

May 29th, 2022 (edited)
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  1. command /checkN [<player>]:
  2. permission: Staff
  3. trigger:
  4. send "%{Efectos.Novato.%arg-1%}%"
  5. on first join:
  6. set {Efectos.Novato.%player%} to true
  7. set {Comenzar.%player%} to false
  8. iniciar(player)
  9. on join:
  10. wait 3 seconds
  11. if player is online:
  12. if {fama::%player%} is between 0 and 350:
  13. set {VRank.%player%} to "&7&lD"
  14. if {fama::%player%} is between 351 and 550:
  15. set {VRank.%player%} to "&a&lC"
  16. if {fama::%player%} is between 551 and 850:
  17. set {VRank.%player%} to "&b&lB"
  18. if {fama::%player%} is between 851 and 1550:
  19. set {VRank.%player%} to "&6&lA"
  20. if {fama::%player%} is greater than 1550:
  21. set {VRank.%player%} to "&e&lS"
  22. send "&4⚠&f ¡Se recomienda instalar el Resource Pack para poder Jugar!"
  23. send " "
  24. send "&a"
  25. wait 3 seconds
  26. if player is online:
  27. set {sb.%player%} to true
  28. while {sb.%player%} is true:
  29. if {Efectos.novato.%player%} is true:
  30. wait 60 seconds
  31. else:
  32. delete player's sidebar
  33. set name of sidebar of player to "&6&lNARUTO &b&lRPG"
  34. set score "&1" in sidebar of player to 16
  35. set score "&7» &9&lNIVEL&f: &a%{nivel::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 15
  36. set score "&e " in sidebar of player to 14
  37. set score "&7» &5&LXP&f: &a %{xp::%player%}%&7/&c%{xpnext::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 13
  38. set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 12
  39. set score "&7» &2&lMULTIPLICADOR&f: &6x%{lvlmultipler::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 11
  40. set score "&4 " in sidebar of player to 10
  41. set score "&7» &b&lFAMA&f: &a%{fama::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 9
  42. set score "&5 " in sidebar of player to 8
  43. set score "&7» &9&lMERITO&f: &a%{merito::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 7
  44. set score "&6 " in sidebar of player to 6
  45. set score "&7» &e&lRYOS&f: %player's balance%" in sidebar of player to 5
  46. set score "&8 " in sidebar of player to 4
  47. set score "&" in sidebar of player to 3
  48. wait 10 seconds
  49. delete player's sidebar
  50. set {kd::%player%} to {kills::%player%} / {muertes::%player%}
  51. set name of sidebar of player to "&6&lNARUTO &b&lRPG"
  52. set score "&1" in sidebar of player to 16
  53. set score "&7» &6&lFORJA NIVEL&f: &a%{lvlwill::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 15
  54. set score "&0 " in sidebar of player to 14
  55. set score "&7» &9&LXP&f: &a %{xpwill::%player%}%&7/&c%{nextwill::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 13
  56. set score "&b " in sidebar of player to 12
  57. set score "&7» &c&lELIMINACIONES&f: &c%{kills::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 11
  58. set score "&2 " in sidebar of player to 10
  59. set score "&7» &4&lMUERTES&f: &c%{muertes::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 9
  60. set score "&3 " in sidebar of player to 8
  61. set score "&7» &9&lK/D&f: &6%{kd::%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 7
  62. set score "&4 " in sidebar of player to 6
  63. set score "&7» &6&lRANGO SHINOBI&f: &a%{vrank.%player%}%" in sidebar of player to 5
  64. set score "&5 " in sidebar of player to 4
  65. set score "&" in sidebar of player to 3
  66. wait 10 seconds
  67. on quit:
  68. set {sb.%player%} to false
  69. on join:
  70. delete {Secuencia1.%player%}
  71. delete {Secuencia2.%player%}
  72. delete {Secuencia3.%player%}
  73. delete {Secuencia4.%player%}
  74. delete {Secuencia5.%player%}
  75. delete {Secuencia6.%player%}
  76. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  77. delete {Secuencia7.%player%}
  78. delete {Secuencia7-1.%player%}
  79. delete {ChatMode.%player%}
  80. delete {PreAld.%player%}
  81. delete {PreNat.%player%}
  82. delete {PreElem1.%player%}
  83. if {Efectos.Novato.%player%} is true:
  84. wait 2 seconds
  85. if player is online:
  86. teleport player to {Ubicaciones.Rikkudo}
  87. set {Comenzar.%player%} to false
  88. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  89. iniciar(player)
  90. while {Efectos.Novato.%player%} is true:
  91. loop all players:
  92. hide player from loop-players
  93. wait 2 seconds
  94. send "&a¡Disfruta tu estadia en el Servidor!"
  95. every 15 seconds:
  96. loop all players in world "kamuidefi":
  97. if {Secuencia1.%loop-player%} is true:
  98. send "&4⚠&f ¡Se recomienda instalar el Resource Pack para poder Jugar!" to loop-player
  99. send " " to loop-player
  100. send "&a" to loop-player
  101. send "" to loop-player
  102. send "&fCuando estes Listo para &2Comenzar&f tu &daventura&f escribe &7""&aSi&7"" " to loop-player
  103. if {Secuencia3.%loop-player%} or {Secuencia4.%loop-player%} or {Secuencia6.%loop-player%} or {Secuencia7.%loop-player%} is true:
  104. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to loop-player
  105. if {Secuencia5.%loop-player%} is true:
  106. send "&f¡Elige tu estilo de combate! &fEscribe &7""&5Ninjutsu&7""&f o &7""&aTaijutsu&7""" to loop-player
  107. on inventory click:
  108. if name of event-inventory is "&e&lSELECCION DE ALDEA":
  109. cancel event
  110. if event-slot is 10:
  111. if {Dispo-Hoja} is true:
  112. delete {Secuencia3.%player%}
  113. close player's inventory
  114. wait 5 ticks
  115. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Con que &aKonoha&f.. ¿Estas seguro?"
  116. set {Secuencia4.%player%} to true
  117. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  118. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  119. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  120. set {PreAld.%player%} to "Hoja"
  121. else:
  122. send "&cEsta aldea no esta Disponible!"
  123. if event-slot is 12:
  124. if {Dispo-Arena} is true:
  125. delete {Secuencia3.%player%}
  126. close player's inventory
  127. wait 5 ticks
  128. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Con que &eSuna&f.. ¿Estas seguro?"
  129. set {Secuencia4.%player%} to true
  130. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  131. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  132. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  133. set {PreAld.%player%} to "Arena"
  134. else:
  135. send "&cEsta aldea no esta Disponible!"
  136. if event-slot is 14:
  137. if {Dispo-Roca} is true:
  138. delete {Secuencia3.%player%}
  139. close player's inventory
  140. wait 5 ticks
  141. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Con que &7Iwa&f.. ¿Estas seguro?"
  142. set {Secuencia4.%player%} to true
  143. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  144. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  145. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  146. set {PreAld.%player%} to "Roca"
  147. else:
  148. send "&cEsta aldea no esta Disponible!"
  149. if event-slot is 16:
  150. if {Dispo-Nube} is true:
  151. delete {Secuencia3.%player%}
  152. close player's inventory
  153. wait 5 ticks
  154. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Con que &9Kumo&f.. ¿Estas seguro?"
  155. set {Secuencia4.%player%} to true
  156. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  157. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  158. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  159. set {PreAld.%player%} to "Nube"
  160. else:
  161. send "&cEsta aldea no esta Disponible!"
  162. on store:
  163. if name of event-inventory is "&e&lSELECCION DE ALDEA" or "&e&lAPRENDER ELEMENTOS":
  164. cancel event
  165. function ealdea(p: player):
  166. open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lSELECCION DE ALDEA" to {_p}
  167. if {Dispo-Hoja} is true:
  168. set slot 10 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&aKonohagakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre las &aHojas" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &cUchiha&8 / &fHyuga" and "" and "&a» Disponible «"
  169. else:
  170. set slot 10 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&aKonohagakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre las &aHojas" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &cUchiha&8 / &fHyuga" and "" and "&c» No Disponible «"
  171. if {Dispo-Arena} is true:
  172. set slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&eSunagakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre la &eArena" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &aShirogane" and "" and "&a» Disponible «"
  173. else:
  174. set slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&eSunagakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre la &eArena" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &aShirogane" and "" and "&c» No Disponible «"
  175. if {Dispo-Roca} is true:
  176. set slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&7Iwagakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre las &7Rocas" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &fKamizuru&8 / &eExplosivo" and "" and "&a» Disponible «"
  177. else:
  178. set slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&7Iwagakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre las &7Rocas" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &fKamizuru&8 / &eExplosivo" and "" and "&c» No Disponible «"
  179. if {Dispo-Nube} is true:
  180. set slot 16 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&9Kumogakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre las &9Nubes" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &9Yotsuki&8 / &7Raisoku" and "" and "&a» Disponible «"
  181. else:
  182. set slot 16 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&9Kumogakure" with lore "" and "&6• &fRenace en la Aldea oculta entre las &9Nubes" and "" and "&e⚠ &dClanes Exclusivos: &9Yotsuki&8 / &7Raisoku" and "" and "&c» No Disponible «"
  183. function elmshop(p: player):
  184. open chest with 4 rows named "&e&lAPRENDER ELEMENTOS" to {_p}
  185. set slot 11 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&6&lELEMENTO TIERRA" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&e⚠ &aJutsus: &6Puño de Roca" and "" and "&2» Click Para Seleccionar «"
  186. set slot 12 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&a&lELEMENTO VIENTO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&e⚠ &aJutsus: &aGuadaña Vacio" and "" and "&2» Click Para Seleccionar «"
  187. set slot 13 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&4&lELEMENTO FUEGO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&e⚠ &aJutsus: &cBola de Fuego" and "" and "&2» Click Para Seleccionar «"
  188. set slot 14 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&b&lELEMENTO AGUA" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&e⚠ &aJutsus: &bTornado de Agua" and "" and "&2» Click Para Seleccionar «"
  189. set slot 15 of {_p}'s current inventory to magma cream named "&9&lELEMENTO RAYO" with lore "" and "&6• &f¡Aprende este elemento para desbloquear jutsus relacionados!" and "" and "&e⚠ &aJutsus: &9Golpe Electrico" and "" and "&2» Click Para Seleccionar «"
  190. on inventory click:
  191. if name of event-inventory is "&e&lAPRENDER ELEMENTOS":
  192. if event-slot is 11:
  193. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  194. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  195. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  196. set {Secuencia7.%player%} to true
  197. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  198. close player's inventory
  199. set {PreElem1.%player%} to "Tierra"
  200. if event-slot is 12: #Viento
  201. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  202. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  203. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  204. set {Secuencia7.%player%} to true
  205. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  206. close player's inventory
  207. set {PreElem1.%player%} to "Viento"
  208. if event-slot is 13:
  209. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  210. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  211. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  212. set {Secuencia7.%player%} to true
  213. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  214. close player's inventory
  215. set {PreElem1.%player%} to "Fuego"
  216. if event-slot is 14: #Agua
  217. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  218. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  219. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  220. set {Secuencia7.%player%} to true
  221. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  222. close player's inventory
  223. set {PreElem1.%player%} to "Agua"
  224. if event-slot is 15: #Rayo
  225. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  226. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  227. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  228. set {Secuencia7.%player%} to true
  229. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  230. close player's inventory
  231. set {PreElem1.%player%} to "Rayo"
  232. on inventory close:
  233. wait 1 second
  234. if {Secuencia3.%player%} is true:
  235. wait 1 second
  236. ealdea(player)
  237. if {Secuencia6-1.%player%} is true:
  238. wait 1 second
  239. if {PreNat.%player%} is "Ninjutsu":
  240. elmshop(player)
  241. if {PreNat.%player%} is "Taijutsu":
  242. make player run command "/TFinal" as op
  243. command /TFinal:
  244. permission: Staff
  245. trigger:
  246. loop all players:
  247. if loop-player has permission "Guia":
  248. send "&d%player% &facaba de terminar el inicio basico y esta disponible para ser guiado" to loop-player
  249. if {PreNat.%player%} is "Taijutsu": #Termina toda la Secuencia
  250. delete {Efectos.Novato.%player%}
  251. wait 1 second
  252. send "&6Rikkudo&f: De acuerdo... Creo que es todo, suerte con tu Mision de ...&5&kdivertirte&f &5&ken&f &5&krpg&f &5&ky&f &5&ksaludar&f &5&ka&f &5&kEd"
  253. wait 1 second
  254. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  255. delete {Efectos.Novato.%player%}
  256. make console execute command "aldea %{PreAld.%player%}% %player%"
  257. wait 5 ticks
  258. make console execute command "lp user %player% permission set taijutsuquest"
  259. make console execute command "mi give patadahuracan %player%"
  260. make console execute command "cast teach %player% patadahuracan"
  261. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Konohagakure":
  262. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set Taijutsu"
  263. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Kumogakure":
  264. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set TaijutsuN1"
  265. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Iwagakure":
  266. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set TaijutsuR1"
  267. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Sunagakure":
  268. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set TaijutsuA1"
  269. delete {ChatMode.%player%}
  270. make console execute command "warp %{PreAld.%player%}% %player%"
  271. send title "&6Capitulo 1." with subtitle "&fMi camino Ninja..." to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  272. wait 4 seconds
  273. remove blindness from player
  274. send title "&6*Abres tus ojos*" with subtitle "&fPareces recuperar la conciencia despues de unos segundos.." to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  275. make player run command "/playsound minecraft:ui.toast.challenge_complete player %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5" as op
  276. send "&7*Con /pj puedes ver todas tus estadisticas y comandos*"
  277. loop all players:
  278. reveal player to loop-players
  279. if {PreNat.%player%} is "Ninjutsu": #Termina toda la Secuencia
  280. delete {Efectos.Novato.%player%}
  281. wait 1 second
  282. send "&6Rikkudo&f: De acuerdo.. Creo que es todo, suerte con tu Mision de ...&5&kdivertirte&f &5&ken&f &5&krpg&f &5&ky&f &5&ksaludar&f &5&ka&f &5&kEd"
  283. wait 1 second
  284. delete {Secuencia7-1.%player%}
  285. make console execute command "aldea %{PreAld.%player%}% %player%"
  286. wait 5 ticks
  287. make console execute command "lp user %player% permission set %{PreElem1.%player%}%quest"
  288. AprenderElemento(player, "%{PreElem1.%player%}%", 1, "%player's uuid%")
  289. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Konohagakure":
  290. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set GENNIN"
  291. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Kumogakure":
  292. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set GENNINN"
  293. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Iwagakure":
  294. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set GENNINR"
  295. if {aldea::%player%} is equal to "Sunagakure":
  296. make console execute command "lp user %player% group set GENNINA"
  297. if {PreElem1.%player%} is "Tierra":
  298. make console execute command "mi give punoroca %player%"
  299. make console execute command "cast teach %player% punoroca"
  300. if {PreElem1.%player%} is "Fuego":
  301. make console execute command "mi give bolafuego %player%"
  302. make console execute command "cast teach %player% bolafuego"
  303. if {PreElem1.%player%} is "Agua":
  304. make console execute command "mi give tornado %player%"
  305. make console execute command "cast teach %player% tornado"
  306. if {PreElem1.%player%} is "Viento":
  307. make console execute command "mi give guadanavacio %player%"
  308. make console execute command "cast teach %player% guadanavacio"
  309. if {PreElem1.%player%} is "Rayo":
  310. make console execute command "mi give GolpeElectrico1 %player%"
  311. make console execute command "cast teach %player% GolpeElectrico1"
  312. make console execute command "warp %{PreAld.%player%}% %player%"
  313. delete {ChatMode.%player%}
  314. wait 2 seconds
  315. send title "&6Capitulo 1." with subtitle "&fMi camino Ninja..." to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  316. wait 4 seconds
  317. remove blindness from player
  318. send title "&6*Abres tus ojos*" with subtitle "&fPareces recuperar la conciencia despues de unos segundos.." to player for 5 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  319. make player run command "/playsound minecraft:ui.toast.challenge_complete player %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.5" as op
  320. send "&7*Con /pj puedes ver todas tus estadisticas y comandos*"
  321. loop all players:
  322. reveal player to loop-players
  323. on chat:
  324. cancel event
  325. if {ChatMode.%player%} is true:
  326. if {Secuencia7.%player%} is true:
  327. if message is "si": #Finaliza seleccion
  328. delete {Secuencia7.%player%}
  329. delete {Secuencia6-1.%player%}
  330. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  331. make player run command "/TFinal" as op
  332. if message is "no":
  333. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  334. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Bien, selecciona con cuidado."
  335. delete {Secuencia7.%player%}
  336. elmshop(player)
  337. set {Secuencia6-1.%player%} to true
  338. stop
  339. if {Secuencia6.%player%} is true:
  340. if message is "si":
  341. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  342. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Gran Eleccion."
  343. wait 5 ticks
  344. if {PreNat.%player%} is "Taijutsu": #Termina toda la Secuencia
  345. make player run command "/TFinal" as op
  346. if {PreNat.%player%} is "Ninjutsu":
  347. send "&6Rikkudo&f: ¿Que elemento te gustaria dominar?"
  348. elmshop(player)
  349. set {Secuencia6-1.%player%} to true
  350. if message is "no":
  351. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Hmm no estas decidido.. Comprendo es una Eleccion complicada."
  352. send title "&f¡Elige tu estilo de combate!" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&5Ninjutsu&7""&f o &7""&aTaijutsu&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  353. send "&f¡Elige tu estilo de combate! &fEscribe &7""&5Ninjutsu&7""&f o &7""&aTaijutsu&7"""
  354. set {Secuencia5.%player%} to true
  355. delete {Secuencia6.%player%}
  356. stop
  357. if {Secuencia5.%player%} is true:
  358. if message is "Taijutsu":
  359. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  360. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  361. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  362. set {PreNat.%player%} to "Taijutsu"
  363. set {Secuencia6.%player%} to true
  364. if message is "Ninjutsu":
  365. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  366. send title "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion?" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  367. send "&f¿Estas de Acuerdo con tu Eleccion? &fEscribe &7""&aSi&7""&f o &7""&cNo&7""" to player
  368. set {PreNat.%player%} to "Ninjutsu"
  369. set {Secuencia6.%player%} to true
  370. stop
  371. if {Secuencia4.%player%} is true:
  372. if message is "si":
  373. set {Secuencia5.%player%} to true
  374. delete {Secuencia4.%player%}
  375. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  376. send "&6Rikkudo&f: De acuerdo, ahora dime. Que tipo de estilo quieres dominar a futuro..."
  377. wait 5 ticks
  378. send title "&2Estilos." with subtitle "&fExisten 2 estilos primordiales, el &aTaijutsu&f y &5Ninjutsu" to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  379. send "&2Estilos."
  380. wait 10 ticks
  381. send "&fExisten 2 estilos primordiales, el &aTaijutsu&f y &5Ninjutsu"
  382. wait 4 seconds
  383. send title "&2Estilos." with subtitle "&fEn el &aTaijutsu&f se potencia el cuerpo" to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  384. wait 2.5 seconds
  385. send title "&2Estilos." with subtitle "&fcon el uso del &9Chakra" to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  386. send "&fEn el &aTaijutsu&f se potencia el cuerpo a base del uso del &9Chakra"
  387. wait 4 seconds
  388. send title "&2Estilos." with subtitle "&fObteniendo un gran poder cuerpo a cuerpo." to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  389. send "&fObteniendo un gran poder cuerpo a cuerpo."
  390. wait 4 seconds
  391. send title "&2Estilos." with subtitle "&f¡Pero &cNo podras&f realizar &c&nNunca&f jutsus &6Elementales&f!" to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  392. send "&f¡Pero &cNo podras&f realizar &c&nNunca&f jutsus &6Elementales&f!"
  393. wait 4 seconds
  394. send title "&2Estilos." with subtitle "&fEn cambio en el &5Ninjutsu&f utilizas los &6Elementos&f para Luchar" to player for 3 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  395. send "&fEn cambio en el &5Ninjutsu&f utilizas los &6Elementos&f para Luchar"
  396. wait 4 seconds
  397. send title "&f¡Elige tu estilo de combate!" with subtitle "&fEscribe &7""&5Ninjutsu&7""&f o &7""&aTaijutsu&7""" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  398. send "&f¡Elige tu estilo de combate! &fEscribe &7""&5Ninjutsu&7""&f o &7""&aTaijutsu&7"""
  399. if message is "no":
  400. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  401. wait 1 second
  402. send "&6Rikkudo&f: De acuerdo, entonces Elige otra aldea."
  403. wait 5 ticks
  404. set {Secuencia3.%player%} to true
  405. delete {Secuencia4.%player%}
  406. ealdea(player)
  407. if {Secuencia3.%player%} is true:
  408. stop
  409. if {Secuencia2.%player%} is true:
  410. set {Secuencia3.%player%} to true
  411. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  412. make player run command "/playsound minecraft:entity.elder_guardian.curse player %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.9" as op
  413. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Con que te llamas &d%message%..." to player
  414. wait 1 second
  415. send "&6Rikkudo&f: De seguro tienes muchas preguntas." to player
  416. wait 1 second
  417. send "&6Rikkudo&f: Pero no tenemos mucho tiempo. ¿Dime donde te gustaria &6Renacer&f?" to player
  418. delete {Secuencia2.%player%}
  419. ealdea(player)
  420. stop
  421. if {Secuencia1.%player%} is true:
  422. if message is "si" or "Si" or "sI" or "SI":
  423. send title "" with subtitle "" to player
  424. set {Secuencia1.%player%} to false
  425. wait 5 ticks
  426. apply potion of blindness 2 to player for 9999 minutes
  427. make player run command "/playsound minecraft:entity.elder_guardian.curse player %player% ~ ~ ~ 0.9" as op
  428. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&fEl mundo shinobi esta atravesando grandes cambios." to player for 4 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  429. send "&6Prologo." to player
  430. wait 10 ticks
  431. send "&fEl mundo shinobi esta atravesando grandes cambios."
  432. wait 5 seconds
  433. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&fLas &cGuerras&f cada vez son mas intensas..." to player for 4 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  434. send "&fLas &cGuerras&f cada vez son mas intensas..."
  435. wait 5 seconds
  436. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&fLos &alazos &fque alguna vez fueron duraderos se fragmentan." to player for 4 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  437. send "&fLos &alazos &fque alguna vez fueron duraderos se fragmentan."
  438. wait 5 seconds
  439. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&fUna gran &5incertidumbre&f" to player for 4 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  440. wait 2.5 seconds
  441. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&faflora en el &ccorazon&f de todas las &dPersonas." to player for 4 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  442. send "&fUna gran &5incertidumbre&f aflora en el &ccorazon&f de todas las &dPersonas."
  443. wait 5 seconds
  444. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&fAhora dime..." to player for 2 seconds with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  445. wait 3 seconds
  446. send "&fAhora dime..."
  447. remove slowness from player
  448. teleport player to {Ubicaciones.RikkudoCharla}
  449. wait 3 ticks
  450. send title "&6Prologo." with subtitle "&f¿Como te Llamas? &7&o(Escribe tu Nombre)" to player for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  451. send "&f¿Como te Llamas? &7&o(Escribe tu Nombre)"
  452. set {Secuencia2.%player%} to true
  453. delete {Secuencia1.%player%}
  454. stop
  455. send "&6*Nadie puede escuchar tu voz..*" to player
  456. #send "%{NombreRol::%player%}%&f: &7%message%" to player
  457. else:
  458. if {NombreRol::%player%} is set:
  459. send "&8[%{chatEstado::%player%}%&8] %colored player's prefix%&7 %{NombreRol::%player%}%&f: %message%" to all players in radius {chatDistancia::%player%} of player
  460. else:
  461. send "&8[%{chatEstado::%player%}%&8] %colored player's prefix%&7 %player%&f: %message%" to all players in radius {chatDistancia::%player%} of player
  462. on any movement:
  463. if {Novato.%player%} is true:
  464. cancel event
  465. function iniciar(p: player):
  466. send title "&fBienvenido a &6&lNARUTORPG" with subtitle "&fCuando estes Listo para &2Comenzar&f tu &daventura&f escribe &7""&aSi&7"" " to {_p} for 99 minutes with fadein 1 second and fade out 1 second
  467. send "&fBienvenido a &6&lNARUTORPG" to {_p}
  468. send "&fCuando estes Listo para &2Comenzar&f tu &daventura&f escribe &7""&aSi&7"" " to {_p}
  469. set {ChatMode.%{_p}%} to true
  470. set {Secuencia1.%{_p}%} to true
  471. command /salto ninja [<text>]:
  472. trigger:
  473. if arg 1 isn't set:
  474. send "&e&lSalto Ninja"
  475. send "&7- /Salto ninja Activar (Activa el Salto Ninja &dShit + Salto&7)"
  476. send "&7- /Salto ninja Desactivar (Desactiva el Salto Ninja &dShit + Salto&7)"
  477. if arg 1 is "Activar":
  478. send "&aActivado Salto Ninja"
  479. set {saltoninja::%player%} to true
  480. if arg 1 is "Desactivar":
  481. send "&cDesactivado Salto Ninja"
  482. set {saltoninja::%player%} to false
  483. set {_query} to "UPDATE Ajustes SET saltoninja = ""%{saltoninja::%player%}%"" WHERE uuid = ""%player's uuid%"""
  484. execute unsafe {_query} in {-sql}
  485. options:
  486. DoubleJumpParticle: CLOUD
  487. DoubleJumpParticleLevel: 10
  488. on jump:
  489. player's gamemode is not creative:
  490. player is sneaking:
  491. if {saltoninja::%player%} is true:
  492. if {-cdsalto::%player%} isn't set:
  493. set {-cdsalto::%player%} to 0
  494. if {-cdsalto::%player%} is 0:
  495. set {-cdsalto::%player%} to 12
  496. push player upwards at speed 0.8
  497. set {-salto.%player%} to true
  498. push player forwards at speed 0.8
  499. show {@DoubleJumpParticleLevel} "{@DoubleJumpParticle}" particles at location of player for player offset by 0.4, 0.5, 0.4
  500. loop 12 times:
  501. wait 1 second
  502. subtract 1 from {-cdsalto::%player%}
  503. else:
  504. stop
  505. else:
  506. stop
  507. on damage:
  508. damage cause is fall:
  509. {-salto.%victim%} is true:
  510. cancel event
  511. set {-salto.%victim%} to false
  512. options:
  513. prefix: &7[&bSistema&7] &f
  514. noperm: &cQue intentas Hacer?
  515. command /Solicitar [<text>]:
  516. cooldown: 10 seconds
  517. cooldown message: &eEspera 10 Segundos para usar este comando
  518. trigger:
  519. if arg 1 isn't set:
  520. send "{@prefix}Tu solicitud fue enviada a los staff conectados." to player
  521. loop all players:
  522. if loop-player has permission "Staff":
  523. send "&d%sender%&6 Solicita la Ayuda de algun Miembro del Staff! " to loop-player
  524. send "&cRazon&5: &bSin Razon Aparente." to loop-player
  525. stop loop
  526. if arg 1 is set:
  527. send "{@prefix}Tu solicitud fue enviada a los staff conectados." to player
  528. loop all players:
  529. if loop-player has permission "Staff":
  530. send "&d%sender%&6 Solicita la Ayuda de algun Miembro del Staff! " to loop-player
  531. send "&cRazon&5: &b%arg 1%" to loop-player
  532. stop loop
  533. #on server list ping:
  534. # set motd to " &b< &6&lNARUTO RPG &d&l「&4&l㊋&a&l風&e&l国&7&l㊅&d&l」&a「1.12.2」&b> %nl% &f&l⚡ &b&lUPDATE 1.9 &f&l⚡"
  535. options:
  536. Tiempo: 12
  537. Prefix: &7[&bSistema&7]
  538. Moverse: &cTe moviste.&7!
  539. NoMoverse: &cNo te muevas por &7%{_sec}%&c o se cancelara el TP&7!
  540. on damage:
  541. if {Spawn.NoMove.%victim%} is set:
  542. message "{@Prefix} {@Moverse}" to victim
  543. delete {Spawn.NoMove.%victim%}
  544. stop
  545. else:
  546. stop
  547. on any move:
  548. if {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} is true:
  549. if {Ubicacion.spawn.X.%player%} is not location of block under player:
  550. set {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} to false
  551. message "{@Prefix} {@Moverse}"
  552. command /edspawn set:
  553. permission: Skript.*
  554. trigger:
  555. set {Ubicacion.hub} to location of player
  556. send "&eSpawn de retorno Marcado!" to player
  557. command /regresar:
  558. cooldown: 1 minutes
  559. cooldown message: &6¡Espera 1 Minutos para usar otra vez este comando!
  560. trigger:
  561. if player is in world "kamuidefi":
  562. send "&eNo puedes regresar."
  563. else:
  564. if {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} is not true:
  565. set {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} to true
  566. set {Ubicacion.Tspawn.%player%} to 10
  567. message "{@Prefix} &7No te muevas durante 10 segundos"
  568. set {Ubicacion.spawn.X.%player%} to location of block under player
  569. loop 10 times:
  570. if {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} is true:
  571. wait 1 second
  572. if {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} is true:
  573. if {Ubicacion.Tspawn.%player%} is bigger than 1:
  574. remove 1 from {Ubicacion.Tspawn.%player%}
  575. else:
  576. teleport player to {Ubicacion.hub}
  577. set {Ubicacion.spawn.U.%player%} to false
  578. message "{@Prefix} &7Bienvenido de regreso!"
  579. else:
  580. stop
  581. else:
  582. stop
  583. command /ayuda:
  584. aliases: help
  585. cooldown: 5 seconds
  586. trigger:
  587. message "&6&lAYUDA SHINOBI"
  588. message ""
  589. message "&6Comandos de Chat:"
  590. message "&7/c t - Entrar o Salir en el chat de tu aldea."
  591. message "&7/offrol - Ver mensajes de offrol."
  592. message "&7/b <mensaje> - Enviar un mensaje de offrol"
  593. message "&7/Hablar o /ha - Hablar a 30 bloques"
  594. message "&7/Gritar o /g - Hablar a 60 bloques"
  595. message "&7/Susurrar o /su - Hablar a 6 bloques"
  596. message "&7/Me - Realiza una accion en rol"
  597. message ""
  598. message "&6Comandos de Ayuda:"
  599. message ""
  600. message "&7/soporte <mensaje> - Enviar un mensaje a los Guias para recibir ayuda!"
  601. message "&7/solicitar <razon> - Enviar una Solicitud de ayuda a los Staffs"
  602. message "&7/Reglas - Lista de algunas reglas básicas"
  603. message "&7/Ryos ayuda - Lista de algunos comandos con los ryos."
  604. message ""
  605. message "&6Comandos de Redes:"
  606. message "&7- /Discord - Obtener link del discord"
  607. message "&7- /Pagina - Obtener link de la Pagina"
  608. message "&7- /Texturepack - Obtener link del Texturepack"
  609. message "&7- /YouTube - Obtener link del Canal de YouTube"
  610. message "&7- /Facebook - Obtener link del Facebook"
  611. message ""
  612. message "&6Extras:"
  613. message "&7- /Mercado - Enviar un mensaje global para vender o intercambiar (Cuesta 1 Ryo el Mensaje)"
  614. message "&7- /Equipo - Lista de comandos para formar equipos!"
  615. message "&7- /Regresar- Te envía al spawn. (5 minutos de CD)"
  616. command /facebook:
  617. trigger:
  618. send "&8[&6NarutoRPG&8] &b&n"
  619. command /pagina:
  620. trigger:
  621. send "&8[&6NarutoRPG&8] &a&n"
  622. command /texturepack:
  623. trigger:
  624. send "&8[&6NarutoRPG&8] &d&n"
  625. command /youtube:
  626. trigger:
  627. send "&8[&6NarutoRPG&8] &d&n"
  628. command /soporte [<text>]:
  629. usage: &7/Soporte <mensaje>
  630. trigger:
  631. if arg 1 is set:
  632. loop all players:
  633. if loop-player has permission "guias":
  634. send "&c%player% &aSolicita soporte Mensaje: &4%arg 1%" to loop-player
  635. send "&7[&bSistema&7] &f¡Enviaste un mensaje al Soporte!" to player
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