Guest User


a guest
Nov 16th, 2018
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  1. client.on('message', msg => {//! آدم 🖤#9675
  2. if(msg.content === prefix + 'help') {
  3. const embed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
  4. .setDescription(`**
  5. ╔[❖══════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════❖]╗
  6. Prefix = ' ~ '
  7. ╚[❖══════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════❖]╝
  8. ╔[❖══════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════❖]╗
  9. Admin ✻ Commands
  10. ╚[❖══════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════❖]╝
  11. ❖ ~kick <mention > ➾ kick member from server
  12. ❖ ~ban <mention > ➾ ban member from server
  13. ❖ ~mute < mention > ➾ mute member
  14. ❖ ~unmute <mention> ➾ unmute member
  15. ❖ ~bc <message> ➾ message all members in server
  16. ❖ ~clear ➾ Clears the chat
  17. ❖ ~mutec ➾ to mute a channel
  18. ❖ ~unmutec ➾ to unmute a channel
  19. ❖ __soon__
  20. ❖ __soon__
  21. ╔[❖══════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════❖]╗
  22. General ✻ Commands
  23. ╚[❖══════ஜ۩۞۩ஜ══════❖]╝
  24. ❖ ~avatar ➾ your avatar account // __soon__عشان تشوف صورت حسابك
  25. ❖ ~ping ➾ to see ping // عشان تشوف بنقك
  26. ❖ ~id ➾ your id // عشان تشوف ايدي حقك
  27. ❖ ~cal ➾ for Calculator // الاله الحاسبه
  28. ❖ ~say ➾ for Repeat your words whith bot // بوت يكرر كلامك
  29. ❖ ~38ab ➾ to give you punishment //يعطيك عقابات
  30. ❖ ~server ➾ to give you info about the server // معلومات عن السيرفر
  31. ❖ ~bot ➾ to give you info about the bot // معلومات عن البوت
  32. ❖ ~ping ➾ to know what is your ping // عشان تعرف كم بنجك
  33. ❖ ~allbots ➾ to show you how many bots there are in the server // عشان تعرف كم بوت فلسيرفير
  34. ❖ ~invite ➾ to add <@480056529228267530> to your server // لكي تضيف البوت الى سيرفرك
  35. ❖ ~user ➾ to see your user // عشان تشوف اليوسر حقك
  36. ==================================================================
  37. Server support : Soon!!
  38. ==================================================================
  39. 🤖Bot invite link🤖 :ايدي بوتك&permissions=8&scope=bot
  40. ❤ Developer ❤ : <@ايديك>
  41. ==================================================================
  42. **`);
  43.'**:mailenvelopepng8: تم ارسال اوامر البوت في الخاص**')
  44. .setColor('RANDOM')
  46. }
  47. });//! آدم 🖤#9675
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