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  1. Copyright © The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Permission required for reproduction or display.
  2. Chapter 5
  3. Lecture
  4. Outline
  5. Learning Outcomes
  6. After studying this chapter, you should be able to answer the following
  7. questions:
  8. • What are nine major terrestrial biomes, and what
  9. environmental conditions control their distribution?
  10. • How does vertical stratification differentiate life zones in
  11. oceans?
  12. • Why are coral reefs, mangroves, estuaries, and wetlands
  13. biologically important?
  14. • What do we mean by biodiversity? List several regions of
  15. high biodiversity.
  16. • What are four major benefits of biodiversity?
  17. • What are the major human-caused threats to biodiversity?
  18. • How can we reduce these threats to biodiversity?
  19. 5-2
  20. In the end, we conserve only what we love.
  21. We will love only what we understand.
  22. We will understand only what we are taught.
  23. –Baba Dioum
  24. 5-3
  25. 5.1 Terrestrial Biomes
  26. • Biodiversity-the number and variety of
  27. species.
  28. • Biomes-broad types of biological communities
  29. with characteristic types of environments that
  30. occur in different conditions of temperature
  31. and precipitation.
  32. 5-4
  33. Figure 5.3 Biomes most likely to occur in the absence of human disturbance or other
  34. disruptions, according to average annual temperature and precipitation. Note: This
  35. diagram does not consider soil type, topography, wind speed, or other important
  36. environmental factors. Still, it is a useful general guideline for biome location.
  37. Source: Whitaker, Robert, C., Communities & Ecosystems, 2e. © 1975. Adapted by permission
  38. of Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ.
  39. 5-5
  40. 5-6
  41. • Vertical zonation
  42. is a term applied
  43. to vegetation
  44. zones defined by
  45. altitude.
  46. 5-7
  47. Annual temperature and precipitation
  48. levels in terrestrial biomes
  49. 5-8
  50. Tropical rainforests
  51. • Tropical
  52. rainforests
  53. occur where
  54. rainfall is
  55. abundant—
  56. more than 200
  57. cm (80 in.) per
  58. year—and
  59. temperatures
  60. are warm to
  61. hot year-round
  62. 5-9
  63. Tropical savannas and grasslands
  64. are dry most of the year
  65. • Where there is
  66. too little rainfall
  67. to support
  68. forests, we find
  69. open grasslands
  70. or grasslands
  71. with sparse tree
  72. cover, which we
  73. call savannas.
  74. 5-10
  75. Deserts are hot or cold, but always dry
  76. • Deserts occur
  77. where
  78. precipitation
  79. is uncommon
  80. and slight,
  81. usually with
  82. less than
  83. 5-11
  84. Temperate grasslands have rich soils
  85. • As in tropical
  86. latitudes,
  87. temperate
  88. (midlatitude)
  89. grasslands occur
  90. where there is
  91. enough rain to
  92. support abundant
  93. grass but not
  94. enough for forests
  95. 5-12
  96. Temperate forests
  97. can be evergreen or
  98. deciduous
  99. • These forests by are
  100. grouped by tree
  101. type, broad-leaved
  102. deciduous (losing
  103. leaves seasonally) or
  104. evergreen
  105. coniferous (cone-
  106. bearing).
  107. 5-13
  108. Temperate
  109. rainforests
  110. • The coniferous forests
  111. of the Pacific coast
  112. grow in extremely wet
  113. conditions. The
  114. wettest coastal forests
  115. are known as
  116. temperate rainforest,
  117. a cool, rainy forest
  118. often enshrouded in
  119. fog.
  120. 5-14
  121. Boreal forests lie north
  122. of the temperate zone
  123. 5-15
  124. Tundra can freeze
  125. in any month
  126. • Compared to other
  127. biomes, tundra has
  128. relatively low
  129. diversity.
  130. 5-16
  131. 5.2 Marine Ecosystems
  132. • Most marine communities depend on
  133. photosynthetic organisms.
  134. • Phytoplankton: algae or tiny, free-floating
  135. photosynthetic plants that often support a
  136. marine food web.
  137. 5-17
  138. Open ocean communities vary
  139. from surface to hadal zone
  140. 5-18
  141. Tidal shores support rich,
  142. diverse communities
  143. Coral reefs are among the best-known marine systems, because
  144. of their extraordinary biological productivity and their diverse
  145. and beautiful organisms
  146. 5-19
  147. Tidal shores continued: Mangroves
  148. Mangroves are a diverse group of salt-tolerant trees that grow
  149. along warm, calm marine coasts around the world
  150. 5-20
  151. Tidal shores continued:
  152. Estuaries & Salt Marshes
  153. Estuaries are bays where rivers empty into the sea, mixing fresh
  154. water with salt water. Salt marshes, shallow wetlands
  155. flooded regularly or occasionally with seawater, occur on
  156. shallow coastlines, including estuaries
  157. 5-21
  158. Tidal shores continued: Tide pools
  159. Tide pools are depressions in a rocky shoreline that are flooded
  160. at high tide but retain some water at low tide.
  161. 5-22
  162. 5.3 Freshwater Ecosystems: Lakes
  163. 5-23
  164. Freshwater Ecosystems continued:
  165. Wetlands
  166. 5-24
  167. Wetlands (swamps, marshes, &
  168. bogs) are shallow ecosystems in
  169. which the land surface is
  170. saturated or submerged at least
  171. part of the year.
  172. Freshwater Ecosystems continued:
  173. Streams & Rivers
  174. • Streams form wherever precipitation exceeds
  175. evaporation and surplus water drains from the
  176. land.
  177. • As streams collect water and merge, they form
  178. rivers.
  179. 5-25
  180. 5.4 Biodiversity
  181. • Biodiversity, the variety of living things.
  182. • Three kinds of biodiversity are essential to preserve
  183. ecological systems and functions:
  184. – genetic diversity is a measure of the variety of
  185. versions of the same genes within individual species
  186. – species diversity describes the number of different
  187. kinds of organisms within a community or
  188. ecosystem
  189. – ecological diversity means the richness and
  190. complexity of a biological community
  191. 5-26
  192. Increasingly, we identify species
  193. by genetic similarity
  194. • Species are distinct organisms that persist
  195. because they can produce fertile offspring.
  196. • The phylogenetic species concept, which
  197. identifies genetic similarity, allows for asexual
  198. organisms and sexually reproducing ones that
  199. don’t normally encounter each other.
  200. 5-27
  201. Biodiversity hot spots are
  202. rich and threatened
  203. 5-28
  204. 5.5 Benefits of Biodiversity
  205. • All of our food comes from other organisms
  206. – Many wild plant species could make important
  207. contributions to human food supplies.
  208. • Rare species provide important medicines
  209. – More than half of all prescriptions contain some
  210. natural products.
  211. • Biodiversity can support ecosystem stability
  212. • Biodiversity has aesthetic and cultural benefits
  213. 5-29
  214. 5.6 What Threatens Biodiversity?
  215. • Extinction, the elimination of a species, is a normal
  216. process of the natural world.
  217. • Threats to biodiversity:
  218. – Habitat destruction is the main threat
  219. – Fragmentation reduces habitat to small, isolated patches
  220. – Invasive species are a growing threat
  221. – Pollution poses many different types of risk
  222. – Human population growth
  223. – Overharvesting & commercial collection
  224. – Predator and pest control
  225. 5-30
  226. 5.7 Endangered Species
  227. Management and Biodiversity
  228. Protection
  229. • Hunting and fishing laws protect reproductive
  230. populations
  231. • The endangered species act protects habitat
  232. and species
  233. 5-31
  234. Endangered species act terminology
  235. • Endangered species are those considered in
  236. imminent danger of extinction
  237. • Threatened species are likely to become
  238. endangered, at least locally within the
  239. forseeable future.
  240. • Vulnerable species are naturally rare or have
  241. been locally depleted by human activities to a
  242. level that puts them at risk.
  243. 5-32
  244. Species Terminology
  245. • Keystone species are those with major effects on
  246. ecological functions and whose elimination would
  247. affect many other members of the biological
  248. community.
  249. • Indicator species are those tied to specific biotic
  250. communities or successional stages or environmental
  251. conditions.
  252. 5-33
  253. Species Terminology continued…
  254. • Umbrella species
  255. require large blocks of
  256. relatively undisturbed
  257. habitat to maintain
  258. viable populations.
  259. • Flagship species are
  260. especially interesting or
  261. attractive organisms to
  262. which people react
  263. emotionally.
  264. 5-34
  265. Controversy persists in species protection:
  266. • In 1995 the Supreme
  267. Court ruled that critical
  268. habitat—habitat
  269. essential for a species’
  270. survival—must be
  271. protected, whether on
  272. public or private land.
  273. • An important test of the
  274. ESA occurred in 1978 in
  275. Tennessee, when
  276. construction of the
  277. Tellico Dam threatened
  278. a tiny fish called the
  279. snail darter.
  280. 5-35
  281. 5-36
  282. Many countries have laws
  283. for species protection
  284. • Canada’s Committee on the Status of Endangered
  285. Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) of 1977 establishes
  286. rules for listing and protecting endangered species.
  287. • The European Union’s Birds Directive (1979) and
  288. Habitat Directive (1991).
  289. • Australia’s Endangered Species Protection Act (1992).
  290. • The Convention on Biological Diversity (1992) is an
  291. International agreement.
  292. • The Convention on International Trade in
  293. Endangered Species (CITES) of 1975.
  294. 5-37
  295. Habitat protection may be
  296. better than species protection
  297. • By focusing on populations already reduced to
  298. only a few individuals, we spend most of our
  299. conservation funds on species that may be
  300. genetically doomed no matter what we do.
  301. • It is time to focus on a rational, continent-
  302. wide preservation of ecosystems that
  303. supports maximum biological diversity rather
  304. than a species-by-species battle for the rarest
  305. or most popular organisms.
  306. 5-38
  307. Practice Quiz
  308. 1. Why did ecologists want to reintroduce wolves to Yellowstone
  309. Park? What goals did they have, and have their goals
  310. been achieved?
  311. 2. Describe nine major types of terrestrial biomes.
  312. 3. Explain how climate graphs (as in fig. 5.6) should be read.
  313. 4. Describe conditions under which coral reefs, mangroves,
  314. estuaries, and tide pools occur.
  315. 5. Throughout the central portion of North America is a large
  316. biome once dominated by grasses. Describe how physical
  317. conditions and other factors control this biome.
  318. 5-39
  319. Practice Quiz continued…
  320. 6. Explain the difference between swamps, marshes, and bogs.
  321. 7. How do elevation (on mountains) and depth (in water) affect
  322. environmental conditions and life-forms?
  323. 8. Figure 5.15 shows chlorophyll (plant growth) in oceans and
  324. on land. Explain why green, photosynthesizing organisms
  325. occur in long bands at the equator and along the edges of
  326. continents. Explain the very dark green areas and yellow/
  327. orange areas on the continents.
  328. 9. Define biodiversity and give three types of biodiversity
  329. essential in preserving ecological systems and functions.
  330. 5-40
  331. Practice Quiz continued…
  332. 10. What is a biodiversity “hot spot”? List several of them (see
  333. fig. 5.22).
  334. 11. How do humans benefit from biodiversity?
  335. 12. What does the acronym HIPPO refer to?
  336. 13. Have extinctions occurred in the past? Is there anything
  337. unusual about current extinctions?
  338. 14. Why are exotic or invasive species a threat to biodiversity?
  339. Give several examples of exotic invasive species (see fig. 5.27).
  340. 15. What is the Endangered Species Act? Describe some of the
  341. main arguments of its proponents and opponents.
  342. 16. What is a flagship or umbrella species? Why are they often
  343. important, even though they are costly to maintain?
  344. 5-41
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