
Ash's Anthro Adventures Ch. 4 – Viridian Town Runaround

Dec 4th, 2012
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  1. Ash's Anthro Adventures
  3. Ch. 4 – Viridian Town Runaround
  5. After the exhilarating experience with the Pidgey evolution flock, Ash and Pikachu made their way through Route 01 fairly easily. They got out of the forest and walked past the familiar police station and the entrance to their first stop on their journey – Viridian City.
  7. "Ah," Ash sighed as he and Pikachu walked into the city. "Viridian City! Sure bring back a lot of memories, huh Pikachu?"
  9. "Yep!" Pikachu exclaimed. "This was where we first faced off against Team Rocket."
  11. "And the first time we faced against Bertha of the Elite Four," Ash added. He stopped when another memory returned. "This was also the place you and I first worked as a Team."
  13. Pikachu stopped in her tracks and turned to Ash. He had a warm smile, and she smiled in return. They held each other's hand tightly. As they walked, they saw several familiar sights. They then came in front of a very familiar place – the Viridian City Pokémon Center. "Here we are," Ash stated.
  15. "Let's go inside!" Pikachu said as she tried to go forward, but was held back by Ash. "What?"
  17. "Uh uh," Ash said as he waved his finger with a smirk. Pikachu pouted, knowing what was coming. They released hands. "Pikachu Return." Pikachu disappeared into the Poke-Tector. Ash smirked and walked into the Center.
  19. As Ash walked, he noticed something strange, several young trainers were depressed and sad. He walked over to the desk, there he met a familiar pink haired nurse. "Hello there," the nurse greeted.
  21. "Hey Nurse Joy," Ash greeted. "Listen, could you recharge my Pokémon?"
  23. "Do you use Pokeballs, or are you one of the trainers that has received a Poke-Tector?" Nurse Joy asked.
  25. "Poke-Tector," Ash replied as he handed the nurse his Poke-Tector.
  27. "Are all your Pokémon in here?" The nurse asked.
  29. "Yes," Ash replied. The nurse nods and places his Poke-Tector in the recovery device. Ash looks around but his sight is caught again by the sad children. "Nurse Joy, what happened to these trainers?"
  31. "It's sad really," the nurse replied. "You see, over the last couple of days, there have been robberies and many of the Pokémon stolen were belong to those trainers. Most of them were just starting out too."
  33. Ash frowned. "Do you know who did it?"
  35. "I'm afraid not." Nurse Joy answered. "The Police are trying their best, but they can't find any trace of who did it." A sudden beep snapped Joy out of the talk. "Your Pokémon are all healed up." She gave Ash his Poke-Tector and he snapped it back onto his arm.
  37. "Alright, come on out Pikachu!" Ash exclaimed as he summoned his electric mouse-girl.
  39. "Pika!" Pikachu exclaimed. "Boy do I feel good."
  41. Suddenly, Nurse Joy gasped. "It's you! You're the trainer that came here eight years ago when that horrid Team Rocket came!"
  43. Ash rub the back his head in embarrassment. "Glad to see you still remember us."
  45. "Are you kidding?" The Nurse Joy exclaimed. "You saved countless Pokémon from being stolen. Listen, I know it's a lot to ask, but could you stay here and help in case the Pokémon thieves show up again?"
  47. Ash chuckled under his breath. "Of course! I was planning to stay for the night anyways, so I'd be glad to help."
  49. "Oh thank you!" Nurse Joy beamed. She turned to the sad children and smiled. "If you help us, we'll get the Pokémon back. I'm only sad that those poor children can't battle and gain experience."
  51. Ash nodded in agreement. He looked to the children and could see the sadness in their eyes. They wanted to battle so badly, or at least watch a battle. A random light bulb lit above Ash's head as an idea struck him. "Nurse Joy," he began, "I have an idea. Get the kids out in 15 minutes, okay?"
  53. "I suppose I can," Nurse Joy responded. "Why?"
  55. "Let's just say, they won't be disappointed," Ash said as he slowly walked away.
  57. Pikachu followed closely next to him. "What are you planning?" Ash's only reply was a sneaky smile.
  59. 15 minute later
  61. Just as Ash had asked, Nurse Joy brought all of the sad beginner Pokémon trainers to the doors that lead to the back of the Pokémon Center. "Alright Children, follow me!" Nurse Joy exclaimed as she opened the doors. Outside was a large battle field, and in the middle was Ash and Pikachu.
  63. "Hello kids!" Ash exclaimed.
  65. "Who are you?" a young boy asked.
  67. "My name is Ash Ketchum," Ash replied. "I'm a Pokémon Trainer, just like you guys."
  69. "No you're not," said a sad girl.
  71. "Yeah," another boy replied. "You still have your Pokémon." He pointed at Pikachu.
  73. "Yeah well, that's going to change. Cause when the Pokémon thieves attack, I'm gonna take them down!" Ash said as he pointed at himself.
  75. "Yeah right, what can you do?" said a smug little boy.
  77. Ash smirked. "You'll find out. But first, how about we play a little game?" Ash looked at all the young trainers as they gave him a confused look. "Everyone, sit over there." Ash pointed to a small corner of the battle field. Nurse Joy lead the children and they all sat down. "Alright. Now, as you all know, as trainers, we like to battle against each other right?"
  79. "Right," said a few of the trainers.
  81. "Well, how many of you know any specific strategies of battling?" all the young trainers rose their hand. "Alright, the girl in the green shirt. Tell us your name, and what you know."
  83. The girl in the green shirt rose. "My name is Emily and I know that it's important to know your Pokémon's type and the advantages between types."
  85. "Very good Emily," Ash replied. "She's right, it is very important to know your Pokémon's type and their advantages and disadvantages. I remember one time I was trying to catch a Pidgeotto, but I used a Caterpie to battle, boy I felt dumb." Ash and the kids laughed. "Now, type advantage and disadvantage is important, but not all the time." The kids gave Ash a confused look.
  87. A boy in a red cap rose his hand. Ash pointed at him. "What do you mean?"
  89. "Well," Ash began, "Say you're battling a Psychic type Pokémon. As you all should know, the only two types of Pokémon who are supposedly strong against Psychic types are Ghost and Dark types right?" the kids nodded. "Right, but both types of Pokémon are really rare, so not a lot of trainers have those kinds of Pokémon. That is why it is also important to practice different moves with your Pokémon. A lot of Pokémon can learn a number of interesting attacks you never thought they could. For example, My Pikachu knows Surf."
  91. That got the children's attention. They were all asking how or why. Ash raised his hand to calm them down. "Take it easy every one. Believe me, Pikachu learning Surf was an accident, but an effective one. As an Electric type, Pikachu is weak to ground type attacks. However, she can fight pretty well against them just by relying on her speed and Iron Tail attack. It is very important to focus on your Pokémon's special abilities, whether it's speed, strength or defense. How about I show you guys what I mean?"
  93. All the kids got up quickly. "You mean, you're going to show us some of your Pokémon?"
  95. Ash nodded his head. All the kids screamed and asked Ash what kind of Pokémon he had. "Hey! Take it easy! Sit down!" All the kids quickly sat down. "Alright, come on out Gabite!" Ash exclaimed. Soon the dragon type Pokémon appeared. Although all the kids could see was a regular Gabite, Ash could easily see how she had changed. Gabite's body was 5' 5", her legs were elongated and her ass looked as perfect as her E-cup bust.
  97. "What's up guys?" Gabite said to Ash and Pikachu.
  99. "Welcome to class Gabite," Ash said to the feminine dragon. "I'm teaching these young trainers about the important factors in battling. We were just going over attacks. Now, who can tell what is Gabite's type and what would be effective against her?"
  101. Ash pointed to a boy in a blue shirt. "She's Dragon and ground type, so I'm guessing Dragon, Ice, Water, and grass?"
  103. "Right, right, wrong," Ash replied. "Gabite is indeed weak to dragon and ice attacks, but not water and grass. Neither of those two are very effective against dragon types, but that doesn't mean their useless." The kids gave Ash a confused look. "It's important to use all your Pokémon's moves and use them in a strategy your opponent will never see coming." The kids gave Ash and 'oh' expression.
  105. For the rest of the day, Ash taught the young trainers more about Pokémon battling than they ever knew. He taught them how to use their Pokémon's weakness to their advantage, how to utilize speed, strength and defense, how to unconventional methods to fight and win in battles, and how to care for their Pokémon. All the kids were very interested in what Ash had to say and show, they were especially interested in his Pokémon and how strong they were. Ash use Gabite, Pikachu and Meowth to demonstrate the difference in Pokémon types, fighting styles, and abilities. But as all good things do, the lesson came to an end when the sun slowly set into the horizon.
  107. "Oh dear!" Nurse Joy exclaimed. "Look at the time. Alright everyone, it's time to go inside."
  109. "AW!" all the young trainers whined when they heard this.
  111. "Nurse Joy is right kids," Ash told them. "A good trainer must always be well-rested so they can be battle ready the next day. Now get inside before I sick Gabite on all of you!" The kids laughed at Ash's joke-threat and quickly ran inside, all saying thanks to Ash for the lesson. Ash turned to his three Pokémon. He already decided to keep Meowth out for the coming battle if the Pokémon thieves show up. "Good job girls. Gabite return." Gabite disappeared. "Come on you two, let's get some rest too." Meowth and Pikachu nodded as they followed Ash into the Pokémon Center.
  113. Half an hour later
  115. After taking a shower and changing into his sleeping clothes, Ash rested on the lower bed of the bunk beds he shared with his Pokémon. As he rested, he pondered his plan on what to do when the Pokémon thieves show up. He knows they will show up because a number of young trainers came in and stored their Pokémon for the night. He also has a feeling they will come at midnight because it was a cliché and obvious thing that most Pokémon thieves do.
  117. Ash laid on his bed, resting and trying to think of any ideas he could to face and capture the Pokémon thieves. Pikachu and Meowth were resting on the bed just above his. Ash wondered what those two were thinking of, but decided to dismiss it. Ash closed his eyes and waited pondered. His pondering stopped when he felt pressure on his body.
  119. Ash cracked an eye to see Meowth and Pikachu, both laying on top of him. "What up girls?" Ash asked.
  121. "Ash, there's something I've been meaning to tell you." Pikachu began in a nervous tone. Ash had an idea of what it was, but kept quiet. "You see, I kinda told Meowth and the others about… about…" Pikachu couldn't finish the sentence.
  123. So Ash finished it for her. "About the first time we made love?" Pikachu was surprised that Ash knew what she meant. "I had a hunch you did. Don't worry Pikachu, I'm not mad."
  125. Pikachu sighed. "Good, because there's something else." Ash knew what was coming. "You see Ash, we all love you and we want to show you just how much!"
  127. Ash then turned to Meowth, who had an embarrassed expression. "Does that apply to you Meowth?" Ash asked the cat
  129. "Y-Yes," Meowth replied. "I love you Ash, I want to express it in the same way that Pikachu did, if you'll let me."
  131. Ash smiled at the two. He placed his hand behind Meowth's head and slowly brought it to his. He pressed his lips against hers, shocking the female cat. Meowth's shock slowly died as she melted into the kiss. Meanwhile, Pikachu was smiling at the scene. Ash and Meowth explored each other's mouth as their tongues danced in pleasure.
  133. After a few seconds, they separated from the kiss, Meowth with a clearly satisfied expression. Ash smiled and turned to Pikachu. He gave a head shake that meant 'come here'. Pikachu did so and began to kiss Ash in the same way Meowth had. As they did that, Ash wrapped his arms around Meowth's and Pikachu's waists and held them close. Meowth then joined in the kissing and soon the three were in a make-shift three way kissing scene, each battling for dominance over the other two's mouths.
  135. As they explored each other's and Ash's mouths, Meowth and Pikachu explored the different parts of Ash's body. Meowth easily ripped of the shirt with her claws and the two were rubbing their hands against Ash's skin. Ash was doing just the same with his hands as he explored the bodies of his two Poke-lovers. His hands eventually found themselves by their inner thighs and then their wet pussies.
  137. "Oh!" both Poke-girls moaned as Ash rubbed his fingers against their sex. The two left Ash's lips and then proceeded to lick and kiss his neck up to his ears. Ash moaned as their lips touched his skin. Their kisses eventually trailed up to his earlobes, where they licked and nibbled, causing Ash to jerk in pleasure.
  139. Ash's hands continued to pleasure the Poke-girls' pussies, and he knew it was working because his hands were beginning to drip from the hot liquid expelling from the girls. Ash then decided to take control of the situation. His hands left the girls' wet pussies and went straight for their breasts. Ash's right hand went to Meowth's left breast while his left went to Pikachu's right breasts. He squeezed the soft flesh and pinch the hard nipples. Earning him lustful moans from the two Poke-girls.
  141. The two girls had stopped at Ash's ears when he began to fondle, squeeze and pinch their breasts. They writhed even more so when Ash's hands went to the other breasts. They felt like they were about to explode in pleasure. It was then that Pikachu caught sight of Ash's erection, struggling to exit the boxers that were tenting it down. Pikachu moved her hand to the bulge and began rubbing it. This caused Ash to moan and stop his attack on the poke-girls' breasts as he was being pleasured.
  143. Pikachu and Meowth sighed in relief as the attack stopped, but were sad that the pleasure had stopped as well. Oh well, now it was their turn to be in control. Meowth and Pikachu continued to stroke Ash's throbbing cock through the thin but tight fabric, causing him to jerk and buck at each pleasurable rub.
  145. "AH!" Ash moaned as he felt the rubbing stopped. He heard some ripping and then felt his member fly straight. Then a warm wetness began to pleasure him more so. Ash struggled to look to see Pikachu and Meowth had ripped his boxers in order to free his cock and lick it with long slow licks. The whole sight alone was making him go mad, so the actual pleasure was nearly too much to bear. Pikachu and Meowth continued to lick up and down against Ash's throbbing member. They themselves were enjoying the action, but knew Ash was even more so. Each time their lick became slower and longer and more intent on driving the poor male insane.
  147. "AH!" Ash screamed as he couldn't handle it anymore and shot his load. Hot semen flew onto Pikachu's and Meowth's faces and a little onto Ash himself. Even after the ejaculation, Ash's cock was still rock hard. Pikachu and Meowth quickly liked themselves clean before licking Ash. Ash was just beginning to recover from the ejaculation before he felt Pikachu and Meowth press their hot tongues against his skin to sexually lick the cum off of him.
  149. As soon as all the cum was licked clean, Pikachu and Meowth looked at each other, then to Ash's cock, then back. "Do you want to go first Meowth?" Pikachu asked.
  151. Meowth shy-fully nodded and Pikachu smiled. She helped Meowth get onto her knees and slowly knee her way just above Ash's cock. Ash saw what was happening and braced himself, because each time one of his Poke-girls had ridden him, it had been a wild ride for both parties.
  153. "Alright Meowth, take it nice and easy." Pikachu said as she helped Meowth slowly lower herself onto Ash's hard member. Meowth and Ash froze when their sexes touched. "One, two, THREE!" Pikachu pushed Meowth all the way down on Ash's hardness.
  155. "AH!" Ash and Meowth screamed in unison as Pikachu pushed Meowth down. She then proceeded to help Meowth move up and then back down, earning more moans from the two. Pikachu continued to do this until Meowth found the pattern and continued bouncing up and down on her own. Each bounce resulted in moans from both Ash and Meowth.
  157. "M-Meowth!" Ash exclaimed. He felt himself coming closer and closer to his limit.
  159. "Ash please!" Meowth screamed. "Blow your load inside me!"
  161. "AH!" Ash cried out as he came inside the feminine cat girl. Meowth screamed as well as she felt Ash's hot seed enter, but thanks to Ho-oh's gift, she would not end up pregnant. As soon as Ash was done, Meowth slowly lifted herself off of Ash's member and fell on the side of the bed. Ash sighed as he was relieved to survive another session.
  163. "Oh Ash," Pikachu called. Ash got to his seat and looked to see Pikachu, on her arms and legs with her ass in the air. Perfect receiving position. "Ash, I need you." Ash didn't need to be told twice. He quickly got onto his knees and grabbed Pikachu's ripe ass. He positioned himself just by Pikachu's entrance, and then went in. "AH!"
  165. The thrust was fast and hard, not Ash's usual forte, but now Ash was being controlled by primal urges rather than his usual reason. Ash pulled out of Pikachu's wet pussy only to thrust in again. Ash continued this pattern over and over, but each thrust came in faster and harder and with each thrust Pikachu would scream in pure pleasure.
  167. "YES ASH! YES! FASTER! HARDER! YEEEES!" Pikachu cried out with each thrust. Every charge created a whirlpool of pleasure that seemed to never end. Pikachu felt as though she was going to die from their sheer joy of having Ash thrust his cock inside her.
  169. "PIKACHU!" Ash screamed loudly. "I'M GONNA CUUUUUM!" Ash shot all the remainder of his load inside of Pikachu. Both screamed as hard as they could as Ash's seed overflowed Pikachu's pussy, some was even leaking out. After what seemed like an eternity, Ash's cum seemed to stop flowing and the two fell on different sides of the bed.
  171. Ash gasped for air as he slowly recovered from the exhilarating experience. When he felt like he was back to normal, Ash got up. He noticed Pikachu was now asleep, her pussy dripping with cum. Ash then turned and saw Meowth was no better. Being the kind guy he was, Ash went to the bathroom and got some towels and cleaned the girls up and set them side by side on his bed. Ash covered the two in the blanket and smiled. He turned to the digital clock in the room that said 9:00 pm.
  173. "I guess I can get a few hours of sleep myself, especially after all that," Ash said to himself. He quickly got some new sleeping clothes from his bag and went onto the top bunk since Pikachu and Meowth were now sleeping on the bottom. "I set the alarm for 11:50, so that should give me time to prepare for the thieves." Ash rested his bed on the pillow and welcomed sweet sleep.
  178. Ash jolted up at the sudden noise. It took him a moment to remember he was in the Pokémon Center and why he was getting up at 11:50 PM. Ash quickly got off the bunk and turned off the alarm clock. He then turned to the sight of Pikachu and Meowth sleeping peacefully together on the bed.
  180. "I guess I can let them sleep for tonight. After all, that was Meowth's first time." Ash grabbed his Poke-Tector and stepped outside of the room. He locked the door and headed down stairs.
  182. Ash walked right to the front desk, where he found a sleeping Nurse Joy. Ash shook her shoulder. "Nurse Joy," he called. Lucky for him Nurse Joys are light sleepers.
  184. "Huh?" Nurse Joy questioned as she awoke. She turned to see Ash and gave a sleepy smile. "Oh, hello Ash, what are you doing up so late?"
  186. "Pokémon Thieves, remember?" Ash asked sarcastically. At the mentioning of the thieves, Joy got on high alert.
  188. "Oh! You're right! We have to protect the Pokémon!" She exclaimed.
  190. "Shush!" Ash said as he covered the nurse's mouth. "We have to be quiet. Come on, let's go to the storage area." Nurse Joy nodded and the two made their way to the Pokémon Storage room.
  192. The room itself was large. There were several long shelves along the wall and a small computer with a pokeball transmitter unit.
  194. Ash turned to Nurse Joy. "DO you have any idea where the thieves could have entered from?"
  196. "No," Nurse Joy replied. Suddenly, all the lights in the room turned off. "What's going on?"
  198. "Shush!" Ash whispered as he dragged Nurse Joy behind the pokeball shelves so they could hide. "Be quiet, I think we're about to find our mystery robbers."
  200. Just as Ash said those words, a clanking noise sounded in the room. The duo turned to see one of the tiles on the floor had been removed to the side and below it was a large square shaped hole. From the hole, three human figures exited the hole followed by one non-human. The three human shapes then began to whisper and headed for the pokeballs.
  202. Ash took this as the time to attack. "Gabite I need you!" Ash called out. Soon the female anthro-dragon appeared. "Use Double-Edge to knock those guys off!"
  204. "Take this thieves!" Gabite cried as she struck the four figures in the darkness.
  206. "Nurse Joy! The Lights!" Ash called out.
  208. "Right!" Nurse Joy exclaimed as she ran and managed to find the emergency light switch. The light went on.
  210. "Alright, who are you?" Ash barked as he went over next to Gabite to look at the mystery attackers. He gasped at what he saw.
  212. Before him was a woman with long pink hair and in her late early thirties, a blue haired man about the same age, a brown haired guy about Ash's age, and all were wearing black uniforms with red R's on their chests. Next to the three was a small Choroneko, a cat Pokémon from Isshu.
  214. "I don't believe it!" Ash exclaimed.
  216. The three humans look at Ash, and the pink haired woman and blue haired man gasp. "YOU!" They scream together.
  218. "Jessie and James from Team Rocket?" Ash exclaimed in shock. He thought he had seen the last of the two when he had finished his adventure through the Sinnoh Battle Frontier. Quickly, the three Team Rocket members take their pose.
  220. "To take the world into devastation," Jessie began.
  222. "To destroy our enemies within our nation," James added.
  224. "Okay," Ash interrupted. "Before you bore me with another one of your useless mottos, who the heck are you?" Ash pointed at the young brunette.
  226. "I'm Jeremy, and this is my Choroneko," the brunette introduced. "These two are blackmailing me to help them steal the Pokémon."
  228. "HEY!" Jessie and James screamed. "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT OUR MOTTO!"
  230. "Oh shut up. You two sound and look like an old married couple."
  232. "OLD!" Jessie roared, her anger flaring. "YOU HAVE THE GAUL TO CALL ME OLD?"
  234. "You said it, not me," Ash replied with a smirk.
  236. This got Jessie mad. "YOU'RE DEAD TWERP! SEVIPER! KOKOROMORI!" She screamed as she tossed two pokeballs. From the two pokeballs appeared a black snake and a blue bat.
  238. "Seviper/Kokoro!" called out the two Pokémon.
  240. "Haven't seen those two in a while," Ash replied, uninterested. He turned to James. "Wow James, hiding behind Jessie again huh? It was easy to tell who wears the pants in this relationship."
  242. Now James was mad. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! GO CARNIVINE!" James summoned his Venus flytrap Pokémon.
  244. "Carnivine!"
  246. Ash narrowed his eyes. "You two picked the wrong Center to steal from. Gabite, burn them up!"
  248. "With pleasure," the female dragon roared. She unleashed a massive flamethrower, striking the three Pokémon head on.
  250. "NO!" Jessie screamed.
  252. "Now follow up with Iron Tail!" Ash commanded. Gabite began to run head first with its steel powered tail.
  254. "Kokoromori stop that lizard with Psychic!" Jessie exclaimed.
  256. "Right!" the bat called as its eyes begin to glow.
  258. "Get under!" Ash called out. At the same time Gabite digs underground, avoiding any chance of getting caught by the bat's psychic attack.
  260. "NO!" Jessie screamed in anger.
  262. "Peek-a-boo!" Gabite screamed as it struck Seviper and Carnivine with her claws and Kokoromori with her Iron Tail. After the attack, she jumps back to Ash.
  264. "Face it Team Rocket, you've always been losers. Why don't you just give yourselves up and end this stupidity?" Ash said to the duo. He wasn't paying attention to Jeremy since he was innocent in all this.
  266. Jessie growled. She turned to her bat. "Kokoromori use Psychic on the twerp!" She screamed, shocking everyone.
  268. Before Ash could anything, he was being lifted off the ground by psychic energy. "What?"
  270. "Now toss that little twerp around like a rag doll!" Jessie screamed.
  272. "Take this!" Kokoromori replied.
  274. "AH!" Ash screamed as he was tossed across the room into a wall by the bat's psychic attack. Ash tried to move only to be lifted and tossed into the shelves and then to the roof then the floor. It wasn't the worst Ash had been through, but it was painful.
  276. "Ash!" Nurse Joy and Gabite screamed as they rushed to the fallen trainer.
  278. "HA!" Jessie laughed. "Who's the loser now twerp?"
  280. Ash struggled to get back on his feet, but his body was in terrible pain. "Heh, still you. Only complete cowards resort to such demeanors."
  282. Jessie growled. "Kokoromori, again!"
  284. "Righ-AAAAH!" The bat was cut short as it was lit up by electricity before falling unconscious on the floor.
  286. "WHAT?" Jessie screamed.
  288. "HEY DUMBASSES!" called a familiar voice. Everyone turned to see Pikachu and Meowth standing at the entrance of the room and behind them were all the young trainers who Ash had taught earlier.
  290. "Meowth?" Jessie and James asked in shock. To them, Meowth still looked the same and sounded the same, all thanks to Ash's gift. "What are you doing?"
  292. "Helping my boss," Meowth replied. She quickly ran over to Ash along with Pikachu. "Are you okay Ash?"
  294. "If you call having multiple ribs broken and my spine set in a uncomfortable position okay, then I'm just dandy." Ash replied jokingly.
  296. Meowth smiled before turning angrily towards her former teammates. "You two are going to pay."
  298. "Oh Yeah Meowth, and how do you plan to do that?" James asked mockingly.
  300. Meowth smirked. "Hey kids, remember what Ash said about combining attacks?" All the kids nod. "Well how about we show them just what he meant?" Pikachu and Gabite nodded with evil smiled.
  302. "Ready… NOW!" Pikachu screamed as she launched a Thunderbolt, Meowth used Pay Day and Gabite used Dragon Pulse forming a fused attack of great power.
  304. "Oh Shi-!" Jessie couldn't finished as she, James and their Pokémon were blasted out of the center and into the horizon.
  306. "Yes!" one of the kids cried out. "They did it!"
  308. "Hey kids!" Jeremy called to the kids, in his hand he held the sack Team Rocket had. "Here's your Pokémon!" Soon enough, all the kids ran over and began scurrying in the bag for their respective Pokémon.
  310. "Oh thank goodness," Nurse Joy sighed. She then turned to see Ash was still on the ground with his Pokémon surrounding him. "Oh my! Ash! Bring in a stretcher."
  312. After a long night, Ash sat on a bed shirtless, but his torso was wrapped in bandages. After the battle, Ash was taken into the emergency room, where he was checked and bandaged up thanks to Nurse Joy. As far as he knew, Ash only had a few broken ribs, but he would be in pain for a while.
  314. "Thanks again Nurse Joy," Ash said to the nurse.
  316. "I should be thanking you," Nurse Joy replied. "Because of you and your Pokémon, all the stolen Pokémon have been returned to their rightful trainers."
  318. "That's good." Ash said. He then began to think of Jeremy. "Hey Nurse Joy, do you know what happened to Jeremy?"
  320. "Oh yes, the boy who was with Team Rocket. He was taken by Officer Jenny for questioning." Ash's expression blanked. "No don't worry, he is fine. As it turns out he was being blackmailed by Team Rocket with false information. He's just being asked if he knows anything else."
  322. "Phew, that's good." Ash replied. Ash turned to see Pikachu and Meowth sleeping and cuddled together. After the battle and after he was bandaged, Ash thanked Gabite and recalled her back to his Poke-Tector. "Meowth, Pikachu return." Both Pokémon disappeared in the device. "They deserve a rest."
  324. "So when do you plan to leave?" Nurse Joy asked.
  326. "Probably as soon as the pain in my body get's manageable." Ash replied.
  328. "Good, because I have another favor to ask of you." Ash cocked an eyebrow. "You see, I told Officer Jenny yesterday about your teaching session, and she told the local trainers school, so I was hoping if you could stick around to teach some of your knowledge to the younger kids."
  330. Ash smirked. "I would be delighted."
  333. ---
  334. Author notes.
  335. Wow, who knew Ash was so knowledgeable.
  336. I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, especially the part about Ash teaching the beginner trainers about Pokémon training and battling. Short chapter I know, but it just adds suspense to the next chapter.
  338. Since only Gabite was shown, here are her attacks
  339. Gabite – Dragon Pulse, Draco Meteor, Dig, Rock Smash, Flamethrower, Iron Tail, Double-Edge
  341. Next Time – Free Wings
  342. On his way to Pewter City, Ash runs into an old acquaintance, the Samurai. But after a battle gone array, what happens when a horde of Beedrills attack? Ash's only hope is the return of his first captured Pokémon.
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