that would appraise the taste of the crab.
  1135. *カニ(Kani) meaning crab
  1137. [i5] - What does poison feel like?(01:11:25) -
  1138. After a couple of runaway LMS she starts wondering if the rumors about her spreading again amongst the LMS and after another LMS runs away after the Poison needle attack, she complains at it running away from just a little needle sting, it is a liquid thing so it shouldn't hurt at all and she wants it to endure a little pain at least. Sure the hammer attack from Braun and Sancho seems like it hurts but the needle doesn't. She stops herself quick and realizes that it is a poisoned weapon so she wonders if that hurts maybe, before swiftly again switching topic and asking what it feels like if you were to get afflicted with poison.
  1139. She says she just thought of something terrifying but is still curious because she has yet to eat something poisonous, so she wonders what kind of feeling you experience.
  1140. The chat reminds her that it is still only evening, and she agrees and once again says that it is the fault of DQ that she ends up with this sort of nighttime spirit and that it isn't a good thing. Reading some lines from the chat the topic of poisonous mushrooms get brought up and she continue on that trend reflecting on that, when you think about that aren't mushrooms terrifying, and for what reason do they poison in them? Is it to protect themselves since they can't move? On this topic she suddenly asks what do mushrooms even eat to survive and once again retreads her initial question; "Why do mushrooms have poison? Don't you guys wonder about that?"
  1141. The chat explains that it is because mushrooms are fungi and some fungi are poisonous to humans. And Pekora upon reading that asks if the reason is then because we ingest the fungus. The chat tells her that she is correct and another one reminds her again that it is still only evening and she apologizes and switches to a topic that is more appropriate for the evening timeslot.
  1143. [i6] - What is popular among college students?(01:13:10) -
  1144. Since the chat stopped her from talking about poison she asks out loud what is a good topic for this time slot and lands on asking the college students what is popular among them. A quick answer is the cultivation of mushrooms and she laughs and says he definitely only said that because they were just talking about mushrooms.
  1145. Another one says Vtubers and she asks if that is popular in the sense of one watching them. Gateball* gets mentioned and she feels like she has heard that before and asks what that was. The chat says it is that golf looking sport, and Pekora remembers it then as that sport that old men and women play and mimics the sound of a mallet hitting the ball.
  1147. *
  1149. [i7] - I'll become your "Convenient woman" any time you want(01:14:30) -
  1150. Coming from the topic of college students someone from chat says that during examination periods she was their reason to live. She quickly latches onto the past-tense of that sentence and asks him if he just said that, when he doesn't have tests is her stream not a reason for him to live? Even when his tests are over he should be watching her streams. Don't give her this sentimental story, even now after tests her stream should be a reason for him to live, his inner thoughts are spoiled by that phrasing, like he means; "After exams, your streams are no longer the same", and that makes her sad.
  1151. Well it is alright she says, do your best on your exams because Pekora will even become a woman to be used at the nousagi's convenience any time they want. When they want her to stream she'll stream, and when they want to be given relief she'll stream too, she'll devote herself to being a woman of convenience.
  1152. She laughs at her deliberate choice of words and reads out a comment saying that she really was of great help during his tests and she says thank you back and says it must have been rough studying for the tests and that he did a good job.
  1153. A nousagi asks her to go buy him some yakisoba bread and she says she didn't mean it like that, not as an errand girl. Another request is for her to stream every second and she says if her throat wasn't weak then she is on a level where she'd like to stream all the time but her throat isn't like that and it has been like that since her childhood. Another request is to give a nousagi some personal money to spend and she tells him to get that from his mother instead.
  1155. [i8] - Wouldn't like an exact clone of herself and Twin's telepathy(01:16:10) -
  1156. Making a clone of herself gets brought up and she says she really wouldn't like that idea, saying it sounds like it would be annoying. It makes her wonder if the chat would be against having another one of them, because for her she'd not like having another her, the idea of having a twin is something she has thought about before since a twin will still be its own person just like the pair of friends she had that were twins, sure they looked alike but they still had completely different personalities, but if she had another Pekora exactly like her she wouldn't like it.
  1157. She wouldn't like a clone of herself normally, but if it was a clone of herself that was reliable and that could cook, clean, properly take care of her surroundings and deal with all the housework then she'd want to make one.
  1158. A Nousagi says that it would be nice if there Pekora like that and she laughs and tells him off saying she didn't say she would clean for him or anything so it is irrelevant what he thinks.
  1159. Someone says that with those requirements isn't it fine with just her mother? And she says he is correct, that is precisely why she cannot move away from living with her parents, living at home is the best! Despite saying that with such pride she says that they shouldn't become an adult like her. She decides to speak directly to the kids who might be listening that they should not become an adult like her and that she is purposefully living this way to give them a bad example that they should not learn from, because if she is being honest she'd like to live alone because she can take care of herself. But in order so that they do not become like Pekora who is dependent on living at home she is living out this poor example.
  1160. If she really wanted to it would be a piece of cake to live alone but since this is a kids channel she is teaching them a bad example of how not to become, that's how it is. Someone from chat says that he will be sure to live in such a way that he does not become like Pekora and she says that stating it that clearly makes her sad, he doesn't have to say it that clearly, at the very least he can just think that, no need to say it. She wants them to at least imitate her a little.
  1162. She gets a superchat from someone saying he is a twin and that in general he would have the same way of thinking as his other twin, and Pekora wonders if he means that if one of them were think about being hungry then the other one would too think about the same thing, that sort of thing? She continues to read as he explains that regrettably that also meant they in general had the same flaws too, and she is surprised the similarities would stretch that far.
  1163. She wonders what he means by having the same defect, is it in the sense that if one of them were a slow runner the other one would be too? She gets the impression that one would think their physical ability would be the same but might that be wrong?
  1164. She gets back to the thought of being able to use telepathy with your twin and thinks that would be really nice, like she'd be sitting here streaming and feeling parched and think in her head; "Oi, Pekora number 2 go get me some juice", then maybe her twin would get the feeling that Pekora number 1 is feeling thirsty, wouldn't that be amazing. They say it wouldn't be like that but rather that Pekora number 2 would also be thinking about wanting Pekora number 1 to come and give them juice.
  1166. That just makes her find twins even more amazing and asks that since triplets, quadlets, quintuplets, sextuplets and others exist, if it were the case of quintuplets would they too perhaps think about the same thing? She further finds it amazing and says that mankind is really mysterious, and asks what was the largest multiple birth worldwide? Although she thinks that the female body can only have so many babies in her so she wonders what would be the limit, something like a hundred wouldn't work right so maybe something like five is the limit?
  1167. The chat answers that nine babies at once is the record and she is almost speechless at that saying that is really amazing and that it sounds like a lot of fun, although that the child-rearing seems like it would be difficult. So with the husband and wife that would make a family of 11, it would get really lively wouldn't it. Someone from chat says you'd be able to create a baseball team out of it and she responds that's true you could.
  1168. She agrees with the chat that the mother capable of that would be amazing and also reflects on that the family expenses would be nothing to sneeze at, it would probably become a very expensive situation and furthermore stuff like school tuitions, or just going to the amusement park would be a crazy amount, or stuff like university or going to a technical school for all 9 kids.
  1169. But she says that it sounds nice and that the father and mother would be happy about having 9 kids right, even if the child-rearing would be troublesome. Remembering the names of all the kids at the onset sounds like it would be difficult she feels.
  1171. [i9] - Will you have enough in your talk deck?(01:40:50) -
  1172. Earlier on she answers someone asking her how long she will go for and she says she'll try to go for most of the day today and has an already established 20 hour at the minimum she'll do, with a potential break in between. A nousagi then asks if she has enough topics in her talk deck to last 20 hours and she says she obviously doesn't have enough for 20 hours which is why she started with the ambiguous topics of what is popular among various grades earlier on.
  1173. She says it is because lately she has been doing a lot of these DQ streams, which means she has been doing a lot of chatting, expending her topics. It is also because she needs to search for topics to talk that she has been doing the rare thing of going outside to the supermarket and convenience store a lot lately. If there is anyone that knows about a 20-hour long talk deck then she wants them to tell her about it, or rather she tells the nousagi to create a "20-hour long talk deck that lets her happily converse with the nousagi while she is trying to catch LMS" for her, because she doesn't have anything left.
  1174. They suggest to just bring out the "Talk about the weather" deck and she imitates how that would go; "The weather was nice today right?". Done.
  1176. [i10] - Sneaks a peak at other people's phone screen during train rides(02:10:28) -
  1177. A nousagi tells her that he is watching her from the train although it does feeling embarrassing and she asks why, generally the majority of the screen is DQ so it shouldn't be embarrassing right? She wonders if he isn't using earphones but rescinds that since he is in the train so he obviously is, and instead asks if he is brazenly watching her, in fact it would be good if he did brazenly watch her.
  1178. But of course if it were the case that the nousagi were to be snickering from time to time then others around him might be wondering what is so funny about the thing he is watching but if they just sit there expressionless then it should be normal. She realizes that he is probably also wearing a mask so he doesn't have to feel embarrassed about it he is surely not being watched to that degree. In fact she asks him to advertise her by exaggerating and making it clear he is watching something fun so that everyone starts wondering what it is, then in the center of the train he can spin around once and show everyone the screen, although she says he'd be taken for an oddball in that case.
  1179. A less crazy suggestion is for him to first clearly snicker at what he is watching giving others a feeling of that it must be something very fun, causing them to want to take a peak at his screen, and at that point he should be watching in such a way that allows others to easily see his screen, and from that Pekora can propagate throughout the train.
  1180. They say that would just scare people and she says it wouldn't, and if everyone does it then it'd be fine and asks for all the nousagi who are riding a train to do the same thing, causing their neighbor to become curious and sneak a peak.
  1182. Because occasionally when she is standing in the aisle the person next to her will end up looking and fiddling with their phone and that those times she does sneak a peak at times from the side, but in general the screen will be guarded making her unable to see it most of the time. She says you get rather curious don't you, like wondering what it is that they are doing and taking a glance, and if it turns out to be a game she might think that; "Ah that looks fun"
  1183. A nousagi asks her not to do that because he'll sue her and she says in a smug voice that he doesn't have to worry about that because he won't be looking at him. The person she watched in this case was a Gyaru-like girl who was fiddling a lot with her phone making her think she was doing something with her friends but it turned out to be TsumTsum. Retelling that makes her think that TsumTsum seems really popular with girls and wonders if they are still doing that, she never played it herself.
  1185. [i11] - Has a very fickle nature(02:24:45) -
  1186. She gets asked what is something that she has gotten obsessed over recently, and she thinks for a bit before saying that it is this snack she is currently eating* and laughs. She says that she it is a bit hard to call it her obsession because she has a very fickle nature meaning it won't last for very long, but right now it is this snack. The only obsession she has that is always ongoing is streaming, other than that there is nothing else really.
  1187. Another one she comes up with is that she is currently obsessed with hunting LMS and vows that she'll definitely annihilate them all. She gets called scary and she doubles down, saying her obsession is the currently ongoing campaign to eradicate LMS.
  1189. *Paripari Koiwashi
  1191. [i12] - Idols don't say stuff like "Shit"(02:31:20) -
  1192. Someone comments on that Idols don't say stuff like "Shit" and she apologizes and asks him for forgiveness and reflects on that lately she has been too foul mouthed hasn't she and wonders why she has become like this lately and what she should do about it. The chat is filled with question marks wondering why she is saying recently when it has been like this since the start and asking her if she realized this just now after all this time.
  1193. She laughs and wonders why they say it like that because in the past she wasn't like this, and normally she doesn't say stuff like "Shit" and such. Before reacting to the new wave of question mark nousagis she gets a chance to change topic.
  1195. [i13] - Supermoon Lunar Eclipse(02:31:52) -
  1196. She gets a rather random superchat asking if today isn't the day for a total lunar eclipse and Pekora asks if it is today you can see it. Which makes her think that today is a good day to hunt LMS on, and tells everyone that they should watch the lunar eclipse together and asks if it was with 3D-glasses you watched it, they know that red and blue glasses, it was with those that you watch it right. The chat is confused and says you don't need them for that since it is the moon not the sun, and Pekora then asks if the "Lunar Eclipse" she is thinking of is something different, the chat suggests it might a Supermoon she is thinking about and she agrees that it was that. A little disappointed but she still says that a Lunar Eclipse is also pretty amazing right.
  1197. Someone from chat says that today is actually a Supermoon and a total lunar eclipse and she is amazed by that and wonders what that means, will the world end? She asks again if this is something she'll be able to see with everyone and she gets the response that it is cloudy so you won't be able to see it, and that disappoints her and makes her comment on that when she went out today during morning the weather was fine.
  1198. The chat informs her that the next one like this will be in 12 years and Pekora says that this is basically telling her to make LMS her companion today, and moreover today is also a year ago since she did the 9 hour DQ5 board game endurance, what a fantastic day she thinks.
  1199. A nousagi informs her that it seems like Kanto, Tohoku and Hokkaido will be able to see it, that sounds nice but does that mean the Kansai people won't be able to see it, although she further asks if they won't be doing some kind of TV stream of it. The chat says that the peak will be around 20:00 and Pekora says that it means that at 20:00 the chance of LMS becoming her ally is 100%, and by that time the counter should be somewhere around 200, this is fate, destiny, foretold!
  1200. Lets now mark it down in history that at 20:00, together with the supermoon lunar eclipse the woman known as Usada Pekora made LMS her ally.
  1202. [i14] - Takes vitamin supplements(02:43:10) -
  1203. She suddenly says that today she has been feeling some pain in the inside of her mouth, specifically the left side of mouth has this weird feeling to it that she doesn't know the reason for. The chat suggests it being a mouth ulcer but she says it isn't that and says that it started today all of a sudden. Someone suggests it might be her wisdom teeth but she says she has already had them pulled and that this uncomfortable feeling comes from the cheek area. They say that her description sounds like a mouth ulcer or the onset of one and she says she figured a mouth ulcer was that sort of small blister but maybe it isn't then. Someone asks if it is the cause of her eating habits becoming unbalanced and she says if that is the case then the nousagi should make food for her to correct it.
  1204. Someone suggest it might be because of vitamin deficiency and she says that she actually takes supplement pills like B and E for example, and asks if that isn't admirable of her. Because she is the type to not really eat sufficiently and since she lives an unhealthy lifestyle she decided to at least give herself some temporary peace of mind by taking vitamin supplements like C and such. Her thought behind is to take supplements for those remaining vitamins she doesn't get.
  1205. She continues to say that it is really amazing how many different kinds of supplements there are at the pharmacy these days, at one time she thought to herself that it sounded nice with supplements and would always admire them from afar, but when she went to buy some there ended up being so many different ones that she didn't know which one to buy so she gave up on that but since she has heard a lot about vitamins she decided to buy some of those. The chat says that supplements are support and she doesn't really get what he means by that and asks for clarification, and while an answer waits she reads out someone suggesting morning sunlight supplements and someone else telling her that vitamins are more unbalanced than food so it is better not to take them which surprises her a bit hearing that vitamins being something one shouldn't really take.
  1206. They clarify what they mean by support and she then understands it that it shouldn't be ones main intake but only as a secondary intake when needed. Someone furthermore says that it is honestly bad for your body and that shocks her and she asks if what she is doing is actually something bad for her, contrary to what she thought. They warn her not to take too much and she says she of course understands that overdosing is bad for you that is why she is getting her calcium from her fish snacks and milk, so they shouldn't worry.
  1208. [i15] - A one-piece dress as a reward for herself(03:02:10) -
  1209. There is one thing Pekora has been thinking about, and she figures that people in the chat might not know but there is this brand called MiuMiu* that makes various things like wallets, bags, and the likes aimed at women and there is this one-piece dress that she has decided to buy for herself if this project turns out to be a success, although she doesn't know what price it is. She found it the other day on her way home from the hospital, finding it to be very cute and the store itself also seemed to be very proper, but she never went inside.
  1210. So she reiterates that if this plan turns out to be a success then she might buy herself a new dress, and even if it is pricey she'll buy it and make it a rule to really treasure it. She never entered the store so she doesn't know how expensive it was. The chat checks and says there are dresses for up to 330,000yen and she reads that and gets very shocked, changing her mind on buying it saying that in that case it is better not to, what she did was just casually look at it from outside the store thinking it was cute but if it is around 330,000yen then she'll buy something else instead.
  1211. She feels like it would be a waste to own something that on its own is worth 330,000yen when she doesn't even go out enough to justify it. If it was a Pekora that was frequently going outside then it would be better but she doesn't so it would be pretty crazy to buy something this expensive that she isn't going to wear often. It would become a wasted possession if it were to be with Pekora, it would much better fit someone who goes out more than her.
  1212. They say it is fine since it is a reward for herself but she continues to insist on her not going outside sufficiently to justify it, pointing out that it is still this period of Corona and all as a reason for that. They say she can just wear it at home and she isn't impressed by that suggestion saying that at home she'll just be wearing this Pekoland uniform** instead.
  1214. *
  1215. **Her avatar clothes
  1217. [i16] - Doesn't really know what one does for fun in the outside world(03:05:38) -
  1218. She says that since she is doing this whole vtuber thing she has, for the first time, bought some expensive things for herself like her MacBook and her Airpods, there is also streaming equipment and such, but 330,000yen is not a price she is willing to go to, if that's the case she'd rather just eat something luxurious instead like a fine grade steak or sushi.
  1219. Someone from chat says she doesn't seem like the type to be avaricious and she says that in relation to streaming related things then she will spend on it but when it comes to stuff for herself then not so much. She will initially think it is a nice idea to buy something for herself but when she thinks about that she might have to talk to the shop clerks and such she feels that it is simply too bothersome to do.
  1220. She continues on the same train and asks the chat that during the times they go outside for some purpose, be it to buy something or to do something for fun like watch a movie or something similar, basically having an objective with their outing, once they complete that objective are they the type that can do detours and make side trips? She says that she really isn't that type that can do that, and even if she thinks that she'd like to wander around, the combination of how bothersome it seems and the feeling of wanting to go home makes it so that she can't, which is also something she'd like to fix about herself since she'd like to be able to do go on side-trips.
  1221. Some people in the chat say they can and she feels jealous over that asking how is it that they can do it, because for her as soon as her objective is done she instantly thinks about going home. And even if she reflects on that it is wasteful of her to not check out a bunch of stuff since she is normally so rarely outside and that this is one of the few times had a reason to go outside, her legs will start walking towards the train station.
  1222. They suggest that she can do the side-trips first rather than afterwards and she thinks that is an interesting idea, another one suggests her to view it as side-quests as if it was a video game.
  1224. They ask what would she do if she did take detours and she doesn't really know but something like going into these large shopping centers looking at clothes, going to a music store, or a game center, don't you do stuff like that on detours? That makes her admit that she doesn't know about that sort of stuff, like she has a feeling she doesn't know about the enjoyable things on the outside, pertaining from her lonely life, she laughs at the fact that she is calling her own life lonely. And she thinks that if she knew more about what is fun to do outside then going outside would become more fun, like for example she has from time to time watched videos on Youtube about people camping, making camp food and such, and she thinks that looks fun and thinks to herself that she'd like to try it but in actuality she doesn't take the first step to do it.
  1226. [i17] - Will we be able to live on the moon someday?(04:00:53) -
  1227. The earlier spoken about Supermoon lunar eclipse is about to start so Pekora seeks out a livestream for it and gets recommended one from the chat. She looks at the stream and asks if this is the moon around five times before then asking if it will become red, is that the supermoon thing? She suddenly remembers that the supermoon is something you must not look directly at isn't it, and tells everyone to be careful and prepare their 3D-glasses. The chat informs her that, that is only the case when it is a solar eclipse and that this isn't the sun. She "Eh?"s and says; "Ah so it is different this time".
  1228. The moon gets hidden behind clouds so while waiting for it to come back she wonders if someday we will be able to live on the moon, not as a travel destination but as a place one can inhabit, she says she'd like to try going to the moon one day. The chat says that residing on the moon would be difficult and she gets a bit disappointed at that and asks for confirmation that there is no oxygen there right, and if there isn't then it wouldn't really work.
  1229. She looks back at the stream and can see the moon getting redder and asks if the chat is seeing it to, and they say that it is starting now. Which makes her ask why is it that the moon becomes red during a supermoon or what this is, what is the reason for that? She gets a couple of joke answers like the moon being angry, or that it is burning, but she gets told that it is because the moon resides in the Earth's shadow which she really doesn't understand, and someone else tries explaining that it is because of the light from the sun bending but she doesn't really think about that for more than a second.
  1231. [i18] - Don't you have any hobbies?(4:51:20) -
  1232. A little bit before she gets asked about expensive things and she says that she doesn't really have that kind of desire, like if her computer doesn't break then she won't buy a new one, and sure if there is a game that she wants to play on stream then she'll buy it but other stuff like bags and stuffed animals for example are things she won't buy, as for clothes she at least wants enough clothes for outside use.
  1233. Someone then asks if she doesn't have any hobbies and she answers that, that would be streaming. Another nousagi says that she is a woman that wouldn't be expensive to be with and she says that is correct. She flips the question and asks what hobbies do the nousagi have since she doesn't really have anything that one would call a hobby. Anything that is expensive?
  1234. Various things gets mentioned like Boxing, Camping, Streams, Biking tours, Games, Figurines, Peko-chan's streams, traveling, singing. She interjects saying that it is nice to see everyone having all these hobbies. Reading gets mentioned and she finds that to be something nice to do and that she only reads manga, she doesn't read light novels. Frequenting movie theaters gets mentioned and she agrees with that and says that if it there is anything she'd say she likes doing then it would be that too since she loves the atmosphere of a movie theater.
  1236. A nousagi says that Pekora's hobby is Arimakinen* and she says that's not correct, and as the chat brings up playing slots as well she tells them to lay it off and that her hobbies are not playing slots and horse racing and that she only does that on stream and in games for the purpose of having fun, although she admits having done horse betting once during 2020's Arimakinen, she didn't profit though.
  1237. She further says that doing stuff like gambling isn't something she does and if there are perhaps a lot of new viewers right now thinking she is strange then she apologizes for her listeners, saying that this is just them teasing her and trying to attach a bad impression on her. Furthermore she is an idol so that is also a reason for them to not say stuff like this about her.
  1238. But she has done slots a little like in DQ11 and of course she also did Arimakinen, but this was in order to learn about the pleasures of adults so to speak, like she did this because having experience in life is necessary. She gets a superchat from a first time viewer saying that she liked gambling didn't see, she laughs and says that it wasn't really that she liked it but rather she decided to try having fun with it from a positive onset. She figured it would be a good thing to do from the perspective of a life experience.
  1240. *A yearly horse race event. She bet on it in 2020 with Miko.
  1242. [i19] - What job conditions can Pekora offer Liquid Metal Slime?(05:18:55) -
  1243. A superchat comes in inquiring her on what sort of conditions LMS can expect if he were to become her ally and she begins by stating he would be getting lodging that includes three meals a day, she will prioritize him over anyone else when it comes to healing, she will be applying the -sama honorific to him, as for the salary she'll make it higher than anyone else's, how is that she asks? The chat asks about breaks and she says that she'll let him rest during the times he wants to rest but that is enough, this is not a company that is that lax, as for the workload that LMS won't be dealing with during his break, she'll force Braun and Sancho to do instead.
  1244. Someone asks if there isn't anything about her company that will motivate him to work there and she says there is, she stutters and thinks and can't come up with anything before eventually calling LMS out on asking difficult questions. She finally says that her company has a comfortable work environment, as if you were at home*. Furthermore there is workers insurance in the form of her using Zaoriku(Known as Kazing in the EN versions)** to revive her partners without fail. Someone from chat jokes about; "Revived after dying from overwork" and she laughs at that. She says it isn't black at all and thinks this sounds like a good company, a really good one at that.
  1245. She gets asked to present what her bonus would be and she says it would be your monthly wage times 2.5, 3 is too much, but 2.5 should be really good and tell the chat not to make light of that by calling it low, this is definitely a white company thing to do. She gets asked if this is both summer and winter and she says that it is obvious, there is both a summer and winter bonus per year, and she worries if the company would go under being this generous.
  1246. They ask if there is a commission system and she says that there is one in the form of amount of defeated monsters, and then checking the rank of those monsters and such but from that some commission exists.
  1247. Another question is if there are company drinking parties and she says that her company does not have such things because unreasonably forcing people to partake in them isn't a good thing and the company president herself doesn't really drink.
  1248. Another one asks if one is allowed to take a day off from unrequited love, and she calls him an idiot and says that there is no way she'd allow that, get back on your feet in whatever way you can. There are also no company trips, she won't be forcing everyone to partake in one so they'll have to go on their own.
  1249. What about time off for losing one's oshi? And she says there is none for that either, and asks if they are making light of working. Even if something sad were to happen to your oshi, everyone is still living life, isn't that how it is?
  1251. *The specific word she uses is アットホーム(At Home) which doesn't mean remote work but rather a word to describe a comfortable, lax, or cozy environment, in this case the workplace would be comfortable as if it were your own home. What's funny is that this is apparently a cliché slogan often used by black companies who have terrible work environments, so the chat is having a lot of fun with her indirectly admitting to being a black company.
  1252. **A little bit of context, Zaoriku is the greater version of the revive spell in DQ which is a guaranteed revive whereas the lesser version Zaoraru(Zing) has a 50% chance of working.
  1254. [i20] - Liquid Metal Slime gets caught(05:26:40) -
  1255. In the middle of the previous conversation she finally catches LMS on count number 237. After a very happy victory scream she thanks everyone for sticking with her for so long and comments on that the timing was pretty much perfect, catching the monster as she was having an excited conversation with the nousagi. And with this her project of catching 35 different species of monsters has been successfully completed. She says that the reason she managed to complete this is definitely thanks to the nousagi for being with her and talking with her like they have. Tomorrow she'll be able to watch the 35th anniversary DQ stream with a smile on her face.
  1256. She says that this was seriously fun and that she wants to do something like this again, perhaps she'll be going for all monsters but that might be difficult, but she wants to do something similar to this again, although she isn't making it a declaration just yet.
  1257. She once again says that she is very, very grateful for all those who watched and supported her today and up until this point and that there wasn't any agony either which makes her say that she can't do anything but be grateful to everyone. She is so happy it is almost scary for her, the suddenness of it surprised her like one second she was sitting there worrying about him not coming and then the next second bliss.
  1259. Extra: This is something I've noticed as I went through all of this. Many, many times I had to try and find the comment that she read out loud to gather context or otherwise more easily understand it and to my honestly rather big surprise, the comments she read were very, very often from non-members. I'd almost like to say it was majority non-members but that is most likely my bias playing tricks on me.
  1260. But I can say this with 100% sureity, you never have to worry about her not reading your comment because you aren't a member. This bunny does not make a distinction between members and non-members when it comes to what she chooses to read out loud.
  1262. This marks the end of her 35 monster catching project as well as my translation project. If you read this far or even if you just skimmed through it I'm very thankful that you took your time to do that, what follows below the line is just going to be some afterwords that aren't related to anything she personal said, so if you don't care about my blogging you don't have to read further.
  1264. ---------------
  1266. 5. Afterword
  1268. I figured that I'd put some of my personal thoughts regarding this whole thing here. I don't know the exact amount of hours this took me to do but on average I'd say that every topic, which there are 122 of, took an hour to do. Some took a lot longer and some were a lot shorter but since I didn't clock myself this is the best bet I can give. It honestly doesn't feel like I've spent that long on this, but I did start this a few days after she got done with her streams so I have been working on the project for almost 3 months. To be frank I could have gotten this done earlier if I spent more of my free time on it as I did procrastinate here and there and funnily enough I got less work done than I thought during my vacation and more work done than I thought when I actually got back to work.
  1270. I always wanted to learn Japanese, as a large part of my childhood and growing up was alongside anime, manga, and the like. But I've never been and I'd still like to say that I am not a very motivated person, I don't really work towards something or wish to achieve things, as long as I am not in dire straits I will happily just live life unchanging. Which is the reason I always said I wanted to, but never actually committed to it until I ran into Pekora.
  1271. For some reason I fell near instantly for this person, fascination, infatuation, or love, whatever you might call it, and as I listened to her streams I got a surge of motivation that I've honestly never had before in life; "I really want to understand her" and so I started studying again, and this time I was constantly motivated to continue because with each passing month I understood more and more of her streams, more and more of her tweets, and so on.
  1272. If I told myself only 2 years ago that I'd be writing a 50,000 word translation summary compilation I'd call myself insane, since there is no way I'd have the drive to do something like that. I started studying somewhere in May 2020 and have been going every day since, and it honestly would never have happened if I did not meet this fantastic person.
  1274. The reason I started this plan was to challenge myself in a similar way to how she decided to challenge herself with her own plan and going into this plan I figured that it surely won't be that heavy but somewhere around 3 streams in it dawned on me that summarizing nine, several hour long streams that are practically just pure zatusdan streams isn't a light task by any means. After all I'm still not fluent so while doing all these streams I've spent several hours looking up words, phrases, meanings, various cultural items, and so on to be able to get to a level of translation that I felt confident about.
  1275. To my pleasant surprise I found that there were only once or twice I ended up being completely unable to understand what was said and thus had to cut out parts of a segment, and only having to do that so few times is a very happy thing for me. Of course the dark side of that might be that I've become overtly confidence in my own ability and haven't noticed the hundreds of mistakes, but hopefully that is not the case.
  1277. One of the reasons I did this was to challenge myself, to see where my studying has taken me and to see how well I can understand both languages, but it is not the only reason of course. Pekora already has a ton of translators doing work for her but in general those translations will be of her more comedic moments which is something I understand, that is what the majority want to see. But for me that might have been the biggest draw at one point but it stopped being that after getting to know her better.
  1278. So my goal with most of my translations is to lift moments or conversations that showcase her as a person, how she is and what she might be thinking about certain things, and for other people to read this and hopefully appreciate it. If I'm lucky that person might become so inspired by her character that they too want to learn Japanese to understand her without relying on someone else, sort of how I was motivated by others translating.
  1280. One of my favorite things about this woman that is often a tool used to tease her is her almost comically bad perception of the world, or I should even say ignorance of the world and a lot of things that many people take as common sense. But being ignorant is fine, and even more so if you are a curious ignorant like her, someone who despite having poor knowledge of the world still asks "stupid questions" and genuinely seem interested in hearing the answer to it even if she doesn't understand it. A person who has a wild imagination and seems to actually deliberate about these topics she doesn't understand.
  1281. This is the kind of stuff I hope to be able to tell someone, and for that someone to take it in and also realize that she is so much more than the "Crazy comedian bunny" that she is most often portrayed as.
  1283. I feel like I'm rambling now without any clear destination so I'll put it on hold. If you read even this far then it must have been painfully cringe but thank you nonetheless. From now on I will probably not do something as crazy as this again but stick to lighter summaries.
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