
Darknorth Swords Cut Stone, Goldstar Shirt

Oct 13th, 2017
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  1. “Careful. It is very sharp.” The man with the serpent called out in alarm. This precious weapon could cut through stones like tofu.”
  3. Ning felt the skin of his fingertips shake slightly. He couldn’t help but feel surprise. “I have the Goldstar Shirt protecting my body, which is currently spread to every inch of my skin. Just then, when I casually sliced my finger…it actually impacted the Goldstar Shirt. If I were to swing the sword down hard, it probably would have broken through the Goldstar Shirt’s defense. I walk through the city streets every day on my way to archery training and have seen countless weapons, but I’ve never seen such a sharp, precious weapon.”
  5. Others only sensed that this weapon was very sharp, but they didn’t know exactly how sharp it was. But Ning had the feeling…that even his Goldstar Shirt would find it hard to block this precious weapon.
  7. Book 1, Chapter 17
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