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- #court record code:
- #------------------------------------------
- init python:
- class profile:
- """ basically, whatever fields you want for your profiles will go here
- base: all files/references to this character have this name"""
- def __init__(self, name, fullname, occupation, info, base):
- = name
- self.fullname = fullname
- self.occupation = occupation
- = info
- self.base = base
- def change(self, info):
- # this allows you to change the "info" field.
- if info:
- = info
- class evidence:
- #this follows exactly the same format as profiles
- def __init__(self, name, info, base):
- = name
- = info
- self.base = base
- def change(self, info):
- if info:
- = info
- class currentChar:
- # the character you are presenting evidence to
- def __init__(self, name, evidenceList):
- = name
- self.evidenceList = evidenceList
- def checkEvidence(self, currentEvidence):
- if str(currentEvidence) in self.evidenceList:
- return currentEvidence
- else:
- return "default"
- class courtRec:
- i = 0
- def __init__(self, evidence):
- self.evidence = evidence
- self.evidenceDict = {}
- if evidence_type == "profiles":
- for e in evidence:
- self.evidenceDict[e.base] = [e.fullname, e.occupation,]
- else:
- for e in evidence:
- self.evidenceDict[e.base] = [,]
- def currentPic(self):
- for e in self.evidence:
- self.i += 1
- if self.i <= (ev_page + 1) * ev_icons and self.i > ev_page * ev_icons:
- current_pic = "images/" + e.base + "_0.png"
- renpy.ui.imagebutton(idle=str(current_pic), hover=str(current_pic), action=[SetVariable("current", e.base), ShowMenu("cr_detail")])
- def getPage(self):
- next_ev_page = ev_page + 1
- if next_ev_page > int(len(self.evidence)/ev_icons):
- next_ev_page = 0
- prev_ev_page = ev_page - 1
- if prev_ev_page < 0:
- prev_ev_page = 0
- return [prev_ev_page, next_ev_page]
- def baseList(self):
- baselist = []
- for e in self.evidence:
- baselist.append(e.base)
- return baselist
- def entryNumbers(self, currentEntry):
- self.currentEntry = currentEntry
- baselist = self.baseList()
- numdic = {k: v for v, k in enumerate(baselist)}
- currentEntryIndex = numdic[self.currentEntry]
- prevEntryIndex = currentEntryIndex - 1
- nextEntryIndex = currentEntryIndex + 1
- if prevEntryIndex < 0:
- prevEntryIndex = len(self.evidence) -1
- nextEntryIndex = currentEntryIndex + 1
- if nextEntryIndex > len(self.evidence) - 1:
- nextEntryIndex = 0
- return [prevEntryIndex, nextEntryIndex]
- def getDetails(self):
- return self.evidenceDict[current]
- init -2:
- $ ev_xpos = 0
- $ ev_ypos = 120
- $ ev_icon_size = 270
- $ ev_row1 = 120
- $ ev_row2 = 520
- $ ev_row3 = 120
- #Icon grid
- $ ev_icon_column = 4
- $ ev_icon_row = 2
- $ ev_icons = ev_icon_column * ev_icon_row
- $ ev_page = 0
- $ next_ev_page = 0
- $ prev_ev_page = 0
- $ info = ""
- $ current = ""
- $ evidence_type = "profiles"
- screen court_record:
- tag menu
- modal True
- if evidence_type == "evidence":
- $ records = courtRec(my_evidence)
- elif evidence_type == "profiles":
- $ records = courtRec(my_profiles)
- frame:
- $ pages = records.getPage()
- xsize 1280
- ysize 720
- background Frame("evidence_window.png")
- if ev_page > 0:
- imagebutton:
- idle "0_left_button.png"
- hover "1_left_button.png"
- action [SetVariable('ev_page', pages[0])]
- hbox:
- xpos 105
- xsize 1080
- vpgrid:
- cols ev_icon_column
- rows ev_icon_row
- draggable False
- mousewheel False
- $ records.currentPic()
- hbox:
- xpos 1180
- xsize 100
- if pages[1] > 0:
- imagebutton:
- yalign 0.5
- idle "0_right_button.png"
- hover "1_right_button.png"
- action [SetVariable('ev_page', pages[1])]
- vbox:
- ypos 500
- xpos 20
- xsize 880
- hbox:
- xpos 640
- xanchor 0.5
- if evidence_type == "evidence":
- imagebutton auto "profile_button_%s.png" action [SetVariable("current", ""), SetVariable("ev_page", 0), SetVariable("evidence_type", "profiles")]
- elif evidence_type == "profiles":
- imagebutton auto "evidence_button_%s.png" action [SetVariable("current", ""), SetVariable("ev_page", 0), SetVariable("next_ev_page", 0), SetVariable("evidence_type", "evidence")]
- imagebutton auto "close_%s.png" action [SetVariable("ev_page", 0), Hide('court_record'), Jump(current_scene)]
- screen cr_detail:
- tag menu
- modal True
- if npc != False:
- $ ev_label = + "_" + npc.checkEvidence(str(current))
- if evidence_type == "evidence":
- $ records = courtRec(my_evidence)
- $
- elif evidence_type == "profiles":
- $ records = courtRec(my_profiles)
- $ entryNumbers = records.entryNumbers(current)
- $ baselist = records.baseList()
- $ prev_detail_page = entryNumbers[0]
- $ next_detail_page = entryNumbers[1]
- frame:
- xsize 1280
- ysize 720
- background Frame("evidence_detail_window.png")
- imagebutton:
- idle "0_left_button.png"
- hover "1_left_button.png"
- action [SetVariable('current', baselist[prev_detail_page])]
- hbox:
- xpos 105
- xsize 400
- $ current_pic = "/images/" + current + "_1.png"
- add current_pic
- hbox:
- xpos 680
- ypos 60
- vbox:
- ysize 200
- xsize 500
- if current == "":
- text ""
- else:
- $ details = records.getDetails()
- if evidence_type == "profiles":
- text "{size=+5}{b}Name:{/b} " + details[0] + "{/size}"
- if evidence_type == "evidence":
- text details[0]
- vbox:
- ysize 120
- if evidence_type == "profiles":
- text "{b}Occupation:{/b} " + details[1]
- $ evinfo = details[2]
- if evidence_type == "evidence":
- $ evinfo = details[1]
- for e in evinfo:
- text e
- hbox:
- xpos 1180
- xsize 100
- imagebutton:
- yalign 0.5
- idle "0_right_button.png"
- hover "1_right_button.png"
- action [SetVariable('current', baselist[next_detail_page])]
- vbox:
- xpos 20
- ypos 500
- hbox:
- xpos 640
- xanchor 0.5
- imagebutton auto "profile_button_%s.png" action [Hide("cr_detail"), SetVariable("current", ""), SetVariable("ev_page", 0), SetVariable("evidence_type", "profiles"), Show("court_record ")]
- imagebutton auto "evidence_button_%s.png" action [Hide("cr_detail"), SetVariable("current", ""), SetVariable("ev_page", 0), SetVariable("next_ev_page", 0), SetVariable("evidence_type", "evidence"), Show("court_record ")]
- if npc != False:
- $ ev_label = + "_" + npc.checkEvidence(current)
- imagebutton auto "present_button_%s.png" action [Hide("cr_detail"), Jump(ev_label)]
- imagebutton auto "close_%s.png" action [Hide('cr_detail'), Jump(current_scene)]
- ############ Evidence Menu Buttons
- #the menu for the corner of the screen
- screen evidence_menu:
- imagebutton auto "profile_button_sm_%s.png" action [SetVariable("current", ""), SetVariable("evidence_type", "profiles"), ShowMenu("court_record")] xalign .90 yalign .02 focus_mask True
- imagebutton auto "evidence_button_sm_%s.png" action [SetVariable("current", ""), SetVariable("evidence_type", "evidence"), ShowMenu("court_record")] xalign .98 yalign .02 focus_mask True
- imagebutton auto "assistant_%s.png" action [Jump(assistant)] xalign .977 yalign .16 focus_mask True
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