
Worm/Conduit CYOA Crossover

May 22nd, 2015
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  1. Worm/Conduit CYOA Crossover
  3. Skitter
  4. -Prison, Bad Rep (22), Human Facade (20), Tongues (19), Directed Contact (17), Soft Contact (15), Scrying (14), Eyeless Minions (13), Beauty (12), Outpost (10), Infusion (9), Sanction (7), Luxury (5), Mental Link (4), Gateway (3), Converts (2), Guide (1), Bridge Finding (0)
  6. Tattletale
  7. -Bevin, Ease (21), Keys to the Kingdom (20), Entangled Systems (18), Extra World: Lyonesse (16), Higher Calling (15), Initiate of the Tower (14), Extra World: Gesmene (11), Correspondence (10), Ghostwriting (9), Muse (7), Rakery (6), Streetwise (5) Human Facade (3), Tongues (2), Scrying (1), Bridge Finding (0)
  9. Grue
  10. -The Black Bay, Black Rum (19), Ship of the Lonely Sailor (18), Lord of Mist (17), Reborn through Mist (15), Mark of Voodoo (14), Curses of Voodoo (13), Cards of the Bayou (12), Crew of the Mist (10), Vessel of the Black Lord (7), Pendant of the Bay (5), Human Facade (3), Bridge Finding (2), Scrying (1), Calling (0)
  12. Bitch
  13. -Sunless Sea, Bad Rep (22), Pyre Beasts (21), Royal Guards (20), Conversion (19), Noble Decree (18), Outpost (16), Infusion (15), Lash of Authority (13), Luxury (11), Shrine Gate (10), Mummification (7), Meister: Sunless Sea (2), Bridge Building (0)
  15. Regent
  16. -Mu, Banned: Polyamora (21), Bridge Finder (20), Sands of Time (19), Telepathy (18), Mind Blast (17), Mind Sculpt (15), Extra World: Void (13), Infusion (12), Extra World: Phaeron (9), Unwaken (8), Indoctrinate (7), Human Facade (5), Extra World: Bevin (2), Servants (1), Devotion (0)
  18. Imp
  19. -Phaeron, Awaken (19), Predator (18), Unwaken (17), Indoctrinate (16), Mesmerize (14), Infusion (12), Human Facade (10), Directed Contact (8), Soft Contact (6), Extra World: Lyonesse (4), Higher Calling (3), Initiate of the Tower (2), Questant's Banner (1), Bridge Finding (0)
  21. Parian
  22. -Void, Golem (19), Simulacrum (17), Luxury (15), Outpost (14), Extra World: Gesmene (12), Ghostwriting (11), Muse (9), Lodgings (8), Club (7), Directed Contact (5), Soft Contact (3), Bridge Finding (2), Scrying (1), Bound Servant (0)
  24. Flechette
  25. -Badlands, Heart's Steel (19), Iron Blood (18), Smithy (16), Their Name On It (14), Extra World: Lyonnese, Furioso (12), Directed Contact (10), Soft Contact (8), Human Facade (6), Proven (5), Higher Calling (4), Ignition (3), Adamant Pact (2), Bridge Finding (1), Guide (0)
  27. The Slaughterhouse 9
  28. -Murderhobo squad extraordinaire, powerful and vetted Conduits who otherwise behave just the same as their Wormverse counterparts-except they don't need no damn Tinker to cross dimensional barriers. All of them "benefit" from the Bad Rep and Corrosive Contact drawbacks, and the former is assuredly permanent
  29. -Jack Slash is actually a Conduit to Arcadia, who traded his infinite edge cantrip from a goblin in exchange for his first memories immediately after becoming a Conduit
  30. -Shatterbird is a Conduit to the Glass Desert and Kuiper; instead of shattering glass she simply has an absurd army of Jinn under her command and Meisterhood of the Glass Desert
  31. -Bonesaw is a Conduit to Malsanis, although through the other Nine and their thralls she has an impressive collection of samples and skills from various worlds
  32. -Crawler hails from Qlippoth and Letendre, 'nuff said.
  33. -Mannequin is actually a Least Conduit to Pit-Zot. He has no time manipulation perks, only clockwork ones. His backstory is otherwise identical; his wife was a Conduit and he was a genius even before being uplifted-and losing her in an encounter with the Simurgh has made him go full Nox
  34. -William Manton is a Conduit to Mandela with big, big karma debt after a series of events. Specifically-being abandoned upon Letendre by Cauldron after he was caught using illicit means in an attempt to turn his daughter into a Conduit, a nasty encounter with the Simurgh that resulted in Manton watching his daughter die in front of hie eyes and his subsequent insanity. The short and long of it is: He's fallen so far and learned so much the Asuras have deigned to shown him a few tricks on the creation of tulpas. At this point, even the Asuras regret teaching him so much...
  35. -Burnscar is a Conduit to the Sunless Sea and Uthuli. Here, her powers work kind of like Canary's
  36. -Cherish is a Meister of the Void, and flaunts it all the time
  38. Cauldron
  39. -The most differentiated group from the canon Wormverse group; I just don't see their power players working exactly as per canon and still being representative of how threatening they are in Worm. This incarnation is a conspiracy of powerful, at least century old Conduits who have shaped the development of technology and human-Conduit relations from behind the curtains, and apart from the metaplot's threat of [DATA EXPUNGED] their other chief goal is archaeological research into the Ancient Conduits' remnants. Given the vagueness of the former, they're also slightly more benevolent than their canon counterparts since research into the fundamental nature of Conduithood does not involve abducting and experimenting on people from alternate realities. The implied independant nature and limited population of Conduits makes it unlikely an organisation as widespread as the PRT exists, but they probably have a hand in organising global groups of "heroic" Conduits on projects like expanding territory in the Crucible, keeping the peace in Letendre.
  40. -True to its namesake, Cauldron is also very interested in potions, whether Arcadia's fairy brews, the Black Bay's rum, poultices from Letendre and more exotic concoctions only found in the Prison.
  41. -There's a lot of Least Conduits out there who owe their powers to Cauldron in some way shape or form-and are bound via Bleak Field contracts to 3 instances of service. Oh, and they come down HARD on Conduits with the Corrosive Contact perks or idiots who try to take over/destroy the world-mainly solo operatives, since a lot of big crime organisations' leaders also owe their rise to power to Cauldron and help them manage the criminal underworld from behind the scenes. The local incarnations of Coil and Accord, for example, are both Least Conduits to Pit-Zot and the Rim respectively; Accord chafes under the Bad Reputation drawback.
  42. -Local incarnations of the Big 4 DO exist, in the form of two experienced Least Conduits and two turncoat Quellers. To make up for their shortcomings the Big 4 pool their knowledge and abilities along with Cauldron's resources to enhance their powers to the point of matching fully fledged Conduits in direct combat as a team
  43. -Cauldron has secrets. Secrets which somehow prevent nearby Bridges' effects from spreading onto the main buildings. Secrets that enable them to create Least Conduits without point expenditure. Secrets that may or may not be tied with the metaplot.
  45. Alexandria (Queller): Beacon (11), Locked (15), Flight (13), Increased Intelligence (11), Super Strength (8), Super Reflexes (5), Steel Bones (2), Weapon Mastery: Weighted gauntlets (0). Loadout: Jumper Pack (300), Eniro-Suit (100), Spy Glasses (0).
  46. -Was healed personally by the Queller's representatives back on Earth and trained as a child to hunt Conduits. Not quite invincible per se, but the greatest melee combatant of the group
  47. -Nearly killed Doctor Mother on first sight, until the latter exposed some of the Queller's more unsavoury/destructive acts. Mutual respect stemming from shared utilitarian worldviews; Alexandria is fully disillusioned with the Shogun's anti-Conduit stance and participates in planning Cauldron's strategy
  48. -Her renown in the Queller community prior to defecting has enabled Cauldron to recruit from, leverage information from and negotiate with all but the most fundamentally anti-Conduit Queller groups. Cauldron's Queller reserves are small, but personally trained to Alexandria's standards
  49. -There is no PRT, therefore no Director Costa-Brown persona. This hasn't stopped the merchandise from flowing in and funding Cauldron via dummy cooperations
  51. Legend: Spire, Take To The Sky (8), Voltaic Empowerment (7), Voltaic Current (6), Voltaic Being (5), Tesla Charge (4), Voltaic Rebirth (2), Human Facade (0).
  52. -Cauldron's biggest advantage in PR; officially the Big 4 are internationally recognised vigilantes through a few strings pulled by Cauldron's bureaucratic contacts, but Legend is generally seen as the go-to person for public statements and Conduit-Human coexistence conventions. It helps that along with Hero he's the most genuinely idealistic of the Big 4.
  53. -Using Hero's tech-based Spire powers to enhance his own voltaic blasts, has gained the ability to fire a greater variety variety of energy beams than just lightning by ionising high energy reactions with exotic particles in his Spire-designed power armour
  54. -Research into Quellar tech has also enabled him to fly much, much faster than the average Spire Conduit-although the system is currently a prototype too expensive to be mass produced. The armour's targeting systems and his own experience also render him the Big 4's best ranged combatent
  55. -Conversely, kept in the dark for Cauldron's higher level planning. Still rakes in the most merchandise royalties of the Big 4
  57. Eidolon (Queller): Beacon (11), Locked (15), Hunger (17), Heat Beams (14), Telekinesis (11), Sixth Sense (8), Telepathy (5), Flight (3), Slow Feeding (0). Loadout: Jumper Pack (300), Interference Staff (200), Eniro-Suit (0)
  58. -Driven by a hunger to push his abilities to the limit; Eidolon defected by request to Cauldron after learning of their research and the Shogun's desire to reign in his own minions. The most adept at countering rival Conduit powers
  59. -Even as a Queller prone to acting as a lone operative; the most intimating member of the Big 4
  60. -Eidolon's hunger for Conduit powers is insatiable, and as such he has been given access to personally dispose of Cauldron's compromised assets and is the most frequent volunteer for assassination missions. Secretly he is searching for a means to gain Least Conduit powers somehow
  61. -Sells the least merchandise; 2spooky2intense
  63. Hero: Voltaic Being (9), Tesla Charge (8), Technopathy (7), Ghost in the Machine (5), Crystal Hallways (4), Lesser Spires (3), Bismuthic Allegiance (2), Quartzic Sentience (1), Tongues (0)
  64. -Runs R&D more than the others, as such the most technically skilled with Cauldron's technology
  65. -Using Legend's raw voltage to power his technology, has developed several experimental means to hybridise wavelengths of energy from disparate worlds using Spire-tech principles. Fascinated with the idea of reverse engineering different worlds' technology in order to benefit Earth.
  66. -In a pinch, has designed adaptive power armour that lets him participate in combat, usually as communications support
  67. -Merchandise tends to take the form of video games. The most coveted are rare pieces of tech he constructed himself to demonstrate how Spire-tech can be applied to Earthly usage
  69. -If there is one unifying factor behind the Conduit heads of Cauldron, it is the dangers of long years spent away from society. Due to their age the Worm/Conduit crossover takes place in an indeterminable point of time after the canon Conduit resurgence has begun. Each member of Conduit is a Pontifex of singular will and drive, compelled to hone their development on Mastery of a few worlds rather than dabbling in many
  71. Doctor Mother:
  72. -Meister of a Bevin, Master of Malsanis, Polyamora and Gesmene. Is capable of using Scrying (10), Calling (9), Bound Servant (8), Guide (7), Directed Contact (5), Soft Contact (3), Tongues (2) and Bridge FindingX2 (0)
  73. -Is well accustomed to being underestimated for her seeming lack of direct offense, and her decision to become Meister of a Bevin. This has led to a Demon slowly working his way out of a thousand year-long debt by supplying Cauldron with contracts written to their specifications on demand, a Spook being sensually enslaved and a Light Bringer still afraid to set foot on Earth
  74. -The founder of Cauldron, she was instrumental in convincing Contessa and Harbinger to pool their resources in order to guide the development of human-Conduit relations. Before that time she already had a vast web of informants, cronies and minions attained by leveraging her exclusiveness as a Bevin meister which would later be liquidated into Cauldron's first employees
  75. -As Cauldron's leader, controls a broad swathe of resources and manpower across the worlds; while this iteration of Conduit's infrastructure is less consolidated than the Wormverse's iteration, Cauldron does have contacts of some sort or other on every world. Even on some yet undiscovered by the general public
  76. -Appreciates having two other Conduits who share her vision despite her utilitarian, manipulative ways
  77. -Knows far, far more about the fundamental nature of Conduits, Quellers, the metaplot and biological manipulation in general than has been let on in this document. Her name opens doors that should have stayed closed on Qlippoth
  79. Contessa:
  80. -Meister of Pit-Zot, Master of Arcadia, Letendre and the Glass Desert. Is capable of using Human Facade (9), Sands of Time (8), Directed Contact (6), Scrying (5), Bridge Finding (4) and Easy Passage (0)
  81. -Has perfected her foresight, agility and archtype manipulation to the point where she dodges and redirects attacks seemingly effortlessly, and lands devastating blows based on future sight shatterpoints
  82. -Prior to Cauldron, she was an aimless explorer. Unlike many of her kind Contessa nee Fortuna had no ambition, merely wanting to live to the fullest by getting to know the worlds beyond Earth as intimately as possible. But during a chance encounter with Doctor Mother in [DATA EXPUNGED], barely surviving. She was the first Conduit to become part of Cauldron.
  83. -Has insisted Doctor Mother take a leadership role in Cauldron's operations, due to her powers making her prone to indecision from the stress of viewing alternate timelines. Serves as a secretary, bodyguard and enforcer; prefers to be out in the field and given a concrete goal to work towards than theorise
  84. -Friendly rivalry with the Number Man
  85. -Some say she's supped on the most powerful of Cauldron's concoctions. Others say her bowler hat is an artifact of terrible power forged by the Ancient Conduits. Either way, her ability to see the future is far clearer and precise than it has any right to be, akin to a path to victory only limited by her innate ability to walk it
  87. The Number Man/Harbinger:
  88. -Meister of Kuiper, Master of Mandala, Lyonesse and the Spire. Is capable of using Human Facade (9), Scrying (8), Calling (7), Bridge Building (5), Easy Passage (1) and Bridge Finding (0)
  89. -Is the proud owner of the Astralsphere: A transdimensional network, essentially a portable replication of the Firmament and used by the Number Man to make absurd calculations, enabling him to exploit shatterpoints based on probability analysis
  90. -Rumours of his past are just that, but it is said he was the undefeated veteran of a transuniversal criminal organisation, micromanaging empires upon dozens of worlds. Almost no one knows he once helped Jack Slash kill his predecessor, a Conduit warlord infamous for stacking reincarnation abilities. The third Conduit to be recruited into Cauldron
  91. -Truly means well for mankind, but years of isolation have put a somewhat solipsistic and utilitarian skew on his moral compass. Although his appreciation for the big picture enables him to get along well with Doctor Mother as Cauldron's bookkeeper, chief scientist and occasional enforcer
  92. -Friendly rivalry with Contessa
  93. -If he was notorious, he would be for his attempts at replicating Meister abilities through sufficiently advanced science. So far he's encountered...mixed results, being able to manufacture the seeds and relays of Teslas but still not quite able to claim the Pyre King's mastery over their domain
  95. Doormaker: Inheritance (18), Easy Passage (14), Tongues (13), Directed Contact (11), Soft Contact (9), Human Facade (7), Meister (2), Scrying (1), Calling (0). Worldwalker extraordinaire and habitual hikki
  97. Custodian: Is not a Conduit at all, but a hyperadvanced thoughtform created by Harbinger in his salad days. Forged into a Least Conduit of Mandala with the following powers: Tantra (9), Avatar (7), Laghima (5), Memorial (4), Vimana (1), Sage Caste (0).
  99. The Endbringers
  100. -Experiment gone horribly wrong in the past to splice Great Others with genetic components from all the most powerful beings across the worlds, to create the ultimate warrior-slave race.
  101. -Nobody knows precisely /what/ procedure the ancient Conduit god-kings followed to make them. It is rumoured that either the TOSO and Judges of Qlippoth participated in their creation. It is whispered that they were stewed in a perversion of the Hormunculi creation process with potions drafted the Black Bay, the Badlands and Arcadia. It is NEVER said that the ancient Conduits somehow bestowed a measure of their own powers on beings that should not be able to become Least Conduits...
  102. -Whatever the cause, somehow this gives them the power to endlessly respawn in a randomly explosion of Azoth within Cruicible on top of their impossible might. It is unknown how they are even able to breach the dimensional barriers betwixt Cruicible and Earth to attack the latter
  103. -Leviathan retains the most of his Great Other heritage, summoning forth the black rain and wielding it as a limitless weapon. Behemoth is more Great One and Overlord, the toxicity of the Ore and Rain reacting bizarrely with his internalised molten core to neutralise, generate and redirect energy all around him; perhaps the true source of his powers lies in the myriad Jinn sealed within him. The Simurgh's traits recall the Engels and the Aboliths-and she has inherited their cunning. It is currently unknown how Khonsu is able to affect space and time, though more than one Conduit has observed clockwork cybernetics-and a brass heart on one occasion when it was heavily damaged. Tohu has been theorised to be an attempt to create a adaptive sentient thoughtform, whilst Bohu somehow incorporates Errant technology into its massive frame. More Endbringers exist, but these five are the most commonly seen
  104. -They attack one world at a time, individually, on an undefined schedule. If the world is not the Cruicible, they make a beeline for the nearest Bridge to the world, ignoring anything in their way. It can be any world; Earth is not alone in their predations-but they are smart enough to avoid the Prison at all costs. Some worlds like the Void, Kuiper and Sunless Sea are empty enough that the rampage is utterly harmless, although it has been observed that in worlds without sentient life, the Endbringers appear to be attacking or pursuing things left behind by ancient Conduits. Fortunately some Conduits are precognitive, or capable of building things that are
  105. -When not attacking, they appear to reside within the darkest depths of Cruicible, rarely sighted in packs frolicking through the darkness in search of hearth or bond fires for sustenance. When "off duty" they appear to avoid prolonged, deliberate conflict with humans, becoming dormant in various implausible locations, behaving like wild animals or following inscrutable migration patterns. The Others are not their allies, but acknowledge their strength; most try to steer clear of them although the ambitious or the great occasionally try to manipulate Endbringers into encroaching on Remnant settlements and Conduit outposts within the world-even when not directly attempting to fight, a wandering Endbringer is a natural disaster unto itself.
  107. Scion
  108. -The Almighty?
  109. -A sentient world?
  110. -The first Conduit?
  111. -A red herring for something else?
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